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/lit/ - Literature

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23060090 No.23060090 [Reply] [Original]

Camus edition

previous >>23054559

>> No.23060176

"Normal" people don't understand how important love is to an alienated person because their world is sort of "interwoven" with love. The common critique that "love is not as great as you think it is" is said from the perspective of someone that has developed normally, so they already feel love— even if it is diffused into the fabric of their society. They feel love "emanating" from their family, from friends, from society, from God, or from their own self; but the alienated person feels nothing. Their heart is empty. It is the total absence of all love that motivates the insatiable thirst for it, and the normal person cannot understand this because of they have already developed normally and are capable either of generating their own love or feeling its diffuse presence. The alienated person is simply incapable of this, nor have they likely experienced love in their life.

Unfortunately, alienated people are incredibly unwell, and they are bound to cause harm to those that try to help them. They have no idea what a healthy relationship is like, and are prone to neediness, aloofness, withdrawal, suspicion, and such things as make the love not love at all. Their empty heart must be maintained by stealing love from the other party in a relationship, just as an empty vessel equalizes itself with a full one. But of course, this leaves the better worse off, and it is this harm that an alienated person can be made aware of, thus reinforcing their alienation. They realize that they are, in fact, unlovable, and that no one even deserves to be put through the pain of their presence.

>> No.23060189

I go between neediness and withdrawl, like hot and cold

>> No.23060200

I didnt give any permission to write about me.

>> No.23060211

that hurt

>> No.23060281

This is a very impactful post. There are years where I am normal and years where I am alienated. I hope to use this bit of emotional knowledge for a future short story.

>> No.23060290

Moebius won a still dubious fame by his pamphlet "On the Physiological Idiocy of Women" (Halle: Marhold 1900). He received the greatest contemporary recognition for carving out his own territory with this work. The key message of the work not only postulated that "idiocy of woman", but also tried to impose this on already dubious methods. Moebius received plaudits for this piece, but also criticism, such as The Anti-feminists (1902) by Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919). In further response to Moebius were written such as Women and Intellectualism by Oda Olberg in 1903 and Feminism and Science by Johanna Elberskirchen in 1902. Elberskirchen said: "The truth is that when scholars make opinions concerning females, they are too much man (Mann) and too little or not at all scientifically reasoning human (Mensch)." (Elberskirchen 1902 p.4) In other writings (such as Sex and Head Size) Moebius tried to support his theses with comments that showed his misunderstanding of brain anatomy and brain physiology.[citation needed] "On the Physiological Idiocy of Women" went through eight editions during his lifetime. In the later editions Moebius published letters from women and men which he had received for and against the book. These letters accounted for almost half of the book at the end.

>> No.23060302

Sounds like a bunch of excuses from a sad pathetic nerd.

>> No.23060312

Stop writing about me.

>> No.23060411
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I had an experience with this when I was with my ex-girlfriend. I'm aware of the typical meme about ''women can never feel lonely'', but I have never known a lonelier person in my entire life. She grew up in a broken home where her ex-military ptsd-ridden mother was explicitly berating her for being born and reminding her that she wished her suicide attempt had worked when she pregnant, a completely absent irresponsible drunken manchild of a father, an uncle that was calling her a slut ever since she was very little, and so on. The kind of maelstrom that would hinder your social perception at the very least, which directly affected her ability to find a place in society. Always desired because of her looks, but never loved. Grew up in a nest of crime and smut of a town. But she had a really sweet & kind heart at her core, with a wickedly sharp intellect and the ability to fight things through when she was doing okay internally. Most importantly, she was able to give love, genuine love, to somebody, provided that earned her difficult trust. She was the most helpful and supportive person I ever knew, and she was good at analyzing situations that I neurotically amplified beyond measure in my mind.
All of this made this aloofness and sometimes venomous attitude confusing to understand. She relished, much like an old /b/ shitposter would, fucking with people, especially people who ''didn't ask for it''. Every once in a while I'd get news of her harrassing some poor person because they said the wrong thing online, and made them her target. Pushing them to suicide was not out of the option for her. When confronted, it was merely ''fun'' in her words. It became a bigger problem when people I was close to became the targets. I got accused and guilt-tripped for taking sides and not being on hers. She was prone to doing ridiculous vulgar stunts, and trying to rile people up by desecrating things too often, as well as getting shitfaced. I questioned if I really should bring her to my family home, since she could end up doing this to the people I valued the most. I left eventually, despite still feeling like a criminal for it. I handled things pathetically back then.
Never have I felt the divide between normal and alienated as strongly, and never have I met a more beautiful soul, one that pushed me further to connect with everything. I refuse to believe that she is inherently bound to remain destructive, nor unloveable, but I can't say that I know how to deal with someone like that. I want her to heal. I hope she is doing much better these days. I probably wasn't strong enough to help her in the right way, but I must be better for the sake of the world at large. If I am the one who has been blessed with a normal ''love'', then I must learn how to give it back. Otherwise my existence would be worthless.
I'll try to find her again soon irl, and talk for just one more time.

>> No.23060426

then learn how to love on your own. Just how a blind person who regained their sight has to learn to read as an adult just as you will have to learn how to love and be loved as an adult.
Nobody will care to teach you and if you can not learn on your own then too bad, life is not fair, get on with it.

>> No.23060449

>constantly gets shitfaced and harasses people, driving them to suicide
>sweet & kind heart, most helpful and supportive person

>> No.23060483

Remembered some good trauma from my childhood that will forever linger with me, I had forgotten this particular one for a bare minimum of five years, but all of a sudden I remembered it, just a few dozen minutes ago. I don't know how I will face my parents now with how my blood is boiling because of what they've done. Well, I actually do know, I'll hate my seething anger and approach them as if I had some sort of love for them, that's what I've always done, but I would rather not see their filthy faces right now. This trauma(bit too stupid sounding for my taste, but I can't think of a similar word now) will always be with me, deep in my heart but also in the form of an action that was done many years ago, and cannot be changed or destroyed now. The only good news is that I will soon forget it once more.

>> No.23060581

She was that kind of person with different opposing sides to her self. Her ''evil'' antics felt more like playing a character, out to prove something to herself or to the world. There were plenty of folks that she was nothing but kind to, myself included. It's what happens when you have a severely fractured image of yourself.

>> No.23060595

>Camus edition

I kind of like this work. But I got the feeling the main drive for his writings are just the face around the 2nd World War.
If he would have lived in a peacefull time, we may never have such romans as pest or stranger in the first place.

P.S: Its kind of ficked up me that I can't post here on 4chan.

>> No.23060649
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If energy came from somewhere, it must go somewhere. If it is designated to go somewhere it will invariably be guided there, if it is aimless, it will invariably be led astray.
Following that line of reason, and the line of reason culminating in the evolution of modern humans, we must have an origin, and a destiny. A starting point, and an eschatology. When we make statements about our corporeal form we are nearly approximating the beginning of our end, the end by which we may be made whole again, and find refuge from the distractions of life, and the oppression of pain. I fear an afterlife, I cope with reincarnation, but I long for an end. A definitive end that will mark the definite abolishment of my consciousness, where I can be free from freedom, numb to feelings, lost of memory, incapable of assiduity, I want to be unaware forever. Oblivious, in oblivion.
How can I improve my attitude? What should I read to fully grasp reincarnation, the concept of an afterlife as a whole?

>> No.23060662

therapy is anagram of the rayp.

>> No.23060672

I always decline invitations to parties, just declined one set today.

>> No.23060681

People keep telling me to not compare myself to the exceptional and prodigies of the world. But isn't that a cope? Am I not admitting I'm inferior to them?
What's the point of doing shit if you don't aim for the highest peak'

>> No.23060706

Go read the Lotus Sutra, NOW!
Not a buddhafag but just read the fucking Sutras holy shit.

>> No.23060710

I've been told by 2 different people that they used to have a crush on me. I think it's because they confused my autism for mystery.

>> No.23060718

>they confused my autism for mystery.
how so?

>> No.23060727

parties are alright if the aim is to clearly celebrate something that all the participants are keen on. the worst parties i've ever seen are northern european/scandinavian ones, so empty and vapid.

>> No.23060758

Quiet and aloof. I've been approached by many girls during elementary school and highschool, but I turned them all down because I couldn't reciprocate their flirting.

