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File: 95 KB, 1149x446, evola-fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23098583 No.23098583 [Reply] [Original]

The Evola simps seem to be coming out of the woodwork in intolerable numbers again, so it's time for a reminder:

Evola's magic didn't work, and he admitted it was a LARP (picrel). He was a gimp and couldn't cure his crippled leg (INB4 "he didn't wanna" cope).

Christ could perform miracles, and this is why occultfags seethe about Christianity so much. Christ could cure the blind and raise people from the dead. No excuses, just hard-hitting miracles that they only wish they could perform.

Occultism is a complete and utter sham, full of robotic NPCs who can spin a good yarn about all kinds of theoretical minutiae but who can't actually perform any marvels. Literally any occult discussion on the Internet can be subsumed under the category of "the occult lad is again paraphrasing what he's read." Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.

Christ is King.

>> No.23098588

>Christ could perform miracles
You mean: people decades later claimed he could.

>> No.23098591

Sounds like some occult-lad sour grapes to me.

>> No.23098596

I don't love him for his magic or occultism, but for the intensity of his metaphysical writings and his prophetic political philosophy. Perhaps Christ is king. But I'm still going to enjoy reading Evola.

>> No.23098603

What's the source of this pic?

>> No.23098608
File: 137 KB, 464x464, Christ+the+Light (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Before Abraham was, I am"

>> No.23098615

Christ has also not committed to his promise of coming back to earth, to get rid of all the evil, actually fulfilling his promise....
In 2000 years....
And still counting...
Millions died in horrible ways while he is in heaven waiting....
To come back....
Yeah, im going to go with the human, but well writer evola, than with the divinity that didn't fulfill a promise.

>> No.23098618

Sounds like you are extremely gullible and wil believe anything if its written down.

>> No.23098620

It's an interview Evola did. It can be found in The Path of Cinnabar.

>> No.23098621

Thanks anon

>> No.23098653
File: 545 KB, 1667x850, 1708207697062592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for that last slogan, now I don't even have to read anything you wrote

>> No.23098735

Thank you for proving the point about the level of occultfag/paganfag seethe at Christ.

>> No.23098750

Evola is ugly as sin. Just like Ligotti, anything Evola writes is always already refuted by his hideous face

>> No.23098753

Lmao wtf how does an Evola reader post such a cringe lefty meme.

Anything traditional is basically good. Whether it's Fascism, Hinduism, or Christianity, I'm going to support it.

>> No.23098757

Evola was Italian, therefore not ugly. Plus he looked cool as fuck with his monocle.

>> No.23098782

the "crust he kang" third worlder crowd OP belongs to doesn't give a fuck about any of this, he's just here to sell you a product like all abrahamics regardless of the rest, so it's wise to look for signs before wasting precious seconds reading pointless babble
if you think the kind of post 2016 vermin OP belongs to is "traditional" I don't even know what to tell you

>> No.23098829

>not actually traditional
>not actually perennial
>actually refers to elaborate self-help techniques

>> No.23099546

It's true, though. Occultists are a bunch of talkers, whatever one thinks of the Jesus stories.

>> No.23099575

>actually refers to elaborate self-help techniques
It's the old occult switcheroo. They'll draw you in with suggestions that they can do earth-shattering shit, but then having Jewed you in, they retreat back into their "self-help psychodrama" huts and act all sanctimonious that you'd dare reduce the occult arts into profane displays of power.

>> No.23099632

It’s actually worse than that. For all his emphasis on the importance of Tradition, he confessed to Guenon in middle age that he never found his Tradition and probably never will, which seems to have been the case, that he didn’t.

>> No.23099791

You've been posting this for years and you're still an idiot who shouldn't concern himself with such things. I'm not making this post for you, I'm making it for legitimate spiritual seekers who are also on the noble quest.

Apart from finding a bunch of quotes to refute you, or pointing out various other publicly known facts which refute you (all of this would be a waste of time any way, since you are unreasonable and not well-read on the topic), i simply (for myself and anyone who believes me) know that you're wrong.

Why are at least one of his students at the top levels of so many serious esoteric/initiatic circles? why are they interviewed by freemasons talking about aliens on the RC secret council? etc.
>pl-please tell me ser!
No. In private I might help someone who is seriously interested, not you.

Actually, it is easily within the realm of possibility that you are entirely disingenuous and trying to foment strife between Christians and Traditionalists while not even being on the right yourself. That really seems to be your aim/the point of this thread, you have been aggressively posting this in nearly every thread on the topic for years...

>> No.23099798

>entry-level knowledge pretending like he knows everything

>> No.23099814

>it's not Traditional or perennial because i say so!
>i know what magic is and this isn't magic!
do you even know what magic in the Evolian sense means? obviously I'm joking, because you clearly don't.

>> No.23099822

If he didn't find any Tradition in his life, then that just adds to his actual point, of him living in a world without Tradition, that he was writing and emphasizing in all those books, so basically, making his point actually accurate.
So its clear to me that you did not even understand Evola's actual point about Tradition.

>> No.23099879

exactly, the idiot posting that could have just read the first page of path of cinnabar or basically any of his books

>> No.23099885

>he admitted it was a LARP
No. He was pretty explicit about the point. Sounds like you got filtered and you're "big mad" about it.

>> No.23099911

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but are you sure that you aren't just an Evolafag in disguise, doing a deliberate retarded post just so maybe someone look at your terrible post and goes "Eh, maybe there is something to this Evola guy, since this retarded is seething and reaching so hard"?

>> No.23099950

and the evola simps can't even do that

>> No.23099968

you sound upset that people don't see you as anything more than an occult blowhard.
op struck a nerve.

>> No.23099973

>t. evola simp pretends to be anti-evola to score points
>it's such a clever scheme in his 110-iq mind

>> No.23099975

Writing "Evolafag" isn't fooling anyone, retard. We know you're buttblasted about people ridiculing the LARP.

>> No.23099980

OP here, I'm trans and my IQ is 109.

>> No.23099981

Get some reading comprehension.
P.S. You will never have le occult powers. Cope & seethe, wizard manchild.

>> No.23099985

Why did you reply to him a second time? he seems to have "struck a nerve" as you like to say. I've already refuted you btw.

>> No.23099991

You're so mad that people don't believe in your magic loool

>> No.23099995

He refuted you outright.

>> No.23099999

Miserable samefag.
INB4 newfag screencap "proof"

>> No.23100001

I don't want people to believe in it, only genuine spiritual seekers (obviously this excludes you)

>> No.23100007

You can't do anything, and it makes you mad that some random Christkike on the Internet doesn't believe in your magic.

>> No.23100010

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Nope, you're just an idiot. He refuted you and all you had was
>y-you mad?
This post>>23099911
is accurate

>> No.23100013

See >>23099999

>> No.23100014

Why would I care?

>> No.23100019

You have an obvious emotional investment in people believing that you're some super wizard, but you don't even have the impulse control to avoid posting in threads you don't like.

>> No.23100027

That was not me.
I left the conversation after leaving my post, here:>>23099822
So the other person was not me.

>> No.23100033

It's reached the point where I am planning to throw away all my books by Westerners and stick solely to Indians and Chinese literature. The only things I can tolerate from Westerners anymore are children's literature and maybe some weird fiction. Just don't like you people at all anymore.
I even interpret the things I like created by Westerners as being influenced by the soul of x that has no basis in Western cultural substratum.

>> No.23100035
File: 49 KB, 722x428, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forget the meltdown that an Evola Dungeons & Dragons kiddy had on this board when someone told him that his hair wasn't coming back.

>> No.23100036

>You have an obvious emotional investment in people believing that you're some super wizard,
Nope, I don't even practice magic.
>but you don't even have the impulse control to avoid posting in threads you don't like.
I'm interested in the topic and know for a fact that you're wrong and don't want you (an idiot) to misguide people. That's why I'm posting.

>> No.23100039

you're not very good at this, bruh

>> No.23100044

>Nope, I don't even practice magic.

>> No.23100048

I just came back to see this thread now.
I promise the other person was not me.
Again i left when i did this post:>>23099822
So i was not present for the thread after that.

>> No.23100052

not watching
it's funny because i'm not that guy and know he's right and you're wrong (again)

>> No.23100053

>still going

>> No.23100059

The idiot you're replying to there doesn't care dude. Read his posts, he's just trolling and here to laugh at you.

>> No.23100066

This guy can't even remember whether he's supposed to be capitalizing those i's or not. He's all over the place in extreme samefaggotry.

>> No.23100079

that's because >>23100048 and >>23100052 are both from me, retard

>> No.23100087

Oh, you're just replying to >>23100039 twice and referring to "that guy" in reference to your first chain of convo?
lmao, take a nap, faggot.

>> No.23100089

> <1 min apart
>clearly different posting styles
>"he's le samefag guys!"
and you can't even greentext correctly, newfag.

>> No.23100097

Nobody greentexted anything, idiot.

>> No.23100107

you seem to know a lot about samefagging mechanics.
>hrrr hrr, if I post < 1 min apart from my devices and mix up muh posting styles, they won't suspect a thing

>> No.23100110


>> No.23100120

Literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.23100123

ya, knowing that you have to wait a minute to post again must seem like pretty advanced "mechanics" to someone like you

>> No.23100128


>> No.23100131

lol, why present it as proof of anything if you admit it's such a basic-bitch consideration then?
you're so terrible at this

>> No.23100135

You're a newfag who didn't understand what he meant by "my devices."

>> No.23100142

Lurk moar and you'll learn all the uses of greentext, noob.

>> No.23100150

>> <1 min apart
lol, don't space greentext, faggot

>> No.23100152

What is happening in this thread?
I swear i came back like 30min after posting, this:>>23099822
and now everyone is putting words on my mouth.

>> No.23100159

>I swear i
From what I can gather from the sperging, you have a very idiosyncratic capitalization style that doesn't work well for samefagging.

>> No.23100167

it's retard OP sperging out calling everyone samefag because more than one person disagreed with him

>> No.23100189

To clarify:
I just wanted to reply to that person who clearly didn't get Evola's "tradition", i didn't even mean to create this confusing thread.
If i had known it was going to become this, i would not have posted that.
So stop please.
Stop putting words on my mouth, people.
Stop please.

>> No.23100194

>OP is election tourist Christkike
>some poster makes fun of Evola wannabe wizard kiddies by saying how buckbroken they are by a random Christkike mocking magic
>you: must be OP
>also you: lol @ all these schizos thinking everyone is the same person
touch grass, Evola kiddy

>> No.23100209

Yeah, if OP can go from le "Christ is King" to referring to himself as a "random Christkike" (>>23100007), I'm impressed by this baiting flexibility.

