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/lit/ - Literature

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2306185 No.2306185 [Reply] [Original]

I want hadcore sex.
Hardcore fondling of the breasts.
A boy with an obsession with his kin.
The ones chopped up and fixed in bins :D

I want to fuck. Just FUCK.
Every little thing I see, the dead ones too.
Give their little tits a rough sucky suck.
Caress their scalps with my shitty poo.
Haha, childish derogatories! :D
Haha, sexual purgatory!

A little dildo inside of me.
A little spooning real rough.
I want to fuck and make innocence not that.
Not that. Not good. Just fucking. Cocks.
Worthless cunts. Mhm, cunts.
Cunts I want. I want cunts.
I need to fuck a cunt.

>> No.2306200 [DELETED] 

I N eed A dvice

>> No.2306213

Review my poetry please.

>> No.2306235

You need to see a psychiatrist. Otherwise 5/10 themes quite bland.

>> No.2306256

hmph, typical child. anybody serious please?
I'm sick of dealing with these typically inane man children.

( P_P)

>> No.2306263

I would kill the Sasquatch.
I hide in brambles and in coarse nettle, sipping tea from the hollowed-out socket of a Blue Heron's eye.
I would fuck the Sasquatch.

Leering with chemical lust as my last hit of Angel Dust gang-rapes my telencephalon
And the ghost of my dog haunts the spaces between rows of Sequoia.

Slam a round into the chamber so I can brag to the neighbours, "I have killed the Sasquatch!"
I will fuck the Sasquatch, and hang his hideous hide from the balcony.
Do not ask me why the Sasquatch is streaked with semen.
Do not ask me why the Sasquatch suffers from a prolapsed anus.
Do not ask me why I have the Sasquatch.

>> No.2306264

fighting tigers
its fun animals suck
and call it macaroni

>> No.2306275


Niggers, that overwhelm everything with their stench,
Niggers, that raise house prices in affluent white neighbourhoods,
Niggers, that developed AIDS in their spleens and infected innocent Jewish girls,
Niggers, that higger, and kigger, and chigger my shigger.

>> No.2306278


When I cum

I think

Of the boy


Killed himself


He was

On the



And his friends

Kept saying


>> No.2306283

Oy vey. Typical. Typical.

Grow up. Orperhapsaybe just give me a postal address where I can be in contact.

>> No.2306307


>Implying those fucking niggers that are ruining white neighbourhoods weren't the result of jewish intellectuals letting them loose.
>Implying you know wha the fuck I am talking about

Fuck you, jewboy.

>> No.2306320

would you mind fagging up another board, please. I understand /new/ is gone, but there are other places on the internet where dipshits like you hang out that are just as easy for your browser to find, so fucking go there, eh?

>> No.2306331


I think you'll find, upon re-examination, that my art merely alludes to the state of play in the Balkans circa 1972. When I say "innocent Jewish girls," I am in fact referencing the Serbian genocide.

>> No.2306453

I beg of you people, please just offer me some serious criticism on my prose.

>> No.2306473

Help. Help. Help help help. This isn't fair, getting ignored. I wouldn't do this to you.

>> No.2306483


>Implying you can refute what I said.

Go be uneducated somewhere else.

>> No.2306493


Nah, he says innocent jewish girls because that's not self-evident... otherwise it would be a tautology.

I like it, it's absurd, but i can follow the path of your thinking. Maybe more irregular caps.

>> No.2306502


>> No.2306773

Currently listening to Cartalk, waiting for critique.

>> No.2306777

Well, 2/10 perhaps.

Your gimmicks mostly fail, especially the smiley faces. Style is derivative.

>> No.2306784


I b e l I e v e I w a s b e I n g aunaturale. g o t o h e l l

>> No.2306785

Have you tried posting this in >>>/ic/? They love giving critiques and advices.

>> No.2306788

Cheap shock is bad shock.

Are you intoxicated?

>> No.2306797

Are you too intoxicated?

>> No.2307004

Thanks. Thnks a lot

>> No.2307053

Right now I'm kinda tipsy... my bra is fallen off! >.< :p

>> No.2307058

It's ok.
Needs more chemistry and instructions. I'd like to see a stanza about you jacking off with a severed hand. And 100 pushups!!!

