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23079624 No.23079624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature against tyranny

>> No.23079633

>dies of natural causes owing to blood clots
>putler did this and we have zero evidence but it’s true!!!!!!!!!! Slava ukraini
I hate the west so fucking much

>> No.23079645

Yeah, dude, I'm 100% sure this man died of natural causes, just like Epstein.

>> No.23079652

>there are still people defending russia at this point
I thought the Tucker Carlson interview was the nail in the coffin for Putin even amongst western right wingers

>> No.23079654

Oh yeah this would be the time to “assassinate” some retarded wannabe Nazi journalist when he could have murdered him years ago in prison and no one would have cared. Sure, bud.

>> No.23079657


>> No.23079661

>muh nazis
Literal Russian paid shill talking point. LMAOing at you, Vlad.

>> No.23079662

>defending Russia
Lol no I just hate golemericans and their pure political retardation and somehow believed and internalized Cold War propaganda and has made supporting Jewish defense contractors their entire political identity

>> No.23079667

Ugh we must stop hitler 2.0. This is so dangerous, remember to vote yal'l

>> No.23079674

>well documented and history of giving speeches at neo-nazi rallies in Russia
>used to write for neo-nazi newspapers
>ummming actually that’s a paid shill talking point
Post a screenshot of your memo from the State Dept

>> No.23079675
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They've literally tried to kill this guy before. The whole fucking "Poison Underwear" thing. Why are you so adamant that they didn't succeed at it this time?

>> No.23079678

>muh heckin' nazis!!!!

>> No.23079684

>believed and internalized Cold War propaganda
Like what? Russians are filthy degenerate scum and authoritarian bootlickers, no need for western propaganda, one can simply watch russian tv.
The cold war should never have been declared over; now we will have to put in much more effort to demilitarize, denuclearize and denazify Russia than we would have needed back then.

>> No.23079688
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but how does this affect you personally?

>> No.23079690

>are filthy degenerate scum and authoritarian bootlickers
Just like my United States and my NATO vassal states

>> No.23079691

One less zigger, good riddance
Based I hate slavs

>> No.23079709

They’ve poisoned him, starved him, kept him in isolation cell for months, you could literally see him waste away, moved into deeper gulags, deliberately cut contacts with his reps and lawyers. But yeah natural causes mate just like how russian windows are the most dangerous thing to be around as a Putin opponent. Oops there goes another one. Damn these drafty windows haha.

The real irony here is the regime clearly wants everyone to know they’re killing them so only have the dumbest fig leaf over it, and the vatniks in the west are so fucking dumb they’re buying the fig leaf story instead of the real message that he will stomp you to death if you oppose him. Fascinating.

>> No.23079717

Why are russians so eager to migrate there, but not the other way? At least western countries managed to keep HIV rates in check lol

>> No.23079727

Who is more retarded: Vatniks defending Russia or Golemericans defending mUttSA? Either way, two losers whinging about each other nonstop.

>> No.23079752

Me, for expecting their shitflinging to not get stale.

>> No.23079882

>Putin dindu nuffin
>people just keep dying around him for no reason
>he's totally not a murderous glowie

>> No.23079898

Imagine being this much of an authority cuck

>> No.23079904

Fuck the west (meaning the US), fuck Ukraine and fuck Putin.

>> No.23079905

Post BMI, /k/tard

>> No.23079914
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>> No.23079915


>> No.23079920

Ukrainians did it so the west remembers this war again, but nobody cares.

>> No.23079931

Ukraine hates Navalny and calls him an ultranationalist Nazi

>> No.23079979

I don't need to, and stop being so mad at liberty, pussy

>> No.23079993

Time for another revolution?

>> No.23080023
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Every nihilistic pro-Putin retard in the West are just gullible mongs.

>he triggers the libs therefore I like him

>> No.23080039

How braindead, cucked, politically impotent, and nihilistic must the average Russian be when their president not only acts like a mafia don but sends thousands of them to die in some meaningless war and they do nothing about it. At least Western politicians put on a front of civility, and when they go to war it's usually a professional operation against goat herders where the KD ratio is like 100-1.

