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23065595 No.23065595 [Reply] [Original]

If you lost all your books and had to start your personal library from the scratch, what 10 essential books would you buy first? Bonus point for mentioning exact edition that you would buy.

>> No.23065626

I have sold off all my books a few times, makes it easier to move. I just visit the used book stores when I need something to read and buy what ever I find which I want to read, sometimes that will be a book I used to have but generally not. It is rare that I care about which edition a book is.

>> No.23065710
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Anon, this is an opportunity to start your /lit/ philosophy journey on the right foot.

>> No.23065736

10 books i haven't read before.

>> No.23065771

Art of the Deal
Mein Kampf

That’s all you really need really

>> No.23065780
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- The Iliad
- The Oddisey
- Argonautics
- The Eneid
- Moby Dick
- Aeschylus
- War and Peace
- The Brothers Karamazov
- The Divine Comedy

>> No.23065791

Tarka the Otter
Moby Dick
Blood Meridian
The Snow Leopard
The Rainbow
War and Peace
The Red and the Black
The Brothers Karamazov
Lonesome Dove

>> No.23065793

Greek plays
Paradise Lost
Lord of the Rings

>> No.23065803

Bobbs Merrill for Moby Dick mainly for the annotations
Arden for Hamlet
Modern Library for The Rainbow
I’d have to shop around for War and Peace. My Signet edition split in two, so not Signet.

>> No.23065949

10 new books

>> No.23065956

>The Snow Leopard
>The Rainbow
>The Red and the Black
>Lonesome Dove

Extremely based. Love all of these. I’ll have to check out Tarka the Otter

>> No.23066224

montage's essays
paradise lost
greek plays
gargantua and pantagruel
divine comedy
don quixote
the bible

the only 10 books you will need

>> No.23066252

If you enjoyed The Snow Leopard and The Rainbow you will probably enjoy Tarka the Otter

>> No.23066268

1. KJV
2. Suttree
3. Either/Or - Penguin
4. Critique of Pure Reason - Hackett (Purely because I’m the most familiar with this version, before you all say anything)
5. Complete Works - Plato - Hackett
6. Complete Works - Rimbaud - Harper
7. Aquinas Selected writings - Penguin
8. City of God - Augustine - Penguin
9. Fat City - NYRB
10. Spinoza - Complete Works - Hackett

All Hackett because I’m broke and hate reading digital

>> No.23066625

The once and future king
Brothers k
The red and the black
Romeo and juliet
King lear

If shakespeare counts as one, add:
The red and the black
A scanner darkly

>> No.23066629

>Bobbs Merrill for Moby Dick mainly for the annotations
what's special about the annotations?

>> No.23066649

I'm assuming this is asking "which books of your *current* library would you immediately buy again" instead of "with what new books would you fill your library?
In that case,
The Bible
Moby Dick
Crime and Punishment
Old Man and the Sea
Storm of Steel
I, Robot
The Prince
Huckleberry Finn
Some short story collection of Chekhov

>> No.23066654

Based, except for blood meridian.

>> No.23066657

Yawn but louder
Shit after the first genuine choice.

>> No.23066760

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Breath - James Nestor
Think Like a Freak
48 Laws of Power
Atomic Habits
The Power of Habit
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
12 Rules for Life
The Chumash

>> No.23066762

Give us your list then

>> No.23066767

I hope you die in a tragic accident just as things start working out

>> No.23066806

Ah damn man, that made me chuckle. I just imagined something cartoonish like a piano falling on anon's head after walking out of a job interview

>> No.23066807

You don't deserve it.

>> No.23066810

lmao this is a good one

>> No.23066815
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>> No.23066821

seethe harder jew/paggie/atheist

>> No.23066822

Fahrenheit 451
The Bell Jar
The Great Gatsby
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Stranger
The Catcher In The Rye
Mere Christianity
12 Rules

>> No.23066860

If I had a voodoo doll of you, I would stick it in a boiling pot of cow testicles.

>> No.23066865

Probably my favorites, or collections of short stories, or anthologies, or collected works like Library of America

>> No.23066874

Holy Bible (Didache edition - RSV2CE)
Catechism of the Catholic Church (With
theological commentary)
Medieval Exegesis - Henri de Lubac (3 volumes)
The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages - Beryl Smalley
St. Paul Daily Missal
Monastic Diurnal
Stuttgart Vulgate
Wheelock's Latin

>> No.23066879

i was trying for worst list with my fahrenheit 451 post but you have me beat

someone could do worse with discovery institute/creationist apologetics "books" but i dont think those are actually printed by a legitimate publisher

>> No.23066882

See: >>23066821

>> No.23066886

this nigga believes he used to be a monkey

>> No.23066894

You say this while defending a book of ancient Jewish lies. Embarrassingly stupid, anon.

>> No.23066896

MacMillan Collectors Library Moby Dick and Don Quixote
Penguin Juan Mascaro Dhammapada and Bhagvadad Gita
New Directions Borges Labyrinths with the black and white blocky cover
The Golden Peaches of Samarkand
The Fractal Geometry of Nature
3rd Ed D&D Epic Level Handbook

>> No.23066901

>Christianity is le Jews!
Jews have their own religion, faggot. It's called Judaism.

>> No.23066903

So are you just asking what everyone’s favorites are?

>> No.23066904

Great Books of the Western World Shakespeare I & II
Wind Sand and Stars Harvest Book t. Lewis Galantiere
Addis and Lombardo Tao Te Ching

>> No.23066907
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My favorite translations too

>> No.23066908

The Old Testament is literally about the Hebrews, idiot.

>> No.23066912

Doesn't contradict anything I said.

>> No.23066914

Can we have one thread left in peace?

>> No.23067004

And Judaism overlaps a lot with Christianity

>> No.23067012

It doesn't matter because they deviate in the most important aspect.

>> No.23068209
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> what's special about the annotations?

The autism

>> No.23068279

this is sad other than Aeschylus, Herodotus and Dostoevsky. As much as you love ancient Greece you should go read Sophocles (including Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone)
There is also the fellow tragedians Aesychlus, Euripides, the comedic playwright Aristophanes ("The Father of Comedy"), the historian Thucydides,
the poets Sappho, Alcaeus, Pindar, Hesiod
and of course Plato, Aristotle

>> No.23068282

>12 rules for life
>the bible
>zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
Then I would probably buy 7 copies of the pocket Nietzsche just so I could "lose" them again.

>> No.23068301

The OP asked to choose 10 books; if there were more, I would choose Sophocles and Euripides as well. I don't like Thucydides; I prefer Herodotus and Xenophon

>> No.23068923
