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23081707 No.23081707 [Reply] [Original]

>What this basically does is reduce all political questions to the projection of an ideal self-image. Indeed, there is a tried and true script. The vitalist will continually repeat the following cliches: “human excellence,” “Faustian man,” “superior man,” “conquering the stars,” “reaching to infinity,” and so on. Whenever someone raises a troublesome practical question, the vitalist immediately retreats to his happy place where all of our problems are simple: just put 12 superior men in a room and heaven on earth will be done. As to why these 12 superior men never end up congregating in that room, it is because the inferior masses are holding them down. This becomes the canned answer that the vitalist delivers to every problem. The vitalist is not actually a political person at all. He is apolitical. Worse than that: he is anti-political. After all, politics is the world of nomos, and by definition superiority cannot thrive in a nomos. Every single political question becomes nothing but a solipsistic aggrievement. It’s always “great men” being “obstructed,” “held down,” “longhoused,” or whatever. Not a single word of the state, of administration, of management, of actual politics.

BAP thoroughly and definitively rebuked by Nigel https://rmorrison.substack.com/p/a-historical-criticism-of-costin

>> No.23081713

Wasn't BAP going to address that article? I felt it was a well-written refutation that deserved a rebuttal.

>> No.23081721

He's busy meeting young twinks at gay bars and posting homoeroticism on twitter.

>> No.23081727

>physical fitness, the Beautiful (strong)
>recapitulated into power of Mind (Nous & metis in its use)

Who should rule? Those that combine the two. Right Thought must also propagate and breed out falsehood in lesser minds.

>> No.23081732

Whoever wins. Who rules is who should rule.

>> No.23081734

It'll be interesting to see what he has to say. He can't fall back on the "I-it's merely an exhortation!" excuse this time.

>> No.23081744

Putting 12 elite men in a room to decide over the world would end up in not less than 12 global states divided in a gruelsome fight against each other. Now look at how these 12 elite men make a 120 sons each. Total chaos would ensue.

>> No.23081782

>bro eros should totally rule the city dawg
I don't care what you think about irony, Plato absolutely did not mean that.

>> No.23081826

Eloquently put. I've always thought this about the BAP sphere: good for self-improvement but utterly useless beyond that. I also think BAP knows this and his philosophy is just meant to ridicule and weaken the influence of the liberal world order.

>> No.23081866

>I also think BAP knows this and his philosophy is just meant to ridicule and weaken the influence of the liberal world order.
it's not even that anymore. it's all about how based Zionist Jews are now. they even canceled TND. it's over. time for a new right-wing meme to rejuvenate our spirits.

>> No.23081904

>it's all about how based Zionist Jews are now
How so? I read Bronze Age Mindset years ago and it wasn't like that at all. But I don't keep up with these things anymore.

>> No.23081934

this is mostly the BAPsphere online, including BAP himself

>> No.23082095

Dustin Sebell's critique is pretty hard hitting from BAP's own nominal sect of Straussians, but the first three pages, meant for normies, try too hard to appear to be a good liberal, so the BAPites scoffed and dropped it without reading further. But it nails him thoroughly on his fast and loose readings of the Greeks.


>> No.23082101

>it's all about how based Zionist Jews are now
Not it's not. I'm not even a fan of BAP but there's no need to lie about him. Simply not being Jew obsessed anti-Semite =/ Zionist Judeophile

>> No.23082121

What do they say about Zionist Jews being based these days?

>> No.23082133

He's a Jew and in this case a Zionist Jew. He insulted Kanye when he criticised Jewish influence despite praising him in the past. He's 100% a zionist.

>> No.23082167
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more onions lies. Costin Alamariu is a faggot Zionist Jew with a communist grandfather, neocon academic advisers, plaudits from the establishment GOP, etc. and get this, after spending months shilling for Israel because "lol we're more racist than we're antisemitic, don't be a third worlder", he comes out and retires TND. he's been completely exposed as a subversive fraud. and his pfp comes from a private homosexual forum. it's not even him.

I wish I could say that I'm being hyperbolic. I'm not. you literally cannot make this shit up.

dude, if you're a goy and you follow this guy, you got fleeced hard. and if you're not, TKD.

>> No.23082169

His "Zionism" is entirely contingent. He didn't like the Kanye phenomenon because he thought it was slavish, low IQ and third-worldist. He was absolutely right in that regard

>> No.23082183

you have to be low IQ to believe this shit at this point. there's always a reason why he has to undermine anti-Zionists.

