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/lit/ - Literature

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23059531 No.23059531 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making this chart at the moment. Would like anons recommendations, criticism, things you think should be removed, etc. Also just general discussion of the topic is welcome

>> No.23059561
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>> No.23059627

I have sent a swarm of bedbugs to your house. You will never be able to get them out. Your life from now on is misery.

>> No.23059684

Personally I'd add Nicholas Crabbe by Frederick Rolfe (The Desire & Pursuit of the Whole is the better known one, but technically that concerns a tomboy presenting as a boy).

Some more recent ones:
Gary Indiana, Rent Boy
Hervé Guibert, To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life
Alan Hollinghurst, The Swimming Pool Library
Guillaume Dustan, In My Room
Renaud Camus, Tricks

>> No.23059688

I burn down my house and move to Florida

>> No.23059692

Swimming in the Dark is fine but nothing exceptional. Add the works of Kanna Kii if you include "My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness" and maybe take a look at the German publisher "Männerschwarm" which specializes on homosexual literature, including the sonnets of August von Platen which seem interesting.

>> No.23059730
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Thanks, I was wondering whether there were any Frederick Rolfe books worth adding. I did not add Desire & Pursuit of the Whole for precisely the reason you articulated.

Thanks for the other recommendations as well. QRD on Guillame Dustan? I'm still wondering how much I should curate this list to reflect 4chan tastes and prejudices. The whole point after all is to be a /lit/ fag canon, not merely a fag canon. Things that are transgressive in a "plain fucked up" way like Hogg (not on the chart yet) or Assisted Living seem appropriate to the board culture, but stuff like Guillaume Dustan seems maybe too... how do I say it?—queer theory-ish? Please correct me if I have the wrong impression of his works though, or if you think my approach here is wrong-headed. I'm open-minded, I want the chart to be collaborative.

I was tempted earlier to add Renaud Camus' 'Tricks' not only because it was a popular gay work in the mid-20th century but also for the novelty of the fact that Camus is the Great Replacement guy. But is it actually enjoyable or interesting to read?
Thank you anon. I wanted to add August von Platen but I wasn't sure whether there were any easily available publications I could put on the chart. I also thought it might be interesting to include writers and writings associated with the vaguely egoist / conservative revolutionary homosexual circle of early 20th century Germany, like Hans Blüher. 'Homosexuality and Male Bonding in Pre-Nazi Germany' might be a good collection to add.

>> No.23059739

I will definitely add To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life though

>> No.23059755 [DELETED] 

"The Great Mirror of Male Love" needs to be on there, really good historical Japanese anthology from a few hundred years ago

>> No.23059768
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The same publisher also published the works of Hugo Marcus who was homosexual and converted to Islam later. Certainly an interesting character, there is English secondary literature about him iirc.

I don't see a reason not to add Blüher. I only learned about him this weekend because of a person (likely you) mentioning him here this weekend.

>> No.23059780

If you want to add non-fiction then maybe Weininger would also be a fine addition. I also like the covers you've chosen.

>> No.23059801

Interesting, thanks anon. I wasn't aware of Marcus. I have posted about Blüher on here but I'm not sure when I last posted about him. Weininger might be an interesting addition. And thanks.

I wonder what other non-fiction I should add? I don't want to pad out the chart with too much secondary literature or with biographies. But interesting memoirs or didactic works like seem appropriate.

>> No.23059819

Begone incel

(thanks for bumping the thread, tho)

>> No.23059842

I can see how Dustan would be received like that nowadays, but (like the Camus) it's more just this too-cool-to-care descriptions of his sexual escapades; autofiction… Can get pretty boring desu

>> No.23059845
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I think keeping the amount of secondary literature limited like you said would be a good idea. I wish I would have read all the lesser-known historic texts reprinted by the publisher I mentioned earlier, but I haven't gotten around checking them out. You also maybe add Isherwood if I have not overlooked him in your list – I hear him often being mentioned in threads line this.

Also tell if you're interesting in starting a book club/discord or something, I would certainly be interested.

>> No.23059857

Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson is a new classic in some circles and one of my favorite books.

>> No.23059869
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I agree about Camus. Skimmed the book and it got old fast.

I als saw that OP actually included Isherwood, but seemingly forgot Dennis Cooper (if I'm not overlooking him again). The Sluts is definitely worth adding.

