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23052972 No.23052972 [Reply] [Original]

Or at least the BAPfaggot interpretation of it which derides Christianity as a religion of shudras.

Not only do they fellate pajeets but Nietzscheanism at it's core is a self preservation tactic for fragile egos. They shun anyone who achieved a level of success in the modern day because that's servile, feminine and bugman tier but if we lived in the apocalypse they would totally rise to the top. "It's Napoleon or nothing for me" is the battle cry of the NEETzschean which is really just a repackaged myth of the underachieving genius (which doesn't exist btw). Get a grip and man up and actually achieve something instead of handwaving any success in the modern day as worthless they don't wear spartan helmets and carry spears. That is if you're capable enough which NEETcheans most likely aren't because they get filtered by high school level math because that's for Asian bugmen or something. Y'all are faggots btw. Christ is King.

>> No.23052978

>Christ is King.
Slave to authority. Faggot.

>> No.23052982

Smart putting it at the end so you would bait me into reading the majority of it, but nonetheless: opinion discarded

>> No.23052985

>Depressed old guy that died alone said something so I'm gonna parrot that because he's umm...prestigious and insists upon himself

Why are all BAPfaggots like this? They really think they're better than you because they skimmed Plato and Schopenhauer. Can you even do high school Calculus, fag?

>> No.23052986

> They shun anyone who achieved a level of success in the modern day

>> No.23052992

Yes faggot. They think becoming a doctor or successful in the modern market is gay and cucked because they don't wear spartan helmets or some shit. They unironically lionize being a NEET that watches tranime

>> No.23053020

The contemporary Elitism they preach are short lived bursts in the notes of history, see Napoleon. They’re like a moth to a flame sorta deal, they end up dying and cause nothing but chaos.

The Nietzschean leader, or the internet approximation of him, is a self-centered creature driven to dominate from a sense of inner weakness; they recoil at ones who are more grounded with their flaws and all, because that vulnerability is terribly comprehensible to them. This ‘strength’ is just trolling and material cruelty, this individualism just becomes egoism.

>> No.23053029

Stop using your phone during class.

>> No.23053103
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golem get ye gone

>> No.23053135

NTA but I think both nietzscheans and christcucks are retarded though christcucks are worse by far.

Their cognitive dissonance makes them incapable of cogent argumentation among other issues and they really are rabble-like.

>> No.23053156

>Highest priority is power
>Physically ill, weak and ultimately went insane

>> No.23053166

Nta and I’m not reading all your op shit that ends on a meme phrase but I have an engineering degree that I‘ve gladly thrown out to work low tier jobs where I could read. Subordinating the will to this sick society is the purest form of weakness imaginable.

>> No.23053275

t. Hasn't actually read Nietzsche
Keep believing in your Jewish fairytales, as long as you cling to your comforting stories and prayers about the magic rabbi, you will remain at the Mount Everest of delusion.

>> No.23053404

> They shun anyone who achieved a level of success in the modern day because that's servile, feminine and bugman tier
No we don't, faggot. Nietzsche's message is at heart a cult of talent, and the glorification of genius. There are many people even today that are worthy of admiration. The problem with modernity is it specifically limits the conditions on which genius is allowed to flower. Our culture is absolutely and totally obsessed with an identification with the victim, with the downtrodden and the inferior. The best thing we can aspire to is fulfill the banal desire for 'recognition' among the unheard, which framed in a million different ways is still that of conferring honors to the mediocre and unworthy. "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." This is absolutely anathematic to genius.
>Or at least the BAPfaggot interpretation of it which derides Christianity as a religion of shudras
No, Nietzsche is pretty explicit about this too. He paints a loving portrait of Christ himself, but Christianity can be understood as an extension of Jewish morality which explicitly defines the 'good' as an identification with victimization. Of course anything which is confident and self assertive is sinful to this sort of victim identified morality. All sorts of secular humanism and political idealism can be drawn specifically as a natural extension of the essential Christian and Jewish ethos.

>> No.23053530

Imagine believing a Straussian lmao

>> No.23053555

mr moustache

>> No.23053560

The fact that Nietzsche attacked a strawman of Christianity is more or less known by all thinking people and outside of these very specific online or academic circles, Nietzsche is basically not influential at all.

>> No.23053569

No, he just points out you’re all slaves and this is a truth most won’t admit.

>> No.23053591 [SPOILER] 

What strawman? Nietzsche writes extensively about Christianity, he has many arguments and things he said.
>Nietzsche is basically not influential at all.
Pure cope, he’s one of the most influential thinkers.

>> No.23053747

>Nietzsche is basically not influential at all.
Kek. Opinion Discarded. There is literally only one man arguably more influential upon the 20th century, and that man was Karl Marx. Almost every rightist in the 20th Century openly attributes Nietzsche as an influence. Nietzsche was the single most influential writer in Mussolini's life, and the same is true with the broad majority of Italian Fascists. For good or bad, the Nazis also explicitly credited Nietzsche as an influence. Near every single influential modernist writer and artist was openly influenced by Nietzsche, including heavyweights such as Ezra Pound, Hermann Hesse and Pablo Picasso among dozens of others. Furthermore Sigmund Freud directly credited Nietzsche as a significant influence in the development of his psychoanalytic technique, as did Carl Jung for his own reasons. Not nearly as important but I'd like to mention too that Jim Morrison was also a huge fan. Anyhow, to say what you've said is just so blatantly ahistorical I can only conclude you've read literally nothing on the matter, so shut the fuck up please!

