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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.24 MB, 715x953, i'm troon btw : ).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23092398 No.23092398 [Reply] [Original]

stack thread
post your current stack

>> No.23092415

This is the kind of stack that implies the owner is either incredibly cringe and a complete pseud, or absolutely based. There is no middle ground.

>> No.23092429

i'm troon.

>> No.23092435

Pls anon don't cut off your penis nor take deleterious hormones. Eat well, get 8 hours of sleep, exsercise and touch grass

>> No.23092437 [DELETED] 

YWNBAW but good stack

>> No.23092442
File: 12 KB, 128x117, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le sigh
i know.

>> No.23092451

Exercise* but yeah good stack how is Spengler?

>> No.23092454

>putting something on top of a Bible
>even if it is the king james version
Ultimate cringe, op

>> No.23092459 [DELETED] 

The Bible is only interesting as a historical, literary and philosophical work. Your Canaanite sand demon isn't real and he definitely never incarnated here on Earth.

>> No.23092463

Bap lost
Varg lost
Hawkins lost

>> No.23092464

There is still time. Repent and seek the Truth

>> No.23092475

Cool stack. Check out Northrop Frye's The Great Code. It's about reading the Bible as literature and he was influenced by Spengler.

>> No.23092476

i haven't reached where he systematizes yet but he does a good job of dispelling notions of a continuous progress of knowledge
using [different] mathematics as his initial example really starts things off quickly
mostly interested in him as one of heidegger's contemporaries
le sigh
ooo ty for the rec!

>> No.23092477
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>> No.23092567
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>> No.23092600
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Some shorter stuff I’ve been reading or planning on. Still making my way slowly through Bleak House as my main read and it’s getting much better

>> No.23092604

Kill yourself, you attention-seeking faggot.

>> No.23093079

I bet you're a ghoulish freak.

>> No.23093148
File: 1.49 MB, 2464x3280, el monstruosidad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am.

>> No.23093168

Deal hunter?
Interesting. I don't know what to think about that one, I guess that's a good thing. Were those just the ones you found while hunting for new books?
That's a pretty based stack.
You're using the trans-angle to hide masculine features, but you don't look bad.
If you really did take hormones etc., you shouldn't have because you could have made it and found a real woman. You didn't have to become an AGP pervert. Now you will never be sufficient as a male and never sufficient as a female. You will be on the margins, a curiosity for other freaks. If you can turn back, do it, because you have hope.

>> No.23093189
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>> No.23093197
File: 867 KB, 1920x1080, the voidhon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're using the trans-angle to hide masculine features
i just took a pic the best i could with my front phone camera
i look even worse as evidenced by my webcam
>but you don't look bad.
yes i do i look like a freak of nature
>you could have made it and found a real woman.
why would i want that

>> No.23093213

This is not the place to talk about it anyway. I'm a transphobe btw and I oppose trannies on all fronts, just trying to help. You may be too perverted to change, if so, good luck and I feel bad for you.

>> No.23093219

You being a woman isn’t real, either but communists insist we treat as if you were.

>> No.23093225

>I'm a transphobe btw

>> No.23093361
File: 2.56 MB, 2863x4000, IMG20240219201709 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to die because I'm French. Tfw you will never be Vedic sage

Fucking idiot
Spengler is for fucking idiots
Go read some actual philosophy instead of indulgent musings fucking idiot

Acceptable if you're a teenager

Acceptable if you're 19

You're alright. Ill buy you a drink if you're in Normandy (don't come to Normandy)

Based geonationalist keep studying rocks

>> No.23093418

Thread ruined. Better luck next time.

>> No.23093425

What are the notes like in that edition?
Does the Sanskrit book have the French on the left and the Sanskrit on the right?

>> No.23093531

>What are the notes like in that edition?
Exhaustive. That is the reason for the pléiade, not just as Funko pops.
>Does the Sanskrit book have the French on the left and the Sanskrit on the right?

>> No.23093563
File: 467 KB, 1080x1978, Screenshot_20240220_021506_ReadEra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like gunfights, tits and flying cars, suck my dick

>> No.23093597


>> No.23093700

Wait a minute, this isn't a stack: this is a shelf turned around to LOOK like a stack!