>> No.23100214

since it seems to make the paganlarpers so mad... CHRIST IS KING... MAGIC AIN'T WORKIN' :)

>> No.23100217

Lol ok. I’ve read probably a dozen of his books and his private letters, in Italian.

>> No.23100221

>pagan larpers
lmao you are the larper here, you have the kike magical stick
so you are worse than the pagans lol

>> No.23100232

kek OP is seething after getting called out

>> No.23100271

No because what he actually did was come up with this LHP/Ride the Tiger cope. He basically prescribed a bizarre sort of Rosicrucianism.

>> No.23100277

That would be insanely retarded. There is nothing really profound or enlightening in Eastern literature. It’s almost the central problem with all these guys since they were all orientaphiles.

>> No.23100282

I think Evola’s historicity is kind of interesting and some of his scholarship of ancient civilizations is also interesting, but for the most part, I no longer think there’s anything really worthwhile in his writing. I think Traditionalism especially is basically not worth paying much attention to.

>> No.23100320

Evola's writing is still great, what are you even talking about?
The fact that you feel like that, dosen't mean anything on a objective level.
In fact i would say these writings are more important nowadays than they were in its time.
So its not something that "I think Traditionalism especially is basically not worth paying much attention to."
The opposite, we should be paying more attention to it, than we do.
So i have no idea what you are even talking about here.

>> No.23100370

Your retarded comment is just motivating me more. Sick and tired of you retarded Westernshits, both the magick fags and Christcucks. I doubt you've ever studied a single sutta or read any Eastern poetry (in translation).

>> No.23100371

>t. pleb

>> No.23100440

Cool story, but

>> No.23100455

I've read what you have to say, but...

>> No.23100461

Sorry, >>23100455 was intended for you.

>> No.23100475

kek, thought it was a movie screencap, but it's an irl pagantard

>> No.23100487

Ugh, sorry, I know! But I'm just not gonna say magic is real. Ughhh....I know! But I'm just NOT! Sowwy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know, you want me to play along with your 8yo fantasies, but I'm just not!

>> No.23100500

You sound like a retarded child.
Are you sure you can even be here, on this site, boy?

>> No.23100511

>being so new to 4chins that you don't even recognize a relatively young pasta formula

>> No.23100522


>> No.23100538

I know who you are talking about, where can I find out more information about him and what he's involved in?

>> No.23100609

Magic doesn't work, retard.

>> No.23100632

>i simply
uh oh, samefag blew his cover even earlier
>I just
>i didn't even mean to create this confusing thread
and here we see the samefaggot playing nice & dumb after he realized we're onto him

>> No.23100640

Your arrogant, petulant attitude shows that you have the spiritual development of a rock. Avoid this guy at all costs, seekers. He probably wants to sodomize you.

>> No.23100666

if you've been obsessed with the christnog's evola posting for years as you claim, then you need help. he obviously pushes your buttons to trigger so much blog butthurt. didn't even know evola was a cripple, but that does raise questions about his skills.

>> No.23100685
File: 568 KB, 1284x2057, IMG_2298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d seriously like to know if magic works. Some of the greatest minds believed in it, including Newton. I know this sounds crazy but it’s been on my mind for years. Spirits are real: this I know from firsthand experience. Saw one physically manifest in my house a couple of decades ago. No it wasn’t an hallucination; it appeared for a solid minute, and what’s more my sister saw it too. Full blown demon with a head at least three feet wide. I’ve been studying ceremonial magic. Will perform the evolution ritual outlined in the Arbatel to see what happens

>> No.23100686

tbf, neither the Christian OP nor that guy strike me as spiritually attuned men.

>> No.23100691

Regarding Hermeticism it seems like Evola wanted to show you the way very broadly, whereas Jung wanted to give you the keys.

>> No.23100694

I mean, you seem to have made up your mind already. If you're going to believe in spirits, it's only a stone throw to believing in magic. Are you genuinely wondering?

>> No.23100695

Classic Catholic vs Prot divide really desu

>> No.23100704

They're made for each other. Lots of hateful energy revealing low spiritual development. I should know: I've only started on the path myself.

>> No.23100730

Reading this thread while being stuck on what type of spirituality is best for me. Trying not to fall for any occultic manipulation or bad uses of Christianity. I think the best thing I've found is the Christ myth theory.

>> No.23100732

Yes. There’s the possibility that spirits exist but magic doesn’t work

>> No.23100819

In the movie A Haunting in Venice, there's this quote: "Please understand…I would welcome, with open arms, any honest sign of devil, or demon, or ghost. For if there is a ghost, there is a soul. If there is a soul, there is a God who made it. And if we have God, then we have everything.”
Now, technically, ghosts needn't entail the existence of God, but it's easy to sympathize with the reasoning.
First time I've encountered someone maintaining logical separation between a reality in which spirits exist and a reality in which magic exists.

>> No.23100855

For me it was the works of Jung and Rene Girard.

>> No.23100903

Jesus was a 1-in-a-trillion kind of adept, likely receiving training under the Essenes. Of course all the Evolas and Crowleys and Guenons and Blavatskys and Atkinsons aren't competing with that, and Evola's leg remained unhealed. It doesn't mean that occult practices don't work; it means that spontaneous (and many delayed) physical manifestations are like the Mona Lisa of the occult arts, exceedingly rare and extremely difficult to reproduce. There are plenty of occultists who are honest about the limits of occultism. If you look into the chaos magick tradition, for instance, they're very honest that the most they hope to achieve is a slight nudge in event probabilities.

>> No.23101767


/x/ + /lit/ = 2xBased

>> No.23101778

Who was the friend he was conversing with in Hungary
Did they just visit an opium den?

>> No.23101972

exactly, the true american/anglo term would be 'Jesus is Lord', but with all the rootless papist mutts squatting on our land you get this nonsense instead.

>> No.23102064

Jung didn't know Hermeticism/alchemy, he was completely wrong and Evola refuted him pretty thoroughly.

What's the first letter of the last name? wanna talk on discord or tg?

>> No.23102092

You can't be a Jungian and Girardian at the same time especially because Girard highlights the historical reality of Christ and doesn't treat him as a mere Archetype. That and Girard treats the Gospels as more than myth or some sort of morality play. In fact, the Passion destroys myth

>> No.23102148

Evolasimps would be better off killed. Was reviewing the time I wasted debating the schizos. Can't believe I wasted time reading one of his garbage books. Genuinely turned me anti Nordshit. Literally want to promote the ethnic cleansing of your race now. I want to read real anti Nordshit books -- not these garbage oversocialized leftist bullshit.

>> No.23102197

>Actually, it is easily within the realm of possibility that you are entirely disingenuous and trying to foment strife between Christians and Traditionalists while not even being on the right yourself.
Yeah, this seems likely. Scratch the surface of people critiquing those further to the right of them using Christ as a justification and you'll find a gay progressive atheist from the midwest who thinks quoting Bible verses he memorized as a kid is going to make Christians into socialists.

>> No.23102203

>this fat middle eastern retard is still rageposting in Evola threads
You're such an idiot and a loser. You cry about banter and namecalling that makes fun of brown people, but then turn around and advocate for literal genocide of whites, talking about how you want to kill them. Unhinged, sniveling semite mutts with violent fantasies need to be deported ASAP.


Unfortunately, it's pretty stereotypical that you're middle eastern/brown and mentally unstable with fantasies of killing innocent people. Take a look at Europe, garbage like you prey on innocent people nearly every day but still pretend they're the victims (the typical two-faced shiftiness we expect from middle easterners with no honour).

>> No.23102245

All of the ones who do crime are Algerians, Pakistanis, a few Syrians, and a few others. Statistically, other ones are not as problematic.

Yes, I have a problem with your race due to the growth of Nordicism. Going around and claiming my ancestors were racially European is the best way to make enemies. The only thing you're good at is feigning innocence and acting like a pompous dullard.

No ancient Mesopotamians, Persians, Egyptians, Assyrians, Sumerians, and NW Indians were not racially close to you. You have been spreading such propaganda for years, and you've finally turned someone anti-White as a consequence. Eat shit and kys.

And I used to feel bad for Europe's turmoil, but I embrace it now. I hope more trucks of peace go your way.

>> No.23102250

Vote for your favorite children's books in /lit/'s poll ( no login required ):

Official hread: >>23101513

>> No.23102280

>All of the ones who do crime are Algerians, Pakistanis, a few Syrians, and a few others. Statistically, other ones are not as problematic.
That's cope. It's also Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, etc.
I'm sure there are some nations which are worse than others but compared to the native population there is no comparison with any of these groups.
>Yes, I have a problem with your race due to the growth of Nordicism. Going around and claiming my ancestors were racially European is the best way to make enemies.
Ah ok, so because trolls on 4chan called you a nigger or talked about how Mohamed was supposedly a ginger and hurt your feelings, you think it's acceptable to call for genocide of whites. You are just proving my point that you're an unhinged, underdeveloped violent retard and the fact that you're from the middle east is the cherry on top.

>> No.23102292 [DELETED] 

>It's also Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, etc
It's true for Afghans, but Iranians are actually negligible in terms of crime. Also, one of the bar graphs shared I pointed out as fake for example.
>Mohamed was supposedly a ginger
Oh... It's you again.
I am Muslim, you stupid cunt.
I doubt Muhammad was ginger, and I don't really care.
>you think it's acceptable to call for genocide of whites
Yes, claiming my ancestors or kings is more ignoble than calling for genocide. For this reason, I would prefer Iran to normalize ties with Israel and proceed to cull you.
>. You are just proving my point that you're an unhinged, underdeveloped violent retard and the fact that you're from the middle east is the cherry on top.
I am not violent. I have self preservation instinct and do no crimes.
All I am saying is I support your suffering due to my growing schadenfreude.

>> No.23102294

>>23102280 #
>It's also Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, etc
It's true for Afghans, but Iranians are actually negligible in terms of crime. Also, one of the bar graphs shared I pointed out as fake for example.
>Mohamed was supposedly a ginger
Oh... It's you again.
I am NOT Muslim, you stupid cunt.
I doubt Muhammad was ginger, and I don't really care.
>you think it's acceptable to call for genocide of whites
Yes, claiming my ancestors or kings is more ignoble than calling for genocide. For this reason, I would prefer Iran to normalize ties with Israel and proceed to cull you.
>. You are just proving my point that you're an unhinged, underdeveloped violent retard and the fact that you're from the middle east is the cherry on top.
I am not violent. I have self preservation instinct and do no crimes.
All I am saying is I support your suffering due to my growing schadenfreude.