>> No.23053778
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Like holy fuck bro, imagine saying something so stupid. You're actually an idiot and you should leave the thread.

>> No.23053845

Funny that a lot of the people on that list, all of the ones I read at least, mockingly criticize Neetz every time they mention him.
You really have to read Nietzsche and only Nietzsche to think that he is some kind of genius.

>> No.23053853

>all of the ones I read at least, mockingly criticize Neetz
Really doubt you've read much at all lol. Seriously bro, get off the thread. You know what you said was stupid, let it go.

>> No.23053874
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you know what? I seriously doubt you've read much at all. Which is what my previous post basically says.

>> No.23053929

You claimed Nietzsche was not influential outside academic circles, I showed you why that's not true. Unless you want to claim the Italian Fascists weren't influential? Hitler? Freud? Please, go ahead and make that argument.

>> No.23053964

As someone who has read the majority of Nietzsche's bibliography and nothing at all of "BAP", I have no idea what you're referring to with "Nietzscheanism" or "NEETzscheans" here. Your conception of Nietzsche's philosophy is so off-base we may as well be talking about Jordan Peterson or Andrew Tate instead.

>> No.23053994

Yes, correct.

>> No.23053999

Is there even really a pre-wikipedia philosophical world now? pretty much everyone trying to do it grew up with a summary of which one was the greatest on any given week.

>> No.23054048

>Christianity as a religion of shudras
These christer apologists from xwitter, they really aren't sending their best... just consider how a mainline Protestant or a Catholic would respond to Nietzsche's critique of Christianity as a base resentment of power, an engine of spite—they would affirm it! The Gospel is the preferential option for the poor. How can you refute someone who has described you so accurately? His only error, then, is in rejecting this.

>> No.23054061

>Nietzsche is basically not influential at all.
Then why aren't you charging him rent?

>> No.23054267

I've only read Nietzsche and not BAP which is probably why I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.23054292
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>Christ is King

>> No.23054301

We're going to blow up the pope btw

>> No.23054308

Hey yall this here faggot is talkin bout that goddamn neetshee faggot agin tell yew what fag why don yew go suck off bapper cock so yew shut the fuck up. Yew can suck my cock ifn it'll shut yer goddamn bap yap yew fuckin faggot.

>> No.23054386
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>> No.23054400

Most plebeians aren't even christcucks anymore, nor are the major institutions that matter anything close to Christian, so he's irrelevant

>> No.23054433

Nietzsche was attacking a ghost. No one in his time or any time or place ever sincerely cared about Socratic or Christian morality except maybe a tiny handful of spergs. Strength and beauty was all that ever mattered to anyone, we already live in the world he wanted and always have. Yeah N didn't like it that priests could gang up and use verbal trickery to get leverage over warriors but tough luck that's just another form of power and it's how humans have always done business since we started walking upright.

>> No.23054445

No they don't lol

>> No.23054450
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>> No.23054454

Lol, eight years and you’re still seething

>> No.23054477

ok christcuck

>> No.23054494

Nietzsche's critique is broader than historical Christianity, and the decline of formal Christianity is central to his best-known message—evidence his most vocal opponents on /lit/ don't read him, but we knew that

>> No.23054501

>Yeah N didn't like it that priests could gang up and use verbal trickery to get leverage over warriors but tough luck that's just another form of power and it's how humans have always done business since we started walking upright.
That's literally what he said about priests. How about you actually read Nietzsche

>> No.23054513

Ok bastard

>> No.23054529

Thanks for proving my point with your elaborate arguments and outstanding cogency.

>> No.23054537

Well for you, elaborate arguments aren’t needed. Your kind should slaughtered en masse.

>> No.23054555
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>> No.23054563

Ah yes the famed christian 'love'.

>> No.23054568

Impotent pissiness deferred to other persons, or when that always fails, after death. Good thing Nietzsche diagnosed the pitiful nature of this exact behavior regularly and decisively.

>> No.23054644

>Christianity as a religion of shudras.

>> No.23054671

> The fact that Nietzsche attacked a strawman of Christianity is more or less known by all thinking people
>and outside of these very specific online or academic circles, Nietzsche is basically not influential at all.
No. He's arguably had more influence on twentieth century thought, and by extension twenty-first century thought, than anyone else.

>> No.23054689

> No one in his time or any time or place ever sincerely cared about Socratic or Christian morality except maybe a tiny handful of spergs.
Anon are you serious? This is retarded.
>Strength and beauty was all that ever mattered to anyone,
This I can agree with, hedged with a lot of qualifications and additions.
>we already live in the world he wanted and always have
No. Nietzsche would recoil at the world today, and rightly so. Fukuyama actually writes about this, funnily enough, and oddly presaged the popularity of BAP by observing that something like Nietzcheanism might be the undoing of liberal modernity "because people might get bored."