>> No.23093701

Roadside picnic is a banger.

>> No.23093919

what publisher is the spengler book by?

>> No.23093998 [DELETED] 

Rouge Scholar. It's on Amazon

>> No.23094110

Hamlet should be replaced with Othello for maximum meme value

>> No.23094111

Miller anon, nice stuff. What's that book between Corman and Aeschylus, the complete white spine?

Also surprising the way Aeschylus died, an eagle dropped a turtle on his head, cause the bald head to the eagle seemed like a rock, to break the turtle shell on.

After much of your posts, I ordered The Rainbow by Lawrence.
Also, ordered that Finca Vigia edition of Hemingway, seems to be the only complete one with every single story.

If you're reading Carlos Williams, you might like Delmore Schwartz. He's a poet I had been meaning to read more of. FSG is releasing a complete edition this April.

>> No.23094145

William Bronk selected poems. They aren’t so much poems IMO, but philosophical thoughts or aphorisms split up by line. I haven’t really taken much time with it yet so I can’t really judge it now one way or another

Delmore Schwartz is a name I’ve debated getting. I’ve been trying to go in blind on some poetry books every now and then (hence the Corman and Bronk) just to expose myself to unfamiliar poets. I feel like I’ve seen Schwartz’s name come up in some book in relation to a messy personal life. If he’s like Williams I’m interested. I’m not a huge fan of some of WCW’s really sparse everyman’s earlier poems but i think some of his poems are great and thought provoking. I’m hoping to read Paterson sometime this year

Both The Rainbow and Hemingway’s short stories are a couple of my favorite books so I hope you enjoy. Hemingway seems to have a bad reputation here for some reason but I sometimes wonder how much attention readers are paying. Hemingway’s short benefit greatly from a close reading and thinking a little, hence that whole iceberg theory, and there is more said in the stories than meets the eye on a surface level. He was one of the first writers that got me into “literature” and an interest in the craft or the bigger picture

>> No.23094377
File: 202 KB, 746x2048, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent Folio haul!

>> No.23094497


>> No.23094539

Has a whole lecture series on YouTube as well

>> No.23094555

>man without qualities
>eco - baudolino
>les fleur du mal
>woolf - orlando
>collected poems of william wordsworth
>milton complete english poems
too lazy to take pic

>> No.23094556

>lit meet up
>post your current most cringe abomination of living breathing animals that shit in public buckets because they feel comfortable

>> No.23094576
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>> No.23095358

>Go read some actual philosophy instead of indulgent musings
such as??
i'm the one who made it in the first place
see >>23093998
idc about memes

>> No.23095378

i don't like trans obv, but you're cute, the world is what it is, i hope you have a good day anon.

>> No.23095442

shit thread.

>> No.23095510

>but you're cute
i'm literally a malformed abomination

>> No.23095567

Start with the Greeks and proceed to the Medievals.

>> No.23095576

le sigh

>> No.23095600

Yes but let people be nice to you. It makes them feel good.

>> No.23095647

i hate myself too much for that

>> No.23095706

What’s wrong with Normandy? Lol

>> No.23095726

God Stranger in a Strange Land is so bad

>> No.23096093

There is nothing to do but get wasted. You might as well do it at home

>> No.23096370

Speaking of stacks, can anyone rec me where to buy books in Barcelona? Travelling soon from South America and Im planning to buy lots of books that I can't get a hold of here, because shipping with Amazon is extremely expensive and not worth it.
Do you know of good (online)/bookstores, or if Amazon would be my best choice?

>> No.23096540

Go to the cathedrals, you spoiled Euro cunt.

>> No.23096552
File: 931 KB, 1480x1771, 1565444867125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, you nasty fetishist freak

>> No.23096579

Sorry I forgot some people live in even worse shitholes

>> No.23096605 [DELETED] 

You pass, just barely

>> No.23096624

i literally don't
i look like a cretinous abomination

>> No.23096668

I mean it's just funny that of all the places someone could complain about you happen to be in/very near one of the most culturally rich regions in the entire world. Not to mention you're within easy traveling distance of Paris without having to actually live in the city, plus the castles of Brittany, plus the Loire Valley, plus "Combray" and "Balbec". It's pretty ideal from the pov of an outside observer.