>> No.23060761

Damn, must be nice to be handsome. Atleast you have that going on.

>> No.23060766

I'm considered handsome but still a virgin because I literally have autism.

>> No.23060776

Thats workable because atleast now you know.

>> No.23060777
File: 255 KB, 1352x628, odrQivwB2AZNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wounder why women express their feminist believes at any time but still act like they are like the most brutal and dangerous man.
Let's take Mr. Bronson as an example.
He is virtually known for his violencly kind. And neitherless, a bangali woman falls for him.

It bufferes me.
I somehow feel deeply insecure and don't understand how women actually think now.

>> No.23060780

I can't tell if that's
>Because autism is stopping me from having things I think I might like
>Because autism is stopping me from having things that sound awful

>> No.23060789

Both? Sounds like both.

>> No.23060811

> still a virgin
How exactly is that a bad thing?

>> No.23060837
File: 252 KB, 868x750, 1690551671578650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same way you and I don't understand how some men fall in love for obvious whores, e-girls, twitch thots, and so on - a lot of women also don't understand why other women fall in love with the violent kind.

Here in Brazil there are some women who we call "Bandit's Meal" or "Drug Dealer's Meal." Most women don't understand them. These women also don't understand how other women can fall in love with a normal guy, or with a cop, or with a working class guy, or with a nerd, and so on, and so on.

Love is weird.

>> No.23060843

I really fucking hate podcasts and social media. There are guys out there doing cool shit that dream about having a successful podcast or obsess over their funny meme page on Instagram. You could be a green beret, yet your ego drives you to make a podcast. The desire for fame should be beaten out of people. If you want to be famous you should be locked in a wet bamboo cage and beaten by a Chinaman.

>> No.23060852

>anon is mad at radio programmes

>> No.23060859

>I can fix her/him

>> No.23060880

> The same way you and I don't understand how some men fall in love for obvious whores, e-girls, twitch thots, and so on - a lot of women also don't understand why other women fall in love with the violent kind.

I must confess, I've at least an idea what man like on those women, while I don't understand this women.
It's important for the writer to know at least a bit about human psychology.

> Here in Brazil there are some women who we
> call "Bandit's Meal" or "Drug Dealer's
> Meal." Most women don't understand them.

I mean, I got the romanticism of the criminal.
But actuall VIOLENTE dudes?
If I know a woman is known for killing men... I would ranther fear them.

But you need the personal guide.

> You could be a green beret, yet your
> ego drives you to make a podcast.

For many different reasons: NO.

>> No.23060887

Be sure to follow James Smith on patreon for exclusive podcasts about what it is to be an investment banker!

>> No.23060895 [DELETED] 

>woman who was intrinsically desirable was mean sometimes, and totally alienated, so alienated in fact she is my ex-girlfriend. so sad, right? please read my post :(
nobody cares faggot

>> No.23060953

I'm sure you'll let's us know if anything of interest comes up. Maybe they have some way you can call in and say your piece?

>> No.23060961

Do you have a podcast I can listen to?

>> No.23060967


>> No.23061039

"The rapist" is a better, more elegant
version of this joke

Honestly man she sounds like a fucked up psycho who happened to be nice enough to you that you were able to look past all that bullshit

As annoying as podcasts and podcasters are, the world does not need more brainwashed killing machines

>> No.23061054

>the world does not need more brainwashed killing machines
That wasn't my point. It's that a guy can go through all that, kill people, see his friends die, and then makes a podcast giving corporate team building advice. NFL players do the same thing, as do scientists and pretty much every other profession. Kids these days don't want to farm they just want to write a clay tablet, Sumer has fallen.

>> No.23061115

Is there any way to become one's own master, other than buying a homestead and start farming animals and plants?

>> No.23061131


>> No.23061137

The loneliest moment of my life was when I finished up a bottle of whiskey and watched amateur college threesome porn. That was two minutes ago. I e rn. I e I'm still watching this nig jackhammer a bootyless asian bitch

>> No.23061145


>> No.23061181

Ah, I see. I don't think it's so bad or unnatural, to want to be known and share your knowledge and experience with others. But podcasting or say running an "educational" social media account encourages a way of doing that which is very artificial, and has to make a lot of concessions to marketing, algorithms, etc. I'm sure some people just get into podcasting cuz they think they can make a quick buck talking about something they already know about

>> No.23061183

I love Asian bitches. They almost always say no but they all want to say yes. I can see the hunger in their eyes wanting to feed off me for sustenance like vampires.

>> No.23061209

ever since i've been told i got adhd i can't study properly. I think I just default on "you dont need to work since u got adhd and so therefore you are disabled" How do I get over this?

>> No.23061216
File: 334 KB, 1136x1200, EYKNq3QXQAEznxC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was able to live a life beyond what I am capable of now. I wish I'd be able to meet people in the youth of my life, exchange ideas, laughs, stories, create things and enjoy our youth in sync. To feel the air on our skin like needles, our hearts to beet like drums, our love pure and innocent. I wish I was born as someone else. I wish I lived. I wish I had a chance. I wish I was loved and knew how to love. I am sorry for my rambling.

>> No.23061224

You're not disabled if you have ADHD, dumbass, and that doesn't mean you can skip work either. Stop making excuses for your laziness.

>> No.23061230

my best friend is a human-sized mantis and my wife is a horse-sized tarantula

>> No.23061236

I don't believe you. Post a picture of them.

>> No.23061242

You're alive right now bro

>> No.23061252

Thats the worst part.

>> No.23061263

There's nothing more horrific than swiping through tinder in england

>> No.23061267

>I don't believe you.
that’s not a nice thing to say
>Post a picture of them.
well now i'm not in a good mood

>> No.23061298

No I'm not

>> No.23061336

You can either continue stewing in regret for what you "missed" and thus continue to allow life to pass you by, or you can make peace with it all and live now

>> No.23061350

>or you can make peace with it all and live now
It's hard. Really hard. On most of the days it seems outright impossible.

>> No.23061357

I barely ate yesterday but I'm still shitting massive amounts of shit

>> No.23061363

>live now
All the most important decision were made in the past. Now you just reap what you sow. No redoing.

>> No.23061374

You're such a faggot. If you could go back in yime and get a redo you'd do everything the same

>> No.23061391

Thats true but still regret exists. but regret over what? Having the same experience when you're 15 or 35 just doesnt impact you in the same way.

>> No.23061396

And in a few years you'll be reaping what was sown today

>> No.23061398

Mahomes Mahomes
Brock Purdy
Tragedy and fame
almost time for the Big Game

>> No.23061404

I hope I'll be dead by then.

>> No.23061441

I'm not talking about having the same experiences now that you "missed" when you were younger. Allowing regret to rule your life will only lead to more regret.

>> No.23061490

>But podcasting or say running an "educational" social media account encourages a way of doing that which is very artificial, and has to make a lot of concessions to marketing, algorithms, etc.
This is my real problem with it. I hate image sellers

>> No.23061571

For some reason the ONE fucking time I actually get along with a woman my race, she has to be someone I can't present to my parents at all. She's funny but gee, it's like she's a 4channer sometimes. No class at all. I don't think she's the one.

>> No.23061631

danke schoen for that I needed it

>> No.23061636

>tfw no /lit/ gf
It's over bros...

>> No.23061688

How the FUCK do I read the iliad on my kindle. With my current font size setting, all the lines are getting broken and it looks horrible with all those indented one-word lines on it.
I could make the font smaller or change to landscape mode but this would just reduce my reading comfort.
I really don't know what to do, save for buying a physical edition or going to a library.

>> No.23061705


>> No.23061719

I was invited to a Super Bowl party, but I don't watch football.

>> No.23061730

You dont have to watch football to go to a superbowl party

>> No.23061756

In 2024 I've been practicing the philosophy that one receives the energy they put out in the world. I have been much happier and socialable as a result, striking up conversations with strangers, getting smiles from passing women, generally being open to positive interactions. The most important part of this has been not using headphones or even looking at my phone when out in public. Even walking from place to place it is good to have open ears and open eyes. You invite much more happiness into your life. Take the whitepill anons.

>> No.23061767
File: 38 KB, 640x600, 1701149698479713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't understand...
We're not talking about usual screaming and beating behaviour here. We're talking about guys who rape them with their guns, mainly the Glock which is very popular here... and when they make a mistake...