>> No.23054696

And before I forget, Nietzsche disliked priests because he felt that they were "denying life" by putting meaning into something /outside/ of life (See Genealogy of Morals, Essay 3 iirc).

>> No.23054720

A bit of bile you spitting my Brother in Christ.

There is no reason you can't reconcile to some degree Nietzche and Christianity. I'm Christian and going through the majority of Nietzche's works. I think we can strive for greatness (whatever to you is greatness you do not have to be the next Napolean) but at the same time not fall into the error of being overly judgmental of people or developing a superiority complex. I think this type of thinking is poison to the heart. For me, Nietzchean thought represents the masculine in me, the striving for something greater and the hardness that is necessary for that. On the other hand, Christianity is compassionate and "soft" and I think they both serve to promote a healthy balance in me.

>> No.23054728

This isn't twitter. Yes Mustache is shadow boxing Romantic presumptions on Greece hence the love of Thucydides and platonISM more than the Man or anything he taught himself. He is on that note far more Hegelian than he'd care to admit.

>> No.23055183

>Nietzsche was attacking a ghost. No one in his time or any time or place ever sincerely cared about Socratic or Christian morality except maybe a tiny handful of spergs.
He didn't, he also didn't primarily focus his philosophical work on Christianity, but one of his key observations and critiques of Christianity and the time he lived in was how insidious its subtle influence was on our perception of life, how it leads to life negating nihilism that Christianity, in his view, ultimately is. He also asked probing questions about the fundamental philosophical assumptions, which is one of the reasons he continues to remain a very controversial and revolutionary thinker, nobody who is serious about philosophy can deny it.

>> No.23055185

>He is on that note far more Hegelian than he'd care to admit.
I've seen this mentioned regarding Nietzsche fairly often, care to explain what it's all about?

>> No.23055251

damn, nta here but you can't read. he clearly said "outside of specific... academic circles", as in, there is a group of modern academics who worship him just the same as you do but most academics have discarded him, and then he posted an example of someone very clearly doing just that, and with good reason. btw i like nietzche

>> No.23055352

>yet another christfag nietzsche seethe thread
can't make this shit up

>> No.23055529

You are ugly, you WILL never be beautiful. BAPBROS are waging a war against ugliness.

>> No.23055601

Christians are such nice people.

>> No.23055604

This proves you have not read anything N wrote.

>> No.23055622

Power in Nietzsche's eyes directly equated to skill.

Instead of power as the Machiavellian control of others, the type of power Nietzsche thought we should pursue is a power we embody, and express, within ourselves. A power, in other words, that is equivalent to what Nietzsche called.
>growth and expansion
(The Joyful Wisdom)

Or, as the contemporary philosopher John Richardson called it:
> the enhancement of a capacity or an activity already given.
(Nietzsche’s Values)

>> No.23055736

Has there ever been a form of Christianity without the slave morality? I’ve always considered myself a Christian but I really started thinking about it recently. The mental effects of guilt and shame for sinning, even venial sins are not natural and deeply unhealthy and cause a negative feedback loop. If you go onto any of the Christian subreddits, 75% of posts are about people fapping or watching porn. It’s pathetic. It really opened my eyes about the whole slave mentality and weakness that Christians seem to possess, myself included in certain respects.

>> No.23056147
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Read Nietzsche

>> No.23056177

Stopped reading after the first sentence.
Yet another Christfag that is assblasted by him.
This man is dead 100+ year, when will your ass stop hurting? Serious question. When will your fucking ass heal?
Get. the. fuck. over. it.
Your doctrine got obliterated by him, take the L and move the fuck on.

>> No.23056334

Then why does BAP pander to red scare, ugly new York Jewish trannies and why are all his followers ugly? At best they're gymcels with a 4/10 face that can barely bench 225. It's pathetic. Fuentes is unironically more handsome than every BAPfag

>> No.23056355 [SPOILER] 

Irrelevant to OP but I figure I’d ask here. Is it safe to say that Nietzsche didn’t think we couldn’t know anything, just that we know a lot less than we think we do?

>> No.23056385
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only insofar as it wasn't really christian in the first place, e.g medieval European aristocracy resisting in a sort of unconscious, subterranean way by maintaining an ethos not too dissimilar to their forefather's way of life
you can call it a "form of christianity" but it's inevitably lipstick on a pig, a tree will inevitably grow in line with its seed adapting to its surroundings but never losing its character

>> No.23056446

Retarded idiot who didn't even get Nietzsche.
"Christ is King"
Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha.
You really didn't get Nietzsche lol.
Slave morality.
Another one where misrepresenting nietzsche proves him right.

>> No.23056483

The Normans of southern Italy are probably my favorite instance of badly christened Europeans. They made war upon Lombard and Greek simply because they could, crucified their enemies, conquered the Muslims in Sicily who the other Christians were incapable of fighting due to the split between Rome and Constantinople, invaded the fourth shore of Carthage, raided the Balkans and almost reached the second Rome, captured the Pope in battle, seized lands in Outremer, and finally, married back into the Germanic world and the line of Holy Roman Emperors. Quite terrible Christians by the standards of the early church

>> No.23056491

Norman's were actually based.
An exeption to the ChristCuckery that plagued and still plagues Europe today.