>> No.23082190

Israelis are third-world barbarians.

>> No.23082194

He didn't "retire" TND, he merely said it's not presently a pragmatic platform, which is obviously true. Also his profile picture is some rugby player.
>lol we're more racist than we're antisemitic, don't be a third worlder
He was absolutely right about this. The Retard Right aren't pro-White, they're merely anti-Jew, which means they attract all sorts of strange bedfellows.

>> No.23082198

>it was slavish, low IQ and third-worldist.
Those are labels right-wing Jews use in an attempt to divert attention from Israel and Jewry. Blatant red flag

>> No.23082201

>there's always a reason why he has to undermine anti-Zionists
Because they're brown. He's explicitly stated as much

>> No.23082206

And Jews are white? LOL
I know you're a shill.

>> No.23082217

>Also his profile picture is some rugby player.
It's a photo from a gay forum.

>> No.23082218

It's an attempt to dispel right-wing anti-Semites of resentful, anti-colonial third-worldism

>> No.23082223

It's a photo from some NZ rugby player's instagram that was uploaded to many places, including a gay forum

>> No.23082229

You're coming across as pretty brown right now.

>> No.23082233

Anything that attempts to dispel criticism or attacks against Zionism is fundamentally Jewish. Divide and conquer is a Jewish tactic.

>> No.23082244

who do you think brought and platformed all the brown people in the first place? HELLO?!

you're either retarded or you're a kike. it's that simple. look for the first principles and you'll understand how everything works.

>> No.23082260

It absolutely isn't, which is BAP's point.
If your only goal is anti-Semitism at all costs, you'll inevitably end up adopting anti-colonial third-worldist anti-White narratives and making friends with anti-White people—which is exactly what has happened among a subset of the online right.

>> No.23082271

>It absolutely isn't! Source: Zionist Jew
With all due respect, kill yourself.

>> No.23082275

There's nothing fundamentally antiwhite about promoting antisemitism. And even at its worst, it would be a form of chemotherapy. What are you supposed to do, let the cancer grow unabated instead? Obviously not.

>> No.23082282

Numerous peoples, factions, organizations and institutions. If every Jewish person disappeared today mass-immigration would still continue unimpeded.

>> No.23082288

BAP comes from a country with a third world tier GDP. How come he's now a diva?

>> No.23082289

Fundamentally? No. When it's predicated on anti-colonialism and third-worldism? Yes. This is BAP's point.

>> No.23082297

The source is simple reason. Predicating your anti-Semitism on anti-Whiteness is not a good idea. There's a reason why in the Left's imagination Israel is White-coded.

>> No.23082307

The important part is getting rid of the rats. The intentions are ultimately irrelevant. Jews just happen to have lots of enemies around the world, at some point vastly different people would want to get rid of them. What BAP wants is to mask all this as leftist or whatever in order to mislead right-wingers and let Jews stay in power. It's pretty transparent, only a retard would fall for that and only a Jew would support those ideas.

>> No.23082314

So instead you want people to do nothing so Jews stay in power forever and you're selling this as the "based" alternative? I wonder who's behind these posts...

>> No.23082316

It's a terrible strategy. It completely cedes the frame to the left and creates an even bigger nest of rats.

>> No.23082320

How do you get rid of Jews? What's your strategy? Because clearly they're a major issue.

>> No.23082337

Antisemitism at all costs--what's the cost here? What does this guy offer? What does Zionism offer to white people? You're making the same points Ben Shapiro makes. The Israelis are third-world barbarians committing genocide in third-world fashion with our weapons, they and their allies would send all the Palestinians to America or Europe if they could. No one is betraying their people by being against Israeli and Jewish power. No one is supporting the left's delusion about Israel being a white supremacist state instead of a Jewish supremacist state. It's an inevitable realization for the left to make, and the more non-Jews criticizing Israeli and Jewish power the better. That's how the spell is broken. Fickle Ben Shapiro-tier alliances for optics instead of supporting what serious people like the Houthis are doing is what's low IQ, slavish and unprincipled.