Your girl is talking to a guy on her Instagram DM's, what do you do? Maybe you have an argument, maybe you scream at her, maybe you get cold for a few days and she blocks the guy and tell you she's sorry. Maybe you tell your grandpa, I don't know why, he tells you in his time he would've smacked her.

Here the drug dealers shave the girl's hairs. They go bald. This when they don't kill her. Hitting them with a board is very common as well. And there are girls who climb the favelas to fuck them. Daily. When these guys are arrested for one reason or another these girls go visit them in prison whenever they can, taking food and having sex with them in a dirty mattress in an unclean room.

Can an american woman understand this? Or an Euro one? I don't think so.

>> No.23061768

The super bowl is so slow the actual football stuff is only happening one minute out of every 10. Most of the party you guys will just be chatting, laughing, enjoying the gift of life.

>> No.23061822

I'm collecting every race. So far I have: African Negro, Negrito, Aryan, Eskimo, American, and Japanese.

>> No.23061840

Did they ridicule you or something?

>> No.23061857

Garden or basement?

>> No.23061872


>> No.23061877
File: 84 KB, 1014x1024, hedoesntknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a latinx of the big booty variety

>> No.23061925

sorry to break your fantasy but she's not a /lit/ gf, just a 4chan gf. last time I saw her she said that celestial dragons were one piece's jews and then guffawed in front of multiple people, two of which were friends of mine she barely knew. funny to write and kind of funny to live but since I have a public persona I can't introduce her to my other friends or family because of that kind of shit

>> No.23061933

Wow that's still based. She sounds awesome. Lucky you.

>> No.23061937

People and their interactions are far from being complex and complicated. They may appear as such for those who presuppose rationality and consistency and delve deep into society looking for unbreakable rules that everyone adhere to. In reality, the only rules people abide by are the laws of the lawless wild, where their ancestors danced around the predators to not be preyed upon. The dances had to differ from time to time and place to place, but never were robotically strict and always were flowing around dangers like a river flowing around a stick.
Evolutionary psychology is the only correct and accurate branch of psychology. It's usually criticized for its lack of ability to predict, but that's exactly why it's correct.
An autistic person is a person born with a brain hardwired to recognize patterns, deduce rules, and follow them. Thus, he will not do well interacting with normal humans. He will never been able to adhere to the rules of which has no rules, but he will always be able to break said rules by following rules that actually exist.

>> No.23061974

One of the guys playing the superbowl is named sneed

>> No.23062016

Farting retardedly into the toilet.

>> No.23062059

20iq reply

>> No.23062075

how many of you are esl third worlders really? I'm esl second worlder btw

>> No.23062110

I'm an american but that doesnt help much desu

>> No.23062118

I'm esl first worlder. My first language was love.

>> No.23062238


>> No.23062244

You sound gay as fuck, you should definitely go kill yourself.

>> No.23062283

All at once?

>> No.23062291

Yes open all the tabs

>> No.23062313

I already have 72 open and an album playing

>> No.23062325

>public persona
Yeah she might ruin your life of being a stuck up autistic asshole

>> No.23062381
File: 62 KB, 712x668, IMG_20240211_171734_088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm laughing my ass off bros

>> No.23062385

Beta male. Youre not good enough for her

>> No.23062396

third worlder with english being my fourth language. i'm very glad to be where I am.

>> No.23062449

I've never loved anyone, nor ever will, as much as my mother, for all her faults and frailties of judgment, most of which were minor.. I can't remember a serious or significant note of malice in her temperament or character, but very many silly moments of playfulness--and rescue from minor misadventure. Ultimately she was ruined by the congenital brain disease known as schizophrenia by the time I was about 10. 2nd only to her is my father. There were times we were seriously pissed off at eachother, trading contemptuous remarks meant to be overheard, some of them wounding to the point of remorse, but at no time did it come anywhere near to blows, and never severe enough for long pauses in conversation about subjects that were on our minds. I understood even as a teenager that he had never had a friend he could confide in directly and completely as I was used to doing, and was always considerate of that, as he was to me in his way, as a prolific provider whose sense of humor was darker than my mother's. We too had some great times together.


>> No.23062458
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Nothing can stop the schizophrenia of postmodern capitalism.


No I'll stand my ground
Won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down
Gonna stand my ground
And I won't back down


All my life (all my life)
They been tryin' to keep me down (they been tryin' to keep me down)
All this time (all this time)
Never thought I would make it out (never thought I'd make it out)
They couldn't break me, they couldn't break me (no, no)
They couldn't take me, they couldn't take me (no)
All my life (all my life)
They been tryin' to keep me down (they been tryin' to keep me down)

>> No.23062495

DoorDash is sending an investigator to my house.

>> No.23062510 [DELETED] 

Great post anon. I'm not sure about her character (I know a lot is lost in translation), but it is possible for damage to be irrevocable. Don't beat yourself up if things don't turn out well. Good luck regardless.
>then learn how to love on your own. Just how a blind person who regained their sight has to learn to read as an adult just as you will have to learn how to love and be loved as an adult.
I know, I tried. I can't do it.
>Nobody will care to teach you and if you can not learn on your own then too bad, life is not fair, get on with it.
I wouldn't expect anyone to, and I don't want anyone to either. I gave up on it a long time ago and I've made peace with it. I guess my post wasn't exactly clear, but I'm not complaining about my situation, just writing something for anons to relate to.
I won't lie though; being truly alone is like a constant weight that never goes away. I just don't fight it anymore. Thanks for the advice though.

>> No.23062534

Great post anon. Don't beat yourself up if she doesn't turn out well, because there may not be anything you can do. Either way, good luck.
I know. I'm not complaining about my situation, just writing something in the /wwoym/.
I gave up on it a long time ago. I never expected anyone to help me and I never attempted it. I never would accept it if someone offered. I made peace with this, and I've been getting on with my life like normal. Job, getting started with a mortgage, etc.
I won't lie, being completely alone and knowing that it's permanent is a crushing burden that never goes away. I've just learned to live with it. Thank you for your advice regardless.

>> No.23062566

The entire history of civilization has been thinning the herd of white people. That’s the only motivating factor of humanity, the earth even, an utter disdain for white people. We are not meant for this earth. We conquered everything we came to, all that’s left is a race war and an evac into space after we collect all the skeletons necessary to resurrect our dead ancestors. Only after we garner the relics of our history can we be made whole again, from then on we can build colonies in space and haver wars with each other as sport(as vishnu intended), we’ll all have kids before we depart to battle so no bloodline ends, we’ll use gene therapy to heal our souls in time for the next reincarnation, once we get the ships up and running we can fuck, eat, fight, and die all we want for free, eternally. That’s the only lifetime thats worth it. In essence, that’s the only rightful slander against us, how alien we are. If you are literally better off with an atmosphere between you and your closest relative that’s indicative that you aren't native to the habitat in question.

>> No.23062577

This dude definitely browses 4chan. I'm surprised he hasn't been canceled.

>> No.23062624

---- Solaria ----
Free Range

No matter how I organize my memories, I'm a little astonished
In retrospect by their rarity,

Their weirdly sensuous relaxation
Into magnificent regions of memory and impression

Only encylopedic terms convey
Only to those here

Who know what it's like to fly on the slightest movement of the will.

>> No.23062625
File: 35 KB, 656x267, chatgpt pulp fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this quote really in the film? I don't remember it.

>> No.23062660

Guns are unironically dysgenic.

>> No.23062668

All I said was that I didn't get 1 cup of coffee, and they refunded me $40.

>> No.23062740

---- Solaria ----
Sonority Installation

Toads by the thousands,
Treefrogs by the tens of that

Within the same easy audio range,
The high fidelity recording of July 4 1984 I made

Casually, because I could
With some blinding impacts and rather a lot of distant sizzle and whirring.

Freight trains, six diesel locomotives straining nearby,
The ambiance of countless

Passerines twittering in front of the faraway, even bass of
Arteries I've seen only at night.

>> No.23062760

Can you write a poem about your lover?

>> No.23062767

You're pahllophobic

>> No.23062786

Ah, you're grasping for 'hoplophobic' there. He's quite the bigot when it comes to guns. But let's face it, this isn't a bubble of comfort where he needs to watch his words. He's free to spew his biased opinions to his heart's content.