>> No.23102305

>he was completely wrong and Evola refuted him pretty thoroughly.
Literally the only thing Evola ever says about Jung is that the collective unconscious is anti-traditional because it's democratic, which is more so an opinion rather than actual argument. Feel free to direct me to the exact page where he refutes it though.

>> No.23102327

He wrote a monograph on it that goes in to detail, how do you not know this? lol

Unironically take your meds, dude.

>> No.23102339

>He wrote a monograph on it that goes in to detail, how do you not know this? lol
Give me the title, faggot.

>> No.23102349

Oh wait, did you seriously mean his essay on Jung in his Magic series? That fucking essay? What a fucking joke that was. Actually embarrassing stuff.

>> No.23102374

Refute him then:
>It is evident that “integration” as Jung understands it on
the basis of his archetypes, is nothing but a caricature of the
process of initiatic integration. The difference can be put in
a few clear words: the entire psychoanalytic procedure is
valid, in the most favorable hypothesis, for restoring a split
and neuropathic human type to normality and health; the
initiatic process, instead, starts from a normal and sane
human type, to lead him beyond the human condition. It has
as its point of departure what for psychoanalysis is the point
of arrival, and a hard enough goal to attain, given the
“subjects” with which it deals.

>> No.23102376

A particularly outlandish point in Jung is his attribution of a
sort of compulsory character to the “individuation process.”
Certainly, one can imagine the libido and the unconscious,
collective complexes impinging on the psychic life of certain
human types, and prevailing in one way or another, whether
or not the conscious I wills it. But it is absurd to think of the
processes as passive and unconscious when the realization
of the “integral personality” is in question, which is strictly
equivalent to superseding human nature with suprahuman
A realization of this kind, linked not to the unconscious
but to a highly potentized consciousness, cannot possibly
relate to what Jung calls the “Self.” First of all, the practical
direction of any initiatic discipline and high ascesis is the
diametrical opposite of the psychoanalytic method. On the
one hand, the latter is intended to favor reduced states of
consciousness that allow the unconscious contents the
greatest freedom to flower in images, visions, or
associations. Such states remove the inhibition with which
individual consciousness opposes the unconscious, because
it finds most of its contents disagreeable and disturbing.
This is essentially the method that Jung calls “active
imagination,” though we may well ask why “active,” when
in Jung’s own words it “is based on a deliberate reduction of
consciousness”!20 On the other hand we must consider the
general psychoanalytic morality that exhorts one to
abandon oneself to “Life,” and “accept the law of the Earth,”
taking on all the demands of the emotional, instinctive, and
obscure part of one’s own soul. It does not take special
erudition to know that any introductory discipline for higher
realization is based, instead, on an extreme potentialization
of consciousness, a detachment from the instinctive life and
a complete mastery of it. It takes a Jungian incomprehension
to suppose that this relaxation and capitulation of the
conscious personality, which are the essence of his method,
could have anything to do with the notion of the Tao, for
example, which is explicitly identified with the “Way of
Heaven” and refers to a transcendent spontaneity.

>> No.23102380

It follows from its own premises that the whole imaginary
“individuation process” cannot have anything but a
psychological significance. What else could one expect to
get from a method that consists of nothing but observing
dreams and fantasies, or provoking them deliberately
through states of reduced consciousness, then blathering
about them, not so much because one lacks principles as
because one has the wrong ones? The psychoanalytic way
and the initiatic way of exploring the deep layers of the I are
as far apart as heaven from earth. We will repeat that the
latter has nothing to do with a psychotherapeutic process,
because it starts out with a sane and normal person, in good
order as to the forces on which the sense of his I rests, in
the human state of existence. Second, the true goal of the
initiatic path is the realization as supraconscious of what is
called the cosmic-metaphysical subconscious. To achieve it,
we have said that rather than opening oneself to the
atavastic, collective unconscious, one must free oneself
from it and neutralize it, because it is the very “guardian of
the threshold,” the force that blocks the vision, prevents
awakening and the participation in that higher world, to
which the true notion of archetype refers. Meanwhile
dreams, fantasies, delirious images, subjective or collective
imaginations should be taken for what they are: a sphere
lacking any higher significance and hence no secret to
Once all this is recognized, the scope of Jung’s theories is
sufficiently clear and the conclusion obvious. Anyone today
who thinks that such psychoanalysis can provide any
“scientific” interpretation of initiatic concepts or any
spiritual processes whatever needs to be convinced that he
has not even begun to understand these and is totally “off
Jung has written: “Modern man must therefore consider
himself fortunate not to have come up against Eastern ideas
until his own spiritual impoverishment was so far gone that
he did not even notice what he was coming up against. He
can now deal with the East on the quite adequate and
therefore innocuous level of the intellect, or else leave the
whole matter to Sanskrit specialists.”34 This is exactly what
we would say about Jung himself, but in a wider sense: it is
fortunate that this psychiatrist understood nothing, and
could only see extensions of pathological experiences and
psychotherapies whenever he came upon the vestiges of
Wisdom and the Art

He absolutely BTFO Jung (and Freud). I don't know how you can even take Jung seriously. He takes Jung apart with a scalpel in that monograph.

>> No.23102398

If you think this monograph somehow destroys Jung you're just sinking deeper into your delusions.

>> No.23102418

>the entire psychoanalytic procedure is valid, in the most favorable hypothesis, for restoring a split and neuropathic human type to normality and health; the initiatic process, instead, starts from a normal and sane human type, to lead him beyond the human condition.
Where does Evola present the evidence that the people who undergo his procedure are normal and sane? Is it merely him saying that is how it is because he said so? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Evola discover all this when he was depressed--that is to say, abnormal and not mentally sound--only for him to then become mentally well after he had undergone the traditional practices?

>A particularly outlandish point in Jung is his attribution of a sort of compulsory character to the “individuation process.”
Insane, is it not? People would rather live their life in a better and more healthy manner than to simply be a fucking degenerate. Absolutely preposterous stuff.

>First of all, the practical direction of any initiatic discipline and high ascesis is the diametrical opposite of the psychoanalytic method.
Correct, which is why Evola was a fucking retard. Jung correctly understood that instincts and emotions were vehicles for how the unconscious communicated with the conscious, and that such messages were important. Being angry is necessary because it allows you to understand that you do not want to ever be in such a position again. And so, you try to become better so that you may be able to enjoy the freedom of not having to be forced to be in such a situation again. Evola just says emotions are anti-traditional because he's a fucking retard.

>though we may well ask why “active,”
Because you've deliberately decided to sit down and let the unconscious flow forth.

>when in Jung’s own words it “is based on a deliberate reduction of consciousness”!
Where do you think thoughts come from? Consciousness? Where do dreams come from? Consciousness? No, they come from the unconscious. This is very well documented. They come from the right brain, not the left brain.

>It does not take special erudition to know that any introductory discipline for higher realization is based, instead, on an extreme potentialization of consciousness, a detachment from the instinctive life and a complete mastery of it.
So they were wrong, and Jung was right?

>He takes Jung apart with a scalpel in that monograph.
Evola might be the worst philospher to have ever existed. Worse than the fucking post-modernists. And I say that as a fucking National-Socialists. The dude was a fucking retarded sperg.

>> No.23102444
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>Insane, is it not? People would rather live their life in a better and more healthy manner than to simply be a fucking degenerate. Absolutely preposterous stuff.
To add: it's almost like people understand, instinctively, that their instincts are trying to tell them something important. Why else would depressed people, like Evola himself, try to become better--that is to say, not depressed?

Get smoked, bitch.

>> No.23102469
File: 100 KB, 255x300, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add even further because I couldn't even be bothered to read the third post.

>Second, the true goal of the initiatic path is the realization as supraconscious of what is called the cosmic-metaphysical subconscious.
You mean the state of consciousness you achieve when you do shrooms? Or is there another cope I have yet to hear about? And, if so, where is the evidence for this? Because you do need evidence, right? Or will you simply say that evidence is "scientific" (as if that is a bad thing), and that you don't need evidence to prove a positive claim?

>Meanwhile dreams, fantasies, delirious images, subjective or collective imaginations should be taken for what they are: a sphere lacking any higher significance and hence no secret to anybody.
This retard never bothered to read Aion, and it's painfully obvious. I'm not going to go in-depth about it, because I've already completely buck-broken this retard, but one of the best examples Jung provides is the following:
>German chemist August Kekulé visualized the ring structure of benzene in 1865. Most organic chemical compounds contain loops of six carbon atoms called benzene rings. The nineteenth-century German chemist August Kekulé claimed to have pictured the ring structure of benzene after dreaming of a snake eating its own tail.
His literal source for it was that it was revealed to him in a dream. But, sure, dreams are just meaningless--much like Evola's writings.

>> No.23102472

> What's the first letter of the last name?
B, or GDCB
> wanna talk on discord or tg?
Not really, no disrespect to you

>> No.23102479
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Also, in case it wasn't obvious, that snake eating its own tail is obviously Ouroboros, an archetype. But, sure, archetypes aren't "traditional" nor a part of this supposedly "higher world." What a complete fucking retard.

>> No.23102522

Not an argument, go back to twitter.

I appreciate your extensive reply, i just wish you could format it in a better/non-redditor way (actual writing, not short one-liners to quotes you choose). That said, I'll do the same.
>Where does Evola present the evidence that the people who undergo his procedure are normal and sane?
I don't know, it's probably just taken as a given by Traditionalists. I'm sure Guenon wrote about it somewhere. But it makes perfect sense imo. If you approach initiation and spirituality from a "subhuman" state (not in the /pol/ sense, i mean below the normal, rational human state of mind), you could just believe all kinds of delusions, making up whatever you want and believing it's true or "knowing" it because you feel it to be true. This is against the Traditionalist conception of initiation (knowing through experience/being, not faith or belief). I'm not that interested in Evola's personal details, but yes I believe you could be at least partially correct in your next assertion if you are critiquing the man himself. Apparently there was a quote from the Dhammapada which stopped him from committing suicide, I don't know if that marks the start of his practices or not.
>He who craves extinction, craves extinction, craves extinction, i say that this man does not know extinction

>Jung correctly understood that instincts and emotions were vehicles for how the unconscious communicated with the conscious, and that such messages were important.
Evola isn't denying that, he's just putting things in their proper place. His main critique ultimately comes from the fact that Jung makes no distinction between the supraconscious (a higher state of unity) and the subconscious (the opposite of the former). That's why he sees it as so dangerous. You might confuse hallucinations or dreams emerging from the subconscious with divine visions, which is delusion.