>> No.2307178

Thanks but I've passed. Wanna suck off xD

>> No.2307194

feel free to get sucking

>> No.2307196

I like this one.

>> No.2307201

I ran my hand up her leg
slid my hand down her underwear
SLAM! One finger went in
BANG! So did another
SLOP! she just came, everywhere

I reached behind
feeling for the handle of a knife
I grasped it in my left hand
fingers her with the right
SLAM! In goes the knife

Shall i continue? I'm enjoying myself.

>> No.2307205


>> No.2307207

KABOOM! The Knife SMashed into the walls of her vagoo
BLARARARGH! She cried, blood flooding from her vagoo!
BLOBABLOBABLOO! I screamed back
Knife slicing through the walls of her vagoo

I stood up, straight
cutting up her vagoo just the way she hates
i puched her straight in her black face
SMASH! Her face fell to the GROUND!
BOOM! My knuckles pounded to DUST!
BROOM BROOM! Her mother said
as she masturbated in the other room...

>> No.2307210 [DELETED] 

Derivative garbage. You write like a fresh from womb.

Would not read again @ any point in time. :(

>> No.2307213

Derivative garbage. You write like a child fresh from womb.

Would not read again @ any point in time. :(

>> No.2307214

My god, was that actual criticism? I should have made an effort next time. I'm afraid, kind sir, I was simply typing out complete verbal diarrhea for my own amusement. WHATHO CHAP

>> No.2307221

Get your own thread coward. Have a postal address? :)

Oh boy that would be a gas.

>> No.2307227

Oh be quiet sad cunt. Have you read the OP, you actually sat and made an effort wit that pile of drivel.

>> No.2307230

I don't want sex
I want to fuck
There is a difference
You stupid cunt

I want to ram my ten inch cock
(Alright, fine, it's only five inches)
Into your anus and donkey punch you
As I cum and scream "I FUCKING RULE"
And then we will share a bottle of wine and eat some pasta

>> No.2307242

my cock is a sword
remove it from the stone and
I will jizz on you

>> No.2307290

insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure
insecure insecure in/secure

>> No.2307305
File: 46 KB, 284x257, Sara-cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dick bitches like Scott Baio
did when he was popular
like berlusconi does everyday
I fuck young girls, old girls
fat girls, skinny girls
black girls, white girls
rich girls, poor girls

I dick guys like Elton John can't
I got the looks and the dick
In, out, shake it all about
that's how we do the hokey cokey
and we turn around

Super sexy poem tiem.

>> No.2307339

I lold in your general direction. Stick to sitting here all day, asking whether reading books in coffee shops attracts girls, /fag/

>> No.2307344

Wrong sunhawk bro.

>> No.2307354

Yes, the wrong Sunhawk, bro.
This one is the crazy, dark Sunhawk.
The Nighthawk Cometh, if you will.

>> No.2307361

My god, better to avoid this tripfag witchcraft.

>> No.2308832

>how does it feel to be beautiful

>> No.2308855

My cock




Of orphanages.

>> No.2309794


>> No.2309811

This troll is awful and pathetically dedicated. No one is paying attention to you, dude, just give it up.

>> No.2309832

he was hot

>> No.2309867

There she stands.
The Nigger.
As I watch her
I feel by dick,
get bigger

Watching the nigger,
my dick getting bigger,
watermelon in one hand
chicken in the other
that's how I knew,
it was a nigger.

>> No.2309871

I wish I was warm be
cause then I would be able to ima
gine myself
embraced in eachoth
er's arms and I wouldn't fe
el so dis

with your anus

>> No.2309883

Nigger Nigger Nigger
Why you eat so much CHICKEN?
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
nigger nigger nigger nigger

Nigger nigger nigger nigger
Why You kill so many wiggers?
Nigger Nigger NIgger Nigger Nigger

>> No.2309912

why you so racist bro? I fuck any bitches
black bitches
white bitches
yellow bitches
brown bitches
olive bitches
even them ugly ginger bitches
I fuck em all
I throw my money
at the bitches
and the bitches
they come running
and they suck my cock
'cos bitches like cock
and bitches like money
if bitch don't suck my cock
I hit mah bitch
cos bitch black or white or green or whatever the fuck you are
you are still a fuckin' bitch