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23095743 No.23095743 [Reply] [Original]

mountains editions

previous >>23091868

>> No.23095751


>> No.23095777
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Fuck it, got myself a therapist appointment in 2 days so I can talk to about my gender dysphoria.

It's not a gender specialist but it should be decent.

>> No.23095779

checked, you should just save yourself some money and skip to the part where you kill yourself

>> No.23095793

What a sad and pathetic life you must lead

>> No.23095797

Rope is cheap

>> No.23095801

I medically trooned for 2 1/2 years at one point in my life so I can tell you from a place of experience and compassion; don't. just be normal.

>> No.23095802

You do well to seek specialised help about your mental problem. Also, go to your local (catholic) priest for a blessing.

>> No.23095803

I'm 28 years old and tried to make a career out of something creative, only to end up stressing myself out over not being able to pick something specific and now feel like I've lost the passion for everything all at once. Is it even possible to climb out of a hole like this, because I don't even feel confident in my ability to enjoy things any more

>> No.23095804

why did you do it in the retrospective?

>> No.23095823

there were a lot of compounding factors. I was seriously struggling with an eating disorder and general body image problems at the time, but I don't think that would've been enough to make me do it if it weren't for the fact that I had no direction in life or personal identity or anything meaningful going on. so I guess I could say the root problem was just being empty inside, and transitioning seemed like the solution cause I was kinda effeminate and gay already. thankfully now I'm masculine and gay.

>> No.23095829

I wish I was a girl too desu.
There's no sexual element to it or agp or fetish stuff. I'd be fine with just being a virgin. Id wear the same clothes i do now. I don't watch anime or any of that. I don't even masturbate as a man
I just want freedom. Girls have a ay more freedom. And they never get judged. I could have the exact same life as a friendless virgin depressed no ambition NEET and nobody would give shit if I was a girl
But because I'm a man there's a ton of bullshit I'm meant to do and I'm supposed to act a certain way

That and I think men age like shit most of the time. Specifically the hair part.

>> No.23095833

Just found out the future me told our parents to let me live with them because the fate of the world depends on me, otherwise they would've kicked me out. I thought they were nice parents. But I don't understand how future me would know that me not getting kicked out saves the world because presumably in his timeline he was kicked out.

>> No.23095837

Are your testicles small because of the meds you took?

>> No.23095838

Definitely. A lot of people make mistakes in their early career these days. Being a failed artist in some respect is actually relatively good because that’s kind of romantic you know? You could’ve been something really gay like an accountant or a school administrator. So at this point, you can either make a pivot within art or a pivot to another career altogether and 28 is pretty much the perfect time to do that. Just try to make that jump before 30 because it gets harder after 30.

>> No.23095841

Ynbaw. I wish it was legal to kill "people" like you

>> No.23095843

no, you can take SERMS which restart endogenous hormone production and pretty much completely reverse the effects of hrt. there's no evidence I ever transitioned. i have mild gyno and that's it.

>> No.23095851

I just keep drinking to forward the time till I get to sleep. Atleast work makes the hours go pass by fast.

>> No.23095853
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>I medically trooned for 2 1/2 years
the absolute state of you faggots

>> No.23095866

Obviously, the cause of transgenderism is nihilism. It’s the cause of being gay too though. You should know that.

>> No.23095867

There are no drugs available now that completely reverse the effects of HRT, and being on HRT for longer than 1 year dramatically increases the chance of irreversible harm. Still, I'm very glad you got lucky bro.

>> No.23095869

it's not fair how awesome sleep is. and the crazy thing is it gets even better. nobody has ever done it like sleep

>> No.23095875

> have gender dysphoria
> need sincere unbiased counsel
> only consult people who affirm one side gender dysphoria
It’s actually sad what we let you people to do to yourselves.

>> No.23095879

how do i pivot hard into art if im younger than 28 older than 25 with nothing to my name

>> No.23095880

Agreed. Society is fucked.

>> No.23095887

I really regret my career choice. I’m convinced it matters a lot more than people think it does, and I made one of the worst possible choices. I feel like this shit is going to haunt me forever.

>> No.23095889

I wish I could just sleep it off but then I'd be awake at night too. Besides dreams just disturb me too much.

>> No.23095888

You make art. Then you keep doing that until you get good. Then you do it some more. Eventually death stops you.

>> No.23095890

I'm a non practicing homo but a homo nonetheless
it's going to vary from person to person obviously, but it will reverse the majority of not all the effects in most MTFs. restores fertility, raises T levels to the norm, shrinks breast tissue etc etc

>> No.23095894

damn i cant do that. can i be like a understudy or a gopher or something

>> No.23095897

based digits of eternal wisdom

>> No.23095900

Run before the muses hear you defaming their gifts

>> No.23095901

Trannies are now derailing every /wwoym/ and stack thread every single time, and it's not considered "political" unless someone tries to say that maybe not every thread should be about trannies.

>> No.23095906

We should draw them like one of our french girls :3

>> No.23095908

>leftist: *posts their political opinions*
>mods: I sleep.
>anybody: *disagrees*
>mods: REAL SHIT
so tired of these dickless fucking faggots infesting every website's moderation staff

>> No.23095910 [DELETED] 

The only tranny derailing stack threads is the attention-seeking faggot spamming his mediocre “stack” of the same fucking books in every thread and then starts responding to himself

>> No.23095918

defaming? I just want to do this stuff. but im shit. and im old. its too late for me. All the good people were doing shit when they were 12. But if I could use my life to serve someone else who is like that. Maybe that would be ok.

>> No.23095921

A surprisingly optimistic response. Do you have any advice in sticking with one thing in particular? I love the idea of getting lost in work and staying up late doing one thing, as well as the learning process, but it feels like my mind is being torn in 6 different directions at once

>> No.23095926

>im old
How old are you? And if it starts with a "twenty-", punch yourself in the balls.

>> No.23095929

You start making art. It’s that simple. Once you have some pieces you want to put out there, you contact studios or whatever. You can consider art school as well if you want. Van Gogh went when he was like 29.

>> No.23095939

>[Anon's continued lies and unwillingness to try intensifies]
Sorry honey, too busy appropriating another culture with my crayons to believe in excuses for anything, talk to me when I'm dead

>> No.23095952

Whichever political entity controls the narrative determines what is or is not political. For instance, leftists are able to say that "trans rights" aren't a political issue, it's just a human rights thing. Obviously faulty reasoning, but there is little that can be done about it, because the only other option is to say that everything is political. (Which is very common already)

>> No.23095957

I think that at the end of the day, you would ideally have identified something you think is worthwhile which you’d be happy if that was your legacy. Most people aren’t in a position to think that way, but many of the people that post here are and you definitely are if you’re a failed artist. So you have the opportunity to sort of make the choice to do something worthwhile with your life. So it’s really as simple as identifying that, knocking out whatever prerequisites you might need to do it, and getting to work so that you can make your unique contribution. So let’s say you decide that what you want to do with your life is write fiction. What you have to do is read and write. And what you do for a day job should just be whatever allows you to do that. Now say that it’s medicine. Obviously, you have to go to medical school and become a doctor and then you’ve got to work hard to be a damn good doctor. It’s pretty simple honestly. If you don’t inherit a vocation and aren’t all that limited, you ought to pick one. The hard part is not kneecapping yourself with doubt and insecurity from failure. You have to just pick something, be consistent, and let it torture you, I think.

>> No.23095960

I like playing girls in games when I'm horny for them.

>> No.23095964

It really is this simple lol. The hard parts are deciding what to do and not letting doubt stop you.

>> No.23095972

That's how it starts. The fever. The rage. The madness, that turns good men cruel.

>> No.23095978
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>there is little that can be done
Wheels are in motion.

>> No.23095990

Poor bastard. You never even had a chance

>> No.23095996

>become the object of your desire
Something is seriously wrong when nobody can distinguish wanting to posses a thing and wanting to be that thing.

>> No.23096000

The recent cloudflare check on the captcha is passing me off

>> No.23096011

I woke up today and half heartedly had the desire to never live any further. Albeit, such mental formulation is thetical to a un-novel form of thought. Anyway, niggers are scum and faggots suck at doxxing when they can be tagged to federal agents

>> No.23096012

Thread theme
Cheer up and/or suck some dicks

>> No.23096059

this is more like it

>> No.23096060

>lonely sad internet virgin loser in his late 20s, not autistic or bad looking
>girl shows interest in me
>filled with sheer terror
>just want to get away from her
>emotions shut down entirely and i go dead inside
>just give her flat dead fish answers to her questions
im so fucked up

>> No.23096071

I did that too. She even gave me her number. Yes, I did want her, but I ghosted and never spoke to her again.

BOOKS for these feels anyone? Is this just the /wwoym/ 4chan scizo brain?

>> No.23096073

Speak for yourselves

>> No.23096075

I dont know. I really felt my blood go cold. Even I noticed my face go stiff and how blunt my affect went.

>> No.23096076

would you read a book titled "Ulysses 2"?

>> No.23096079

Damn I wonder if this has anything to do with our society that has produced generations of rootless cosmopolitans who only establish identity through consumption...

>> No.23096081

Are you in a position where you can get psychiatry? If so, you could report back for data.

>> No.23096082

You shouldn't be ashamed of being a virgin, you should be ashamed of still feeling the emotion of 'fear' lol.

>> No.23096085

No sorry.
But yeah I think I had some kind of attack and was barely keeping it together. My breath was short. When I got home I felt like I had to do deep breathing, felt on the edge of tears, felt nauseous.

>> No.23096090

Were you abused as a child?

>> No.23096102

More like he has developped a gyno-intolerance from too much test and nofap. I had a similar thing at the age of 16.

>> No.23096112

You're all such faggots. You got nervous. It's not "schizo brain." It's a feeling most people go through in school when they tell a girl "I like you" for the first time. Some get over it, some don't.

You shouldn't be ashamed of feeling scared. It's just your ego afraid of getting some kind of confirmation that you're unlovable because you already suspect that's the case. That underlying suspicion is what, in the above faggots words, you should be ashamed of.

>> No.23096123

Yeah that's a totally normal reaction for an adult. Mong.

>> No.23096133

That's what you say but let me tell you a sad reality about this world amigo.
There's two kinds of men on this world, those who feel afraid and those who don't. Guess wich ones get everything and the other ones nothing.

>> No.23096141

For an adult who I'm guessing hasn't had a whole lot of romantic interaction with girls, particularly not in their youth? Yeah. I'm not saying he's not stunted. He's experiencing a natural and normal thing at a later point. I'm quite literally calling him retarded. I'm also saying it's okay to be retarded.

>> No.23096143

I'm >>23096071
And I am diagnosed on the schizo-spectrum. 5 years ago I was in intensive in-patient therapy for my symptoms and they didn't go away. It feels like your blood goes cold immediately and the world is closing in on you when people get intimate. I don't know if it's the same for >>23096075 but it may be.