>> No.23080042

The Gods of The Copybook Headings
by Rudyard Kipling

>> No.23080046

Summary on this book?

>> No.23080051

>written by a w*man
"muh vagina!" "muh rape culture!" "muh sogenee!"

>> No.23080053

> Based I hate slavs

>> No.23080058


>> No.23080060

They tried to protest, but those who did were eventually imprisoned or sent to the frontlines. As well, Putin has been in power for so long, there are still plenty of people who support him because they benefit from it, not directly but the propaganda of how dire the situation is in the West is, they can only hold onto him as a pillar of stability. If toppling him were to occur whats the likelihood of the instability of the early 90s happening again?

>> No.23080062

>They’ve poisoned him, starved him, kept him in isolation cell for months, you could literally see him waste away, moved into deeper gulags, deliberately cut contacts with his reps and lawyers.
but enough about Gonzalo Lira

>> No.23080063

> not only acts like a mafia don but sends thousands of them to die in some meaningless war and they do nothing about it
They literally go to serve as volunteers. 300 000 Russian soldiers make part of the standing army, 670 000 joined the war directly as volunteers.

>> No.23080077

Putin essentially finessed businessmen, intelligence operatives, military operators, etc to protect himself. Managing to pit themselves against each other, only further validates and protects his standing.

>> No.23080081

Yeah, you’re a fat dyel

>> No.23080082

It's funny how millennials made terms like tyranny, fascism and woman completely meaningless.

>> No.23080086

>If toppling him were to occur whats the likelihood of the instability of the early 90s happening again?
Very high, but it will happen anyway. It will be in fact much worse because today's Russia is even more of a mafia state, and various clans and warlords will fight over pieces of the pie. Also it's unlikely the West will engage in any humanitarian aid this time, the Ukrainians are costly enough.

>> No.23080093

You’re just describing 90% of Slavs, no matter what made up post soviet ‘country’ they’re from

>> No.23080094

>unlikely the West will engage in humanitarian aid

If anything the pompous liberal types will claim they deserve it.

>> No.23080095
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Well that kind of scuppers Carlson's attempt to rehabilitate Putin's image in the west. Lol

>> No.23080096

Yeah, because economically this is their way out of poverty. The average Russian living outside of Moscow or St. Petersburg and working a menial job makes enough for rent and food and that's about it. War is their hope at catching a social elevator, if not for themselves then for their children, because the government has promised a lot of money to the families of those who die on the front lines, as well as their children being admitted to big state universities without exams.
I'm not saying this is morally justifiable, but the average denizen of IDK, Omsk or Irkutsks doesn't passionately hate Ukrainians. He just passionately loves being able to afford more than the basic necessities, and if achieving that means having to commit war crimes in service to a dictator, so be it.

>> No.23080104

>blood clots
>natural causes
Fuck off vaxxie

>> No.23080105

I think it's unlikely people would go to a war like this for money. They would've seen the videos of soldiers getting blown to pieces. They probably did it out of some patriotic pride.

>> No.23080122

Imagine outing yourself as a coward, soldiering as a profession has been a thing since we first took to the field

>> No.23080132


>> No.23080147


>> No.23080157

>You're a coward if you don't want to die in some politician's war for a salary
Alright then I'd rather be a coward than die for that. I'd die to protect my wife, kids, home, property, etc. Not some politician's legacy.

>> No.23080168

It's the responsibility of the Russians citizens themselves to gather up and start killing all the corrupt people.

>> No.23080171

You were just talking about patriotic duty like it’s something to be honoured, absolute maddening cuck behaviour. I’ll be fucking your wife when you’re fighting for my “freedom”

>> No.23080174

>is actually just the Russian Charlie Kirk
The West is the best

>> No.23080181

No I didn't I said they signed up out of patriotic pride because nobody would be so completely shameless as to die for money alone. But ultimately they're deceived because "dying for your country" just means dying for the ruling classes interests 99.9% of the time.