>> No.23062795

How would you politely decline an invitation form a collogue to attend something you have no interest in?
Should I just say I have plans? That seems so vague, and a bit rude (my plans are reading and getting drunk alone). He is obviously looking to make a male friendship as a bored father, and I think he has mistaken my facade of gregariousness and affability as real (my fault for being a good actor), when in reality I am a schizoid loner who gets almost sick at the thought of spending an afternoon with this guy I barely know. Maybe I should just be rude. People frequently invite me to things, and I always hate it when I force myself to go. But I can't stop being friendly and polite, because that feels bad. Fuck, I need to think of something.

>> No.23062800

I'm from kazakhstan

>> No.23062803

if you could go back to any place and location in time, where would you go to?

>> No.23062810

What did you think of Borat?

>> No.23062811

Big Bang

>> No.23062817

Good question. He wasn't my only, but my first and best, and it would be understatement to say that he was protective of me. Same for a friend of his. In most of what I write from experience that takes palace after around 1990 has both of them in mind. Solaria 3044 happens to treat experiences and memories that come before I met either.

>> No.23062828

Lmao solaria author is a fag

>> No.23062829

a little time capsule for you : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwAnYHqxcnU
it's neither far nor close in time. it was there, and it seemed like it was going to be here forever. it's silly, but you know.

>> No.23062830

No I mean phallophobic

>> No.23062831

I shat 3 times this morning.

>> No.23062835

I liked it but it had nothing to do whatsoever with the real country, in fact it was shot in a romanian village. Also I am russian so I cannot possibly be offended by the film.

>> No.23062840

Lmao that you couldn't tell before.


>> No.23062856

I have decided to lie and make up convincing plans that cant be verified. This way I'll be able to insinuate that I'm disappointed I can't make it. Now, I need to prepare my defenses for the next invite.

>> No.23062862

ahh... its done. What a relief! Lying is so useful and easy.

>> No.23062894

I reallt need some pussy in my life.
I can't take it anymore

>> No.23062899

>Female genitalia
Which one are you referring to?

>> No.23062908

I dont read that garbage

>> No.23062926

Are you autistic?
Of course I mean sex with women

>> No.23062932
File: 3.31 MB, 6300x2432, 5wills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the greatest mental masturbator the world has ever known.
I've literally taken it to the level of a science.
Experimenting to see to what extremes I can take my imagination and perception.
Because the better at it I get, the more pleasurable it feels.
Now I have access to the ultimate cybernetic auto-fellatio prosthetic: ChatGPT.
A fleshlight made of words.
And I have literally used it as such.
But I have also experimented with it as a creative medium of words to see how far I could jerk it.
I will teach myself what I need to jerk off the most sensitive minds in the world.

>> No.23062935

---- Solaria ----
80 94

Elliott Carter has never been anywhere around here at night
Where everything severe so far exceeds the florid

That's it's fabulous to see as he never could.


>> No.23062940


>> No.23062956

It might honestly be fair to say that no one has won in human history as much as Taylor Swift. National icon for the most powerful country in history, beloved by billions, became a billionaire, won every award there is to win, dates a football champion and gets her all-American movie moment, single-handedly dictates the interests of women all over the world. I can’t believe it. She’s unstoppable. The only celebrity of her stature that hasn’t crashed and burned into a schizo meltdown. She just wins nonstop.

>> No.23062958

Strange, I consider myself a rather alienated individual and I've never had a deep craving for love, sour grapes maybe. Maybe I was never really alienated.
Good post, anon.

>> No.23062964

To quote an oldfag who once said this about me, look at what these creatures type.

>> No.23062966

look at her pictures though, she's not really happy

>> No.23062968


>> No.23062976

norcal in the 50's before the hippies moved in.

>> No.23063011

This superbowl is a bad omen

>> No.23063027

---- Solaria ----
Magnificent Miles

Rich bitches fresh from Rolls Wraiths
Were always equal to me here, between and in towers

Of dizzying height and scale.


>> No.23063038

Really getting psyched soon to read some anthropology

>> No.23063040

Man I wish I had an ounce of the cojones these men do

>> No.23063045

For what reason?

>> No.23063048

Hmm. 1980s at at the 9:30 club in Washington, D.C.

>> No.23063061


>> No.23063079

I've never understood the artists who go out of their way to be intentionally unpleasant. They don't stirr any strong emotions other than mild annoyance or discomfort, they're just mildly displeasing to interact with.

>> No.23063080 [DELETED] 

Kanye’s album pissed me off so much I’m going to write an essay hearing him to shreds just to vent.

>> No.23063082

Ireland before the br*ts showed up and ruined it.

>> No.23063085

you wouldnt get it

>> No.23063088

I don't think it takes some sort of psychopath to kill someone and feel no remorse, I think that's a wild claim.

>> No.23063102

Rousseau is too big of a redpill. Very dangerous. You can read his words and walk away becoming a communist or a fascist. He is the most awful thing to happen in modern history.

>> No.23063106

I am disassociating because I had sex again. It's just all so fake. I see the unreality of everything when I actually attain something that should be "so good at least it can make you feel alive for a moment." It's like everything is made of a sand, and the grains of sand are the contingencies and accidents of the world, and no amount of shaped sand will ever be something other than a big sum of accidents. Instead of feeling close to the woman I feel distant, and then realizing she feels close despite it being so fake, and that makes me feel even more distant from it.

>> No.23063107

See this is good writing. Intriguing. Provocative. Write more about how you feel about the modern world.

>> No.23063111

It's like that old aviation joke about when you're getting off. I'm getting off now. 1967, 1973, 1979, 1984, 1989,. 2006, 2013, 2019, and 2024 have been pretty good to me.


>> No.23063112

That's how I felt when I got my hugvirginity taken. Sucks bro.

>> No.23063117

Well no, I claerly don't. I assume you derive some sort of pleasure in listening to intentional musical disharmony, but I don't know why. Even noise is a more pleasant listen.

>> No.23063121

Speaking of which, I have never met a person who unironically lostens to to noise.

>> No.23063122

I trust in you bro you can take them.

>> No.23063133

You really think I can become a superhero?

>> No.23063150

I think my cum sock gave me a uti

>> No.23063203

NTA (I'm the one who posted the list of youtube videos), I do like noise. I haven't listened to a lot of it recently. This song was one I liked recently. Careful with volume.
And this album.

>> No.23063232
File: 92 KB, 881x1024, class war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism is done for. More people are waking up. The future is red red red.

>> No.23063243

From my first memories as a child I could remember it as a very small pinpoint of light on the horizon, only visible on clear nights and from sitting up high in our tree. It had an amber glow, right where the sun would be in the morning, a small twinkle that did not flicker. I forgot about that light then.
Several years passed and I was a teenager, where a friend of mine had died in a car accident. Though we were not very close friends the news still came as a shock, and I remember not speaking for some time and spending a lot of time in solitude. I remembered that tree from years ago, and climbed up and sat in its branches one night. There on the horizon was that light like before. Only it had grown a little, it now was around the size of Mars as seen in the night sky, and it glowed slightly more, leaving a little haze around itself. The light bothered me, and then I forgot it once more.
After graduating from college I decided to return home. I had planned to take a year off and sort myself out as I had no ambitions for the future and struggled with an alcohol dependence. Four years passed, and my father died. A week later I took my car out at night and drove. I drove for an hour or so and parked at the top of a hill. There was that light I had forgotten again. It had grown to the size of the moon. Brighter, almost blinding to look at directly, and creating a large haze around itself, something about it infuriated me. I hated that it seemed to follow me. Like it taunted me. Angry, but afraid, I went home and drank and promptly forgot the night. But it didn't leave this time.
Everywhere I went after that night I could see the amber haze, whether it was daytime or cloudy or if I was indoors with the windows blinded; no matter what, the amber light would stain some corner of the sky or seep through the cracks of my room. In spite of this I was able to increase my ability to snuff out my awareness of that light, whether it be through drink or entertainment or relationships or my career. My life was a seesaw of the light searing me with its heat and my addictions washing it all away. Like the tides.
Finally my dependence caught up with me. Liver failure and an admittance to the ICU. Strapped to a bed and removed from my substance, feeling nothing but pain and dread, the light returned, and overtook me. I could do nothing but stare into its maw as it flooded the room. It changed colors from amber to blue to white. After that I could see nothing else or feel nothing else but the bright white light, and then I was through.

