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File: 122 KB, 1024x768, C5D1C95E-79C7-4405-A6C0-12B97BF8AA1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23061570 No.23061570 [Reply] [Original]

Read his works, Mein Kampf and collected speeches. You'll be amazed at how intelligent he was.
He was the true Philosopher-King, and almost none of us know it.

>> No.23061583


>> No.23061587

And people say he wanted to brutally enslave everyone. Britain and America are at fault for starting the war. The only reason Hitler invaded Poland was because Germans were getting tortured and slaughtered by the Poles. The Jews are winning.

>> No.23061590

Kinda funny how what he envisioned happened in the end. Not talking about the brown people in yurop ofcourse.

>> No.23061593

Fuck off. Pol is full of Jew-controlled shills, and this pertains to the philosophy of Hitler

>> No.23061611

Damn, proposing an economic trade union? What an idea, holy fucking shit this guy was basically Nostradamus!!!!
Didn't he want to murder millions of innocent people because he they were different though? Idkkkkkk
That economic trade union concept though...it's a tough call, I've never seen anyone propose a trade union in all of history before, that's nuclear cold fusion level shit. Hmm, let's see, central European trade union, eugenics, trade union, eugenics, trade union....

Nah imma go with this guy was a lunatic retard

>> No.23061621

I’m pretty sure your fascination with Hitler comes from contrarianism. Your quote is literally just about the creation of an economic bloc in Europe. I’m not saying it’s bad, but it’s not exactly an amazingly genius idea. If Ursula Von Der Leyen said this you wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

>> No.23061626

>No u
Stellar response

>> No.23061630

Kill yourself

>> No.23061637

You know, you guys don't have to be in this thread if you hate the topic. Seems masochistic.

>> No.23061647

What is it you find so compelling about the idea of an economic bloc in Europe? This has already been achieved in our day.

>> No.23061661

>Didn't he want to murder millions of innocent people because he they were different though? Idkkkkkk
No lol

>> No.23061664

>Kill yourself
No thanks

>> No.23061665

Isn't it ingenius in its ways of combining european industry into one big market. You gotta remember how the european market could be even bigger back then, what with all the colonies of the dutch and others.
A combined market now wouldn't be the same as Hitler's proposed market. Nothing at all.

>> No.23061668

Eat a bullet, you dumb piece of shit. Philosopher-King my ass. He was a lazy, selfish, corrupt, theiving, piece of shit, who made poor war-time decisions--ruined Europe, ruined his own people. He thought he was the Biblical anti-Christ, the pretentious cunt. Stop living in a fantasy and accept reality. Back to /pol/, loser.

>> No.23061671
File: 15 KB, 245x406, 0B669548-6BD6-4BF1-A8D6-9360EFEA13B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself
t. Jew controlled shill

You people just can't stop proving us right ;)

>> No.23061673


>> No.23061674

No, it pertains to your fanboying over him. Hitler was not a philosopher, you pretentious little maggot.

>> No.23061680

I do want to be here. I want to be here to tell you to eat a fucking bullet, loser. And every time you Nazi-larper pieces of shit show up here I'll be here to tell you what pathetic fucks you are.

>> No.23061681
File: 147 KB, 1600x1144, Berlin in 1945 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis lost

>> No.23061689
File: 72 KB, 996x560, 53299F87-1BFD-430E-96A3-8E595BB6ADA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m pretty sure your fascination with Hitler comes from contrarianism. Your quote is literally just about the creation of an economic bloc in Europe. I’m not saying it’s bad, but it’s not exactly an amazingly genius idea. If Ursula Von Der Leyen said this you wouldn’t bat an eyelid.
You just don't get it, do you? This is Adolf Hitler, the man who in an age of extreme nationalism and xenophobia, is proposing a union based on shared heritage, race and culture, in direct contradiction to the idea that is articulated throughout the whole of mainstream media, namely the absurdity that Hitler desired the subjugation of perhaps all other nations.

The narrative of 'evil Hitler' is crumbling in real historical time, and I consider it my duty to bring this to everyone's attention. It's glorious. There's no stopping this anymore.

>> No.23061691

Yes. Dude was a fruitcake.

>> No.23061692
File: 186 KB, 960x1280, 98B379E5-65CC-4FE0-B3CA-98C1C85B17ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretentious little maggot.

>> No.23061693

It’s not a bad idea but not enough to make one a philosopher king. Hitler’s philosophy — to the extent powerful politicians like him even have a philosophy rather than just being interested in power — was actually rather shallow. He seemed to be a radical materialist who viewed history as nothing more than the clash of different biological races.

>> No.23061696

Uhuh but what can you realistically do besides seethe impotently lmao. Seems masochistic

>> No.23061701

Oh I wasn't the one to call him a philosopher king however. Philosophy or worldview though, both are fine terms for me.

>> No.23061703

>was actually rather shallow
Was actually rather nuanced and objectively correct.


>> No.23061704

Bro Hitlers entire theory was about the genetic supremacy of the Aryan race and that some races needed to be outright exterminated whereas the others formed a sort of caste system where he would subject them to varying levels of autonomy and control based on the concept that they were varying levels of functionally retarded compared to the Supreme genius of the Aryan race
The entire Nazi concept was about a pathological obsession with controlling other people aka with wanting to be God
Hitler was unironically a massive faggot

>> No.23061708
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>Britain and America are at fault

>> No.23061712

He's not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.23061715

Hitler was a resentful retard.

>> No.23061717

>Poland still ended up in foreign hands despite that being what the war started

>> No.23061720
File: 657 KB, 1024x1024, AE06FC39-9B78-4694-B7AD-FC86C91A74BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's not gonna fuck you bro
A degenerate Jew's mind immediately defers to amorous congress

Colour me shocked

>> No.23061721

And why do you feel the need to say this anon?>>23061637

>> No.23061722

Go stare at a tree retard

>> No.23061726

>The narrative of 'evil Hitler' is crumbling in real historical time, and I consider it my duty to bring this to everyone's attention. It's glorious. There's no stopping this anymore.

This is some incomprehensible insanity.

>> No.23061729

The war was about stopping german expansionism, no one ever cared or will ever care about poles

>> No.23061734

OP here. I will observe this thread tomorrow to enjoy the sheer seething, if it hasn't been removed by crying little kikes or their liberal mong minions of course.

Hitler is eternal. Hitler's philosophy is the way of light, life, glory, beauty, power, love, eternity and endless creation. It always wins in the cyclical development of the world. Good always triumphs eventually, though it takes many generations.

>> No.23061737

Like don't get me wrong he could write and i believe he was probably a great speaker (I don't know because German sounds like what I imagine an angry style drunken down syndrome retard who just stubbed his toe would sound like) but that's what a con man is you know and the best con man is one who believes the con himself. A bad idea is never one that doesn't sound good, if someone says to stick a box of razor blades up your ass you don't say it's a bad idea you say it's a stupid one, you say it's a bad one

He dressed it up real nice, I've read mein kampf, I am an autistic white man, it plays on the heart strings and appeals to the sensibility of efficiency and order but my man he literally just wanted to kill people and become God he wanted to recreate the world in his image. Beneath all the pretty bullshit is just a straight up little bitch trying to ruin it for everyone

People thought Maos shit sounded real uplifting in China guy killed 80 million people and turned his country into a fucking soulless ant farm literally threw millennia of erudite culture in the trash room build factories. These people are monsters man thats all they ever are

>> No.23061741

>Britain and France made promises to Poland to defend them during the Danzig deals
And they got another expansionist powerbloc in return.