>> No.23096708

>White Noise
>Blood Meridian
>Crime and Punishment - the shitty Garnett version that I’ve had for years now, third attempt to read through now
>Brief Interviews with Hideous Men - Tempted to call DFW a meme and ditch this one but my little bro got me this for my birthday so I feel obliged to finish it

Plus a bunch of other shit that’s been sitting around.

>> No.23096749

All very based except for the loire valley. Huge risk of being taken by english b&b owners and getting brainwashed into joining their swingers' club.

>> No.23096767

lol sounds like something out of houellebecq

>> No.23096784

I usually find these types of thoughts are always of the grass is always greener on the other side variety. Once you get used to a place it seems more stale. The key to life is enjoying yourself anywhere. Different places offer different experiences

>> No.23096995

Facebook mindset.

>> No.23097207

Keep being miserable then.

>> No.23097237

He's right desu, be content and enjoy what you have but always seek out and indulge in new experiences

>> No.23097277

Would. Would hard.

>> No.23097433

you wouldn't
i'm literally subhuman

>> No.23097521


>> No.23097545

how do i read the bible anons? and what version is best? t. raised catholic and dont know how to come back

>> No.23097548

You're ok. Your self hate is exaggerated and comes of as unhinged.

>> No.23097566
File: 32 KB, 720x720, 1684408878697941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get Kierkegaard's Either/Or volume 1 in the mail today
>volume 2 not there
>check online
>shipping August-September

>> No.23097569

Where do you live? Australia? Or is it a preorder you weren’t aware of?

>> No.23097579

Im not in a far location. It's an old edition, I probably just didnt notice. I wanted to go unabridged physical copy, but volume 2 seems to be hard to acquire.

>> No.23097588
File: 1013 KB, 498x280, PAIN..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are cute n i would if you were a girl but you are NOT A GIRL!!!!1!

>> No.23097596

It still doesn’t make sense. 5 months? Are they walking and passing the book off across the world like a baton?

>> No.23097648

>Your self hate is exaggerated
it's not
it's deserved for being a freak
>you are cute
i'm not
>you are NOT A GIRL!
i know.

>> No.23097704

Tell me about bomber command, what do you like about it?

>> No.23097711

>he didn't grok

>> No.23097802

Why did this turn into passgen?

>> No.23098268

Seek Christ

>> No.23098299

Incredibly cool

>> No.23098592

What does this even mean?

>> No.23098601

Used Bible is best Bible.

>> No.23098602
File: 2.05 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20240221_113134634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite.

>> No.23098660

I'd fuck all the self-hate out of your tight little ass, bby <3

>> No.23098916

It really is not.

>> No.23098959

Maybe the owner decided to read it lmao

>> No.23099033

I’d fuck you ngl and I’m a very attractive man

>> No.23099038

Based 14 year old

>> No.23100711

Probably lol

>> No.23100918

you wouldn't be able to; it's well-deserved
you wouldn't

>> No.23100944


>> No.23101061
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I got this in the mail
It's the Arden 2nd series set of the histories in a slipcase
I was surprised when I took the books out and realised that they were literally unread with the exception of King John which seems to have been opened a few times
Usually 2nd series Ardens are disgusting and often 3rd series Ardens are as well
My 2nd series Hamlet is unreadable because of the horrible odour it gives off

>> No.23101136
File: 1.57 MB, 1198x899, stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left side is stuff I'm currently reading and the right is the stuff I'm going to be reading next.
I began reading Against Nature earlier this week though and I've found it to be comfy.

>> No.23101224

Name 3 works of 20th century genre fiction that are better

>> No.23101548

>reading slop

>> No.23101559


>Name 3 works of 20th century genre fiction that are better

>> No.23101664
File: 8 KB, 240x210, bibble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23101867

Being the best pile of shit isn't worth praise.

>> No.23102247

How about you name 3 worth any praise in general?

