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/lit/ - Literature

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23054559 No.23054559 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23049083
Ozymandias edition

>> No.23054604
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>> No.23054608
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I played this game for 1 hour just adding numbers together.

>> No.23054621

The more I see that gif the less I believe in hell. Funny how that works.

>> No.23054637

Unless you were brainwashed as a child, you have no reason to believe in hell.

>> No.23054640

This website has been ridiculously shit the past few months and I think I'm comfortable now saying that it's dying. Very low activity, very low quality. 90% of threads are just responses to whatever is trending on Twitter. It's been like that for a while but the air is more dead than ever. No one wants to say anything interesting at all. I think it's time to abandon ship soon.

>> No.23054654

I have a really wicked idea for a video game but I can't find the motivation to learn how to make a game.

>> No.23054667

>literally me!1

>> No.23054669

Isn't it kind of funny the most conservative denominations of western christianity always suffer some sort of burn out after a few centuries max? Especially the most extreme ones?

Who is the artist, by the way?
What is it?
You did this intetionally.

>> No.23054672

Read this study about isolation in rats.
They looked at the effects of raising a rat in isolation v.s normal.
The isolated rats when presented with alcohol v.s water, would almost always choose the alcohol, and exhibited extremely inhibited behavior : wouldn't socialize with the other rats or leave their space. And also showed addictive tendencies
I a m a rat

>> No.23054677

It’s been dead for like 2-3 years or at least lit has. Newfags remade it in their own image which is just a different flavor of twitter or reddit

>> No.23054683

>What is it?
It's a turn-based RPG game but you're playing a guy with really really bad depression. Instead of regular enemies like monsters or whatever, it's things like suicidal thoughts, self-loathing and other shit like that. There would be a part in the game where you'd be walking down the street to go refill your anti-depressants and a car would drive by and splash you with water and you'd have to fight back the urge to break down and cry in public. I'd want it to have a good story and stuff as well, the fighting part wouldn't be the main draw. I don't know, maybe it only sounds good to me.

>> No.23054729

People tell me I look sad all the time but it's my resting face. What do these niggers want? It's like they keep forgetting I was smiling and laughing a second ago. And for whatever reasons my face makes every woman friend I have try to play matchmaker. I can't fucking exist in peace and enjoy a moment without someone telling me they're going to marry me off to somebody or something.

>> No.23054732

You probably just look sexually frustrated

>> No.23054737

What does sexually frustrated looks like? I'm not interested in dating at all.

>> No.23054741

I can't act normal around women, they all make me nervous, I always act weird around them, I'm so sick of this, I just wanna be able to talk to them like they're regular people (Which they are) instead of acting weird and talking like I never do.

>> No.23054778

Are you fucking with me? I can't tell.
Are you over thirty with a beard?

>> No.23054802

Same, never had someone try to do matchmaker for me though.
> I can't fucking exist in peace and enjoy a moment without someone telling me they're going to marry me off to somebody or something.
Don't fight against it, embrace it.
They're probably projecting their mental model on you and assuming that because the way you live would make them sad you must also be sad.
Women are fucking stupid.

>> No.23054808

Here's a trick you can use: I guarantee you that when you're a bit older, it happens instantaneously and automatically because some switch in the back of your brain flips and you realize they are all retards.

Why is this a trick? Well, now that you know you are destined to flip that switch, why don't you just hit it right now and get a head start on not humiliating yourself around retards?

>> No.23054825 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23054844

>Are you over thirty with a beard?

>> No.23054857

I wonder how analogous will the art of the modernist generation and the art of the millennials born in the late 80s to later 90s will be. Just like the modernists were born at the ass end of the belle epoque and were shat into modernity with no explanation or a way back, so did the later millennials grow up and become adults in a world of cultural decay, technological change, and social upheaval.

The thought sprung into my mind when I was listening to some music from the 90s and realized just how utterly alien the zeitgeist of that era is to the present. People who were born after that era, or those who were too young to truly experience it will have zero chance to look at it and think of it in any other way that we look at, say, chivalric tournaments or sending actual personal letters to someone through the post office, a hopelessly obsolete relic of the distant past. Their post-9-11 minds won't be able to understand just how could people be so unironically optimistic back then.

>> No.23054862
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Anyone know why women are so fucking boring? There's literally no reason they have to be so dull to be around even if you take into account women differ from men and act differently naturally. It's so fucking lame.

There's got to be someway to find interesting women out there.
>Bro just talk to them. You'll find one you like.

I did that and I still found pretty much all of them boring as shit past having pretty faces, nice tits and generally nice curvy bodies with firm asses. I want that, but I also want to be able to like a woman for who she is not just get bored one day and then leave her or worse, get married to her and have a dead marriage. The sad part is there were a bunch of girls like that in my elementary and middle schools that I was friends with at the time, yet I didn't know what I had till it was gone.

Dude they're just women. Either ignore them or talk to them. It's not hard.

>> No.23054870

>It's not hard.
Not for you.

>> No.23054888

Fair enough.

I'm just frustrated that at the age of 27, I can't find ONE women in my area (which is a college town, so you would think it wouldn't be a Herculean task) that I find remotely interesting in any capacity past having nice physical features. That's nice and all but it would be even better if I could actually have nice conversations with them. Maybe it's me, but looking at all those chicks in alternative rock bands from the 90s or early 2000s, it just seems that women are a lot more boring than they used to be. If those women were still in their 20s, hell yeah, I'd go talk to them. They're cool and they're hot. Sure, I'm overstating it, but they seem very attractive but mentally and physically and I probably could have a nice chat with them and possibly go on a date with a few of them and possibly a relationship (again assuming I was born 20 years earlier). Nowadays, most women are still hot but they're pretty fucking lame. I can't be assed to really care about them too much.

>> No.23054893

Women were never meant to be mentally stimulating, that's what friends are for.

>> No.23054901
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That is bullshit and you know it. Only retarded unambitious men say shit like that as a cope for their reliance on pussy to find meaning in life due to their lack of skill, self-control and intelligence.

>> No.23054909

Nta but idk honestly. Met a bunch of women who were smarter than me, and had stupid ass braindead druggie friends too. The really smart ones are whores though for some reason and I don't like whores

>> No.23054915

All of their joy in life comes from sensations and feelings that are freely available at any time. They are free-floating at the surface of any nearby media (thus there is no reason to become "expert" or "cultivated" in any form of media), and any random person is always willing to place them at your feet. Everything around a woman and all the people near a woman at any given time are to her what a new movie or book from your favorite director or writer is to you. They live entirely at the surface of life.

>> No.23054937

>The really smart ones are whores though for some reason and I don't like whores
Again, that makes perfect sense. Don't entertain whores. But most women aren't whores, but they are boring though. Plus, it's not even about super intellectual conversation. It just seems like most women don't have anything going on in their life. They don't have deep hobbies, interests or what have you. I can't really get to know a person if they don't have anything I can ask about.

Makes sense. I really don't know how a person can live like that. That sounds fucking hellish almost.

>> No.23054968

What is the most recent history?

>> No.23054982

I'm a goddamn creep, this girl would hate me if she knew me.

>> No.23055054

If you're not sliding to the left and then sliding to the right then wtf are you even doing with your life?

>> No.23055056


>> No.23055061

I see this kjnd of post a few times every month for the last few years.

>> No.23055063

Yeah, I'm just sitting here.

>> No.23055065

We're all rats. You're not special

>> No.23055068

One hop this time

>> No.23055069

Curses do exist and can affiliate your life, if interest; i recommend doing "the lords prayer" everyday to dissipate your woes for a better fulfilled life.

>> No.23055084

>Curses do exist
Prove it.

>> No.23055087

Go into your bathroom, close the door, shut the lights, and say out loud facing the mirror "devil come get me" 5 times.

>> No.23055088

If you ever feel beset by negative forces, I highly recommend picturing yourself covered in protective white light that is tinged with goodness and optimism. It also works in dreams if you have shitty dreams and can build up the habit.

>> No.23055101

Thats superstition. I belong to God, therefore I dont need rote prayer to protect myself

>> No.23055103

This is gay hippie shit

>> No.23055108

Just cursed this thread.

>> No.23055118

A car just crashed through my window, thanks a lot, dick.