>> No.23061742

how intelligent he was? In mein kampf he bitches and moans about how Germany is becoming a second rate power and how unacceptable this is and goes on about how it is a necessity for the glory of the german people to start aggressive territorial expansion in order to compete with larger nations with a better ratio of territory to population

anyone who lived through ww1 could have pointed out why this was fucking retarded but he rolled with it anyway and his delusions of grandeur got his his entire race utterly obliterated

it could not be more clear that he was a retarded fucking LARPer who had no idea what he was doing and no love for his people in any real flesh and blood sense and only cared about them as an extension of his own ego, for which they were disposable.

setting all that aside, you cant even use the tired "but muh rightful German territory!" excuse for his actions since Hitler takes it upon himself in mein kampf to utterly destroy the idea that he wanted the old borders back and takes special care to explain how reclaiming germane territory was never good enough nor his goal.

Mein kampf is pretty much the absolute red-handed proof that he was a delusional warmonger willing to throw his people into the rash in order to LARP as some epic great empire builder

>> No.23061749

I mean from about 1815 to 1914 Europe was pretty united in its economy and politics, having an international gold standard and Concert of Europe based on maintaining the old aristocratic Christian reactionary order. So it’s not like Hitler was proposing something unheard of. And Hitler later invaded some of these countries he mentioned here, so it’s not like the man was a lover of peace and unity.

>> No.23061751

Sounds interesting, in which chapters did he say these things? I wanna read it now. Any kind of indication is fine, I understand if you don't remember the exact page ofcourse.

>> No.23061753

*you say its a bad one when it sounds good but ends horribly

>> No.23061758

>in which chapters did he say these things?
0. They're lying to you anon

>> No.23061761

You paint him as an interesting person, someone who doesn't give a fuck and just seeks glory and greatness. Stop trying to make me respect and like him.

>> No.23061766


>> No.23061772

>glory and greatness
>shoots himself in the brain in a basement

>> No.23061777

Are you a christcuck?

>> No.23061783

He sent millions of his countrymen to die for a grotesque imperialism.

>> No.23061793

After rewriting the history books and changing everything forever, he failed to reach the peak and fell, decided life is not worth living without said glory and greatness and killed himself.
I can respect that.

>> No.23061798

Well, I guess I'll give it a read and see what's true. Wish I could've gotten chapters to look out for though.

>> No.23061804

It was all about himself
Always is with these guys
>I'm gonna help everyone by killing you all

>> No.23061806


>> No.23061809

As in, you have no proof yet believe it because others said it. Do you also believe in skydaddy?

>> No.23061810

I mean it sounds more like he fucked everything up completely and then rather than suffer the consequences, shot himself in the head like a coward after sending millions of people, foreigners and Germans alike to their deaths while his accomplices were brought to trial and faced things like men in his place

>> No.23061812

>>shoots himself in the brain in a basement
Most cultures have historically considered suicide as an act of bravery and acceptance.
It is written in Hitler's final testament, written the day before his death: "May my faithful ones keep in mind that it is the job of the coming centuries to establish the National Socialist state. I charge them to strict adherence to the laws of racial purity and to resist without weakness the poison which is about to destroy all nations - the spirit of international Judaism."

Hitler died a martyr, knowing that his body would not be paraded as a victory flag, that his passing would be veiled in eternal mystery, and that his ultimate enemies would in future be identified and uprooted once again. He went down in the best possible way, in the supreme confidence that he had already won. And by God Almighty, he'll be proven right

>> No.23061814

Like that other anon said, they're lying lmao

>> No.23061828

Volume 2, Chapter 14 IIRC

>> No.23061832

I have read it it's just a pedantic conversation I don't care to enter into. Asking me for verbatim quotes from mein kampf where hitler says "I'm a psychopath and want to murder mad people and ruin the world" is proof positive of either bad faith or the fact that yall actually haven't read the book, or both.
He doesn't exactly spell it out but if you read what he wrote and then look at, you know, what he did you can kind of see where it was all heading
You know like since it happened immediately after he got into power

>> No.23061833

if thats how you want to play it then by all means, just stop it with this fucking "he just loved his people :((" bullshit

>> No.23061837

I just asked for any kind of indication. Was wondering how far along I had to read.
You better not have lied!

>> No.23061851

They lied and you'll find out.
>He doesn't exactly spell it out but if you read what he wrote and then look at, you know, what he did you can kind of see where it was all heading
You'll see anon.

>> No.23061871
File: 107 KB, 1440x843, E47AD8EE-2185-4192-8A43-4382D4A21430_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he just loved his people
He did. He wanted a world of ecological, homogenous, friendly, prosperous, debt/usury-free nations.
The Jews want the opposite, which they have consistently proven for three thousand years.

You are either on the side of Hitler or of evil, whether you know it or not, and whether you like it or not.

>> No.23061905

what a load of shit. he never "died for his people", his people died for him by the millions

>> No.23061924

Do we even have proof Hitler killed himself? I don't keep up with this shit.

>> No.23061941
File: 66 KB, 567x561, 954E0769-A581-4F65-BD67-BBFE5674F8BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk anon the argentina theory seems pretty far-fetched

>> No.23061945
File: 32 KB, 295x357, NORM_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intermarium before Intermarium

The good guys win every time, the history books say so OP.

>> No.23061947

Hitler betrayed Röhm. Traitors go to the lowest level of hell.

>> No.23061950

Somehow doesn't look like norm when you enlarge the pic.

>> No.23061951

Unless someone drugged him unconscious and transported his body to a plane and flew out of Berlin, there's no way he survived.
However, it is entirely possible that this did happen, and that Hitler lived a relatively luxurious retirement as a hidden German emigre. His mental torture would have been unsurpassed though, knowing how Jewed the world was getting

>> No.23061954

He literally shot himself to escape the utter humiliation he forced onto his own people.

>> No.23061956

Idk man, you have all these nazis on the run for years but the top guy supposedly suicided to death and they burned his body just before they arrived. Not saying I believe either theory but they both sound unlikely.

>> No.23061965

>Hitler betrayed Röhm.
Röhm wasn't the leader you imbecile. He was attempting a quasi-Strasserist coup which would have reignited class tensions all over Germany. This directly conflicted with Adolf's belief in class reconciliation

>> No.23061966


>> No.23061970

>to escape the utter humiliation he forced onto his own people.
Hitler didn't start the war. He was the only national leader attempting to avert it.

>> No.23061979

They lied about having his skull for 70 years lmao.

>> No.23061989

yes, he did. "i technically offered peace bro!" does not make up for him being the one who initiated the conflict by following through with what he himself wrote about and invading half a dozen other countries, double so since he exhausted all good will by LYING on the world stage claiming that he was done, then immediately continued to annex more territory anyway

>> No.23061993

hitler was a fucking retard who destroyed fascism. if it weren't for hitler, italy would still be a fascist country today, possibly spain too

>> No.23061994

> He was attempting a quasi-Strasserist coup which would have reignited class tensions all over Germany.
No, he wasn’t. There is no evidence this is the case. Himmler and Heydrich literally forged evidence against him

>> No.23062003


>> No.23062013

This exactly. I'm amazed at how often this is mistaken.