>> No.23102258

Vote for your favorite children's books in /lit/'s poll (no login required):

Official thread: >>23101513

>> No.23102399


>> No.23102434

If you're coming back then it's best to dip into shorter, less theologically dense books. The Gospel of Mark is an easy place to start in the New Testament due to its simple style and short length, and books like Ecclesiastes and Job are of interest from the Old Testament. More 'literal' translations like ESV and NRSV are good as opposed to more interpretive translations like the NIV, but if you were raised catholic something like the Jerusalem Bible might be your preference

>> No.23102500

Based ReadEra fag!

>> No.23102509
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Sorry for the clutter.

>> No.23102515

Cope a feel of muh dik

>> No.23102520

Still paying mommy rent? Sad!

>> No.23102603
File: 3.26 MB, 4080x3060, 20240222_114411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a fiction and a non-fiction at the same time. Almost finished A Country Doctor's Notebook and just finished the Brian Wilson biography. Up next is the two in-between. Looking forward to it

>> No.23102625

Is The Birth of the Clinic any good?

>> No.23102818

Humans are humans. I know what I like. You're it.

>> No.23103227

i'm an abomination

>> No.23103577

thanks anon.

>> No.23103582

whats that gustave dore book? is it all illustrations? pls link

>> No.23103583

Kill yourself, you attention-seeking faggot

>> No.23104079
File: 74 KB, 750x593, 1634403330879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still worshiping human sacrifice and partaking in cannibalistic rituals?

>> No.23104496


>> No.23104666

The irony.

>> No.23104673 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23105251


>> No.23105274

The transmigration of timothy archer
Roadside motherfucking picnic

>> No.23105288

Lol’d at “Canaanite Sand Demon.”

>> No.23105314

Powerfully based. All the best, anon. People on this site don't seem to like them, but I think Nietzsche and Jung are Emerson's intellectual successors, and are interesting in conjunction with Lao Tzu as well – would highly recommend them (if you haven't read them already). Heraclitus also. Dickinson is fascinating alongside Whitman and Emerson too. I don't mean to be presumptuous with these recommendations. Those are great books.

>> No.23105321

Kill yourself, you attention-seeking faggot.

>> No.23105325

Please don't kill yourself anon. Life can be better, even if you're really suffering. You have value.

>> No.23105426

Yeah, I love Nietzsche and have read most of his stuff multiple times. I’ve always seen Emerson as Nietzsche’s main inspiration and not the German intellectuals like Goethe, Schopenhauer, Kant; at least the crux of what Nietzsche is about. Nietzsche lifted a lot from Emerson, even some of his most famous phrases. I don’t really hold it against Nietzsche though as I think everyone should take Emerson to heart. I feel like if you combine Blake’s Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and Emerson, you get pretty damn close to Nietzsche

I like Jung a lot too and just got into him this year. I have a few of his collected and essential works but his output is pretty daunting and I’m not sure where to go. I’d like to think Jung will be seen as one of the all time great thinkers in the future world. Frazer’s Golden Bough scratched that Jung itch but I’d love recs either by Jung or similar to him

I’m not going to lie, I find Dickinson difficult but I’ve only read a few of her poems and not very seriously. She is on my list though. I read an essay or two on her and her poetry is incredibly complex. I just started taking poetry more seriously in the last year or two so I have a lot to read. On one hand I’m disappointed in myself for ignoring it so long. On the other hand it’s awesome to basically have endless choices

>> No.23105670

>You have value.
i literally have negative value

>> No.23106199
File: 2.12 MB, 4608x2592, 20240223_123101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent stack I bought.

*akshually*, Nietzsche's primary inspiration and persistent source of seethe was Wagner, whose shadow he couldn't get out out of until well after both men were dead.

>> No.23106566

Cringe take

>> No.23107867

I'm right.

>> No.23108354

*Kisses forehead,* u cute
I also have dysphoria

>> No.23108365

Tie-breaking round for /lit/'s favorite children's books. Vote here:


Related thread: >>23108191

>> No.23108371

Looks comfy af, is it retro/OOP or can I still find it easily?

>> No.23108779

>I also have dysphoria
that means any compliment from you means nothing
you have the same sickness i do; do you understand what i'm trying to get at??