Also, he doesn't think emotions are anti-Traditional or bad and that they should be destroyed or ignored, but rather that they should be overcome and not wallowed in or over-emphasized. Emotions are still important but they are "purified" and one becomes active towards them (deciding if you will allow yourself to get mad or feel love, instead of being overcome by instinct/impulse)
>Because you've deliberately decided to sit down and let the unconscious flow forth.
Which means that the imagination and consciousness are just passive receivers. The initiatic and active way would mean that you are the one in control.
>Where do you think thoughts come from? Consciousness? Where do dreams come from? Consciousness? No, they come from the unconscious. This is very well documented. They come from the right brain, not the left brain.
He means that one is diminishing their consciousness or awareness (the state of being present) and becoming passive, like in the regular dreaming state, as opposed to a more lucid dream.


>> No.23102556

>Where do you think thoughts come from? Consciousness? Where do dreams come from? Consciousness?
To finish off with this, the point is that one is normally passive in respect to their thoughts, emotions, and basically everything in life, as opposed to being active, like controlling your thoughts, emotions, impulses, etc. essentially through higher awareness/presence.
>So they were wrong, and Jung was right?
Who was wrong? the point is that Jung advocates for diminished states of consciousness (like "active imagination") wherein one is really passive in respect to the instincts, letting whatever wants to emerge from the subconscious or unconscious.
>Evola might be the worst philospher to have ever existed. Worse than the fucking post-modernists. And I say that as a fucking National-Socialists. The dude was a fucking retarded sperg.
I don't think you really understand him. His philosophical works aren't even published in English. Sorry you're upset over him rightly criticizing Jungian alchemy or whatever. It isn't the same as initiation or real spirituality.

Well if you can't even be bothered to read then I'm not going to bother writing much more. I was happy to discuss the materials in depth but you are clearly overly-emotional and not interested in coming to any understanding.
>But, sure, dreams are just meaningless--much like Evola's writings.
Most dreams are, being a result of your irrational subconscious. That doesn't mean you can't understand through dreams certain aspects of the mind (i.e., the subconscious) but there is nothing to suggest that there is anything of suprahuman origin to regular dreams. I've heard the benzene story, the Ouroboros means a lot more than that. It's a cool story but not comparable to initiatic realization, like everything Jung wrote. As Evola says, it's psychotherapy, not spirituality.

Even meditating, the goal is not to reach diminished states of mind, the goal is to attain higher awareness/presence/being....if you meditate and feel groggy or confused after, you are doing it wrong.

>> No.23102591

Ya nice. Were you in a previous thread where I hinted at how to find it? went down some Templar rabbit holes, etc.? It must have been at least a year ago.
>Not really, no disrespect to you
Understandable and wise, I'm just not going to share much here, hope you understand. You could be some leftist tranny or fed. Would be happy to discuss in private. Are you worried about sharing personal info online, or just not wanting to talk to others? haha

>> No.23102595

>i just wish you could format it in a better/non-redditor way
This is 4chan, an imageboard. Most posts aren't even 50 characters. This is what is known as an effortpost. Also, I don't need to write an entire essay to make an sound argument.

>you could just believe all kinds of delusions, making up whatever you want and believing it's true or "knowing" it because you feel it to be true.
Maybe I'm simply not familiar enough with the subject--that is to say, with this initiation stuff--but I can assure you that delusions, as described below, are not treated like the truth--that is to say, Jung would not have thought that a transvestite, who was a man but believed himself to be a man, was actually a woman. Instead, he would have recognized that the truth that there was a problem with this person's psyche and then tried to figure out why there was problem there in the first place and then resolve that problem. That would have allowed this person to "individuate," assuming there weren't any other problems with them.

>This is against the Traditionalist conception of initiation (knowing through experience/being, not faith or belief).
Jung believed that to be true as well.

>You might confuse hallucinations or dreams emerging from the subconscious with divine visions, which is delusion.
Both are, in a Jungian framework at least, technically "delusions," at least if our definition of a hallucination is the unconscious perverting the perception of the conscious ego. However, what Jung would have probably said is that the distinction lies in how split the psyche is. Whereas a divine vision of some kind is not exactly he direct result from a split psyche--that is to say, when the conscious does not allow the unconscious to manifest itself in a healthy manner--a delusion, on the other hand, such as in the case of schizophrenia, would be the direct result of that.

>The initiatic and active way would mean that you are the one in control.
That's Evola's opinion. He never provides an argument for why that is besides "trust me bro."

>as opposed to being active, like controlling your thoughts, emotions, impulses, etc. essentially through higher awareness/presence.
I see. If you think Jung's opinion was that we should simply be passive automatons to our emotions, then you're wrong. In fact, it was Jung's exact opinon that we should become conscious of our unconscious--that is to say, become conscious of our emotions and learn to understand and control them. Feel free to direct me to where Evola says this because I've yet to even read anything that resembles this from him, ever.


>> No.23102597

Are you 15 years old?

>> No.23102598

>t. marxcuck

>> No.23102606

>the point is that Jung advocates for diminished states of consciousness (like "active imagination")
Neither you nor Evola understand what Jung means by this and it's painfully obvious. You are not supposed to "reduce" consciousness forever. It is merely a temporary practice to allow yourself to understand the unconscious--that is to say, the emotions--so that you may then become conscious of them.

>His philosophical works aren't even published in English.
I've read his three major works and the Hermetic Tradition and enjoyed them quite some. Then I also read his essay on Jung since I was interested in his opinion on him and was then really disappointed. I really do not think Evola understood Jung. From someone who truly understand Jung, Evola's critique of him is very bad.

>Sorry you're upset over him rightly criticizing Jungian alchemy or whatever.
I severely doubt he ever read them.

>It isn't the same as initiation or real spirituality.
What you've described is no different from Jung. If anything, Jung explained it better.

>Well if you can't even be bothered to read then I'm not going to bother writing much more.
Unless you're simply pretending to be retarded, you might actually be retarded. The essay in question is shit. I initally didn't bother to respond any further because the first sentence read like conclusion so I didn't think I needed to repeat myself by countering the same arguments I had previously refuted.

>but there is nothing to suggest that there is anything of suprahuman origin to regular dreams
Read Aion. And no, it is impossible to summarize it.

>It's a cool story but not comparable to initiatic realization
That is what is known as cognitive dissonance.

>As Evola says, it's psychotherapy, not spirituality.
It will truly never cross your mind that Evola was wrong about everything that has to do with the spiritual, will it?

Well, I'm done here. I've refuted you, twice now, and you even conceited to it. Do you even have the faintest idea what you're arguing for? Let alone what Jung thought? No, you don't.

>> No.23102618
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He didn't say he didn't accomplish it.
He said you plebs readings his books would be foolish to hope for the same.
Also, threadly reminder that pre-Constantine art depicts Christ as a magician wielding a wand.

>> No.23102622

You'll merit an argument when you make an original one. The other effort posting anon truly did a good job dissecting this monograph and showing it for what it is, but I can't be arsed. This is 4chan, not twitter and it's perfectly acceptable to call a delusional retard such when you see one. Read Jung instead of blindly following one of two contrarian "philosophers" because you can't deal with yourself and are trying to cope with it(much like they also did).

>> No.23102662

i posted Evola's critique of Jung and you sperged out like a child before i made any argument.
>Read Jung instead of blindly following one of two contrarian "philosophers" because you can't deal with yourself and are trying to cope with it(much like they also did).
No thanks. Jung is gay and he didn't understand Hermetic alchemy. Not gonna read him any time soon, too many authors to read on the topic of Hermeticism and alchemy (which Jung didn't get).

Yes, but you called Evola a shitty philosopher, which you don't have any basis for, since his philosophical books aren't in English, unless you've read the Italian. He wrote more about spirituality and politics than philosophy. However, Ride the Tiger deals with philosophy and is a great book.
>The essay in question is shit.
You haven't even read it. i posted a few segments from it which you barely even engaged with and just said he didn't understand Jung (why?). And you also didn't refute me/the text i posted. Jung mixes up the subconscious with the supraconscious, which is evident (among other things) from the fact that he thinks there is a spiritual dimension to dreams and hallucinations, when 99.9999% of the time today dreams are just reflections of what's rattling away in your subconscious. Jung takes the most base elements in man and thinks this reveals higher levels of consciousness, when, as Evola states, these base elements are to be overcome by higher awareness/presence in initiation.
>It will truly never cross your mind that Evola was wrong about everything that has to do with the spiritual, will it?
It's crossed my mind, i just know it's wrong from what i've seen.

No, i won't read Aion or Jung since I would rather read other stuff by Hermetic Masters. I might listen to some summaries or something. There's no way Jung understood or practiced Hermetic alchemy, otherwise he wouldn't have come up with all these psychological theories which will not lead to transcendence or "immortality", aka the goal of initiation.

>> No.23102689

>Not really, no disrespect to you
LOL, even this relatively friendly poster doesn't want to get too close to the mentally ill Evola guru.

>> No.23102692

Leg cope.

>> No.23102697

itt: Christian master baiter gets the Evola schizos and the Jung midwits going at each other. Very impressive.
>let them fight

>> No.23102701
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>ass status: wrecked beyond belief
My victory has already been ascertained--actually, it was ascertained the moment I replied to this thread.

>You haven't even read it.
I've read it in the past. You posted a segment of it, which I assumed you believed was the strongest arguments presented, and I refuted them.

>you barely even engaged with and just said he didn't understand Jung (why?).
I have posted more than you have. If anyone hasn't bothered to engage with anyone, it is you who has not bothered to engage with my previous replies. Also, in regard to my assessment of Evola's complete lack of understanding on the subject, the fact that both you and him seem to believe that the goal of individuation is a sort of return to a sort of vegetative state where consciousness has ceased, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that neither of you have not even the faintest idea what Jung sought to do.

> And you also didn't refute me/the text i posted.
Yes, I did. The one who didn't refute the other was you and Evola. You didn't refute what I said, you merely agreed with me. Evola didn't refute Jung, he merely presented an alternative worldview with no evidence and then proceeded to misrepresent Jung.

>Jung mixes up the subconscious with the supraconscious
There is no distinction between the two, and Evola has provided no evidence to support such a thesis. Jung has provided plenty of evidence for it, in Aion, for example.

>when 99.9999% of the time today dreams are just reflections of what's rattling away in your subconscious.
I'm not even going to bother. You clearly have no grasp on the subject. And the fact that you think you've made a good argument truly speaks to the intellectual testament of Evola and his followers. Also, if you think I'm being lazy or "overly emotional," then, please, consider jumping out of your fucking window, you absolute fucking retard niggercattle.