>> No.23082360

You people have to stop fetishizing "the Jews"; stop thinking in words and start thinking in ideas. The problem with the subset of the Jewish people who form the international Jewish mafia (what you people term "the Jews") is that they act against European interests. If this wasn't the case, there wouldn't be a problem. The current conflict presents an opportunity to effect this realignment by exploiting the fact that the state of Israel has been cast as the Evil White Man by its enemies (the left). Again: if "the Jews" understand that it'd be better for them (Israel) if they act in the interest of Europe, then there wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Alternately, you could just screech "Jew Jew Jew!" all day on X like an 80IQ inbred Moslem hillbilly.

>> No.23082366

Jewish pulpil.

>> No.23082367

You adopted the latter option, I see

>> No.23082373


>> No.23082381
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>> No.23082387

The Jews are a people. They are a tightly-knit, highly ethnocentric people with a 2,500+ year history built upon their chosenness by their god, who they believe is also everyone else's god. You don't "realign" their perceived interests by pointing out mostly powerless leftists who misapplied their Jewish-pioneered programming by casting the Jews as Evil White Man. You don't get to choose how peoples understand the world and their own interests (a typically "leftist" thing to believe). You respond to their history and nature as a people.

>> No.23082393

You said nothing. I asked you specific questions and you offered no real solutions. Instead you put the blame on the left somehow. The left is irrelevant here, Abraham. There's nothing to be done with what you propose because it depends on what the left thinks or doesn't think. It's worthless.

>> No.23082405

Pure hypothetical, only answer in terms of it: if "the Jews" acted entirely within the interests of White/European peoples, would they still be a problem?

>> No.23082421

>They are a tightly-knit, highly ethnocentric people with a 2,500+ year history
The original Jews maybe. The current "Jews" are Russian-German atheists who are hated by actual religious Jews, who mostly want to read Talmud.

Easy way to sort: If a Jew isn't religiously observing, he should be sent to some kind of oblast or Madagascar or camp, where he can frolic with other "Jews" and eat Chinese food on Christmas. If he's religiously observing, he can have more freedoms but generally the goal should still be to give the real Jews a temporary homeland until meshiach comes or whatever. One that isn't Palestine.

>> No.23082431

Of course not. That is not where the disagreement is. Their history and their nature argue strongly against that possibility, as much as it may seem like they should do so.
"Actual religious Jews" are apparently lower IQ and for now less powerful.

>> No.23082450

>If a serpent wasn’t venomous, would it still be problem?
Jews are united by blood, not religion or politics. The recent events proved that.

>> No.23082456

Sorry Schlomo, I don’t use your word every day

>> No.23082476

> If this wasn't the case
But it is. You’re arguing in favor of a hypothetical not a reality. Already on the wrong path.
> The current conflict presents an opportunity to effect this realignment by exploiting the fact that the state of Israel has been cast as the Evil White Man by its enemies (the left).
This opportunity has always existed. Jews betray everyone in their way. You should know this.
> Again: if "the Jews" understand that it'd be better for them (Israel) if they act in the interest of Europe, then there wouldn't be a problem anymore.
The damage they’ve done will take many decades to undo. And it’s not certain we will be successful.

>> No.23082482

BAP was retroactively refuted by Nick Fuentes (PBUH):


>> No.23082535

>"Actual religious Jews" are [...] less powerful
That would seem to contradict the idea of an essentially"Jewish" power. It seems more likely that "Jewish power" is a function of political power.
(Religious Jews hold zero (0) power, by the way. They vote conservative at rates higher than the most conservative Whites.)

>> No.23082542

The Jew-defending individual is a just a right-wing Trotskyite. We will purge them like Stalin did.

>> No.23082549

>a hypothetical not a reality
You're arguing for a hypothetical world in which Jews don't exist. You're far further from reality than me, my brown friend.

>> No.23082560

No, I’m arguing in favor of getting rid of Jews in power. You want to fundamentally change Jewish nature and undo all their terrible influence. What I want is possible, what you want is a fantasy, my circumcised little-hatted friend.

>> No.23082582

That's a silly argument. I don't care about the "the jews are not the real jews/hebrews/isrealites" cope. They made up a bunch of their "canonical" "biblical" history anyways. We know who the Jews are, the Jews know who they are. Good luck "effecting a realignment" of people you can't even identify much less criticize in any way.