>> No.23109422
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Just got this in the mail today as well, figured I’d try a different translation and went with Graham as I’m also interested in his Chuang Tzu

>> No.23109779

how the fuck can you have this much reading going on at once

its max 3 for me, 1 fic, 1 textbook-like non fic, and 1 general non fic

>> No.23109786

Do you read collections of poetry and short stories cover to cover?

>> No.23109790

>the bible
what do you mean used am i using it wrong

>> No.23109796

I literally cannot find any information about it online so I assume it's very OOP
Btw I just realised that all of the books are actually glued and not sewn like the normal retail copies of the arden shakespeare
Feels bad man

>> No.23109799

oh fair point, I didn't actually inspect the stack

still though I feel like some anons have a lot of books going at once and it makes my head hurt and anxiety pique thinking of doing that personally

>> No.23109800

reading it rn, imo it's kinda mid

>> No.23109846

I pull stuff I’m interested in and put it in a separate section. I usually read 1 or 2 novels at once and will read various essays, short stories, poems, and sometimes plays here and there. Sometimes I don’t read much of certain books that I’ll pull but they’re there as a reminder that I’m interested in them. I’ll keep a separate section for novels I want to read soon. This is more of the “shorter stuff” section. I adjust it every week or two according to my mood, same as the “novel section”

>> No.23109885
File: 2.18 MB, 3146x1816, Buks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing with AI language models over the years (GPT-3, NovelAI, Various LLMs) since GPT-2 Clover, which has inspired me to read more. This year I decided to finally start reading novels and today I bought my first haul, I guess my taste is pretty 'entry level' so far but I believe these books are a good start at least.

>> No.23109891

wtf is a stack? or a current stack?

>> No.23109957

Make a themed stack

>> No.23109960
File: 7 KB, 145x112, 1497979951906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting to read novels
>buying anthologies immediately

>> No.23110011

Enlighten me if you may, are you saying that buying anthologies is bad in general or is it just not recommended for a inept reader?

>> No.23110015


>> No.23110021

Thank you for stopping by!
You can save the OP image if you want to.

>> No.23110049

We didn't choose this, some random event messed our neural nets and caused this, I like your lit taste and you are beautiful and pass very good, we better try to accept randomness in our life.

>> No.23110096


this guy has been reading a lot of chinese stuff recently. you might like this video

>> No.23110610
File: 3.48 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20240224_142111708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not much but I'm finishing it today or tomorrow and getting next one in library by monday

>> No.23110613

Fuck off with your retarded eceleb grifter, you utter retard

>> No.23110617

For one faggot, it’s just posting the same fucking books ad nauseam then responding to himself asking about where to start with lawrence and miller and then giving the same fucking response to himself

>> No.23110619

Kill yourself, you attention-seeking faggot

>> No.23110629

The latter. You're more than likely gonna drop the series or the book early because you think its too much to read. You're basically biting off more than you can chew. Buying anthologies is preferably better if you're already a fan of the series.

>> No.23110677

proud of you! a new reader was born
1984 got me to stop playing videogames and start reading. Not because it had anything to do with that, it just sucked me in the way videogames did and I said fuck it, I'd rather be a reader than a gamer

>> No.23110980

>you are beautiful
no i'm not
>pass very good
i don't
> we better try to accept randomness in our life.

>> No.23111153
File: 753 KB, 999x672, 20131228_385931.xml-Connecticut+School+Shooting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23111263

It's over for you.

>> No.23111534

do u want to be friends with a fellow lit gal

>> No.23111756

sure but we're not fellows because iwnbaw
funnily enough i met my irl bestie of years on this board
she used to trip for a while so some of you may remember her

>> No.23112082
File: 2.89 MB, 4000x2252, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23112138

hope things are going good for you anon

>> No.23112245

Can I also be ur fren? Is that other girl u talk about butters?

>> No.23112266

>Can I also be ur fren?

>> No.23112394
File: 73 KB, 780x1040, anime_and_manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading giles goat boy rn

The Kindly one by Littel is in the mail

This is my anime and manga my spirit my freedom

I read 1 book a year by a woman I get 0 pussy and never smile

>> No.23112400

ill never get over benjamin franklin in the top left image

>> No.23112583


>> No.23113050

Please tell me this is a joke.

