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23049083 No.23049083 [Reply] [Original]

panini edition
prev >>23045268

>> No.23049089

thread music

>> No.23049090

I always hear that there's "so much suffering" but this is false. In fact, there's not enough suffering in the world. People must suffer more, much more, so I can be entertained.

>> No.23049116

>>lift what's on your mind

>> No.23049123

I despise coomers. Such low quality trash they spam on every board. Then they cry when you insult their stupid tranime fetish slop

>> No.23049141

i still miss him :(

>> No.23049144

>People don't want unconditional affection
They do, grow up. Among other things, that AI can also provide better than most humans
>There are a lot of "loner types" now, but as you can see from any wwoym thread, people feel bad about it
AI companions are already solving that. Humans remain literally alone, but don't feel loners. Imagine this with physical presence
>they crave relationships even if they can't navigate them.
Well now they can, with zero effort
>Even the dimmest moron would know that his AI wife is just programmed to like him, there's nothing actually there to validate him as a person
This sounds good in your head but our ape brain cannot tell the difference and we already see this with pretty basic and underdeveloped texting AI
>The relationship you describe is a mommy you get to fuck. She cooks, she wipes your ass, loves you and thinks you're special, and then you've got sex.
With none of the downsides of a woman, from bitching about her broken nail to wanting to be taken out to being in a bad mood in general (and thus ruining my day too)
>You probably think you're a really advanced guy, you see through the illusion etc, but if that's what you want then you're just an adult toddler.
Toddler? I'm a monkey like all humans. We are literally animals, classified in the primate subgroup as great apes. What we want is extremely simple and now extremely easy to provide. Your thoughts are the result of neuroticism and trying to escape this simple truth. Humans aren't special or advanced and we can be fulfilled by literal 0s and 1s. 0s and 1s can do almost anything better than a human can.
Automation has already transformed society as we knew it in let's say 1600s, from 90000000000000000000 bc to 1600 ad. It's happening again even more rapidly because now most service jobs will get automated and most human needs that require human interaction will also be satisfied. You're here thinking that because someone will know a sweetener is artificial, he won't feel it's sweet when he eats it. You will be among the first to go and I will take great pleasure in your suffering (no reason, I just like that).

>> No.23049154

i want robo wife because I want to own a slave. I can literally beat the shit out of her daily and rape her unconscious and at night she'll make me warm milk and cookies and give me a french kiss saying her day was great because of me

>> No.23049181

Ironic that the masturbating, shitflinging ape is telling others to grow up. Something that primates also need is a social life

>but we can get that now with AI
Keep telling yourself that. If you go to subreddits related to these chatbot and "relationship" AIs it's 90% people complaining about how they aren't good enough. And even if they improve and work seamlessly in the near future, there is one's own self-perception to consider. You mean to tell me you wouldn't like a friendless loser if all you did was talk to chatbots?

>You're here thinking that because someone will know a sweetener is artificial, he won't feel it's sweet when he eats it
It tastes sweet but it doesn't have any calories. There is nothing nourishing about it.

>> No.23049200

I haven't jerked of in like 8 years, I literally don't need to lmao
>Something that primates also need is a social life
They don't actually. Incel monkeys do it sometimes though
>Keep telling yourself that
There isn't telling myself anything, this is already reality and you are in deep denial. As you said the only "problem" here is that some people are not satisfied by it. This literally exists for a year or less
>And even if they improve and work seamlessly in the near future, there is one's own self-perception to consider. You mean to tell me you wouldn't like a friendless loser if all you did was talk to chatbots?
Already rendered null by tiktok being normalized, goddamn it woman try to keep up with the times. Zoomers don't give a fuck and a good AI would just tell you that everything's fine with you
>It tastes sweet but it doesn't have any calories. There is nothing nourishing about it.
Good thing that human interaction can be replicated without requiring a real human and some even get it from their pets. You have thus reduced all your arguments to this, which is now rendered null and I win
Congratulate me (I won)

>> No.23049202

>Congratulate me (I won)
Current level of /lit/ discourse

>> No.23049224

If I said that to a sexbot she would crawl on all fours and worship me, which is why any kind of AI with physical form will replace humans.

>> No.23049235

Imagine if you had always gotten your way as a child, would you be better off for it?

>> No.23049240

I pretty much always got my way as a child, which is why I can not be retarded and invest in AI technologies now since I don't use technology that much (I don't even have wifi on my laptop).
Getting browbeaten as a child just makes you a cuck.

>> No.23049242
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i want robo wife because I want to own a slave. I can literally beat the shit out of her daily and rape her unconscious and at night she'll make me warm milk and cookies and give me a french kiss saying her day was great because of me

>> No.23049250

no i mean that when the world ends, the hikkis will finally leave their rooms. and with their intimate esoteric knowledge, they'll thrive unlike normalfag scum.

>> No.23049255

hikkis/incels are disappointed normalfags tho
all they want is le gf and le stable life

>> No.23049270

I'm Proto-Indo-European.

>> No.23049275

You will never be proto-Indo-European

>> No.23049278

god imaging just raping senseless a 19 year old redhead with big tits as she cries and grimaces in pain but she won't press charges and she will ask you to rape her again the next day becaues she's an ai programmed to be your slave VGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH how can womeme compete

>> No.23049297

And you call women shallow.

>> No.23049300

All good looking people are shallow therefore being shallow is good
The problem with women is that they're not as shallow as they should be and thus end up retarded

>> No.23049309

The purpose of women is to work 24/7 to pay taxes because I don't.

>> No.23049317

---- Solaria ----
Organized Experience

Neither will nor fortune can tell
The difference between squalor and splendor

And while oblique as the sum can be
I've had enough of ecstasy

To know that nice things come in ways
Too strange for all accounting.


>> No.23049328

Are you embarrassed of your parents? If so, why? If no, what do you think of people who are?

>> No.23049334

What are American engagement parties like? Like what happens if two families come together at one house, how does it go? What traditions do they do? Nothing?

>> No.23049335

Reading biographies of early 20th century people makes me realize just what a historical anomaly the post-war era and especially 21st century is. Many of them grew up in places that were basically small agricultural communities where children were everywhere and there were no highways or fast food signs at all. They still had social ranks for clergy, civil servants, etc. Modern America looks so bizarre in comparison. There’s nowhere in the country like this. I think Americans don’t actually know what a real countryside or traditional community is like at all…

>> No.23049336

I don't know what an engagement party is.

>> No.23049343

women compete about who has the highest bodycount with chads and men just grill

>> No.23049346
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>Already rendered null by tiktok being normalized, goddamn it woman try to keep up with the times. Zoomers don't give a fuck and a good AI would just tell you that everything's fine with you
overusing social media definitely isn't a coping mechanism for being socially inept irl, that's why everyone on here is a gigastud... right?

>> No.23049351

they just engage I guess

>> No.23049360
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A.I. is a mirror that reflects the intentions and desires of the user, having none of its own.

Many are going to use this mirror to reinforce their own biases and delusions, and get together with other cybernetically-enhanced idiots to create circle-jerks from hell: super-cults.

A small few will use it to expand the powers of their imagination to incredible levels. These people will necessarily have highly disciplined self-awareness, which means they will be philosophically minded (which means to be scientifically and imaginatively minded.) Experience with erotic roleplay will also be invaluable.

>> No.23049361

That's literally what I'm referring to, people cope with being loners by finding something that makes them feel less alone. It doesn't work that well with tiktok but it's completely normalized. Now compare this with something that looks and talks like a human and the brain sees it as an actual human
I'm not even arguing about mental issues because these aren't a prerequisite for our monkey brain to be satisfied in other departments. Not to mention that most of the negative aspects of smartphone addiction will be gone since interaction will be physical.
You're literally agreeing with me. You thought you were smart? People laugh behind your back.

>> No.23049363

Yes, they think they are above the common rabble but they engage in no intellectual activities and despite both of them having year long professional careers they don't actually have any knowledge about their fields or anything to discuss, they basically sit around and scroll their phones and watch tv, the definition of mindless consoomer boomers who got brought up by the system.

>> No.23049365

Hanging out on this website was probably the worst decision in my life. It made me hate then lose interest in women, it made me think of things I'd never have imagined or seen in real life and it made me lucid about the wrong things. I can't go back to being normal because all I can see around me is the constant confirmation that 4chan was right. Yes, some of you niggers were right. How come a bunch of fucking no-life losers can see society as it truly is? It's like the beggar's wisdom trope in story books, except that fucking beggar is a 4chan coomer and he's right and predicted everything right. Only on this website can someone give life-changing advice and say you're a bit of a nigger at the same time. Some of this shit stuck and even warped my sense of humour. I almost called a colleague a cuck this morning because his wife cheated on him and I saw it coming. Fucking hell.