>> No.23096149

Yes but not sexually.
I actually have had a lot of attention before. Even more forward than the example I gave. I've just always felt like I had to blow them off and didn't want them around me.

>> No.23096161

There’s no such thing. Homo is not a biological trait. It’s a tendency to do a certain thing. It’s like saying you’re a smoker but don’t practice smoking.

>> No.23096163

What's up with all the tranny spam lately? Are they still seething they got us moved to /b/?

>> No.23096174

If you never feel fear you're mentally deficient. Everyone feels fear. You're talking about the ability to sublimate fear into a more productive channel like excitement. The pumping heart and adrenaline of your physiological response are translated into being amped. You've heard the term "adrenaline junkie."

If you wanna stick with two types of men it's men who get off on their own fear and men who let it freeze them.

>> No.23096190

Streaming seems like the gayest and most incestuous little community of modern clowns. The fact that so many zoomers and gen alphas want to be streamers is nuts.

>> No.23096198

Lately, I wake up every morning with the desire to suck start a shotgun. But I won’t do it. You know why? It’s because you never know what destiny has in store. You’ve got to identify a direction for your life and advance. Maybe it will work out. Maybe it won’t. The fact that you don’t know means you should probably try.

>> No.23096213

I don't feel fear as adrenaline and a pumping heart.
I feel fear as a blocking and freezing sentiment that keeps me from doing what I want and thus it is always disadvantageous. It is better to die than not to have done what one wanted out of fear.

>> No.23096227

So one (both?) of you were abused and one of you is actually schizoaffective (with how frequently some dude who just like doesn't shower calls himself schizo you understand the initial incredulity, though it sounds like you're not straight up schizophrenic).

Not faggots. Seek help.

>I've just always felt like I had to blow them off and didn't want them around me.

A very handsome guy I know was exactly like this until he started CBT and regular Vipassana meditation for his obsessive paranoia. A few years and now he crushes cuties.

>> No.23096232

so what do you call a man who prefers sex with other men but chooses not to do so?

>> No.23096241

This might sound like gay nonsense or dad logic, but do you exercise?

>> No.23096264

Feel like garbage but I try not to let it affect me too much. I know my mental state always correlates to my physical state, as in when I feel physically unwell I feel mentally unwell. This includes lack of sleep, having a cold, being hungry. I've had moments where I seriously contemplate suicide until I eat a meal and realize I was just hungry the whole time.
Right now I have a nasty headache and I'm feeling pretty unhappy. I wonder how much of it is real, underlying psychological unhappiness and how much is purely physiological.
I'm walking around my campus just purely miserable. I saw a couple hiding behind a wall, doing all that cute cuddly shit. I've been at this school since August and still haven't made a single friend. This is nothing new. This trend started my junior year of high school. I put all my eggs into one basket: my girlfriend. She was two grades ahead of me. When she graduated I was left at high school for two years with no friends and slowly went insane from it. I hated it. Being forced to show up to the same institution every day 8 hours a day, just to be alienated. I would have been better off getting a ged my junior year and starting a community college at 17.
Instead I slogged the whole way through because dumb ass boomers think doing what makes you miserable is a virtue. Went to university right at 18 and had an even worse experience. As bad as high school was, at least at the end of the day I could go home. Instead I was stuck on campus. This is where my social habits were cemented, permanently. I can never overcome the isolation of that year. I dropped out and went to a community college nearby my house.
This is the most free I've ever felt. I had a car and a part time job and therefore freedom. I started the basics of building a social circle, until the pandemic hit. Then it was isolation again.
Finally clawed my way back into a university. I thought this would be the chance to finally establish a real social experience. An actual interpersonal life.
It isn't. I cannot form interpersonal relationships anymore. I cannot work my way into a preexisting social circle. I cannot maintain friendships. I find myself alone, always.

>> No.23096293

Well, I go on walks but otherwise I can't do much. My wrist is overworked, I can't even do the simplest push-ups.

>> No.23096296

>actually schizoaffective
I got a personality disorder diagnosis, but my psychiatrist said it was on the "schizoid spectrum" those were his words. They went with that I guess because I was extremely avoidant and had odd beliefs and interests that weren't culturally appropriate, yet I showed no signs of hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia. I didn't find anything on the internet that conclusively states that schizotypal, schizoid, or avoidant personality disorders are on the "schizophrenia spectrum," but there is debate as to whether they are or not because of the close connection. (I personally don't believe in psychiatric disorders at all. I just use it as a framework for talking about this stuff because everyone else takes it for granted anyway.)
I understand your incredulity though.

>Not faggots. Seek help.
Thanks for your advice but I guess I already tried. :/

>> No.23096323

Get wrist weights to use instead of dumbbells

>> No.23096331

Diagnosing cultural non conformist as schizo is no new phenomenon

>> No.23096335

The singular difference between a "cult" and a "tradition" is whether the one making the judgment approves or disapproves of the object of veneration and those who venerate it.

>> No.23096341

We are in a global mental war.

>> No.23096345

Nothing. He’s just a man.

>> No.23096350

meowwwwww meow meowwww mrrow? purrrrrrrrr

>> No.23096360
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Good for you anon, I am proud of you.

Take a normal girl name, not a japanese one.

>> No.23096361

I don't want to get stronger. The weaker I am the more likely I am to die in a fight. That is the only way to Valhalla, Xalmoxis, the sky palace of Indra.

>> No.23096371

I don't think they let weak pussies into Valhalla sorry

>> No.23096385

When you don't feel human anymore
When you can't see the world for what it is
When you can't prevent yourself from panicking
When you feel like it's over,
and that no one will help you
Please know that you are completely right
But please know that I am also here
Watching you struggle, a wide smile on my face
For that every one of your victories is mine
For that every effort of yours is noticed
Because doesn't everyone love a good underdog?

I smile upon thee
This life is your show and people are watching

>> No.23096407

I know how to be Machiavellian and rule the world, but I choose not to out of benevolence.

>> No.23096417

Machiavelli was pretty apolitical, at a time when it was almost impossible to not engage with politics. He's just saying what you should do if you're not like him, which is often kys.

>> No.23096418

The only ones who go to Valhalla are people who died in battle or fighting against something. There's no merit on earth that can recompensate it.

>> No.23096427

Thank me.

>> No.23096434

You don't necessarily get into Valhalla through fighting. There's plenty of other worlds you can get divided into, and if you like going outside and touching grass or titties, you probably don't want to go to valhalla.

>> No.23096447

That was cute :p

>> No.23096459

Valhalla is the greatest of heavens and the sky palace of Odin is located there. He receives every fallen warrior personally after wich he and the other fallen comrades get to have a big meal and party.
It is the greatest honour a man can receive and no price is great enough to die in battle. It is a goal that must be seeked at all costs by every noble and Aryan man.

>> No.23096465

And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; that they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: for in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

>> No.23096471

I read your post.

>> No.23096488

i did not read your post.

>> No.23096544

>Drinking hall sausage fest
>Eternal summer in an orchard with big breasted blondes
It's an allocation system anyways, it's by lots not deeds lol

>> No.23096548

you are posting on 4chan.

>> No.23096551

Where else is he going to talk about Juvenal?

>> No.23096557

“I have never read Chomsky, and I don’t know anything about his thinking,” Ruby admitted, “but I do know that he is a rare American intellectual, and I respect that. I respect his work ethic and endurance. Plus, he doesn’t try to be a rockstar like those French faggots—did you know Foucault frequently raped boys in a Tunisian cemetery? This is typical of French intellectuals, they are all boy-fuckers, like the Greeks and the Taliban.”

>> No.23096560

Why doesn't Ruby know Foucault got AIDS in the US?

>> No.23096565

haha ill keep that in mind. a nice detail.

>> No.23096594

I may need advice on some stuff. I've been thinking of my most recent project. I plan to move to Switzerland in 9 months. I will most likely never return to my home country after this (France). I can find work almost everywhere with my current job. The problem is that my father is sick. I'm not sure what to do. Should I move back to the hometown I hate to stay with my father? Or should I go to Switzerland? I won't be able to afford housing in France but I could be a millionaire in 15 years in Switzerland. My father and I aren't close. I just feel a tugging in my heart whenever I think of him because I feel that we're the same people. It's such a fucking weird thing. I'm the youngest (24) of my family of 3 and we're all boys so everyone has either married and left town or plans to. I'll be out of college in eight months.

>> No.23096598

[Serious Post] How do I stop coming here for good?

>> No.23096611

Me again. I've already talked to my dad and he told me to go for it and not worry about him. But I do worry about that old fogey.

>> No.23096684
File: 176 KB, 1200x1973, IMG_8356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel like watching someone slowly mutilate themselves? Preferrably a cute but morose girl with pale white skin, dragging an old knife through the meat of her thigh, until the flesh parts and you get a moment of bisected glory, before the blood rushes in. Maybe they'll tourniquet the wound to cut down on the bleeding while they slice away. Maybe they'll go to the bone. Maybe they'll show me pictures after a day or two where they peel back the bandage. I dont want to see her face or hear her talk, but I'd like a nice little chat window where I could talk to them about it. Honestly it just feels so good, I cant do that shit anymore because I have nowhere to hide it. I feel like I'd get carried away, but there's something about seeing irreversible damage and exploring what's beneath the surface that's just so stimulating. Not even in a sexual way, just a morbid curiosity.

>> No.23096686

The hottest little bitch I've ever seen sat next to me in my philosophy class. I'm sure she could hear my heart pounding against my ribs. I know she's a philosophy major but this is the first class ever I've seen her in. She also doesn't attend the Phil club meetings. No idea how to start a convo with her. Oh my God I want to bend her over a desk and raw dog her right in the middle of class

>> No.23096688

Also thanks I guess

>> No.23096695
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>> No.23096696

Just bust out a classic joke. How does a philosopher buy shoes? They Hegel. Alternatively, how do you get a philosophy major to stay quiet during a debate? You Kant.

>> No.23096701

You could either make a comment about how you like something she’s wearing (something innocent, obviously - not yoga pants or a bra but like a jacket) or ask her why you don’t see her in philosophy club meetings. If she finds you attractive she’ll be receptive. If she doesn’t she won’t and you should forget about her.

>> No.23096702

Thanks dad

>> No.23096706

Is it creepy to say "hey I like your boots" because she wears big black dominatrix boots with tall pointy heels

>> No.23096711

I dunno dog I'm pretty cool with calling myself a cultist

>> No.23096713

Yeah, instead you should say, "I like thinking about you stepping on my balls with those boots."

>> No.23096720

I mean I don't like ball busting but ngl senpai I would get on my hands and knees and lick those boots clean

>> No.23096731
File: 36 KB, 400x400, TceEyor-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, me either. I'd much rather lick her boots. Best of luck, anon. Just try something. She is begging for it.