>> No.23113203
File: 57 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20240224_234630_415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few of my Japanese books

>> No.23113210
File: 51 KB, 500x263, Thomas Ligotti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ligottibros rise up

>> No.23113224
File: 3.38 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20240225_055530746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

log of shit in the middle is the bible

>> No.23113446


>> No.23113610

Thanks for letting us know. I wondered what the book with "HOLY BIBLE" written on it was.

>> No.23113739

Are you Japanese?

>> No.23113748

Love you

>> No.23113837

I am 350 pages into Demons and I have no idea what is going on.

>> No.23114224

who are you
i thought it was pretty straight forward
what's confusing you??

>> No.23114245


>> No.23114316

that pic is as old as this entire board

>> No.23114489

Why'd you learn Japanese then?

>> No.23114656


>> No.23114905

tips for reading books of this size? im about 25-30ish books in, they're all around 300 pages though. Do I need to find a YA fic that sucks me in like a netflix binge to be able to read something slower like a classic of this size without shelfing it when I get a little bored?

>> No.23114985

why do you save shit like this on your computer

>> No.23115035

Imagine using your shut-in son’s computer and you find a folder of troon pics and troonjaks

>> No.23115084
File: 3.08 MB, 4000x3000, IMG20240225204719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23115141

So I can read books in Japanese I'm interested in that haven't been translated.

>> No.23115182


>> No.23115250

how do i improve my spanish reading skills??
i'm fluent verbally but i struggle reading spanish lit
should i just grind out ya??

>> No.23115291
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My latest book. Wanted a hardcover so I forked out twice as much as the paperback version

>> No.23115406

Not that far.....

>> No.23115643

it's halfway across the country wym

>> No.23115748

Cheap flights u wanna take my virginity

>> No.23115809

you wouldn't want that

>> No.23116145
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Shabbos goy here

looking to learn more about the region, both the Jewish narrative and the Palestinian one, anyone have recs?

>> No.23117185
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Been trying to get deeper into lit beyond what I read in high school, any recs appreciated. I got Life: A User’s Manual as a gift last year, is that a good Perec to start with?

>> No.23117311

What are you interested in?

>> No.23117335

Why are you reading both part 1 and part 2 at the same time?

>> No.23117353

hundred years war on Palestine by khalidi is supposed to be good

>> No.23117644
File: 2.62 MB, 4896x2776, DSCN1214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left stack: books in English that I'm reading for myself
Right stack: books in Finnish (and one in Swedish) that I'm reading for a course at university

>> No.23117649

mmmm that's one sexy book

>> No.23117653

You mean my Kalevala? It's been in the family for 3 generations, grandpa bought it in 1949

>> No.23117658

Nigga thinks God has to be the God of the Bible. Retard.

>> No.23118328

modern books can't compare

>> No.23118408
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It's fucking based, if I may say so myself.

>> No.23118421
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I updated my stack btw. Figured the Doré book had been sitting collecting dust for too long – into my cabinet for safe keeping now! Plus I just finished a biography of Aleister Crowley and since I'm piequed on Crowley right now I decided to pull out a few more scandalous bios/commentaries on him.

>> No.23118431

So far I've really enjoyed books that revel a lot in characters' thoughts and focuses that otherwise can't really be captured in other forms of art. Favorite books recently have been The Stranger, Frankenstein, The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, Giovanni's Room, and Beloved, which I think all had engaging ideas to take multiple ways + prose to carry them, as least as far as my newfag sensibilities take me

If it helps re:Perec I watched the film adaptation for A Man Asleep and thought that was fantastic

>> No.23118451

Absolute cringe, kys.

>> No.23118455


>> No.23118460

Spengler is POINTLESS to read. Read Peter Turchin. He was able to quantify the collapse of civilizations instead of writing 1000 pages of wordcel rambling about the Favstian spirit.