>> No.23063249

The idea that sex will make you happy is a huge dupe to make you buy shit like old spice and fancy cars that you think will help you get sex. Advertising ruining lives as usual. Sex is sex. It feels good but throughout history it was just the way kids got made. Otherwise it's nothing but a moment of pleasure comparable to a shot of heroin. You got high, man. You know that drugs are nothing but simulacra for transmitters which already exist in our brains. They just shortcut the process which you thought would be so good it'd make you feel alive. Look deeper. Pay attention. Nobody ever became happy because they got sex. It was never that easy.

>> No.23063253

you people should consider having sex with some intimacy involved with people you actually want to make feel good and you might find it more enjoyable, maybe the sex felt hollow and fake because you had casual sex and only got to shot jizz from it?

>> No.23063256

I just watched Dead Pool on my computer monitor. The film is about a superhero named Wade Wilson (alliterative names were common in America) who used to be a character in the comic medium known as Marvel Entertainment (now owned by the Walt Disney Corporation). He gets cancer, but then becomes mutated causing the cancer to become his superpower. In the end, he defeats the supervillains, in order to have romantic relationships with his ex-whore fiance, who have supreme dexterity like a Robin Hood archetype and drive motorcycles very fast.

>> No.23063262

Sick thing is that some enjoy the culture war

>> No.23063266

After reading my little short story here I get the sense that this idea of death watching over you your whole life is actually a pretty common trope, and I could probably find it in a ton of literature, and that as usual my life is just terribly lacking in artistic richness. But aside from that, I wrote it because I felt like I could really see all the way to the other shore. Like I could look out and perceive the miles and miles of what will be the time of my existence. Like I could see it all at once.

I think they get obsessed with sex because they see it as the high point of love, the ultimate reward, when like you say if it lacks love its just a jizz high. The secret is to learn how to love in general, without considering sex, but people don't see this, they only see thing in terms of what they understand, which is people who are happy have sex, and masturbating feels good, so surely sex is just better masturbation that makes me happy.

>> No.23063273

Sex is good and you are both deluded as fuck. Probably neither of you had great sex anyways.

>> No.23063275

>sex is actually awesome
>you just didn't have great sex
I've had some great sex
But I'm still a miserable fuck in my current present moment
That sex I had was just another pleasurable moment to add to the string of beads that is my life

>> No.23063277

Guns are unironically analgesic.

>> No.23063304

That's just you then, sort that shit out.

>> No.23063306

I wish I was cement. Not to glue things together.

>> No.23063312

To fill in cracks. How cosy.

>> No.23063317

It's time for bed. You know what that means. Time to listen to an audiobook of the Quran even though I'm not a Muslim.

>> No.23063331

We're living in dark times. In order to sleep, inside our home, in our room, we're no longer shone by the moon and stars, we turn off the lights and sleep in pitch black.

>> No.23063338


>> No.23063350

Israel blows my mind. It truly does. How the entire world lets them get away with this, including their own Muslim opponents, is beyond me. The only reasonable conclusion is that 19th century anti-Semitism was the objectively correct assessment. They fucking control everything. Not just institutions, but ethics too. The entire way we comprehend the world is tied to their power. It’s insane.

>> No.23063353

it's literally just all america being under their thumb, they don't really need anyone else but america to make sure no one calls them out too loudly, if they lose control of america the middle-east will have a royal rumble on their ass and kick them to the curb

>> No.23063355

Iran is a secret ally of Israel

>> No.23063378

I matched with a chick on Hinge but I didn't realise she was 18 before I swiped on her. Don't get me wrong, I'm only 21, but I still feel like a creep for swiping on her.

>> No.23063389

Why doesn’t Henri Bergson get any love on /lit/?

>> No.23063392

If you think 18 and 21 is a troubling gap then you’re ngmi

>> No.23063397

Have you tried loving yourself?

>> No.23063400

I'm literally an alienated person and I don't give a shit about love, what's your reasoning for that? You could say that I'm just a fringe case, and you'd probably be right, but you can't say that now because that's stealing my answer and that would make you a cheater.

>> No.23063402

You should just kys, your iq is too low.

>> No.23063417

>He thinks IQ means something.

>> No.23063422

It means something when it is below 80, like in your case

>> No.23063508

you have great taste (or a taste I naturally alligned with ... )how do you get to know so many unknowables gems?.

>> No.23063631

I really wanna try Texas BBQ, too bad going to 90% of other countries from Australia is crazy expensive.

>> No.23063743

A chick who I was talking to just replied to me with a three-word, dry-ass response, it's over.

>> No.23063754

I love you.

>> No.23063776

I wouldn't believe her if she said that.

>> No.23063781

I’m very upset about my working life thus far.

>> No.23063791

No comedian has ever made me laugh like Norm McDonald, fuck, I wish he was still alive.

>> No.23063911

>eBook for 120 €
Is this a joke?

>> No.23063916 [DELETED] 

I'm not trying to be dramatic, and I know there is a lot of narcissism in this (maybe I am narcissistic), but I can't imagine that. It's not possible in the same way that I can't help but retch at the scent of vomit. To put it into perspective, I can't be a Christian despite believing in God because there is some sort of intense feeling of wrongness when I pray, as if I would be better off going to hell than disrespecting a perfect being with my words. :/

>> No.23063932

I'm going on a date tomorrow with a 6/10, I feel nothing

>> No.23063945
File: 26 KB, 288x252, 1516586596947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coworker mentioned he was into philosophy
>got excited for a sec and started talking to him
>he turns out to be some kind of stereotype of a reddit soi bugman who thinks the phrase "we are made of star stuff" is the most profound thing ever said and who takes the word of people like richard dawkins as gospel
>excitedly tells me about how akshually all of our desires and thoughts are just our DNA controlling us and everything besides the reproductive drive is an illusion
>ask him if he's ever read someone like aristotle or plato and he tells me that the thoughts of religious people are not worth reading

>> No.23063954

I think I’d laugh in his phase. The problem, frankly, is that you probably piped down, as a normal person would. But we shouldn’t do that. You should bully this guy until he realizes his opinions are fucking retarded. He should quite literally be mocked and derided for saying he likes philosophy but hasn’t read Plato.

>> No.23063955

I watched a video about Henri Bergson in Hermitix YouTube channel and lost any interest whatsoever.

>> No.23063956

>thoughts of religious people are not worth reading
When it comes to things like the meaning of life, where we came from or what happens when we die, I would agree, but when the things they're talking about exist outside the vacuum of religion, they're just another person and they're probably worth listening to.

>> No.23063958

I usually listen to audio of Joshua Graham reading the Bible or the Skyrim OST. The Streets of Whiterun is great for falling asleep.

>> No.23063960

>we are made out of star stuff
well technically all life on earth is thanks to the sun so he's not wrong, there's a good reason why sun was worshiped as the giver of life along with earth
>all of our desires and thoughts are just our DNA controlling us and everything besides the reproductive drive is an illusion
sounds like he's bastardizing schopenhauers will to life, really we just have impulses and post nut clarity and the end of the "honey moon period" kind of proves him right
stoicism is pretty basic
abstract thought and being controlled by ideologies are not that amazing anymore, there are more eloquent philosophers that took that and delved deeper into that based on platos work
no need to learn plowing with stone if you have the modern ways of doing it unless you just want to make sure the people weren't misinterpreting him or full of shit
>"you should bully him" t. never touches grass
you probably should learn how to behave in public before you give advice on how to live there

>> No.23063964

Why are you going then?

>> No.23063966

>we turn off the lights and sleep in pitch black
Most people are exposed to some sort of artificial light when they sleep. Also sleeping shelters are one of the most ancient technologies. Even animals will build something to sleep under

Didn't happen

>> No.23063967

We don’t have capitalism. It always grates my gears a little bit when conservatives pretend like the mainstream American left is liberal or that our economy is capitalist. Neither of these are true. The left is progressive, not liberal. The right is liberal. The GOP is literally made up of neoliberals. They seem to not get this simply because what is now conservative from a historical point of view in America are exactly liberalism and neoliberalism. As for capitalism, we don’t have it. We have a federal bank that inflates or deflates liquidity and bails out F500 corporations. That’s not capitalism. That’s state subsidized big business. It’s more of a billionaires’ socialism than capitalism proper.

