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23069943 No.23069943 [Reply] [Original]

>teacher turns a lecture on Maus into a incoherent critique of the Israeli state
What are your favourite moments during your academic education?

>> No.23069949

>teacher turns a lecture about children's psychology into an incoherent rant about donald trump being a nazi

>> No.23069980
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>schools have comic books in their curriculum

>> No.23069993

I had a class called "Critical Methods" in college that was supposed to be an introduction to different modes of literary criticism (e.g., feminism, post-colonialism, deconstructionism, etc.), and the professor was this rail-thin thirty-something with a patchy goatee and social anxiety who would pause for entire minutes at a time mid-lecture, turn beet red, and then laugh miserably as we sat there in dead silence. I barely remember the class but I remember he used the phrase "recalcitrant mindshapes" to describe something and thinking that was the most retardedly pretentious phrase I'd ever heard

>> No.23070071

This was for my taught master’s degree

>> No.23070096

>political theory professor interrupts a lecture on Hannah Arendt’s “What is Freedom?” to talk about Heidegger’s antisemitism and the Nuremberg Laws for five minutes.
My university is pretty tame

>> No.23070127

Libs really can't comprehend that a sizable number of Palestinians (and Arabs in general desu) think the Holocaust was a good thing. They aren't even shy about it and will openly admit this if asked
Leftist academics have perfected the art of living in denial

>> No.23070136

It's actually pretty simple. Books have been written about how Zionist Jews use the Holocaust card to commit and justify atrocities. This book might as well be part of that industry.

>> No.23070158

>by the creator of GARBAGE PAIL KIDS comes a book where Jews are portrayed as LITERAL RODENTS
Dare I say based?

>> No.23070161

>talk about Heidegger’s antisemitism
What did he say about it? That it was based?

>> No.23070164

>western history class turns into a semester on why the french revolution was a mistake
I did not see that coming but goddamn it was a mistake.

>> No.23070179

I had a similar class taught by a black lesbian of color with a double barreled last name, who genuinely counted that piece of paper they give you for graduating kindergarten as one of her degrees. She cried crocodile tears the day after the 2016 election. A dyke trying to garner sympathy through feminine weakness is about as fucked up as a bunch of old jews huddled in corners getting wet for the first time since the 70s at the thought of a return to back alley abortions.

Academics are weirdos, all of them.

>> No.23070438

He said that it makes his affair with Arendt hypocritical and reflects badly on his philosophy. He would always shut down the people who tried to bring idpol into discussions of Plato and de Tocqueville, so he was cool.

>> No.23070445

holy BASED

>> No.23070451
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Gee I wonder why they'd think that....

>> No.23070480

They're butthurt Jews moved in next door and created a more prosperous society than theirs

>> No.23070577

One of my instructors brought up how she thinks Donald Trump should go to prison out of basically nowhere during a lecture last week.
We're not even American.

>> No.23070595

>moved in next door
spotted the JIDF. you forgot to mention the leeching of US tax dollars part.

>> No.23070631

I read it for a college lit class. And Giovanni's room, and The Vegetarian. It was a pretty gay class.

>> No.23070679

Why are there so many jews on 4chan?

>> No.23070715

Sorta reminds me of my old polisci teacher. Some weeks she would barely discuss that weeks topic and basically just spend all 4 hours ranting about trump or occasionally having a mental breakdown. At least it was online and ridiculously easy

>> No.23070718

I will always remember my history teacher ranting about how communism is evil and how Stalin is worse than Hitler when we learnt about the Cold War

>> No.23070720
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Israel is our greatest ally.

>> No.23071320

t. butthurt arab

>> No.23071325

nice deflection attempt darkie, but we all know the truth about NOG now...

>> No.23071339

why wouldn't they? Books are books