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23098716 No.23098716 [Reply] [Original]

Did Viktor Frankl solve the meaning of life?

>> No.23098722

>book, ie a product of the media industry

atheists have no insight into anything, not even their democracy

>> No.23098724

Probably, and good book

>> No.23098739

all your posts are pretentious and dull. you are not as smart as you think

>> No.23098911

hes right atheism is sterility which is why an atheist gen is either succeeded by the religious or goes full antinatalist.

>> No.23098947

I gifted this to my dad for Christmas

>> No.23098949

why do people laud this book into heaven? It was dry and soulless psycho-jumbo-mumbo

>> No.23099428

>Treating "atheism" as a monolithic belief system, as opposed to an incredibly diverse set of perspectives and philosophies.

You will never be a reader.

>> No.23100494

I hope your joking. What a terrible gift. You better make it up to him

>> No.23100555

It was a random choice. I'm honestly too busy with myself. Most gifts are just bought as afterthoughts.

>> No.23100558

There is one atheism with different flavors, its spare ribs, same meat different sauces

>> No.23100604

I'm by far one of the best read old anons on lit. Frankl is just a secular Jew and a coward who dodged Ecclesiastes, despite it being part of his Jewish heritage, and a clearer and more meaningful explanation of life.

>> No.23101740

>you are not as smart as you think
I’m glad my catch phrases have become popular enough for others to steal them; I’ve truly made it.

>> No.23102368

Never happened and he wasn't there

>> No.23102371
File: 1.61 MB, 1000x1000, 2B7517F1-BA4C-4BB8-A847-D59165FC43FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to your containment board election tourist

>> No.23102394


>> No.23102415

>muh 60 gorillion
Truly, it is a mystery

>> No.23102419

Well good news is I bought an Edith Stein compilation for them with it

>> No.23102422

>father gifted you with existence itself
>nurtured you into adulthood
>"ya hay dad, h3res some atrocity propaganda for reasons ololol"
>"merry holidays and whatever sksksksksks"

>> No.23102592

>Still believing the Holotale

>> No.23102648

Never happened, wasn't there and even if he was their weren't as many people there as they say.

>> No.23102672

He’s my stepdad

>> No.23102675

You will never be a real Pagan. you have no goats, you have no hammers, you have no clans. You are a delusional man twisted by atheism and satan into a mockery of Christ's perfection

All the "worship" you do is two-faced and a farce. Behind your back people mock you. Your gods would be disgusted and ashamed of you, your "friends" laugh at your lackluster faith at Sunday school.

Priests are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of theology have allowed man to sniff out heretics with incredible efficiency. Even Pagans who "are faithful" look bizarre and unnatural to Christians. Your body mass index is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a Christian to convert, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a look at your moldy, stinky drinking horn collection.
You will never be faithful. You wrench out a fake "Hail Odin" every single morning and tell yourself "I will awaken in Valhalla", but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it'll be too much to bear - You'll buy a rosary, wear nice clothes, go to church and ask God for forgiveness of your sins. Your parents will find you, happy and relieved that their child has finally grown up and realized the truth. They'll embrace you with love and faith in God, and every angel for the rest of eternity will know another soul has been saved. Your hate will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your anger is a closeted skeleton that is finally buried.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. And you will turn back.

>> No.23102722

Viktor Frankl was a Christian you retard.

>> No.23103539

My "therapist" made me read this book. I remember thinking something along the lines of Frankl not going far enough, that he strips the layers of meaning down one by one and then arbitrarily stops in order to make a poignant, productive and shillable conclusion. That there's no reason to believe in Frankl's meaning and that he asserts it as a psychological foundation without ever questioning what's beneath it. Just sort of uncritical and unjustified theory, all in all.

That was a while ago though, so correct me if I'm being retarded.