>> No.23080189

So like most heads of powerful states, revelatory
We should coup them again tbqh

>> No.23080196

t. United States State Dept.

>> No.23080202

> Yeah, because economically this is their way out of poverty
> people living in poverty is bad
> people offering ways to people to get out of poverty is bad
Leftrats are pathetic

>> No.23080203

Russia sends its equivalent of "colonial" troops to fight in Ukraine, they've got everything from Chechens to Turks to Nepali mercenaries. Ethnic Russians fled the country to avoid becoming "volunteers."

>> No.23080204

NTA but isn’t that the point? Fighting in a war and potentially dying to secure your family’s security, be that financial or something more abstract. The churkas fighting for Russia are being offered the financial means for their families to escape poverty, and are dying on the promise that their families will be cared for if they do die.

>> No.23080205
File: 622 KB, 2048x1357, ked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres only one man that can save them now...

>> No.23080208

>oh my God he talked about history for 15 minutes in a two hour interview its over for Putin
Pisskraine is desperate

>> No.23080209

> people go to serve in war
> ohhhhh nooooo the horror

>> No.23080211

Where in that post does it say that it’s bad?

>> No.23080215

For poor people it's that or Russia's non-equivalent of Walmart. Military is one of the oldest careers, usually you do nothing but you might get very unlucky every generation or so.

>> No.23080216

>t.john bolton

>> No.23080217

Doesn't matter. The point is to remind everyone Putin is bad so new funding gets approved.

>> No.23080219

> Russians are forced into the military
> Well actually they go there voluntarily
> but they do it because they are POOOOOR
> bawhhh bawhhh

>> No.23080220

>nobody would be so completely shameless as to die for money alone
Life in provincial Russia is not worth much. Reminds one of the line by, I think, Herodotus about Sparta
>With such a life, it's no wonder they do not fear death.

>> No.23080222

The only coup worth committing

>> No.23080225

You think war is bad because people die.
I think war is bad in that it kills off the noblest fraction of the population, the ones who fight.
We are not the same.

>> No.23080224

It also delves into the details of what happened in the early nineties, Putins rise and the effect he's had on Russian society.

>> No.23080232

You think Putin gives a shit about Nazis? He only cares about power. He just uses the Nazi thing as a form of propaganda. How daft do you have to be to actually fall for it instead of seeing it in the light of an ideological construct utilised by a tyrannical state to consolidate power. Putin has no problem using Nazis and far right militias for his wars so long as he can control them. Look up the history of Russian Nazi militias. Wagner itself has lots of far right ideology.

>> No.23080233

Cowards like you should be denied political rights.
I insist on this last supposition.

>> No.23080238

would I rather grow up poor or have my father killed? Do you think it is a good parental decision to shoot oneself in the head if that secured a more luxurious lifestyle for one's children? Life isn't all about money believe it or not

>> No.23080239

Yeah generally people fight voluntarily because they’re poor and fighting in a war can stop you being poor, what’s your point? That’s just how shit happens.

>> No.23080241

Yes and US politicians cleanly achieved their positions of power strictly through merit and popular opinion. Got it

>> No.23080244

it's misleading to suggest that Russia's ethnic minorities and literal foreign mercenaries are doing some sort of "patriotic duty" to restore the civilizational integrity of the Kievan Rus through Hegelian dialectics or whatever the fuck you are going on about, Ivan. Chechnya was flattened by Putin and rebuilt as a janissary republic (now they go to war for free!)

>> No.23080251

> He just passionately loves being able to afford more than the basic necessities, and if achieving that means having to commit war crimes in service to a dictator, so be it
There's more to it than that though. Imagine you go to a war, actually get to fight, kill a bunch of people and almost die yourself several times. One day you get back home, healthy, to your family. You'd feel like a winner of some sort. It's very eugenizing to the mind.

