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/lit/ - Literature

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2308520 No.2308520 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2308524


i think that some of the TAR entries have been at least on the brink of it

>> No.2308542

You obviously haven't read my publication in Science News Quarterly titled "OP is a Huge Faggot: How One Man Can Suck So Many Cocks"

>> No.2308544

Troll post. The first law series has sold hundreds of thousands of copies in the past couple of years. Joe Abercrombie posted large portions of The Blade Itself's earlier drafts here throughout 2004 and 2005. I am surte other published authors have also consulted with /lit/ prior although I am unaware of any other specific examples.

>> No.2308550

the good ones probably know about FNASR

>> No.2308553

>implying we don't have published academics on here
However if you mean the people who show us their work alone that's accurate

>> No.2308554

hi op

everyone in /lit/ has been here since it was created, since 2010 iirc

>> No.2308560

Not op. Not saying /lit/ directly but back on r9k when it was subdivided, which I'd consider a previous incarnation of /lit/.

>>splitting hairs

>> No.2308578

you're implying that you have to be talented to get published. not saying people on /lit/ aren't, but it is likely someone from here has been published.

>> No.2308583

no one gives a shit about what you consider, and it isn't "splitting hairs" if you're wrong.

>> No.2308596
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But you're wrong. Before its creation the real posters on lit had similarly focused literate community based in the depths of /r9k/. The people posting were the same, the main website was the same, the collective name was the same. The only change was a different name when /lit/ /pol/ /adv/ and teamrocket got created. Your logic is fucking stupid, a name change doesn't change what something is.

>> No.2308600

Oh and I drive a Volkswagen Jetta TDI. You jelly?

>> No.2308607

>But you're wrong.

No, I am not. There was no entity called /lit/ before /lit/ was created. Whether the lit-related posts on /r9k/ were populated by the members of what eventually would become /lit/ is irrelevant.




>> No.2308610

Not old enough to drive yet or are you already enjoying your personal jetpack?

>> No.2308612

I live in a city, hick.

>> No.2308619

So you use public transport or walk? Any chance you're African American?

>> No.2308621


wait wait wait WHAT?! Joe Abercrombie was a /lit/izen?

>> No.2308620
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>implying I'm american


>> No.2308623

>he uses public transport or walks
>must be black
Fucking Americans, no wonder you're all so fat and contributing so much to pollution.

>> No.2308624


>> No.2308629

This is how it is anywhere there are affluent people, I live in South Africa (Englishman not a filthy Afrikaner), no one with money walks (albeit there is no efficient public transport). Same way it is in Norway whenever I visit. Where do you live that this is not the case? Spain?

Common knowledge

>> No.2308648

>only points of reference are south africa and norway

go to some megacities chump

>> No.2308660

Stop posting already.

>> No.2308665
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Hot off the press!

>> No.2308667

What qualifies as a megacity? USFag here I live in NYC and taxis or cars are used unless you're a roody. I get that backs up the Americans are fat and lazy post from before but the only other "real" city that is larger then NYC is London and unless television has lied to me everyone in London drives a Rolls Royce...

>> No.2308672

That or Aston Martins while a smoke screen shoots from the trunk, anon.
But I think if you wanted to consider it as such, the entire Northeastern seaboard is starting to become a sort of megacity. Probably in the next 50-200 years.

>> No.2308673

Public transport ausfag master race reporting in.

>waiting in traffic jam behind a wheel instead of behind a book while someone else drives.

>> No.2308680

>the only other "real" city that is larger then NYC

london is smaller. tokyo is the largest, both shanghai, delhi and mumbai are bigger as well. i think mexico city too.

>> No.2308681

Yes I think they occasionally drive LandRovers or Bentleys as well. And they love smoking Benson and Hedges.

>> No.2308685

Yeah but besides Tokyo and Shanghai those are dirt poor, hence the designation of "real", I'm sure Delhi, Sio Paul, and Moscow are huge too but they are poor as well.

>> No.2308689

Since when does skrilla factor in to how large a city is? since when is a city's status as such directed by income? or are you just full of shit?

>> No.2308693

What? If poor not real? What? Do you realise how fucked you are? How about doing some research, or shutting your ignorant anus.

Even in johanasburg the blacks living in Soweto formulated their own equivalent public transport system.

You fucking nigger. Fuck!

>> No.2308695

Lol it has to do with how prevalent public transport would which is how cities was even originally brought up in this thread. Obviously it doesn't impact the size but if the average income is 2000USD not many people will be driving autos.

>> No.2308699

Lol and the one retarded samefag cannot follow the basic logic used in this topic

>> No.2308702

Jesus Christ you're stupid.
And besides, nobody samefags the same post twice in a row rephrased.
How about you offer a real response to those two questions?

>> No.2308711

Sure they do. You did then I did. I already stated that income had a role in this since it would impact someones choice for transportation. No it wouldn't impact size. No I don't believe it would impact size nor did I ever claim such, I said "real" cities as in those with per capita income comparable to the U.S. are essentially similar in that those can afford to drive do so. Even in extreme poverty the wealthy, be it a warlord, a property owner or whoever will nearly always chose to buy a vehicle rather then walk or take public transport.

>> No.2308721

Yeah, but then your definition of what makes a city "real" is based on public transport options. And then your definition is retarded.

>> No.2308724

You're trying to compare apples to oranges. Go back to /b/ where you can troll other high schooners bro. Have a goodnight, I am sure someone else will feed you.

>> No.2308727

Haha, wut.
Well, I'll just chalk that up as a victory.