>> No.23096734

It works, trust me.
>t. Demichad, slayer of arthoe puss

If you're not charming, dont do this. It will come off as creepy. Nice Stanley mug? No problem. Nice pins on her bag? Just fine. Nice shoes? Weirdo zone, unless you already have some rapport. My advice? Ask her about course content. Gauge whether she knows about philosophy, is just learning, or got memed into an impossible degree. On a break ask something topical and see how she responds. If she's engaged, let her go on and on and ask questions. If she's not engaged, demonstrate your value and invite her to study. If she doesnt want anything to do with you it'll be obvious.

>> No.23096737

You're messed up. I do have a minor fantasy of taking care of a psycho depressed woman, but I know that's creepy and wrong in its own way. :/
I guess it just feels like I am empowered and can be the strong one (even if I am internally weak) that people lean on when I have someone that needs to be taken care of.

>> No.23096751

My personality is literally the Prussian side of that Bavarian vs Prussian meme.

>> No.23096777
File: 89 KB, 993x879, Untitled33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rick Roderick rules.

>> No.23096779

got a kek out of how women used to affect me like this. it's unimaginable now. anyway, just don't plan anything or you'll end up sounding gay and afraid. go to class early, get bored then stare at her until you say something naturally. something about philosophy, something about the weather whatever, just have fun you fucking sperg.

>> No.23096782

>t. Demichad, slayer of arthoe puss
alright stop giving advice about girls you maniac

>> No.23096787

There are lots of psycho depressed women out there if you want them. They're always high maintenance and never worth it in the end, but some of them are pretty hot. The problem is you cant cure depression externally, meaning the person needs to actual want to get better or they'll never improve. The psycho part gets boring after a while because everything escalates to them wanting to kill themselves or doing a shitty job of killing themself and it's predictable. Either you walk on egg shells and let them psychicly dominate you through negative reinforcement, or you need to be okay with them doing things outside of their control.

>> No.23096793

I wish I was handsome and outgoing in college and not a loner alcoholic getting fat.

>> No.23096798

Dude, I could shoot myself for fucking up these application deadlines…

>> No.23096812

I want to invite my ex to my jazz performance this week. I know it's a bad idea though.

>> No.23096823

Kek is this from the movie Whiplash

>> No.23096827

Fuck off, idiot.

>> No.23096828
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>> No.23096834


>> No.23096836

Weak, broken people just attract me because I shine in situations where I can feel more secure about my position. I was once in a foster care type situation with a few autistic people that were heavily bullied, and I formed an entire persona of jovial maturity and essentially got the position of a care-taker that gives advice and protects despite being the youngest person there (18). Even the staff liked me.
Nobody realized that I was actually suicidal and could barely get out of bed without wanting to kms, until I just left to kms.

A broken woman, I think, would be even more empowering. Yes, absolutely creepy. I hate myself for that. But it doesn't change the fact that it would make me feel more secure if I felt like the person I was speaking with was as broken as I was. I would never be able to reveal my brokeness to her, though. If I do that the entire persona falls apart and then I have to run away.

End of Unsolicited blogpost

>> No.23096859

Is this you

>> No.23096872

Did you read my advice? Tell a dad joke and ask her about course work to assess the situation. As a man, to acquire a woman you need to first catch her attention, assess her intentions, demonstrate your value, and set specific plans. You accomplish this by playing to your strengths. The easiest way to assess whether a girl is into you is to tell her a joke; it accomplishes three of these things at once. If she laughs she was paying attention, there is at least a cursory interest, and you demonstrated that you have a sense of humor. From there, as an artsy fuck slightly smarter than midbrow, you want to assess her general knowledge base and competency. If she's competent, you're golden. Just let her talk and ask smart questions. Share relevant theory and try to show rather than tell. Build some rapport and ask her out promptly. If she isnt competent, you have another opportunity to demonstrate your value and can schedule specific times to meet her.

Now will this magically lure a female to your bedroom? Nope. But it will give you a shot. For example, I was on the train by the local fine arts school. I commented that the painting a girl was carrying gave me Kandinsky vibes, which caught her attention and demonstrated my value. We got to talking about early modernism, my specialty, and I showed her a few of my favorite paintings on my phone while she showed me a few of hers. Eventually I made a joke about how all great artists were drunks in reference to muh boi francis bacon and asked her what her plans were. She said she was busy tonight, I suggested tomorrow at a known hipster bar, and we spent the night smoking cigarettes and drinking highballs. It's all heavily structured because I learned human interaction second hand, but with enough practice it just comes effortlessly.

>> No.23096917

all right mate i wasn't inviting you to get on your soapbox

>> No.23096924

Thinking about joining the army or becoming a cop

>> No.23096942

I hereby offer you an invitation to get on your soapbox

>> No.23096950

After 10 years of driving shitboxes, I saved up enough to buy a decent car that wouldn't constantly break down on me. I had it for about 3 weeks before it was stolen and totalled because it was part of some fucking tiktok challenge. I fucking hate my life and nothing goes right. If I didn't have insurance I'd blow my brains out.

>> No.23096964

>tiktok challenges could be here
>I HATE tiktok challenges

>> No.23096977

---- Solaria ----

One gets so used to being
Wrapped within interiors of exquisite care

That a second nature takes over, and civilizes
The very atmosphere.

It feels like dish in broadest daylight,
Better than labyrinthian

Dreams at night, cuisines, everything in the way of mastery

Of circumstance where the mind has play.

>> No.23097075

I drink em every night
I open up so wide
I keep it very tight
I know just what it
Takes to create
One whole picture
In my face

>> No.23097100

In 2021 something happened that I can only describe as my mind getting invaded. I can distinctly recall that something went very wrong on a random day of that year, as if I suddenly stopped existing in the present. My personality didn't switch but I started thinking more and more about the future and this induced a variety of changes later on. I was already in college at that time, studying to become a researcher in the field of biochemistry. When the change happened I went mad during months and started making tons of plans to ensure my career would work out. At the time I was with my ex girlfriend who had noticed my sleep schedule was getting weird and I stopped going to classes. In my mind, my year was fucked a few months in and I decided to repeat my 3rd year of college in order to get better grades. In my country, the first semester of the third year of college is the most important. That's when they decide they will let you in their masters courses or not. So I had to repeat it in order to get the best masters. The one that would get me a stable employment that a PhD in Biochemistry didn't offer.

I repeated my year, my girlfriend of 5 years left me, and I found another. That's when things started getting fucky. I loved my new girlfriend but I couldn't see myself in the future with her. So I left her, and at the same time got very good grades and entered the very best Masters in my field, in my country. You probably don't see anything wrong here but I was always a guy who said stuff like 'No time like the present!' before. I was never a good student, and I was always indecisive. I did two things out of character that year. My friends started to notice I wasn't reaching out anymore. I was too focused on my studies.

Then I got into my masters, and the fuckery got on and on. I prioritized my relationships based on who I would talk to more than five years in the future. I kept my relationships cordial but I didn't truly give a shit about anyone unrelated to my field, which is very specialized. I stopped responding to calls from people in my old city.

I gained interests in finance, and in fields which were going to gain tractions in the future. I made calculations for housing affordability in my country, and decided I had to leave because the salaries here were rock-bottom compared to other countries. Some people here get in debts for 20 years for an apartment they could have afforded in 5 years by working in the US or in Australia. By this point I was too far gone, I think. Things didn't click anymore, people talked to me but I was already seeing myself elsewhere years into the future.

They talked to me about politics, new series they were on, their shitty job, taxes. Some info was useful but at least 80% of what was said was useless to me. Everything was getting useless. They were just people standing in front of my goals. Nothing else mattered. Now I'm a bit farther in time and I know this foreign influence turned me into a bastard.

>> No.23097124

Things are still wrong and fucky but I feel like I woke up from a fever dream. I am smarter than I ever was, mentally tougher and more masculine than I ever was, but also riddled with anxiety. Although I recognize this way of life is powerful and get things done, I don't like the person I became. I feel like this is an act of God. This beckoning was transformative, and useful for the future of children I don't have yet, but I need to change my ways. I need to pray, because I am now confident that this path will only lead me to self destruction.

>> No.23097153

always wanna ball
never wanna fall

>> No.23097232

---- Solaria ----

Jokes aside, I wonder what a guy like him
Would make of afternoons completely unconcerned

In lawns where toad choruses whirr llke star clusters do via telescopes
Refined as the site implies.

It's one thing to pun, another to be poetry.

>> No.23097264


>> No.23097302

So my employer sent me a w2 with bad information. I have to file my amended return with a W2C. The irs rejected my amended filing. They're saying there is incorrect information I need to fix but won't tell me what information is incorrect. I don't know what to fucking do

>> No.23097322

does america have a citizens advice bureau

>> No.23097333


>> No.23097370

Yeah, it's called /adv/

>> No.23097373

Oral fixation. Ngmi

>> No.23097420

Loser here. I've been thinking about nudity lately.
I think nudity in non-sexual contexts is a greater hallmark of intimacy than non-stop sex and arousal. When I was younger I fixated on the sexual parts of romance and intimacy, but now I think that having someone who is simply comfortable being naked around me and being around me while I'm naked, without any lewdness, would do a great deal for my self-esteem and ability to relate to others. It's an oddly comforting idea for me, considering how long I've been using porn and immersing myself in oversexualized mental landscapes.
Sometimes in the past I've found myself simply admiring the clean aesthetic beauty of the female form without really getting horny. It's fleeting and rare but in those times I get the same feeling as when I read a lovely poem or see a fine painting; I find myself wondering how much beauty I overlook due to the crude, quick sexuality I've developed and if it's too late to ameliorate this part of myself, to make straight this crooked thing.
I wonder if nudity in the Garden of Eden was a little like this feeling. Before the shame of Adam came upon mankind, was he able to see simple beauty and harmony in his other?
Anyway, you can tell I'm a lonely virgin because I think this kind of likely-naïve stuff and blogpost about it. Thanks for reading.

>> No.23097431

How adorable.
Yeah I agree non-lewd intimacy is way more intimate.

>> No.23097551

my penis will be my downfall

>> No.23097600

the way this whole shit works is so insane man. i dont fucking get why it still works this way or how its more free, fair, or liberating. yeah i guess you can game the system. but then you have to spend the time even thinking of it. for some fucking nonsense

>> No.23097635

My insomnia is so bad that I think I will probably kill myself.

>> No.23097677

why can't you exile from society gracefully

>> No.23097705

>talking with parent
>disagree with them on something
>they say "stop yelling" even though they are speaking louder than you

>> No.23097714

Because there are a lot of federal buildings that remain, to this very day, unexploded.

>> No.23097726

I had a pretty rough time after Dad committed suicide back in 2020 but I am genuinely feeling good this year. Better than I can ever remember feeling. I still dream about him a lot but I feel like I’ve come to terms with his absence. I’ve been working as a lawyer since last year and the work is getting more interesting as I climb the greasy pole. The work is challenging and the hours can get pretty intense but I feel like I can succeed and my team is happy with me.
One day I think I will put this into memoirs or a diary, but for now this thread is pretty much the only place/person I told about this.