>> No.23080253

Thank you for outing yourself Ivan. > Hurrr you can only critise one government/political figures

>> No.23080255

the nuclear family is very contemporary, so is your dad dying in his 70s or 80s of old age diseases

>> No.23080256

>hello, I'm a clueless mongoloid who views the Russian military in a vacuum

>> No.23080258

War is bad because the right people aren't dying. The ones who fight should be the same as the ones in power.

>> No.23080259

Typical Russoid response
>the west does it too!
Yeah but not like that. Western politicians don't act like mob bosses putting out hits on their opponents out in the open.
Not saying there's no corruption in the west obviously. But let's not pretend Russia isn't 20x as corrupt.

>> No.23080263

If you don’t think being shot in the head is worth it to afford your child the opportunity to escape poverty then you might as well not have children. Military service affords benefits that make it greater than a ‘more money’ decision, like free education for your children

>> No.23080266

Vlad you are a literal mongoloid, a rape baby steppe-child

>> No.23080267

What's the point here? Are you pretending that humans have morals? I mean what you are describing does not sound particularly moral but at the same time it sounds like it was taken from a dramatizing tabloid newspaper so in no way do I assume that you are arguing in good faith. Probably just another leftward who doesn't care about objective analysis. Dilate

>> No.23080269

If you actually look up the history of war especially in Europe most peasants were completely unaffected by it as the old aristocratic order left war to the "professionals" and there was no such thing as conscription until the death of the old order in the French Revolution. So actually having the State goons come in and force your father to die in their shitty project is quite a modern idea.

>> No.23080273

That's how it was in the past, now we have burgeois democracies. Do you think some lazy fatsoe coward would go to war? We gave them the government, and now you have this.

>> No.23080275

It depends on how you deal with the act of killing, and generally being around people dying, I guess. But then I guess the people who are too bitchmade for war don’t talk about it as much

>> No.23080285

It's a way to do politics. Are lefttard revolutions any less bloody? Yet the leftoids call for them every other day.

>> No.23080287

>Hurrr you can only critise one government/political figures
Isn't that exactly what you're doing? I never excluded other states, see >>23080189 brainlet
>unironically using the term 'whataboutism'
You have to go back, spook
Also, calling out a fallacy and saying nothing is a fallacy fallacy, dumb bitch

>> No.23080290

Eh. If you can read and write and have decent IQ and access to the internet you pretty much don’t need school to learn anything. Unless those people are so poor that they’re going to die of starvation I don’t see it as honourable

>> No.23080291

“People” whinging about whataboutism are pure reddit retards.

>> No.23080292

>it's different!
>we're white and they're unhinged Slavic mobsters!
You need dewormer for your brain

>> No.23080296

You have a lot of gay, boot fellating vocabulary you use to describe the things happening there, and I disagree with your ideology so long as it hasn't motivated you to get yourself killed. Do you actually believe Chechens and Jurchens and Tajik street urchins are anti-fascist patriots interested in protecting Russian speakers in Ukraine from American homosexuals? That they aren't themselves either buck broken or in need of cash?
>muh french revolution ruined everything
yeah we really need to bring back men wearing wigs and frilly outfits who parade themselves around in wealthy urban areas

>> No.23080301

Putin is like the most softy autocrat ever lol, you can protests and publicly criticize him and nothing happens.
If Russia is tyrannical then so is the rest of Europe.

>> No.23080303

99% of the people calling for any kind of violent action have no concept on what said violence actually looks like IRL, and if they did see it they’d immediately bitch out and want to return to normalcy. Left and right.

>> No.23080305

Show me political prisons in Europe, please.

>> No.23080307

> Do you actually believe Chechens and Jurchens and Tajik street urchins are anti-fascist patriots interested in protecting Russian speakers in Ukraine from American homosexuals
Are the niggers and spics in the US military interested in mantaining the Anglo-Saxon hegemony?

