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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 251x168, 1326030616897s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2309231 No.2309231 [Reply] [Original]

will you go to teh promz with me?


>> No.2309237

/b/ is the kid in high school who smells like piss and wears the same Korn shirt every day.

Hell no.

>> No.2309242

noko in all fields cause he doesnt know which field to put it in. Also you dont have to noko /lit/ its a slow board.

>> No.2309247

I say we hold out for /trv/

>> No.2309253

what if /trv/ says no? is that a yes?

>> No.2309258

Is this what /lit/ has come to? Being asked out by fucking /b/ of all boards? At this rate we'll probably end up with /b/ because no one else likes us, and even if they did we'd just act snobby and put them off.

>> No.2309259
File: 140 KB, 800x524, Sci-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about... us...

>> No.2309261

/mu/, /fa/, /fit/ would be a better match for us; we're probably one of the most attractive boards, and our standards should reflect that.

>> No.2309263

but your the hot english teacher <3

>> No.2309267

/fa/ and /fit/ are going together, better ask /mu/ before it's to late

>> No.2309268

No, /lit/ is clearly a lady board, /mu/ should ask us.

>> No.2309271

Um... /lit/...?

>> No.2309273

I agree. Travel literature is the bomb. Every good philosopher agrees.

>> No.2309278


>> No.2309280

You're our nerdy friend that we'll use as a backup if nobody attractive asks us out.

>> No.2309282

You really won't do better than /b/. If you want to go to the damned thing, you had best say yes. The thing about /b/ is that we have options. Do you? Oh, you could go with those /k/ rednecks! Wouldn't that be delightful? The reek of gun oil, deer blood and Budweiser in a '72 pickup. Now put on a nice dress and get in the damn car.

>> No.2309283

Oh... I was really hoping that we could...

Oh, oh... okay, I understand....

I hope you have a good time...

>> No.2309284

Every other board hates you though.

>> No.2309288


Typical /b/. Always with the thinly-veiled allusions to rape, never remembers the cloying taste of Mace.

>> No.2309290

Yes, let's go with /b/, they're the most powerful board, we'd be dumb not to say yes.

>> No.2309295


>> No.2309296

/mu/ here, I thought we already asked you, you were our first choice.

Would you like to go to the 4chan ball with us, just think of the magical moments we will have dancing to Neutral Milk Hotel.

>> No.2309297

I mean... if you don't have any other options...

You could do worse than... I mean we have been friends for a long time...

>> No.2309298

>Oh, you could go with those /k/ rednecks! Wouldn't that be delightful? The reek of gun oil, deer blood and Budweiser in a '72 pickup.
Sounds like a decent book.

>> No.2309299

I reckon we should just go with /mu/. /sci/ is full of pseudo-narcissistic assholes, /v/ has terrible acne and /b/ jacked off to the P.E teacher in the showers. Sure, /mu/ is scared of girls but I'm sure if we feign interest in some mid-tier P4K garbage it'll be a relatively painless evening. You never know, could have drugs.

>> No.2309301

A valid point, though you are forgetting: Every board hates every other board.

>Most popular board around asks nerdy board to prom.

>Reservations due to rape vibe.

>> No.2309302

Look at all this samefagging.
/co/ here and you /b/tards are pretty fucking desperate.

>> No.2309305

/co/ is mad as fuck because /b/ is making moves on /lit/

>> No.2309307

I would love to go with /mu/

>> No.2309310

Oh, is /co/ a thing? I do not believe I have heard of it.

>> No.2309312

QED Comic Books<<<<<<<Real Literature

>> No.2309313

Do we really need two threads on page 0 for this /soc/ bullshit?

Nobody smart comes here.

>> No.2309314

/mu/ is known for having an ounce of weed taped on the back

>> No.2309315


Other thread already decided /sci/

>> No.2309316

yes! /lit/ go out with us, we will have magical times together that we will never forget
with love from a /mu/tant

>> No.2309321

/b/, this is /lit/ we have convened. We will come with you, however you may not rape and we will only go with you if /soc/ says no to you orangutans.