>> No.23062035

I can make sure your threads never go how you'd fucking wish, bitch.

>> No.23062040

>Tfw I got what I want
You're not very smart. Keep impotently whining lmao

>> No.23062041

shlomo hands written these

>> No.23062043

>There is no evidence this is the case.
Röhm was constantly calling for a second revolution to target the middle and upper (German AND Jewish) classes after 1933. He had command of 3 million men, which could have easily caused a German civil war had Röhm not been neutralised.
Hitler was prepared to sacrifice one of his closest friends for the sake of avoiding mass carnage, and he did.
Ballsy move, but he did it, thus proving that he was a man of his word.

>> No.23062045

bumping this thread so that the board continues to degenerate

>> No.23062053

>everyone who is disgusted by my pathetic NaziLARP fetishism of a false history is Jewish
Beta cope

>> No.23062055

>I can make sure your threads never go how you'd fucking wish, bitch.
We know you can. You're a Jew. Derailing the conversation is sort of your ethnic modus operandi

>> No.23062177

>This is Adolf Hitler, the man who in an age of extreme nationalism and xenophobia, is proposing a union based on shared heritage, race and culture
You've never heard of the Confederacy of the Rhine? What about the German Confederation? Ever read the constitution of the German Empire? Holy Roman Empire?

>Wanted union based on race
>He was a paragon of diversity and rejecting nationalist xenophobia

OP you know Mein Kampf flopped on release right?
>NOOO! the Jew controlled press"
You know he was a sub with an incest fetish who liked golden showers right?
>NOO Only kikes get showers
You know he shot himself right
>NOOO he will return like Christ in the end times

>> No.23062191
File: 13 KB, 228x221, 1703577009250123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was a good person

>> No.23062193

his heart was in the right place

>> No.23062197

>You know he was a sub with an incest fetish who liked golden showers right?
>t. the honorable Rabbi Shlomo Shekelberg
You kikes make it too obvious.

>> No.23062204

>You know he was a sub with an incest fetish who liked golden showers right?
Was this before or after the masturbation rollercoaster, the lampshades, and the airtight wooden doors?

>> No.23062286

To borrow a line from yeshua, what fruit did old adolf yield for the germans in the end but utter destruction?

Pathetic cope, he wrote in 1925 that the only path for germany was expansion through warfare and that's exactly what he attempted to do. Maybe I'm the only one here who reads


>> No.23062297

>trade union
>advantages to all
Nice try Hitler

>> No.23062298

>a slimy kike is trying to egg some niggers on to beat you up
>a nice man offers you some advice to defend yourself
>you get beat up by the niggers anyway
i can't believe the nice man would do something so evil

>> No.23062307

Hitler dindu nuffin is white equivalent of OJ dindu nuffin

>> No.23062323

No need to be racist anon

>> No.23062845

Already did. Was he intelligent? Yes. We he wise? Hell no. And the distinction is important. A philosopher king is basically someone who is considered to be extremely wise which just means self proximity I.e self realization or self transcendence etc. Point is the philosopher king is someone who does not desire power and control over others due to the immense work and albeit self sacrifice a great leader will embark on. So ironically the philosopher king is someone who ultimately doesn't want the job and is the most reluctant which makes him the best candidate to lead people because he will be the least likely to fall prey on unchecked ambition and all the other nasty vices that come from being given power.

Plus alot of people don't get Hitler, both alt right and far left get him wrong. They both see him as either demonic or angelic. He's neither..he was a tool, an asset for much greater powers. I don't demonize those who like Hitler especially now when we are experiencing the negative aspects of globalization and constant far left propaganda that's getting on most people's nerves hence the reactionary or counter initiatic response. For those in the thread who like Hitler, just ask yourself who funded the nazi? And why?

>> No.23063064

I know this is wrong
but I won't disagree with you, as a German, because it benefits me
why, yes, true fault lies with the eternal anglo... not as if the eternal German has not tried to end the world half a dozen times, and often succeeded in the end. not as if that isn't based as fuck

>> No.23063093
File: 138 KB, 649x1023, 85f9d53b-bf36-4a43-8fe1-bfd37d551ada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On this planet of ours human culture and civilization are indissolubly bound up with
the presence of the Aryan. If he should be exterminated or subjugated, then the dark
shroud of a new barbarian era would enfold the earth.

>To undermine the existence of human culture by exterminating its founders and
custodians would be an execrable crime in the eyes of those who believe that the folkidea lies at the basis of human existence. Whoever would dare to raise a profane hand
against that highest image of God among His creatures would sin against the bountiful
Creator of this marvel and would collaborate in the expulsion from Paradise.

>Hence the folk concept of the world is in profound accord with Nature's will; because it
restores the free play of the forces which will lead the race through stages of sustained
reciprocal education towards a higher type, until finally the best portion of mankind
will possess the earth and will be free to work in every domain all over the world and
even reach spheres that lie outside the earth.

>> No.23063118

>resentment bad
Slave morality. And yes Nietzche was KEKED on this emotion because he was rich whereas the Austrian painter was poor.

>> No.23063143

OJ killed a coalburner and a jew. He actually dindu nuffin wrong.

>> No.23063145

OJ likely didn't do anything wrong and the jury found that themselves thus exonorating him. You're just an idiot midwit that has no conception of justice.

>> No.23063163
File: 3.09 MB, 1774x2354, 1706096643784517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's funny how Hitler originally thought that anti-semitism was ridiculous and thought it was just an easy scapegoat for more complex realities, and was a little uncomfortable with becoming an anti-semite himself.

I also think his non-marxist critiques on capitalism are some of the strongest out there.

>> No.23063170

>I think it's funny how Hitler originally thought that anti-semitism was ridiculous and thought it was just an easy scapegoat for more complex realities, and was a little uncomfortable with becoming an anti-semite himself.
Relatable. But the more you notice, the easier it becomes.

>> No.23063173

At least one of the people arguing for that here are a fed, and I think it might be you.

>> No.23063186

You can't argue with these people.
Primarily because they aren't people.
I'm looking at these posts and my first reaction without fail is, "that's not a real person." I'm not sure how, but I am certain that this entire premise is being driven by larpers, shitposters, bots, or federal agents.
You can't argue with them because there's nothing to argue against, every statement made is in bad faith and from a disingenuous party.

Best to move on and let the thread die.

>> No.23063187
File: 92 KB, 919x1024, 1706246450418217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every statement made is in bad faith and from a disingenuous party
That's an interesting way of saying "I have no counterargument for what's being said here".

>> No.23063244
File: 58 KB, 1024x685, hit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waaaaay too soon to make such a statement. its only been 75 years

>> No.23063265

There was a chart on books you should read on about him and Nazi Germany. I think it was very /pol/tard ish but can someone post it?

>> No.23063291
File: 161 KB, 960x599, 1705505953444870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that pic related was painted the year Hitler was born, and that Hitler was literally summoned and activated by a Thulean mystic:

>Dietrich expressed his anticipation in a poem he wrote months before he first met Hitler. In the poem, Eckart refers to ‘the Great One’, ‘the Nameless One’, ‘Whom all can sense but no one saw’. When Eckart met Hitler, Eckart was convinced that he had encountered the prophesied redeemer.