>> No.23049366

You're literally speaking about your own experience and projecting it onto others, because you can't imagine what is outside of your own experience. Sad!

>> No.23049368

>philosophically minded
>scientifically and imaginatively minded
One of these is not like the other two kek

>> No.23049369

I don’t think we even have engagement parties. There’s a wedding rehearsal dinner, which sometimes is followed by a party, and the bride and groom individually have their bachelor and bachelorette parties, both are optional. I’ve never been to or even heard of engagement party.

>> No.23049371

Punching the air won't magically transform your agreement with me into an argument against me. I literally don't have wifi on my laptop on phone and don't use social. I opened fb like 12 years ago and haven't logged in since 2019. I expect to make big money when all the people I'm describing latch onto AI for dear life and they are already doing it, I don't get what your point is. Maybe I'll have to invest in cats as well with so many single women on the horizon lmao (but it'll probably be pharma)

>> No.23049383

How do they think they’re above the rabble exactly? What are their careers by the way and why is all this embarrassing? I could see how that’s a bit frustrating sure but not embarrassing. I have something of an opposite impression of my parents.

>> No.23049384
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>The true method of discovery is like the flight of an aeroplane. It starts from the ground of particular observation; it makes a flight in the thin air of imaginative generalization; and it again lands for renewed observation rendered acute by rational interpretation.




>Of course, Wordsworth is a poet writing a poem, and is not concerned with dry philosophical statements. But it would hardly be possible to express more clearly a feeling for nature, as exhibiting entwined prehensive unities, each suffused with modal presences of others:
>‘Ye Presences of Nature in the sky
>And on the earth! Ye Visions of the hills!
>And Souls of lonely places! can I think
>A vulgar hope was yours when ye employed
>Such ministry, when ye through many a year
>Haunting me thus among my boyish sports,
>On caves and trees, upon the woods and hills,
>Impressed upon all forms the characters
>Of danger or desire; and thus did make
>The surface of the universal earth,
>With triumph and delight, with hope and fear,
>Work like a sea? . . .’
>In thus citing Wordsworth, the point which I wish to make is that we forget how strained and paradoxical is the view of nature which modern science imposes on our thoughts. Wordsworth, to the height of genius, expresses the concrete facts of our apprehension, facts which are distorted in the scientific analysis. Is it not possible that the standardised concepts of science are only valid within narrow limitations, perhaps too narrow for science itself?
>- Alfred North Whitehead, Science and the Modern World

>> No.23049398

>Look at how I chase money.

>> No.23049402

My dad was a 1% high-earning STEMfag who had embarrassing taste in art, if not music, but who in other ways was amazingly capable, and charming among colleagues. In some ways he was pretty weird, and very unlike me, but we always had a certain rapport, and dished at great length in cars. He had almost no sense of visual art, but was the most magnificent sleuth I've ever known, and not only that, trusted me unconditionally.

>> No.23049404

>Look at how I profit off the suffering of others*

>> No.23049426

This. We're brainwashed to think of money as just "stuff," an inert substance, when it is the labor and lives of others.

>> No.23049434

I'm not embarrassed. They've had 2 kids before me, and lost interest. They still try sometimes to reach out but I have a schizoid personality disorder and don't like small or emotional talk. I'm not proud nor embarrassed of them. They're proper adults. They're not experts on anything (except my father, who is great at selling stuff and has expert-level conversation skills). I love them I guess, but from afar.

>> No.23049444

Why would you be embarrassed for the lives and choices of others? That's some sort of codependent insanity where your identity is all tangled up in another's.

>> No.23049449

Was? Did he pass? Sounds like an interesting guy. Embarrassing taste only rarely makes for an embossing person.

I think of you’re not embarrassed you should try to get closer with them. If you ever have kids it would be good for your parents to be in their lives, and good for you for them to be in your life too.

>> No.23049460

Sounds like individualist cope. You don’t choose your parents, and obviously you’re associated with them and they with you. No one will ever consider you as a solitary unit entirely. Everyone is who they are in part due to how others around them are, especially parents.

>> No.23049461


>> No.23049467

Correct me if i I am wrong. Buddhism teaches that attachment to music is bad, and seeks to walk away from the music player forever. Christianity teaches that it's never too late to change whatever bad music you're playing, and to replace it with good music instead, and then to rejoice with good music forever. Is this accurate so far?

>> No.23049476

Whats the best way inform a girl she smelly?

Qt girl I work with gets smelly when it's hot. The other day she asked if she smelled cos she was in a rush and didn't get to shower. I approached her and laughed and said "yeah I can smell something" and she took it well like "oh no" and got some shared perfume sprays from the women's room. But then was smelly throughout the day after a bit due to heat. it's a regular thing where when it gets hot or we get more active and she sweats and she has body odour which is pretty overwhelming and can be smelt from within 1.5m distance to her

Even other coworkers have pointed it out. Whats the best way to approach this without embarrassing her or anything? I think she appreciated me being honest when I admitted she smelled after she admitted to not getting to shower that morning lol.

Also I didn't realise girls body odoured like that besides indians (she's middle eastern and normally they're doused in perfumes and smell nice)

Another thing. Is the fact I find her smelly mean our pheromones don't match and that if I were to ask her out we won't be compatible?

>> No.23049484
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Buddhism tells you that no music is good
Christianity tells you that good music is bad and bad music is good

>> No.23049488

>Bitch you stink. Go get a shower
And call her Stinky from now on
Or tell her her pussy smells (true)

>> No.23049489

> Everyone is who they are in part due to how others around them are, especially parents.
True but you can choose what and how things influence you, as well as seek different influences.
Shame is the feeling that you have done something wrong. You ultimately aren't responsible for the actions of your parents. It seems like someone who does was taught to feel shame for the actions of others.

>> No.23049494

Basically the only thing they can talk about at length is how stupid the average person is and how much smarter they think they are. They are both retired but one worked in software management and the other worked in medicine but when they occasionally talk about these subjects they don't actually seem to know anything and just kind of extrapolate from stuff they saw in the news, which when I grew up ended up being a major black pill about boomers and meritocracy. When I visit them and we drive somewhere for example they make a comment on the appearance and mannerisms of every single person we pass. It's embarrassing to watch them think so highly of themselves just because they are upper middle class even though they have no actual skills or talents to distinguish themselves.

>> No.23049500
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Process-relationalism tells us that we are music.

>> No.23049503

>Whats the best way to approach this without embarrassing her or anything?
Go talk to her when she's alone and tell her you noticed she smelled a bit. Tell her it's no biggie but that it can be noticed, and maybe bring some women's deodorant with you if that's a deodorant thing.
>Also I didn't realise girls body odoured like that besides indians (she's middle eastern and normally they're doused in perfumes and smell nice)
Clearly, you've never smelled a woman's underwear after a sports session. They can smell awful. Fat people who don't wash also smell bad all the time.

>Another thing. Is the fact I find her smelly mean our pheromones don't match and that if I were to ask her out we won't be compatible?
I don't date people I don't like the smell of so I can't help you there. Maybe you'll get used to it, but if she's middle-eastern she most likely isn't going to date you due to her religon.

>> No.23049515

why do people post their fetish smut here

>> No.23049517


Same. Of all the lolcows on the internets why did god take this one?

>> No.23049526

you cant just put all that shit in your body without it coming back to haunt you, even if you are a funny likeable meme

>> No.23049527

>be me, 2020
>get hot gf
>loads of sex, no need for porn
>gf gets injury
>we stop having sex for nearly 3 years
>start watching porn again in this time
>for some reason only cuck porn get me off
>now 2024
>broke up with gf
>try to watch porn again
>cuck porn no longer gets me hard
someone explain wtf is happening

>> No.23049532

your brain linked up your gf with your cuck porn addiction. the same thing happened to me with asian porn after breaking up with my asian gf. shit sucks

>> No.23049542

Was it also cuz my brain felt like cuck porn was a way of taking control over my gf and I not having sex (which irl was due to her injury)?

>> No.23049545

*Some of the conversations we had, with me behind the wheel, were kind of unbelievable. I both loved and respected him, and he did me. Sometimes he was an absolute riot, and when I was in middle-school a most intimidating and litigious figure in face of bullies. I fucking loved my father, as I have no one else.