>otherwise he wouldn't have come up with all these psychological theories which will not lead to transcendence or "immortality", aka the goal of initiation.

>> No.23102703

if he had da wizard powers, he would've known what answer to expect and wouldn't have set himself up for such humiliation.
occult loonies expose their lack of wizard powers in most posts they write, if you read very carefully.

>> No.23102704

>read more so you don't get led astray by grifters
>Nooo I wanna transcend and be immortal
Keep reading western flavoured Chinese cultivation novels then retard.

>> No.23102728

If you understood magic, you would understand that public wonder-working is impossible in this degenerate age.
I don't know if Evola could fix his legs or not, but I do know he would have keep it secret from the likes of you if he did.

>> No.23102739

Leg cope but angrier.

>> No.23102740

>you would understand that public wonder-working is impossible in this degenerate age.
That's because it's never been possible in any age, ever. To say that it isn't possible in this age is a cope akin to saying you can't do something you've previously proclaimed to be able to do because you don't feel so well that day.

>I don't know if Evola could fix his legs or not
If he could, he would have. But he didn't because he couldn't, nor would anyone ever have been able to, because magic, at least in the way he describes it, does not exist.

>> No.23102749

Evola: My monograph refutes you
Jung: Your leg refutes you
Dangerously based

>> No.23102755

Why should I be angry? Evola is not my god, after all. He's just a writer who has helped me understand some things. One of these things being the secretive nature of magic.
>That's because it's never been possible in any age
You assume all ages were like our age.
What seems absurd in your sad Christian-atheist world may have been quite possible in a world where all things were full of gods.

>> No.23102760

I read a lot and my library is pretty big. I don't read schlock like Jungian alchemy though. How is Evola a grifter and Jung not? Neither are grifters but Jung is far more likely to be, with his made-up theories and trying to cultivate an air of mysticism because le beetle was on a windowsill or some dude saw the Ouroboros in his dream.

>tranime picture
>incapable of writing an actual response, just vapid quips to random segments he chooses
Your posts are shit-tier with no actual meat to them. For example, this:
>I'm not even going to bother. You clearly have no grasp on the subject. And the fact that you think you've made a good argument truly speaks to the intellectual testament of Evola and his followers. Also, if you think I'm being lazy or "overly emotional," then, please, consider jumping out of your fucking window, you absolute fucking retard niggercattle.
You actually are being highly emotional and irrational, like a woman. Is that the Jungian technique?
Any way, on the topic at hand:
>proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that neither of you have not even the faintest idea what Jung sought to do.
What did he seek to do then? what is the actual point of Jungian alchemy? do you "astral project"? explore the subtle bodies? it's just pseudery, no high-level people will seriously recommend Jung. He might be good for understanding or interpreting symbols, but really what else is there? Read actual RC initiates who Jung was trying to decipher.
>There is no distinction between the two, and Evola has provided no evidence to support such a thesis
Wrong. Even in the monograph in question there is "evidence", you total dumbass kek. You said you've read Evola but you apparently don't know about the distinction between the subconscious and the supraconscious, which is pretty crucial. To Jung, they are the same thing (le unconscious). It isn't esoteric, it is just psychology wanting to be spiritual.

Also, "evidence" in the realm of esotericism (i.e., not Jung) isn't the same as in profane science, just so you understand. Perhaps if Jung had understood that, he wouldn't go making up quack theories about alchemy.

>> No.23102768

>If he could, he would have

>> No.23102779

why does his injury refute him? he got the injury in the first place because he stood by his principles and wouldn't cower in a bomb shelter during air raids because he wasn't a coward like you

>> No.23102782

how does Evola describe magic? and technically it isn't really his description, it comes from the middle ages and prior.

>> No.23102797

>What seems absurd in your sad Christian-atheist world may have been quite possible in a world where all things were full of gods.
>source: trust me bro

>>tranime picture
Get off my website, you disgusting newfag.

>Your posts are shit-tier with no actual meat to them. For example, this:
>proceeds to intentionally chose a sentence where I deliberately state that if he thinks I'm being irrational, he is actually retarded
>proceeds to completely ignore everything else I've posted
You are disingenuous. This debate is officially over.

>What did he seek to do then?
I've already explained that. If you have no idea what I'm referring to, then that truly speaks volume about your sheer stupidity.

>Even in the monograph in question there is "evidence"
Where, exactly? Evola merely says "according to le tradition I'm right." He never actually presents any form of evidence for any claim he makes.

>It isn't esoteric, it is just psychology wanting to be spiritual.
There is no such thing as a "spirituality" as you believe it to exist. And, no, I do not have to prove a negative claim when you have not proved the positive claim in the first place. Jung, on the contrary, proved the existence of the psychological, which is the spiritual.

>isn't the same as in profane science, just so you understand.
You are dumb. There is literally no other way to express simply how stupid you truly are. You are an NPC. You believe something based on nothing but pure faith. You are so dumb it's actually unreal.

>> No.23102816

>wanting a source.
>not recognizing the reference to Thales?
Sorry, I don't have any peer-reviewed studies or New York Times articles to support what I'm saying.

>> No.23102822

Then stfu, nigger.

>> No.23102825
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>> No.23102834

i see you indulging in a lot of emotions, perhaps this is the Jungian method. Sorry to make you so upset, but you really should grow a thicker skin and try acting like a man. I realize now that you are proof that Evola is correct in his assertion of Jungian alchemy leading to regression. Incidentally, are you trans? I'm getting those vibes since you posted tranime, seem hormonal, deny God, and have a very vulgar understanding of spirituality.

>> No.23102845
File: 39 KB, 680x552, 1682311570095001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source??? what's the evidence? what do the kosher experts and scientists say?
Evola claims that Jungian alchemy leads to regression in the human personality and you clearly demonstrate this through your puerility. Jungian alchemy is schlock, it is literally made-up.

>> No.23102848


What is 2,000 years to an endless being? 13.8 billion from beginning, unknown to end.

1.4% of all time that has been has passed since he said he would return.

>> No.23102861

Evola guy clearly won here.
By a landslide.
Sorry Jung boy, but you lost the debate.

>> No.23102865

>t. Evolafag pretending to be a third party
Your formatting gives it away.

>> No.23102872

>t. Evolafag trying to make the opposition seem retarded

>> No.23102873
File: 504 KB, 1723x2048, Lain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say one last thing: you have yet to even make one single argument to anything I've posted. All your replies have been nothing but concessions or petty nitpicks. Evola's essay and your attempt at defending it has been embarrassing to witness.

That is all, I'm done here. If you think you've actually won this debate despite not having engaged with anything I've written except for the most disingenuous misrepresentation possible, then I truly hope your consider buying a helmet before you hurt yourself too bad.

>> No.23102881
File: 200 KB, 437x415, Bernkastel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, buddy.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.23102885

Why the helmet?

>> No.23102894

Retards wear helmets, retard. I suppose you're too stupid to have realised it.

>> No.23102901

It's like you are projecting.
Is this the famous jungian method?

>> No.23102906

Ok, thanks for the recommendation. What brand of helmet do you use and can you put it on by yourself yet? also, are you a tranny? hahahaha just kidding man, please don't be upset. Peace.

>Evolafag now posting tranime to make his opposition seem gay
You'll have to do better than that, chud.

>> No.23102908

Do you want to have the last word that badly? How cute.

>> No.23102912

Im not him.
Im just responding to you,because you thought i was him.
You jung boy are actually retarded.

>> No.23102913

You're getting baited into responding angrily by a literal delusional retard that's headed for a psychotic episode in a few years at most. Give it a rest dude.

>> No.23102918

My Jungian lodge says that helmets are reserved for the upper-level inner circle initiates.

>> No.23102920

I'm aware, but I'm an angry person by nature, so I have a difficult time letting things slide. Still, I'm calmer now.

>> No.23102922

He's actually the anon above you:>>23102908
Look up.
That's him:>>23102906
Not me.

>> No.23102924

You're angry because my Jungian tardhelmet is more epic than yours and I refuted you ben shapiro epic style.

>> No.23102936

that's not me, this is>>23102906

>> No.23102938

It's like jung boy is losing his mind real time.
He has Paranoia thinking every anon is evolafag.
This is what consuming jung does to your brain.
Conclusion: evolafag won.
Jung boy should go out, because he got destroyed.

>> No.23102969

thx m8

>> No.23102988
File: 12 KB, 429x242, grail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the secret of the Grail?
>The King and the land are one!
>save yourself = save the world
God wills it.

>> No.23103008
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From Simone's Weil Waiting for God, essay on the Right Use of School Studies with a View to the Love of God. I also appreciate very much and recommend, as an introduction, Jonathan Pageau's videos on the Grail, although I know that by virtue of being an e-celeb he's not so well received here.

I wandered into this thread but I've never read Evola's book on the Legend of the Grail, only Ride the Tiger. Can some of you wise anons summarize a little about what he says about the Grail? It interests me very much but I have work stuff to read.

>> No.23103040

>Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.
Please perform all the signs Jesus clearly stated would follow the believer. Do it in public in the presence of a doctor and a webcam so we can see.
>inb4 anything other than an actual miracle
No talk. Just do it.
>inb4 scholastic quotations
No talk. I won't read it.
>inb4 any other statement about why it can't be done

>> No.23103052

The attitude towards "brother-kin allied nations" and the third world reminds me of how collaborators a lá Evola were willing to shine German shoes for the rest of their lives in exchange for a change of living out their racial fantasies
Fascism isn't traditional

>> No.23103057

I don't mean to be a douche, but this is a profanation of the Grail mystery.
ah yes

Pageau is good from what I've seen although almost nothing you find on youtube or the rest of the internet is really esoteric. Pageau at least has the right mindset. The debate he had with styx was embarrassing because he was so clearly on a higher level of understanding than styx.

There's not much for me to say regarding Mystery of the Grail other than it is a good book showing how the Grail mystery is initiatic and is of pre-Christian origin, like all of Europe's greatest traditions.

On a related topic, Holy Blood Holy Grail is a fun and easy read and presents some good research for those who are less read on the topics it covers (Rennes-le-Chateau, Templar conspiracies, occultism, secret societies, bloodlines, etc.) but is probably fake in the final analysis, and their interpretation of the Grail is incorrect and profane. Although the Priory of Sion (an aristocratic "far-right" formerly secret society with connections to French military intelligence) is a real group, the leaking of the internal documents to the public was done for highly questionable motives.