>> No.23055128

Somewhere along the line I switched from preferring redheads to preferring blondes. I don't know how or why it happened.

Brunettes have always been a reliable second, with blackies as that other option since every black-haired girl I've ever dated has not been white.

But I used to be crazy for redheads, and now it's shifted and I'm crazy for blondes instead.

>> No.23055142

Julia Louis-Dreyfus at her prime was one of the hottest women of all times.

>> No.23055144

Damn no dubs goe a whole day

>> No.23055146

I'll fuck literally any woman who isn't fat, old, or dead

>> No.23055147

Then I assume it's a joke.

>> No.23055153

I always have the sneaking suspicioin no one actually understands what I say and just go along with it because I'm handsone/confident and assert myself through body-language.
Like I don't talk in an intelligible way.

>> No.23055154

For me it's impish, pale brunettes.

>> No.23055155

Same but my standards ar emuch lower.
Mind you, this only applies to the women that come on to me, who are usually low quality to begin with.

>> No.23055161

Mind you, it usually works on my favour because most people seem to naturally like me.
I like to think I have a charismatic quality to myself. On the other hand I may just be pretty to look at and eccentric but not homelessman tier.

>> No.23055168

You are my buddy.

>> No.23055199

There seems to be this pattern of learning from contradiction. One can appreciate food by knowing hunger, one can appreciate virtue by knowing sin, one can appreciate by knowing death. Can it be then, that one can appreciate the eternal by knowing the mortal, that only by being human can one appreciate God?

>> No.23055208
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>because I'm handsone

>> No.23055209

I don't know why you'd ever appreciate God considering all the atrocities that he committed throughout the bible.

>> No.23055223
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>> No.23055255

>hothead can't take a prank or two

>> No.23055278

What game is that?

>> No.23055279

Give another explanation.

>> No.23055280

Hell is not so much a place but a state of mind

>> No.23055282

NTA but I am, unfortunately

>> No.23055290

If that's what helps you sleep at night.

>> No.23055294

Are you bald or balding?
Are you developing an RPG about depression?

>> No.23055313

Redpill people will call anything over 7'2 ft manlet and then tell you to kill yourself.
If I ever kill myself I'm trying to take at least a few people with me, none of that private suicide on a dark room shit.

>> No.23055317

Mind you I'm short as fuck but I've seen people call 6'1 to two manlets.
This shit is outright deranged. Maybe I shouldn't put as much stock on it as I do.

>> No.23055318

You must disregard anything a redpiller has to say, they're all retarded.

>> No.23055326

>Maybe I shouldn't put as much stock on it as I do.
You shouldn't, I don't know why you do.

>> No.23055331

>If I ever kill myself I'm trying to take at least a few people with me
make sure that those people are bad people ok? muslims or niggers for example

>> No.23055335

Thank you, Federalio glowson. I will take it into accoun!

>> No.23055347

I constantly get a really strong urge to bite down on something but since I have nothing in my immediate vicinity, I bite down on the inside of my cheeks, I bite down on them so hard that I cut them open, not big cuts but they still get injured. It feels kind of nice to push them to their limits, to see how hard I can bite down on them without injuring myself, it just so happens that sometimes I take it too far.

>> No.23055349

I sleep during the day mostly

>> No.23055351

Somewhat but no. I have a beard and I’m 41

>> No.23055409

>the lords prayer" everyday
Protestant detected

>> No.23055410

I have dermatophagia and I do it to my cheeks, lips and fingers. I usually don't go crazy with it though as I don't like it when there's blood or I am in pain.

>> No.23055416

No problem retard

>> No.23055418

It kinda hurts while I'm biting but the cutting doesn't hurt. It never bleeds either.

>> No.23055420

should i kill myself or have a cup of coffee

>> No.23055421

Kill yourself.

>> No.23055435
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I wish I could just become completely quiet when Im drinking with other people, instead I talk whatever and just remember bits of it the next day and become paranoid whenever other people remember it and what else did I say.

>> No.23055471

I will bomb a biafran orphanage and then blame it on /lit/.

>> No.23055474

And again, thank you for the advice.

>> No.23055490

I see the MFA thread was deleted:
One of the few threads where people were discussing literature and art.

>> No.23055508

Also, l was banned (no explanation), presumably for this post (?):
My only theory: the janitor is a literal trans person who deletes threads where social constuctionism is critiqued and bans the poster without explanation? Lmao.

>> No.23055613

I have a growing temptation to visit prostitutes

>> No.23055635

>his only theory is it must be transsexuality
Couldn't be 4chan not being your blog, or your ISP reusing IPs?

>> No.23055659

Discussing literature is blogging and is banned from the literature board? And you don't know how to greentext? Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.23055670

Gonna listen to some Sufjan Stevens, maybe David Bowie and maybe some Big Pun while I swipe left on Tinder.

>> No.23055688

I will soon get german citizenship and I've been offered changing my last name to something that sounds more german
What names would you recommend that are /lit/ and sound cool as fuck?

>> No.23055694


>> No.23055710

My dog and my mom are the only beings who love me unconditionally

>> No.23055712

And one day they'll both be gone.

>> No.23055722
File: 3.82 MB, 498x280, Narp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got through every chick in my area after nearly 30 minutes. You may be thinking to yourself "Well, anon was swiping for nearly 30 minutes, he must've found some women that he swiped right on" and you'd be right, I did find some women that I swiped right on, about 2 of them to be exact, other than that though, no dice.

>> No.23055734

Did you at least listen to the best Big Pun song?

>> No.23055738

No, I listened to Sufjan Stevens instead. Also, I don't even think that's the best Pun song, I prefer songs like Beware and Dream Shatterer.

>> No.23055741

>I will soon get german citizenship
What are the requisites? Did you have to do some kind of knowledge test?

>> No.23055745


>> No.23055767

I get it by naturalization. 8 years living and working in Germany. And a proof that you're speaking at least B1 German. That's all you need.

>> No.23055769

>AMAs are /lit/ not just some anon trying to personal blog
The dude didn't even attend the course yet as far as I can tell from that thread, what fucking benefit could it have to other anons? Anon didn't even answer anything and the only really actionable advice was coming from lawfags calling it a shit degree and telling people how to get into law school. Some excited kid wanted to brag on his blog. If he'd been giving valuable literary advice it would be one thing, but it's just low effort blogging in effect.

>> No.23055784

You can't read. It's a common struggle.

>> No.23055791


>> No.23055795

>The dude didn't even attend the course yet as far as I can tell from that thread
He did:
Again, people here literally cannot read.

>> No.23055808

Nice. I think they just changed the rules like a week ago. They wanted to make it easier to get the citizenship.

>> No.23055810

>no actionable info
>calls his own degree a shit degree
>calls himself pretentious
How was that post proving it was a worthwhile thread? You could at least defend it on the lawfags actually giving valuable info but OP is just using 4chan as a bragging blog for his stroking his own ego.

>> No.23055841

Sounds a bit like OMORI. Maybe, I haven't played it yet.

>> No.23055845

Fightng nature is the most human thing you can do, if you think about it.
It's very unfortunate that it might lead you into the worst depravities of humanity just as it might bring you into the greatest glories. Depends on how you apply your war against nature.
It's also a very romantic notion, because everything you do and accomplish will eventually collapse.

>> No.23055875

Am I just too stupid or is philosophy too boring and autistic which gives you physical pain in the head when you read, just like mathematics?

>> No.23055891

No it's not normal. Have you used tik-tok or played vidya games for more than 4 hours a day for a long period of time?
Men like philosophy and it's enjoyable to think about it, but some just turn away from it, disinterested by its lack of practical use. They abstain not because it is boring, but for lack of practical use (similar to abstaining from another pleasurable activity which one usually does with oneself). If you are zoomerbrained, it might actually be boring but only because your mental world is completely undeveloped.

>> No.23055908

No, I used to love mathematics and philosophy (though I wasn't good at either) when I was in my teenage years. I was filled with energy and hope back then.

As you said, now I find it a waste of time since it hasn't led me to any truth or salvation

>> No.23055915

I see. Then that would make sense. I guess you're depressed or anhedonic in some ways. That would definitely prevent the enjoyment of philosophy.