>> No.23049547
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Abrahamic shame prohibited you from engaging in a free and healthy exploration of sexual imagination.
That Abrahamic shame is precisely what drove you to cuck porn: it eroticizes the shame of the ultimate sexual humiliation.

>> No.23049548

Did you suspect on some level that the injury was being exaggerated or extended because she just didn't want to have sex? That seems like a possible scenario

>> No.23049549

I know someone like that. Same situation. Doesn’t read. Isn’t particularly critical. But he’s smart enough to sort of abstract out to certain conclusions from news and I guess Wikipedia. I guess they’re American? To be fair, America is filled with very dumb people who also present as slobs without etiquette. So it might be annoying but are they even wrong? It’s dumb to place etiquette and presentation at the center as the primary thing but that’s a very bourgeois thing to do so a lot of people do it. You see these people in literature and art circles. It’s all about presenting a certain way and name dropping or adopting certain stances that are given them, never about genuine or authentic contribution. It’s all etiquette without substance. I don’t really see how this is embarrassing though. Presumably, this is all behind closed doors.

>> No.23049558

Not entirely. You can’t. Even if you managed to somehow recondition your tendencies inherited from being raised by your parents, you’d always be considered as somehow a product from them. If you ever made something of your life, the first thing your Wikipedia would say is who your parents were and what they did in life.

>> No.23049565

Why shouldn’t I want a slave?

>> No.23049572

I ain't from an abrahamic culture bud

So she had injury to her hip and thigh which made it impossible for us to have sex without terrible pain for her. This was for the first year. Then even after the doc said it was all good, she was still unable/unwilling/un whatever to have sex. So if she had wom mental trauma that didn't allow her to be intimate with me then fine. But maybe my brain began to fantasize cuck porn scenarios which allowed me to take control over us not having sex? Is that a thing?

>> No.23049583

Yes they are American. I don't how to really explain the embarrassment it, they don't have any friends or talk to their extended family, there just sitting in a big house assuring themselves its all fine. Its like watching these two people who basically dont even exist and are just blindly sitting around waiting to die. You'd hope that you grow up and there'd be more of your parents waiting for you than that.

>> No.23049598

My father died in 1989. I am 61. I could never quite convert him to baroque, but he did enjoy Elliot Carter and even some rather minimalist techno.

>> No.23049613

>Year 7 of being an anti social contrarian
> Have decided to be a Melbranche style occasionalist

>> No.23049615

I was describing personal shame of one's parents.
What you are now describing is public shame: what other people think of your parents (and therefore yourself.) This is another mental illness that is called "over-socialization," where your identity is derived from how strangers think of you. This is to be an eternal entertainer, to define one's self by the approval of some audience. Our individualistic culture heavily promotes this, as the goal of individualistic culture is the manipulation of other people for your benefit. You have less commodified popularity points.
True healthy self-image is derived from the love you give the world, from what is involved with your most important and meaningful relationships and how you nourish them. The past isn't the only ingredient of your causality: your future-directed intention is as well, and its causal strength improves over time as its effectiveness is translated into cumulative past fact.

>> No.23049626

>I ain't from an abrahamic culture bud
Doesn't matter, the entire world has become crypto-Abrahamic under corporate puritanism.

>> No.23049631

Damn boomer, tf you doing here

Anyway. So that you live forever in our minds, tell us 3 of your fav books and 1 of your favorite moments from your life

>> No.23049637

Okay sure buddy but just explain to me why my brain wanted cuck porn when my ex couldn't have sex with me and why it no longer wants cuck porn now that I'm single

>> No.23049641

>he fell for the 60 yr old 4channer larp

>> No.23049645

Because the erotic fantasy of cuckoldry became an emotionally painful reality (you "got cucked" in that your relationship ended) tainting the fantasy with the memory of that emotional pain.

>> No.23049652

Yeah. I still don’t think I’d call that embarrassing exactly but it sound somehow disappointing like it would be disappointing to be embarassed of them, which sucks.

>> No.23049655

Nah I don't think so, i think it's more to do with how little control I had over sexual fulfillment from her during our relationship. Now that I'm free to sow my oats, perhaps my mind just doesn't feel any "pleasureful escape" in the cuck/hotwife fantasy

>> No.23049664

These threads have become too conversational. Go outside or make a gay discord chat if you want to talk to people. It's write what's on YOUR mind not what you think of others

>> No.23049669

Suck my wiggly dick

>> No.23049678

Suck his wiggly dick

>> No.23049687

I think they want you to suck his wiggly dick.

>> No.23049694

I said imma get high and jerk off to trannies. She replied " sir this is a Denny's". I say gimme that white syrup, heap it on plenty. She say we don't got that, we got "choose 3 for 20".

>> No.23049717

I love wiggly

>> No.23049728

Goethe's Faust Pt. 2, H. G. Wells The Time Machine, Plato's Symposium. One of the favorite moments from my life was while neglecting a chess game on my roof with my friend Bryan, as a total lunar eclipse reached its dim orange peak almost exactly to the south, in tranquil midsummer night sky. He moved to Estes Park in 1991, and died of lung cancer in 2011.

>> No.23049762

How does it feel to lose those loved ones who brought so much love and meaning to your life?

>> No.23049793

I am entitled to having rape slaves

>> No.23049817
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Its genuinely embarrassing just how wide the gap is between by aspirations and my actions. I do work towards my goals but only at about 10% the intensity and frequency that would be required to actually achieve them.

>> No.23049833

Guarded. I'm less carefree than before. Both of my parents are dead, my eldest sister long gone to schizophrenia, my next oldest sister dead by suicide in luxurious circumstances. Her death troubles me the most, since we were we were very close, even in terms of birth, separated by about 18 months, and and had a lot of good times together in our teens and twenties. There's something kind of frightening about how the genetic lottery operates, how arbitrary it is when distributing joy and despair. I'm a good-natured survivor for the most part, but no where near as free to be as I used to be.

>> No.23049841

Wow, thanks for sharing. Glad you're dispensing some elder wisdom here from time to time.

>> No.23049846

Hollywood perception of geniuses makes it hard to appreciate working slowly on something just to be okay at it since everyone is supposed to be some kind of tony stark genius innovating alone for 12 hrs a day
>luxurious circumstances
What does this mean?

>> No.23049857

She had assets of about 2M, and lived in a wealthy suburb,

>> No.23049861

Man, I can relate. I think part of my problem is that my goals are either not very concrete or else I just feel that my attempts would be futile.

>> No.23049867

Damn that makes me very curious, but I dont want to pry if thats sensitive for you

>> No.23049927

"Okay?" She repeats, her voice hoarse and thick. "You're okay with that?" She steps closer, her eyes tearing into his. "I knew you didn't care." Her words are like daggers, each one cutting deeper and deeper into his heart. "You're just going to let it all go, just like that?" She takes a shaky breath, fighting back the tears that threaten to betray her emotions. "You know, I didn't really love you either." She says, hoping her cold voice inflicts the same pain she feels. "Just give me a minute," she mutters, as she makes her way over to a dresser, stalling, desperately hoping to hear his voice say, "Wait— please don't leave me."

Alex's body grows cold as he glances at her. He feels his eyes wetting as he too turns away, unable to confront her. She has sunken her claws into him, burned him, scourged him with her words, but he feels nothing save his longing. Why can't they just let go? He hides his love, his sadness, unsure if she really means it, and chokes back his desperate desire to break through this impasse. "She won't break break me." he thinks.

Minutes pass, and the silence between them feels like an eternity. Jenny can feel the ache in her chest growing more and more unbearable, her thoughts spiraling out of control. She wants to turn around, to face him, to tell him that she's sorry, that she wants to make things better, that she'll never stop loving him no matter what. But she can't seem to find the strength to move.

Alex looks up at her turned back. He desires so desperately to fall at her feet and beg her forgiveness. He wants her to smile again— to let her know that the only thing he wants in life is to see her happy face lighting up his blackened world. Does she really hate him? Would she use that moment of weakness, that single moment of vulnerability to break him into a million pieces? He takes a deep, shaky breath as he wipes the emotion from his face. "I'll leave you alone. Good bye."

She turns to face him, her own desperate, longing emotions strangled deep within her burning chest.

>> No.23049949

She started out with about 200K in a corporate trust, and married a guy who's good in his industry, and real-estate. He's really a sweet-heart, if rather more fond of loud home theatre than the rest of us. There's an episode of Behind Mansion Walls that takes place a few blocks from the two houses he still owns.