>> No.23080310


>> No.23080311

>implying soldiers feel good about killing other people and watching their friends get killed
Don’t you know shit about PTSD? War is hell for 99% of people, only a psychopath would enjoy it

>> No.23080316

Not all of them. Every once in a while, strongman socialists appear and gather together like hungry wolves. That's what happened during the terror of Robespierre. That's what happened in Russia.

>> No.23080318
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>> No.23080322

You need school credentials to get a job, and any company is going to hire the guy with a degree from the University of St Petersburg than some churka with no credentials. The social/quality of life leap from working to middle class in Russia is astronomically larger than the one in the US.

>> No.23080323

>100 frequent flier kilometers have been deposited in your Aeroflot account

>> No.23080324

Do you even know what a political prison is?

>> No.23080327

Germany is trying to ban a political party for doing well on polls and you can get imprisoned there for "huwate speech"

>> No.23080328

>>muh french revolution ruined everything
>yeah we really need to bring back men wearing wigs and frilly outfits who parade themselves around in wealthy urban areas
Who are you quoting? It’s a fact that conscription was not in general use before the French Revolution. There are cultural-spiritual-historical-structural reasons for this.

>> No.23080329

> Don’t you know shit about PTSD
All I know is that it wasn't known before WW1.
All until then warmen were proud of their job and honourable.

>> No.23080330

> They would've seen the videos of soldiers getting blown to pieces.
Their life is quite shitty already. Having gone to war, they either are lucky and go back having made some money, or die having secured some money for their family and a shot at a better future for their children.
Note that I didn't say this was morally unjustifiable, either. It's just how it is.

>> No.23080331

What you want me to include any criticism of Putin with Biden, DNC Bush, Obama, Trudeau, Merkele etc? Theres only so much character limit

>> No.23080333

What can the average European do that the average Russian cant?

>> No.23080335

Probably something to do with dying for jews

>> No.23080337

>ITT clueless Russiagaters
Reminder the CIA monitors 4chan and operates social media influence campaigns

>> No.23080338

>they dont specifically call it political prison so it doesnt exist
Most honest pigger

>> No.23080339

Most native Americans were ooga booga cannibals who killed, raped and tortured for the fun of it. The first men in the Americas hypothesized them to be the descendants of Kain for how evil and debased they were.

>> No.23080341

my point is that you aren't entitled to have your father live forever, and you being shocked that a father would risk being killed to provide for his family suggests an extremely sheltered life and absence of extended family to look after you, both of which are products of modern life, the actual things which were taken away from you by cultural spiritual historical structural reasons, and being sad that wars involve ammunition and mass production instead of highly trained and expensive heavy cavalry is just you being too into video games and tolkienism and not a serious answer to challenges of modern life

>> No.23080344

We're all just spooks spooking other spooks

>> No.23080345

No, because I'm not the spook using the term 'whataboutism'
Stop replying to me idiot

>> No.23080346

The mistake in WW1 is that the monarchies of Europe used conscription for the mass gathering of soldiers, a practice invented by post-revolutionary France. That's why so many veterans started hating the war and that's why most monarchies of Europe fell.

>> No.23080347

Call the guy running his country a piece of shit in plain English

>> No.23080350

>Most native Americans were ooga booga cannibals who killed, raped and tortured for the fun of it
Colonial propaganda. The Conquistadors were surprised at the fact that the natives didn't have to beat their children, because they actually knew how to raise them. We all know who raped, tortured, killed their way through another man's land and who brought many STDs with their presence.

Hint: Not the natives.

>> No.23080352

push what is falling you dumb larper

>> No.23080353

You can do that in Russia, its just as meaningless there as it is here

>> No.23080355

Levée en masse was an inevitable innovation of war, victory above all else, who fucking cares how many people we kill to do it.

>> No.23080357

Fucking tired of your deranged bullshit. All I said was people won’t be so shameless as to die for a paltry Russian military salary, there must be some higher ideal which drives them. Now you’re presuming to infer things about my character and life.