>> No.2309319

/sci/ducks deciding e/lit/ists =! e/lit/ists deciding /sci/ducks

>> No.2309320


It is settled then. We shall reject the permavirgin /sci/fags in favour of the jobless stoners of /mu/.

>> No.2309324


Can you just decide like that? Doesn't there have to be a consensus or something?

>> No.2309325

Hush now /sci/

>> No.2309326

Seems legit.
Totally not samefag.

>> No.2309327





>> No.2309328
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Yeah...No raping....Sure....

>> No.2309329

We aren't all stoners.
Jobless though. We're trying to get our band signed

>> No.2309330
File: 91 KB, 280x324, hellothere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more

>> No.2309331

>"Gun oil"
>Implying deer blood has a smell
>Implying /k/ drinks anything but hungarian scotch and russian vodka
>Implying /k/ drives something as fuel inefficient as a pickup truck
Confrimed for Chris's butthurt samefagging

>> No.2309335

one does not simply ask /b/ to the winter ball

>> No.2309336

>seriously thinking about /b/

nope nope nope

>> No.2309337

I remember a thread where /mu/tants posted their study. 50% philosophy, 25% something with music and 25% engineers. So yeah, jobless.

>> No.2309342
File: 75 KB, 450x600, Socrates_Louvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope someone isn't implying consensus is a legitimate reason to make decision

>> No.2309341
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Confirmed for redneck. And the names David.

>> No.2309343
File: 11 KB, 306x230, 1307920884001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/b/ here

were not goin with u fags anymore
just found out your all over 25. too old, pls go
also tits or gtfo
not that we wanna see them anyway..

>> No.2309344


Frankly your immediate access to weed is your greatest strength. I would milk the hopeless hipster angle for all its worth, else we might decide to go with the rich and successful /sci/faggots.

/lit/ also demands the sacrifice of three untainted virgins. I'm sure you have some in your midst.

>> No.2309346
File: 146 KB, 400x542, 1325953717039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will /lit/ go with us??

We can talk about The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. It'll be a blast!

>> No.2309347

I vote for /sci/. There has been unbearable sexual tension between us for years now.

/mu/ are just like a worse version of ourselves -- to go with them would be to settle.

>> No.2309348

>trying to impress /lit/
>mentions Game of Thrones
You just fucked up. If you'd mentioned Sherlock you'd have stood a much better chance.

>> No.2309354


That depends. On the one hand we could have some interesting conversations about the translation of a literary narrative to a visual screenplay, but on the other hand /mu/ deals drugs.

Unless you can provide us with the Ketamine we so desperately need to fuel our creative drives, I'm afraid we're taken.

>> No.2309355

Is no one else mildly disturbed by /b/'s pic on this one?

>> No.2309357

They're going to let us sleep on their couch then fondle us as we slumber?
Although I thought /lit/ was the english teacher...

oh god

>> No.2309359

Perhaps you misunderstood. We aren't all stoners, but we are involved in bands/music projects. That means we could get pretty much whatever drug we would want. Or not. Whatever you want.

>> No.2309360

Whoa, sorry! Didn't mean to barge in, didn't know you had visitors.

>> No.2309364

/mu/ here
This is a formal invitation to the winter ball. Want to come with us?

>> No.2309369


Depends. Do you like this song?


>> No.2309371

C'mon son! You's slippin'

>> No.2309374

Come on. You could have at least asked about an album. ;)

>> No.2309378

yeah, it's like asking us for our favorite chapter of a book

>> No.2309380


>> No.2309381

You and I both know you are going to get back together with /pol/, don't even try to kid yourself.

>> No.2309383


>> No.2309385


/lit/ and /mu/ confirmed for being equally pedantic. The contract is sealed.

>> No.2309386

/sci/ made that thread themselves.

/mu/ and /lit/ are the perfect couple. I can imagine the stunted awkward hipster sex they'll be having already.