>The two first met when Hitler gave a speech before the DAP membership in the winter of 1919. Hitler immediately impressed Eckart, who said of him "I felt myself attracted by his whole way of being, and very soon I realized that he was exactly the right man for our young movement."[15] It is probably Nazi legend that Eckart said about Hitler on their first meeting "That's Germany's next great man –one day the whole world will talk about him."

>Although Hitler did not mention Eckart in the first volume of Mein Kampf, after Eckart's death he dedicated the second volume to him,[25] writing that Eckart was "one of the best, who devoted his life to the awakening of our people, in his writings and his thoughts and finally in his deeds."[57] In private, he would admit Eckart's role as his mentor and teacher, and said of him in 1942: "We have all moved forward since then, that's why we don't see what [Eckart] used to be back then: a polar star. The writings of all others were filled with platitudes, but if he told you off: such wit! I was a mere infant then in terms of style."

>Hitler later told one of his secretaries that his friendship with Eckart was "one of the best things he experienced in the 1920s" and that he never again had a friend with whom he felt such "a harmony of thinking and feeling."

Consult this thread for quotes from The Young Hitler, by his childhood friend August Kubizek:
>[Hitler's mother] was deeply disturbed by her son's unusual nature, however proud she was at times of him. 'He is different from us,' she used to say."

>> No.23063379

>Didn't he want to murder millions of innocent people because he they were different though?

No? That's generic war time atroctity propaganda.

>> No.23063986

no, totally he didn't how would this come to mind? he just wrote that jews and slavs are vermin or something. idk what do you do with vermin. pet it? :)

>> No.23064007
File: 113 KB, 700x699, aDX97W5l_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that jew-hate and antisemetism is one of the oldest subjects in any written language and they all say the same thing despite being seperated by thousands of years and tens of thousands of miles.

>> No.23064024

No the war's done

>> No.23064030

>fuck white people over forever

>> No.23064032

>might makes right
>uhh unless when we lose!

>> No.23064052

>You'll be amazed at how intelligent he was.
>zee Führer
>single-handedly destroys 12 army groups on the Eastern Front by consistently insisting on the worst strategical and tactical decisions ever recorded in the history of warfare despite massive opposition from every one of his generals whom he ignored.
He literally destroyed nazi military capability, and then eventually killed Hitler himself, along with turning nazism into the most hated and villified ideology of all time, subscribed to only by the most abject contrarian losers today.
Based as fuck, honestly.

>> No.23064067

You seem upset mr delhi

>> No.23064304

99 percent of people have a child's view of the world and know nothing. This is so blackpilling.

>> No.23064310

Just a reminder that every Nazi-larper itt is an incapable manchild.

>> No.23064323
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Is there room for Codreanu too?

>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and [leading by] example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.23064363

>he just wrote that jews and slavs are vermin or something

>> No.23064380

>Philosopher king.
>Started a war he could never win.
>Make the worst decisions possible during it.
>Attack Poland (never a good idea).

>> No.23064417

>Hitler was literally summoned and activated by a Thulean mystic
>he lost
good to know that brits and russians with help from the americans can defeat literal magic voodoo and make it kill itself lmao

>> No.23064431

Why do shills make the most middle-school tier "critiques"?

>> No.23064437

It's the same guy posting most of them ITT. I think it's the infamous nazi tranny spammer (who also moonlights as a naked palestinian POW spammer on /tv/ for some reason)

>> No.23064438
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The nazis,anglos, russhits, austrians or any other germanic mutts are not taking istanbul,the city of world's desire as long as i live. Redraw the map you filthy saxon.

>> No.23064451

Why do nazi shills always masturbate to hitler and write half assed replies and can't defend their questionable ideology and leader full of flaws and just assume that anyone who's trying to disprove them is a Jew and move on?

>> No.23064482

Because all of the time, is actually "jews" who are trying to disprove the so called "nazis".
We see your nose, kike.

>> No.23064485

his shit was poorly written

>> No.23064497

Who were these much greater powers?

>> No.23064514

we are the master race
i have 12 menoras at my house and a whole room devoted to torah, israel ftw, i have so many israeli flags its unreal, every other day we burn a nazi flag with our friends and eat our kosher meals, to make the chud angry
cope and seethe
we are the power

>> No.23064533

>let me pretend that you said this so I can win
kill yourself

>> No.23064535

The hubris of the jews is always your undoing.

>> No.23065499
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>Why does BAP never mention Codreanu?



>> No.23065890 [DELETED] 

or maybe to not have his corpse desecrated and paraded around by kike vermin like they did with Mussolini?

>> No.23066095

Whats the best book for reading about the laws and legislation he actually passed.
Whenever I search it all I find is Nuremberg Laws and antisemitic laws. I dont care a about that I want to read about his housing, planning, social welfare policies post assumption of power and how they lined up with meinkampf and 25 point policy.

>> No.23066113

Doubt it, but also I don't care. He could be as intelligent as Einstein, the fact remains he killed millions and his only impressive achievement was his rise to power, which didn't end up benefiting him or his country or humanity.

>> No.23066181

>my knowledge on Hitler was some random shit boomers told me and what they taught me in 3rd grade
Hitler literally said nothing about exterminating anyone. The most aggressive element of Mein Kampf was the suggestion that Germans should colonise Russia, which he later abandoned as he was trying to manage economic warfare and general hostilities from France, Britain and the USSR

>> No.23066189

Britain and America were hostile to national socialism because the Germans were beginning to become economically totally independent. France was hostile to them because the French have always vied for hegemony over Europe

>> No.23066196

He was a homosexual and trouble maker. I absolutely understand why he had to be put in the ground

>> No.23066201

Closest thing is Hitlers revolution by Richard Tedor

>> No.23066326
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>You should just let your friend betray you and everything you've fought for and reignite the civil strife that has engulfed all lands East of you.

Fucking retard.

>> No.23066340


>> No.23066345

On an anonymous basket weaving forum
A true Hero, so brave.

>> No.23066350


>> No.23066362


>> No.23066387

Read it again then report back
Take notes, write in the margins.

>> No.23066404
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what causes american teenagers who never leave their rooms to end up like OP

>> No.23066408

I hate niggers, can you guys jump on my dick like you do daddy Hitler's now? He was a fucking spaz, post about literature you no good faggot

>> No.23066411
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The seething kikery and their inability to meaningfully criticize his policy decisions outside of ad-hominen and jokes about his suicide is one of the many reasons I love /lit/.

>> No.23066414

They're bitter at the world so they shit up my fucking break time at work that could be spent discussing literature by jacking off their fascist of the week, they're just as bad as the cucks and sluts on the other side, fucking weak minded pussy motherfuckers either discuss literature or do your fag shit elsewhere

>> No.23066423

Germans that aren't Nietzsche are gay, why do you love fags so much anon? Also fuck his policy decisions you commie loser, what the fuck do policy decisions matter to you you gay cunt, demons btfos your whole queer philosophy you useful idiot

>> No.23066426
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the jooos are real scared of you and all those PDFs you've downloaded kid.

>> No.23066432
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Your attempts to demoralize people and associate National-Socialism with undesirable concepts like homosexuality and Communism serves to drive more people to research them. You radicalize and encourage more interest in the subject than one hundred effortposts by me.