>> No.23063970


>> No.23063973

>people on the left say America is right wing
>people on the right say America is left wing

>> No.23063976

aristotle, aurelius, same "read the ancients" wank the lot of them, if you can't tell them apart they didn't write anything worth remembering

>> No.23063978

If you believe in class war as a focal point of politics in 2024 you’re a retard. The history of the United States, Soviet Union, and Communist China through the 20th and into the 21st centuries totally refutes the communist idea of class war, and the simple fact that for generations America successfully implemented a rising tide lifts all boats economy and made even blue collar trades relatively rich totally destroys whatever class war mandate you swallowed like a pill without questioning. Furthermore, the division of socio-economic classes, or socio-professional classes, is something that exists in every single society, has always existed in every single society, and will exist in every single society, while the basic dynamics of this is always contextualized by culture and politics. We don’t have caste after all. You don’t like that you’re working class? Fortunately for you, you can just get out of it. Individuals can climb out of the working class into the upper classes and always have. The idea that the lower class can somehow become the upper class is just a utopian fantasy. It literally confuses terms and sets up a political absurdism. Utopianism is at the heart of all this. It’s retarded.

>> No.23063979

You can tell them apart

>> No.23063981

Because progressives want things to be even further left than they are and liberals what it to be further right than it is, but both want it to remain leftist. Both consider their "ideal" to be sort of neutral and not extreme, so they see the current government as "far-X," regardless of the reality.

>> No.23063983

oh yea, tell me the great achievements of aristotle on the field of philosophy that makes him worth remembering

>> No.23063984

That’s not what I said. You have poor reading comprehension.

>> No.23063992

I don’t like myself. I hate myself actually. When I was younger, I used to be able to sleep at night in spite of it because I always had this sense that there was still time to grow into someone else, that something would happen which would give me the opportunity to become different. But that never happened. I don’t feel any different than I did 10 years ago. Well, I do feel different, but not in any ways that are good. It’s all bad. I am less confident in myself and my future than I was 10 years ago. I like myself less than I liked myself 10 years ago. I have this vision of my ideal self and then there’s myself, and even though in some cases I can see what needs to happen in order for me to become my ideal self, there’s like this gravitational pull into who I am, and I’m still me, the guy I hate, when I rest my head on my pillow at night. I still don’t know exactly what to do, what to take action on, where to go.

I need a change and I need it fast…

>> No.23063995

Also, I hate how self-absorbed I am. I donMt want to think about myself so much, but I can’t help it. I don’t have anything external to me that I can deeply care about. Modern life feels like a never-ending existential crisis.

>> No.23064004

I've lost desire to even masturbate. I think its finally over.

>> No.23064008

You may be able to make something of yourself. If nothing else, save money while you mope around because it will slowly increase the opportunities available to you while hindering you in no way whatsoever. Then if that magical moment comes, you'll be able to do something about it.
And don't try to kill yourself. I did it and now I really have no future. Heart+brain damage.

>> No.23064014

I'm not trying to be dramatic, but that is as foreign as learning to appreciate the scent of vomit. I know it's narcissistic to have such a self-loathing, but I can't do anything about it. The feeling cannot be suppressed. :/

>> No.23064015

I can't imagine saying something this fucking stupid unironically.

>> No.23064020

that's cool and all but did you come up with something worth mentioning that aristotle did for the field of philosophy or do you prefer to not mention any of his contributions to the field because they were near non-existence from that jack of all trades?

>> No.23064026

Dawg just admit you got him confused with Aurelius and take the L already.

>> No.23064033

i did, my point is that aristotle was so insignificant in the field of philosophy that he got mixed up with a stoic

>> No.23064035

Your point is dumb as fuck just like you.

>> No.23064037

shut up claidius fappius constantinius latinius of remembering all the faggy names of ancients, if your name doesn't stick out from the history pages maybe you didn't do much in the field

>> No.23064040

What do you hate about yourself? I think most people have some ideal which they fail to live up to, but hating yourself because of that seems pointless

>> No.23064042

I know you're perfectly capable of opening the Wikipedia page for Aristotle and seeing that he influenced virtually all subsequent philosophy. I also know that no one but a fucking retard would mistake him for anyone else. You can keep being butthurt and seething about it but it won't change the fact that you're wrong.

>> No.23064046

>Aristotle believed that four classical elements make up everything in the terrestrial spheres: earth, air, fire and water. He also held that the heavens are made of a special weightless and incorruptible (i.e. unchangeable) fifth element called "aether"
>Aristotle's concepts are function, classification, and hierarchy; he uses these concepts to explain everything. While modern science emphasizes laws, Aristotle emphasizes the search for accurate definitions of things in terms of their essential properties.
>In his metaphysics, he claims that there must be a separate and unchanging being that is the source of all other beings. In his ethics, he holds that it is only by becoming excellent that one could achieve eudaimonia, a sort of happiness or blessedness that constitutes the best kind of human life.

pfff now i know why i didn't remember him

>> No.23064047

You got a Greek confused with a Roman

>> No.23064054

>you got a brit mixed with yankee

>> No.23064055

He's also the grandfather of modern logic

>> No.23064062

and i'm sure someone is the grandfather of agriculture, doesn't mean we go till the grounds with rocks on a stick or force people to learn about the ancient hunter-gatherers methods while they learn industrial level agriculture

>> No.23064063

They lived 400 years apart and their writings are not at all similar

>> No.23064065

Hunter-gatherers don't practice agriculture

>> No.23064066

they both have latin sounding names, one of them was famous for being an emperor and a stoic and the other one was famous for making up disproven shit and inspiring others to disprove him
i wonder why neither of them really rang that much of a bell apart from the emperor which i mixed him with

>> No.23064074

>this prelude to agriculture that is older than tilling grounds with rocks and sticks has nothing to do with modern variant that came from it
tell me what aether has to do with modern philosohy and ill give you a hint on why the earth is not the center of the universe and how all of that ties to a point

>> No.23064080

it's almost like some of that ancient philosopher stuff was so out of touch from what philosophy became that it became its own fields such as theology, alchemy and #science etc

>> No.23064085

I have about $100k in cash at my disposal. Money is worthless if you don’t have anything to buy with it.

Most things, to be honest. Personality, temperament, appearance, energy, history. It’s history that I feel the worst about.

>> No.23064094

Paypal me $2000

>> No.23064095

If you’re not very well-read in philosophy, you could make that mistake in understanding. In reality, theology is in a sense a branch of philosophy (the correct philosophy in a sense) because it correctly understood the problems inherent in reason in regard to knowledge, so the point, so to speak, of theology, is to work out the specifics of the God which grants the capacity for knowledge both as a matter of fact and practical necessity. The natural sciences are merely inversions of theology. Instead of looking upward, to the unified source of nature, they look downward at the various aspects of nature to work out the specifics of nature. What science literally says is “Okay, maybe God made the world which has these solar circles of day and night, but how do those solar cycles actually work?” So the natural sciences are quite literally nothing more than a sort of applied philosophy directed specifically at nature. They don’t and can’t refute the ancient philosophers or ancient philosophy. In fact, they owe themselves to ancient philosophy. There is no science without Aristotle, for example.

>> No.23064098

I don’t know you. If I knew you and thought it would help you, I would. But I don’t, so it wouldn’t be a good idea.

>> No.23064099

if you want to ungut philosophy you might as well call all seeking of truth philosophy

>> No.23064102

>I have about $100k in cash at my disposal. Money is worthless if you don’t have anything to buy with it.
You have about seven as much as I have then. I don't know what could help you, because I can't help myself either. Just try to make this best of it bro, I hope you make it.

>> No.23064111

in modern days philosophy is pretty much used to find a meaning or reason to stay alive or to prove that there isn't one and somehow try to cope with that so your readers don't boo at you for being a schopenhauer
>how should i orient myself and my path in life
>what is the meaning to my life, how do i find meaning to live
>is the grander meaning to life or purpose for humans to be here in general
>what is the solution to nihilism and why shouldn't we as species kill ourselves
these are the general issues we tackle post nihilism and the answers vary from "go back to religion", "make your own meaning", "embrace the absurd", "thug it out and bear it" etc
all of them rely on you believing in something, if you want something good to grave dig from the ancients go with pyrrhonism

>> No.23064113

>It’s history that I feel the worst about
This sentiment is so common on here lately. Everyone is constantly moaning about missed opportunities. Like, "oh woe is me, I missed out on young love, I didn't go to an elite school, I started in the wrong career at the wrong time." I don't want to tell you to just get over it because that's not helpful. But really, what is the point of regretting one's past to the point that you hate yourself because of it? I dropped out of college, and am now just getting started on a career that I wish I would have began pursuing a decade ago. But you can only go forward, and I've had periods in the past where I spent a lot of time ruminating on my mistakes. It doesn't help with anything.