>> No.23056498

Has there ever been a middle ground between Christianity and Nietzsche?

>> No.23056519

BAPism is just edgy socratism
They dislike christians because they worship a different jew than the one they do ((((costin alamariu))))

The rest of your post is projection though

He was aware he was pretty mediocre. He hoped ro inspire stronger men, he literally says it

>glorification of genius
It isn't actually, all ancient barbarians were illiterate stinky brutes. High IQ people are among the most domesticated niggercattle
Unless of course you use genius not for IQ

He literally just verbatim quoted your jewish book.

>> No.23056525

Vajrayana buddhism

>> No.23056529

BAP will never be European and will never be jewish, 10% of BAPists will always be manlets and the other 90% will always be fat mutants. Copium ideology expecting for a messiah and in the meantime falling for israel kek

>> No.23056532

and will always be jewish*
although technically he is casteless, the worst thing possible according to Manu
Uh oh wat mean

>> No.23056550

>BAPBROS are waging a war against ugliness
Then they've already won, what more do they want? Physical attractiveness is valued and rewarded more now than it has ever been in history. If you are a beautiful person, make some social media accounts and you will become famous and rich and powerful, it's that easy. Athletes are also effectively royalty. Beautiful and athletic people are already on top, so when are they going to start using their influence to do all the based stuff BAP promises they are destined to do?

>> No.23056570

We live in a period of extreme eugenics with good looking people having harems. Very few selected people breed, the uglt fat ones that do have their kids troon out, society was built for niggercattle and is now collapsing
Bapists are just frustrated normgroids who want to mow their lawn and be a slave to their wife as long as their policed suburbs have no niggers around. Literally boomers

>> No.23056572

>Deliberately misunderstands Nietzsche and BAP and makes stuff up about them

Every time

>> No.23056591

I don't see any reason to take "BAP" seriously. You guys could just read Nietzsche. I haven't read any BAP but through osmosis he doesn't sound like a very good mediator, he sounds maybe a bit like Roosh (eceleb grifter author who was popular with manosphere types before those morphed into the alt right, you may be too young to remember), it's the same re-heated self-help for a certain kind of maladjusted male that flatters their worst attributes, whereas Nietzsche has no issue with telling you straight that being wounded is bad, being resentful is bad, you are only better by being better, there's no way around it.

>> No.23056607

>We live in a period of extreme eugenics with good looking people having harems.
This is simply not true. Having a gaggle of women who have sterilized themselves and are willing to sleep with you to feel like celebrities is not the same thing as having monopolized locally available breeding stock based on the quality of your genetic expression

>> No.23056610

BAP isn't self help. Most of what people say he believes isn't what he says. Also, there's no need to read BAP unless you're interested.

>> No.23056613

He sounds nothing like Roosh
t. Has read almost all of Roosh before he converted. Even his short C&C and the Smileyface one
BAP puts on a character for his books and his actual self is midwit neocon jewish garbage.
There's 0 self help in BAP too

>> No.23056619

>erm akshually eugenics dont exist in nature either because there is no central authority coordinating them

>> No.23056632

It's not eugenics if the women aren't getting knocked up, you absolute retard. I have no doubt the uglier people are the more fertile, nature favors the average and unimpressive.

>> No.23056639

>I have no doubt the uglier people are the more fertile
Fertility correlates with good genes, you are refuting yourself

>> No.23056640

oh man if he's actually just doing trendy/edgy repackaging of neoconservatism that's even worse than illiberal sex tourism with Adam Sandler characteristics

>> No.23056645

buddy idk where you live but unless you have really low standards or live somewhere almost untouched by industrial sedentary life beauty is rare

>> No.23056654

wow look how EUGENIC society is https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12984865/Nick-Cannon-Zeddy-THERAPY-baby-shower-kids.html

>> No.23056708

there's no "nature" involved, western society is the most efficient subhuman-saving and -proliferating artificial system of history, using cutting edge medicine and food production techniques fueled by petrol to make sure anything short of the most inoperably sick survive and possibly thrive

>> No.23056715

He's doing that AND pusing mossad's agenda AND he is larping about the sex tourism. He's a pearl clutching normie

Yes beauty is rare and in 3000 bce ugly people reproduced even more than they do now. In 1500 ce they reproduced EVEN MORE

>> No.23056717

>I care about society
Joke's on you

>> No.23056729

Well in any case, we are not living in "eugenic" times and that has been the argument FOR eugenics since the term was first introduced
I don't buy that the average person is now less ugly compared to the past from eating shit food and never exercising and selecting mates through chance encounters in bars and workplaces, it doesn't even sound plausible.

>> No.23056824

No retard, ugly people are just having fewer children compared to any other time. This happens worldwide, incels are everywhere even in apefrica
This is literally eugenics. We just need more + depopulation
What's hard to get?