>> No.23049952

People who you want to become your rape slaves are entitled to destroy you.
>Wait, it isn't supposed to go both ways!

>> No.23049954

I’m ENRAGED. Just found out my final project partner (we graduated last year) literally plagiarized my entire portfolio piece about our project. He just lifted word for word all the sections, paras, images, citations, everything. Plus I did nearly all the heavylifting for the actual project too. Stupid fucking cunt nigger. I hope he gets stabbed in the street and has a homeless piss in his mouth and rape his bussy.

>> No.23049960
File: 159 KB, 507x850, GFYndgPaYAAdDBU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I dreamed about fucking a minor trans girl eceleb I've seen online a couple of times. Not gay or even a fan of this person they just entered into my dream. Instead of fucking his asshole though he had his weird mechanical appendage attached to his back with like different sized rubbery holes and you could pick the one that would fit your dick the best. I remember thinking I was fucking his organs because I had inserted my penis essentially into his back. Anyway the fucking didnt feel good in the slightest.

>> No.23049961

Not just "entitled," they MUST destroy the one trying to enslave and rape them.
Because they are trying to enslave and rape them, duh.
I can't believe this actually has to be explained.

>> No.23049983

Life doesn't owe you anything; suffering comes in many forms; nobody will ever love you as much as your mother. She didn't like me much. My point still stands.

>> No.23049996

How do you deal with the fact that your loved ones had things they wanted to do before passing that you couldn't help them get?

My grandfather died a few months ago, and he was a huge movie fan. One day he asked me to put on a movie on the TV but I forgot to do so even tho he told me he had been wanting to watch this movie for months and was eagerly waiting for it to come to streaming. He didn't watch the movie that day. Late that night he fell extremely sick and went to the hospital. After a horrible week in the ICU, he passed away. He never got to watch the movie he wanted to watch because of my failure. I think of that every single night before bed and it causes me tremendous pain. What do I do?

>> No.23050013

No, it’s that women are too weak to resist and are submissive. Do you actually think they could? Lol

>> No.23050044

hiked 17 miles yesterday, largely up steep inclines, all without issue. today i ate a little too much and smoked a couple cigs and now i'm winded going up the stairs.

>> No.23050079

Maybe you’re just fatigued

>> No.23050089

I'm working for a class project involving 10 people. Of these 10 people about 4 are slacking, 1 is retarded and stubborn, 1 is OK but still following the retard even when it doesn't make sense because they're friends, 1 is doing 50% of the work, 1 is saying nothing and does a shit job, 1 is trying and does a good job, and there's me who is friends with the 50%er and do whatever I'm told to do.

2 of the 4 slackers think they're doing a good job and the remaining 2 are well aware, they just don't care. The 50%er is about to do a burnout because he's carrying the whole group and no one cares. Meanwhile I just get to watch things burn and only have to step up whenever the retard is proposing something too retarded. The project leader is a slacker that thinks he's doing a great job. He was chosen because everyone initially liked him and now after months of working together everyone criticizes him in his back. It's my final college year and I'm glad I won't stick around long enough to work with these idiots anymore. The funny thing is that they're probably thinking the same. That's group cohesion for you!

>> No.23050102

Is this a play? I never had a group larger than 5 in college and even that was only twice

>> No.23050138

Yeah thought the same thing, 10 people on a class project is just asking for trouble. Almost sounds like they wanted to grade less assignments lmao

>> No.23050155

I like some trans girls too but in a straight way

>> No.23050169

>Is this a play?
Nope. A big tech private company gave us an old and outdated project of theirs to complete using our tools.
>I never had a group larger than 5 in college and even that was only twice
Lucky you. How did it go?
I'm more-or-less thinking the same, but who knows really. They have told us that they've been handing out this format of assignment for ten years. What fucks me up the most is that some people think they're doing a great job and are self-congratulating although they are a fucking disaster. Not even half the promotion is good enough for actual professional work lol.

>> No.23050182

>actual professional work
lmao just you wait buddy

>> No.23050223

My paternal grandfather was in WWI. In a picture my youngest sister, the archivist of the family has, he looks rather glum and kind of small somewhere on the coast of France beside a friend of his. He lived to 98, was a really mellow dude, and worked as bookeeper for a company that manufactured diesel locomotives. (My dad was born in 1929, and had juvenile diabetes. He was nevertheless a tough little guy, and pretty good at baseball.) I even have a recording of him from the early 70s, where he mentions a stamp that says Loooove on it, in his slightly Southern accent. His wife, maestro of many Thanksgivings and Christmases, died an agonizing death of liver cancer in 1988. My fondest memory of him is when he came to visit us then, just after that. He was kind of out of it, but sweet as ever, and we chatted under a big shade tree. Years later I attended his wake and funeral, and noticed how much my big fat cousin who saw him to the end was torn up by it. I think he wanted more life just like I do, nothing more, but wasn't so willing to let go.

>> No.23050273
File: 166 KB, 800x602, 800px-Edvard_Munch_-_Separation_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BPD mood

>> No.23050318

It's kind of strange, the way some people make sex sound like it's a chess duel. You would think after hundreds of thousands of years it would be a matter of pure instinct, like breathing, walking, or language if one were to compare it to something more complex. People unironically probably had the best, most mutually satisfying sex when nobody gave a single fuck about the clitoris or whether the woman cums at all. Over-intellectualizing the fundamentally irrational never turns out well.

>> No.23050331

Think about the purpose of sex and it will make sense

>> No.23050359

I just keep finding reasons to stop myself, over and over.

>> No.23050370

There is no possible way to make this not sound fucked up and disgusting but here goes.
I'm a male pervert. Like an hour ago I was experimenting with butt stuff. I only just started doing it and this was like my 4th or 5th time trying this specific thing. I was lying in bed on my side with an object up my ass and I somehow lined up my body just right to produce a certain sensation. Not really a bodily sensation but not really mental either, hard to explain it well but it's like I'm mentally counting or stretching progressively larger/thicker rubber bands in my head while my body seems to feel immense in size and my sense of self becomes proportionally tinier until it's like a bird flying around inside a hollow mountain or something. If I could describe it better I would.
The reason this is important is because I have strong memories of feeling this exact same thing, rubber-band feeling and everything, on several nights while I was trying to sleep as a 7 year old. The whole thing stands out in my memories due to the strangeness of the sensation experienced, the inexplicability of the feeling, and the personal and life events that followed months and years afterwards: right around that time I randomly became much more aware of sexual things than others my age, started having these random depressive episodes where I would want to hole up in a dark/confined space like under my bed or under the slides at the playground (which continued into my teenage years and resulted in me getting on SSRIs and counseling for a while), I randomly decided to sexually harass someone as a 9 year old using very explicit language and a drawing, I'd steal my sister's underwear and wear it for no particular reason, as a teenager I developed bizarre fetishes almost overnight and out of the blue, I started having these depersonalization/derealization episodes as a tween which continued up through adulthood, I've had a strong aversion to touching people or being touched since childhood, there's more I'm not bringing to mind right now.
It makes me wonder if I was no shit molested as a kid and simply no longer remember or blocked the memory (though I'm not sure if I really believe in repressed memories like that) and I lacked the understanding needed to put the pieces together until a long time afterwards. I think I would remember something like that but there's no way to tell if I don't.
Feel free to laugh at me for being a fucked up degenerate nutcase or whatever, I just needed to try and put this into a structure of some kind in order to process it.

>> No.23050381
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1600, 1706884219164234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has simultaneously never been more over and back at the same time. I never knew it was possible to be filled with this much hope and pessimism at the same time.

>> No.23050388

you don't have to be diddled to be gay you dumbass

>> No.23050389

Putin made Tucker look like a dumb ass

>> No.23050390

It's best not to worry about memories you cannot remember. No good can come of it, because if it never happened you might fool yourself into thinking it did, or if it did, all you'll do is add more problems.
I have odd memories too. Nothing to them, just odd memories. You'll think yourself into oblivion.

>> No.23050392

---- Solaria ----

In a land yacht roaring with quiet heat
I stopped and swung

The driver's door wide, and surveyed the snowy scene
From a perspective of almost invincible power,

Nothing arduous to do.


>> No.23050393

>self reported data

>> No.23050416

I know how this is gonna sound but I'm not actually gay, just a huge degenerate.