>> No.23080360

Would that be the prominent neo-Nazi party?

The very screenshot you posted indicates nothing of it being a political hunt or to the existence of political prisons akin to Russia. Slurp on Putin's cock some more, retard.

>> No.23080366

Fo you mean how Cortez went to Mexico to obliterate their cartoonishly evil priestly class, turned the pyramids into cathedrals, brought Christianity and civilization to the Mexicans?
Yeah the Anglo-Saxnots handled the native Americans a bit different that the Spanyards and the Portugeeks but in happy return, native Americans have their own reservations and ethnic identity there while in Latin American they just side with the anonymous mass.

>> No.23080368

Yeah but I'm not interested in reinacting Billy Herrington videos in prison, and I won't have to just because I said the president is fake and gay

>> No.23080371

I didnt post any pictures.
>Would that be the prominent neo-Nazi party?
>Slurp on Putin's cock some more, retard.
Ironic, idiot troon

>> No.23080372
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>don't point out a flaw in my agrument

>> No.23080373

It is a dumb political move if you are an aristocratic monarchy, why have fighters who are not interested in victory and who will not be recompensed?

>> No.23080374

>people won’t be so shameless as to die for a paltry Russian military salary
But. They. ARE. The fields of Ukraine are fertile with comrade compost. The widows receive checks eventually.

>> No.23080375

You dont get raped in prison for talking shit about Putin in Russia lmao

>> No.23080379

The rapes are apolitical, the sentencing isn't

>> No.23080381

>I’m so proud to be cannon fodder for the ruling class even when I’m conscripted against my will
>Curiously the sons of the lords who declared this war aren’t here sharing in our amazing glory and pride… wonder why

>> No.23080382

No, you just get raped.

>> No.23080383

Because said aristocrat sees his population as an extension of his own will, and the proliferation of the rifle means that the average soldier doesn’t need to be particularly skilled.

>> No.23080386

>The rapes are apolitical

>> No.23080387

Gimme an example that isnt Navalny (who was allowed to push it for over a decade) or some fucktard oligarch who lost at the game of thrones
A random guy getting sentenced for saying mean things about Putin

>> No.23080392

>who is Girkin
>who is Prigozhin

>> No.23080397

Not your average bloke

>> No.23080399

Performance artists hired to fulfill people's fantasties. It's physical, but also emotional

>> No.23080406

Girkin was an average guy doing his job, and Putin had to go and stop him

>> No.23080408

Ivan, is there a war in Ukraine?

>> No.23080410

No. General conscription only arose after the fall of the old aristocratic order. And it was for a reason. Wars in the past were not total wars. They were basically private squabbles between kings over territory. The incentive structure was different from a modern total war of destruction.

>> No.23080422

why did the right jump so hard on defending russia anyway, like I get nato = woke or whatever to them but what do they personally gain from Russia winning

>> No.23080434

A defeat in foreign policy will destabilize the system.
If the NATO bipoc queer brigades can just take a victory with such little effort then its fucking over, the west will fall.

>> No.23080440

a lot of American right wing politicians and media has been funded by russian money since the mid 90's. Also it pwns the libs.

>> No.23080453

>Wars in the past were not total wars. They were basically private squabbles between kings over territory. The incentive structure was different from a modern total war of destruction.
>what is the Thirty Years War

>> No.23080454

How is that different to what happened to Coach Redpill

>> No.23080460

>Russia is poor and desolate and Russians are stupid subhumans
>but they also control the hecking conservative media, "hacked" the election and have been pulling the strings of the GOP for 30 years
Ah the deluded discrepancy from the mind of a true believer

>> No.23080462

Show me where David Cameron used radioactive poisoning on his political opponents

>> No.23080473

there is this delusional idea that the money going to Ukraine could go to "the border" instead, as something so hostile to the managing interests of the United States as ending immigration would be allowed to happen in the current year; one of our two political parties relies on migration to flip districts and states and they only need another decade to be permanently elected so why would they buckle now in the last stretch?