>> No.23056845

If "beautiful" people are having even fewer children than "ugly" people to begin with and the fertility rates have declined for BOTH effectively nothing has changed and ugliness or averageness will continue to be the norm, but the ugly rates are actually quite sticky by comparison... I understand you have a preference for BIPOC so it is difficult to convince you of what even BIPOC themselves find attractive and its increasing scarcity, but I digress

>> No.23057007

>retard fails to realize this was the norm since literally forever but is getting better now, and averageness was not the norm in ancient greece or germany or mesoamerica or ...
>retard has to inject his racial fantasies that he thinks of 24/7
Americans should be rangebanned

>> No.23057017

You're in a Nietzsche thread and Nietzsche was explicitly racist and anti - mixing. You have no clue where you're at or what you're talking about.

>> No.23057053

Why are egalitarian's always anti-intellectual chuds?

>> No.23057070

>averageness was not the norm
you are the retarded amerishart here in need of a ban

>> No.23057074

Americans should be rangebanned

>erm actually these places were le average people were le average

>> No.23057107

>uhhh everyone was statuesque and made of marble in classical Greece
we know for a fact that Socrates was ugly, the most famous Greek to posterity—ugly!

>> No.23057123

>"In an age of disintegration that mixes races indiscriminately, human beings have in their bodies the heritage of multiple origins, that is, opposite, and often not merely opposite, drives and value standards that fight each other and rarely permit each other any rest. Such human beings of late cultures and refracted lights will on the average be weaker human beings: their most profound desire is that the war they are should come to an end." - Beyond Good & Evil, Verse 200

I've been saying for years that Israel should be rangebanned. Deflecting to America doesn't do you any favors. Imagine coming here with bigoted opinions about us and demanding bans and you don't even know the source material.

>> No.23057129

BAPs explanation for how women interact with power and the lengths they’ll go to to preserve it really struck a chord with me. I don’t know if anyone else made such an observation before but I think it’s correct, same with how he explained homosexuality. BAM is pretty good for the most part.

>> No.23057148

Yeah, and an honored warrior. Thanks from proving my point dumb retard

Stop thinking about miscegenation for a second, dumb amerimutt

>I don’t know if anyone else made such an observation before
All evolutionary biologists who ever wrote a book starting with darwin
BAM is a middle class urbanite who spent 20 years at yale and is middle aged hoping to inspire the next hitler and trying to make gim a zionist too

>> No.23057230

>an honored warrior
They executed him!
If women have power over you, you've earned that

>> No.23057241
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>> No.23057247

Ffs make a basic early life check on the guy retard
No early life check needed here kek
Imagine being jewish AND the product of racemixing. Forever cursed

>> No.23057266

>Stop thinking about miscegenation for a second, dumb amerimutt

This is a Nietzsche thread. Those are Nietzsche's words you medically verified retard.

>> No.23057272

Yes and albeit it desrcibes BAP perfectly it has nothing to do with anything itt

>> No.23057285

Agreed, his book was pretty funny too. Plus, his podcast lists Jews who've converted to Catholicism and posed as conservatives / normies cons who've called for ethnically cleansing America like Bill Krystal. If anything, he's a lot like Bobby Fischer. One of his better podcasts was about how the CIA and several Jews invented modern art to money launder by artificially inflating arts value with words / a made up story.

>> No.23057296

>Has to do with what an anon said
>Has to do with BAP
>Has to do with Nietzsche

Maybe you're just a soft little bigot that can't handle ideas that make you uncofortable?

>> No.23057359

BAP (brown) will bitch about immigrants but (((accidentally))) will omit that it's the jews running it and responsible for 100% of western decay
He basically bitches about anyone less ppwerful than jews but pearl clutches when anyone brings up the jews sinxe he is a jew hinmselr

To be able to genocide anyone with a different opinion... wouldn't that be true living?
And what did that anon say?

>> No.23057427

No shit, Nietzsche would wish his disciples on his worst enemies
That's the point, he forces individuals to prove their convictions are authentic. Nietzsche wants to argue with somebody who is worthy of their beliefs. Nietzsche wanted somebody who will argue with him. He needs you as a friend. Will you let him?

>> No.23057430


There are some things in which Nietzsche was wrong
His views of Islam were very uninformed, standard XIX century orientalism.
In reality, Islam only needs 8-10 generations to make Muslims the dumbest people in any country they rule. They heavily tax non Muslims, which leads to the wealthiest and most talented members of a society, who are able to withstand the extra taxation, becoming an elite religious minority, while all the dumb people convert to Islam. That is why every Muslim society ends up with an intellectual and merchant class made of non Muslims, be it Copts, Jews, Greeks or Armenians. Islamic Golden ages are what happens when the recently conquered (by Muslims) society isn't still majority Muslim.
Muslim societies also can't have a Wagner or a Beethoven or a Bach because they have a negative view of music, they can't have philosophers like whose Europeans have had since Descartes or scientists like Newton because in Islam antirationalism and an arbitrary God that makes prediction through induction are orthodoxy, and they also can't have an artistic renaissance like that of Italy because they are against painting or sculpting the human figure, even today the Vatican has to cover their statues with blankets when visited by Muslim ambassadors.

