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/lit/ - Literature

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2308203 No.2308203 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys i was wondering how it feels like when a video game board is better at discussing literature than you.


pic unrelated

>> No.2308211

>Are the Harry Potter books even heralded as classics? Sure they're very popular but they're not that well written and I doubt many literary critics regard it so highly.
>I find discworld to be hilarious, but I have a british sense of humor.
>How are The Dresden Files not a video game yet?
>There is actually very smart anime about that, called Serial Experiment Lain.
>It's good.
Your pic is very much related.

>> No.2308217


>Hey guys i just got an ebook what book should i get?
>What ebook should i get?
>So i got an ebook for christmas
>hey dudes check out my poem: (shit poem made by 4th grade rhyme standards)


>> No.2308218
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Implying /lit/ isn't slow because they aren't on /v/ half the time.

>> No.2308229


>implying you know how to properly imply

So what gaems do you guys like to play?

>> No.2308230

I don't like /v/. /ck/ and /tv/ are the other sections I occasionally use.

>> No.2308232


Europa Universalis III

Metro 2033


Dwarf Fortress

Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup

>> No.2308233

Gaems are for children, as is fun.
I only read nonfiction, technical journals, Scientific American (for the articles!!), and math books. The only fiction I read is merely to further my own philosophical theories about how futile escapism is.

>> No.2308235


Hey i read Metro 2033 a while ago and i was wondering if it was worth it to check out the game? Is there anything new to the story or anything they left out?
Will it ruin my book experience?

>> No.2308236

A sweeping generalization.
I dislike vidya personally

>Oh wowzerz! Geewiz!! Crazy "green" texting!!!

>> No.2308239


The game follows the book pretty closely but it gives you the option to not blow up the Dark Ones hive

>> No.2308248

>reading scrolling blocks of text in video games makes you literary
>analyzing the stories of video games far deeper than the game developers have intended

>> No.2308251


>scrolling through blocks of text in a book makes you literary
>analyzing the stories of novels far deeper than the authors ever intended

>> No.2308259
File: 237 KB, 600x800, mediatiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

video games confirmed for shit tier

>> No.2308270

>"I appreciate books and read them from time to time and they have actually made a good impact on videogaming with the ported stories"

>"Fuck all gamers they are not as smart and pretentious as us because we like to drink tea all day long and listen to audiobooks while reading a book and discussing modern art at the same time, our minds cannot comprehend the simplicity of gaems"

Oh you.

>> No.2308276
File: 102 KB, 400x349, 9416101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the /v/ thread is emblematic of the difference in attention spans between the average user of /v/ and /lit/: they prefer a single fast but topically diffuse thread, to several topically focused but slow threads

>> No.2308280

Lern2stereotype better.

>> No.2308283


reading while listening to audiobooks

golden troll

>> No.2308286

Well, looking at: >>2308211 who actually took a lot of care to pick up six most stupid posts from 200+ thread and carefully avoided all the good recomendations, reasonable arguments and discussion on east european literature (something I've personally seen /lit/ completely fail at several times) in order to prove how "stupid" /v/ is, I think there might be a bit of truth in that generalisation.

>> No.2308287
File: 51 KB, 1344x1088, dragon_warrior_world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what gaems do you guys like to play?
e/lit/ists play only the old-world classics

>> No.2308292 [DELETED] 

I did not take a lot of care. I scrolled and copypasted randomly.

>> No.2308294

They're discussing Eastern European lit there? Is it actually all of Eastern Europe, or just Russian lit? Because if they're discussing things like Slovenian, Balkan, and Czech lit I am going to be all over that.

>> No.2308295

>The only fiction I read is merely to further my own philosophical theories about how futile escapism is

>> No.2308296

I did not, I scrolled and copypasted randomly.
/v/'s pretty shit.

>> No.2308300

>doesn't recognize meta-trolls
will always be there for you

>> No.2308301

Quote from their thread (someone's recomendation):
>Oh man, I'd love to. I don't even know where to start:
>Bruno Schulz, The Street of Crocodiles, Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass, Collected Short Fictions
>Witold Gombrowicz: Pornography, Ferdidurke

>Czech Rep:
>Kundera: nearly everything
>Chapek: War With the Newtz
>Hasek: The Good Soldier Svejk
>Kafka (not really czech, but I'm not going to make a special "jewish" cathegory): Trial, >Castle, and above all, short early short stories.

>Drago Jančar: Mocking Desire

>Pál Závada: Jadviga's Pillow

>Milorad Pavić: Dictionary of the Chazars, Inner Side of the Wind (I recomend this one the most of all non-russian authors. he is a fucking GENIUS)

plus links to other threads recomending russian books.

>> No.2308302


All of Eastern Lit

>> No.2308305
File: 32 KB, 585x600, tn-tumblr_leorumcWQp1qadeu9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Those recommendations

I bet /lit/ is all jelly now.

>> No.2308308

They did Asian lit recommendations too? Or did you just leave off European accidentally?

Some decent recs, especially for Slovenia, Serbia, and Poland. I am entirely confused how someone could leave Bohumil Hrabal out of a Czech Republic rec list and rec all of Kundera. Blech.

Didn't seem like there was actually any discussion pertaining to any of them though.

>> No.2308312

As a person who has made Eastern European literature threads several times on /lit/, I'm not so much jelly of the recs as jelly that I didn't get to make better ones in the thread itself. I'm guessing it's way too late now though.

I think the guy asking for them settled on Ferdydurke though, which I'm glad at.

>> No.2308310

Nope, I might just start using /v/. 7/10 threads here are about Lolita, Ulysses, Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow. /lit/ isn't a well-read demographic of 4chan.

