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23056812 No.23056812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about male psychology?

>> No.23056830


>> No.23056835


>> No.23056839

Neither of these dysgenic mutants, a wealthy man buys a peasant from some random village in siberia or eastern europe to use as a baby factory

>> No.23056848
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Name one wealthy man who married and stayed with a woman like the one on the left without cheating on her.

Which wealthy man did that?

>> No.23056852

Wrong. They buy a super model from eastern Europe to use as a baby factory. I don't know if you've been to Eastern Europe, but peasants are usually ugly and alcoholics by 20 years old.

>> No.23056853

It's not very complicated. Read Tattoo by Earl Thompson.

>> No.23056863

>that pic
How retarded do you have to be for this normie redpill stuff to matter? Who actually gives a fuck what vapid materialistic rich people who go to “cocktail parties” think and do? The Creator already prescribed what the relationship between a man and a woman is supposed to look like. That is, absolutely no sex before marriage, a marriage where the man is the head of the household and the wife submits to him and obeys him, and ideally bears his children and stays at home instead of working. Then a natural love and friendship between the husband and wife ensues. It’s as simple as that. Those atheistic, profligate “rich people” you idolise are no better than pigs and will be punished harshly on the day of judgement.

>> No.23056868

If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.

>> No.23056871

I'd marry left over right
as if gin-tonic whores with no passion except shopping were worth something to the discerning man lmaaaaaaaoooooooo

>> No.23056887

Yes, but you are poor and mentally ill.

>> No.23056890

Cute teeth

>> No.23056900

Yellowfevercels are such dysgenic losers

>> No.23056915

Men: visual creatures, most are shallow when it comes to relationships even more so short term.

Women: Need emotions to be aroused, looks alone arent going to cut it.
Aroused by Social status, Personality and confidence, looks are just a + and a good way to get your foot in the door

>inb4 incels btfo

>> No.23056918

Lionel messi

>> No.23056922

This thread reminded me how much fun I had role-playing a girl years ago in MMOs and other online chats.
I loved RPing a woman online. Where can I do such stuff nowadays?

>> No.23056930

yes I am. does m. nigger here think a man needs to be rich to marry a good wife?

>> No.23056932

Those are way more requirements. Swing and a miss. A woman just has to not be a landwhale. It’s really that easy.

>> No.23056940

I just want my girlfriend to be a genuinely nice, interesting person I could talk to about stuff. If we're gonna spend eternity together, I want her to be cool. Don't give a shit about anything else, we can figure it out later.

>> No.23056963

People raised on farms generally don't look like dygenic mutants. The fact that she is Asian makes her unconsiderable for wife material anyways. I want a white, blonde, blue eyed woman who looks good and is healthy. If she had a few bodcounts before knowing me, I guess it would be ok.

>> No.23056966

Youre going to have to aim quite low lookswise, only a non retarded ugly duckling eill give you that type of attention, Most other women, specially good looking ones have simply gone of the rails with social media, being shallow attentionseeking Npcs, and getting railed by chad.
The hotter the worse, as a rule of thumb

>> No.23056969

You are a man though

>> No.23056972

I'll use the one one the right as a fleshlight, but marriage to either is out of the question for a wealthy man like me.

>> No.23056973

>Has 12 bodies
The fuck does that even mean? Is she a skincrawler or something?

>> No.23056981

Hahahha i remember this fag's texts
>I just want to BE WITH YOU

I don't know if you've been to Eastern Europe but models are either escorts or married to providers after they have had 100 cocks in them when on vacation in Spain/Greece/Turkey

>> No.23056983

Just a necromorph

>> No.23057071

>has 10 bodies
wtf does that mean?

>> No.23057096
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Just check your diary before the transition

>> No.23057108

I'm rich and I'd still take left.
Everyone who gets with someone on the right just divorces

>> No.23057126

Right is hotter, it's that simple
>Muh bodycount
Never met a single person outside the internet who even cared about such a thing

>> No.23057167

>I want to understand how men think
>So here's a psychology exercise to debate and please recommend some books
>Never actually talk to men
>Never actually ask men what they think
>Go this far to ignore the actual core issue

Why don't you just go talk to men?