>> No.23050417

Putin is ex intelligence and a leader for 30 years. Tucker is a journo

>> No.23050436 [DELETED] 

I understand you.

>> No.23050447

There used to be a lot of nikocado avocado posting on 4chan.
Don't see much of it these days

>> No.23050453

He doesn’t use the internet much anymore, no new material to work off of

>> No.23050457

He made a video a few days ago.
I thought he was losing weight last year but he's fatter than ever

>> No.23050460

i'm about 25 mins in and this is the first time i've ever seen tucker eat shit this hard. to his credit i don't think there's any way he could've anticipated this kind of response.

>> No.23050468


>> No.23050472

Go and wash your sheets and bedding, dirtball. Hasn’t it been long enough?

>> No.23050473

It's definitelt possible for men with bad childhoods to feel very unwanted gay things without being gay. You aren't alone out there bro.

>> No.23050483
File: 103 KB, 638x630, 1705881032103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write about niche topics on English Wikipedia. There is a group of people called "deletionists" that stalk new page creations and argue they should be deleted. Once you beat them, they develop a grudge against you and look for ways to cut down your other pages. They gang up with other deletionists by voting to delete articles flagged by each other. So you have to form cliques with "inclusionists" in order to keep your articles alive. The smarter deletionists will wait until you stop using the website for a few weeks before tehy nominate your stuff for deletion, since they don't want you to make a case for your own stuff, which will make normal editors sympathetic. Especially dastardly ones will use the speedy deletion feature to try and kill a page anyone you can respond. Sometimes, deletionists will accuse you of "activist editing" in order to discredit the pages you made - in their ideal world, people only write about topics they don't care about, because by caring about something, you have a conflict of interest. I don't even like making articles anymore, but I do it because I have learned to hate.

>> No.23050497

Yep the main thing that attracted me in the dream were the little boobs. Don't think I ever saw a dick.

>> No.23050510

Dishonest leftists are making me right wing.

>> No.23050534

Putin low key mocked Tucker for being rejected by the CIA

>> No.23050552

About to dust off my second tuna melt, mmm, yummy.

>> No.23050556

i have discovered a child trafficking operation in north hollywood area

>> No.23050561

Sounds like a good money-making opportunity.

>> No.23050566
File: 45 KB, 850x400, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Locke said the World was America in the beginning. Today, you could say the World is America. Is this the end?

>> No.23050574

There is nothing worse than a high ranking judge that is reddit in a common law country. You have their lame quips enshrined in precedent, forever.

>> No.23050579

Steroided monster that needs to get its 12 pack of beer or a truck driver is going to get beat up.

>> No.23050582

>lmao just you wait buddy
I'll be alright either way, I decided I wouldn't exhaust myself over work a long time ago

>> No.23050591

Sat through a guest speaker at my college today. Went on about ethical hedonism. His conclusion was that humanity's ultimate purpose is to genetically modify plants that can feel pleasure and populate the universe with them, as that would maximize pleasure. He was totally sincere. I sat through an hour of him setting up an episiotomy, ethics, covering how he crosses the is ought problem, just for that. Fucking absurd

>> No.23050600

Why not unleash a nanobot swam that turns the universe into computronium, and then the computronium simulates a massive wave of pleasure over and over until time ends.

>> No.23050630
File: 1.06 MB, 1800x2536, Xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's bad. But not surprising, since the fuckery of the modern world is a result of its metaphysical fuckery.

>> No.23050650

I hope you win in your fight against the deletionists anon

>> No.23050666

Dancing with the devil in a cold cell block

>> No.23050691

Every single leftist or liberal thinker I’ve ever read or listened to has been a retard without exception. All of them have fucking pointless utopian ideals or a total suicide drive.

>> No.23050694

The craziest shit is that these guys actually believed shit like this and other people thought they were smart for believing in it.

>> No.23050700

Yeah he explicitly stated that he's an atheist and mocked religion and idealism. He said one of his colleagues once called him a pig on account of his hedonist philosophy, and so he happily called his philosophy Pleasure Is Goodness or P.I.G.
This is the forefront of academia. This country is so decadent.

>> No.23050703

Spooky trips

>> No.23050722 [DELETED] 

I feel like I've been searching for something my entire life. But I don't know what. Its on the tip of my tongue. It bothers me a lot. But I've made no progress. I'm a NEET. I'm a virgin. I'm over 25. But I feel like if I were to rectify these things in the eyes of society I would not be satisfied. I think if my life ended with me having a job, a family, a home, land, i would not be happy at all. It would still make no progress to the core of my troubles.
I have tried religion and philosophy but these things don't really quite feel right to me. I do not reject these things but I don't accept them. Similarly I do not identify with nihilism at all either. I have no arguments against them rational or otherwise and I do not claim they are ineffective or debunked. But I feel like they aren't quite addressing my trouble either. I do not have a head for thinking about large metaphysical topics but I am not a scientific person or someone who has taken that position. I have no interest at all in life's meaning, existentialism, the existence of the afterlife, the future of humans, my future. I just don't care and that's not what is bothering me either.
I don't have any moral questions or dilemmas. I don't care about having a consistent moral compass or being consistently selfish.

I feel a vague disappointment and confusion in everyone I meet. But not in a way that judges them or positions me as someone better than them. I don't really have social anxiety and I've never met someone who felt the same. I am not antisocial and I am not aesexual or schizoid either.

I feel like everything I expres this online someone agrees and then goes off on a tangent that doesn't feel in line at all with me or they tell me to adopt some religion or philosophy or ideology or politics.

I don't claim to be smart and I might be too stupid to live.

But I just have this overwhelming feeling that nothing makes sense. At all. The way this whole thing works or doesn't work just doesn't make sense to me. But I don't mean that in a way where I'm trying to diagnose the world or humanity nor am I cynical. I fully internalize the idea I am not the world's diagnostician.
But nothing makes sense.
I would accept the idea that I could somehow reach behind my head and unplug some cables that were there and suddenly Id be transported to some real dimension where thinks make sense like that movie.

>> No.23050724

I'm going to take a gamble and ask the gym receptionist that (I think) was flirting with me last week if she's doing anything for Valentine's day. I was talking with my roommate about this a part of a larger conversation about the balance of time, money, productivity and the like, when a terrible thought entered my head that I fear will nag at me for the rest of the night.

What do you do with a girlfriend once you actually have one?

Is it all just going on "dates" where you go to venues to spend money until you fill the arbitrary meter to fuck? And what then? Is it just that cycle played on a loop until you fall in love and you're both comfortable with the idea of living together and raising children?

>> No.23050751

Women have proven they can't be trusted to do anything without male supervision or the threat of losing face and financial lose. So why the hell do we keep pretending they deserve any form of power or authority?

>> No.23050752

Just sounds like you literally have autism or schizoid personality disorder.

>> No.23050768

Yo, >>23050722 I hope you didn't think I was insulting you. Not caring much at all about social relationships is a key feature of Schizoid Personality Disorder. It's associated with almost exclusively solitary activities, low interest in people, few friends, etc. It sounds like you.

>> No.23050770

The rich need tax cuts.

>> No.23050780

My wrists need tax cuts

>> No.23050796

>Many schizoid individuals display an engaging, interactive personality, contradicting the observable characteristic emphasized by the DSM-5 and ICD-10 definitions of the schizoid personality. Guntrip (using ideas of Klein, Fairbairn, and Winnicott) classifies these individuals as "secret schizoids", who behave with socially available, interested, engaged, and involved interaction yet remain emotionally withdrawn and sequestered within the safety of the internal world.
Am I literally schizoid? I feel so helpless right now.
Psychiatrist quacks making shit up. I am whoever I want to be.

>> No.23050801

There's just something about america that turns everything it touches into a parody of itself.

>> No.23050808

that's called capitalism and its tendency to try to assimilate and monetize everything around it to feed the furnace

>> No.23050809

Psychology never was a science and never will be a science. Don't confuse its fiction with fact.

>> No.23050821

Europe has been capitalistic for far longer. I was specifically thinking about this in relation with politics. If you compare the american left with the european left or the american right with the european right there's just a qualitative difference which really says a lot given the quality of contemporary political discourse in general.