>> No.23097734

any books/manuals on exiting neet life and rentering the matrix

>> No.23097742

don't kill yourself. just get a job with flexible hours and sleep whenever you want, bro. my life has never been better than now. I can wake up and go to work exactly when I want and it's such a blessing. I don't feel like dying anymore for a fucking job. I still do my hours

>> No.23097749
File: 2.20 MB, 1664x1137, zzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Veteran finds solace in the archetype. Upon ETS he is untethered, loses the foundation of himself—if he was careless enough to build it on quicksand. You need to move through the quicksand of the Army with high knees and your eyes firm on the horizon. Incorporate the essence of the experience into your character, but construct a scaffolding of personality beyond the tired symbols and simulacra. Don’t wear shirts with crossed rifles and don’t carry a backpack build for static-line jumps. Beware acorns.

>> No.23097758

why are women such whores

>> No.23097775

>t. Not a boot admirer

>> No.23097782

I am sorry you lost him.

>> No.23097788

i don't like being tantalized in public

>> No.23097793 [DELETED] 

Should I smoke meth?

>> No.23097794


is it true that everybody hates vegans?

>> No.23097806

That's why women shouldn't be allowed in public

>> No.23097815

>why are women such whores
because, a long time ago, men killed all the ones who fought back too hard against being raped

>> No.23097817

can't believe i spent the last few years believing if only semi sarcastically that i could experience the kind of life lead by uncle ted and forest anon

>> No.23097835
File: 63 KB, 508x480, niggerness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate niggers SOOO much; I just simply disdain niggers. I loathe niggerdom. I see niggers everywhere. I see wops as niggers that fucked Greeks, and Arabs as niggers that fucked kikes, spics as niggers that fucked injuns, gooks as niggers that fucked Turks, everywhere I look I see niggers, I go outside, I smell niggers. I hear niggers emanating from every microphone, a cacophony of niggerness deafens me. I see nigger noses and nigger lips shaped clouds floating around in the nigger sky, and that makes me hate my nigger God, and long for a caucasian meteorite to land in the center of africa, where the nigger eviscerating blast will fall in south africa, rise to southern europe, and wash ashore at the steppes of west china. I hope that shrapnel from the blast is scattered across the black neighborhoods of North America, and all of niggerdom is scourged with raining lava, I hope all njgger destinations are the leash leading niggers to extinction. Gawd, I HATE NIGGERS!!!!!

>> No.23097841

The daily starting point of each individual, their life journey began anew each time they sat down to eat a bowl of cereal, just as the world would begin anew each day with the rising sun. We must then choose how we will go about the course of our day and make decisions in real time. Rather than wasting time, we should "touch grass" and go outside. When we engage with the outside world, we begin to reflect on the meaning of our own existence, how we define ourselves, and how we relate to our surroundings. By grappling with these existential questions, we can begin to create a more meaningful life for ourselves, finding purpose and fulfillment in the world around us. Outdoor exploration encourages us to break free from the confines of everyday life, and to discover new possibilities for meaning and purpose, both within ourselves and in the world.

>> No.23097855

Hello sirs. I am from India. Please, respect our people.

>> No.23097864

I can bench 105

>> No.23097871

>black neighborhoods

>> No.23097880


>> No.23097949

I was reading online that apparently the avg first age of masturbation is like 12 yrs old for boys. That can't be right, i remember the 1st time i did was like 15 or 16
The idea of doing it so young is unthinkable to me. Now I am starting to question if theres something wrong with me

>> No.23097950

The total denial of the Will of Live requires a superhuman asceticism; it requires a supreme effort—focus and determination, without any hope of recognition or respite. Pain is the reward. Suffering is the fruit of the labor. Starvation is a mirror that focuses the laser of suffering onto a point, in the stomach. Travis was over seven feet tall and weighed just over two-hundred pounds when I met him in Liffey Valley. I watched as he withered under the yellow lights of the factory, like a stalk of corn under the merciless Sun, resolute and banal. He endured. He suffered, and he watched.
Photoresist is not sensitive to the wavelength of yellow light. Waves of light at five-hundred eighty nano-meters won’t break the chemical bonds of the resist. So that is the medium we work in, for the sake of production. And so we work under the yellow haze of the false Sun in the windowless Fab during the full twelve hours of night, and we leave and sleep and return again as the Sun sets or as the rainclouds go black. The Fab is a mile long and a half a mile wide, spilt in the middle by a firewall. One side—the yellow side—is dedicated to lithography.
Lithography’s genealogy starts in Vietnam. There was a bridge Uncle Sam dropped a thousand bombs on and never hit. Eventually he asked Texas Instruments for help (before their calculator PR rebrand) and they slapped a chip on a seven hundred fifty-pound bomb and revolutionized war. Now anything can be hit with a bomb, no problem. Of course, the arms race continues. When my will to labor faulters, I can always summon the chinks as a motivating enemy to spur me onwards, to optimize the polarization of the lens, to dial in the stage accuracy of the stepping exposure. I always be able to rely on War as real and foundational, at least.

>> No.23097969 [DELETED] 

Vietnam guard duty. Daydreams of home burgers. Cracking dirty jokes. Acting unfazed. Ambush hits. Buddy drops. I freeze, a helpless witness. Medic says "sucking chest wound," absolving me. Guilt lingers, chased for years. Almost paid with my life.

>> No.23097987
File: 40 KB, 641x527, 1699165857277055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, in a bad way or Ina good way anon?

>> No.23097991

I'm guessing it depends on your relationships. I masturbated for the first time around age 8. My brother who was 11 or 12 at the time showed me stuff and told me how to do it. He didn't abuse me or anything, it was just like watching together that one time. I remember my first orgasm and how nothing went out when I came. Bro thought I was lying but I was just too young to have sperm lmao. I didn't masturbate again till I was 11 or 12 perhaps. It was like rediscovering fire.

>> No.23098002

Good way

>> No.23098003

I will always be able to rely on War as real and foundational, at least. From the mist of the vaporized bridge, an industry emerged—Intel, NVIDIA, AMD, TSMC, ASML, Nikon, TEL, Micron, Cymer, ect. Factories in Oregon, Arizona, Israel, Ireland, Taiwan obviously, Malaysia, and so on. I was on an assignment in Ireland, a total trailer-park of a country—more of a tax-haven than a country, at least I had a reason to start reading that fecalpheliac Joyce. This is where I met the sage Travis. This is where I watched him transcend suffering, and desire. He suffered so quietly. A silent nuclear implosion.

>> No.23098047

Hallo Julia. Du geheimnisvoller, verführerischer und einsamer Elf. Ihre Anwesenheit ist ein elektrischer Strom. Es fühlt sich gut an. Ich habe dich erröten lassen. Du kannst mich auch mit einem intimen Blick oder einer Frage zum Erröten bringen. Ich möchte mich präventiv distanzieren, denn ich bin ein hoffnungsloser Pessimist.

>> No.23098050
File: 489 KB, 500x764, 1699755471369901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no good way for niggers

>> No.23098056
File: 38 KB, 685x421, stop dwelling in nostalgia the world wasn't better when you were a kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really couldn't care about learning anything, I don't trust anyone past, present or future anyways.
That being said I want to stop sounding dumb so I would like to read stupid things I can stupidly repeat wrongly to people who don't know any better and can't correct me for getting it wrong.
Philosophy, history, religion, wathever. Just drop your recommendations and I'll check it out

>> No.23098099

I like them

>> No.23098102

I only want to read books under 100 pages from now on but I want really good shit

>> No.23098107

A penis sticks its head around the corner, looking at you

>> No.23098121

I would rather be hurt by you than loved by anyone else

>> No.23098125

only because you don't live anywhere near them

>> No.23098126

Thanks Anon. The day the homicide squad showed up to tell me he was gone was probably the worst day of my life so far. But it’s like God realised I was getting too much of the short end of the stick and made the rest of my life a lot easier.

>> No.23098129

I'm going to write it, even it's too complex, ambitious and pointless. I'm not going to make any money with this, it's obvious, but I've been postponing it for 5 years, and I can't stop thinking about it. It gets more complicated everyday. Sometimes I think, why even bother writing something nobody will read. But I know that I will go mad if I don't.

>> No.23098134

I'm gonna die before finishing this goddamn book

>> No.23098136

finish it out of spite and then die

>> No.23098206 [DELETED] 

I was doing guard duty in Vietnam. Dreaming about the burgers we'd order back home. Telling dirty jokes. Pretending we weren't scared shitless. There was an ambush. My buddy hit the floor. I just stood there like an idiot till he bled out. Medic told me it wasn't my fault. Called it a sucking chest wound. But I couldn't take the guilt. And I ran from that mistake for years. Almost died from it.

>> No.23098344

>procure mysterious artsy intellectual egirl that men project onto and worship and obsess over
>make her eat my ass and touch herself for hours while begging for permission to cum
Any books for this feel?

>> No.23098521

Just start a t-shirt company, bro.

>> No.23098533

Are you me?

>> No.23098570

Why do I suddenly see the term "parasocial relationsip" everywhere?

>> No.23098597
File: 182 KB, 1440x1795, brittne-jackson-v0-lelcypgnl24b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to finish writing 15k words by the end of the day
i can't stop jerking it to niggers
i have no food in the fridge
my father called me twice but i didn't pick up because i was afraid he'd derail me from work but i've already been derailed by my dog having diarrhea and having to clean up after him
this retarded upstairs neighbor is DRILLING yet again for the 2109129012th time just this year alone
what a day already, and it's barely noon

>> No.23098645
File: 104 KB, 750x955, 1688174077003195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend of 10 years started living at my place with his girlfriend half a year ago. Due to the nature of his work he was gone for two weeks every month and I was left alone with his gf. One netflix session the tension got too heavy and we ended up making out.

We kept hooking up the next two months. We told each other it didn't mean anything and I believed that. I didn't have much experience before that point, so I was easily hooked, but I didn't intend on following through with her any further. I kept letting her know that there's no good relationship that we can build on a foundation of fucking someone else over, and that I'm not gonna be with her. She talked a lot about how I was a good listener, and she really opened up to me. Whenever I talked with her she didn't know what she wanted, but she kept assuring me their relationship issues have nothing to do with me and her hooking up on the side.

They broke up and my friend found out about us going behind his back. He moved out and she assured me she does not see herself with my friend anymore. I let her stay with me because it seemed she needed to not be alone, and she does not have many close people in her life.

I made a decision to try and build a relationship with her, on the assumption we can work through things together. She seems to have moved past the situation somewhat, but I lost an entire friends circle due to my actions and every day being with her is like making the decision to give them up again. She makes me forget about all of that, and I'm happy when I'm with her. But every time I'm alone I'm filled with guilt.

On one hand I feel like a relationship that survives such a start would be one of a kind, like giving up someone who loves me is a waste I might regret. I feel if we force through some rough patches we might end up happy in the end. I'm also worried what breaking up with her will leave her with. I ended up caring about her a lot. I really like her, even though I never saw us as a couple.