A mistake of Nietsche readers is treating his writings as a Quran, as if he were free of the possibility of criticism, in that regard they aren't different from the communist who reads Marx or the Libertarian who reads Mises and Hayek. Another negative consequence of the Protestant Sola Scriptura. Nietzsche was a man of his time, the XIX century, with some mistakes and errors and fascinations of men of his time.

>> No.23057480


My problem with Nietzsche is his ideas abour the weak and the strong are inconsistent.
Lets say the Roman aristocracy were the strong 2000 years ago, and the weak were the slaves of the Roman slave economy.
If there had been a successful slave revolt, and the slaves had massacred the aristocracy and taken power, that would mean that the slaves were the strong and the aristocracy was weak.

Nietzsche seems to belive that being strong is something you are, not something you do. he shows the same ressentment of an intellectual who looks at Elon Musk and Bill Gates and thinks "it is us who should be determining the destinies of mankind, not them".
If the weak, organized, smash the strong, then the weak were the strong all along.

China was the victim of nomadic horse riders for centuries, dozens of millions at the mercy of 50.000. But eventually, the Chinese would always manage to organize, make use of their demographic advantage, and completely smash the "strong" nomads. That is how the Xiongnu were pushed from the Pacific to the Atlantic, where they became the Huns, the strong Attila was a member of a nation that reached Europe running for their lives.
You prove you are strong by being strong, and you prove you deserve to survive by surviving. Being strong isn't an individual characteristic like being tall or smart.

>> No.23057563

jews didnt exist at the time of christ, but im not surprised a nietzschnegroe wouldnt know basic religious history

>> No.23057571

You're cope.

>> No.23057576

Nietzsche isn't arguing that might is right, he is describing a kind of morality which views strength or other values of the powerful as evil and mobilizes against it. Even after the slaves triumph they retain a bad conscience of needing to deny their power, denigrate nobility, and celebrate baseness, and so on, and to maintain their power it is necessary that others be made sick. This morality has survived the death of God and is still with us—that is his warning.

>> No.23057584

your complete inability to critique either side besides abstract niggerbabblling signals to me that whatever rapebaby ideology you subscribe to is way worse than the two in question

>> No.23057650
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1614726824119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kind of garbage post is guaranteed to appear in any nietzsche thread, and what makes it amazing is how persistent it is despite being such an obvious misunderstanding of Nietzsche

>> No.23057658

Nta, but why does that matter anyways? If slaves are on top and they remain on top, they are the masters. If no amount of self-hate and self-denial makes them lose the position, then everything the nobility does to regain it is for naught? In this sense it is might is right in a way. As the same anon you replied to pointed out, China smashed the horse riders at the end of the day

>> No.23057665

Christrannies and Nietzsniggers don't deserve my wisdom. And neither do (you).


>> No.23057667

Then what did Nietzsche mean?

>> No.23057673

He doesn't omit that Jews are pushing for open migration with organizations like HIAS. He has talked about the Jews and how ethnic resentment causes their hatred, from Hollywood movies with blonde bully's to senators who hate Russians because of pogroms from 100 years ago.

>> No.23057678

see >>23057576

>> No.23057681

>If slaves are on top and they remain on top, they are the masters.
I strongly suggest you read the author, make an attempt to understand his vocabulary, and criticize his view from his own perspective and not from what your personal understanding of the terms master, slave, power, morality, etc. mean

>> No.23057694

>Beautiful and athletic people are already on top
Believe it or not athletes are not pulling the strings of society.
>We live in a period of extreme eugenics with good looking people having harem
This is completely fucking wrong. I wish I lived in a world like the one you think we do
>ugly people are just having fewer children compared to any other time
Totally unfounded assertion.
You're out of your depth faggot. Go back to crying about Milei saving Argentina

>> No.23057702

you're free to keep any delusion your muttbrain hosts to yourself, and I prefer it that way, thank you

>> No.23057721

>If the weak, organized, smash the strong, then the weak were the strong all along.
You have not read Nietzsche
They did, and their jewish religion that jesus posits as the capeshit messiah of existed since centuries up until that point
He hasn't actually, you can scroll through this twitter and it's all niggers this, muzzies that, libtards this, spics that, commies this, women that etc jews are entirely absent and are pretty much the ones in control. For someone interested in the west's wellbeing he is absurdly silent about the greatest danger to it as lest someone find a solution to it, and him
Why would a zionist save argentina?
And yes uglies are having less children than let's say 1500. You'd have a 90% procreation rate then, now you have an abysmally lower one for common plebs let alone uglies. You're retarded and coping, you though eugenics would be like some promised skydaddy amusement park for you to sit and sip latte while some messiah does the things you like
This is it faggot if you don't like it then you were too soft from the start. Rope now, not tomorrow but now

>> No.23057728

actually not they aren't too absent, he'll defend them occasionally by trying to say the jq or being anti-israel is... LE BAD
he's a moralist faggot like every other in his clique. Rootless cosmopolitan jews will always appropriate N but will always revert back to their moralfaggot nature once they start getting killed

>> No.23057736

I know what you mean and what >>23057576 says, but whats the point of master morality if it just keeps failing to take hold? Shouldn't people that subscribe to it "win" society, and shouldn't there be more people who are willing to put themselves above everything like that? Why is this "slave" morality holding everything back anyways?

