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23057757 No.23057757 [Reply] [Original]

Contemporary analytictards:
>whoa guys, like, w-w-what IS consciousness? Like whoa bros, like we just can't figure it out with our normalfag presuppositions.

Meanwhile in 1812:
>In the Introduction it was remarked that the phenomenology of spirit is the science of consciousness, the exposition of it, and that consciousness has for result the Notion of science, i.e. pure knowing

>> No.23057847

I mean, if you spend a couple of days sitting around and doing nothing but thinking about it it becomes pretty obvious that "consciousness" is just the entity that is produced by the interrelatedness of the various parts of your brain. One thing Hegel never talks about is how connected consciousness is to your body and to motor control, motor control is actually extremely complicated and maybe even more complicated than conceptual reasoning, although conceptual reasoning is closer to consciousness because concepts abstract from all five senses. The places that I feel consciousness to be the strongest are actually the eyes and the limbs, the fact that consciousness can also "perceive" thought to me indicates that it is nothing more than a "whole of the parts" where the parts are the dozens of macrostructures in the brain. Consciousness is also very close to the volition and that is probably just because volition is also extremely complicated in that it has to combine motor control, concepts, senses, and even consciousness itself. but it is definitely NOT consciousness, volition is a strange sensation that does seem to imply the existence of some kind of metaphysical subject or self a la copenhauer, but I am very skeptical of this.

>> No.23057849

>conceptual reasoning is closer to consciousness
I don't mean closer, but still pretty cloes

>> No.23057856

>it becomes pretty obvious
sir this is a philosophy thread

>> No.23057865

Also I think the source of a lot of woo about consciousness is the fact that it is clearly synthesized in a part of the brain disconnected from sensibility, i.e. when consciousness is synthesized the brain doesn't identify it with specific point in time the way it does sensory events. But this doesn't mean it isn't in time, it just means that we experience it as somehow being separate from time. I consider myself a realist with regards to time and space, but we can still learn something from Kant in this regard. Plus as adults consciousness doesn't seem to wane or flicker very much in intensity throughout the day, it's always sort of "there" and because of this we think it is somehow special and more enduring than the other processes of the brain, but we have to remember that the reality is that its intensity does ebb and flow to the point that in sleep it can almost vanish entirely. this indicates to me that the feeling that consciousness is always the same throughout the day and doesn't seem to alter the way it feels is simply because the processes that it is mainly connected to basically have to maintain a sort of continual activity for us to even be considered awake, and of course evolution couldn't have us just falling asleep at random times.

>> No.23057870

It became obvious to me after two days of doing nothing and dissociating different processes in my brain to literally fragment myself in order to perform analysis, I'm not saying I'm 100% right but this is the most logical explanation

>> No.23057874

>as adults consciousness doesn't seem to wane or flicker
have you never driven somewhere and didn't even remember driving? Lapses of consciousness happen all the goddamn time. get a clue anon.

>> No.23057880

What I mean is that every time you locate consciousness in your brain while you're awake, it feels exactly the same way as at every other time. Obviously when you are thinking about something else you won't remember anything about it.

>> No.23057883

>t. hasn't done drugs

>> No.23057900

yes that may be one problem, I'm naturally resistant to hypnosis and have never done drugs, my consciousness is clearly a lot stronger than the average person to the point that I'm aware I'm dreaming in most of my dreams, that makes it harder for me to get more diverse experiences in my experiments

>> No.23057974

If Hegel had been alive to see analytic philosophy I feel as though he likely would have enjoyed it.

>> No.23057980

he'd be facepalming till his face was red. They're reinventing the wheel basically.

>> No.23057986

He seethed at mathematics in the preface to PoS, he said that philosophers were deceived in thinking mathematics was a good model. Plus he was extremely arrogant and thought that he ended philosophy, maybe if he was reborn as a child and had to grow up with analytic philosophy he would be completely different, but the hegel we knew would probably have been just as closed minded regarding analytic philosophy as most of the tradlarpers and anglophobes on this board

>> No.23057994

>He seethed at mathematics in the preface to PoS, he said that philosophers were deceived in thinking mathematics was a good model.
way to completely misread Hegel. He said the method of mathematics is inappropriate for philosophy, he didn't seethe at mathematics.

>> No.23058005

> He said the method of mathematics is inappropriate for philosophy
That’s literally what I said, and clearly there was some latent seethe or else he would studied mathematics and incorporated its new concepts of change and continuity (i.e. the calculus) into his philosophy.

>> No.23058007

He would probably be able to run circles around them in verbiage but the nature of some of it would still fall into his interests.

Pic related in the OP had him exhibiting mathematical ability. I am still inclined to think there is enough overlap to pique his interest but that is merely my opinion.

>> No.23058029
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>he would studied mathematics and incorporated its new concepts of change and continuity (i.e. the calculus)
You didn't actually Hegel anon. Read Science of Logic NOW. And also you didn't read Kant since this idea of the incompatibility of the method of mathematics with philosophy actually starts with him in the First Critique's Doctrine of Method. Read more.

>> No.23058039

>Pic related in the OP had him exhibiting mathematical ability.

>> No.23058680


Explain first-person experience.

>> No.23059126

please kill yourself

>> No.23059194

>Highway hypnosis, also known as white line fever, is an altered mental state in which an automobile driver can travel lengthy distances, responding to external events in the expected, safe, and correct manner with no recollection of having consciously done so. In this state, the driver's conscious mind is fully focused elsewhere, while seemingly still processing the information needed to drive safely. Highway hypnosis is a manifestation of the common process of automaticity.

>> No.23059449

>I mean, if you spend a couple of days sitting around and doing nothing but thinking about it it becomes pretty obvious that
>*proceeds to list nothing but bullshit refuted thousands of years ago*