>> No.23050829

Addiction's such a bitch. At a certain point you realize that the reward isn't any particular substance, it's just "feel good brain juice", and whatever may so happen to elicit it. If we could we would order the manufacture of infinite feel good brain juice to the point we explode like a nuclear reaction into an infinity of peak experiential bliss. The problem with substances is that they provide a short term shortcut to the hard path to enlightenment outlined by Hindu yogis and Buddhist bodhis. In many ways Hinduism and buddhism are very epicurean, indulgent religious traditions, for what they specify is merely a path to feeling good, real good, all the time. But the path they describe is a hard road, that takes work and effort, concentration and discipline. The addict, like a chemist, is actually fundamentally reasonable. They simply ask, why can't I take a shortcut?

>> No.23050839

>, for what they specify is merely a path to feeling good, real good, all the time.
Also is that not all religions? Is not the goal of Christianity heaven ? Why do we feel so guilty about the pursuit of sublime and everlasting contentment?

>> No.23050852

Of course, addictive substances are flawed in that the come up implies a come down, which is the path and mechanism of addiction. I would argue this is merely a flaw of engineering, however. It's a limitation of technology. The come down is not properly accounted for in the unfolding of chemical processes. It is not the desire to take substances that is problematic, it is the flaws of the substances we take that is the problem. There is absolutely nothing wrong about the idea of inventing a pill that instantly grants buddhahood. Indeed, the very goal of buddhism is to elevate all sentient beings to buddhahood. Buddha's actual methods of doing so are just one low tech solution to the problem. The chemical pursuit of the perfect drug ought to be one of the primary motivations of all human effort, the crown of our achievement.

>> No.23050853

american politics are theater being sold to people as not mere entertainment, but as a favorable reality to the one that lays beneath the surface, it is the illusion of freedom, equality and power to change things
in reality it is WWE esque show being put on for people where they can wave their signs and shout cheers and boos to the stage and it will fulfill their emotional desire to be heard, to effect the outcome and to root for "their guy"

it's all just showmanship that is why it becomes parody to the point of being a religious sermon, "our guy = ultimate good, their guy = ultimate evil", you have people on the political spectrum who will feel physical pain if the "other guy" wins or feel anger just by seeing someone hold opposing views to theirs because they've painted the "other" as the devil
in their political cycles the left is a bunch of mentally retarded lazy people shouting over nothing and the right are bunch of fascists who want to revive hitler and bring forth genocide and misery, all the motivations of the "other" are evil there is no such thing as a good point or a middle ground
it's because of these things and the two party system playing into these opinions that america looks like a clown circus to everyone else on the outside, it's a part of their culture to delude themselves to feel better about it
it's much better to feel that you can effect the system and if only your guy wins enough then all will be well than it is to admit that hillary and trump eat at the same dinner parties, that the system is corrupted to the core, that billionaires kidnap and rape kids, that art and gambling are nothing more than tools to launder money and smuggle bribes and how the internal security is pointing its eagles eyes on the people and not foreign spies or organized crime

comfortable truth and easy to understand black and white morality is preferable to admitting that you are a glorified slave on a cattle farm being slowly herded to old folks home after the system has milked you dry of all your will to live through endless cycle of paycheck to paycheck

tldr; politics are theater to make you docile and subservient by giving you something pointless to whine about and get excited about, it's a process of venting frustrations without being a risk to status quo

>> No.23050857

WWE is a really good analogy, it's the american art form par excellence.

>> No.23050862

>pointless utopian ideals or a total suicide drive
Their utopian ideals ARE a suicide drive. That describes all of modern history

>> No.23051023

So sick of these YouTube skits where it's literally just one dude playing 5 different characters

>> No.23051027

I just had an epiphany. I needed help unironically.
Still, there is nowhere to turn and not much of a reason anymore. All of this worrying about what I am doesn't matter because it's not going to change. I accept myself for who I am and I make peace with the fact that I will never be truly happy.

Never give up, and try to understand that if you can change you must try, and if you cannot you must make peace with that. You won't gain anything by torturing yourself endlessly, wishing things had turned out differently or that you were dead.

I'm glad to have spoken with you bros regardless.

>> No.23051073

He’s here to talk about the word of God

>> No.23051185

There's a certain individual on this earth who I feel spritiaully duty-bound to smite and decapitate, I truly feel that if I were to smite and slay this vile individual, the laws of man and the corts of law would somehow recognize my inner justice and overlook the legalistic crime of me murdering them. Slaying them would be an act of faith, a deed in service of the betterment of humanity, a good work that transcends and invalidates the petty laws of mankind. Criminalizing me for such a deed would be like sentencing someone for banishing Satan, or siding with the demonic force. Not agreeing with me is a tacit admission of evil.
God I wish I was granted the holy privledge of crushing this beast's skull with my bare hands. It would be my life's work, my finest achievement.

>> No.23051196

Metaphorically speaking (to the faggot popo reading this). I can't find the fucker and have more to live fore besides him. I'd be doing you a favor to remove the little fucker from existence anyway, fuckers.

>> No.23051198

I'm not actually going to kill him, in other words. But if granted the opportunity, if invited to by consequentialist powers in control of my legalistic fate, why, you would be witness to an ungodly bloodbath. I'd pulverize this individual into oblivion and atomize the dust. I'd remove very god damn trace of his existence. God bet you I'd obliterate this motherfucker, and you'd one day thank me for it.

>> No.23051225

I'm going to turn history into prehistory.

>> No.23051227

Contentment is but a means to an end. You're on the right track.

>> No.23051228

Me too. I’d never put my mouth or asshole anywhere near their dicks but I’ll gladly make a petite, passing trans girl cum

>> No.23051383
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210714_19_55_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

---- Solaria ----
Suite Dreams

I'd like to take Seneca on a ride
Of the kind I'm used to

And say to him as he did to me that all has gone well
As it could have in such a situation.

>> No.23051418

I just kicked my brother in the balls so in retaliation he (with pinpoint accuracy) pelted a basketball at my nuts, it still kinda hurts, I'd be lying if I said I didn't deserve it though. I feel bad for all the anons that didn't grow up with a good older brother.

>> No.23051425

I had two older brother but we kind of stopped doing that when I turned about 16.
Wouldn't kick them in the balls as a 29 year old

>> No.23051429

I just joined the military
Retards abound, had some cross eyed bitch give me my eye exam
It's the last ditch attempt to save my life (contribute to society)
I am paranoid about what I post on the chins

>> No.23051432

lulz if true. I grew up with 4 sisters, 2 younger, 2 older, a nice symmetry. For the most part I enjoyed the absence of a brother, at least at home.

>> No.23051463

>passing trans girl
No such thing exists.

>> No.23051496

Are you American? If so, what MOS/AFSC/rate?

>> No.23051525

Yes 25H

>> No.23051527

---- Solaria ----

Launch site of a minor historic UFO hoax
And where a redwood pyramid of gloxinias bloomed.

I called off school without excuse to watch
A partial solar eclipse using

Assorted equipment

And my dad let it go, without the slightest complaint.


>> No.23051532

I quit 4chan for a while. I could focus better on uniwork but I also miss the chaos and arguments.

>> No.23051592

It's kinda dead lately

>> No.23051636

maybe too /lit/ related for this thread but i cba making a whole thread about it
is gillian flynn worth reading? my gf recently finished reading gone girl and afterwards i watched the film with her. i was honestly pleasantly surprised to find that an actual real woman had written a book about a female character who is unambiguously (unless you're a femcel yourself) an irredeemable manipulative psychopath instead of the "woe is me my husband was le mean so i'm gonna go and fuck chad" stock female characters you'd find in most fiction written by women

>> No.23051649

House sighting tomorrow.
It's above my budget but my father said to not worry about it.
If I manage to get him to give me even more money than he already said he would, my plan worked out perfectly.
The plan I had for an entire year would come out. It's broader than just the home as well. If I nail it all I'll feel like a king.

>> No.23051767

Why did the guy do?

>> No.23051779


>> No.23051785

You lived in a longhouse. I bet you're a feminized fag today.

>> No.23051953
File: 91 KB, 1280x1143, 8373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>racist bastard
>want a racist white GF
>i'm not even white
>if she were as racist as I want her to be, she wouldn't be with me
>tfw you experience the unbearable pain of being a non-white racist
It never even began.

>> No.23052139

Looking for a racist White gf is futile.
The demographic most likely to fall for progressivism.
I am a castizo and also a racist.
Dated many White women and they all sucked desu.
Now I'm dating a mestizo who is much more up my alley.

I don't understand why you are a non-white would want a racist gf in the first place. What you want is a gf who is not engaged politically. Those are the good ones.

>> No.23052150

how does it feel knowing that your self-loathing cuckoldry just makes you more repugnant to white people?

