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23084043 No.23084043 [Reply] [Original]

Is belief in God no longer necessary?

>> No.23084050

If you quit pushing a ball it'll keep rolling for a while before it stops. We can see it slowing down right now.

>> No.23084065

This passage is bullshit according to our current knowledge on pedagogics and personality development. You don't just remain a rich kid when you were a rich kid, if your surroundings change and influence you during the adulthood. We're constantly changing. It's not just the childhood.

>> No.23084071
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>the science says
How do you gullible retards find this place?

>> No.23084073

this is such a reddit faggot way of speaking. Everything about you screams pseud. Go kill yourself nigger.

>> No.23084078

Some people are genetically predisposed to rely on religion to function. They project this physiological necessity onto everyone else, and likewise the atheist often projects his lack of need of religion onto the theist. But it is clear that we are evolving towards a species that is less dependent on religion. In former times it was beneficial to be religious, and especially not a vocal atheist, or you might have been excommunicated or killed. These pressures still exist to an extent but not to the same degree as before. Some will argue that religion makes people more willing to reproduce, but this could be a correlation vs. causation error, but even if it’s true, this trend probably won’t continue forever. Atheists will eventually evolve to not have degenerate natures and desire reproduction regardless of their faith in God. Just look at Elon Musk, he has 10 children and is obviously an atheist.

>> No.23084079

That man may act like a man raised in wealth, but his children won't if they're raised after he throws it all away.

>> No.23084081
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God exists regardless of belief. It's our own choice to observe.

>> No.23084090

who wrote this? sounds like something morality man would say

>> No.23084093

lmfao that has to be one of the dumbest things ive ever read

>> No.23084103

His children are defective. One’s a troon, one’s an autist, one’s a skinfreak, etc.

>> No.23084109

>but lost belief, like a lost fortune, has effects that linger.
"Gentle is Zarathustra to the sickly. Verily, he is not indignant at their modes of consolation and ingratitude. May they become convalescents and overcomers, and create higher bodies for themselves!
Neither is Zarathustra indignant at a convalescent who looketh tenderly on his delusions, and at midnight stealeth round the grave of his God; but sickness and a sick frame remain even in his tears.
Many sickly ones have there always been among those who muse, and languish for God; violently they hate the discerning ones, and the latest of virtues, which is uprightness."

>> No.23084131

nietzsche said the same thing and you all suck his dick but when a christian says it you all seethe

>> No.23084136

I don't believe this at all when the only people still reproducing at high rates in the west are muzzies, nogs, and groups like the amish

>> No.23084141
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It’s from God: A Biography by Jack Miles.

>> No.23084158

evolution takes time

>> No.23084201
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God doesn’t exist regardless of belief. It's our own choice to observe.

>> No.23084209

nogs are ugly and dumb, it’s not worth the wait.

>> No.23084260

It was never necessary.

>> No.23084771

>seething adhom
Dunning Kruger niggers are even worse than redditors

>> No.23084794


>> No.23084799
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This. It's as Nietzsche says, the shadow cast by the Buddha might linger for centuries after the Buddha has vanished, but it remains a mere shadow, fading away.

For decades, Western thought has been investing in premises that lead to moral and epistemic nihilism. We have not embraced radical skepticism and relativism, but we have begun embracing that premises from which these follow. It is the morale sphere in particular where the rot is most evident, although it is coming for epistemology fast and furious.

Pic related as a decent diagnosis.

Digital balkanization, the embrace of post-modern relativism by radicals on the left and right, and technological progress point towards a communication breakdown.

>> No.23084818
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>more seething
Cope lmao

>> No.23084819

Elon Musk is an outlier. Upper class, educated leftists are disproportionately represented among people with no children. They are less likely to have kids, have them later, and have fewer.

Deeply religious people are the only type of rich/upper middle class people who have shit tons of kids. Everyone else having shit tons of kids is poor and poor people and minorities are way more likely to be religious.

Most of Africa is quite religious, generally Muslim or Christian. By 2100, over one in every two human beings under 18 will be African and Africans will make up close to 60% of all births. Population decline is going to be most dramatic in the secular West and China. Eastern Europe and China, places where atheistic regimes antagonistic to all religion held away for decades, are the regions with the most significant population collapses, collapsed which are already in progress.

>> No.23084977

>But it is clear that we are evolving towards a species that is less dependent on religion
LOL every country that is predominantly atheistic is collapsing into an embarrassing clownworld and dying. If you think religion is "magic sky daddy tell me so I do", then you neither understand religion nor why people believe in it.

>> No.23085033
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>> No.23085071

The level of arrogance and self worship necessary to draw the conclusion that people who abandoned God are still "of virtuous character" due to their cultural inheritance is so immense, all I can do is laugh. The obvious implication being that such a people never believed in a God in the first place, and only ever in their own vanity.

>> No.23085075
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>it is le questionable
Guess that makes adhom an argument. lmao

>> No.23085134

Depends on when the person lost their wealth. The OP image says "young man," so if he gave away his fortune in his mid-20's, then the lifestyle of a wealthy person will stick with him for quite a long time. Habit formation becomes deeply enmeshed in the brain over time.

>> No.23085190

>Is belief in God no longer necessary?
God Almighty determines the fates of nations, not votes or protests or political movements or business investors or even international banking/finance.