>> No.23066442
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This must be a hot thread on the JIDF server.

>> No.23066457
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timmy you don't even go outside.
go back to your discord server and stop shitting up /lit/ lmao. you haven't read a single book in your life.

>> No.23066469
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>why are you OBSESSED with maintaining ethnic distinctiveness though, why not just be a conservative?

>> No.23066530

every great man is the manifestation of many years of accumulated energy and maybe a tool used by other-worldly entities too. it's true that spiritual beings fight through human beings and matter.

>> No.23066581
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Reminder to read:
>Sanhedrin 64a: The procedure for sacrificing children to Molekh (The name of the true god of the modern 'jews,' actually canaanites.)
>One who gives of his offspring to Molekh, for which one is executed by stoning, is not liable unless he hands over his child to the priests of Molekh and passes the child through the fire. If he handed over the child to the priests of Molekh but did not pass him through the fire, or if he passed him through the fire but did not hand him over to the priests of Molekh, he is not liable, unless he hands the child over to the priests of Molekh and passes him through the fire.
>This is also taught in a baraita: One might have thought that one who passed his child through fire but did not hand him over to the priests of Molekh should be liable. Therefore, the verse states: “You shall not give.” If one handed over his son to the priests of Molekh but did not pass him through fire, one might have thought that he should be liable. Therefore, the verse states: “To pass,” indicating that passing is also necessary. If one handed over the child and passed him through fire, not to priests of Molekh but rather to priests of another object of idol worship, one might have thought that he should be liable. Therefore, the verse states: “To Molekh.”
>You can feel the absolute talmudic cope as the canaanite tries to justify sacrificing children to molekh.

>> No.23066591

Hitler would hate modern Westernshits and probably just become a misanthropic doomer. Not like you Zoomer trash can even read and internalize the differences between Hitler's views and your own. You'll just project all your pepe race war now garbage onto Hitler. You modern Zoomers are worse than even unethical Nazi scientists. Literally metamorphosing into demons that engage in confirmation bias for whatever hubric narcissistic belief you have at the moment. Your race can't die soon enough. I don't give a shit that you're suffering from the housing crisis because you are insentient garbage that vacillate at an alarming rate.
Also, Jared Taylor is far worse than Hitler, and he has a growing platform. If you had a non-atrophied brain you would be sucking his dick instead.
Hitler just hated Gypsies, Slavs, and Jews. You hate Indians, Chinese, Jews, South Americans, Persians, Gypsies, Slavs, Arabs, Pakistanis, all Africans, Turks, and pretty much everyone but the cucked emasculated Japanese. You should be depopulated in all honesty. Stupid snow nigger garbage.

>> No.23066628
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Are you mad that we won't let you molest children? Epstein died like a bitch once he realized the jig was up. Now his soul is burning in the very deepest pits of hell forever, a more than fitting punishment. Such is the fate of all disgusting chomos and you should speed your passage to that realm.
>Lets do some light reading of jewish literature. Pic related.
>Reminder that Christ is the messiah.

>> No.23066637

I'd side with baby killing Jews before I'd ever side with pepe race war now Nordicist Zoomer scum like you.

>> No.23066644

You alright there?

>> No.23066648

It's hilarious how deranged jews are. They weird shit like this all the time

>> No.23066652

I hate what your race has become far more than Jews. I have been insulted tok many times by your race in both person and on here. I would side with Jews in eradicated your race and relish it. Hitler spoke fondly of us, but that was in the past. In the present, I wish nothing but death upon you. Eat shit. Even Jews gave more honor than you, which is saying a lot.

>> No.23066655
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>Ethno-Nationalism is worse than child-sacrifice

>> No.23066656

Ignore typos.

>> No.23066659

What about all the assets the minorities accumulated? Are you going to seize then all?
Stupid demonic snow nigger. Not even Talmudist Jews are pushing to seize all of my assets, even though they have justifiable geopolitical conflicts with my race.

>> No.23066664
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Hey, look at that kike fizzle when you mention Christ (Who is the savior of all mankind). You wonder why people compare you to vampires, the message of Christ truly makes evil recoil.
I know you're mad that satan (Your father) will never save you from the eternal fire but that doesn't mean you have to kill children.

I know you get off on murdering the helpless but maybe you should seek professional help. Most of it is free, too. I know how you guys like to save money. Barring that, you could neck yourself before anyone of value got hurt. If you really wanted to help mankind that would be your best way of doing it. 150 pounds of fertilizer is very helpful to plants and you can give that, for the low, low price of a piece of rope.

>> No.23066673

Christian Identerianism is low IQ.
Let me guess, you think Jewsus was a Nordic man too.
Damn the holy Spirit, and kys Christcuck POS.
None of the Abrahamic traditions speak to me personally.

>> No.23066713
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So sad that you think not murdering children is low IQ. I am very happy to hear that you won't be reproducing, though.
Are you really surprised that the message of Christ doesn't speak to you? Don't you ever wonder why nothing speaks to you, personally? Of course you don't wonder! You're incapable of it.
That takes things like imagination, thoughtfulness, intelligence and introspection. I couldn't imagine life without those things but I can see the kind of human that develops without those traits.
A flabby, crying edgelord screeching into the aether. Unthinking. Unfeeling. Raging against a humanity he can never possess. Truly the spirit of the NPC and good goy rests in you.
I encourage you to embrace Christ as your savior.
>Lets do some more light reading on the mentions of six million jews before 1945.

>> No.23066724

I think claiming a people's ancestors and relying on Nordicist rhetoric to humiliate them is much worse than murdering their children, yes.
Also, you're most likely a bot.

>> No.23066727
File: 2.38 MB, 3961x3842, Gott mit uns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see i was right.”
Für Gott, für Deutschland, für den Führer!

>> No.23066758

You revere Hitler, but ultimately, you differ from him considerable and just project your /pol/ subculture to him. The historical context is completely different.

>> No.23066764


>> No.23066775

>Britain and America are at fault for starting the war
I've heard about this, but what is logic behind it? Didn't Britain and France react to Germany seizing land?

>> No.23066778

Humiliation is worse than murder? I can guess what kind of childhood you had. It's ok to seek professional help, many people were sexually absued in childhood and you can get professional help.
>I'm a synth?! AHHHHH Help me Niggerman! AHHHHH
Lol I can see how you are unable to relate to real humanity. Seeing it must feel like interacting with something otherworldly or alien to you. Sadly, nothing you can fix this. You will never be a complete human, you can only cope.
Oh hey, lets read about how jews murdered some children before they were even born. And they weren't white! Is this your people? Ah, but why do I ask? You wouldn't care, even if they were your people.

>> No.23066780

Please elucidate.

>> No.23066801

I was not sexually abused.
I just don't like what your race has become. I want nothing to do with you.
You can go back to worshiping a Jew while paradoxically hating them. I don't give a shit. I just think Nordicists are far worse than baby killing Jews, and I would side with them to get rid of you. You're not winning any allies anymore.
No. Read a book, retarded snow nigger, and then compare Hitler's beliefs to how the average far right's beliefs have changed. It's not that hard. Dumbass.

Sick and tired of all of you faggots.

>> No.23066869

Looks like I hit a nerve. Anyway, seek peace & happiness in life, bud. Have a great year ahead and live well.