On the other hand I feel like I should be proud of someone I'm with, and because of how we got together the whole world including my conscience is telling me I'm in the wrong being with her. My friend she was with originally is having a really difficult time because of us, and a lot of people have cut me off. She deserves someone ready to sacrifice the world for her, and even though I made a decision to do that what I have to give up on seems too big a chunk of my past for me to forget entirely. It seems like a part of myself I shouldn't forget.

Any thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the rant and thanks for listening

>> No.23098680

you're a fucking loser and you're going to get what you deserve, i promise you that

>> No.23098690

Isn't that the just-world hypothesis?

>> No.23098691

Your girlfriend is a whore. You're an untrustworthy piece of shit. How do you think it's gonna end? Pro-tip: neither one of you is likely to forget these very basic facts about who you are.
If you want good helpful advice which you won't follow and have no ability to, then cut her off immediately and move away from your friends and remove them out of your life. Sooner or later you might meet a woman who isn't a whore, but she is likely to dump you or begin to severely distrust you once she hears from your friends what kind of person you really are (oh, and believe me, they'll make sure she will).

>> No.23098696

no it's more to do with the fact that you got rid of your friends for a whore
once a whore, always a whore
and you sound like a normalfag who has a social life and is dependent on friends so i think once she betrays you too and ruins your life and you have no one to fall back on you'll probably kill yourself
these types of relationships don't have happy endings unless the man is an absolute chad who knows what he's doing, and you sound like a stupid little faggot who got manipulated into destroying his own life and isolating himself with only one incredibly fucked-up person, good job

>> No.23098746

Not even that anon but you're neurotic. Find peace.

>> No.23098770

>calling out basic things as they are makes you neurotic
oh yeah, saying that dating a cheating whore is going to have a bad end is neuroticism that totally goes against the reality of a near-infinite amount of successful marriages that came out of infidelity, retard

>> No.23098775

>dating a cheating whore is going to have a bad end
You can communicate that without writing 4 different neurotic rants about it.

>> No.23098785

they're not neurotic and they're not rants, retard
i'm sorry you feel called out by them, but that's not my problem, go to reddit if you want to get pats on the back for doing horrible shit

>> No.23098793

>i'm sorry you feel called out by them
I don't. This is just part of your neuroticism where you imagine scenarios in your head to obsess and fume at.
I've been cheated on by two different partners and don't agree with it.
If you want to choose to let imaginary scenarios plague you and occupy space in your mind for hours then so be it.

>> No.23098802

>I've been cheated on by two different partners and don't agree with it.
what does that have to do with being a cheater
the original poster didn't get cheated on, are you retarded?
dumb phoneposter

>> No.23098806

Just tried browsing Reddit for 10 minutes. It was horrible.

>> No.23098807

Thats a lot to deal with. I hope things get better for you. Self isolation can be tough habit to break. I have suggestions but I think they would probably sound horrible to someone in your current state. I will say that the things you say in the first part of your post are pretty normal for people that are barely sated with their situation as a whole. If you think of your total being as just being contented enough to keep going it makes sense that any little discomfort or inconvenience is going to push you over the line to not wanting to keep going, if that makes sense. Anyway, feel better brother.

>> No.23098810
File: 37 KB, 157x176, 4536345674567789789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lit is now adv

>> No.23098813

>4 posts of neurotic "cheating bad!!!! kill urself!!!!" ranting
>"you think I'm neurotic for my neurotic rants so you must be a cheater or cheater-enabler who wants back-patting from reddit!!!!"
>"so you're not actually a cheater or cheater-enabler? what does that have to do with anything?"
You're either a troll, on the wildest drugs imaginable, or have a brand new strain of autism. Seek help.

>> No.23098814

How should you get over the sense of having made mistakes and wasted your 20s?

>> No.23098816


>> No.23098818

You should do it. Wet napkins that refuse their will to power over the morality spook deserve the hell they find themselves in. Every. Single. Time. At least choose your shit hole pussy.

>> No.23098820
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm clinically exhausted from being so horny all the time. I can't take this shit anymore.

>> No.23098826

>existence, as any other process, can be either finite or infinite, no third option given
>finite existence suggests futility of one’s life’s achievements in the face of eternal oblivion which comes after
>infinite existence suggests the same, except via the sands of time grinding any tower you’d build back to nothing, eventually
This logic is absolute and perfectly coexists with any atheistic or religious concept. Am I wrong for thinking this? And if not, why has it not been widely accepted as a fundamental truth yet?

>> No.23098827

i'm older and unmarried, and every sight of a wedding ring, or mention of husband or wife, or seeing the word married, is an arrow through my <3

>> No.23098830

Write what's on your mind threads have been a thing for ages. It used to be worse than this. There was a point where 75% of the catalog was off-topic /r9k/ incel diary posting followed by "any books for this feel?" instead of the 10% it is today.

>> No.23098832

Today is international language day. What’s some good courses on Scots Gaelic - the language on my moms side?

>> No.23098833

>Thats a lot to deal with. I hope things get better for you. Self isolation can be tough habit to break. I have suggestions but I think they would probably sound horrible to someone in your current state. I will say that the things you say in the first part of your post are pretty normal for people that are barely sated with their situation as a whole. If you think of your total being as just being contented enough to keep going it makes sense that any little discomfort or inconvenience is going to push you over the line to not wanting to keep going, if that makes sense. Anyway, feel better brother.

>> No.23098835

>existence, as any other process, can be either finite or infinite
Meaning what, exactly?
It seems like you're applying the human experience of time to things beyond its scope and using that to justify some kind of lame nihilism without having done any kind of real metaphysics to justify it.

>> No.23098842

accept your past and bet grateful for what you have. Move forward, and mistakes are part of being humen

>> No.23098849

Meaning no thought, action or inaction has any permanence in the world. I am not implying any nihilism, for “sense” might very well be a human-exclusive concept
>without having done any kind of real metaphysics
Do you choose to speak in oxymorons, or does it just happen naturally?

>> No.23098852

Spittin' straight facts

>> No.23098869

For years now the internet has been one circular human centipede of regurgitated content. A Möbius strip of shit being re-digested ad infinitum. Copies of copies. Simulacra preceding the hyperreal. I now must listen to my father regurgitate decade old memes and ideas posited by rodents on 4chan. Pretty funny, and pretty boring. The life of a precursor. Hearing my old man say 'Doom-scrolling' without a hint of irony makes me chuckle as I load the .357 hollow point and start taking the slack out of the trigger.

>> No.23098902

Drinking coffee as I shit. Time management.

>> No.23098904

It is secondary literature that creates primary literature, and not the other way around.

>> No.23098906

History of philosophy books (Russel and Durant are the common ones), overview of common terms and cultural context is all you really need to bullshit effectively. You should also pick up a discrete math structures text book that teaches simple proofs and logic, if for nothing else then to make a proof that looks formally coherent if someone calls you out and runic if someone asks to see what you are claiming on paper. After that its all about performance. If you want hippy chicks to want your dick get a copy of the Bhagavad Gita, a book of zen koans and maybe some haiku books (the koan books are all the same, the haiku books are all the same. Just pick ones that sound deep and memorize them so you can flash them at ladies while imagining you are flashing them your cock).

>> No.23098924

There is nothing more damaging to the perception and understanding of the arts than mainstream high art.

>> No.23098928

You should do that thing where people chop their books up into <100 page chunks and read them sporadically to make them seem like a series of shorter works instead of one novel. In other words, tiktokify your feature film senpai.

>> No.23098963
File: 79 KB, 1000x1021, 3d-wall-art-words-intended-for-most-up-to-date-modern-wall-decor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that opening scene of the sopranos where Tony is staring at that little statue in melfi's waiting room but instead it's one of these dreadful wall hangings that's just words

>> No.23098967

Every day it gets harder to deal with the noise, and people's voice is the worst of them.
It's enough to hear someone talking while I'm trying to focus to ruin everything I'm doing.

>> No.23098975

cheating is bad, you retarded coping faggot
and i never told him to kill himself, lol, i said he would as a result of his choices
and yes, i do believe you're having some hysterics because you got triggered by the substance of my post, not because you give a shit about the tone, which is identical to half the board (you even you'd me in a post that wasn't mine)
so i'll take it you're a disgusting immoral slimeball yourself who is flailing because you feel called, otherwise, what's the issue? you're responding to me multiple times over because i used bad words? what are you, a fucking soccer mom?
you dumb unquestionably tilted nigger

>> No.23098979

I am convinced that with some motivation I could easily self-induce psychosis. Probably the thing I will do instead of killing myself. Maybe I will create something fun then.

>> No.23098980

History of philosophy books (Russel and Durant are the common ones)
yeah and both are dogshit redditor tier garbage that strawman the fuck out of philosophies they don't like and strongly misrepresent them
maybe you wanna recommend him some sam harris or dawkins to go with that shit

>> No.23098986

I thought the whole point was to be a guy that can bullshit? Why would he read good, challenging material for that? I think you missed the point.

>> No.23098990

i don't feel they're that effective for that either considering he sounds too lazy to withstand their tiresome prose
if he just wants to larp as a pseud, he can go listen to some eric weinstein podcasts and a few episodes of in our time

>> No.23098996

In other words I agree with you that they are shit, but they are easy to digest for the sake of pretending to be smart to an audience that doesn't know any better.
>maybe you wanna recommend him some sam harris or dawkins to go with that shit
Maybe I do, would it make anon a better "intellectual" bullshit artist? I haven't read them.

>> No.23099001

It’s not that simple though is it? Obviously, it’s understood that the past has to be accepted but actually doing and then identifying a path forward is the hard part.

>> No.23099005

>Maybe I do, would it make anon a better "intellectual" bullshit artist? I haven't read them.
yes, it would
i guess maybe you're too young to know, but the new atheists were THE pseuds of the early 2000s
i guess i'm still extremely hung-up on hating them, like some crush you just can't get over
anyway both those books were extremely popular in those circles, especially russells since he was seen as bringing a "pragmatic" and "scientific" approach to philosophy that dispelled the "continental nonsense"
i couldn't have known at the time that russell was involved in so much sus shit throughout his life

>> No.23099007

You are probably right that there is an easier way to come off as a convincing pseud (hell, just skim wiki articles at that point) but he asked for book recs and this is /lit/, where I tend to stick to literature related recommendations if I'm going to make any at all.

>> No.23099008

German art, literature, and culture becomes a lot less interesting when you realize just how much of it was simply trying to be different from and critique France, England, and Russia. The whole of German culture is obsessed with these countries and almost nothing is organic or self-contained. So much of it is just trying to be the opposite of England, or critiquing English culture, or writing something other than what an Englishman would write.

Meanwhile, the history of the West is basically the history of France and England…

>> No.23099016

your criticism is equally valid for all the other countries, retard
russia trying to not be western europe and america
germany trying to not be england/france/russia
england trying not to be france or the hre
france trying not be italy or hre
the list goes on and on
you really think anything exists in a vacuum?