>> No.23057738

He has been talking about the Jews ethnic resentment and desire to claim ancient history since episode 3 of his podcast. His stance on Jews is very straightforward, there's no reason the west should pay for Israel, it was built as an act of charity from the west and never reciprocated. He's had several prominent anti semites and Holocaust deniers on his podcast like Bishop Richard Williamson, and most of his work does include why Jews, gays, and biological defectives are enemies of the west.

>> No.23057766

>His stance on Jews is very straightforward
Indeed, seething at askhenazis and otherwise failing to mention that whatever he hates and presents as a danger, they are promoting or at the very least allowing. The entire american state is owned by jews but apparently it's more important to rave about random nigger mudhuts (that jews are also responsible for bringing) for the 999th time
Of course all of it makes sense when you realize he himself is a jew
>most of his work does include why Jews, gays, and biological defectives are enemies of the west.
It doesn't actually and he literally wrote an essay on why literal zionists like hazony should be seen as allies by white nationalists. Lmao
There are more proof for rabbi yeshua being real than costin alamariu notifying his fanbase about who's responsible for the things he dislikes

>> No.23057768

>I believe that Zionists of Hazony’s bent, those of the Netanyahu faction, don’t really care what politics exist in the West as long as they promote a frame of mind favorable to Israel. In practice, Hazony would promote open white nationalism if he thought he could, or whatever—anarchosyndicalism, constitutional monarchism, distributism, ice cream nationalism, and so on. It doesn’t matter. Maybe they liked my book too, who knows? People who think Hazony is an existential antagonist who wants to negate the ethnic basis of America as such are as wrong as those who think he has any fundamental interest in America’s welfare. He’s fundamentally indifferent. But I do think white nationalism has been covertly promoted by this faction online since 2015. I can’t prove it but for those who have been trolling since that time, it’s been obvious. Israeli nationalism and white nationalism are the same thing.
What do you call it when a Jew tells you that Jewish Zionism is good for white interests?

>> No.23057773

any worldview that isn't God-centered makes no sense.

haven't read him but apparently his ideas are atheist

>> No.23057777

>They did, and their jewish religion that jesus posits as the capeshit messiah of existed since centuries up until that point
no it didn't, the entire idea behind talmudic judaism is antithetical to christianity and a very good portion to other second temple israelite cults, and earlier versions of the OT religion, regardless of the "messiah" concept. its like saying that vedas was written by the gypsies, but again, you retards have zero nuance and understanding of jews or christians, and resolve to whatever fuckery the rest of snowniggers parrot nowadays.

>> No.23057779

>raving at niggers in mudhuts

At most he makes fun of them, but that is not something he focuses on.

>It doesn't actually and he literally wrote an essay on why literal zionists like hazony should be seen as allies by white nationalists.

He's always talked about how using zionist tools can help found a nation. Abandoning funding of Israel and banning foreign passport holders from government. If you want a country to serve its ethnic founding population Israel is a great model, and he's not the first person to point that out.

>> No.23057784

>athletes are not pulling the strings of society
they're busy enjoying their millions of dollars and endless varied supply of prime pussy while "powerful" billionaires are getting publicly cuckolded by their ugly hag wives

>> No.23057793

Hebrews were identified long before any talmudic branch, jew refers to a biological entity that follows the jewish religion be it OT, NT early christians, or talmud

>> No.23057800

It's over jew, bap is just a neocon now and always had been. But hey at least the character he put on his book is fun to read

>> No.23057816

If you motivations are just reactionary "ow that hurt and it's his fault!" what sort of mindset is that? What does that result in after generations and generations? Contemporary examples—think of how retarded the propaganda put out by the USSR, or the CCP, or American universities is, you have people who obviously wield power rattling off about how they have all these ontologically evil enemies that must be annihiliated and at the same time work aggressively to ensure their subject peoples are as stupid and compliant as possible, that they must act in accordance with doctrines based on the inversion of any natural outcome or distribution, there is always some healthy standing structure or opponent or institution or class that has to be dismantled because it is so offensive to be compared to... Nietzsche is a polemicist and for him there are values at stake. He can't make you prefer his values, his god, it can't be done, he cannot even "action" them himself, he calls for the man of the future to be a devil to the men of the present. It is his last toehold in Christianity, to wish for someone else to fill in this pit and stop the sickness from overflowing it. He is the philosopher as critic, he is the property inspector, he has delivered you his report on the patrimony of Europe. The European Buddha, his cure is to offer you more pain. Or you can turn around and resent pain, look for a source of pain outside of your own weakness, react to it, be enslaved as your fathers were. That's the idea to be overcome

>> No.23057837

hebrews yes, but anything non talmudic simply isnt "jewish". It doesnt make sense. a jew as a biological entity is either half european or half some random near eastern country/half levantine with history outside modern day palestine. differences in religion are even greater. again. think of gypsies and indians

>> No.23057838

Sure thing.

Keep worshiping worthless, brain-addling drivel.

>> No.23057861

This is one of the reasons I find it hard to care about Palestinians or Israelis. They're both brown / none of my business. I just don't like Jews in the west and their politics.