>> No.23066890

Why are some people here filtered by Hitler? Is it impossible to be an audience to something, in their minds?

>> No.23066893

>then compare Hitler's beliefs to how the average far right's beliefs have changed
I think every modern even slightly right of center does this at some point. Your problem is that Hitler's views are very easily able to synthesize.

>> No.23066899
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>you think Jewsus was a Nordic man to

>> No.23066915

Idgaf about your expressions of good-will, condemnation, or praise. That is how little regard I hold for you. Kys. It will just wind up flip flopping anyways given you're a womanly race.
The average snow nigger lacks integrity and honesty so vacillates at an alarming rate. Being your ally means nothing since you'll just backstab whoever at a whim eventually and just fabricate a bullshit narrative to justify it.
You're worst than the Jews. Your modern Nordicism is even worse than the Jewish division of goys and the "chosen" Jews. It's just projection.
At least Jews are more consistent in what they are. You are an inconsistent mess, and desu, you would benefit the most by being race mixed out of existence (rather than the other way around).

>> No.23066919

Damn Moses, Damn Muhammad, Damn Christ, Damn the Holy Spirit, Damn Jacob, Damn Allah, Damn YHVH-Jehova-Elohim, etc.
I don't like Abrahamism.
I just share mutual dislike of your snow nigger race with the Jews.

>> No.23066921
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>undesirable concepts like homosexuality
leftist detected

>> No.23066937
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>I don't like Abrahamism.
Doesn't that mean you dislike jews as much as whites?
And doesn't your hate probe that the global minority known as whites should defend themselves from whatever group of people you belong too?

>> No.23066950

>You're worst than the Jews.
Now I wish I was on pol just to see your flag.
I bet at least 80% of the "white people" you hate are actually jewish, that's the greatest irony of all this.

>> No.23066955

>Doesn't that mean you dislike jews as much as whites?
I was fine with whites until the recent resurgence of Nordicism, which I find far worse than Jewish supremacism.
In fact, I used to post antisemitic posts all the time and even had a FBI visit. However, after the recent surge or Nordicism and reflecting on my own experience, including my mother's, I find your race far more abhorrent.
>And doesn't your hate probe that the global minority known as whites should defend themselves from whatever group of people you belong too?
Keep self-victimizing yourself, snow nigger trash. Like I've said, you would be better off race mixed out of existence. It would benefit you more in the long-run anyways.
Your culture is literally polarized between Nordicism's "omg blue eyes and blonde hair" and leftist liberal "omg poor minority -- let's coddle them". It's not a real culture anymore. Maybe you should have stuck with sucking Jewsus' dick, idk.

>> No.23066958

>I used to post antisemitic posts all the time and even had a FBI visit.
kek wtf. story?

>> No.23066968

I highly doubt you had a FBI visit considering you clearly aren't from America

>> No.23066980

The FBI visited and they said they received an anonymous tip I was antisemitic. I asked them if I am allowed to be, and they said it's in my freedom of speech or w/e. Then I explained my reasons for being antisemitic *at that time*. I am no longer as antisemitic since I find Nordicists much worse.
Yes, I was born in America, dumb snow nigger. I am generally a very reclusive and cynical person. Interacting with you savages has turned me into a very reclusive and offish person in general. Granted, I've lived in the Deep South most of my life, and New Englanders do tend to more educated. I guess that biases my perception.

>> No.23067003

You write like a legitimate retard

>> No.23067009

Smartest anti-semite

>> No.23067018

Slit your throat, conceited snow nigger trash.
I *was* antisemitic. Not anymore. After studying Nordicism more and reflecting on my experience, I consider Nordicists much worse than baby murdering Talmudist Jews.

>> No.23067021

i remember when we used to have daily /nsg/ and /sig/ threads, before the war and those it brought

>> No.23067028

Also, in order to write well, I have to be in the right state of mind. Right now I am relaxing on a couch. I am not writing a professional essay or poetry, pompous snow nigger.

>> No.23067032

See, no American would talk that way. Do the world a favor and stop using the internet that white people invented, lol, we're so much better than you.

>> No.23067034
File: 92 KB, 1549x301, completely sane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Iranian guy who was talking about massacring white people because of indo-european memes.

>> No.23067038

Are you cute anon..

>> No.23067044

Again, it's not that you're writing style is too casual, the problem is you're literally using idioms wrong. Saying things like 'slit your throat'? That makes me think you're middle eastern.

Also, when you say: damn this, damn that, damn this, damn that.

That is textbook middle eastern, perhaps indian.

You having fun fucking goats in your bombed out country faggot? Sucks Americans are better than you doesn't it fag? You couldn't chip the paint off my house, retard, lol

>> No.23067049

>we're so much better than you.
Spoken like a true Jew.
"Goy, we are better than you!"
You're just hypocritical snow nigger trash. At least Jews don't claim everyone's ancient ancestors were Jews. No Jew ever called me a mongrel with no connection to my ancestors.

>> No.23067053

WTF? Why are you so hostile when I am writing friendly
Loving messages

>> No.23067057

>are better than you
You Nordicists vilify Jews based on your projections, but ultimately, you are no different than them. Kys, hypocritical garbage.
"Oh, I am better than you gentiles!"
Granted, at least Jews aren't deranged enough to make narratives about all ancient kingdoms being founded by Jews whereas Nordicists claim all ancient kingdoms came from Nordic stock.

When I say "slit your throat", I mean this in all sincerity. Kys. The world would be a better place without you.

>> No.23067061

You have a small peepee, you smell, you can only have sex if you rape.

And yeah, we are better than you, if we weren't you wouldn't have to fight so hard, while accomplishing nothing, btw

By all means, do some dumb radical shit, we'll kill 100 of your people for every one of ours you kill.

Do it faggot! Prove you aren't an impotant weakling.

>> No.23067063

I don't like your race, period. They have wronged me too much. In fact, all of my friends are minorities. Every single snow nigger I've ever befriended I wind up getting into arguments with. I've even befriended Chinese, Indians, Jews, Arabs, and etc. with no problems.

Israel should join BRICS. Then BRICS should proceed to depopulate all of Europe and America. This is how much you disgust me.

>> No.23067066
File: 103 KB, 499x463, my-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed pajeet
lol, you are a pathetic loser.

>> No.23067069

>we'll kill 100 of your people for every one of ours you kill.
I am starting to think the negative beliefs of Ashkenazis were influenced by you snow niggers.
Israel should join BRICS and then Europe and America should be enslaved. This is what I believe and propose now. Iran should persuade Israel to join BRICS and finish the job Yazdgird III started.

>> No.23067073

Indians are more honorable than you Nordicist snow nigger trash.
I'd when take cannibalistic West African tribal men over you at this point.
You are disgusting hypocrites. You embody everything you whine and complain about regarding the Jews ten fold.

>> No.23067075

Isn't it funny that when white people complain about jews, they have sources, books, diagrams, and data. Yet when you complain about whites you just say the same shit over and over like a crying baby.

>> No.23067077

Nordicists do not merely possess an unwarranted supremacy complex, rooted in claiming other peoples' cultural legacies, but rather, they possess a hatred of life's multiplicity and diversity, whereby they cannot tolerate not subsuming others into their all-consuming narrative where they're the center of the world. Much like how they jumpstarted industrialization, which destroyed countless endemic biodiversity, polluted the Earth, accelerated destruction of primeval forests, and etc., Nordicists frame all of their achievements according to a "competitive lens" where they "can never do no wrong".