>> No.23052155

Money is just a construct of society. It doesn’t “have” to exist. It’s just a price of civilization.

>> No.23052169

It's more in the way of what racism represents today. Being racist is almost like the ultimate expression of a willingness to go against societal norms. Let me make my case:
Imagine pedophiles. There are support groups for them, there is a widespread effort to rename them to "MAPs" to destigmatize pedophilia, there are pedophiles in literature that aren't cancelled, and much more. Racists, on the other hand, have no such support. Almost all authors from history are branded with "racist" and all manner of disclaimers, and there is no effort in any university to increase the acceptance of racism.

Furthermore, racism doesn't exist as it used to. I have far-left and "far-right" family members on either side of my family tree, and even the ones on the right simp for other races. They were willing to race mix, after all. They aren't racist, and every "racist" I've ever known, when speaking to them, I find that they're just disgruntled or angry about immigration, but that they genuinely don't care about racial differences. The other side of racism is a very small minority, driven solely by ignorance or hate. These are just disenfranchised, usually thug-people, and you get them from every race. They're a fact of life and they'll hate people for whatever reason.

If a woman is racist, she is willing to impose upon her own mind a feeling of alienation from society in the way that she can no longer reveal how she feels about certain topics for fear of total ostracization. That form of actual free-thinking, even if it weren't in the form of being racist per se, is something I am not even willing to do without in a relationship. The reason racism matters in particular is that I am racist and it would be nice not to hide it, and it would be nice if whomever I am in a relationship were to share those views.

However, I don't like the "TOTAL NIGGER DEATH" sort of racism, which I see as primarily ironical, especially because those same 4chan "racists" simp for whatever race proves that they aren't an enemy. Again, racism is mostly gone. I want that pure form of racism- just acknowledging that races are different and wanting to see your own race thrive. No hate involved, just reason.

I don't really care what white people think, especially because they are a self-hating suicidal race.

>> No.23052173
File: 121 KB, 360x474, 1704540390741886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>White Germanic Aryan
>Got brown gf

>> No.23052178

But in short, I want a woman that is completely free-thinking, reasonable, and amenable to believing things that would make her totally ostracized by society, if she finds that they are reasonable to believe. Racism, I would say, is the greatest example of that. Especially because non-hateful, scientific racism, founded on love of one's own culture, history, and ethnic well-being, is not unreasonable at all. We are okay with blacks fighting for the well being of their own race and such, there is no reason whites should not be able to as well.

>> No.23052192

*One final note: I compared pedophilia and racism to contrast something that is incontrovertibly diabolical with something that is seen incontrovertibly diabolical by society, to show that amenability to the one is NOT as great an expression of "enlightenment" i(n the purely Kantian sense I must add, to avoid pedantry involved with the term) as the other.

>> No.23052229

A White woman being racist does not mean she is a free thinker.
It means her last bf was a racist.
But from what you're describing the type of racism is more just a self preservation.
For me what I look for is just someone who is okay with my own racism.
If I get on a bus and it's filled with africans I should be able to say how depressing that is to her, without her starting an argument. Same with my opinion of gays and trannies.
I don't think it's very classy for a woman to engage in it too much, but she should see where I'm coming from and be able to laugh at a racist/anti-gay joke.

The mestizo I'm with told me she almost didn't go for me because it didn't look like I was from the Island, thought I might have been a tourist or immigrant. Also proud of the high percentage of South American Indo blood (44%)

Thing is, if you're not White yourself, why limit yourself to only White women?

>> No.23052273

>having a job interview in monday.
I unironically think this will once again get me more disciplined into reading books and lifting again, cause I'm doing both half-assedly now (neet). Also want to start writing more and really need to have some money in my deposit
I'm 23 now, parents thought I'll go for physiotherapy degree, since I am so invested in lifting and learning lots about human body, but I doubt that. Years pass and all I fucking ever dream about is just having passive income to never leave my house for other reasons than to run or buy groceries. All I want is to sit in my room, watching movies, playing games, reading books, writing, shitposting. I know I'm a manchild, but I just can't seem to give a fuck about starting a career, let alone a family and actually having kids. It pains me to look at demographic crisis in my or other yuro countries, and how we're being replaced with niggers and muslims, yet I just still want to escape this fucking hellhole. In this one thing I understand troons and why they're so invested in story-heavy rpg games while deluding themselves on discord with other freaks about their gender. Everyone wants to escape this nightmarish, godless existence

>> No.23052288

>A White woman being racist does not mean she is a free thinker.
>It means her last bf was a racist.
That's what I have found, but I don't consider that being truly racist. There's a difference between "accepting" a certain thought and truly believing it by coming to the conclusion through one's own right reason. It's the same way that I might vote for candidate X and believe it to be right, but if I encounter someone that votes for the same but it's for some bizarre or stupid reason (I vote X cause he'll kill all the browns!!!), I don't consider them to be the same as myself at all. She would have to come to her beliefs by her own deliberate reasoning and desire for the truth, with no input from me. In that manner, I would also be able to have a much greater level of respect for her beliefs, because she has demonstrated an ability to go against all of society for what she thinks is right. If she's an extreme feminist? Maybe she has something to her beliefs, and she's not just accepting whatever the neon-haired professor told her.

>Thing is, if you're not White yourself, why limit yourself to only White women?
I'm mixed race and heavily romanticize white women, but I'm okay with dating those from my other race and any mix thereof. Race isn't even a prerequisite to love, nor will it impact the strength of the love if love indeed be had, because when one loves someone else, they love them regardless of their qualities. So in that manner, I am not against a relationship with any race, but I have such a strong romanticization of two that it would be difficult to "fall" into love.

>> No.23052320

Nice hitler dubs.
I'm afraid what you're looking for is incredibly limiting. Even if you found a woman who has that, who is to say she has any other features you would want? Maybe she's autistic, incapable of being a truly loving mother, totally flaunts social convention etc etc.
That's why I limit it to just her being okay with it and being able to laugh at it.
A good woman is one who will actually follow you as long as you a righteous. Or do you want one with such a strong opinion she will argue with you all the way? not something that creates a strong household at all.

Sam Hyde said it well, what you're looking for is an autistic man. Women are not like you want them to be.

>> No.23052335

The game is obvious now: whoever most effectively can use A.I. will win the future.
The question is, "what is required to most effectively with with A.I.?"
This would be the last task to be automated. This task is metaphysics, the task of working with one's model of the world and their place within it. This can only be performed by self-awareness, and it is the actual task of self-awareness. Everyone does metaphysics, but most people suck at it, so they have limited self-awareness (ability to change their fundamental conceptual architecture.)
The future belongs to the metaphysician.
Sorry CHUDS.

>> No.23052346

Life of a hunter-gatherer

>> No.23052387

>Sam Hyde said it well, what you're looking for is an autistic man. Women are not like you want them to be.
Yeah, that makes sense, although I think very strange female schizos exist.
>I'm afraid what you're looking for is incredibly limiting. Even if you found a woman who has that, who is to say she has any other features you would want? Maybe she's autistic, incapable of being a truly loving mother, totally flaunts social convention etc etc.
That is a good point, but I guess I'm too much of an idealist to be willing to have a relationship with someone who believes things simply because it is convention. I could accept an extremely flawed person as long as I believed they weren't a machine, and even being childless is okay because I wouldn't have children with a non-thinker anyway. And if she has differing beliefs, I would have little reason to argue, knowing fully that she has come to those beliefs by right reason; and, if I need, I can try to impart the reasoning of my beliefs respectfully. If she remains in disagreement, so what? The proof of her reasonability and search for truth already exists in the form of the shining Racism, and I need not concern myself further. I can love her for being a good person that desires the good, and nothing else.
All of her behavioral traits, whether she is comfortable with affection, or socially inept, or whatever else, are perfectly possible to put up with, on merit of essential goodness.

I've read too much and steeped myself in far too much romanticism, I know. I'm a schizo and I want a schizo GF to match, plain and simple. I do agree with you, that you are far more practical. My view is utterly incompatible with reality and can only turn out well by means of concession or blind, incomprehensible luck.

>> No.23052529

How ironic for a man to need so few things to be genuinely satisfied, yet for those things to remain so distant to so many.

>> No.23052541

I wrote a p cool story where a caveman leaves his tribe to find the edge of the world, and he finds it, and a panel opens and it turns out his whole world is just a long-abandoned space station. Then he fucks around with a few buttons he doesn't understand and blows the whole thing up. I'm basically the modern Bradbury, but without all the fame and success and money.