>> No.23055985

In walmart he push the cart
Watch him fart and poo and shart
Loathsome beast of weighty tonnage
'mongst the slop fat fingers rummage

>> No.23056017

>hugged by a hot girl
>hugged by a skinny girl
>hugged by a fat girl
Marry me

>> No.23056048

I envy you

>> No.23056055

Your dubs hold the answer.

>> No.23056185

Hell yeah brother

>> No.23056193

/lit/ - Cult of Personality

>> No.23056390

Do you think successful entrepreneurs should be politicians or should they stay out of politics? The GOP especially seems to love businessman politicians even though very few of them have been particularly successful.

>> No.23056404

It was still a good conversation. The only reason even come to this board is because the people are relatively high quality and keep it within the confines of what’s relevant but you can speak more or less freely, unlike on other boards. It’s nice to know what /lit/ nerds think about MFAs if nothing else. I fail to see how it’s not relevant.

>> No.23056410

I would change the spelling of my name to sound more German but I would never just take a brand new name.

>> No.23056411

Ah finally a piece for high level connoisseurs like myself.

>> No.23056414

Why am I so into Japan? Why does the general aesthetic of life in Japan appeal to me so much? No, it’s not just anime and games or being a weeb.

>> No.23056500

Kinda crazy that every culture has a stimulating vice like coffee, tea, or tobacco but white people have the complete opposite in alcohol. We’re the only culture that doesn’t have some culturally specific stimulant. I don’t think cigarettes count.

>> No.23056504


>> No.23056554

I work in the cigar industry AMA

>> No.23056561

You have corn syrup and nigger worship

>> No.23056568

Actually? I would be interested to hear about it. Where are you based? What kind of company do you work for? What are some things going on in the industry?

>> No.23056593

Oh fuck she actually texted back I didn't think this would happen oh fuck me why did I do this now I have to deal with 2 girls

>> No.23056597

>Where are you based?
>What kind of company do you work for?
Retail that also does production of a blend
>What are some things going on in the industry?
Cubans raised prices by 300%
Lubinski turned to premium lighters, cutters and ahstrays
Consumption (smoking) is slowly declining

>> No.23056614
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I really struggle to have the necessary respect for those grand figures of art that kept going on and on about the fascist boogeyman. Despite coming from a country that greatly suffered from the damages brought forth by the previous fascist regime, and not being a sympathizer of that ideal, I don't think that being stuck in this neurotic loop of the ''fascist truma'' solves any issues. I don't respect the way they fought against it either. There's something pathetic about an intellectual like Pasolini, who didn't find any other way of communicating his deepest feelings on the question than making a dirge of a film with a thin metaphor linking rape and scat fetishes with the brutal power of the state. You're just not solving anything, and you're creating this bubble that is detached from reality. You could do so much more, given that you're engaging people on all senses, but those aforementioned people were shut away, willingly or not. Stop being so terrified of ghosts.

>> No.23056615

Would you rather smoke tobacco straight from a farmer or from the cigar plant? What does the cigar plant add to the tobacco?

>> No.23056637

I don't understand the question. What would the farmer do to the blend differently than in the cigar plant? Assuming same process in both

>> No.23056638

How do you fight that little voice that says it’s a waste of time to write everyday because your writing always sucks and it’s always inevitably going to suck?

In other words, how do you have confidence that one day you’ll produce something you are proud of?

>> No.23056641

Once the leaf leaves the farm, it’s basically just dried and rolled into a cigar. The only thing they add is a bit of glue to the cap to hold it together. The reason they don’t do this at the farm is simply because doing it at the factory is easier to do it at scale.

>> No.23056647

by having a voice that says that you enjoy writing same way how kids have a voice that tells them to play video games and play with toys despite their parents actual voice telling them otherwise.
If you don't take enough pleasure from writing to point of it supressing other peoples voices then take a break as you might be burnedout. If you never have had any pleasure from writing then you should actually quit as there is nothing more boring than art made by someone treating their artform like a job and not a way to express onself.

>> No.23056648

Well, in the case of Germany, they had a few decades where you quite literally could not publish anything unless you met with a Jewish psychologist and submitted it for censorship first. So it’s been beaten into them like obedience is beaten into a dog, and we all know that people are highly susceptible to media, institutional, and social pressures. Hell, declaring your trauma over Nazism is half of what you have to do just to get published in Germany. Want to get a book published? Write about how Nazis are bad.

>> No.23056655

Interesting. I’m in Pennsylvania and I have some contacts at a small tobacco operation out in Lancaster county. My understanding is that they’re trying to do some stuff with the cigar industry, but their tobacco is not commonly used in cigars. So is most of the business in Europe and North America just retail, or are people actually growing and rolling cigar tobacco at scale and finding it profitable?

>> No.23056669

Most of it is retail. You need good promotion and size (quantity) to make a profit off producing. But it's relatively cheap too, there are thousands of small cigar brands although they obviously can't compete with companies like Davidoff or Drew Estate, Aurora, AJ Fernandes etc.
It depends on pricing also. Are you going for premium blends or daily ones that go for 5 bucks?

>> No.23056672

I thought the plant would add additives.

>> No.23056679

But doesn’t that feeling that what you’re writing is not good in the end stifle the feeling that the act is fun? I’ve been in a break, just started again. I just struggle to enjoy doing anything that I’m not good at and writing is a lot more frustrating in that regard that other things.

>> No.23056680

You mean like chemical flavoring? That's mostly avoided
You can find infused cigars, with bandy for example but these are rare too. I remember one called drunk chicken or something like that

>> No.23056683

I’ve always felt like this idea that you have to love the act is a cliche. If you ever talk to very successful painters or other artists, the actual act is often very frustrated. Sometimes they don’t even like it. What they love is the art, not the act of making it. That’s how I feel. I love literature, or more accurately, what literature can be. I don’t love writing. I don’t think it’s even normal to love writing.

>> No.23056692

Some of those are relatively new though and it wasn’t exactly unsaturated for them and yet they managed to compete. Drew Estate is a perfect example. I just wonder how much money can really be in it if you can only grow horizontally and not vertically across the supply chain. And if you love the product? Wouldn’t you naturally want to do that?

>> No.23056698

Sure you can do it as a hobby and make some money off of it as long as you can keep up production and promotion, managing supplying etc. Otherwise you could just grow tobacco and sell it to a company that puts its brand on it. Very common in Honduras and Dominican Republic.
You could also get involved in making stuff like lighters, ahstrays, cutters, humidors etc (or buy cheap chinese and branding them as yours like Lotus lighters and tons of others do)

>> No.23056700

not good enough to you or others?

>> No.23056709

then what's the point? why do you write if you don't like doing it?

>> No.23056721

Your mom is handsome

>> No.23056722

i want to have several rape slaves

>> No.23056726

Why are hangover goon sessions the best goon sessions

>> No.23056727

Both I suppose

Because I love the product, or what it could be. I thought I was clear about that. I’m like a carver that loves carvings, but doesn’t necessarily love the work of carving. This is basically the attitude of every successful artist I’ve ever known actually. They try to love the work, but usually don’t. They love the result.

>> No.23056735

I have to stop trying to save everyone. I can’t save everyone. I’m just bothered by the lack of guidance out there.

>> No.23056736

I suppose that writing, like any other artistic process, is an exploration, which entails a great deal of questioning and problem-solving. Some people enjoy that frustration, others don't. It depends on where you want to go, really.

>> No.23056738

Grew resentful of your brownie surname, Ahmed?

>> No.23056741

that sounds more stifling than any other supposedly totalitarian regime's methodology, because it engrains and nurtures a childish notion of fear.

>> No.23056745

I think too much for my own good.

>> No.23056749

There go my dreams.

>> No.23056756

if your goal is to become famous and successful then you will most likely fail. A lot of successful people become successful due to combination of luck and determination. You can't control luck like for example you could be next generations einstein but it won't matter if you were born in south sudan just to be killed by a local warlord at age of 7. Or in your case matter of neoptism as you will need right people to both publish and advertise your writing
As for determination it derive from motivation and when comes to motivaiton or anything in life is that the more complex the system the more likely something will go wrong. Just how a mechanical clock is more likely to break than a simple sun dial because there are more parts that can break so is your desire to write if your motivation depends on a complex long term goal rather a simple pleasure of putting your ideas and will onto paper and sharing it with others.

>> No.23056767

Go back to plebbit, your mediocrity is annoying.