>> No.23099019

>i guess maybe you're too young to know, but the new atheists were THE pseuds of the early 2000s
I wish! Do you think that is the intellectual climate of todays college students though? I get the sense anon is trying to come off as sexually desirable for his mind to make up for what his body is lacking. So It would probably be best to cater to an appealing persona of a kind that staunch scientific types tend to overshoot with their dogmatism. Im thinking a kind if phenomenology mystic type with a grounding in material realism but with an aesthetic bent. A rebel against what he himself cant escape. Hence the recs for eastern philosophy and art.

>> No.23099025

This whole manosphere scene of every influencer (not a real man’s job btw) over the age of 40 lecturing people about how young men are still boys and what it means to be masculine and all this shit is so annoying. First of all, it demonstrates a lack of self awareness and a very level of hubris. Second, if you feel the need to talk about masculinity and define it, something has already gone catastrophically wrong in the framework of the civilization already and your gay little YouTube video is just an exercise in vanity, as if you are some guru or surrogate father. You’re making the problem worse ffs. This shit aggravates me like too wouldn’t believe. But it’s not even the Toms, Dicks, and Harry’s that care most about. What really bothers me is that this is more or less the norm seven among the civilizational so-called elite. Politicians, wealthy businessmen, and yes, even clergy, are some of the biggest losers, totally lacking in virtue, or simply don’t get it and are clinging to their boomer ideals. That’s what really bothers me. It’s the top tier being bad that gets me.

>> No.23099045

Arguably true for Russia at a point and for America at a point, but only to a degree. America was a colony, English through and through for a long time. Its most conscience dancing partner is precisely that nation with which it shares a root and even a language. And it’s never been the case with the whole of the culture. With Germany, it’s the whole of the culture. This was never the case in America or Russia or England or France or anywhere else. There are articulations of culture and civilization almost entirely self-contained and organic. There’s nothing of the sort in Germany. And in fact, Germans consistently overrate their own culture. German poets and writers are in reality not great with few exceptions. But their weird sense of German nationalism almost forces them to recognize these people as the greatest in world history, even though it’s such obvious bullshit. Germany never gave us a Shakespeare or even an Andrew Marvell. It never gave us a Joan of Arc or a Louis XIV and in fact the birthplace of German gothicism is Northern France and England. The entire dynamic is encapsulated in this one particular architectural dynamic. The only nation that was ever worse in any regard was Italy and only during the Renaissance. It’s like Germany took up the torch after the Renaissance ended.

>> No.23099076

>There are articulations of culture and civilization almost entirely self-contained and organic.
give me an example of one of these for any of the countries you picked, because i don't see what you mean
i just feel your entire post comes across as chauvinistic and not at all fair or balanced
it would be one thing if you told me, well, anon, for according to these parameters i've set i think we could objectively say germany doesn't meet x, y, z, at least by my parameters
but it doesn't feel like you're doing that, it just feels like you're using your familiarity with anglo culture to try and shit on german culture (which i'd argue is also a lot newer, germany really is comparable more to romania and italy in this respect, as it wasn't a nation for as long and france and england)
the fact that you don't list any country i wouldn't think off of the top of my head only strengthens my suspicion that you're coming at this with a certain kind of vendetta at worst or a strong bias at best
if you told me that you don't think germany has some unique organic elements of its own, but you think they exist in AZERBAIJAN or LEBANON, i'd be tempted to think you've thought the question through thoroughly and actually have a substantial thing to say
but in the way you're presenting it, it's hard not to feel you're going by very arbitrary criteria based exclusively on your personal feelings of antipathy towards germany

>> No.23099104

even though i'm losing, doesn't make me a loser

>> No.23099113

Crazy to think how different my life would've been if I'd had been 5 kg lighter in school. I'd have been more attractive to the girls in my school and would've received more love and attention from them which would've set this foundation in my head that I was worthy of love just by being me right in those important initial years. That would've made all the difference. I wouldn't have had to suffer all the emotional pain I've felt in my adult years.

>> No.23099125

something to that.
but i think fat people in general are happier, calmer. think about what fat is, it's a layer of protection around your body. these physical features affect your mental. why do people get fat in the first place? they've had trauma and start eating, they're subconscious is like 'you can't hurt me now'. being fat seems to me to be healthier.
still, i'm not gonna do it.

>> No.23099131

yeah i think your lack of affection may have more to do with you being a demented faggot than being 5 kg overweight

>> No.23099142

you can be a demented faggot and girls still like you if you're goodlooking trust me

>> No.23099148

Obviously lmao, you negative reading comprehension level based retard
almost like you read my entire post and then forgot the first sentence by the end

>> No.23099149

not even remotely true as evidenced by most of the demented faggots like you posting on /fit/
in fact i'm willing to bet i could time travel to your school days and find a guy who got more attention from girls who was uglier than you, more overweight than you, and dumber than you
have you considered that you might have an extremely detestable personality that makes others not want to be around you?

>> No.23099157

not really, since you're implying you got this way because of not being 5 kg lighter and trying to delude yourself into thinking you being a disgusting piece of shit now has anything to do with your high school experience when it probably has a lot more to do with your parents and your early childhood

>> No.23099167

happened to me.
got a trendy haircut and lost weight in the ~1 year since i last used to go out a lot and now girls are asking for my snap (don't have) & telling my friends (barely have) i'm fit.

>> No.23099175

i'm glad that from your subjective perspective it feels like that's the only thing that caused it, unfortunately objective reality and countless examples of obese fat fucks managing to get girlfriends kinda goes against that
this inceltalk is extremely tiresome

>> No.23099184 [DELETED] 

>this inceltalk is extremely tiresome
reddit might be more your speed

>> No.23099185

>this level of projection
lmao thanks mate, your retardation legit made me smirk, cheers

>> No.23099186

i'm not an incel at all at this point. i've no doubt being charming and nice and loveable is the key to meeting a lot of girls
but i also know for a fact if you look good, you sort of get away with murder

>> No.23099191

can't tell if this is ugly woman or a virgin fag posting, very well done

>> No.23099200 [DELETED] 

>comes into the thread spilling manchild tears about how he's not over some shit from high school
>says i'm projecting for calling him a loser
consider killing yourself
maybe it'll land you back in your harem high school fantasy faggot

>> No.23099230

i wasn't aware this thread was supposed to be for incels crying about how they can't get women
yes but you are thinking like one
the reality is that you could go back in time, get that different haircut or whatever the fuck, and still get rejected by the woman you asked out then
of course that GENERALLY being groomed, being healthy, having expendable income, etc. increases the chances of you getting a date, but presenting that as some law or implying it's the only variable is insane
especially when the people who say this are often using it as copium for the fact that they're unhinged fucking morons who probably message a girl 50 times after they've met her and spill their spaghetti all over
the fact that there's a lot of freakishly ugly men who score women AT ALL is proof that it's not that hard
yeah you're right it
why don't i do what all the hot attractive chads do and whine about how impossible it is to get women or how not getting affection from them somehow ruins my life forever
i am tired of you faggots, all of you, do understand? go fucking troon out if you are so obsessed with women and what they think, become them and get it over with

>> No.23099243

>come to a write what's on your mind thread
>write what's on my mind
>some retard complains I wrote what's on my mind
Imagine being this much of a retarded nonce lmao. Silly pathetic cuck

>> No.23099260

why are you crooked teeth such uncivilized scum?
do you think if i invite you to my house and tell you to make yourself comfortable, that means it's an invitation for you to jerk off in my aquarium or take a shit on the coffee table?
yes, it's a thread for writing what's on your mind, but it goes without saying that what's on your mind should be decent and appropriate for a public forum, not just your demented and mentally ill ravings tainted with dysphoria about how not getting a hug from some girl a decade ago turned you into the pathetic loser you are now
go fuck yourself

>> No.23099269

calm down froggy, let anon jerk off in your aquarium

>> No.23099270

bros about to spaz out, keep going you dumb fag

twofaced brainlet fags like you are worse than any lonely incel. Your insincerity is obscene, disgusting, and it's the reason every you love has ignored you

>> No.23099273

Indeed, they must lead a sad and pathetic life. I think they should kill themselves also.

>> No.23099279

like with boys, looks are probably (obviously?) most important aspect (at first anyway).
>fucking morons who probably message a girl 50 times after they've met her and spill their spaghetti
i've been with girls while coming down off coke, being sooo awkward, acting autistic af and they still want to sleep with you

>> No.23099281 [DELETED] 

>i wasn't aware this thread was supposed to be for incels
It's ok that you didn't know, but now you have to go back.

>> No.23099285

Father just died and I'm sleeping alot more now. I think this church I go to doesn't necessarily have any good answers for the bible as a non denomination church and seems like it's just wanting money two times a week.

>> No.23099289

I will, you cunt. I will shit all over your floor, on your mother, and into you mouth. Your sister, who already hates you, will fuck me in front of your eyes as I stuff her cum stained panties into your throat.

>> No.23099309

lol do you honestly think that i would find that insulting
fucking bongers
>it's the reason every you love has ignored you
i'm married
it wasn't hard to do either
keep coping you mentally ill shitskin, i'm sure if you just get abs of steel and watch enough patrick bateman videos you'll suddenly be able to pass as a quasi human being
>i've been with girls while coming down off coke, being sooo awkward, acting autistic af and they still want to sleep with you
we've had some very different life experiences, to be sure
i grew up in a strictly religious household and all the women i've ever dated were either religious or at least very well-behaved
i don't think i've ever been around any woman that's done drugs, but i believe you that they'd probably be horny
i don't drink, smoke, or do drugs, i've never even been drunk, although i'm extremely degenerate in the bedroom (as i expect most outwardly religious people are)

>> No.23099319

free protein tho

>> No.23099327

fuck i haven't had this much fun with a fag rp in a while
keep spazzing my based retard

>> No.23099335

interesting, i'm very vanilla in bed
>but i believe you that they'd probably be horny
yeah, but more often i'm coked up and the girls sober (to give you an idea of how weird i am)

>> No.23099341

I gave a couple already. Germany had no Shakespeare and not even an Andrew Marvell. It had no Charles Baudelaire, no Auguste Rodin, no Rembrandt, no Joan of Arc, not Gothic architecture of its own. It innovated basically nothing but only inherited what was already innovated in England and France but revolted against the English and French manner of it. Germans talk incessantly about Englishmen and Frenchmen and how the German being is different, but Englishmen and Frenchmen never talk this way about Germans. Nietzsche wasted plenty of ink writing about George Eliot, Charles Darwin, and Thomas Carlyle, but the analogue never wrote this way about any German.

>> No.23099346

In a weird place where I have a really, really good programming job and an a borderline NEET because they pay me 6 figures to do basically nothing, but I am still miserable because it’s not really what I want to do with my life and I have this nagging sense that somehow this experience makes it harder to get to that point, like I just haven’t suffered enough. I’ve been thinking about quitting to become a cop or something.