>> No.23057878

Bapbros and Christcucks are equally cringe

>> No.23057897

valid stance, nothing I can say against that. in fact im surprised youre not biting me in some way for separating jews and israelites like i did just now, but that might be just because arguing with jews about this shit in the past made me somewhat paranoid schizophrenic

>> No.23057947

Thanks for giving a detailed answer, but in this case Nietzsche just calls for overcoming yourself, and thats it, no? The propaganda example I feel is good but I dont see how overcoming that propoganda is a hard task at all, and it doesnt really go against any christian or platonic ideas. Also, aren't the latter two ideologies about overcoming your own weakness (or sin) too? I dont see why Nietzsche would put his own morality against these two in such a way. The only critique of his that makes sense to me is belief in a higher plane that should be sought for instead of life on earth, although I do have my own ideas against that too

>> No.23057956


>> No.23057985

Anon jew is from yehudi which is from judah which is old as shit. It has the same meaning with hebrew
Judaism is a separate thing
Btw it's only akshenazis who are half levantine. The other clans are still full blown sandniggers

>> No.23058025

the linguistic origin doesnt matter. "Romani" derives from sanskrit, but they lived in europe for a thousand years. Yehudi/judean/yid/jew.. Jews are different people regardless. ashkenazi are half snownigger/half sandnigger. the rest arent "full blown" sandnigger - sephardi are roughly the same as ashkenazi just more north african blood, and mizrahi range from zero to good portions of levantine. None have more israelite blood than samaritans, and christian (maybe even muslim) palestinians, however

>> No.23058036

Yeah, but Romani test close to Dravidians and Iranians and originate in the far east, not Jews. Ashkenazi are about half Italian half Levant.

>> No.23058071

are you perhaps confusing the way I mention gypsies here? im comparing them and indians to jews and israelites, just to denote wandering/diaspora groups vs their existing origin populations. I dont actually think that jews descent from the ancestors of gypsies. my bad, cuz otherwise im sure we aren't in a disagreement. judaism is a different thing like you said, so yeah

>> No.23058090

Whatever you say, necromorph

>> No.23058093

I dislike both but just pointing out ethnically they're night and day. I hate gypsies more because I deal with them daily.

>> No.23058122

you mean jews and gypsies are night and day? either way I get what youre saying and why lmao

>> No.23058126

god isn't real and Nietzsche is its prophet

>> No.23058134

Nietzsche wasn't triumphant about God being dead, he says we don't have enough water to wash away the blood. What he did was predict that without God monarchy would fail and in the vacuum left behind worse ideologies would take its place. He wasn't at war with Christianity or God, the people who treat his writings like that haven't read Nietzsche. Nietzsche was more concerned with what replaces the lack of faith, the biological consequences of selection under Christianity, and the way false humility and hiding achievement seeking causes the behavior of striving to go underground and become passive aggressive and loathsome.

>> No.23058232

>If there had been a successful slave revolt, and the slaves had massacred the aristocracy and taken power, that would mean that the slaves were the strong and the aristocracy was weak.
Not if you actually paid attention to what he meant by strength and weakness. For Nietzsche, strength was a discipline of mind, a freedom of spirit, and an overall inner calm that allowed one to pursue the arts and other matters of the intellect. Just because a bunch of slaves ganged up on their master and killed him does not mean they were strong in the Nietzschean sense.

>> No.23058241

persistent little nigger aren't you?

>> No.23059221

yes, but god still doesn't exist

>> No.23059333

Offtopic, but I find it uniquely funny how neo-Nietzscheans (most of them christcucks lol) will soiface over Rigveda, Avesta, Iliad and so on and think they are relevant to them when most of them descend from Nordic Bronze Age peoples and northern Bell Beakers, both of which lacked the traditions and gods (and genes. Uh oh!) the people they soiface over had.
It's a more sophisticated and less gay k-pop fandom.

What rootlessness and lack of identity does to a mf.

>> No.23059353

Jews and hebrews were the same, and named after the same people. Gyppos/Romani were named after Egyptians and Romanians but are different from them. Jews are (were) not different from Hebrews and since the ancient times the term referred to the same people.
Hence calling YHWH a jewish god, OT the og jewish religion and so on is perfectly valid.

Yeah half sicilian half iron age coastal levant.

>> No.23059369

".....neo-Nietzscheans (most of them christcucks lol)"
You cannot be a "neo-nietzschean" as you called them an a christian, thats an actual oxymoron.
Also i never even seen those supposed "neo-nietzscheans" in my life, so i have to ask....
Evidence for that???
Because i literally never seen the group of people that you talk in very descriptive terms your post, Never.
So please give evidence that those people exist in reality, and not only in your imagination, ok??
I would appreciate that.

>> No.23059382

Several BAPists like the barbaric vitalism or swayed lads. They are christcucks and worship a jew (two jews actually)
Of course they do not follow the religion. They are incredibly secular
Neo-Nietzscheanism is just a gay version of Nietzscheanism adapted to modern urban american and european life, aimed to provide escapism and a subculture to talk about. That is all. It's why neo-Nazis would be gassed by actual Nazis.