You can look at the history of Russia if you want to see what happens to people who forget God, if you want to consider what Yrui Bezmenov or Alexandr Solzhenitsyn have spoken. Or the current events in America. Why do you think the tides of lies and depravity and dishonesty have been so unrelenting? Why do you think there's an insecure border across which people and children are being trafficked? Do you think a nation with open borders could be safe for very long on its own ability or the might of men?

The only thing that will save America is if it repents and turns to God. Anyone who advocates against this has never seriously studied history with humility and a love for the truth. You can't vote your way out of this, you have wicked rules because you have wicked hearts. You're all wicked and evil, you get wicked and evil representatives. You're all wicked and evil, you get wicked and evil entertainment and education. God appoints rulers over nations and wicked rulers means two things, first is that God is afflicting you and chastising you for your sin and abominations. Sixty million babies have been murdered, sacrificed, on the altar of convenience, babies butchered in the wombs. It's bloody murder. You don't think God hears their blood crying out as he heard Abel's blood?

People will say they care about the children, and we need to ban free speech because of the children, and ban guns because of the children... THEY'RE MASS MURDERING INNOCENT UNBORN BABIES IN THE WOMB. THEY CARE MORE ABOUT THE CLIMATE THAN THEY DO HUMAN LIFE.

It's a wicked and evil world. Atheists have no answer to the evil that has befallen this nation, they have no boldness to speak the truth in the face of evil, in the face of being "canceled" is often enough to silence them, and the church has largely adopted a similar secular attitude and it's pathetic and it needs to stop or else this nation is going to hell.

>> No.23085195

Evolution is a religion, naturalism is a religion, they're both taken entirely on blind faith and they're fairy tales, man-made superstitions, for people who want to live a life full of sin and debauchery without a guilty conscience, without feeling guilty. Even atheism must be taken on faith, they believe on faith that God does not exist outside of their knowledge, and most of them will never search for God because they love sinning against him too much, they don't want to find God, they reject the knowledge of God.

Also evolution wasn't so widely adopted or heavily funded because it was ever proven true, or because there was some breakthrough; no, it was adopted to be more like the Godless communist USSR which has collapsed years ago. Not a very good idea and America is on its path to collapse now, teaching kids they're just animals and they act like it.

>Just look at Elon Musk, he has 10 children and is obviously an atheist.

>> No.23085198

>means two things
And second, that... ah hell, I'm too mad to give you the good news regarding the chastening of the Lord.

>> No.23085205

> adhom
>Dunning Kruger
I was kind of on your side but it seems like he was right and you are Reddit incarnate. Go back.

>> No.23085220

what do you worship?

>> No.23085222
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>waiting for retards to address the argument
Literally just keep proving my point lmao

>> No.23085245

>reddit pseud gets btfo
>starts aggressively shitposting to every reply to conceal his asspain
many such cases

>> No.23085255
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>gets btfo
>"N-No you"

>> No.23085339

>Some people
No, most people, humans exist and were able to talk, create art, carry a bag full of tools such as axes and spears, wear clothes and make up religions to explain the world for 2 million years, we only had anything that resemble philosophy and science less than 10 thousand years ago.

2 million years is a fucking lot, 7 million years ago humans and chimps didn't even split into 2 groups yet, atheists are an anomaly and most of them probably struggle with their own instincts

>> No.23085427
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You're dumb as fuck, genuinely too stupid to even have it be explained how fucking dumb you are.

>> No.23085441
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Modern people are more religious than people in the past if anything. They've simply replaced their need for religiosity with new so called secular gods, now they pray to Starbucks or transgenderism or niggers or whatever. I'm being completely serious, what them engage with these idols, it's a religious experience for them. Complete with blood sacrifice and everything.

>> No.23085449

>tfw you realize you can't criticize blacks, women, or jews today in the exact same way you couldn't criticize the pope in the medieval ages
>tfw you realize all these atheists froth at the mouth because what you're breaking are blasphemy laws which quite literally strip you of personhood as a consequence
It really and truly makes you think.

>> No.23085491
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I wonder who did that

>> No.23085521

>be me, in college
>watch the girl from the dorm next door to mine have a nervous breakdown because of George Floyd
>she's throwing and breaking things and barely able to speak but yelling as she goes through the hall ranting about how slavery isn't over and we all have no idea what it's like to be black
>everyone opens their doors for a second and then shuts them again seeing its her
>I'm the last onlooker with their door open as she passes by me and I catch her eye and try to talk to her
>"uhh, but you're white" I say to her
>she starts hyperventilating and tries to attack me as I slam the door in her face
This actually happened. If that isn't religious fervor I don't know what is. I've never observed that kind of zeal in church, so maybe these types are the only believers today. She graduated and I didn't btw.

>> No.23085529
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This point of view is, itself, fundamentally atheistic. The theistic, spiritual perspective is that God is real and there are metaphysical dimensions of the universe regardless of our "choice" to believe in them or not.

Even if you don't believe in demons you can still be a victim of demonic possession. To frame it merely as a choice of mind that a person can, or cannot, make is itself to surrender the field to atheists.

Basically, the theistic perspective is to say: you may not be intererested in God, but he's still interested in YOU.