>> No.2309388

obscure sex positions alldayeveryday

>> No.2309389

Please choose us /lit/.

We can leave halfway through after deciding that proms are beneath us and stop off at a KFC car park to fuck.

>> No.2309392


It'll be wonderful. Imagine the hideous, two-headed offspring, speaking in fragmented Russian and strumming a cheap plastic Strat.

>> No.2309393


The contract is sealed. Now, go to /sci/ and enforce your masculine dominance. You have won.

>> No.2309394
File: 98 KB, 356x500, Paul+McCartney++01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever yours, /lit/ :3

>> No.2309396

alpha male mode on

>> No.2309402

/lit/ + /mu/ 5eva <3

>> No.2309403


pick one

>> No.2309405

/lit/ and /mu/ is a match made in heaven: Masculine females and feminine boys.

>> No.2309407

Yes, let's go with /mu/. You have my vote.

>> No.2309410
File: 471 KB, 1280x960, redtop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks /lit/. Here's what some of /mu/ looks like.
I have a better pic of him all dressed up but it won't post.
I promise we aren't all neckbeards.

>> No.2309415
File: 43 KB, 432x324, mu lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I made you this picture <3.

>> No.2309417

It should have had a potato head

>> No.2309419

oh /mu/, you are so funny

>> No.2309420

/mu/, /lit/, and /fa/ are the least neckbeard populated boards. It is known.

>> No.2309423

the hipster trisect.

>> No.2309427

>/lit/: So what's the deal? Are we going to dance?
>/mu/: Nah, the music here is too mainstream, let's go back to my place ;)
>/lit/: Oh okay, this should be good :3

Later on

>/lit/: So what do you wan-
>/mu/: Listen to this
>/mu/: This is real music, can't you just feel the amazing emotion and passion coursing through your ears. Isn't this far better than that shit we were listening too earlier on?
>/lit/: Well.... I guess it's kind-

>> No.2309428

The best part of this, is that /sci/ is genuinely frustrated.

>> No.2309429

I thought they hated us, anyway. Or maybe it was sexual tension after all.

>> No.2309432

what normally only happens to /sci/ in real life just happened on the internet. /sci/ is probably going to hate us forever

>> No.2309433

> lit
> lady

What the fuck ? Lit is clearly a handsome mysterious glasses-wearing man.

>> No.2309434


They're taking it pretty hard, could be that they had feelings.

I take pleasure in being able to stamp on them.

>> No.2309438

Sorry, but /lit/ is clearly less masculine than /mu/.
/lit/ is a lady board.

>> No.2309439

nope frumpy ponytail wearing girl

and then you take off the glasses and put on a dress and it turns out you have HUGE tits

>> No.2309441


I know, isn't it brilliant? =]

Seriously though, they were taking us for granted earlier. Womanizing scum. I'm so much happier now that we're with the tattooed, pierced, smack-addicted artists from /mu/.

>> No.2309443


>> No.2309445

We have to really act on this. Before we know it, our options are going to end up looking like /b/, /x/, and /tv/.

I know no one wants that.

>> No.2309463


Your reminder that /sci/ has always been, and will always be, a loveless, spiteful board, home of the neckbeard and refuge of narcissistic faggotry.

>> No.2309464


Sigh,, why every good board i go must be a lady-board ? Sci is a lady too, i guess ?

>> No.2309471

are you a lady/

>> No.2309473



>> No.2309477

You know it's never good when you have to ask that.

>> No.2309478

Honey, could you sort this out for me please?


Thank you. =3

>> No.2309481


/lit/ is asking /lit/ for help?

>> No.2309485

Sure thing babe.

>> No.2309492

Disregard her, she's been acting a tad strange as of late, maybe it't time for a visit to the doctor.

Honey, I get your little rendezvous with your 'wild side', but you're beginning to make a spectacle of yourself.

Now get yourself together and come clean up your damn kids.