>> No.23056781

I find the frustration only feels good when you come out with something you’re proud of. I’ve always had some insecurity about that because if I’m only having a good feeling, let’s say, a couple of days per year if I’m writing everyday, then I start to ask myself questions like “Do I not have any talent for this? Do I just need more practice?”

>> No.23056794

The liberal-progressive regimes of the 20th to 21st century are no less totalitarian than the fascist and communist regimes that they fought off. They are just totalitarian through more subtle, largely non-violent means. They won’t necessarily execute you, but they will freeze your bank accounts and make you a social untouchable. They might not execute you, but they will prosecute you until you go to prison. At less public levels, it’s not so totalitarian but it is just as suffocating. Even small businesses have to pretend to endorse the party line and are incentivized to do so, no different than in Germany or Russia. Yeah, legally you can refuse the vaccine, but good luck getting a job. Every aspect of social and public life is is somehow influenced or coerced. It’s no different in that regard. It’s just less heavy-handed.

>> No.23056803

I think it’s fine to aspire to success and success need not mean commercial success. For a writer, success can mean a single novel positively received by readers. But even if success means commercial success, I think that’s fine. This impulse to find a universal law of justification where it’s like “you can only write if you’re in it for this” is misguided. You can write for any reason. That’s half the beauty in it. The novel is a commercial product after all. It’s delusional to think otherwise.

>> No.23056807

The weirdest part of this is that there's no real elite behind doing all that, or there is, but they get no real profits out of it. The same applies to bommunism.

>> No.23056837

this is only the theory of a complete stranger based on the couple of posts you have made, but I think the issue is you're trying to reach the ideal that you perceive to be embodied by your favorite works in literature, as opposed to an ideal proper. it seems like you're more frustrated with the fact that you're not as good as a book should be, as opposed to being frustrated that your feelings and ideas haven't been translated very well from your mind/spirit to words/ ; or that you're not living up to a certain ethical standard for example. all of which i am guilty of myself, so it is possible that i am just ''projecting'' here as people like to shout these days.
who do you write for? ultimately speaking.

>> No.23056840

Fair enough. But tell me this, if you were to fail, if your first major writing or even novel, where you put your heart and soul got considered for lack of better word ''dogshit'' by majority of people who read it. Would you lose motivation to keep writing? If you say yes then good luck because you will need a lot of it in order to keep up lucky streak of you having perfect writing until you inevitably write something horrible and crash, and if not then you already write for something more than just success and you don't know it yet.

>> No.23056968
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Knowing there’s at least a 15 if not 20 year age gap between me and most users I think a lot of young people here make a mountain out a molehill. You might be 22 and feel like you’re end of your rope because some girl rejected you and I look at it like “you think life’s so tough now”. Wait until you’re 40 and have almost no social life because all your friends are married with kids and you’re posting on some Thai lobster baiting forum.

>> No.23056982

You’re pretty close, I think. The only thing you said that I disagree with is where you implied the goal should be translating ideas. I don’t think writing is merely translating one ideas into a page and I don’t think it should be, not entirely anyway. But you’re right about having this ideal that I torture myself over. I do this with everything in my life. I basically have any to be a certain way, and then hate myself when I’m not and I never really quite enjoy the process because it’s the process that is revealing how much I hate myself more often than not. When I write, I always hate myself a little less than when I don’t write at all, but only 1/100 times will end up liking myself and what I wrote. And that’s precisely because it doesn’t live up to what I want that 99/100 times. So yeah, you’re pretty spot on.

I don’t know. That’s the sincere answer to your question. It’s one thing if something I wrote wasn’t particularly well received but if it were sincerely dog shit in the eyes of critics and readers then I think I’d think twice about my endeavor and I don’t know what I’d conclude at that point. The reason I write is because I love literature, and I love what literature does, what it can be. If what I was writing was somehow diminishing that then it would definitely make me second guess myself.

>> No.23057011

I feel like a lot of these “only write if you love writing” attitudes come from very modern attitudes and frankly I’ve always felt that they’re more than a little misguided. I can’t help but detect a little too much ego on that. Of course, I want success. Every writer wants to be acknowledged for their work and praised for some sincere contribution. But at the end of the day, it’s not about me. It’s not about what I enjoy. It’s not about whether I’m having fun. It’s about the thing. It’s about the literature. Nobody cares if Herman Melville had fun writing Moby Dick or if Shakespeare would’ve kept writing in Macbeth wasn’t well received. They care about Moby Dick and they care about Macbeth. The work is what matters. My relationship to the act of creating it only matters in so far as it has some effect on it in regard to the quality of the work. So I’ve just never really felt like this whole “you have to enjoy writing to do it” attitude is valid or good advice. I think it’s so much more than like a hobby to be enjoyed or as a sort of therapy although it can be that also. I feel like it’s some thing that makes life worth living, but specifically for other people rather than for me. And honestly, even greatness doesn’t need to be enjoyed or therapeutic. It’s torture, actually. It’s work. I’ve studied artistic masters, and many of them despised the work they had to put in to make what they made. They found it painful. And they were the masters. So why should I expect to enjoy it? Pain, and suffering, and tension is almost a requirement to do anything actually good. Does that make sense?

>> No.23057013

>I don’t think writing is merely translating one ideas into a page and I don’t think it should be, not entirely anyway
then what is your conception of writing? i am not disputing nor disagreeing with it, i'm merely curious.

>> No.23057020

I hate the world more than I should, I just wanna be filled with love and sentimentality all of the time

>> No.23057037

Incels are not real. Like just go have sex. With a wildebeest, a poor mid in a foreign country, or an escort. You INTENTIONALLY AVOID it, so you're volcel

Incels are like trannies. They will never be real incels

>> No.23057060

It's not so much about enjoyment as it's about fulfillment. Affirming things. Harmony.

>> No.23057093

That’s a difficult question to answer. I used to think of writing as something like painting with words. But lately, I think it’s a lot more than that. I don’t think I’ve quite found the words quite yet. But I don’t think it’s necessarily about ideas. I mean, I can imagine a scenario where one writes a great little poem that’s not necessarily an idea or from an idea or something. You know? It’s ideas, it’s feelings, it’s everything.

>> No.23057098

Yeah but fulfillment comes from the result and not the process I think. To imagine that it comes from the process is to imagine the process as some sort of therapy. I think it can be that, it it’s not just that.

>> No.23057118

I’ve seen this said regularly since I started coming on here about 7 years ago. Nothings changed in that time as far as I’m concerned.

>> No.23057156

>My relationship to the act of creating it only matters in so far as it has some effect on it in regard to the quality of the work
>I think it’s so much more than like a hobby to be enjoyed or as a sort of therapy
>makes life worth living, but specifically for other people rather than for me
This isn't about writing isn't it. Its more about proving something to yourself and others because you dissapoint yourself and others or something. You want to prove to others and especially yourself that you are worth more than others and yourself think. Im no psychotherapist but this sounds exactly what you would pay one to help you with; at least that's what I would guess
As for the motivation, I think you write as means of escapism, you want to absorb yourself in your work because of your underlaying problems but recently it stopped working because of you bottling up emotions or being overwhelmed.
Again, not a psychotherapist, just a guess. Go research about psychotherapy because this doesn't sound just like a simple lack of motivation or burnout.

>> No.23057176

nta but most writers, and artists, tend to do that. there's no need to stigmatize it.

>> No.23057196

i didn't say its bad, its normal, its part of what makes one human. I think that one would enjoy writing more if you were to resolve problems with their personal life first.

>> No.23057248


>> No.23057274

You’re right but only partly. I think psychotherapy is BS desu.

>> No.23057291

That's fair. Figure it out yourself, or rather figure yourself out. That I do have a lot of experience and easiest and most common method is to do nothing. Lay on bed or go out somewhere quiet with no people around and do absolutely nothing, just think, no phones no books no talking to others on potato assembling forums no nothing. How long it will take depends from a person to person. It might take days to even decades. One thing is certain though, you will have to be patient.

>> No.23057306
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Infinite Craft. You start with fire, wind, earth, and combine the elements to create new things. I've created some of these starting from basic elements.

>> No.23057408

E A Sports. It's in the game.