Nordicists feign innocence as they claim your cultural legacy, endlessly self-victimize themselves, and then proceed to dehumanize and emasculate you as they claim the positive elements of your culture originated from their influence. Nordicists are the ones with inferiority complex, but they are not satisfied with leaving it there, they must antagonize all Non-Nordics even where it doesn't belong (e.g., this thread does not belong on /lit/ -- it belongs on /his/ or /pol/ as initially said).

Nordicists are not content with simply believing their delusions alone; they proselytize their delusions.

Nordicists should die.

>> No.23067082

You won't even say what race you are, that's because deep down you know your race is worse, otherwise you'd say it proudly

>> No.23067085

There is plenty of documentation and studies on Nordicism. There are sources on Nordicism too.
I am saying the recent surge in Nordicism makes you far worse than Jews.

>> No.23067086

Literally no one in this thread is a Nordicist, you fucking retard. I'm ethnically greek, you're legit the dumbest brown I've ever seen

>> No.23067087

First answer if you're a Nordicist.
I have no problem with anti- Nordicist whites as individuals.
Also, you should understand the historical and ideological context of Nordicism otherwise what I am saying would not make much sense.

>> No.23067093

Plenty of Nordicists congregate in /lit/, you dumbass. Also, why take offense over what I am saying then?
Also, don't you see the recent resurgence of Nordicism?
Dumb cunt, stop getting offended over other people's behalf.
I've read Alfred Rosenberg and more fyi.

>> No.23067102

Whites aren't just Nordic, trying to push this false narrative is retarded. White are everybody that isn't jewish and passes for white. Iranians are white. Slavs are white. The upper class Aryan Indians are white.

The Spanish, the Gauls, the Greeks, and even the octoroons and native populations that are mostly Spanish DNA are all white.

You sit there and say whites steal cultures, nahhhh, that's you bro. All the best groups are white, and most of them aren't Nordic.

I call it white intersectionality (To steal your marxist terms)

>> No.23067104

I personally find NW India to have a richer culture than Europe.
Nothing about European culture particularly impresses me. I do not personally like your cultures.
It disgusts me how you berate Indians and mock them over delusions about how Nordics established their high cultures.
And before you give propaganda, I have researched the population genetics already.

>> No.23067113

>And before you give propaganda, I have researched the population genetics already.
I'm just going to laugh at you for basically admitting all white adjacent(intersectional whites) are still better than browns and jews.

>> No.23067115

There is a lot of disagreement in this regard in your far right edgy pepe race war now circle. I come across constant Nordicists on Twitter and more.

And I have studied population genetics a lot, and no, West Asians and Near Easterners do not cluster with whites. Granted, they are the closest population cluster though.

Anyways, as a Greek, I recommend being wary of NW Euros. You should join BRICS.

>> No.23067118

I come across constant Nordicists calling Meds browned.

Skin tone is arbitrary. It's not the defining factor of race. There are people with brown skin tone with more steppe admixture than me.

>> No.23067120

Isn't there anything more boring and retarded than racial autism? Can someone explain to me the mindset of people who obsess over haplogroups and things like that? To be fair, I am obsessed with demonstrating the worthiness of homosexuals with appeals to history, so maybe it has a similar psychological genesis...

>> No.23067123
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It's just bantz, we also make fun of Anglos, you're obviously too brown to understand. If the race war started, all the white adjacents would be considered white.

>> No.23067127
File: 83 KB, 800x800, ernst rohm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis are so ungrateful. Your movement would have got nowhere without Röhm! Why are Nazis so traitorous and dishonorable?

>> No.23067128

The same dude calling for the death of whites posted a picture showing that many nationalists liked gays, so maybe you should think about that. I for one am very open to a national socialist intersectionality. I accept the gays as long as they want our culture and nation to thrive and survive.

Haven't you guys seen those memes about how racists seem to have more diverse groups than leftists?

>> No.23067129

>The same dude calling for the death of whites posted a picture showing that many nationalists liked gays
No, that was me. Not the guy who hates whites. Most of the right-wingers I've known IRL have been very nice and polite to me but on /pol/ everyone wants to kill me :(
>Haven't you guys seen those memes about how racists seem to have more diverse groups than leftists?
Yeah kek

>> No.23067132

Well I'm a real nat soc and I support gays, not to mention all white adjacents, so much for your dumb theories.

Must suck to finally talk to a real person instead of a jewish shill trying to sock puppet a strawman. All your arguments break down, you can't make a cohesive point at all.

Kanye proves that even blacks are capable of joining the nationalists.

>> No.23067134

Bantz is an invitation to conflict. I don't like bantz.
>white adjacent
You should study some population genetics.

>> No.23067138
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I'll just say it, all this race war bullshit and anti-lgbt stuff is just a smokescreen to protect the jews.

I'll accept anyone that realizes the jews are the problem. If I'm not a nat-soc, then I'm something else, and that something else needs a new name and new movement so we can finally get this blight off the earth

>> No.23067140

Nordicists have become a bigger problem. I'm sorry. I have no choice but to work with the Jews now.

>> No.23067144
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Whatever bro, I'm not getting distracted anymore, I'll spread the word and I know for a fact all my nationalist friends agree that we can get along with all race and creeds, except jews.


>> No.23067150

I can get along with a Jew better than a Nordicist. Neither are good, to me, but ultimately, Nordicism is growing.
If Nordicism weren't growing, then I would agree with you.

>> No.23067152
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A PCA autosomal DNA plot with some markups of clusters.

>> No.23067157

And I can get along with a nordicist better than a jew. We'll see who wins, you'll regret working with jews when they screw you over like they always do

109 countries.

All of those people are white, I don't care about the genetic differences, I care about the religion. If they convert to Christianity, I won't hate them.

>> No.23067163

>If they convert to Christianity, I won't hate them
I am sorry, but Christianity does not speak to me, and I find notions like Original Sin and its vapid humanism as intolerable. Granted, I do agree Islam is philosophically weak, so I am not Muslim.
If you have worshiped, say, Empedocles, then yes, I would have converted. I do not find Jesus, himself, to be interesting whatsoever. That is my honest assessment.
I do respect Vedanta, however.

>> No.23067169

>you'll regret working with jews when they screw you over like they always do
And the NW Euros screwed you over too when they let the Ottomans run over you.
We will see how long you maintain your sanity as Nordicists constantly demean you for being race mixed or whatever.

>> No.23067177

hitler was a piece of shit atheist-leftist

>> No.23067182
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They're just misguided, like the black Israelites. The truth is we're all right at the same time, all the "non-jews" are literally from the tribes of Israel: blacks, north Europeans, south Europeans, east and west Europeans.

Jesus was the messiah, and anyone who won't believe is the enemy.