>> No.23099348
File: 72 KB, 400x400, 1706740785673848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're coping pretty hard nigel
sad to see it

>> No.23099351

>this level copium
poor guy, must've been stressed at wagey job
go let your tranny wife peg your cute bussy and let off your steam xoxo

>> No.23099355

>but more often i'm coked up and the girls sober (to give you an idea of how weird i am)
does that make it better to have sex or worse
the idea of having sex with a woman who is drugged out of her mind is very hot conceptually, but i'm afraid it wouldn't be as hot irl if she starts puking or pissing herself

>> No.23099358

Germans call Germany the land of philosophers and poets, which is ironic considering that to non-Germans there are few philosophers of note and almost no poets.

>> No.23099360

Based based keep replying fag

>> No.23099361

>are few philosophers

>> No.23099363

Bit bored, stuck in the bus. How are you guys doing?

>> No.23099365
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i will
you know if you became a catfag you'd lose a lot of this anger you're carrying around
do they let you own cats in your shitty police state or do you need ten licenses for that?

>> No.23099366

worse for her i bet.
maybe i'm gay, but how much i like going to bed with someone depends on if i'm in love.
never had a girl be sick on me. a girl has asked me to piss in her mouf before.

>> No.23099372

sitting behind you
waiting to strike at the right opportunity

>> No.23099380

no that's not gay at all
i'm pretty sure gay guys feel the opposite of that, as they'd fuck anything that moves, most of them anyway
there are a few special snowflake fags out there who are even more picky and annoying than women

>> No.23099389

yes yes yes keep going my slave

>> No.23099419

> Germany has produced no English poets for US English poets
> therefore Germany has never had poets of any sort
On a scale of retarded nationalism from 1 to ten, you rank eleven.

>> No.23099432

Not him but you're fucking stupid mate

>> No.23099439

it had luther, hegel, it had marx, it had hitler
none of which i can see if i go look at american history
of course i could probably even give you more if i knew more about german culture (i don't), but it's clear you're just choosing things arbitrarily
>It innovated basically nothing
that's just demonstrably untrue and it makes you look astoundingly stupid saying it
>but the analogue never wrote this way about any German.
so? is this supposed to mean something? obviously germans were insecure, and for good reasons, they aren't an old nation and most of them had a pretty good inkling that the rest of europe feared/despised them and wanted them destroyed
i mean i bet if you take any author today from any country on earth he'd undoubtedly be referencing american culture because that's exported throughout the whole world, does that mean his work is valueless because there his american counterpart isn't mentioning whatever the fuck tv show is made in the other country?
you're free to believe whatever you want and this isn't really a debate, but you should know i find your line of argumentation laughably chauvinistic and borderline delusional

>> No.23099443

Are you the petite and cute girl to my right, or the swarthy indian to my left?

>> No.23099445

Women love fat guys they just hate short guys because they can’t think logically

>> No.23099447

these brown hands will never tell

>> No.23099448 [DELETED] 

I think he's right. IT makes sense to me. I think you guys are being a bit overly sensitive. You prove his point by only naming philosophers/theologians and political figures.
You're being all emotional about it, I don't understand why. You wrote all that text, just start listing names if you're so confident.

>> No.23099456

shut it mate no one cares

>> No.23099460

i mean if his argument was only about literary merit then i'd have to defer while remaining suspicious, but considering he brought in fucking ARCHITECTURE of all things, i don't think it's unfair to bring up luther and marx
literally the only reason he would exclude these disciplines is because it'd completely dismantle any idea that germany is somehow inferior to england or whatever
his initial post was even an attack on germanness itself, basically saying it doesn't exist organically but is only a reactionary product of neighboring countries, which is an insane thing to say

>> No.23099467
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>> No.23099475

keep my finger on the trigger see them folks unspool my loads

>> No.23099477

ah a brit, it all makes sense why you're so disgusting to be near
fuck that makes me feel even worse for you. Enjoy being a slave to the big black great American dick for the rest of your pathetic existence

>> No.23099480

All 3 are almost perfect examples of what I’m talking about. Luther was a priest and critic of a non-German Catholicity. Hegel critiqued English enlightenment and science along with Kant. Marx critiqued capitalism as it was mainly in England.

There are no notable German artists or thinkers who weren’t merely critics of something non-German or aping something non-German. You can’t name even a single one.

>> No.23099491

I should be clear that I mean nothing innovated particularly in regard to culture, to art, literature, philosophy, etc.

There’s a difference between being influenced by some foreign artist and the basis of your own artistry being mere critique of the foreign art/artist. Germany is basically a culture of critique and revolt or merely aping. I actually can’t think of a single notable for whom this is not true.

>> No.23099493

their works aren't merely criticisms, they're all made up of new and unique ideas that came about with them alone

>> No.23099497

impressive how this loser just keeps embarassing himself like this

>> No.23099501

i aint even involved
t. eastenders anon

>> No.23099509

lol you're so triggered
and you wonder why no woman would ever want to be near you...

>> No.23099513

sad, just sad
praying for your wife bro

>> No.23099525

What was Goethe?
What was Schiller?
What was Hoffmann?
Who was Nietzsche?

>> No.23099535

They are though. In fact, writers like Nietzsche call them out by name but just because they don’t name their influence doesn’t mean it’s not an influence. The whole of German cultural output is just starting with something done in England and France and then changing it or critiquing it and there are no exceptions. Go ahead and give even one. Just one.

>> No.23099560


The principle interest is the flame within, the practical interest is the flame without. To be pushed from within and pulled from without is to know contentment.

To have a potential and an object to actualize that potential.

>> No.23099563

Goethe aped Shakespeare and Milton and critiqued English science.
Schiller critiqued Descartes and was influenced by Roussea among others.
Hoffmann, being the arch-romanticist, offered a critique of what should go without saying and his chief influences were a French emigré and British parliamentarian novelist.
Nietzsche practically dedicated Twilight of the Idols to a critique of various Englishmen including some I’ve already mentioned and many of his other writings are in the same vein.

What’s important here is the relationship. Shakespeare also had foreign influences. The difference is Shakespeare wasn’t trying to take the foreign influence and make it some uniquely English critique and version of it. Shakespeare was just being Shakespeare. The Germans consciously forced this German culture. The only other people who did that are the Americans and they did it in a totally different way and are in a different situation because they were quite literally an English colony made up of Englishmen forming a different country and so couldn’t help for it to be that way. So much of German thought is just seething about Englishmen.

>> No.23099610

You can say the same about France. They have nobody notable aside from politics/philosophy just like germans before the year 1800. Its pathetic!

>> No.23099625

> Goethe aped Shakespeare and Milton and critiqued English science
Do you have a source for that? Also Shakespeare is irrelevant anyways. I have never had any desire to read him and probably never will.
> Schiller critiqued Descartes and was influenced by Roussea among others
Schiller was a writer and poet, but nice LARP at pretending you know anything about German writers.
> Hoffmann, being the arch-romanticist, offered a critique of what should go without saying and his chief influences were a French emigré and British parliamentarian novelist
Hoffmann just wrote cozy novels about every day German upper middle class life of that time. How is that copying French faggots?
> Nietzsche practically dedicated Twilight of the Idols to a critique of various Englishmen including some I’ve already mentioned and many of his other writings are in the same vein.
He came up with lots of new ideas, like the uebermensch.
> The Germans consciously forced this German culture.
Lol we (Germanophones) don't care that much about English faggots. Most of your books are unreadable to us anyways because they aren't in German. In any way the high German language is much more beautiful and poetic than ugly English so from that point already claiming we copied from you is ridiculous. No German has ever read Shakespeare. He either reads German poets because that is enough to read one's whole life, or he is a dumb illiterate lad like this German farmer of the 18th Century:
> I listened to him in awe, tears rolled down my cheeks, and I thought I was in the company of an ancient Greek worldly sage.”

>> No.23099646

>high German language is much more beautiful and poetic than ugly English
not having that from a language that still has genders

>> No.23099650

No, and I won’t provide one. Do your own research if you don’t believe me. These are already well-known.
> Shakespeare is irrelevant
You’re just an idiot.
> Schiller was a writer and poet
Again, an idiot.
On Schiller:
> He fed his heart on Rousseau, who persuaded him that Fate had not singled him out to bear an unusual load of wretchedness, but that society was organized so unjustly that only wrong and blight could come from it.
> Hoffmann wrote cozy novels
I thought you meant ETA Hoffmann. Who did you mean? If ETA Hoffmann, his foremost influence was Matthew Gregory Lewis.
> He came up with lots of new ideas
No, he didn’t. His whole philosophy is seething about Christianity, about English civilization, and idealizing the Greeks. He quite literally calls all of these people out by name in nearly every one of his books.
> No German has ever read Shakespeare
That’s because you have a forced culture which pretends these artists didn’t just ape or critique foreigners, but they did. That’s my basic thesis. That you don’t engage with their influences or the objects of their criticism only further affirms my thesis that this is a manufactured culture of critique and replication. I’m sorry if that offends you, but I do think it’s true.

>> No.23099671

How old is too old to go to law school? Obviously, it’s never too late but it somehow feels biographically and professionally fatal.

>> No.23099674
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I've been thinking about my place in the world a lot. When I was younger I always belonged to groups of outcasts and felt as if the "normal world" wasn't for me. I also felt a sense of antagonism from that world. I feel lucky to have gotten to be a part of a world that is entirely made up by interesting people: artists, outlaws, psychonauts, drifters, hobos, mystics, visionaries, intellectuals, brawlers; all people seeking their own form of freedom. But as time went on, I yearned for a little more stability. I wanted the freedom that comes from stability, not always having to scramble and make things work. But now that I'm fully in the white collar world, I feel conflicted. I underestimated how much I'd need to keep to myself. I'm conflicted because my work life is very different than my personal life, and while I'd love for the details of my personal life to extend to my work life, I don't see that happening. And yet, my work life supports, and in a way, enabled my personal life. I guess I'm confused because I feel like a wolf in sheep's clothing that's enjoying the perks of being part of the flock, yet is still a wolf. I guess there's a little bit of cake eating/having going on.

Also I'm really enjoying Blood Meridian. McCarthy does a great job of describing landscapes and setting/maintaining a mood.

>> No.23099690 [DELETED] 

Got "trolling outside of /b/" global ban because I vehemently shat on a trolling thread (not on this board though I suspect it's likely to be the posts on this board and they used my post on another as an excuse). What's the point of the mods doing so when the very purpose of this whole site enabled by them is to be as cunty as possible on the net? Imagine making a safespace just for your exclusive flavor of assholery and get offended by other sorts of assholery.
Anyway fuck you mods. Fuck your mom's cunts in the roughest way that make your moms scream as loudly as possible. Fuck your disabled fuckface, your handicapped body, your limp dick, your enormous fat that renders you waste of human beings. Being born white is a privilege, being born a white fatfuck makes you more worthless than a pig in Guangdong China.