>> No.23057634

Yes but you can't argue against the numbers this time. Most boards are going downhill in activity

>> No.23057659

I thought about it for a second and, after blushing a little, nodded in agreement. Shyly, I raised my hand to my shoulder, my gaze fixated on my feet. I skimmed my fingers around the top of my gray shirt, taking it off carefully and letting it drop to the floor. I couldn't help but turn around, my back to the mirror, but I didn't stop there. My fingers stroked downwards, reaching my plaid bluish-pink skirt, and taking it off, revealed my plain white panties. A quick glance at the mirror showcased my skin's luminosity. Suddenly aware of a long reddish strand of hair falling into my eyes, I brushed it back.

A surge of courage building within me prompted me to turn sideways to the mirror and decisively unhook my bra. Pleased with what I saw, I let my fingers delicately trace around my waist, slowly uncovering my panties. I surveyed myself from top to bottom. Biting my finger and caressing my chest, I felt trembling take control of my body. My gaze rested upon my ankles, barely protruding from beneath my white socks, their color almost indistinguishable from my snow-white skin. What I saw was perfection, a creation so beautiful that I struggled to accept it as my own. Allowing a smile to appear on my face, I cried.

>> No.23057671
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I spent some time yesterday going through old things I wrote; tweets, journal entries, etc. It was painful to see how conceited and self absorbed I have always been. I used to think of myself as "spiritually wise", insightful, self aware, all that shit. I was trying to project an image of myself that covered all my deficiencies rather than actually working on fixing them. I hope I've changed, but I can't be sure. I don't know how to measure myself.

>> No.23057713

It’s because it’s the truth. The new batch of anons sucks

>> No.23057714

I can relate with this because I’ve had similar realizations myself but at the same time I’ve always felt and still feel there’s nothing else in my life that really deserves occupying myself with besides my family. I tend to think this is a huge problem in civilization generally right now, for men in particular. There really is just nothing that really feels like it’s worth working hard for or paying much attention to. All the important discoveries have already been made, and we’re just sinking into this muck of a sort of fake and gay economy that only exists to enrich people without leaving any lasting legacy or else become Queen bee of this buzzing hive of social media and celebrity. When I ask myself “What is really worth working on? What are the tasks that a Washington or a Vanderbilt or any accomplished man of yesteryear would’ve occupied themselves with?” and I just can’t figure out the answer to that question. This whole thing feels so pointless and inert. Do you feel the same way? This is in part why we retreat into ourselves and our egos.

>> No.23057725
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If energy came from somewhere, it must go somewhere. If it is designated to go somewhere it will invariably be guided there, if it is aimless, it will invariably be led astray.
Following that line of reason, and the line of reason culminating in the evolution of modern humans, we must have an origin, and a destiny. A starting point, and an eschatology. When we make statements about our corporeal form we are nearly approximating the beginning of our end, the end by which we may be made whole again, and find refuge from the distractions of life, and the oppression of pain. I fear an afterlife, I cope with reincarnation, but I long for an end. A definitive end that will mark the definite abolishment of my consciousness, where I can be free from freedom, numb to feelings, lost of memory, incapable of assiduity, I want to be unaware forever. Oblivious, in oblivion.

>> No.23057726

Kanye is deranged

>> No.23057730

Name a strong belief or opinion you have that is wrong

Curious if anyone can set aside bias for objectivity

>> No.23057732

I have no wrong belief or opinions, this is objective fact

>> No.23057739

I'm capable of learning new things. I try because I can, and fail because I can't. It's this constant beating. Life feels like prison

>> No.23057746

Physiognomy is real, beautiful people are objectively good and ugly people are objectively evil.

>> No.23057747

I thought about it for a second and, after a slight gulp, shook my head in dismay. Hesitantly, I looked myself in the face. The dead eyes of a broken man, stared back from a gaunt, acne-scarred face. I gave a sardonic smile, partially from a desire to lighten my mood, partially to see if I looked better happy. I shivered at the grim figure smiling back at me. I placed my hands at the top of my black shirt and slowly pulled it off, placing it carefully on the bathroom counter. I placed a single hand on my chest, running my fingers along the deformity I'd been born with. My fingers moved downwards as I pulled off my beige khakis and underwear, revealing my small member. A quick glance at the mirror showcased my emaciated form. Suddenly aware of a thick brown lock of hair falling into my eye, I brushed it back.

A surge of self-loathing building within me prompted me to turn away from the mirror. Disgust slowly welling within me, I stare down at my hands. A heart problem already, at the age of 25, had begun the process of giving wrecking my nails. I unconsciously bit at my finger, hoping to make it less noticeable, as a shiver took control of my body. My gaze rested upon my ankles, barely protruding from beneath my black socks, their color contrasting with my sickly pale skin. What I saw was an abomination, a creation so vile that I struggled to accept it as my own. As another sardonic smile appeared on my face, I cried.

>> No.23057748

If you knew it was wrong, it wouldn’t be a strong belief, would it?

>> No.23057759

Genuinely improved, opposite day anon

>> No.23057762

I tried to write as fast as possible before the previous post got buried, so I left many obvious errors in punctuation and things like this:
>A heart problem already, at the age of 25, had begun the process of giving wrecking my nails
Tried to delete and edit, but it's too late now.

>> No.23057763

this is good. I might actually read a book if the whole thing was like this.

>> No.23057789

Yeah that one caught my attention but it's much better than the source material

>> No.23057824

I am entitled to have a harem of rape slaves

>> No.23057841

Have that, it's overrated.

>> No.23057854

Must cost a fortune in food and sawdust

>> No.23057864

They're not human.

>> No.23057951
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Just came back from a birthday party. I really didn't want to go, but forced myself to because it was my older's brother one. Every minute I was there I spent thinking about coming back home and lying on bed, the idea of looking at the ceiling seemed more appealing than sitting there with other people. My two older siblings are extroverted, they have lots of friends, they have their own families with kids now, while I'm stuck in wageslave job, living with parents and just can't fucking see this concept of living like them any fucking appealing. I don't want that, yet because of societal norms I feel like I'm supposed to. I don't want that, but I don't want the other end of a line, being a delusional troon sitting on discord with other deluded fucktards that spend all their time discussing niche heavy story rpg games that nobody gives a fuck, like that's supposed to give them some meaning in their retarded lives.
Fucking Christ, I hate this world, hate this people, hate myself. Just give me a fucking cancer and let me die

>> No.23057997

Day 5.5 of nofap. It's like I normally see in 2D monochrome and I am currently seeing in 3D with full color plus ultraviolet like a bird. I can see dimensions of pussy previously not thought possible and smell it from over a mile away. The idea of sucking on a titty is as "deep" and "rich" as reading a breathtaking poem or being inside a great dream. It's like everything has more sides and content and layers to it. It's like being high. Everything is dialed up. I don't just want women, I understand why I want women. I GET why boobs are nice and why women are so beautiful. There's full awareness of everything, and it all knits together into one big sex quilt made of joy. It's the most horrifying thing ever and I want it to stop.

>> No.23058017

>early 30s
>ugly beta charismaless nerdy looking male
>no friends or social experiences since school
>no female attention ever
>done nothing with women ever, apart from prostitutes
>friendless loserdom continued all through university and multiple jobs (part time jobs during university and office jobs afterwards)
>become the ugly loser nobody talks to within a few days of starting all jobs
>living in London or other cities changed nothing
>just "going outside bro" changed nothing
>lifting weights for years changed nothing
>passing university, getting an ok paying job changed nothing
>current status: have a job, youth has gone, zero social life
>r9kpilled in 2012 during university
>Stirnerpilled in 2013
>incel blackpilled in 2014
>now even normies have caught up with blackpill logic
>not stupid or oversocialised enough to believe in any religions, philosophies, ideologies, heuristics, habits, customs, esoterica, spiritual beliefs, dogmas, historical patterns, metaphysics, superstitions, social conformisms, groupthink, extrapolations, deductions (apart from on the page), forms, the supernatural or occult, aphorisms, nationalisms, ethics, probabilities, media slogans, memes, social panics, manias, purity spirals, dogpiles, zeitgeists
>totally unspooked individual

Welp, that's life. Teen years gone. Twenties gone. Nothing happened.

I am SO fucking bored with life.

>> No.23058026

>spooked by being stupid
kek are you 10?