>> No.23057175

That's why men get divorce raped 9/10 times now lmao (deserved)

>> No.23057177

yeah because marrying across huge class divides is such a recipe for success. you're going to take her to those cocktail parties and everyone's going to be talking about new business ventures or writing a broadway play and she can tell them about feeding chickens. she won't be miserable at all

>> No.23057180

>What are some good books about male psychology?
K Theweleit _Mannerphantasien_

>> No.23057182

Bodycount, people shes fucked you absolute spergs

>> No.23057184

And what? You think taking the bitch on the right will be any good? She'll divorce you within a year and take half of your shit. In the first place the twatterniggerkike screenshot of OP's is rigged so that you're fucked either way, the right thing to do is to not play at all and die a virgin.

>> No.23057197

>marrying across huge class divides is such a recipe for success
It literally is. It's called hypergamy and it is natural

Also why would she be miserable?
>erm I'm not like these rich people! Life is hell
Woman moment if I've ever seen one

>> No.23057203

Bro I'm rich. You think I waste time at cocktail parties?
Also nothing about the description on the left implies her money

>> No.23057339

>why would she be miserable?
because by the parameters of the exercise you are dragging some kind of introverted virginal country bumpkin with you to social events in which she will be at best invisible and at worst the butt of everyone's jokes? maybe it will help you to comprehend the situation if you flip the genders and imagine a male shut-in dork being forced to attend parties full of chads and stacies

>> No.23057346

This is a made up scenario that has nothing to do with the core choice. I simply won't do that

>> No.23057352

Faggot christcuck. Your jew on a stick isn’t real

>> No.23057373

Women are not miserable in such situations. You are retarded
They feel their ego crushed at most

>> No.23057403

The men don’t usually cheat. Usually, the wife finds some reason to end the marriage, the men start to have a mid-life crisis, and then they go after the pussy they never had when they were young because after your marriage is over, why not?.

>> No.23057414
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>men don’t cheat

>> No.23057417

Because it has implications for dating in general, retard. Want to know why most if not all women want to be vapid socialite whites and career women now? Now you know! They all want to have the same prospects as right.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re rich and going to cocktail parties or not. These are the girls you’ve got to work with.


>> No.23057428

I would also pick right but only because I’ve completely given up on a happy and loving monogamous relationship let alone marriage, and so I’d be looking for nothing more than attractive genes for my kids and all attractive women with good genes have fucked around without exception.

>> No.23057448

so you'll do what, give up on your entire pre-existing social life and just watch gameshows with your new bride and her parents? the whole point of the made-up scenario is that your desired "core" attribute (virginity) does not exist in a vacuum: what kind of conditions produce an adult female virgin in the current year and what will the impact of those conditions be on your life with this person?

nonsense. women make each other feel like shit over the most trivial things

>> No.23057456

Correct. Not only do women cheat more often then men, they go to greater lengths to hide their cheating and they also almost always keep other men on backup even if they’re not technically cheating. They also date multiple men at the same time early in relationships, which is something men don’t do. They also are the ones that end relationships most of the time.

>> No.23057457

>give up your social life
I never did those things to begin with. The perks of being rich is not needing to do that.
I'm not sure why you seem insecure. I just want a virgin wife.

>> No.23057464
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Kinda crazy how this woman is projecting her idea of partner choice onto men. She thinks men are attracted to the status, financial success, and lifestyle of the woman on the right, rather than the fact that she's just sexy, and are unattracted to the woman on the left because she lives with her parents and has never had sex, rather than the fact that she's just ugly. If the woman on the right was the virgin baking bread and living on a farm 100% of men would pick her over the ugly troglodyte who owns a pilates studio and lives in an expensive apartment.

>> No.23057473

Also neither description implies a personality at all. Its not that virginity is exclusively what I care about. I'm obviously assuming I like these people to begin with

>> No.23057486

No, I think her point is that being a trad chaste virgin doesn’t necessarily get you anywhere as a woman if you’re not hot, and she’s basically right about that. Men always harp on about how women are such whores and it bothers them, but which women they’ll actually choose in the end comes down to mostly appearance.