>> No.23080479

>one of our two political parties relies on migration to flip districts and states
Are you referencing how hispanic voters in Florida basically got Trump elected?

>> No.23080482

there has always been russian money in dissent groups, not enough to actually direct or control them, but it's their version of intelligence ops, they are slightly better at it than we are but we have more wealth to begin with and can carry more flagrant discontent in our system without it reaching crisis levels

>> No.23080486

Nigga you have no understanding on why wars were fought in the early modern era

>> No.23080487

Cubans and Venezuelans are the exception to the generic migration pattern, they are sometimes literally conservative (off-)white people themselves so it's not surprising they won't vote for the bipoc socialist party with white figureheads

>> No.23080521

Typically, monarchical wars arise out of disputes over inheritances brought on by a complex network of interdynastic marriages and the irregular but constant extinction of certain dynasties. As violent inheritance disputes, monarchical wars are characterized by territorial objectives. They are not ideologically motivated quarrels but disputes over tangible properties. Moreover, since they are interdynastic property disputes, the public considers war the king's private affair, to be financed and executed with his own money and military forces. Further, as private conflicts between different ruling families the public expects and the kings feel compelled to recognize a clear distinction between combatants and noncombatants and to target their war efforts specifically against each other and their respective private property. As late as the eighteenth century, notes military historian Michael Howard:
>on the continent commerce, travel, cultural and learned intercourse went on in wartime almost unhindered. The wars were the king's wars. The role of the good citizen was to pay his taxes, and sound political economy dictated that he should be left alone to make the money out of which to pay those taxes. He was required to participate neither in the decision out of which wars arose nor to take part in them once they broke out, unless prompted by a spirit of youthful adventure. These matters were arcana regni, the concern of the sovereign alone.
In fact, writes Guglielmo Ferrero of the eighteenth century:
>war became limited and circumscribed by a system of precise rules. It was definitely regarded as a kind of single combat between the two
armies, the civil population being merely spectators. Pillage, requisitions, and acts of violence against the population were forbidden in the home country as well as in the enemy country. Each army established depots in its rear in carefully chosen towns, shifting them as it moved about; ... Conscription existed only in a rudimentary and sporadic form, ... Soldiers being scarce and hard to find, everything was done to ensure their quality by a long, patient and meticulous training, but as this was costly, it rendered them very valuable, and it was necessary to let as few be killed as possible. Having to economize their men, generals tried to avoid fighting battles. The object of warfare was the execution of skillful maneuvers and not the annihilation of the adversary; a campaign without battles and withoutloss ofllfe, a victory obtained by a clever combination of movements, was considered the crowning achievement of this art, the ideal pattern of perfection.

>> No.23080544

The 50% decline of the German population after the 30 years war would disagree with you. This is pop history for literal room temp IQ NPCs, you should be fucking embarrassed to fall for this shit.

>> No.23080558

Its a clear message. He was poissoned.

>> No.23080581

>Would that be the prominent neo-Nazi party?
There are no prominent neonazi parties in Germany. However, there are active neonazi elements in Ukrainian government.

>> No.23080588

Prigozhin literally led an armed rebellion on Moscow lmao. anybody who did the same thing in the West would have been executed, or at least sentenced to life in prison.

kill yourself

>> No.23080593

There are active neo-nazi members of basically every government east of the wall, because Slavs and eastern euros are subhumans

>> No.23080594

the svoboda party got around 5% of the vote last time they had an election.

There's a kernel of truth buried in amongst Putin's pile of "denazification" bullshit. All the best propaganda has a kernel of truth

>> No.23080598

>kill yourself
Nah I think I’ll just get the Russians to kill me for criticising them

>> No.23080602

>what is Azov Battalion
>what is S14
>what is the dozens of other neonazi/ultranationalist/etc. elements that Ukraine either allows to operate or actively subsumed into their military
you know that the Christchurch shooter got his military training shooting Russians with Ukrainian Neonazis in fucking Donbas, right?