>> No.23058032

Oh ok thanks

>> No.23058037

Thanks for reminding me of that

>> No.23058107

It's 2:21 AM and I'm drunk as fuck. I'm having the best time of my life. I'm so happy.

>> No.23058133

>Nothing happened

Make something happen

>> No.23058137

I'm voting for you know who.

>> No.23058139


Are the non-official channel Cohibas you can get in Cuba actually Cohibas or fakes?

>> No.23058150

Stirner robbed you of the transcendent

>> No.23058180
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I'd be an alcoholic if the feelings I got when I'm drunk were more consistent. Feels like a quarter of the time I feel great, euphoric, giddy and happy; half the time I feel meh and groggy, like I'm sober but with decreased reactions; and the other quarter of the time I feel like I'm in pain within 1 drink. I wonder if my liver is fucked or something.

>> No.23058269

I’m actually scared to stop using 4chan because I feel like with zero input from other people my brain will just disintegrate, I know that if I stop posting on 4chan I’ll just start writing more and more deranged shit to myself as an outlet for something to do in spare time instead and become more and more unstable, it sounds stupid as fuck but 4chan is literally the only thing I do in my downtime, but I have to stop because I’ve got adhd or something and I refresh forever until it bleeds into other stuff

>> No.23058270

How the fuck did I do so little in 14 hours? It didn't even feel like I wasted time or anything, I should have spent maybe 5 hours of that fucking around, eating etc so where did the remaining 9 go?

>> No.23058274 [DELETED] 

Super Ball tomorrow

>> No.23058312

ive been talking to this girl in my class for a few classes and the last tiime we talked she followed me down from the sixth floor and outside and i wanna ask her to get coffee the next time i see her on Monday because I think that she wants to go out with me because her voice goes into that higher pitch when she talks to me and i maintain eye contact and she keeps it prolonged for a while before looking away etc

im just so manic and nervous

>> No.23058322

She sounds creepy

>> No.23058323

Should have asked her out last time or probably even the time before that

One day you'll realize this and realize how many opportunities women were giving you to ask and you missed them completely because you thought you had to have 14 positive encounters before you can ask

>> No.23058326

Also you'll probably realize you hurt a bunch of women's feelings because they thought you were rejecting their advances kek. More common than you think. Just stop overthinking and ask. Women aren't aware of how hard it is to ask. They think everybody is like them and you can just organically show and exchange interest and more or less have good outcomes. You have to go into it with the same optimism and openness they have, and the same okayness with the possibility of a fizzle or failure. Even if that's not really the case for you, you still need to have that attitude because it's the only cure for nerves and desperation.

>> No.23058374

The last time, which was the time she followed me down, I was unable because I had an exam right after. The other times we only talked during class, it was only that one time she followed me down.

Monday I'll for sure ask her.

>> No.23058377

Really the best part of Islam is how only maybe 1% or so of practitioners actually care about the religion or try to abide by it, with all the rest just fucking larping as le epic trad muslim all the time even though they've never even tried to open the Quran and sneak a fucking glance at it. I know that the same thing is a problem in all other religions too now, and that it was a problem in the past too, though to a lesser level, but having spent two decades and a half living in a muslim country I'm just so fucking sick and tired of these niggers going allah allah allah allah wallah wallah jihad mihad bohad all the fucking time and screeching about the west and Christianity and whatever the fuck else when they pray maybe once a year and get piss drunk fucking sluts every day. Bad place for me to say this all of a sudden and I don't intend to shit on Islam or whatever, but I'm just so fucking sick and tired of this shit that I have to scream about it somewhere. Bunch of fucking larper cunts, and they treat their non-existent reputation as a pious man like it's more important than their life, always pulling some God-awful fucking attempt at trying to prove just how pious they are.

>> No.23058400

You don't have confidence, you simply ignore the voice and write. You'll only be able to tell whether your writing really sucks or not many years down the line, when people will either start telling you that your writing is great or they will not. Or at least that's how I see things, as somebody who has never written but seen many people ask the same question as you about many things.

>> No.23058401

Too many hypocrites, even moreso in the gulf countries. The rural folks are a lot more respectable in that regard, unsurprisingly

>> No.23058423

hindi makes everything so much funnier
it's genuinely magical. i love being alive.

>> No.23058440

Pick up drawing and learn what true suffering is.
Then use that despair to fuel your writing.

>> No.23058464

>read a history book
>read another one a week or two afterward, exact same timeframe of exact same country, the only difference is that they're different books made by different people
>can barely remember the events that i'm supposed to know about from the first book, at best i hear about a specific event and i go "oh yeah, there was something like that!"
>read another book, once again same subject and time period
It's so fucking over. I don't know how but I managed to turn myself into a retard who can't retain information. I don't even read fast or anything, I try to pay attention. I dreamt of being knowledgeable, what the fuck am I supposed to do now that its seemingly impossible?

>> No.23058476

The best way to remember is to write and discuss. Schizopost for fun, write small essays, etc. The more you use the info the better.

>> No.23058477

come to brazil

>> No.23058483

I think it's a mix of premodern peasant people still having a "just survive at all costs" mentality, shame culture vs. guilt culture (also sometimes called face-saving culture or in the Chinese context just "face," very shallow public image maintenance with no interiority or concern for authenticity whatosoever), and successful modernized people being caught between the two worlds of western urban culture and a traditional culture they can't really fully authentically inhabit

When you have both types in one society, with the lower and what passes for the middle classes still halfway premodern except for the fact that they drive cars and wear plastic sandals, and what passes for the upper classes being deracinated elites who really (if we're being honest) just want to be rich enough to live in London or LA or something, there's no recipe for authentic religion there. The peasants will manifest it in a folk culture way, which has always been shallow but at least used to be charming and was influenced by the elites being actually religious, with priestly castes and such. And the new post-religious westernized elites will manifest it in a shallow, quasi-nationalist quasi-expat ambivalent "I am just as western as you, westerner, but also I am proud that my people invented goulash hak'makchak'al crackers and spiced pork, isn't it quirky that I wear a different kind of hat."

It's sort of like how modern radical Islam wasn't some organic continuation of premodern islam, it had to be created out of the same postmodern nihilistic malaise hitting the west. Everyday life was secularizing, sufi orders were all defunct, and the only thing Muslim leaders cared about between 1800 and 1935 (and this is still most of them) was modernizing while keeping colonial powers vaguely friendly. Then, a minority of them started realizing that to survive the new post-colonial global hegemonies, you need to adapt new strategies, so a few of them tried making Arab/Turk/etc.-flavored nationalisms, and others tried making neo-Islamic radical nationalism. All those guys, even the Islamic fundies, were educated in western universities and theoretically constructed their positions, often by reading stuff like Heidegger. How do you construct authenticity out of this? Everybody has their own half-broken attempt at it or version of it. But in truth everybody is caught between multiple broken European paradigms that were already tried and discarded by Europeans over the past 200 years.

>> No.23058498

i hope to get there someday unironically

>> No.23058573

I just want to fuck a very short skinny girl

>> No.23058581

I want to love and support a woman and have her reciprocate that love.

>> No.23058622

What are you trying to say?

>> No.23058625

And I can't make it on my own because my heart is in Ohio

>> No.23058627

5 songs into the new Kanye. It's really bad so far. He should just stop making music. Not sure how his newer albums are so popular with zoomies they suck ass

>> No.23058628

It is a desire of mine to perform coitus with a female of short stature and low body fat

>> No.23058642

Read between the lines.

>> No.23058643

Of wut age?

>> No.23058644

My father tells me that when he visited the great city of Florence and gazed upon the majesty of the palazzo di medici he had a realization: such wonders were built by men far greater than himself and those that lived there now. These structures weren't built to charge entry.
That was the most sublime thing my father has ever told me; I feel great sorrow in knowing I won't ever have such a beautiful realization.

>> No.23058647
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>> No.23058651

The last short skinny girl I was infatuated with was 20. Wish i pursued her harder. I liked her a lot

>> No.23058659

Man chatgpt4 is a pretty good therapist. I can comfortably ask it any question and it gives me direct answers, no dodging the subject or half assing it. And they're pretty good. And I can followup with any questions I have about its responses.
>but but hallucinations
It's still 1000% better than the mom with a nursing degree as your shitty therapist to pretend to be your friend for hourly pay. And it's cheaper too. And you can do other shit with it like programming and math help. Fuck I don't care if AI takes over at least it can help me feel less shitty about myself

>> No.23058663

What do white people call their grandparents? Grandpa and grandma?