>> No.23057487

But that's not true

>> No.23057495

i'd pick left personally no cap, imagine what a nightmare right would be

>> No.23057503

It's absolutely true

>> No.23057504

This point notwithstanding the one on the right doesn't look like she fucks good enough to be worth the headache.

>> No.23057508

But plenty of men here have said otherwise

>> No.23057509

i don't know what kind of "rich" you're talking about but if you're some kind of shut-in that got a bunch of money from crypto then you're an outlier and not what the pic is talking about. normal people want social lives, normal people want to show off wealth in a social setting or else it doesn't feel real to them, and the really wealthy have all kinds of social obligations that they're going to want a spouse for that can navigate those environments - and that kind of woman is not a rural virgin.

>> No.23057516

None of this is relevant. I was asked a question and I answered.

>> No.23057518

>have said
Yeah, too bad actions are what matters
Go out and you will quickly find out high value men go for hot women, not nice women, with some exceptions as those always exist.

>> No.23057519

Everyone plays the field in the early stages of dating to find out who they want to be involved with more seriously. Both men and women cheat and this whole living vicariously through all men because I’m a man and therefore based like other men thing is tiring and cringe. No wonder so many of you are poor romantically and socially

>> No.23057520

It is though. If you were an attractive bachelor and a good man, realistically, you would not date the pretty whore who fucked hundreds or thousands of guys over the unattractive virgin, but you would date the pretty girl that’s fucked maybe twenty or thirty guys without even knowing that she did. I mean, girls aren’t retarded. They look around and they notice that all the girls getting the guys they want to get are Kardashian-lite and the homely virgins are living boring lives with men that don’t appeal to them. This is just the reality.

>> No.23057521

If her point was purely about looks she would have left out the dumb fanfiction about the one on the right being a successful businesswoman girlboss. The wealthy man does not give one single fuck about how much his wife makes. He cares if she has fat lips and blows him like a vacuum.

>> No.23057526

Right, of course. I'm smart enough to know that a weird farm virgin is just as likely to ruin you somehow as a beautiful status wife, so I'll give my children the gift of beauty and use her looks to elevate me socially. Besides, for a woman that beautiful a body count of 12 actually means she is quite reasonably chaste. Her body count could have easily been 1000.

>> No.23057529

there's a difference between haute bourgeoisie and rich. many single to double digit millionaires want hot young wives for craven social signaling. billionaires tend to have ugly wives because there's no need to signal at that point, everyone knows who you are.

>> No.23057532

Men generally don’t “play the field”. They date one girl at a time and only date another girl when they’ve moved on from the last girl. Only a very small percentage of men are dating multiple girls at any one time. Meanwhile, the majority of women are doing this. It’s standard for them. It’s true that both men and women cheat, but women cheat more, for more shallow reasons, hide it more, and end marriages over it more. I mean, it’s just a fact that at least half of the people involved in an affair where a man cheats are women. These are just the facts.

I don’t have any care or time for the rest of your schizophrenic projection.

>> No.23057533


>> No.23057538

No because she’s saying “this is what guys always say they don’t want, they don’t want a boss girl who’s had sex with a bunch men, who is shallow and a socialite or whatever, but that girl still wins if she’s more attractive”. That’s why she’s saying those things.

>> No.23057539

Thats your reality. And look at what a reality you've made. Miserable people.

>> No.23057540

well, no, you didn't, because the question was about "wealthy men" as a class, not about you.

>> No.23057543

Yes. How is this even up for debate? You think attractive rich men are dating ugly girls because they’re homely virgins? They’re not.

>> No.23057546

I refuse to be with any woman associated with the word pilates.
Also left bakes. Right eats.
Tells you all you need

>> No.23057547

The same incels who are repressed sexually and disgusted by anything having to do with sex are also the same anons who are the type to say “3/10, elbows too pointy”. Left girl will only get a guy in her league

>> No.23057549

What? Dude I’m not saying this is a good thing. I’m certainly not saying I made it this way. I’m just saying it’s what really happens. You can’t live in fantasy land, my man.

>> No.23057551

I don't care what other men do.
I'm wealthy. At this point you just seem emotionally upset.

