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23100644 No.23100644 [Reply] [Original]

Is it good practice to write dreams down? Some of them are very beautiful and I'd like to put them on a blog

>> No.23100648

do it, there can come nothing negative out of writing your thoughts

>> No.23100662

Never write that shit down. It's possible that when you leave your room a secret agent (CIA, FBI, or possibly a hired hand of someone who has a grudge against you) will sneak in and read it giving them access to your unconscious thoughts.

>> No.23100696

You should write your dreams down. There are even some templates on what you fill in to help you

Who was involved in the dream? Did you know the people or were they strangers?
Where did the dream take place? Was it indoors or outdoors?
What happened in the dream? Was there a narrative thread running through it, or was it more random?
Was the dream set in the past, present,or future? Were you the same age as now, or were you younger or older?
How did you feel in the dream?
Was the dream incolour, or black and white? What do you think caused the dream?

>> No.23100710

you guys actually see and experience shit in your dreams like it's portrayed in movies?
I almost never dream and when i do it's something mundane like "i was in a car with a person and we talked" but there's never any detail to it, no visuals, just the vaguest idea. I hate dreams, waste of my fucking time.

>> No.23100751

I used to maintain a text file containing my dreams but I stopped many years ago because it can be a pain writing them down as soon as you wake up
Dreams are personal and people do not care about them so I'd only do this if you wanted to strengthen your memories of your dreams

>> No.23100760

I have awesome, lucid dreams ever since I did 2c-b and LSD

>> No.23100851

>you guys actually see and experience shit in your dreams?
yes. sometimes in first person, sometimes in third person. sometimes both. the meaning and narrative of some of them are of exceptional beauty to me for unknown reasons

>> No.23100875

last night I had a dream I went to a a resort thing my mom suggested and it was a bunch of mexicans and they were like cartel gang activity kidnapping children and it got dark and one of some mexican girl went missing when we were leaving and my grandma didn't want to leave until she was found and i said they're gonna kill you next and i ran back to the pool for something and i came back and my family was missing and i encountered some mexicans near the entrance and they said they killed my family and i killed one of them with my bare hands then i disarmed another and stabbed him with his knife then there were some others i stabbed/shot then i ran through the jungle and escaped to civilization and ran in a store and told them to call the cops then i woke up. thank you for reading my blog

>> No.23102211

weird, I am always chased by police and criminals instead of chasing them

>> No.23102240

dreams have their own logic
anyone who tells you about a dream they had that makes sense (like a movie) is lying i feel like

>> No.23102252

I have realistic dreams. They’re mostly about mundane things though.

>> No.23102256

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>> No.23102340
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yes, I started doing it because I never truly forget my old dreams. they always come up randomly, or get mixed with real world facts. but they can go "stale" or get really vague over time. writing them down is really effective against that.
though I don't do it as well as I should. already last week I had 3 dreams, clear enough to write down. but I'm lazy. unfortunately, they've already started to get hazy around the edges.

>> No.23102342
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Today I had a dream I was about to lose virginity with a MILF, I was really into that bitch, but before it even happened, I woke up. A man can't even dream the dream.

>> No.23102351

You have unconscious inspiration, Anon. Go and fuck that milf irl.

>> No.23102372

wonder if anyones published a dream book (on it's own) before
i would probably like reading someones dream journal if it wasn't too overwritten or analytical

>I never truly forget my old dreams
my earliest memory is of a nightmare i had as a baby.

>> No.23102406

They can already do that with your google search history and their mind reading guns

>> No.23102437

I just post them on Facebook

>> No.23102439

You aren't nearly as important as you think you are.

>> No.23102461

>You aren't nearly as important as you think you are.
lmao nice try fed, why are you trying to gaslight him?

>> No.23102668

if everyone is important, no one is important

>> No.23102682

or... you know... everyone is important, you dirty hegelian

>> No.23102699


>> No.23102812


>> No.23104718
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I find that the weirdest and most original dreams I have, I remember them. So I don't keep a dream journal because I treat that as a sort of filter. If it's good enough, I'll remember it.

>> No.23105058

You don't write your dreams in an undecipherable script?

>> No.23106525

dreamt of the biggest temple today. kilometers long on every dimension