>> No.23064114

seven times* as much

>> No.23064115

Another excuse for inaction. Typical. By your own admission you have nothing worth spending the money on. I do.

>> No.23064163

I mean, financially and professionally, I’ve made it. I have a job at a somewhat prestigious place making $75k ($100k starting next year), but I work remotely as much as I want, have very little work to do, very low stress, a flexible schedule, meaning I work when I want and don’t when I don’t want, and am in an industry I sort of care about, and I can afford a house if I wanted one. I’m still just so damn restless and deeply unhappy. One part of me is unhappy because all this is somehow still not good enough, and the other part is unhappy because I know it would never be good enough because it’s simply not what I want to do with my life. I moved in with my parents and don’t want to leave, mostly because I just feel aimless, like why leave? To go where? For what?

Sorry. I’m ranting, and I’m just using you to write what’s on my mind.

Taking action doesn’t mean just doing whatever somebody tells you to do. That’s called stupidity.

>> No.23064174

>Sorry. I’m ranting, and I’m just using you to write what’s on my mind.
Don't worry about it. I like hearing from anons and their lives. I really hope you make it, although I know how you feel and it might seem useless. I keep going based on inertia and a life goal I have, and I suppose that's good enough.

>> No.23064177

Can you tell me what your life goal is? I actually do have life goals too. I just feel like they’re really far off and I feel sort of trapped by inertia that leads me away. I also have the classic golden handcuffs problem. Do you ever feel like that?

>> No.23064182

>I am in an industry I sort of care about
>it’s simply not what I want to do with my life

What do you want to do then? Don't say you don't know, there has to be something

>> No.23064185

>the life of a modern man feels soul crushing
jeez i wonder why, for generations majority of peoples lives consisted of having their livelihood come from farming, marrying young, finding meaning and solace to life through religion and dying to small pox or being drafted
who knew that living in a time of nihilism renting your self out to do work that feels like it has no meaning or tangible production while living on rent while single could be a hurdle to adapt to

>> No.23064187

>Taking action doesn’t mean just doing whatever somebody tells you to do
It would make you feel better to give me the money. You would feel useful

>> No.23064214

> farming, marrying young, finding meaning and solace to life through religion and dying to small pox or being drafted
You can still do all that
The fact that most normoids aren't encouraged to do it and become office bottoms instead shouldn't make those choices any less attractive to you
> who knew that living in a time of nihilism renting your self out to do work that feels like it has no meaning or tangible production while living on rent while single could be a hurdle to adapt to
True, but if you were any different than the cattle slaves you would have long started to find yourself a way out of it

>> No.23064221

>bro you have a choice to just believe in god, buy a farm and try to get some fat virgin to become your wife
anon the reason that worked was because there wasn't industrial level farming, women weren't poisoned by feminism and nihilism hadn't ravaged religions ass to hell and back
if you still believe in religion these days you may have been raised traditionally as fuck for it to sink in, farming is taxed and unprofitable, women are mostly skanks and trying to live a life of a amish is going to be hard as fuck in modern days
in past it was the standard, now it's some bohemian hippy getaway dream

>> No.23064227

are you going to marry some fat and ugly woman that hasn't left her house in years, sell your produce at the farmers market and live in some farm in middle of nowhere hoping that you can catch a piece of that nostalgia?
join the amish

>> No.23064241

sign up for humanitarian work in a place that is a far away from your home. put yourself in a challenging environment, where you are directly confronted about your nature. you end up facing the immediate choice of being good or being evil. those sorts of situations saved my life.

>> No.23064249

> there wasn't industrial level farming
You can still get a decent homestead for 15 000 in cash that will feed you and sustain you.
> women weren't poisoned by feminism
Slave complains about women having freedom when in the past he wouldn't have even been able to pay the bride money
> in past it was the standard, now it's some bohemian hippy getaway dream
In the contrary, it is an alpha chad move the normie cattle won't be able to cope with
Sure it is hard but you gain everything for it, economical freedom, independance from capitalists, autonomy

>> No.23064250

Why is that confusing? You can like literature and care about its future but not want your legacy to be in publishing.

Like Africa or something? I did some volunteering for a religious/spiritual retreat once, but most of the people I’ve known who do a lot of volunteering have not exactly been authentic people. What good will this do me? Isn’t that besides the point in the first place? Tell me about your experience.

>> No.23064252

Should people refuse to undergo DEIB training at work?

>> No.23064263

enjoy peddling your goods at farmers market while being taxed out the ass for owning a farm

>> No.23064269

Going to the farmer's market won't be a problem but I'll probably give out most of the products to neighbours and family for free
And the taxes will bother me when I actually inherit this piece of land, that is, if I don't die from work beforehand.
My life will suck, I will never have a free day, if I get lucky I might get a wife, I will suffer a lot and I will never have a penny leftover on my bank account.
It will still be a better and more fulfilled life than ten normie slave cattle lives taken together, and in my trips to the city I will look down arrogantly on everyone.

>> No.23064276

don't forget to sneer at the merchants and the money lenders as you ride your donkey to town

>> No.23064281

I don't need to do that if I don't need money. I'll probably go to the market to sell in goods what I need to pay in taxes and the rest will go to my family members for free.

>> No.23064299

Maybe I'll feel something

>> No.23064325

Do you actually work in publishing or is that just an example? Anyway I don't see why you can't collect the check from this lucrative, easy job and then pursue what you're passionate about on your own time.

Where do you live that you can get enough quality land to be self-sufficient for 15k? Also what about the cost of animals, equipment, building fences, etc?

>> No.23064348

>join the amish
I grew up around the Amish. They don't want converts

>> No.23064352

>i was a amish and we're full
i see that you didn't much like it enough to stay

>> No.23064396

You’re welcome, mick

>> No.23064401

He said he grew up around them. I did too. They're not going to consider you anything but english

>> No.23064403

I did a fash interpretation in a video essay once

>> No.23064409

>not classical liberal
You’re clearly not from here, unable to discern subtle differences like that

>> No.23064414

I wasn't Amish. But I'm from central PA and have had lots of contact with them, did a little business with them, and so on. They keep to themselves as much as possible, the communities are very tight knit. They don't even speak English amongst themselves. They're not just gonna let some random guy come in and join.

>> No.23064416

>making future promises my body cannot keep
things will be fine

>> No.23064421

i'm not even from the US and trust me if i would go off grid i would go proper off grid instead of being surrounded by fundamentalist sect members

>> No.23064430

Anal jizz dick

>> No.23064443


I don't mean this as a blame or accusation, but I don't understand why women are devoted to this kind of man.
From my point of view, it seems completely illogical to devote yourself to a person who may despise you and who is also violent.

When I man fall for a slut or even whorish woman, you know at the end what was the appeal. She is sexy, she is most probably willing to do it and all. Maybe, some men have even some kind of cuck-phantasie, which is beyount me but I have the capacity to imagine the situation.

What boffered me the most is:
These are sometimes feministic women who claimed to be proud of their idepentende and then, they choice a man everyone would explain he is bad for her.

I would understand if she fell for a charming, articulate charmer and granted him his wishes, but like this...

>> No.23064444

Cool. Now meditate. You can return to the prima materia and come back out a different person. Just sit silently for as long as it takes. Desire nothing. Just do it as something to do.

>> No.23064494

This is kind of my worldview, too.
I would insist that my takes are at least a bit deeper.

Lets start from this point: As the mind is most likely a neuronal phenomen. The brain is developed by the evolution. So, our desires, passions and even preferences are party a outcome of evolution.

I think that is the way thinkers like David Hume or Schopenhauer has gone but limited by the knowleade (in philosophy and science) of their responsive time.

>stoicism is pretty basic
The stoia is a false philosphy.
I start to believe, even in the antice times. Just a false system which sounds good for the crowd.

