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File: 162 KB, 262x381, Silmarillion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23052377 No.23052377 [Reply] [Original]

It's basically my first ever book I'll read (bar the ones I've read for school). I'm a huge LOTR fan (movies), and I really fucking hope I'll like it and that basically anyone else is just a midwit IQ pleb.

>> No.23052451

Read The Hobbit instead. No, the movies are not a good representation of the book, they are a better representation of Warner Brother's greed.

>> No.23052456

It makes a million times more sense to start with LOTR or with the Hobbit. Silmarillion is the book you read after you finished the books and you just can't get enough of it. Its not a starter book.

>> No.23052460


>> No.23052462

I liked the Hobbit movies.

>> No.23052477

The silmarillion is not a novel retard, its more of a reference book, you will be massively disappointed if you approach it from that perspective and expect tolkien to be expository about a dozen different stories that take place over a span of thousands of years. Do what you are told and read lotr first.

>> No.23052493

Because you haven't read the Hobbit. For the LOTR movies, they did a 3 hour movie for each 400 pages book, so 1200 pages = 9 hours. Now, with The Hobbit, they made 3 movies of 3 hours each for a 150 pages book. So 150 pages = 9 hours. See how it doesn't makes any sense? The movies are full of filler that completely ruins the pace.

>> No.23052502

Shut the fuck up cunt

>> No.23052505

for a 250 pages book*

>> No.23052509

He's right though no need to sperg out about it.

>> No.23052510

the hobbit is the only example i can think of audiobooks that are shorter than the movies

>> No.23052520

Cunt is the name of your mother's left nipple, you were sucking on it yesterday weren't you faggot?

>> No.23052598

These guys get it.
OP, the Silmarillion stretches thousands of years, but your brain doesn't. I don't mean this in a snarky way, it's just that the Silmarillion reads more like the Old Testament. Hell, if you love the movies you might even be bored to death by LotR. Either way, it's not like you need the background knowledge of Silmarillion to enjoy the other books.

>> No.23052632

op that book is just a long list of names

>> No.23053565

who the hell hates the Silmarillion?

>> No.23053629

I don't hate it but it isn't very good, it was unfinished pieces that Tolkien never wanted published that were kludged together by the estate after his death as a cash in opportunity. It's got a lot of great ideas and pieces of stories that are amazing, in a sense it's his life's work, but it's not close to a finished work like the Hobbit or LOTR, so it just isn't satisfying in the same way

>> No.23053639

It takes a while to get into
Just keep on going
Once you get to Fëanor the Silmarillion becomes amazing

>> No.23053879

I really liked it, I love history and it's basically like a mythology history book, idk maybe I have autism

>> No.23053895

The true goat of Tolkien is children of Hurin.

I recommend:
Children of Hurin
Beren and Luthien
Fall of Gondolin

>> No.23053906

It's an incredible masterpiece OP. I would recommend reading the Hobbit and LoTR first, but definitely read the Silmarillion.

>> No.23053919

>Once you get to Fëanor
What was his fucking problem?

>> No.23053920

I really enjoyed it

>> No.23054446

Silmarillion spans a very long time, OP. It's not a story like the Hobbit is a story. It's a historical record in the fashion of the old sagas.

>> No.23054455

Didn't Melkor have something to do with that? It's been so long.

>> No.23054457

Which is not out of place for what the book is. I and II Book of Kings in the Old Testament is mostly a long list of names, too.

>> No.23054458

this, as with all tolkein, is meant to be consumed via audiobook

>> No.23054474

He was a maniac from literally the day he was born, like, his mom was so worn out just by giving birth to him that she went to take a nap and instead of sleeping she DIED

>> No.23054691

Normal people don't read the index for fun.

>> No.23054736
File: 35 KB, 610x755, IMG_3708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s everybody’s thoughts here on Dildo Faggins?

>> No.23054740

you gotta read lotr first and be prepared for a style shift otherwise you'll get filtered

>> No.23054745

>its more of a reference book

t. didn't actually read the book

>> No.23054775

I think Feanor was eru's spark in reining in melkor, just like gollum getting the ring destroyed. He was the only elf who saw the Valar's weaknesses and called them out on it and what did they do, they admonish him and banish his people instead of helping him fight melkor, it takes wanton death, caused by feanor's actions, because he eventually understood what it would take to defeat morgoth, to force the valar to intervene.

>> No.23054961
File: 84 KB, 750x711, 1707172406420906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like boring things? Prepare for some truly boring. Here's a dead guy's notes he never meant for anyone to see about a book that was already pretty boring. Oh look and it's in a language he just made up. Set to meter. For singing.

>> No.23055157

you do realise that iq is not the only indicator of intelligence?

>> No.23055167

Made up Anglo-cope mythology is boring

>> No.23055169

what book are you talking about?
I'd like to read it

>> No.23055215

I fucking cackled

>> No.23056345

The Iliad. Start with the greeks anon.

>> No.23056823

You do know Tolkien wanted to publish The Silmarillion together with The Lord of the Rings, right?

>> No.23057112

>Why is Silmarillion so hated?
because people think it's a book with story and a main character, when in reality it's just a hodge podge of various world building efforts by Tolkien.

>> No.23057124

Huh? Nobody hates it. It also mogs the trilogy hard

>> No.23057130
File: 3.53 MB, 3000x1688, 1604869963099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Silmarillion/Unfinished Tales are the only Tolkien books I can stand. I've read the Silmarillion twice through but have never been able to get through the opening bits of either The Hobbit or LOTR. I find the imagery of the Years of the Lamps and Years of the Trees and the arcing tragedy of Beleriand inescapable and haunting, but I don't really care that much about the chronologically later stories except as framing devices for exemplifying how forgotten the earliest age are