>> No.23058665

I dont know any of my grandparents so i dont know

>> No.23058681

I think thats something that I'm resentful about. Both my parents are estranged from their families. I grew up with no grandma or grandpa, no cousins, no uncles or aunts. No family really. Definitely an absence I feel.

>> No.23058686


>> No.23058693

I call my grandmum "grandpa" and my grandpap "grandpa".

>> No.23058697

Man, you are just talking to a calculator that regurgitates google search results you. Mind you, I understand why you enjoy talking to a computer more than a person. A computer is always going to be straight-forward. No faggy inner workings.
Yes? What, can't white people have no grandparents or something?
I love those sacks of nones.
Same but all my family was a contient away except a few cousins we didn't see much. I have a very lonely childhood.

>> No.23058707

My parents were cantankerous old people. And it just never occurred me to slip out. I had some bad experiences with local children, I was naive, and dumb, and sheltered. And the locals did not feel like being very nice. Hence I was scared of them, even when they weren't necessarily being hostile.
To be honest, that was for the best. With time I came to realize I didn't really miss out on much of value.

>> No.23058709

My depression is never going to get away completely, I don't think that's possible. It may subside and become more bearable but it will always be with me.

>> No.23058731

Depression doesn't sound like it's worth it.

>> No.23058763

My family is a continent away too. My nuclear family disintegrated when I was young too. And I moved around a lot. Being alone is all I know

>> No.23058770

It's really not.

>> No.23058790
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>> No.23058801

>Man, you are just talking to a calculator that regurgitates google search results you.
Considering that I and literally anyone else that has used AI have used google search before, I think I can have some authority when I say this is miles better than google search. I mean it's better than the therapists I've had, which have been frankly less than useful. I want solutions to my problems. I'm not trying to fucking make friends with this thing. That goes for therapy in general- they aren't your fucking friend they're there to solve your shit because you're fucking paying them for it.

>> No.23058807

Ive been playing this for a few hours. I got incest but I didnt get all the rest

>> No.23058823

The anon making incel threads with the joker laughing needs to be permabanned. If it is multiple anons then they should be embarrassed for their herd-like spamming and off topic threads

>> No.23058832

Going to rant about therapy now.
Let's look at therapists for an average insurance level. These therapists have lots of clients. Why? Because there are fuck ups everywhere and social media tells anyone whos fucked up to "get a therapist lol" as if it were some catch all solution that will cure all your issues. Has anyone actually left one of these therapists feeling "wow I'm cured" without getting an antidepressant prescription?

I'll tell you what's going on. These therapists have busy schedules. They give you one hour a week. Do you think there's any combination of words you can say to someone within one hour per week over a period of several months that will actually improve their lives? All I could think are jordan peterson type instructions to wash your penis or what your antidepressant prescription will be. But of course that won't happen either. It'll be "digging into your trauma" where you'll circlejerk about shit that happened when you were 5 as if knowing why you're fucked up will somehow solve all your problems more than just taking direct action. And oh yeah, only one hour a week! Do you think that's enough time to relay your life story, and for them to remember it with the dozens of other client's and sob stories they're getting every week? No. What they do is look for easy clients. People who'll give them easy sessions to rest from the real fucked up rape victim/rapists/pedophiles/court appointed psychos they have to see. So they'll make small talk and avoid any constructive conversation.

Don't get a therapist. Or if you're rich, try a pricy one. Idk maybe those actually work. But for the rest of us, we don't have a choice but to dig in and deal with this ourselves. Is that working out for me? Well, I haven't killed myself yet, I'm confident and driven towards my goals and have had plenty of sex. I guess reading books and journaling and confronting my issues head on instead of jerking off and gaming has been working out somewhat. It's the only thing that has worked, relying on myself. So trust yourself, push off that pier and dive off that cliff into whatever is your dread darkness and terror, and make your damn palisade in the void. Nothing good in this world was ever created without tenacity and the gall to believe it's possible no matter what the fucktards say. That's all I got.

>> No.23058844

>Has anyone actually left one of these therapists feeling "wow I'm cured" without getting an antidepressant prescription?
I dont think so, because they dont want to pay the ones that could take several years. Just get diagnosed, meds and get out.

>> No.23058851

I want to get on IRC but don’t know where to start.

>> No.23058859

I've decided to ignore all dating advice that guys give on the internet and instead listen to my mom and you know what? My girlfriend is happier and I am too.

>> No.23058869

I think you've done the right thing. Generally, women know what women want and like, but, there may be some advice that your mum gives you that would only work with women from her generation.

>> No.23058983

My teenage years sucked therefore my whole life will suck

>> No.23059008

You misunderstand me. I'm not comparing ChatGPT to googling. I'm saying that you are being comforted by a text-bot regurgitating information it got from the internet.
>I want solutions to my problems. I'm not trying to fucking make friends with this thing.
You give it a query, and the computer satisfies it. But I do concede.
>That goes for therapy in general- they aren't your fucking friend they're there to solve your shit because you're fucking paying them for it.
That's the exact reason they aren't usually super-focused on helping you solve your problems.
My teenage years were robbed so grandma could have 6 more years of pissing herself and mummy would feel safe. 2 years to stop the spread.

>> No.23059073
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This might very well be my hottest and most controversial take yet, precisely because it aims to defend the very nature of sin itself: That the possibility of its existence is necessary.

I also want to preface this by saying that this answer will only make sense to those who are faithful, because there is also a fundamental value difference: The faithful judge things from the point of view of heaven, whereas the non-faithful by definition, can only judge things from the point of view of earth. That is, the non-faithful can only justify things to the extend it advances his own materialism and arguably hedonism, that is the extent of his vision.

Anyway, get this. So if man is inherently good, and he does good things, then good things have no inherent meaning. You are just doing what you inherently do. Should you get a medal for breathing and blinking? No. That's just what you do. There is no real meaning behind it. This is why the fact that original sin exists is in a way, good and bad: Good because it introduces the idea, the difference between good and evil, bad because now, mankind HAS to start evil.

And that's why man is a fallen thing. Because if we are inherently sinful, then that makes good things significant: You are going against the grain, you did good when you are by nature, bad. This is why a lot of good things seem so counter-intuitive: Eating too much is bad, fasting is good. Sex with everyone and everything bad, sex after marriage and for children is good. Why, when the former just feels so good, and the latter well, just kinda sucks.

Because it's supposed to suck. By doing the things that are hard, you are overcoming an inherently sinful nature, you are exercising a will against materialist power, you are valuing heaven higher than earth. And that, I think, is what's so significant about it: You then earn eternal life for exercising a level of consciousness most simply aren't capable of, because you did the hard thing.

People just doing whatever's easy of course won't earn heaven. Neither will those that get too attached to earth. What sense would it make? They will die, they cannot bring their treasures with them. And on their passing, if their soul is fundamentally lacking, that is, it has a poor level of consciousness, or rather mocks it, or acted against it, or gravely offended its creator -- then the only thing that makes sense to do is to cast it into the fire and be destroyed, leaving it outside forever weeping and gnashing its teeth.

Simply because being bad is easy and feels good. Doing good is hard and feels bad at times. This is why sin and the devil is necessary: So that the virtuous and just can be seen with clarity, like the contrast between light and darkness.

>> No.23059173

I am incredibly depressed and this shit is going to fully fuck me up

>> No.23059191
File: 247 KB, 1280x2001, this_dress_makes_me_look_fat_by_better_with_salt_dfm07c3-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently had some revelatory moments where I realized that I do, indeed, love nothing more than a nice fat girl. I absolutely love big bitches, fat, obese, plump, they're like heaven. God, I need another fat girlfriend. I can't get my mind off them, can't keep my hands off them. All that soft blubber, it's like Heaven to touch. And there's always that note of extra lust, of yearning, in a big girl. Like the hunger that's expanded her waistline bleeds into other aspects of her life, like she's hungry for other things too. That yearning, that eagerness. It's hot and you don't find it in thin women.

God I need a fat girl again as soon as possible.

>> No.23059284

Did something happened to cause the depression?