>> No.23080606

Russians are good at making art because they are incapable of forming a government that doesn't operate with the goal of maximizing suffering.

>> No.23080610

probably more likely to get killed if you criticized the Ukrainian govt in Ukraine, so I recommend you try that over that. you're also a troon, so maybe one of the Nazi militias might hang you first

>> No.23080614

>it’s only neo-nazis when they do it!!!!
Cope, why should I care about slavic monkeys killing each other?

>> No.23080619

>changing goalposts when you get called out on being a retarded shill
I accept your concession

>> No.23080626

This desu.
>Le pierogis killed le chicken kyivs
Who cares

>> No.23080628

>kvetching this hard
slav subhuman cry harder

>> No.23080629

cool story ivan

>> No.23080637

>implying any of this is a problem
How much did the rabbi pay you to post this, goyim?

>> No.23080656

angry shills lmao
>hurr durr AFD is le Nazi party and therefore le bad
>uhmmm ackshually I don't care about Nazis anymore
At least keep your story straight. And I don't even like Putin or Russia. Putin is a mediocre paranoid strongman who's clearly past his prime.

>> No.23080664

nuhuh you're clearly a zigger shill putin cocksucker, I don't have anything otherwise so own up to it.

>> No.23080679

>insults Putin
>apparently that makes me a Putin cocksucker
according to your logic I should be dead right now

>> No.23080821

You may find Empire of the Summer Moon by S. C. Gwynn of interest /lit/.

>> No.23080835

Anon he is a russian... these people are unironically spiteful orcs who'll defend anything putin does just to try to get back at the west lol.
I will never see russians as human beings again after the last 2 years

>> No.23081520
File: 1.73 MB, 1106x1212, Screen Shot 2024-02-16 at 8.00.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very low IQ to go back to Russia as an opponent of Putin. The country is extremely authoritarian, and without a solid secret service most of the Novichok will go near a typical opposition politician's face. There's also Putin's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his personality- his personal philosophy draws heavily from his days in the KGB, for instance. The real russians understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the dangers of the windows, to realise that they're not just windows- they say something deep about DEATH. As a consequence people who go against Putin truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Putin's existential catchphrase "If your enemy is near a window, push them" which itself is a cryptic reference to Sun Tzu's epic Art of War. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion how could Navalny died. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a conspiracy theory. And no, you cannot hear it. It's for the ladies' ears only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>> No.23081565

I'm supposed to feel sorry for a wannabe dictator who was murdered by an actual dictator who's fighting a comedian turned dictator in Ukraine who's backed by a US president that tried to censor social media, brags about putting supporters of the opposition in prison, and is being accused of being complicit in a genocide? NATO shills are so retarded they make vatniks look like savants.

>he liked Rick and Morty
Actually fuck him. I praise Putin for taking out this vermin. All Rick and Morty Fans should be sold as slaves to ISIS.

>> No.23081571

Desperate fucking shill lmao

>> No.23081598

I hate Reddit libs too but Putin probably killed him.

>> No.23081676
File: 193 KB, 1022x1260, 329EC4B9-10CC-4CE7-A86E-E5233976106C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just modern mental retardation and parapolitical tribalism honestly. Libs act like retarded Gorilla niggers cumming all over themselves over how evil Russia is because they spent four years eating up conspiracies about Putin and Trump. Equally mentally deranged MAGOTS decide to light switch brain and support Putin in order to “own the libs”. Every chromosomally superabundant media slop connoisseur is hooked up to some sort of dopamine moralistic outrage farm where they can indulge in the black and white fantasy narratives and pretend that their opinions matters. Almost nobody has the mental strength to attempt to engage disinterested nuanced thinking and dialogue. Everything has to be phrased in the most hyperbolic attention grabbing contextless way in order to generate the necessary outrage only to be forgotten about next week.

>> No.23081681

>wearing a mask
It's good he died. He would have enforced covid lockdowns.