The premises of Stoicism are either false (their psychology, astrology) or irrelevant (logic, philosophy of law, philosophy of state) for the whole or cannot be proven (virtue as the only good).
The epicureans has devoloped much deeper psychological truths but sadly with a retard physics and very low philosophical takes. They become a dogmatic sect around the teachings of their master, while the basic premises was right.

History or fate is a bitch sometimes.

Feel you. I managed to become a little bit of wealth, but I don't feel good with it.

>> No.23064522


>> No.23064561

Just an example. Idk. I guess my major issues with it are tri-fold. First of all, I somehow feel like it’s lesser than what I want in regard to prestige or money or whatever, which I understand is shallow, but it’s the truth. Second, I have something of a crisis of conscious sometimes. I don’t necessarily feel like the way we operate is wholly good or does good, or even mostly good. And to the degree what we do is bad, I have no control over changing it. Obviously, the problem with that is that I wouldn’t necessarily do good at any other large organization. So leaving to work somewhere else won’t help in that regard. Lastly, I do have things I think, but am not sure, that I want to do, but some of them mean taking a risk by leaving, which is where the golden handcuffs come in.

>> No.23064566

Update: I peed blood this morning

>> No.23064572

>Didn't happen
NTA but I could absolutely see that happening. What part seems unrealistic to you? The idea of someone leaving their house and interacting with another human being?

>> No.23064574

really quintupled down on the retardation eh lad?

>> No.23064580

Thanks, Achmed.

>> No.23064582

Are you implying that they actually are the same, or that they’re not the same. Because they’re indisputably not the same and that’s what I said. We call them neocons but they are really neoliberals, which are different from liberals.

>> No.23064583

Whenever I watch or read something new, the very instant that I sense that it has british sensibilities, i drop it. Truly the most unbearable thing in literature after feminist lit

>> No.23064595

I'll never forget what some older boomer co-worker who meant well told me at my wagie job a long time ago. I was a sad, nervous, self-hating kid and he told me to just be like the other guys at the job who just unconditionally assume they are right and that's where confidence comes from. So: lie to yourself to love yourself. the more honest I am about my condition (defective trash), the less drive I have for life. my being honest about the man in the mirror is inversely proportional with the probability of my ever being happy. I think normies are just people for whom honesty correlates with attention, success, and love. there's no discrepancy between who they are and what they have to be. I'm so fucking tired.

>> No.23064603

The boomer was right.

>> No.23064616

>I do have things I think, but am not sure, that I want to do, but some of them mean taking a risk by leaving
If you have 100k at your disposal and live with your parents, you'd probably be ok leaving your job and even not working for a time. At the very least you could start taking steps to accomplish your goals (whatever they are -- why so vague anyway?) while still working, and if you decide it's not the right path then no harm done.

It's too on the nose. It's the /lit/ fantasy of the epic science reddit atheist guy. I'm sure they're out there but that's such a perfect version of it, it feels like copypasta

>> No.23064624

that's gay and retarded

>> No.23064628

Life is pretty gay and retarded, homeslice.

>> No.23064631

>just be born with a gay and retarded cognitive bias towards everything you say, think, and feel
I'm not saying he's wrong. it's just gay and retarded

>> No.23064639

Every human being as a fundamental right to their own dumbass opinions and sense that they are right and generally "valid." Normies take it way too far which is why they are fucking insufferable. It's also why women are insufferable, because they are made of PURE "I'm so valid" energy to the point that they think their own mere physical presence is a gift from the heavens to random strangers.

But it is basically correct that even the most retarded person has a right to his seat on the bus, so to speak. Self-loathing is honestly gay. It is a form of narcissism past a certain point. It's self-involvement. Partly because the "everyone is heckin' valid" wisdom has a secret component to it: nobody is really INTERESTING enough not to be basically valid. We're all BORING at the end of the day. You are boring too. You are just some guy. Imagine some guy holding up the bus by crying "leave without me, o bus driver, I do not deserve to sit on the bus with you fine people!! I am not valid!" On a deep unconscious level, that's sort of how you seem when you turn self-hating into a personality.

People like basic confidence. I know how you feel because I struggle with similar things, and mine particularly would embody in weird self-doubt about my physicality - I always assumed I smelled worse or looked worse than I did, and would hold myself back from contact with other people in subtle ways. And I was always surprised at how cool others were with just being themselves warts and all, and if they got judged or mocked for it, they weren't humiliated, it was more like a minor setback to them than a humiliating reveal of their secret awfulness.

That used to puzzle me until I realized that what the smelly hobo is saying by taking up space with his stink is not "I'm so great; I can stink and still be valid," he's saying "I'm not interesting enough for being stinky to be some massive character flaw. I'm just some guy and I'm entitled to be ignored and forgotten five minutes after I'm gone, just like the rest of you."

People appreciate this basic confidence or self-assurance the same way they appreciate a short email at work. If a guy replies "Ok" when you ask him to do something, then does it, you like that guy because he's just what he is. If another guy sends you a neurotic two paragraphs about how h-he'll... t-try his best but... d-don't you think Brad might be better to ask??, you go holy shit dude just fucking shut up and do the task.

>> No.23064640

>It's too on the nose. It's the /lit/ fantasy of the epic science reddit atheist guy. I'm sure they're out there but that's such a perfect version of it, it feels like copypasta
there are a lot of those people
>be me
>standing in line to punch out at the end of my shift of factory work
>fat bald soiface nerd starts talking to me
>talking about the weather
>I say "yeah, it's been pretty cold"
>he gives me the bazinga-tier "uh, yeah, LIKE MY SEX LIFE!"
>give him a weak, patronizing laugh
>he keeps talking
>I make a half-hearted response
>he comes back with "uh, yeah, LIKE MY SEX LIFE!"
>I say "wow, you really went back to the well on that one, huh?"
>he replies with "well, considering I'm 35 and still a virgin..."
I just zoned out at that point. Like bruh, I did not ask. I do not care. Your problems are not my problems. The only other time I talked to this guy was so he could tell me how much he loves reddit and hates Elon Musk.

>> No.23064647

You know why retards and abusive assholes get laid more than smart, sensitive guys? Because they're confident. Women can smell a lack of confidence on a guy like nothing else, and it dries up the pussy with total finality. Behave confidently, and people will believe you're confident, which in turn will make you unironically confident. It's a proven system.

>> No.23064660

confidence can't be generated ex nihilo. why are "retards and abusive assholes" confident? because men respect them/women like them for being confident, and they're confident because men respect them/women like them. you're retarded.

>> No.23064666

after a certain age self-hatred stops being so performative and dies down to a low, cancerous simmer. it is very hard to accept being "just some guy" when others are treated as anything but.

>> No.23064669

They're confident because they know they can just kill whoever disrepects them.

>> No.23064740

>when others are treated as anything but
But they are

>> No.23064745

>confidence can't be generated ex nihilo.
It actually can, retard.
>you're retarded.
Nah, you are.

>> No.23064762

I am so tired of hearing about Kanye West and Taylor Swift.

>> No.23064763

>sex, love, adulation, success
you have no idea what it's like to grow up as some lower density creature from a third world country in a clean pristine american college town. it's a crash course in the chain of being

>> No.23064767

2024 is just 2016 redux, these writers are so damn lazy.

>> No.23064777

The next phase is coming soon. The machine is out of organic "reminiscent of the eternal 90s" pop cultural icons and the necessary material for making new ones. The next phase is pure Brazil. Expect to watch America come to resemble Latin America very quickly in the next 10-20 years. Not just demographically but culturally and mentally, with that vaguely dirty third world country feeling everywhere, and all media garishly colorful and targeted at children, because the adults are just dirty children in ill-fitting t-shirts and flipflops.

>> No.23064786
File: 38 KB, 738x323, 1707408457273128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice digits, unfortunately I have a lot of guns. Sorry, globhomo, but I just hate the antichrist is all.

>> No.23064789

>lower density creature

>> No.23064799


>> No.23064823

>The next phase is pure Brazil
People have been saying this was imminent since the Obama administration

>> No.23064827

No, I don’t think my parents would tolerate me living in their house and not working, nor would I want necessarily want to do that. If I’m going to not work, I want to be on my own. I don’t think I’m being vague. I just don’t know that it’s necessary to be very specific regarding exactly what I want to do with my life. That’s partly because I am one of these people that believes the more you talk about something, the less possible it becomes. Fate loves irony after all.

>> No.23066149

Big dicks will rule the world