>> No.23118463

Based af

>> No.23118467

One of the only good ones itt and it's not even a stack lol

>> No.23118686


>> No.23119214
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thats tight anon, im gonna have to look for a copy. if you like woodcut illustrations theres this old bible i found full of illustrations by rudolf schaeffer. i got this one for ~$60 on german ebay (i think)

>> No.23119432

Whats the point of annotating if its on every page lol?

>> No.23119469

I’ve listened to William Ramsey for years- is his writing any good?

>> No.23119699

How is the Rogue Scholar Edition of The Decline Vol. 2?
I think I will never await when Arktos edition will be in stock.

>> No.23119715
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Is it crazy to spend $400 on a book

>> No.23119717


>> No.23119820

those are the ones i thought were particularly cool.

>> No.23119833

Only actually cool stack ITT

>> No.23119852

Hannah Arendt is essential for understanding the trajectory of Zionism following the establishment of Israel.

>> No.23119979

it's serviceable

>> No.23120032 [DELETED] 

No. Think of all the Funko Pops you could buy with that cash.

>> No.23120063
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Pretty based stack, huh?

>> No.23120066

Maximally cringe desu

>> No.23120141


>> No.23120155
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>P&V translation

>> No.23120173

What's wrong with it? People online said it was the best version.

>> No.23120439
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently in the OT. The metamorphosis is under it. Dostoevsky is The Brothers K. Gonna read them from the top down. Got inspired to read for the first time in years when I saw the /lit/ 2023 GOAT books. Wanted to start near the top. Thanks frens.

>> No.23120636

Stop doing that.

>> No.23120643

Good stack, but heavily laden with irony for a tranny. Stop doing that.

I won't post, but the two I just bought are a collection of the poetry of Robert Frost and Adventures of Ideas by Whitehead. Some of Robert Frost's poems are really good (read "Out, Out" and "All Revelation" if you haven't), but overall I probably won't keep the work for my permanent collection. He has some works of which I do not approve. Adventures of Ideas is meh so far.

>> No.23120669

In some ways, one of the more refined stacks we're likely to see, anon; but the reality of at least half of what you have there is that it is a complete waste of your time--save for historicity or cultural inquiry.

>> No.23120671

A person with his stack will not need those recommendations, anon. He will know them already. Most of it is a waste, unfortunately.

>> No.23120674

This is why /Lit/ has died.

>> No.23120680

A man with money to burn and no taste. A common phenomena, sadly.

>> No.23120905

When you say 'people online' I hope you don't mean Reddit. The people on r/Dostoyevsky mean well, but are not to be trusted anon.
P&V translations are too literal and come off as quite bland at times as a result.

>> No.23121266

I've paid 220 euros at most for an out of print art book

>> No.23121602

i can't
i've probably been on here longer than you have

>> No.23121623

>self professed tranny
>Foucault subtly placed just in frame next to the "based" book stack

>> No.23121737

nice catch
what can i say i keep my bases covered

>> No.23121946

>bruhuhuh this translation is too literal

How on earth do you know that? I bet that you don't know shit about Russian, yet you are so clever about a particular translation's alleged literalness. Pathetic.

>> No.23122161

I don't understand why you're angry. I was just trying to be helpful. I wasn't trying to be clever. The critique I made of P&V's translation is a common critique among them. You don't have to agree with it of course, but I thought you should be informed.

>> No.23122206

First, I am not the anon who posted the stack. I am not angry (lol), I just simply find this kind of shitposting about the P&V translation ridiculous.

>The critique I made of P&V's translation is a common critique among them.

So you admit that you have no idea about the Russian language or the nature of literary translation, and you are just parroting the opinions of others. Good.

>> No.23122326 [DELETED] 

Based Lattimorechad

>> No.23122390

How long do you need to learn English in order to read books in English (without looking up words in the dictionary)?
>t. aimless fag who wanna drop out of my shitty lit major in a thirdie country

>> No.23122462

I was reading books (Harry Potter lol) in English starting in the 5th grade and they started teaching us English formally in the 3rd, so two years of half-assed studying in elementary school is enough if you're also constantly exposed to English through other media like movies and video games and passively soaking it up.
>without looking up words in the dictionary
Never. Even native speakers have to look up words in the dictionary.