>> No.23059876
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Thanks anon. I feel like there has to be something distinctive about sexual escapade writing because it can all get very same-y.
Thanks anon. Looking at the site now I realise I've looked at it before but not in a long time, thanks for jolting my memory. I'll definitely add the August von Platen sonnets to the list, and maybe some works like pic related. I need to brush up on my German. They also have some great translations of works that as far as I know have not been translated into English (like 'Il Neoplatonici').

Another thing: there are historically important homosexual writers like Pietro Aretino, Johann Joachim Winckelmann and Walter Pater that I would like to fit in somewhere, but I can't think of anything of theirs that has enough straightforward homoerotic content to warrant inclusion in the list.

I'm always wary of Discord groups because of their tendency to degenerate, and I find that I always lose interest in group chats, especially if they get too fast paced. I wouldn't mind adding specific anons from here though.
Thanks, looks promising.
Ya there's Isherwood and Dennis Cooper there, although I've only included one book by each of them.

>> No.23059898
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kek wtf is this

>> No.23059928

You can add me then if you want. This account is basically a throwaway I wanted to delete: penguin_drum

Judging the synopsis they were likely looking for mocking caricatures of a jew and a homosexual. Sounds quite funny, although I have neither read Heine nor Platen yet.

>> No.23059946

You like dudes, we get it. Why do you need to read 100 books about it?

>> No.23059990

David Wojnarowicz's the waterfront journals would be a great addition

>> No.23059993

Thanks. I'll check him out

>> No.23060104

you like x topic, we get it. Why do you need to read 100 books about it?

>> No.23060120

A better metaphor would be if I were to like cheese and subsequently read 100 books about it. That would be strange. Liking dudes is not liking a topic.

>> No.23060133 [DELETED] 

Post monkeypox face, fag. Why dont you degenerate trash keep to your containment. >>/lgbt/

>> No.23060212

Tough day at school?

>> No.23060344


>> No.23060354


>> No.23060378

>looks promising.
For being what could also be called some academic fujo's hercules AU slash fic, it's remarkably real and relevant. Funny and cringe. There is something recognizable about it, a special kind of autism.

>> No.23060552

You already got The Last of the Wine by Mary Renault on there, but what about her other gay books like The Charioteer and The Persian Boy

>> No.23060589

Are they worth adding? Some writers I just put one or two iconic books of theirs as a sort of shorthand for the rest of their works. Perhaps The Charioteer, I don’t know. What do you think is her best work? Personally I found Last of the Wine somewhat grating in places.

>> No.23060855

BEE The Shards. All of Bret’s books are gay to some degree but this one is his unapologetic gay desire novel

>> No.23060857


>> No.23060905

Kellendonk, Mystiek lichaam

>> No.23060992

bro didnt start with the greeks

>> No.23061015

little newfag failed a link! aww

>> No.23061169

I think pederasty and contemporary homosexuality should probably have a different section (or maybe a whole different chart). Very different audiences.

>> No.23061527

When you write indiscriminately and start offending people, you find out that the two aren't as far apart as interested parties want you to believe.
t. homogay writer

>> No.23061697


You should include Mysterious Skin

>> No.23062395

Not that anon, but The Charioteer is my favorite Renault book. It's also her most known work besides the Alexander trilogy.

Additional recs:
>Imre: A Memorandum by Edward Prime-Stevenson (1906): One of the first undisguised works of gay literature. The plot is quite simple, but done without self-loathing or tragedy.
>David Blaize & David of King's by E. F. Benson (1916/1924): Coming-of-age in Edwardian England. Light-hearted.
>Wingmen by Ensan Case (1979): By far the best military gay book ever written.

Nice work, btw.

>> No.23062409

One day I want to have a nice thread on it where we discuss some of what makes it so good. But I seriously doubt that's possible.