I'll be off to work soon, but when I come back I better not see any more of this tomfoolery, and there goddamn better be dinner on the table. Give a kiss to children for me.

>> No.2309496

now youre just being weird

>> No.2309499
File: 32 KB, 321x251, teenager is not confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2309502

Look, you're clearly delusional, have you been on the drink again. It's been months since /lit/ has had anything to do with you, let it slip.

Did you ever do anything with /r9k/, they seemed pretty into you when I was talking to them.

Keep safe.

>> No.2309504

Everyone in this thread is male.

>> No.2309509

and that's what you get, it looks that you aren't that smart

>> No.2309510
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1289457915966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit
>dat perspective

>> No.2309518
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>> No.2309521
File: 107 KB, 640x640, mu and lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys... I'm sorry for making this.

I'm very very sorry.

>> No.2309523

yeah i mean what's the actual event

>> No.2309525

>not lesbians

Wtf you up to nigga?

>> No.2309520

the fuck happens on friday?

>> No.2309527
File: 101 KB, 508x548, 1323037938968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2309530




>> No.2309536


>> No.2309537


>> No.2309534

/sci/ is too busy learning about the mysteries of the universe to be bothered with such nonsense.

>> No.2309541

lit is feminine males? this is news to me because since ive been here all I've heard about is kerouac, camus and Nietzsche. There isn't a more masculine genre than these

>> No.2309542


>> No.2309543

>/sci/ is too busy being alone/masturbating

>> No.2309545


It's a pie, you spastic.

>> No.2309547

sci and r9k will be the two nerdy guys who share a cab out of convenience rather than friendship and also because they share ">that feel when no gf"

>> No.2309548


For the purposes of upsetting /sci/, we have temporarily acquired rosy red cheeks and a magnificent rack.

Do not fear, we will resume normal operations in a matter of days.

>> No.2309549

So lit's identity is a bit more dynamic, fluctuating most likely with whatever book they're engrossed with? That's about right. Well done. A+

>> No.2309556
File: 30 KB, 174x173, 1325819162537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still say we ask /diy/ before they're taken

I'm pretty sure they'll put out

>> No.2309559

shut up donald you're retarded

>> No.2309560


>> No.2309561

Get out Doland.

>> No.2309563

if it's sex you want go for soc

>> No.2309570

Nobody wants /mu/ to ask /diy/. Fuck off

>> No.2309571

everybody /mu/tant hates you, so why are you speaking for us. you're pathetic

>> No.2309572
File: 56 KB, 535x552, .....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I want sex, not crabs

>> No.2309574


/mu/ can provide us with the drugs we desperately require to synthesize anything approaching originality. It is a parasitic relationship founded on mutual desires and a shared hatred of /sci/.

>> No.2309580

That feel when even /ic/ and /p/ are repulsed by the /sci/entologists


>> No.2309583

>introverted nerd girl with a genuine love of the arts beguiled by hipster poseur

god-dammit, why does this always happen?

>> No.2309587
File: 60 KB, 678x426, 91118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because she never liked you in the first place

>> No.2309589


> Introverted nerd girl dominated and broken by a four-hundred-pound walking wall of sickly jello that thinks he knows something about science
> Thank God this didn't happen

>> No.2309591

I say we go with the fat lazy slobs from /tv/. At least if they try to rape us we can knee them in the balls and outrun them.

>> No.2309593

I think /lit/ would fall for a bad boy, what's the gun board? does that fit the description of rebel?

>> No.2309594
File: 275 KB, 560x700, You're so mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm actually glad you decided to show up.

>> No.2309598
File: 176 KB, 647x522, 1325467664290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from /mu/, just wanted to say thanks for playing along.

Also no one likes the ponyfag, feel free to redirect it to /b/ or something.

To make this /lit/ related, I'm a fan of John Muir.

>> No.2309599


Oh god no, big fat guys talking about bullets. No. Hell no.

/fit/ would be the bad boy, but he's going out with /fa/

>> No.2310247


/k/ is married to /an/ anyway.