>> No.23067212

>are literally from the tribes of Israel
No thank you. Now you are doing what I hate about Jews.
See, this is why I cannot respect the post-Christian culture of Westerners. There's a weird discrepancy between your pre-Abrahamic past and post-Abrahamic. It makes you into weird Jew hybrids, which is especially worse with Nordicists (which I am aware you are not). If you had worshiped Empedocles, then I would have been more "with you". I would have become the most devout worshiper of Empedocles.
Jewsus does not impress me. In fact, I find him marginally worse than Muhammad (not saying I like Muhammad here). This is because Allah is more like a Lovecraftian abomination that is divorced from human aspect unlike Jewsus' hypostatic union. Unlike Empedocles, however, Jewsus was a moron. Muhammad and Zoroaster were morons too compared to Empedocles. Empedocles discovered the Big Bang (or bounce), the 4 states of matter, how symbiosis & competition are the driving forces of evolution, etc.
I like for there to be "non-human" aspects to a metaphysics. Do you understand? I am NOT a humanist so the idea of worshiping a Jew repulses me, especially when the Trinity is nonsensical when compared to Empedocles' Cosmic Cycle. I like for the channel to the divine to be predominantly non-human such as the classical elements or other mystical processes. There is nothing more narcissistic (and stupid) than to make a human being the center of the metaphysical mystery who claims to be a "savior". Save people from what?
>Jesus was the messiah, and anyone who won't believe is the enemy.
I suppose I am your enemy then, but humorously enough, pagan Nordicists are your enemies too.

Listen, I don't see a great future with the West. You are not culturally evolving. You are not assimilating or taking the interesting developments, of say, German idealists, Pre or Post Socratics, or whatever and reinventing your culture to be more... enticing.

I don't find Jewsus interesting. I don't even like the art of your cathedral mosaics, and I am not saying this as a way to insult you.

For example, I can easily say ancient China and India had superior cultures to Persia. I cannot say this for post-Christian Europeans. In fact, I cannot help but view you as lowly. Your vapid humanism will be your downfall, and I am saying this in an honest way. There is more to life than mere humanity. In fact, enlightenment involves shedding one's humanity in a symbiosis with Nous.

Granted, I would agree pre-Christian HELLENIC Europe was superior to Persia. Granted, Nordics were always trash and still are. In fact, the races the steppe people mixed with turned out better than them. Only when Sintashta mixed out (yes they were originally Nordic) did superior races come. In this respect, I see the vanishing of the Nordic race as a fundamental good. People will take their contributions and create better things in their stead just as it was in ancient times when they vanished.

>> No.23067233

He also discovered the singularity which he describes as a sphere with the classical elements in an undifferentiated mass*.
There's something very special about Pre-Socratics like Heraclitus, Anaximander, Parmenides, Empedocles, etc. All of there were better than Jewsus, Muhammad, and Zoroaster.

Granted, I would say Buddha kind embodied this spirit of the Pre-Socratics, in many respects, so I am a Buddhist.

>> No.23067279

He is mostly talking about WW1 im guessing because the eternal anglo was 100% behind that one.
>Germany builds an industrial empire that can compete with britains colonial empire selling good much cheaper than them.
>German empire builds a friendly relation with the Ottomans giving them accsses to goods from india without having to deal with the british.
>This ofc makes the anglo mad.
Tensions Rise all over europe even the french join in and hell breaks loose. There was even talks about building a railroad from Berlin to baghdad before ww1 broke out.

>> No.23067534

>germany just broke every arms-limitation and non-aggression treaty created for no reason how could he do this!
Remember when the allies promised to work toward disarmament but never did?

>> No.23067949

>or whatever and reinventing your culture to be more... enticing.
Good, stop coming over then.

>He also discovered the singularity
Yeah, I discovered it on my own, or should I say, thanks to the holy spirit, God has decided to grace me with his presence

Reading about it doesn't do it justice, experiencing oneness with everything was fantastic, it was the best experience I've ever had. Obviously religion isn't necessary at all to experience it. Before experiencing it, I was loosely agnostic, afterwards I believe whole heartedly in the trinity and have faith and a true belief in Jesus. Buddhists are wrong, you'll achieve nirvana and realize the Gnostics were correct all along. The demiurge is reincarnation. Escaping it means being in heaven with God, Jesus, and the holy spirit.

Socrates is dope, Plato is dope, The Republic is a good book.

You guys will never make it unless you embrace the middle path. Read the Tao, Read the stoics philosophy, then you might be graced by the source.

>> No.23067974
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It looked like this, btw

>> No.23067982

fpbp, Hitler is boring

>> No.23067985

>promotes whites race-mixing with slavs
>murders millions of whites and slavs in the process
Guess Hitler was just another north yugoslavian homo

>> No.23067989

You don't sound white, more like an eastern european incel.

>> No.23067990

Nobody gives a shit about the opinions of nonwhites.

>> No.23067994

But enough about the eternal anglo. We are discussing hitler you jewish filth.

>> No.23067996

>posters claiming to be white
>filled with slavic shit
I think Hitler would kill himself again if he saw what the white race has become.

>> No.23067998

Don't like the truth, nikolajovicuck?

>> No.23068009
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>kill himself again
>Falling for kike media propaganda
Why are r*dditnigger likes this?
Whats that anglo jewboy? You used to rule the waves? Sorry you are ruled by paki and pajeet filth now because of opposing Hitler. Kek..

>> No.23068024

Why so angry slavoijvacuicucikackuk? Was brexit too based for you? At least you are back where all the '''''''''white'''''''''''''' people are kek.

>> No.23068031
File: 85 KB, 650x383, 1705247569385448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First minister of Scotland Paki nigger
>Prime minister of england Pajeet
>Northern ireland and ireland rules by a faggot pajeet and a paki
>Mayor of london a paki
Why so mad nigel schlomoberg? You dont enjoy the reality you created for urself?

>> No.23068034

Eastern europeans are ignorant again about what the nazis have done to them. How much do you have to hate your race to defend nazi germany?

>> No.23068043

Funny how white people still have managed achieving more in history than your race, despite no brown people. You will never be white and white people will always stare at you, laugh about your name or hold their handbag when you are close kek.

>> No.23068048

Some kike monkey from UK or american is gonna talk about what damage has been done to eastern europe when they are mostly responisbile for the misery in the east.
>Crimea war fight for turkroacches
>Defeat hitler which allowed the soviet union to enslave the entire east
>Bomb yugoslavia turning it into a war zone by funneling weapons and arming everyone.
Why are like this?
>The jew is kvetching about something again.
Dont worry schlomo ill be gentle this time.

>> No.23068067

Nice straw man, bulgarian. Did the brits throw you out of the country for stealing or because you leeched off the government?

>> No.23068069
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>>Nice straw man,bulgarian.

>> No.23069345

>Good, stop coming over then.
It's too late, but granted, I do not mix with your women or interact with you "people".
No, you will not coerce me into Christianity. Even Sufism is better than the Nicene creed.
Also, Gnosticism is considered heretical by the Nicenes / Chalcedonians. Yes, Gnosticism is a lot more sensible, especially if it is docetist, but your post-Christian European culture is not Gnostic. Gnostics like the Albigensian (whose views were close to Manichees) were massacred, and even the Arians were massacred for having Nestorian-like sensibilities.
> Escaping it means being in heaven with God, Jesus, and the holy spirit.
While I hate all of Abrahamism, if I were forced to pick one Abrahamic branch, then I would go with Pisslam. I do not respect Christcucks, and I agree it would have *ideally* been better if I never came to your countries. Granted, you shouldn't poke your noses or get involved in our affairs either, which you have been doing since the 16th century (moreso in neighboring countries).
I am not interested in "amiable" relations with *any* of you.