>> No.23082590

>I’m arguing in favor of getting rid of Jews in power
What if the Jews who held power were aligned with European interests?
>Jewish nature
There isn't *one* Jewish nature. Internal Jewish politics is testament to this, as is the history of Jews in Europe. A serious political actor would exploit this fact.
>What I want is possible
You don't know what you want. You want to screech "da jooz" at every opportunity you get, regardless the second-order effects this may produce, and in an act of magical thinking hope that they disappear one day:
>"da big nose man in da sky cast da bad juju on me. me stomp and yell until he go away!"
It's all so very brown.

>> No.23082597

It's not silly at all. You can't even seem to correctly identify the prime mover in your own conceptual universe. You hate "it," but you don't even know what "it" is.

>> No.23082611

>gets called a low iq third worldist who has no coherent views besides hating jews
>responds with a misspelled attempt at antisemitism
You fuentards really need to go back to your shitholes

>> No.23082621

ah, and there it is
he's just a typical groyper with BDS

>> No.23082649

> What if the Jews who held power were aligned with European interests?
We once again visit the realms of fantasy. It’s not a matter of ifs. If you have a disease you look for a cure, you don’t just lie down and say “what if I was living in a nice house by beach instead”. Not how the world works realistically.
> There isn't *one* Jewish nature. Internal Jewish politics is testament to this, as is the history of Jews in Europe. A serious political actor would exploit this fact.
There is a Jewish nature as far as Jewish power and subversion is concerned. You want me to start quoting Uncle Addie? He has some bangers
> You don't know what you want.
Yes I do. I want get rid of all the kike scum like you and get my country back. The sooner the better. And I know you’re a Jew because you seem particularly triggered and you’re rejecting the idea of getting rid of Jews. You want Jews to stay in power so you try to shame nationalists with muh left muh brown muh thirdworldism. All very transparent.
Yawn. Burn in hell, shlomo.

>> No.23082656

That’s another guy, retard. Look at the poster count. So much for Jewish genius.

>> No.23082678

Btw imagine supposedly being le heckin based right-winger and unironically using the word “antisemitism”. What’s next? Transphobia? Homophobia? Fuck off.

>> No.23082718

Far from being a prime mover, they are an annoying but persistent nuisance, powerful out of all proportion to their merit or interestingness. I have nowhere identified as primarily anti-Jewish. I'm criticizing your defense of them.

I don't quite understand the point of this comment (>>23082421). You're suggesting exploiting the divide between atheist and "religious" Jews? But what good could that do if the religious Jews have zero power? Obviously there must be a political solution to the problems posed by Jewish power. I don't think that means supporting it against a leftist rabble that seems pretty ineffective on their own and were used as attack dogs by powerful Jews in the first place. I think it makes political, and moral, sense to make criticizing Jewish power normal right now. It's like defeating the current boss in a video game. Is it the final boss? No. The dynamics of capital and power will not end there. But I've been convinced it's more pressing to criticize Jewish power because positing its largely directing influence makes sense of recent history and current events. It's the most dangerous focus of power to criticize. It blocks the entire dialectic of a solution to the sorry state of the West. It's frankly ridiculous and pathetic. I still don't get your solution: 1) Own the leftists 2) ??? 3) Realign Jewish interests (how? with what power? how do you get them to stop being the most stubborn race on earth?).

>> No.23082751

> how do you get them to stop being the most stubborn race on earth?).
The Jews have been Jewing the World for over 1000 years, survived everything even the Holocaust.
Why would Muslims and leftists taking over the world make jews fascist or even a bit right-wing? again they survived the holocaust. they are an undead race

with jews you lose

>> No.23082754

>As to why these 12 superior men never end up congregating in that room, it is because the inferior masses are holding them down
This is objectively correct, though.

>> No.23082757
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>Simply not being Jew obsessed anti-Semite =/ Zionist Judeophile
it actually does

>> No.23082758

That isn't my comment. In any case, the divide to exploit would be that between the present powers and right-wing Europhilic (and even White supremacist) Zionists (essentially BAP). This is a significant local Israeli and international elite contingent. Why would average Jews go for this? Because they (the Europhilic Jews), unshackled by the progressive ball and chain, could do a better job defending Jewish interests than than the current powers.
>it's more pressing to criticize Jewish power
Pointless and in fact damaging if it's on the basis of anti-colonialism, third-worldism etc. In the present conflict Israel = conceptually White.