>> No.2308314


>He can't believe it, time to find some holes to save his dignity

>> No.2308315

Accidentaly, I noticed someone brough that up there too. Only japan though:

>Anyone here ever read classic Japanese literature? I'm not speaking VNs or Softnovels, >I'm talking Shiga, Ibuse, Abe, Junichiro, Oé, Akutagawa?
>Anybody read Sand Woman, or Diary of a Crazy Old Man, or Black Rain, Old man an a Mountain, or Rashomon?
>Or at least seen the movies?

Did not seem to pick up any responces.
I agree with the Hrabal omission being unforgivable, but it's nice to see there are people in the world who know what Ferdidurke is out side this bitter place, especially when a few other people seemed to know it too.

>> No.2308319

Can't believe what? Hrabal is the embodiment of Czech literature and Kundera doesn't even write in the language and hasn't even lived in the country for decades. I don't even think he considers himself Czech at this point, which is why I was bothered that they rec'd everything of his and nothing of a famous national literary icon.

Like I said, the others were pretty okay. Especially Poland, as those two authors are pretty much the best starting places for Polish lit.

>> No.2308320

I like how /v/'s best trolling efforts come to

>> No.2308325

That's kind of strange. None of the authors they mentioned are classical Japanese literature. They're all modern authors. And he referred to Tanizaki by his given name.

For clarification, I think the first title that guy was trying to say is supposed to be The Woman in the Dunes.

Too bad he doesn't come here though. I always welcome Japanese literature threads.

>> No.2308327

As a Czech I have to say, Kundera still considers himself a czech, or at least so he claims. His latest theatrical play (Ptákovina) was even written in czech and had a premier here - by chance, I was there and I can see why - it would literally not make any sense in french.

But yeah, that is a bloody mistake. I like how he picked War with the Newts, a book that is very close to my heart and I don't think it's very well know outside my country.

>> No.2308330

Seriously? /lit/ wishing for a /v/tard to pay them a visit?

>> No.2308333
File: 23 KB, 300x398, vaclav-havel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Havel?

Part-Czech-American here.

>> No.2308335

Well that's good to know! I'm always bothered when authors completely abandon their home countries and languages. I've seen it happen with several Romanian authors.

I want to say Capek is most well known outside of the Czech Republic for R.U.R. The few people I know who've read him have only read it, at least.

>> No.2308336

Matka je nejlepší.

>> No.2308337

Ah, that's why you didn't recommend any Havel works when I asked you to recommend some.

>> No.2308338

Havel's plays are boring as shit.

If he wasn't the president, nobody would put them on. He said as much himself.

>> No.2308344
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I see. Oh well

I don't recall. Perhaps I went to work without noticing.

>> No.2308347

He is dead.

I was never too fond of his literature, but the again, after reading Platanov's Chevengur, I was never fond of wester absurd literature in the first place. I respect him (as a writter, not so much as a president), but it's not that I actively search for his works.

That is funny, R.U.R is not all that interesting, besides establishing the word "Robot". War with the Newts on the other hand is, given the time it was written, pretty damn amazing. It's an apocalyptic science-fiction, and a damn good one too. Very relevant, even today, but I think at that time, it was mostly a reflection of Chapek's growing fear of the Nazi germany.

He also wrote a bunch of amazing short stories, but I can see how those would not be popular outside the country.

>> No.2308348

That's fine, I just picked up 'Temptation' and 'The Memorandum' from the library. Haven't read them yet, but as I read here they are, alas, boring as shit. Ah well, onto the to-burn pile they go.

>> No.2308351

Not exactly true, his works were quite popular even before the revolution. My parents used to re-type them secretly at home becouse he was on the black list. Garden Festival is not half-bad. He was certainly better writer than politician.
That said, he is not miraculous either.

>> No.2308354
File: 96 KB, 250x322, Indy-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read em and judge for yourself, as long as they're right there.

>> No.2308359

Not really. He was liked because of Charter 77, so his plays were seen as edgy, forbidden, samizdat stuff. Pavel Kohout is more or less the same type of story.

I've met people who worked at Divadlo Na zábradlí and they've said it wasn't lucrative nor popular.

>> No.2308363

Maybe, as I mentioned, I did not find his works particulary interesting either.
On the other hand, I found Kohout, or at least some of his stuff pretty damn interesting. The guy is a fucking pig, there is no doubt about it. I think he is really kinda sick.
But "Katyně" and "Bílá kniha o kauze Adam Juráček" (I seriously don't know english translations of those titules) - I actually found them pretty clever, well writen and enjoyable. If a bit sickening at times.
Not to mention Kohout's communist fairytales "Book about Black and White" (set of children stories based on classical folklore, writen in early 50's back when he was devoted red man), which is one of the most amusing texts I've ever read in my life.

>> No.2308364

So wait, some guys from /v/ came to brag about their literature thread and then call everyone here pretentious?

>> No.2308369

Interesting you mentioned that you know people at Divadlo Na Zábradlí. I know a guy who used to play a minor role in the Ptákovina play, that is how I got to the premier among others...

>> No.2308372

Nah, someone mentioned there is a literature thread on /v/ going on, somebody dismissed it as shit, other pointed out they had a decent easte-european literature recomendations, and now we are mostly talking about Havel.

>> No.2308377

As the person who immediately dismissed it as shit, I'mokwiththis.

>> No.2308427

Do threads normally die this quickly around here?

>> No.2308436

I like how /v/'s primary trollthread here ended with the discussion of lit, and /lit/'s primary trollthread on /v/ ended with dubshit and homosexpics.