>> No.23103073

>semi-literate boomerpost about muh nazi "collaborators"
Simply epic.

>> No.23103087

Oh, she was Jewish and a communist too? sorry dude, that shit sucks and is not esoteric. Pageau is alright though.

>> No.23103088

The angry Evola guy has already been exposed for samefagging.
Dig into these posts if you're extremely bored:
The second one is funny if you trace it back. He knows he got caught with his I/i thing and tried to run damage control by saying "duh, they're both me," but he forget that he'd double-posted and referred to himself in the third person as "that guy." It's all very tedious, but anyone sufficiently bored can see the samefaggotry in action.

>> No.23103100

They are both grifters, which is why it's hilarious watching the two teams battle it out. OP must be laughing his ass off.

>> No.23103102

>why does his injury refute him?
Dude lmao stopppppp.
At least be reasonable like this occult bro: >>23100903

>> No.23103106

Your intuition is poor. I didn't even care to respond the first time you accused me of samefagging because it was so stupid and pathetic.

Not everybody who triggers you is the same person. I know firsthand that you are being delusional.

>> No.23103113

>when you know you lost, so you acuse your opponent of samefagging, while samefagging yourself

>> No.23103114

You angry, bro.

>> No.23103116

>everyone I don't like is a grifter
You have the mind of a child.
>can't answer
See above.

>> No.23103118

Try harder next time. Don't use the same writing style.

>> No.23103122

Even the thumper OP has more insight than you because he anticipated
>He was a gimp and couldn't cure his crippled leg (INB4 "he didn't wanna" cope).
And, lookie lookie, "he didn't wanna" cope.

>> No.23103123

>t. samefagger

>> No.23103125

see >>23103118

>> No.23103127

>when you samefag a second time because you know you lost

>> No.23103134

OP has been samefagging since the start of the thread. You can tell which posts are his, he's a bad writer and I think he's brown lol

You're not my brother, you're a loser who writes like a nigger or classless White trash (wiggers).

>> No.23103139

kek, it must be maddening for evola fanboys. if it's just his unfalsifiable spiritual ramblings, they can pretend you have to be some golden child buddha or something to understand them, but there was one flaw: his damn bug leg. foiled!

>> No.23103143

>evola fanboys
ok idiot.

>> No.23103144

>You can tell which posts are his, he's a bad writer and I think he's brown lol
OP is a Christian. You write with uneducated comma splices. We'll call it a tie.

>> No.23103149

Are you OP?

>> No.23103150

It's 'accuse', you dumb nigger.

>> No.23103152
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>my logical fallacies are actually insights!

>> No.23103153

Ohh noo its the Grammar police.

>> No.23103154

Are you a sperg? If you're that oblivious to social cues, anhero at once.

>> No.23103158

Why couldn't he cure his crippled leg?

>> No.23103161

Im confused.
This thread all seem to be OP samefaggin and the evolafag and me here.

>> No.23103168

There are a bunch of shitposters, some Jung hippies, some curious querents, and one seething, samefagging Evola fag who's angry that someone called out his anger as the mark against his alleged development but who can't help being angry.

>> No.23103173

Its like evolafag and op/jungfag are both samefaggin.
This thread is confusing.

>> No.23103179

>comma splices
Not applicable here, and generally speaking that isn't even a thing. It's used to help children learn how to write.

> but there was one flaw: his damn bug leg. foiled!
Even if we remain in your limited sphere of logic, this doesn't "foil" anything.
He sure makes you mad.

>> No.23103190

Any copy editor would flag
>You can tell which posts are his, he's a bad writer and I think he's brown lol
as an unacceptable comma splice. Some would be more lenient on stylistic grounds for
>You're not my brother, you're a loser

>> No.23103196

Leading question.

>and one seething, samefagging Evola fag
There's more than one of us, sorry if that upsets you. Can you show the posts where I'm seething? seems like projection since all of your posts revolve around crying about Evola or his readers, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.23103198

>Why couldn't he cure his crippled leg?
He didn't have such abilities as Jesus did in the Christ myths. Evola saw himself as more of a visionary (inner planes) occultist.

>> No.23103209

Ultimate Paranoia.
You think everone is the same here, but there is in fact more people here defending evola than you can imagine.
To put it this way, its not just 1 as you imagine.

>> No.23103215

>Ultimate Paranoia.
it's funny watching evolafag go overboard with the writing-style thing

>> No.23103220

You wish it was just one person defending Evola, tranny.

>> No.23103222

>You wish it was
Do you subjunctive mood, retard? There's a reason you're so obvious, but you can sit there stewing as you wonder what it is.

>> No.23103224

Your quints have only refuted you further

>> No.23103225

Can you pleise say a real argument against what i was saying before please?
You are just coping because you and your jungian bs got debunked.

>> No.23103232

>Can you pleise
lmao, give it a rest. it's just sad now, evolafag.

>> No.23103234

You still haven't even touched the arguments, that evolafag did, idiot.

>> No.23103239

Debunk the arguments.

>> No.23103242

You're mad at and coping with the fact that multiple people are defending E. itt and refuting you. I just don't understand why you'd rather seem like a totally delusional retard rather than concede that multiple people itt are E. readers. I guess E. really triggers you so much that you can't have multiple people defending him and they all secretly have to be the same person.

People who were part of certain secret societies who knew him confirmed that he actually could heal himself.

>> No.23103245

hai therrrrre, totaly new postter in this thred, for reallll i promis, totaly new
can u pleise tel me y u so mad u lost arguuument

>> No.23103247

kek everyone is exposing you now. it's all the same person though right retard?


>> No.23103248

I—the Jungfag—never samefagged. I’m also not OP. That is someone else.

Whoever I—the Jungfag who is now phonefagging cuz I decided to check in—debated never debunked jack shit of what I said. If you think otherwise, then you’re a fucking retard.

>> No.23103251

Can't hear what you're saying - still seeing the crippled leg.

>> No.23103254

>t. the omnipotent Evolafag trying to make his opposition look even more retarded

>> No.23103257

Crippled leg, samefag. That ol' crippled leg!

>> No.23103258

You are op, retard.
Everyone here acknowledges it, minus you.
The thing is you are the one samefaggin not evolafag.
Evolafag stopped existing after you went coping, with multiple people continuing the thread.

>> No.23103261

You’re both retarded. Stfu.

>> No.23103265

This isn't me. This is the samefagging Evolafag trying to me look like a retard and i must say he's damn good at it.

>> No.23103266

You might be delusional or schizophrenic. Consider booking an appointment to see a doctor.

>> No.23103272

christians don't accept jung's "teachings," retard
you're just mad that sane people see both evola groupies and jung mids in the same boat

>> No.23103274

>and i must
Crippled leg, Evolafag. Crippled leg!

>> No.23103275

Ok, OP.
Shut up you idiot.
Just admit you are op, retard.

>> No.23103278

Why didn't you tell that to the retard who was calling every pro-Evola post the same person since the start of the thread?

>> No.23103282

Well then that just means evolafag point about jung was correct, then.

>> No.23103286

OP is clearly schizophrenic.

>> No.23103288

I’m not OP.

I only joined half-way through. I literally have no clue wtf is even happening now. But I’m 99% it’s just 2 retards samefagging whilst accusing the other of samefagging. In any case, I don’t care. Engage with my arguments or kys.

>> No.23103289

not him (seems this shit has to be pointed out because it's a thread full of schizos calling each other samefags), but shitposters eventually flood evola threads because evola readers, to my disappointment, make themselves so easy to troll. if they'd just step back and realize that we're on 4chan and every second poster is sitting on his gamer chair trying to provoke reactions from people, maybe they'd be less easily ruffled.

>> No.23103291

>Evolafag still getting basic biographical facts wrong while pretending to be me to make me look like a retard
I hate these nazi scum.

>> No.23103292

Literally nothing Evola has ever said about Jung has even been remotely true.

>> No.23103297

We already know you're a retard, his efforts are superfluous.

>> No.23103298

Yes, everything evola said about jung was correct.
Deal with it.

>> No.23103301

no, it means it's insane to say a christian and a jungian mid are the same person, and I don't know whether it's a legit suspicion or someone is trying to make the other side look schizo.

>> No.23103306

Yes you are OP.
You are just schizophrenic.

>> No.23103308
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>> No.23103309

You proved E. correct when you admitted that you/Jung don't believe in spiritual reality and think it's all psychology.

>> No.23103311

I’ve already refuted that. Whoever I debated has yet to even construct a single counter argument that isn’t a variant of nitpick or misrepresentation. Evola is a fucking retard and his books are not even worthy to be toiletpaper.

>> No.23103313

A christian and a jungian are both the same retarded psychology and metaphysics bs.

>> No.23103317
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>> No.23103318

You didn't debunk anything.
Stop telling you that lie.

>> No.23103321

Becuase it’s true? Evola hasn’t disproven Jung about that. All Evola ever does is say no and then present hus own worldview with zero evidence, despite the fact that there is plenty of evidence to support Jung.

>> No.23103331

There is not any more evidence to prove jung correct than to prove you are smart.
So, none.

>> No.23103338

You can’t debunk something that hasn’t even been proven in the first place. I corrected the recorded regarding Jung because that is all I could do. As for Evola, he has not proved anything. Jung has proved everything he has put forward, even synchronicities. If you ever bothered to read him, you would know.

>> No.23103340

You got BTFO so badly that you had to leave. I don't blame you because your temper tantrums are embarrassing and prove that Jungian so-called alchemy leads to regression in the human personality.

>> No.23103341

You are a deluded jungian.

>> No.23103345

There once was a man named Evola
Who claimed he had magic in his sola.
He waved his hands and chanted spells
But couldn't even cure his own leg, oh la la!

He limped and stumbled, tried to hop
His magical powers were a flop.
He tried to heal with all his might
But his leg remained a pitiful sight.

People laughed and shook their heads
Poor Evola and his magic meds.
He tried to save face, put on a show
But everyone just said, "Oh no!"

So Evola learned a lesson that day
Don't pretend to have magic, just play. Embrace your flaws, be true to you
And maybe one day, your dreams will come true!

>> No.23103346

He proves the existence of the collective unconscious in the first volume of Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Evola never even attempts to do provide any evidence for anything he spouts.

>> No.23103353

He does.
You just don't want to accept it.
You are coping and deluding yourself into thinking that evola didn't just destroy jung whole worldview.

>> No.23103354

Educated people see both Jung and Evola as frauds with undemonstrated claims.