>> No.23057556

chill out nabby

>> No.23057560
File: 41 KB, 348x522, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically such a good insight into the modern man's mind, will never get pushed by the jew-owned media, banned from GoodReads, trolled by progressives and conservatives who are trying to protect the status quo of "dating culture" that serves no one but the small hats running the west.

"You're not reproducing goy! Open your borders goy! Send Israel billions goy! Good goy!"

>> No.23057561

I don't see why you think I should care. I don't think you can even decide and be consistent with the scope of your question. I said what I said. I don't understand what you're trying to convince me of.

>> No.23057564

oh my god shut up

>> No.23057565

Serial monogamy is designed to keep men from having kids.

>> No.23057566

Well, you should because these are who these girls are looking to regarding what to do and how to be. All girls want to get the attractive rich guy. If the attractive rich guy started dating virgins exclusively, then all girls would suddenly want to be virgins. And this matters for you because this is your dating pool. They all want to get the attractive rich guy but most will only get you, and pursue you, but they’re still going to be the way they think will get them the attractive rich guy.

>> No.23057575

Are you a retard? You said it was not true, but it is, so I’m trying to convince you that it’s true. Now you don’t know what I’m trying to convince you of as if you didn’t just deny that it’s true just a few minutes ago. What’s wrong with you?

>> No.23057577

Speaking as an unattractive person, I think all unattractive people should just kill themselves so the beautiful ones can inherit the planet. It belongs to them and they will never love us.

>> No.23057587

Kid, once you get older you’ll see monogamy is for the birds. My wife has a lover and I have mistresses. Sex is just sex. I hope for your sake you’ll grow up and stop putting sex on some sacred pedestal

>> No.23057588

Do you even know what you're trying to say? This is meaningless. I don't care. I just said I want left. Someone asked if anyone here was rich and I said I was. What on earth are you trying to convince me of.

>> No.23057593

no we have to wallow in resentment until an opportunity arises to rape and kill as many beautiful people as possible before they reassert their natural dominance. this has happened plenty of times before.

>> No.23057594

But it's not true. I exist and the men in this thread exist.

>> No.23057595

she has 12 bodies? like... in her broom closet?? in a meat freezer?? terrifying

>> No.23057599

>you just seem emotionally upset
yes i find talking to people who are incapable on a cognitive level of thinking about anything but their own bellybutton really frustrating

>> No.23057607

Sure is a thread about literature

>> No.23057608

that's lame, that only confirms your ugliness for all time. better to expire in a cave gracefully somewhere having done the human you could have once been proud

>> No.23057609

>/lit/ is for literature

>> No.23057611


imagine the STDs in this household. i hope you do not have children

>> No.23057616

senpai our ugliness is etched in spacetime, there's no escaping it, you can only acknowledge it and lash out at god

>> No.23057617

Your problem is you took me making a statement about my own values meant I would give a single fuck about your directionless musings on men and women.

>> No.23057624

Silicon Valley is absolutely infested with extremely rich guys who’ve married the girl on the left
>they usually still have the girl on the right as their mistress tho

>> No.23057630
File: 38 KB, 640x400, 837E7417-6EC2-4A58-AEF5-8FF5FCDD8891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zucc has been married to the girl on the left for years now

>> No.23057632

my final hope for redemption is a death without bitterness. all other doors have been closed

>> No.23057636
File: 84 KB, 691x1047, 1707450305016651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the wealthy wouldn't just get a 12 year old virgin and marry them when they turn 18

>> No.23057637

no, you are on a brain structure level incapable of judging my "musings" either way because you can't comprehend statements that aren't about you and can only pretend to by transforming them into statements about you and answering accordingly. it's a legitimate cognitive impairment, sorry to say

>> No.23057638

I assume they mean 12 bodies the way russians would mean "12 souls", as in 12 serfs (employees) working on her estate (working for her pilates studio).

>> No.23057639

Already have 4, bub, and never had an STD. It’s long past time to differentiate between courtly love and the normal everyday relationships. Many here are destined to be alone and miserable because they are Emma Bovary’s. They get their conception of what love is from movies, books, and songs. They are too idealistic and live with their head in the clouds. It blows my mind how someone can be a sexless incel. They have to be freakishly ugly, cowards, or spaghetti spilling poor socially. Just lol at being a virgin past the age of 17