>> No.23082759 [DELETED] 

>you're not hating jews for the right reasons! it's cringe! stop it! there's no wrong reason to hate the jews, and also your breath smells like gefilte fish

>> No.23082761

When the fuck did this board become infested with Fuentards? Weird

>> No.23082764

>>you're not hating jews for the right reasons! it's cringe! stop it!
there's no wrong reason to hate the jews, and also your breath smells like gefilte fish

>> No.23082769 [DELETED] 

Yes, actually. Criticizing Jews for being colonizers and mean to brown people is bad. Do you think lending credence to such narratives is good for White settler-colonialist countries?

>> No.23082771

>what if this thing that will never happen, happened?
actual jew detected

>> No.23082775 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up and get in the fucking oven, kike.

>> No.23082776

>"But I did eat breakfast this morning"
Brown detected

>> No.23082779

It’s Jew lovers who are the strangers.

>> No.23082784

Israel is a brown country and Jews are brown. Jews in the West are getting a bit too uppity. Know your place.

>> No.23082785

>what if jews were, like, super-based and helped white people instead of genociding them?
Fantastical, and thusly irrelevant, you future lamp-shade.

>> No.23082786

Jews are /lit/
Many great writers and philosophers amongst God's chosen people
Kino aesthetics too

>> No.23082789

like 2006

>> No.23082791

If they were, would you still hate them?

>> No.23082796
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>God's chosen people
>constantly trying to pull one over on God
what did they mean by this

>> No.23082798
File: 160 KB, 1000x627, Corneliu-zelea-codreanu-si-vacarestenii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wanted to drop this based Codreanu pic in a BAP thread. Read "For My Legionaries" to learn about these guys!

>> No.23082800

>if shit were tasty and nutritious, would you eat it?
Who gives a fuck, kill yourself oven-dodger.

>> No.23082801

>Criticizing Jews for being colonizers and mean to brown people is bad
No that is good.
But we don't actually care about what Jews does to brown people

>> No.23082808

Dealing with Fuentards really makes you understand the historical elite disdain for vulgar anti-Semites. Truly tedious and dull people.

>> No.23082809

Antisemitism is /lit/ and many great writers were antisemites. It’s the cool kids club. Sorry you’re now allowed, big nose.

>> No.23082811

not allowed*

>> No.23082815

ESL is not /lit/, sorry.

>> No.23082817

the same elite whose decline is the result of their own

>> No.23082818

say it again, but without the foreskin in your mouth

>> No.23082819

The elite has been historically antisemitic. It’s the plebs who love Jews.

>> No.23082824

>right-wing Europhilic (and even White supremacist) Zionists (essentially BAP). This is a significant local Israeli and international elite contingent.
I am skeptical of this being a thing. If you had said "Jews" instead of "Zionists", ok, that might be a bit more of a thing. But all evidence seems to be that "right-wing Europhilic Zionists" are Zionists first and with all their might, and Europhilic for show. They don't act in the interest of Europeans. How would they act in the interests of the state of Israel, a Jewish supremacist state, and of Europe and America? They appear to treat Palestinians as more or less like any non-Jews to which they can do as they wish. The exaggerations and lies they tell about the Germans actually apply to themselves. I'm not Jewish. Seeing the problem here? If not the Jews then certainly the Zionist Jews are the ones who THEMSELVES always distinguish themselves from Whites.

>> No.23082825

I wonder if Junger would still be a judeophile if he could see modern Germany and Europe at large

>> No.23082829

Nabokov and Conrad are more /lit/ than Holocostin the Gay Barbarian. Sorry, Jew.

>> No.23082832

JIDF nigger please go.

>> No.23082837

Don’t Jews already have Reddit and twitter? Why are they here? What a cancer they are.

>> No.23082844

literal who?
>muh the feelings of aristocrats
The average white commoner is suffering because some elitist got snobbish and allows the great replacement to take place...or something

>> No.23082847

Cancer is never content, it just spreads until the entire organism is dead.

>> No.23082907

I am becoming a Judeophile.

>> No.23082919

Judeophilia as a reaction is for the birds as well.

>> No.23082938

such a blatantly dogshit and retarded thing to think and there's a reason the Republic starts with the refutation of Thrasymachus

>> No.23083000
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>> No.23083003

I'm not jewish, Paco

>> No.23083013
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Not them
At least Mexicans are uncut, yes, like us Europeans.

>> No.23083015

Anyone who brings up terms like “third worldism” and “antisemitism” when people criticize Jewish power and Zionism is either a Jew or a useful goy: for all intents and purposes the same thing.