>> No.23103355

I refuted Evola’s essay. You didn’t understand a word I had written because you are actually retarded. I clarified some points. You accused me of not engaging with the material despite the fact that you never once even attempted to present even a single argument. I called you out for your bullshit and declared that the debate was over. You flew into a fit of rage ans started spamming like a retard. Embarrassing.

>> No.23103360

How and where does he prove the existence of this supra-consciousness, then?

Then you’re not educated, simply stupid.

>> No.23103365

The opossite.
He refuted your whole posts and jung's worldview, and you went crying because of that.
You didn't come back until like an hour later and then started samefaggin and spamming that you won.
What a pathetic delusion you have.

>> No.23103369

>All Evola ever does is say no and then present hus own worldview with zero evidence
What are you talking about dumbass? read the text segments itt or read the monograph, it's full of "evidence" and arguments.

The main point, which you haven't refuted, is that Jung mixes the supraconscious with the subconcious and calls it all the "unconscious". This is extremely dangerous, since one abandons the ordinary rational human state in favour of sub-rational, reduced states of consciousness.

It is psychology or psychotherapy (i.e., for mental patients), not spirituality.

>> No.23103375

There once was a man so full of rage
An Evola fan, stuck in a cage
He preached about spirituality and light
But his bitter energy gave everyone a fright

He claimed to be enlightened and wise
But his anger and hatred were his guise
He ranted and raved about cultural decay
But his own evolution was clearly at bay

He meditated and chanted all day long
But his bitter energy was just too strong
His followers left, feeling confused and stunned
How could an Evola fan be so undone?

So beware of the guru who looks so evolved
For sometimes their anger cannot be solved
True enlightenment comes from love and
Not from a deluge of angry speech

>> No.23103379

Keep telling yourself that, nigger.

Stop referring to yourself in third-person. Your formatting gives it away. You only click enter once. Hence, there are no blank spaces in any of your posts. You stick out like a sore thumb, you dumb retard.

All of your posts are nothing but projection.

>> No.23103386

There is no evidence in that. He is merely asserting his thesis or misrepresenting Jung. That is all it is.

>that Jung mixes the supraconscious with the subconcious and calls it all the "unconscious"
Prove the existence of the supraconscious and demonstrate how it is different from the subconscious. Also, no, presenting your worldview is not evidence.

>> No.23103391

You wrote a bunch of insults, declared yourself the winner, then ran away like a child. Where is my fit of rage? show me and then read your own posts. You were clearly actually pissed off and you even admitted that you were angry or at least easy to anger.

>> No.23103395

I’m not gonna repeat myself. My arguments have already been posted, and you’ve yet to engage with them.

>> No.23103396

I'm starting to suspect that you and the Evola psycho are the one person. I don't want it to be true, because it would mean I have been fooled for longer than I would like.

>> No.23103399

The fact you don't want to accept the existence of the supraconscious, says more about your dogmatic slavery to Jung's failed worldview than it does for Evola's worldview.

>> No.23103401

Just fucking kys, you dumb nigger

>> No.23103406

The fact that you’re stalling and refusing to have an honest debate, says a lot. Post the evidence or kys, nigger.

>> No.23103414

No. There was a similar dynamic earlier when someone said he totally believed in spirits but found it hard to believe in magic. It's the same crazy dynamic that would make someone believe in Jung but think Evola is "too far." There's literally one small step from Jung to Evola. Something is going on with the mental patients itt for sure.

>> No.23103418

And now you are saying other people should kill themselves?
Jung really broke your brain.

>> No.23103424

I don't know what you mean by evidence then. There are countless references to myriad Traditions.
>He is merely asserting his thesis
You should read the article instead of just making it up as you go, there are plenty of examples proving you wrong:

We can say in general that Jung does not offer a
“psychological interpretation” of metaphysics, but stays in a
domain that from beginning to end is merely psychology,
and even when the “collective” is concerned does not cease
to be simply human. The ātmā of Hinduism is one with
Brahman, the principle and basis of all manifestation, just as
the Tao in the Far Eastern tradition is conceived of as the
supreme reality, from which both Heaven and Earth derive
their being. Everything referring to it, therefore, has a
character that is not “psychological” but that of
transcendent experience. Jung, since he cannot avoid taking
account of it, tries to get out of it by saying that “it would do
a great injury” to such metaphysical teachings if one were
to take them literally, and if one saw the Easterners as
anything other than “psychologists expressing themselves
through symbols.” And he adds: “If it were really
metaphysics that they mean, it would be useless to try to
understand them.”33 And in fact Jung has not understood
anything, and has been handling things with which he
should never have concerned himself.

>> No.23103425

probably trying to create a false dichotomy between two batshit belief systems so that you side with either...either of which is good enough for the occultfags. pretty clever strategy.

>> No.23103429

Still stalling. Also, you can’t be a dogmatic if you believed something because you have been convinced of it by the evidence presented. The one who is a dogmatic Npc is you. You’ve still not posted anything to support the supraconscious.

>> No.23103447

Referncing some literal who’s fanfic is not evidence. Jung literally proves the existence of the collective unconscious numerous times. Evola never attenpts to do anything resembling that.

>just read this essay bro that youve now read like 6 gorillion times already not to mention already refuted just read it bro
You’re so stupid it’s actually unreal.

>> No.23103458

>that essay is the proof, idiot.

>> No.23103462

>that you still haven't actually refuted it.

>> No.23103464

>there is no evidence in the essay, retard
>provide empirical evidence, not fanfics

>> No.23103467

>keep telling yourself that maybe you actually start to believe it yourself

>> No.23103468

>Provide empirical evidence that you are not actually a retard please.

>> No.23103470

>Look at me mom
>I’m stalling

>> No.23103473

>look at me mom.
>im a dumb jungian.

>> No.23103478

>Literally any occult discussion on the Internet can be subsumed under the category of "the occult lad is again paraphrasing what he's read."
That's every occult thread on /lit/.

>> No.23103481

Ok, but for real. Are you actually going to post some empirical evidence to support this retard shit, or are you just gonna continue to stall and project until this thread dies? Insults are not evidence, you know?

>> No.23103483

I already provided evidence everyone can see, retard.

>> No.23103491

I see. So you won’t. Then I’m off. Fanfics are not evidence.

>> No.23103502

You already got destroyed multiple times in fact, you and jung's worldview, so i dont even care if you go now.
Goodbye, thanks for the discussion(that i won) and i hope you have a good day.

>> No.23103505

You claimed Evola only asserts his thesis and misrepresented Jung but the text i posted refutes that claim outright. Then you call me stupid when you can't even follow the discussion or remember your own criteria from 5 minutes ago.

As for proof, I'm not really interested in debating whether or not God or higher spiritual dimensions or whatever exists. If you believe that only material reality exists along with your mind and the collective unconscious, or whatever pseudo-esoteric schlock Jung sold, that's your choice. You can't "prove" it in the sense you're childishly demanding, otherwise it wouldn't be such a mystery throughout the ages.

I maintain that your puerility is proof of Evola's thesis that Jungian "alchemy" can only lead to a regression in the human personality. I'm not going to you anymore, since over and over again you show that you're too immature/lack the self control to behave respectfully and engage in discussion like a man, which is why I stopped taking the argument seriously the last time, since you seemed genuinely upset and i have no interest in bringing myself down to your level, like
>omg literally how could you fucking be this fucking dumb and fucking stupid you fucking retard it's literally unreal fuck

>> No.23103520

Thank you for saying to him, how you clearly refuted everything he proposed piece by piece.
If he doesn't want to accept it, then at that point, that's his problem.
But you clearly were respectful to him, while refuting everything he was saying about jung.

>> No.23103524

Cool, but you’re equally as stupid as the other faggot because you have not refuted jack shit.

Also, in case you have a problem with being called a niggerfaggot or a retarded, how about you go back to wherever the fuck you came from you disgusting newfag?

>> No.23103532

You have yet to prove that dreams are meaningless. In fact, I provided evidence to support the contrary. None of you haecengaged with anything I’ve written because you are actually retarded.

>> No.23103534

No need to thank me, it's an honour defending the Baron.

>> No.23103541

This. You ingeniously refuted everything. You are clearly a very handsome man.

>> No.23103544

Oh exactly.
You delivered a boom on that guy.
You're very talented. Well done, anon.

>> No.23103547

Hey, been following this thread, and I agree with >>23103520. You clearly refuted everything.

>> No.23103549

Didn't you just say, that you were over, that this thread was over for you?
Why are you still here, then?

>> No.23103550

Wow, you just destroyed that guy, man. Peace be to you. You are evidently a Secret Chief, a very powerful entity.

>> No.23103553

Holy shit, congrats on refuting everything, man.

>> No.23103555

I’m still lurking because this thread is truly something. I only replied because someone else had replied to me when I was done with you. Also I’m 99% some anon is just trolling now.

>> No.23103557

Whoa, you da man of refutations.

>> No.23103563
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>all these (You)s

>> No.23103564

>why I
>and i
evola samefag never did catch on to what we were saying, did he?

>> No.23103566

I already said goodbye to you.
What more do you want???
Go out, specialy if you think you won.(expect you actually didn't)
So yeah go do other things, ok?

>> No.23103574

You still even this far on the thread, think there was ever a samefag????
For real???

>> No.23103576

>Also I’m 99% some anon is just trolling now.
It's just someone parodying the Evola guy's comically obvious samefagging.

>> No.23103578

You asked me question, so I replied. I’m still lurking because I was wondering if someone else replied to me. That’s how I say your previous reply to me. I understand you’re kinda retarded, but try, fucking try to use your fucking demented brain at least once in your sad lifetime.

>> No.23103580

>mad that he's now realizing how rare a writing style is in which people inconsistently capitalize 'I'
>mad that he's realized he's been doing it since >>23099791, and all his samefaggotry is on full display

>> No.23103585

Maybe. I really don’t care.

>> No.23103586

But why?
Do you want to get destroyed another time, then?

>> No.23103592

nice spot

>> No.23103594

Curiosity. Ever heard of it? Closed the tab and then saw a bunch of moar posts and then decided to open it again since I was curious wheter someone else had replied to me. It’s not fucking rocket science, like holy shit.

>> No.23103595

There was never a evola samefag in this thread.
It was different anon's doing weird shit.
That's what actually happened.

>> No.23103599

You shouldn't have told him. He wasn't catching on, and now he knows what to hide. Thread's due for the archives anyway, I guess.

>> No.23103601
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Are you the spastic who replied to my post 10 times with 2 different IPs? it's crazy how upset you are over people disagreeing with you. Meanwhile i don't even care what you retards think, i'm just here for info.