>> No.23099693

No genders is less complex and less complex means more dumb and retarded also kys tranny
>> Shakespeare is irrelevant
True from a German and European perspective, even if your tranny college professor told you otherwise.
> Who did you mean? If ETA Hoffmann, his foremost influence was Matthew Gregory Lewis.
Do you mean he would remember the gorillion German writers who influenced him? No, of course he only remembers the few writers France and England can offer. It's natural.
> His whole philosophy is seething about Christianity, about English civilization, and idealizing the Greeks.
What should he have written? What a great and amazing people the Germans are? Every German already knows that. And in writing that Englishmen suck he unfortunately was just telling the truth.
> That’s because you have a forced culture which pretends these artists didn’t just ape or critique foreigners, but they did
German literature started developing in the early Middle Ages already with chivalry epic poetry. But from the dawn of early modernity already great writers have been writing in Germany, like Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen, an adventure novelist read until this day.

>> No.23099739

Dude, you’re not getting it. I’m telling that the only reason you think Shakespeare is irrelevant is because of your uniquely European national autism. In reality, Shakespeare is a primary influence of your foremost writers. That’s just not even up for debate. Furthermore, I’m not suggesting that German artists aren’t influenced by Germans. I’m suggesting that at bottom, the core of German art is unique in that it basically just takes foreign art and consciously puts a German spin on it, either as critique or aping. So Nietzsche, the pre-eminent German philosopher, really just critiqued English philosophy while Goethe, the pre-eminent German poet really just aped Shakespeare, but in the case of English philosophers and English poets, the inverse of this dynamic doesn’t hold. English philosophers don’t merely offer critiques of German philosophy. In fact, they don’t particularly care about German philosophy at all. English poets don’t merely offer some aping of German poets. In fact, there are almost no notable German poets at all to an Englishman. And beyond that, culture is more than just writers and their influences and objects of criticism. It’s Rembrandt, who has no German analogue. It’s Joan of Arc, who has no German analogue. It’s Northern French Gothic architecture, which has no German analogue. Even the German culture of the early Middle Ages was running with cultural output from elsewhere. The Nibelungenlied was a Scandinavian and English story before it was ever a German poem. Von Eschenbach’s Parzifal wouldn’t have even existed were not for French and English romances that preceded it. Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen is a complete non-entity outside of Germany and were to dig into his work, I’d undoubtedly find English and French influences and objects of criticism that guided his writing.

>> No.23099777

You're blowin it man! I think shakespeare was a fuckin fag who liked men! That freak probably wanted to be othelia getting railed by that nigger othello! You should either quit being a fag, stay home and jerk off, of prove me wrong!

>> No.23099795

>No genders is less complex
the romance and germanic languages didn't have occasion to simplify themselves to the same degree.
there is no logical justification for genders. they are a decorative survival from a primitive time when the supposed sex of all concepts had to be considered for the sake of religious convention.

>> No.23099819

Idk if I agree or disagree with you or the other guy but you sound like a midwit pseud who's trying to make something out of nothing so fuck you and kys

>> No.23099825


>> No.23099829

> That’s just not even up for debate
An easy way of making made up claims without backing them up. 0/10.
> I’m suggesting that at bottom, the core of German art is unique in that it basically just takes foreign art and consciously puts a German spin on it, either as critique or aping
So let me get this straight, because two or three German authors have said to have been influenced by this or that French author, the whole of German literature is entirely based off of other cultures? This is ridiculous.
> Goethe, the pre-eminent German poet really just aped Shakespeare
Shakespeare wrote plays as far as I'm concerned he doesn't even compare to Goethe. Goethe was a true Renaissance man, after writing novels and plays of all varieties he studied philosophy and biology and even wrote a lengthy scientific treatise about plants. What was Faust?
> In fact, there are almost no notable German poets at all to an Englishman
Neither are there to Germans. You have named many German writers already so lets compare it with my knowledge about English philosophers and writers. I know about Shakespeare without ever having truly read him, David Hume whom I know nothing about but a few quotes and that Rousseau lived with him a few weeks, I can name a few scientists, and that's basically everything I get out the top of my head. Now I'm not saying that the English people are uneducated and that they have no poets and philosophers, nor that they have never had any political influence over the European continent but culturally, not so much and less than Germany.
> It’s Rembrandt, who has no German analogue. It’s Joan of Arc, who has no German analogue
Whooooo, two authors one out of wich wrote in the Middle Ages.
> It’s Northern French Gothic architecture, which has no German analogue
Germany has an own kind of architecture though. Not that it's very sophisticated but it denies your claim that Germans have copied everything from le Anglos.
> The Nibelungenlied was a Scandinavian and English story before it was ever a German poem.
Now you're going to wewuzz about Scandinavians?
Von Eschenbach’s Parzifal wouldn’t have even existed were not for French and English romances that preceded it.
Like what French and Engish romances?
Wolfram himself was aware that his writing style was new and unique and called it a
> Hakenschlagen eines Hasen auf der Flucht vor Ignoranten
Leaving you with almost nothing to back the baseless claim you just made.

>> No.23099836

So in summary dumb and low IQ language is le good while complex and intelligent language is le bad. Ok tranny.

>> No.23099839
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furthermore, there is a greater richness of prepositions in english than in any other language of western europe: for instance, german has no separation between ‘of’ and ‘from’; ‘into’ and ‘out of’ are double prepositions with no equivalent in german.

>> No.23099876

Muh prepositions
The German language remains more beautiful by being more Germanic while English is clearly a weird mix between Latin and Germanic. It also has the unique ability of composing the words into each other, an ability almost completely lost to English and most other languages.

>> No.23099943

That Goethe was heavily influenced Shakespeare is not debated by anyone. If anything, you should have to give citations to prove that he wasn’t.
My claim is that the whole of German culture amounts to seething about or aping other Europeans’ cultures. I asked you to give one example where this isn’t obviously true and you failed.
Faust was written by Englishman Christopher Marlowe more than a century before Goethe wrote it and Goethe got it from him! How do you not know this? By the way, Goethean science is nothing more than Kvetching about science as innovated by Englishmen.
The next paragraph just proves my point about German autism. You think Germans only matter but in truth they were lesser almost universally. There are no great German poets save for maybe Goethe. And even Spengler admitted that Western civilization is in reality just English civilization. The influence England had on the West and the world is so much greater than that of Germany, it’s not even funny. He is even at odds to reframe the struggle as England v Prussia because he specifically sees Germany as distinct from Prussia precisely because anything truly unique or influential came in reality from not Germany but specifically Prussia.
Rembrandt and Joan of Arc weren’t writers…
The high points of German architecture (Gothic, Baroque, Rococo, etc.) originate in what is today Belgium, France, and Italy, not Germany. Go ahead and state the uniquely German architecture that developed first in Germany. There isn’t one.
How is it we wuzzing? I’m pointing out that they got it from non-Germans. The Sigfried story was told in Norway and England before it was ever told in Germany. As for which French and English romances, how about Arthurian romance? Parsifal is quite literally a character from Arthurian romance. I will grant you that Eschenbach was a pre-eminent poet, but he got his material from elsewhere just as a matter of fact.
Every single thing you said in reply is just wrong or misguided.

>> No.23099982

> That Goethe was heavily influenced Shakespeare is not debated by anyone
Being self-allegedly influenced by someone and copying someone are two entirely different things.
> Faust was written by Englishman Christopher Marlowe more than a century before Goethe wrote it
Goethe wrote a Faust so lengthy and complex it wasn't even finished. Wich Faust is remembered until this day? Wich Faust got cinema movies and analysis?
> By the way, Goethean science is nothing more than Kvetching about science as innovated by Englishmen.
No, Goethe did science papers because he was good friends with Humboldt, a great German scientist of his time.
> There are no great German poets save for maybe Goethe
There are many German poets, greats and not so greats.
> And even Spengler admitted that Western civilization is in reality just English civilization
This is just.. it's just a ridiculous claim. It could be said that Western civilization is just French civilization, and I would admit it. The Frankish empire once reached into Spain to the West, Italy to the South and Austria and even further to the East. If someone founded Europe in it's current form, gave the raw sketches, it was the French.
Meanwhile English people were living in barbarity until the 16th Century. They didn't even have literacy until that era. Most of the cultured part of their language was taken from the French colonists who lived there. Their role in Western civilization as a whole is entirely subordinate.
> originate in what is today Belgium, France, and Italy, not Germany
So formally regions that for many Centuries belonged to the Holy Roman Empire Of German Nation.

>> No.23100310
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I've been wanting to write a story for quite some time. In fact I'd half convinced myself that I could write better than many other authors. Yesterday I indeed start writing for the first time. So far it's heavily inspired by Houllebecq's Whatever and Submission, the former especially, and John William's Stoner. Of fucking course it's much harder in practice though I managed to squeeze out 1300 words. The caveat to that is, of course, that I've leant too much on Whatever. But I'm glad I'm at least giving it a try.

Here's a snippet:
>To my dismay Charlotte was present. She would be, of course, it was her house too and she loved to drink, so much so I don’t think she had any other hobbies; I mean, other than fucking any random she bumped into whilst pissed as a newt. I don’t know what other men saw in her, physically at least. Personality-wise she was just another vain, vapid whore. She may have had big tits but I don’t imagine the vines of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon drooped as much; they were like coals in a sock. She was fat too. I may be fat as well but at least men can get away with it, she couldn’t. There was no attempt to hide it either. Cropped t-shirts only look attractive if you’re slender, not if you have an overhang. Her main attraction must, therefore, be that she has dirty blonde hair, or perhaps it was because she would take more dick than Cheney.

As I said I've leant far too much on Whatever and this is a first draft without edits but so far I'm enjoying writing an Anglo-Houllebecqian imitation.

>> No.23100395

Your writing skill is not bad, definitely better than most of the anons here (including me). Just from that it's not possible to tell if you are skilled at keeping multiple paragraphs coherent and interesting.

>> No.23100445

Thanks anon, that means a lot. Even if I am skilled, and I'm not convinced that I am as I struggle quite a lot with the descriptive elements of writing (pretty sure it's the 'tism - and never having had a creative outlet), that can only account for so much of the process.

I've decided to write a prologue (that snippet was from the first main chapter, though I've only written one chapter) but I'm not convinced, even at this stage, that I'll keep it as I don't think it's necessarily a good idea to inform the reader too much of the protagonist's backstory at the beginning.

The first paragraph of the prologue:
>I’ve always been bored, even since I was a child. It’s not like I never had anything to do, I was just always disinterested in whatever I was allowed to do. My earliest memory wasn’t one of disinterest or boredom, however, it was of my step-father placing his hand on my forehead and knocking it into the dining table. I can’t recall as to why he did it, just that he did. My recollection of him is fuzzy. He was a tall man of a pale complexion with thick luscious brown hair, much like my own, and he commonly wore a cream knitted jumper. He took my mother and I out quite a lot, often to the zoo and sometimes to the cinema. Once we arrived home, he was rarely so kind-hearted. Thankfully he wasn’t in our life for very long, at least to my recollection. At some point my mum decided she’d had enough and we left him. On the night we left we spent the night at a restorative youth hostel; she’d lied about her age.