>> No.23122554

bodied lole

>> No.23122604

>translations in general

>> No.23122607

Calm down, dyel

>> No.23122645

If its some ultra deluxe version of something reddit tier then yes

>> No.23122659

I admit you are a faggot.

>> No.23122702

You are actually attracted to men right?

>> No.23122737
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>> No.23122747
File: 165 KB, 820x713, pepe_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Too many fake trannies out there. You look fine at least in those pictures

>> No.23122823
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>You look fine at least in those pictures
but i don't

>> No.23122864

Fuck you. Not my problem

>> No.23122894

>the Palestinian one
Here you are

>Reading list (includes fiction)

>Short answers to common questions

>6 Articles "Introduction to Palestine"

>Articles debunking common myths

Palestine before israel
Balfour's declaration
Why did israel target 4 towers in Gaza in 2021? And the cost of rebuilding

Nakba series:

>> No.23123007

You just know this was copy/pasted from /pol/

>> No.23123023

This was the first time I posted it
I don't browse /pol/ but I would be glad if someone was spreading my pasta about Palestinian

>> No.23123061

Same thing

>> No.23123669

this must be a psyop.
If not, good luck bro, that is all I can say.

>> No.23123787

it's not
why good luck??

>> No.23123841
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>> No.23123994


>> No.23124003

Why is 4channel so obsessed with troons?

>> No.23124010

They are the world's biggest retards, which is extremely annoying, and they kill themselves, which is extremely funny

They displaced niggers as nature's funniest jesters

>> No.23124043
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>> No.23124193

>world's funniest jesters
You forgot Indians, saar.

>> No.23124507
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Arrived today

>> No.23124547

The bitching about trans people on this website is nuts. These dudes are desperate to find a group they can punch down on

>> No.23124558


>> No.23124569

Neovaginas are gross. But I don’t find myself needing to talk about them at every opportunity. Must be a side effect of being well adjusted.

>> No.23124574
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>> No.23124589

Good stack, if unattractive editions.

>> No.23125229

What a witty response, wow. Not that I expected anything better from you, though.

>> No.23125791


>> No.23126542


>> No.23126693
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>> No.23126920

Are those the ones with the based covers?

>> No.23126997
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>> No.23127007

however i disagree with a person, i always wish the best for them, hence good luck.

>> No.23127103

Auf den deutschen Covern sieht er immer so selbstgefällig aus

>> No.23127194


>> No.23127573

but why
i'm subhuman

>> No.23127649
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Learning a bit of history of my country and Rabelais

>> No.23127886
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Top books goes back and forth from being phenomenal historiography to populist trash. It’s frustrating.

>> No.23128012

Interesting stack.

>> No.23128063

Based Conrad

>> No.23128087

mah nigga

>> No.23128273
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>> No.23128327

Well I'll preface this by saying he sounds much more refined on his podcast. The editing is ass and there are even some major errors in the books' signatures. That said, once you get past the grammatical, spelling and editing errors, it's quite entertaining, and you get what you expect – that being cool, out there facts about Crowley and the people & events he influenced. It's a bit painful to read sometimes, however, but it's enjoyable all the same. It's good fodder for further research at the very least.

>> No.23128483


>> No.23128510

All you need to know about P&V is summed up in one word: "wicked".

>> No.23128632

what's wrong with your brain? Do you think a real woman would be upset to find themselves in a male's body? 99% of them would celebrate having a dick. They talk about being jealous of men all the time. By contrast, you're sick, you have a fixation.

>> No.23128961

Why take trannies?

>> No.23128963


>> No.23128965

The obscure internet ruined even military research. Using psyop for everything, have you ever read a debrief on a real psyop by the us military? Did you read about them 15 years ago?

>> No.23129192

have you ever spoken to a woman
only women i know that have legit penis envy are butch lesbians and even then they don't want a permanent one

>> No.23129195

do you think women other than butch lesbians would be so quick in sharing those thoughts

>> No.23129222

they're quick to share the opposite sentiment

>> No.23129353

also don't you think i wouldn't rather be a man
it'd be so much easier for obvious reasons
life for men is piss easy and everyone respects you