>> No.23103607

>posting a screencap and trying to pretend any newfag can't Inspect Element
Biggest sign of guilt I've seen, desu.

>> No.23103611

>inspect element
>calling anyone a newfag
4chanX exists

>> No.23103613

He's wrong.
The evola samefag was a fake concept.
There was never an evola samefag in this thread.

>> No.23103616

>can't read
Newfags don't use 4chanX. They use Inspect Element.

>> No.23103621

More likephonefagging, but, yeah, fair point.

>> No.23103625

>knows screenshots mean nothing
>still posts screenshot anyway
that u, champ?

>> No.23103637

Yaaaa exactly that nigga he dirty

>> No.23103638

99% of this thread is some retard accusing someone else of having done something another retard did, is it not?

>> No.23103645

100% of this thread is a jung idiot getting respectfully destroyed by a chad evola enjoyer.

>> No.23103650

Still stalling :^)

>> No.23103656

Pffft, samefagging defines the Evola poster. He uses more socks than working legs.

>> No.23103664

Still here?
You should go to do a brainscan its clear that jung broke your brain and now you are schizophrenic because of that.

>> No.23103674

Is it possible the reason the Evola faggot becomes so mindbroken over the stupid crippled-leg thing is that he's a cripple himself? We do know that imageboards tend to attract a lot of hotwheels types.

>> No.23103677

Ok, retard.

>> No.23103679

still no proof

>> No.23103680

Is it possible that you are genuinely retarded?

>> No.23103684
File: 170 KB, 360x346, pepe-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling him mindbroken when he lives in your head rent free

>> No.23103686
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>> No.23103689

>zero impulse control

>> No.23103694

I like Evola, but kek, some posters do become way too emotional

>> No.23103698

>implying people cared about your tardposts
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same guy the whole thread
>i'm not mindbroken, that's other people
Next-level cope.

>> No.23103706

He refuted you tho

>> No.23103711


>> No.23103721

Go to a random board, say /tv/, and find one thread -- just one -- in which a poster can't decide whether he wants to capitalize 'I' or not in the same post.
We'll wait.
Failure to provide thread = admission of defeat.

>> No.23103722

>so angry he can only post one word at a time

>> No.23103727

Yes, he.
Again with the samefag thing?
There was no actual samefag, idiot.
Drop that bs already, you even look more retarded and schizo when you do that.

>> No.23103729

It's questioning the 'He', retard.
IOW, it's a samefag accusation, like this thread doesn't have enough of them.

>> No.23103734

>this is somehow proof of everyone disagreeing with you being the same person the whole thread
kek he really did mindbreak you

>> No.23103735

let's see how common that writing style is.
evolafag is salty that all his samefaggotry itt can be seen now.

>> No.23103742

You're responding to the same Evola loser, in case you didn't know.

>> No.23103744

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person the whole thread
>so angry he can only post one word at a time
Next-level cope. Keep going.

>> No.23103750

>t. 60 iq still can't figure out why one word was greentexted

>> No.23103751

Read the thread again, and provide me actual evidence of "samefag", you idiot.
You should show the supposed "samefag" posts, if it's supossedly so easy, and a true accusation.
So do that.
Tell me which posts were "samefaggin" retard.

>> No.23103753


>rent free

>> No.23103757

I accept your admission of defeat.

>> No.23103765


>> No.23103768

See >>23103757.

>> No.23103769

>thinks i didn't know what he was implying the entire time
>calls me stupid
I've played you like a fiddle for the past couple hours. You've had some great sperg outs, the best I've seen in a while. Keep going retard.

>> No.23103774

>thinks i didn't know what he was implying the entire time
"I was just pretending to be stupid."

>> No.23103776

>still no proof

>> No.23103779

So prove it.

>> No.23103782

See >>23103757, samefag cripple.

>> No.23103789

It was a pretty obvious joke but you got mad and sperged out because you're too stupid to get it, which was my intent the entire time. Like I said before, you have a horrible intuition.

>> No.23103792

>60 iq says wut?

>> No.23103794

I can see why you didn't win this debate if you can't even prove something like a samefaggin accusation.

>> No.23103801

See >>23103757, samefag cripple.

>> No.23103802

not him but you actually haven't posted any proof. just finished reading the whole thread and it's pretty obvious you just got butthurt that nobody agreed with your shitty takes so you started samefagging since you couldn't refute the Evolian.

>> No.23103808


He refuted you, post proof or keep coping while we laugh at you.

>> No.23103809

See >>23103757, schizo retard.

>> No.23103810

>not him
>just finished reading the whole thread

>> No.23103819

See >>23103757, samefag cripple.

>> No.23103828

>so mindbroken he can't even spell simple words now

>> No.23103831

>60 iq just "pretending to be stupid" again

>> No.23103834

See >>23103757
AND SEE>>23103757
And shut the fuck up you RETARD.

>> No.23103836

trans brown person here. ignore the chuds, you are heckin' based.

>> No.23103838

See >>23103757, samefag cripple.

>> No.23103847


>> No.23103848
File: 215 KB, 600x661, 1621707150166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christ could perform miracles,

>> No.23103849

jeezus, just ignore it, you fucking retard. the more multiple posters can't appear to ignore the same trivial thing, the more the samefagging accusation looks legit.

>> No.23103851

how am i pretending to be stupid? you can't even spell the word "what" correctly, you actually are stupid.

>> No.23103861
File: 16 KB, 187x269, 14083087203022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefag cripple

>> No.23103867

>60 iq desperately trying to make his confusion about the meme-tier "wut" look like a joke so that people think he was joking about not getting the one-word greentext

>> No.23103875

>Evola boy making fun of troons
Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.23103876

But he still hasn't proven anything.
He's a schizophrenic retard who should go to a hospital and be put there, whit his fuck8ng jungian books and die there.
Fucking retard.

>> No.23103881

>retard tries writing sentences
Stick to one or 2 words for now, buddy.

>> No.23103884

touch grass, ffs
are you a cripple? no? then who the fuck cares about someone repeating the insult?

>> No.23103893

>60 iq struggling

>> No.23103896
File: 55 KB, 800x750, 1684029910283368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.23103899

we reject evola because of his transgender simping.

>> No.23103902


>> No.23103906

>Stick to one or 2 words
Good writers don't write "one or 2 words."
You must be a redneck.

>> No.23103919
File: 1.10 MB, 1036x976, 1759849864240987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pronouns faggot

>> No.23103924


>> No.23103930

>so mad he replies twice

>> No.23103934
File: 62 KB, 866x845, crackhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, you might be

>> No.23103936

Take your meds.
Write "one or two words" or "1 or 2 words," preferably the former. Simple as.

>> No.23103937

It's because the other person also replied 2 times, idiot.

>> No.23103940

u mad that u can't shoehorn transgender degeneracy into western culture thru "le based" esoteric man? ywnbaw, the evola psyop failed

>> No.23103948

>It's because the other person also replied 2 times, idiot.
Evolafag can't help it. Now false-flagging his opponents.
See also >>23103209 as an exercise for the reader :-)

>> No.23103951


>> No.23103955

>trying to train a 60 iq
good luck

>> No.23103956

That guy mindbroke you, weakminded spic.

>> No.23103960

You sound even more stupid than he does btw

>> No.23103968
File: 7 KB, 189x266, 546t-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That guy mindbroke you, weakminded spic.

>> No.23103973

I can only try.

>> No.23103977

>random photo for some reason
Mindbroken. Spic. Comprendo?

>> No.23103978

You are clearly paranoic and schizophrenic.
So i don't know why you are saying that i was incorrect there.

>> No.23103996

So in conclusion, Evola was a cripple whose magic didn't work.

>> No.23103999


>> No.23104003

But Evola was a cripple whose magic didn't work.

>> No.23104004

That's not the conclusion here.

>> No.23104009

That's the short it. He didn't have a leg to stand on.
Crippled leg.
Crippled leg.

>> No.23104018
File: 333 KB, 3840x2160, ouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23104019

>that's the short it. You didn't have an actual brain to stand on.
>schizophrenic mind.
>schizophrenic mind.

>> No.23104020

The conclusion is that all you faggots are retarded and just wasted like 10 h arguing over nothing.

Great thread guise

>> No.23104023

Crippled leg, tho.

>> No.23104024

Not actually 10h,you idiot.

>> No.23104026

Magic takes focus. 10 hours is a small price to pay to cure a crippled leg.

>> No.23104030

>actually it was…
just stfu nigger

>> No.23104042

I can see that you have a fragile mind, if that hurt you that much.

>> No.23104058

he didn't have the healing D&D card, but he may have had other D&D cards like flying and invisibility

>> No.23104090
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1665691161986473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come back after 10 hour flight to the other side of the world
>Christspic is still incoherently coping and seething
Unironically seek Jesus.

>> No.23104126

>4 hours
>still hasn't done it
We're waiting.

>> No.23104179

never seen the id-less version of a 1pbtid post in your life, you miserable newfag niggerfaggot? learn to hide threads you don't like, and stop shitting up the board.

>> No.23104206

>>come back after 10 hour flight to the other side of the world
>t. sperg invents some elaborate thread-visitation scenario to show that he's totes not entrenched in the thread, but his sperg brain doesn't realize that his scenario sounds even more pathetic than being entrenched in the thread

>> No.23104419

Are you still here? Can I post my email?

>> No.23104443

no, email me within 9 minutes of this post: vaxig61611@minhlun.com

>> No.23104477

nevermind, email me at TheBurgerKing88888@proton.me

>> No.23104515

>even more talk
Still waiting.

>> No.23104842

I don't believe Jesus existed, you pathetic faggot. I'm telling you that this is an obvious drive-by thread.

>> No.23104848

checks out.
keep flipping those burgers until the magic brings in the riches.

>> No.23104881

yep, this thread has been appearing for a while, and there's never really any obvious christian follow-through, suggesting that it's just someone cycling through different troll dumps. it's the same shit that happens with kybalion and some bible threads. parts of this thread appeared verbatim around the same time last year:

>> No.23104894

>parts of this thread appeared verbatim around the same time last year
What the hell is going on?

>> No.23104985


>> No.23105049

your all knowing god should be able to keep human timescales into account

>> No.23105268

>he says he isn't a christian
>you:prove to me you're a real christian
you're not very smart, are you?

>> No.23105276

I suspect it's a literal nog.

>> No.23105312

>your all knowing god should be able to keep human timescales into account
How is a return in (let's say) the year 3050 not keeping human timescales into account?
You sound like one of those Reddit atheists who's only marginally smarter than Christcucks themselves.

>> No.23105503


>> No.23105507


>> No.23105512
