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/lit/ - Literature

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23071888 No.23071888 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23071892
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not true

>> No.23071894

Is the chad supposed to be George R. R. Martin? LMAO

>> No.23071903
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>> No.23071915
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>> No.23071925

I genuinely believe this. Lord of the Rings is a good book for middle schoolers but it's crazy that lots of manchildren still suck its nuts to this day.

>> No.23071929

Someome post the Daenerys shitting part.

>> No.23071936

I genuinely belive you have shit taste if you dont suck to LOTR's dick.

>> No.23071937
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>simple stories bad

>> No.23071939

You've gotta move on from LOTR, Marvel, and Harry Potter someday anon

>> No.23071940

>LOTR, Marvel, and Harry Potter
One of these is not like the others

>> No.23071948

>Moral grayness
>boring stale memes
>low effort OP
Is this the reddit thread? Do you heckin love science too?

They're all basically capeshit for soiboys and women.

>> No.23071950

Don't compare the potter shit, and greddy marvel with lord of the rings, you idiot.
LOTR, is in another level, and tier than the others.

>> No.23071954
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same here.

I appreciated that Tolkien laid much of the groundwork for modern fantasy by extracing interesting concepts from mythology (Edda etc.) and repackaging them into an accessible fantasy world with interesting variety. not necessarily in terms of morals and concepts, but LotR certainly is exotic with it's idea of dwarves, elves, dragons and what not all partaking in the hunt for a magical ring.
back when I was 16, LotR was a good read and "back in the day", it must've been a literal blockbuster of a book.
so far so good.

what I don't get and what has always earned me moronic shitposting replies by actual tiktok brains is my opinion that Tolkien, especially today, is not the hot shit that people make him out to be.
this is NOT limited to reddit however, especially /lit/ and /v/ are so fucking full of cringe ass onions morons whose taste of fantasy were the first 30 minutes of an LotR movie marathon (the movies were shit btw).
I guess that 95% of the time somebody still sucking off Tolkien is just for show, to show other anons or redditors that "yeah, I too have read those books!".

In general, LotR aren't even good introductions to fantasy for most people: too tame, too black and white and, most of all, TOO FUCKING WORDY.
it's hard to get a young person interested in fantasy if you bore them with 3 pages of detailled descriptions of the meandering hills and rivers of fuckingshire and 2 more pages of the middle earth weather report and it's grey clouds sleazily hanging over the ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

sorry for spering out here, but while LotR certainly has it's qualities and Tolkien definitely helped making fantasy into the genre it is today, you spastics treating LotR as the holy grail of fantasy literature is laughable.
verification not required, you know whos king, i rest my case fucknuts

>> No.23071966

No one who makes these memes reads books

>> No.23072108

This isn't reddit, this doesn't fly here

>> No.23072120
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Besides Tolkien’s works there’s hardly any good fantasy books that exist. The genre is really bad to the point where authors like Sanderson who are so boring and stale can be heavy hitters in the genre. And someone like grrm can be considered a legend. Tolkien was a great author. But fantasy as a genre is largely very bad. The black company is one of the only good fantasy works I can think of besides Tolkien

>> No.23072124

every single person above took the obvious bait. grats

>> No.23072159

the color of these doritos are ambiguous just like my dedication to finishing my "life's" work after having been paid. mmmmmmm. am i an auteur? why yes of course this is clear.

>> No.23072160

>Writers like Tolkien take you to the edge of the Abyss and point out the excellent tea-garden at the bottom, showing you the steps carved into the cliff and reminding you to be a bit careful because the hand-rails are a trifle shaky as you go down; they haven’t got the approval yet to put a new one in.
>The great epics dignified death, but they did not ignore it, and it is one of the reasons why they are superior to the artificial romances, of which Lord of the Rings is merely one of the most recent. >The sort of prose most often identified with “high” fantasy is the prose of the nursery-room. It is a lullaby; it is meant to soothe and console. It is mouth-music. It is frequently enjoyed not for its tensions but for its lack of tensions. It coddles; it makes friends with you; it tells you comforting lies. It is soft
>Moderation was the rule and it is moderation which ruins Tolkien’s fantasy and causes it to fail as a genuine romance. The little hills and woods of that Surrey of the mind, the Shire, are “safe”, but the wild landscapes everywhere beyond the Shire are “dangerous”. Experience of life itself is dangerous. The Lord of the Rings is a pernicious con- firmation of the values of a morally bankrupt middle class. Their cowardly, Home Counties habits are primarily responsible for the problems England now faces. The Lord of the Rings is much more deep-rooted in its infantilism than a good many of the more obviously juvenile books it influenced. It is Winnie-the-Pooh posing as an epic.

>> No.23072260

>Goy Slop Slop Martin

>> No.23072780
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The le good vs evil garbage comes from abrahamism. Tolkien was a brilliant man but a cathcuck through and through, lotr is a reflection of that

>> No.23072794

Top is for pseuds

>> No.23072798

Robert E Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, HP Lovecraft. All you need for fantasy. There is good fantasy, Tolkien ripoffs started to ruin the genre and D&D was its death sentence.

>> No.23072816

The more years go by the more I grow concerned that one group may have actually been evil all along and the ones who side with good were forced into hiding

>> No.23073210

>I'm breathing deep the darkness that envelopes my soul. Why don't you go back to your disney tales and justin timberlake you confirmist asshole, you don't know what real pain is.
Yeah ok, whoever wrote that quote is massive faggot.

>> No.23073373

>(the movies were shit btw)
Fuck you faggot, they're kino as shit.

>> No.23073377

>What if everyone is so flawed there are no heroes

This is a flat and stale concept.

>> No.23073512

>there are no heroes
ASOIAF (top) literally has a secret prince who is the character of prophecy and who is instantly loved by everyone [except for two guys who are comical douchebags].

>> No.23073557
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>too tame, too black and white and, most of all, TOO FUCKING WORDY.

>> No.23073572

>Judaism is catholicism is a masterpiece.
>Judaism calls catholics blasphemers and Catholics debunked judaism after splitting off to do their own thing.
>Still butthurt about the catholic Church with actual miracles to back it up.

>> No.23073574

achilles was evil, hector probably good, but yeah

>> No.23073620

That's nice, Juan

>> No.23073832

Beowulf was a heavy influence for Lord of the Rings and if you read Tolkein's criticism of Beowulf you will better understand where he was coming from and the theme he was going for. In his words Beowulf is about "man at war with the hostile world, and his inevitable overthrow in Time." He talks at length about how men of that time had their one little Mead-Hall, with little fires casting tiny amounts of light, surrounded on all sides by monsters, chaos, darkness, and death.
So the idea of:
>The little hills and woods of that Surrey of the mind, the Shire, are “safe”, but the wild landscapes everywhere beyond the Shire are “dangerous”. Experience of life itself is dangerous
is exactly the point.
At the time the common view was that Beowulf was underdeveloped, or less sophisticated, or, as your quote puts it, "infantile" compared to great Epics for this reason, but that what he was arguing against.

>> No.23073862
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>finally come around to reading classics (older lit) I missed
>get Count of Monte Cristo
>realize it's twice as long as Moby-Dick
So that's why I haven't read this one yet.