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23060748 No.23060748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How's philosophy discussion any different from fantasy nerds arguing about which fiction has better world building?

>> No.23060765

It's not, most people just don't have a transcendental experience of consciousness.

>> No.23060767

Philosophy can change how you live your life

>> No.23060779

Even analytic? I doubt it.

>> No.23060790

This guy's shoulders are nonexistent, brutal

>> No.23060795

Why so many philosphy hate threads today? Is it a new schizo?

>> No.23060798

Wtf is that thing?

Even analytic.

>> No.23060800

Analytic will turn you into a fantasy nerd arguing about which fiction has better world building

>> No.23060805

All fields

>> No.23060927

>Even analytic
I doubt it. It's endless autistic masturbation.

>> No.23060940

>Wtf is that thing?
That thing is called Destiny. Liberal starcraft gamer turned youtuber from the US. He was cucked by a Swedish TikToker like 10 years younger than him. And by cucked I mean his wife was fucked for months.

>> No.23061043

you should see the videos of him deadlifting

>> No.23061048

This dude is probably 20 yet he has the body of a toddler. wtf is wrong with americans and "gamers"

>> No.23061064

Esentially, it's the same. Instead in philosophy nerds argue over who has the weirdest and most esoteric metaphysical system, while also feeling their discussion is intellectual

>> No.23061068

so can star wars

>> No.23061070

Basically yea

>> No.23061074

>muh worlds

genresloppers are the worst

>> No.23061142

And philosofags feel their discussion os useful

>> No.23061160

And did he want it? Then it would be cucked. Otherwise it's being cheated on.

>> No.23061162

Well, damn. Never go full Machinist is more than a meme.

>> No.23061170

who would have thought some random pro video game player would end up being one of the most influential and insightful thinkers of the 21st century so far

>> No.23061172

He wanted it at first but this specific dude and the fucking wasn't agreed upon, hence why his wife kept it secret for months. People usually defended that aspect of his life by saying he can't live without pussy so he wanted an open relationship but this shit has ruined that argument. I only know because I saw someone else correct a Destiny simp a while ago.

>> No.23061184

it makes sense when you consider video games are literally intellectual training. so the people who are best at them are probably best at thinking in general. Just the fact that ancient philosophers had no access to video games is enough to conclude that modern philosophers' conclusions are more correct (assuming the modern philosophers are into gaming)

>> No.23061187

I think the chick went beyond the limits of fucking or something. He was also paying for her travel expenses and accomodations while the tiktoker fucked her raw for months.

>> No.23061198

exquisite bait

>> No.23061407

so can fantasy

>> No.23061412

so can star trek

>> No.23061427

So can Bionicles

>> No.23061439

so can game of thrones

>> No.23061453

so can my diary desu

>> No.23061955
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Uh actually it was an open relationship chud

>> No.23061997

This person would not survive childbirth without vaccines and antibiotics.

>> No.23062004

so can teen titans

>> No.23062030
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Yeah, reading about or listening to NDEs lessens or removes the fear of death and grief almost always, which makes people free to live however they want. And NDEs are unironically irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So any atheist would be too, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

>> No.23062046

He's a man you retard, he wouldn't be the one giving birth.

>> No.23062049


>> No.23062067

I wrote that whole post out for you to laugh, so laugh.

>> No.23062140

If you can't tell, then don't worry about it. Philosophy is not for you.

>> No.23062289

He’s about as short as me

>> No.23062294

How “Americans and gamers” do you know personally because we actually eat real food here.

>> No.23062301

I don’t get it, if you don’t like philosophy then don’t read it instead of making endless threads about it.

>> No.23063438

philosophy is about reality
fiction is about escaping reality

>> No.23063444

Both are fiction.

>> No.23063447

It really isn’t yet philosophers (lmao) like to act conceited.

>> No.23063450

So is your dad

Nothing wrong with that. Gatekeeping is awesome too bad you won’t “get” it.

>> No.23063451

One is onions (nerdy) and one is based (chad).

>> No.23063452

4chan changed how I live my life

>> No.23063457

This is actually the correct reply, FPBP as always.
Close contender

>> No.23063496
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>We are not yet thinking

And this is not an occasion for deficient minds to celebrate their ignorance.

>> No.23063721

It's crazy that Destiny is genuinely 5'8" with those body proportions. Everyone thinks he's 5'3" but I saw a legit thread with him standing next to a lot of other streamer types and he really is 5'8" or very close to it.