>> No.23083017

A Twitter argument over petty shit. Very bronze age!

>> No.23083030

This. And I seriously don't get it, "third worldism".
What do they even mean?

It's a slur used by those people with a communist personality.

>> No.23083058
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They accuse you of being crude, low-class, dumb, unstrategic and obsessed with da joos when you criticize them, or even of being anti-white. When you express support for anyone outside nato, people who they bully like the barbarians they are but who still fight back, people they can play you off against as being "brown", even if it makes moral and strategic sense, you are a third-worldist.

>> No.23083270

>What do they even mean?
Siding with Hamas

>> No.23083275

That "Karim" guy is a literal Arab 3rd worldist commie

>> No.23083281

>Pure hypothetical, only answer in terms of it: if "the Jews" acted entirely within the interests of White/European peoples, would they still be a problem?
No. But that would require for them to abandon their unique identity as Jews, which they'll never do at this point. They consistently behave with such an extreme in-group preference, out-group destabilization strategy that at this point it has become hypothesized that it is an evolutionary strategy by the likes of Kevin MacDonald. So, your hypothetical fails on its own terms.

>> No.23083286

This rhetorical tactic is getting old. If you listen to BAP shills, the only white people that exist are Jews, and in that case, that becomes a great selling point if one wanted to team up with "third worldists" to enact revenge for historical atrocities.
>uhmmm Germans were brown and Hitler was a civil rights advocate, it's the Jews who tried to convince us all that they were white
>just listen to Benjamin Franklin, most "white" people were considered brown throughout most of history
We don't care about whiteness. We care about preserving our unique peoples. If that requires forming a new identity, European, to eschew "whiteness" (and the Semitic baggage that comes with it), that's a-okay on our end. The race continues on.

>> No.23083289

Breakfast is a contingency, Jews being subversive elements is a necessary fact. You outed yourself as a midwit.

>> No.23083293

>*nothing happens*
>gets banned from X
So this is the power of low IQ Jew hating?

>> No.23083301

>is a necessary fact
No it's not. Plenty of good Jews out there

>> No.23083303

Nobody sides with Hamas.
Even if somebody that's RW sides with Hamas? Is that wrong? The struggle in Palestine is that of blood and soil. But I don't care.

Yeah I know, Infiared/Haz guy. I blocked him. But he is right.

>> No.23083304

Where are they? I don't see them.

>> No.23083306

The Fuentards side with Hamas for "strategic" reasons. Sheer lunacy

>> No.23083309

One of them goes by Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.23083311

I don't see anything wrong with that.
No, not BAP.

>> No.23083315

>I don't see anything wrong with that.
Ceding the frame to the left and lending credence to anti-colonial, third-worldist narratives is not a good idea.

>> No.23083320

Fuentes people have their own reasons to support Hamas, in fact they more ideologically similar.
I don't see how they cede to the left, the Fascists and NS Germany supported nationalist movements in the Middle East, so do the Fuentes people.
Third-worldist narratives, Now I don't quite understand.

From what I know, Hamas has nothing to do with the Left. Hamas works with the communist party of palestine but thats it, it's an united front against Israel.

>> No.23083324

As individuals, not as a group. Again, see >>23083281.
>positions are indistinguishable from the normie GOP
he's an uppity neocon, that's it

>> No.23083570

My conclusion is that he genuinely doesn't think of himself as Jewish, all the while he has become the center of gravity for alot of Jews on X/twitter, in a fringe sub-cultural political movement, which ironically is quintessentially Jewish, always at the margins.
It's a classic case of 'watch what people do, not say'.

>> No.23083917

He’s a subversive Jew. Try again.

>> No.23083924

Totally not a Jew, that’s why he gets his panties in a twist every time people called out Zionism and Israel. He even blocked me on twitter despite never even interacting with him or talking about him. Plenty of other people have the same story. The guy’s a Jewish fraud.

>> No.23084030

Maybe I didn't say it well, but my point was that he is very Jewish. But I don't think he thinks of himself as being that.
So when he's called out for being Jewish etc, I think his blindspots are genuine. Which actually makes him more pernicious in a way.

>> No.23084059

That's a good point. It shows a total lack of self-awareness to not recognize that as a perceived conflict of interest. And I'm not saying that it's impossible to be Jewish, right wing, and, on occasion, exhibit some qualified sympathy for Israel. But when you're BAP, checking every single subversive neocon kike box while loudly admonishing anybody who tells you to reconsider, it gets old real quickly.