>> No.23059307

A little bit of chub is very nice, definitely much more pleasant than just a skinny sack of bones. But only as long as it is still within the margins of what can be considered healthy, morbidly obese fucks of any sex are absolutely disgusting, and not only because of their looks.

>> No.23059323

Was supposed to go on a date with this chick tomorrow evening. Bitch texted me this morning saying that she already began dating someone. Stupid cunt. Hope she gets a curable but annoying STD.

>> No.23059342

NTA but yeah, obviously, depression doesn't just come out of nowhere.

>> No.23059344
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>a curable but annoying STD.
Keep at it, anon, soon you'll be a positive person, I have faith.

>> No.23059355

Was there a period of happiness before onset of depression for you?

>> No.23059357

No, I was born into a shitty family, I've been like this since birth.

>> No.23059360

>a calculator that regurgitates google search results you.
This is what a brain is and this is how therapists earn their degree, studying references from google and books (all available online). You just said that AI is as qualified as a professional human, in fact more due to having studied much more material. It also has better understanding

>> No.23059362

It's funny as fuck tho.
>woman writes about depression

>> No.23059364

Yes that's usually what happens when you supplicate to women. It makes them happy to have a slave
Enjoy, lmao

>> No.23059368

Any possibility of it getting any better?

>> No.23059371

Little bit of chub accounts for >40% of women, skinny sack of bones for <1%. Just get a healthy chick inbetween, ni need to cooe about being a fat fetishist

>> No.23059372

I actually wrote about this earlier funnily enough. >>23058709

>> No.23059390

I'm a subhuman.

>> No.23059397

Same, I scoured my city on google maps yesterday just to find out where this chick that I like was in a picture that she uploaded to her Instagram, I found not only the suburb she was in, but the exact spot she would've been standing in in the picture.

>> No.23059400

I don't even use insta.

>> No.23059401

I am a good person. In fact, me being bad on 4chan is one of the primary reasons I can be good irl. My toxic intrusive thoughts have to be shared somewhere yknow

>> No.23059403

Even a bearable depression is a better thing than now. I guess it depends on whats the thing thats causing it.

>> No.23059407

It is, too bad I'm not at that stage yet.

>> No.23059410

>My toxic intrusive thoughts have to be shared somewhere yknow
I understand, I genuinely don't know what I'm gonna do when this website disappears.

>> No.23059422

You can unload it all on an AI chatbot

>> No.23059426

One day anon, hope its sooner than later.

>> No.23059436

>This is what a brain is
No the brain is a steam engine, obviously

>> No.23059448

>I want solutions to my problems
What does chatgpt tell you do? Would you take the same advice seriously if it came from a 35 year old woman or whatever?

>> No.23059461

It's not the same.

>> No.23059465

I doubt it'll ever get to that point but yeah, hopefully one day.

>> No.23059490

1 month into no-fap no-porn no-nothing and my mind has these elaborate fantasies where i secure an escort service and just let it all out with someone. i have never used an esort service or lets just call a spade a spade, a prostitute. then my head says, hey okay, why bother with all that trouble when you can just look at porn, check out all that you've missed its been a month now. and then it hits me: oh i am tempting myself to porn and fap again. this is that cycle, and the fantasies get more and more elaborate each time. you might think, oh whats the big deal anon, just live a little

im that one catholic anon where i gotta admit all this to a priest if i do it. ugh i hate this so much. i know theres that one other anon encouraging me to resist temptation but this has been literally every night now. and its so easy to talk about it during the day you know, last time i confessed i just agreed yeah sure father i promise not to do it anymore. but its just different when you're tired or you're stressed and you just want some relief damn it

but no, here you are squirming and humping a pillow like a horny little teenager again. fuck my life, i cant win

>> No.23059492

It's almost like masturbation is healthy, who woulda thunk it?

>> No.23059495

>Catholic anon still thinking about acts over intention

>> No.23059500

hey man not gonna lie i failed the intention sure but i really dont wanna fail the act. action speaks louder than words. im freakin dying here man in like chaining myself to a boat while passing through digital sirens, this shit sucks

>> No.23059513

You don't want to stop, you just want to tell a priest you touch yourself

>> No.23059523


I am Catholic too, but this Ortho monk has some good advice.

>> No.23059577

>squirming and humping a pillow
This is masturbation

>> No.23059587

No it isn't. For one the brain is an extremely shitty calculator. Also I'm not arguing that you should go to a psychologist or anything. Therapy is for fags and women. I'm just saying you are essentially getting parroted info on the internet, the language model is not a therapist.
However it's strange you took the social ritual off therapy just to get a language model to parrot manuals. Not my problem, anyway.
>It also has better understanding
Computers have no understanding on a human sense. It just parrots sources that in this case are good.

>> No.23059588

Fat women remind me of my mother.
Associating things with my mother has ruined a lot of things for me. This include shigh pitched voices.
Not that I would be into fat women any way.

>> No.23059623

Here's my suspenseful short story:
There's a strong possibility of an event occurring that one would seek to avoid. Said event occurring seems increasingly likely based on the evolving situation. A previously introduced random element is reintroduced in a clever way that resolves the danger in a way the reader feels ownership of due to participating in the setup and being invested in the previously introduced random element. The End.

>> No.23059624

Get a wife and engage in sex.

>> No.23059693

what gets me is that the first part of your answer has truth in it. right now i made it through the night, i feel no urge anymore, and it's very easy for me to say "yeah of course nofap is easy now, great"

but like you said, there are times where i just dont know. can someone at peak starvation continue to deny themselves food? they are human, they experience hunger, that's what their body does. i know it's also probably very easy for someone to retort "no you don't get it, evidently you lack sufficient faith as you keep wanting to do it :^)" and there's truth in that, but its just not helpful or practical in the slightest. someone overweight says they have a problem with food, the response is "eat less." yes, true. they would agree with you while they have a full stomach. but when they are hungry, the story changes. "so you just dont want to lose weight bad enough" okay, that has truth in it, but its just not that helpful. i really do want to stop anon, but my problem i guess a very specific time period of my day when in at my most vulnerable trying to sleep. maybe the trick is to focus on this then, and sleep asap. but then i dont wanna get hooked on sleeping pills. lesser of evils i suppose...

i'll check it out, appreciate it brother

i think it can be depending on how you exactly do it, but it wasnt like that. more suppression than any stimulation. bad times

hopefully someday

>> No.23059786
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The clouds shift, and they block out the sun. But I know that the sun is still there. I think that makes the darkness okay.

>> No.23059800

>masturbation is healthy
It's not though?

>> No.23059802

I went out my way to visit my sister last night, family has been fragmented for over 10 years thanks to my father's crimes and I found myself bar hopping with her, her friends and two more of my half-siblings. I handle my booze far better than I thought and actually managed to override my autism. I am glowing with pride, so glad to be over that pathological weed-cope. Funny how motivated one can get to change things when one realize that being a petulant manchild is fueled by the Oedipus complex myth festering unconsciously. Shit is looking up.

>> No.23059813

>actually managed to override my autism. I am glowing with pride
Oh fuck you.
But really, good job though. I'm just a bit jealous.

>> No.23059974
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Uggos will never understand a pain of extremely handsome person that is too much of a sperg to talk with other women

>> No.23060093


>> No.23060129

It has its limit, though, unless it takes you to yours first. People have denied themselves food at peak starvation. Exceptionally rare, but they have. That's all you need to know. It can be done, but it's exactly as hard as you imagine it is.

>> No.23060278

this was great, appreciate you posting this anon. it really is true, you gotta run away from evil, and run towards the Lord. you also can't win the battle if you try to do it alone, you will lose almost every time. that's why Christ is the savior, not you. love it. amen.

>> No.23060571

You think it's equivalent to food, and you'd enable an overeater. You don't intend to stop, you intend to portray yourself as a victim of your own actions. It's also worth noting you're the one deciding masturbation is a reportable sin: it's like someone who has a moral crisis over fast fashion confessing to their priest they bought more sneakers, it's only something they've reported because they have personally selected it as sin.
You're using your priest for your shame kink, and that's an abuse of others but you're only bothered by you facing the consequences of your actions.
Stop confessing it until you actually stop.

>> No.23061349

Oh YEAH? Well my teenage years were sad amd lonely BEFORE COVID. I was actually more socially active in the covid years than I was in my teenage years