>> No.23062672
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Where the fuck is
>Querelle de Brest
Or any other thing by Genet ?
>I was tempted earlier to add Renaud Camus' 'Tricks
Add it( I have not read it but enjoyed his pamphlet “suicide d’une nation”). Since It was prefaced by Roland Barthes I’d be confident that it’s a good book. I’ve been wanting to read it. Should be interesting,
The faggiest book which I’ve completed is probably Confessions of a mask (so long to the trad fash writer myth ) which I found just above average. Other than that read a lot about the subject in picrel which has a very redpilled chapter on the subject. The excerpts from Querelle struck with me and might have actually turned me 5% less heterosexual. He does go on about how wicked and treacherous Genet was. It’s a an overall very interesting read and I did go thought it more than once, yet aside from genet no writer actually stuck with me, besides Cocteau (perhaps because I had studied him before as a painter). If you’re interested and this thread is still open tomorrow I might be able to share some translated pages.

>> No.23062687

> Or any other thing by Genet ?
Just took another glance and realise he’s featured. My bad

>> No.23062703

>The Well of Loneliness
Isn't it a lesbian book?

>> No.23063293
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Prior to the nineteenth century there wasn't much distinction, nor I suppose between heterosexual hebephilia and normal heterosexuality, at least in terms of cultural representation. If I were to create a list of the most famous and influential heterosexual love poetry I couldn't really leave out the love letters between Abelard and Heloise on the basis that by modern standards it would be an abuse of power. All that stuff kind of gets mixed in together and it's hard to separate. In Plato's dialogues we even have what seems to have been a lifelong relationship between two adult men, Agathon and Pausanias.
Thanks, is it good?
Thanks anon. I had Imre on my list at some point, not sure why it wasn't added. I will definitely check out the others too.
I may as well add Tricks for its historical value. I was considering adding Querelle to the list alongside Our Lady of the Flowers, since apparently it's Genet's most straightforwardly novelistic book, and it was also adapted by Fassbinder.
Yeah I have put lesbian books on here as well. Perhaps I should add a legend and tag them -- but I need to find a way to do it without adding too much visual noise and clutter to the image.

>> No.23063405

Poppy Z. Brite's Exquisite Corpse is quintessential splatterpunk/transgressive literature, definitely add it!

>> No.23063423

Thanks I will. I think there is also a book called Exquisite Corpse by Alfred Chester who is something of an underground gay author (Gore Vidal praised him as being 'Jean Genet with a brain'). I wonder if I should add him too.

>> No.23063424

Add Airs, Waters and Places by an unknown Cos doctor to the antiquity section. It’s the one with the Scythian transgenders.

>> No.23063431

Kek. I doubt it's got enough faggotry to warrant it. I can't add every classcial text that touches on the subject or the image will be crammed full of thousands of random shit. But thanks for the suggestion anon.

>> No.23064059

You really should tag lesbian books, maybe put a pink border around them.

>> No.23065233

How about some more modern online writing?

>> No.23065598

Don’t think he wants fanfics anon

>> No.23065616
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love is love, chud

>> No.23065628

Would It's Me Eddie fit?

>> No.23065639
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>> No.23065683

>Yeah I have put lesbian books on here as well.

They should have hteir own list.

>> No.23066773

> also adapted by Fassbinder.
Yes I watched it. It’s a bit too over the top but has its visual charm. I suspect they should be quite different though. Probably the book is a much better work of art. Unlike death in Venice for instance which is the absolute opposite. The movie is nothing short of mesmerising. I was so taken that I got the book and started reading it straight away but found it meh.
Anyway if you like homo cinema (don’t know why I like it so much ) please watch fox and his friends. I liked it better than Ali.
Then of course there’s almodovar. All of his filmography up until volver is very interesting. Worth to watch from the first shorts. Volver is his second pinnacle of maturity (after todo sobre mi madre ) then it decays and loses some interest.
However his rough punk rock flicks from the 80s are incredibly fun, same as his 90’s kitsch works.

>> No.23066788

That is funny anon, my experience with Death in Venice was the direct opposite of yours. Whereas I found the movie ponderous, tedious and dull, I found the book exceptionally dynamic — fast-paced, breezy, emotionally compelling. Its funny how things can work like that.. I enjoyed Fox and His Friends a lot. I haven’t seen any Almodovar films yet although I have been meaning to for a long time. Have you seen Genet’s short film, Un chant d’amour?

>> No.23066789

I’ll check it out.

>> No.23067334

Needs more Evola, Wagner, Hitler and other right wing misunderstood men.

>> No.23067795

Back to /pol/, loser

>> No.23067801

It was an amusing post