We shouldn't care if he's being stupid or being malicious. Either way, he's out.

>> No.23084067

Fair enough

>> No.23084189
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Wait, isn't BAP a Jew? Now he's telling us colonialism and third-worldism and other isms are worse than antisemitism because of "resentment" and based Nietzsche? we need BASED 1 trillion US tax dollars to Israel stat!

the real reason people latch onto BAP is because of memetics. there's a billion nietzschean arguments against his ideology but anons read le based meme words and think that they finally found their shepherd

>> No.23084197

Very Bronze Age!

>> No.23084210

Why did BAP take off and not Mike Ma? Is it because Mike Ma shows sympathy for the Arabs? Is BAP astroturfed?

>> No.23084226

One has Jewish connections the other is a goy like us.

>> No.23084261

Mike Ma kind of took off, didn't he? He had two books that sold pretty well.

>> No.23084329

Sure rabbi

>> No.23084336

>Is BAP astroturfed?

>> No.23084519

I've read this critique after reading Selective Breeding and I have to say that it is great in refuting certain inessential ideas, but it is deeply flawed, because it represents Alamariu's main ideas in a strict binary position, where everything associated with physis = good, and nomos = bad, whereas in the book the opposition is obviously more nuanced. Lets just take this part for example:
>The vitalist is not actually a political person at all. He is apolitical. Worse than that: he is anti-political. After all, politics is the world of nomos, and by definition superiority cannot thrive in a nomos
This follows the binary opposition I mentioned before: politics is the world of nomos and nomos=bad, ergo, politics=bad. But in Alamriu's text the main takeaway of Plato's and Nietzsche's secion is that physis, nature, superiority, exellence, can reach its fullfillments only by political means, especially, via the state. Take this idea from the book for example:
>human nature is actually fulfilled or reached, not in the “state of nature,” which is generally just squalor and mere life, but in higher culture <...> if nature is made manifest in high culture, the brutality and force of the state is a necessary precondition, and the political instinct, the instinct for the state, is but a circuitous means that nature uses to reach her aims in secret: the polis, or a people, is nature’s circuitous route to its manifestation, the production of high culture or of genius

>> No.23084767


The "third-worldism" messaging is very obviously a cynical attempt to exploit people's insecurities. "If you're anti-semite you're just like a nigger!" This messaging only works on people who are insecure in themselves and insecure in their race identity. It's such a cynical ploy by BAP that I have no respect for those who fall for it. It's interesting to see BAP, the alleged vitalist, spend so much time policing people.

I wouldn't even consider myself an anti-semite personally but its just so obvious what's going on.

>> No.23084780

Right on the money.

>> No.23084784

The Kanye "phenomenon" was hilarious. Obviously it was going to go nowhere, who cares? He freaked out because he couldn't handle seeing a black man criticize the Jews. The frogs were supposed to be about humor, vitality, chaotic energy. BAP's response to Kanye was indistinguishable from the liberal mainstream, he revealed himself to be a humorless dork. What happened?

>> No.23084839

You're brown.
You WILL leave.

>> No.23084891

143 replies, 22 posters

bronze age pervert is real loser shit in 2024 damn

maybe he shouldn't have been a milquetoast faggot cuck for zionism and western finance but wcyd as a rich kid failson

>> No.23084900
File: 875 KB, 1174x1230, loser shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about my heckin pedo dalai lama

>> No.23084904

It's worth noting that most of BAP's decline came from him being terminally online and saying dumb, knee-jerk crap. He could have remained a darling of the dissident right if he kept his Zio-cuck opinions to himself. Hell, Selective Breeding would have probably become another staple if it wasn't tied together with Zionist sympathies.

>> No.23084905

Where are the full podcast episodes posted these days?

>> No.23084906
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>> No.23084922

Negative, he was always clueless and cringe. Names himself "Beachstud 90210" after a tv show for women and flamers. Has terrible taste in music. Asks his fanboys for permission to make porn. Does his unfunny eastern euro zizek-impression shtick for like 300 episodes of a pointless podcast. Terrible poster. Glad to see him fading away.

>> No.23084952

wow what an epic infographic, I now embrace all neocon policy and mass immigration.

>> No.23085472

Answer me!