>> No.23052568

The point about disagreements I made was purely because I assumed you were aiming for creating a family. I also thought one of your goals was to bleach your lineage which for a short time was also my plan.
If you're okay with just having a gf who is racist and just live out your life sure, that's attainable.
However I do have to doubt the racism of a White woman who is okay with not having children. If you truly cared about your race or lineage you would want to contribute to it. Maybe not the case with the even more rare racist Liberal individualist I guess.

For me I see women completely different.
They are for love, sure but also for creating a household. For me I don't even want a woman to really get into the weeds about politics and all that. I think it's not fit for a woman. Even if she fully agrees I'd think it's a turn-off.
I think the best bet is getting a very close friend who you can respect for his opinions while fostering a caring home to return to after exchanging heavy ideas with. Get it out of your system and come home to peace.

>> No.23052574

Leftists defending North Korea because it's Asian.

>> No.23052622

US history is so boring. No medieval age? No heroes?

>> No.23052636

I live in a prison, a literal prison. It's not in operation. My family purchased a private prison, but they turned it into a home. A jail cell on the second floor is my bedroom.

>> No.23052678

I do want a family.
You're right about all of those things too. Politics is a dirty business and degrading at that, I'm sure being politic-brained is not attractive in general to women either. At the very least, being aware of how bad of a state the world is in, it would be nice for a wife to be someone to ground you back into what matters.
Still, if it is not reasonable to have a racist GF that is able to appreciate her own intellectual freedom, I would rather be alone. Is it plainly reality that women cannot understand men? If so, that is depressing.

>> No.23052683

I want to selectively breed Pacific Islanders to make a legion of super-soldiers.

>> No.23052685

whats this about?

>> No.23052686
File: 3.22 MB, 576x1024, 1701840909463381.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but Brock Lesnar's daughter

>> No.23052708

are you SURE about that?

>> No.23052709

What if Russia decided they want to join NATO?

>> No.23052739

no fucking way!!!! lmmmaooooo god damn what a robust (wo?)man!

>> No.23052741

>Is it plainly reality that women cannot understand men?
You can find one with asperger's. But even she might disagree with you.
If all you care about is intellect and being racist, try dating a man with asperger's

>> No.23052826

I think I may have a mild hernia in the left side of my abdomen. A dull pain, like a pulled muscle, has been bugging me for a couple of weeks now. It doesn't hurt to touch, and there is no bulging, which is a good sign, but it's odd that it has persisted this long. Regardless, I will continue doing weighted sit-ups, and edging myself, which, of course, leads to high amounts of stress on my pelvic floor and having full-body violent minute long abdomen tensing orgasms. I'm sure it will work itself out eventually. I hope my intestines don't breach my abdominal wall.

>> No.23052838

wenn die afd gewinnt schieben wir dich mit ab

>> No.23052855


>> No.23052883

I thought the afd was verboten

>> No.23052884

That was our cowboy era pal

>> No.23052892

How much sex did you have with your sisters

>> No.23052899

No that's disgusting. Worst thing I ever did was dry humping under the covers and having lips over my penis for a few seconds, but nothing further than that.

>> No.23052921

Australians have a holiday called Invasion Day on the 26th of January.

>> No.23052957

Weird, I was just meming. Didnt know that actually happened.

>> No.23052970

i don't think Rich counts as a lolcow. i mean yeah he was pretty embarrassing but people watched him because they actually liked him. to be a lolcow your "fans" have to hate you, or at least be kinda disgusted by you.

>> No.23053090

It’s rare but they do

>> No.23053151

Ever thought about when you'll be outta here? Nice job, nice hobbies: OUTTA HERE. Mild opinions and cordial: OUTTA HERE. Anon's losing his edge but he ain't goin' out.

>> No.23053186

Just had to sneeze whilst taking a shit. The air is full of farts and the sneeze compelled me to take a deep breath before nasal expulsion

>> No.23053204
File: 373 KB, 745x680, 1680301225263389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, on the bus to university like always
>on the other row there is a very hot chick that always also goes to university
>more or less my crush
>we finally reach engineering (she is also studying it though I have not figured which kind exactly)
>we get up to get out of the bus
>I get up and prepare to walk with my "cool walk", flexing my gym gains and confident style
>as I do this, I bump by head on the roof of the bus (near the seats it's not very tall since there is space for luggage above)
>as I recoil from the surprise, I make my bag fall on the floor
>several pencils roll around the bus
>I visibly imprecate under my breath
>she looks at me with exactly pic related face and then gets off the bus leaving me to my dropped spaghetti

Would Marcus aurelius meditations fix this or will I cringe at this memory every time I see her?

>> No.23053249

Why do I feel superior to everyone around me yet have no hard evidence to support it? I have a business degree from a dead end school I went to simply to stall because the act of 'growing up' is nauseating to me. But I take care of myself and maintain a front that hides what I think about others. I live with my parents and while they almost certainly look down on me for not vaguely succeeding according to consensus like my peers who went to good schools and majored in stem or other respectable fields, the relationship is not tainted. I keep hearing that I'm smart from my parents, yet I have no evidence for this. I wonder if I was once tested and achieved average scores, something they never told me. I think this is evil, much more so than lying to me about my abilities. If I did score high and I never knew (unlikely, since I don't remember a change in education) that would be even worse. I suffer from fits of manic curiosity where I'm interested in everything, so decisions about jobs or fields of study become impossible to the point of delusion. For example: today I thought about randomly going back to school to become an anesthesiologist, and for the past several weeks I've had it in my head to go to a university to pursue a math and physics double bachelor. I think I am doomed, that my life will end by my own hand, after a bout of drifting from city to city. I don't think this is a cry for help posting here, but another instance of my endless curiosity which in this case is what other individuals think. I don't think I ever had a passion, a true love, or anything remotely like that. Why was I born? I feel empty. Surely if God exists I have some purpose through which his will is exercised, or I could be a punishment for a sinful ancestor, or God isn't real because many people live lives of absurd, horrifically worthless suffering from which nothing whatsoever redemptive is drawn. Perhaps I'm in my own head too often, maybe introspection or awareness is bad. There's an incongruity and randomness to life that is sickening. You hear of specialists who may be versed in their profession yet have almost no capacities otherwise, hence the racket of therapy. I find this equal parts fascinating and disturbing.

>> No.23053252

Agriculture began in the Americas around 7000 BC, so it wouldn't be unplayable that civilization itself came from there, slowly spreading to Siberia. Then the ice age ended and a huge flood sunk the Beringian bridge. Civilization collapsed, and the civilized peoples went to Southern Siberia and from there to China, India, Persia, Assyria, Egypt, Scythia, Greece, Italy and Scandinavia. Meanwhile the ancient civilization of America, unknown to everyone until the years 1500, aged more and more until the armies of Cortez and Pizarro found nothing but a few degenerated debrises of it.

>> No.23053293 [DELETED] 

The gym, what a zoo. It was even crowded when I used to go at 2am. I appreciate the sluts at the gym who workout essentially naked. How can they withstand the attention? These sluts are walking around with the pussies on display and acting nonchalant, and now I need to enter a Zen state of meditative dissociation to avoid getting hard while I’m benching. There was this tight little Asian girl in tight little blue bike shorts who took the free weight bench directly in front of me while I was resting between sets. I could reach out and smack her ass if I leaned forward a little. This slut started doing bent over dumbbell rows with her pussy basically pressed against my big nose. I could see her plump labia majora (the cleavage of the pussy) in its full cock-engorging glory, the shorts squeezing her thighs, her ass, the audacity of the shameless display—it was hard to focus. I only looked for like a second, and I started to get hard, which was a problem because I had sweatpants on. If I was resting like I normally do between sets, looking forward, I would be staring directly at her pussy. Instead, I made a ninety degree turn on my seat and tried to ignore the heat emanating from her fuckable little Asian ass. I mostly masturbate to softcore types of pornography, try-on-hauls are a staple. I watch women try on different panties, yoga-pants, bike shorts, nudity isn’t important. These girls don’t know how sexy these yoga pants are. It’s better than lingerie—well at least on the same level under the right conditions, like when they are bent over three feet from my face. They do know how sexy it is, of course. I don’t really know what I’m getting at. I am horny.

>> No.23053305

Uniquely refined intellectual question.

>> No.23053312

Day two of keeping my journal. Building the habit. I started jotting down random thoughts I had during the day on my phone’s notes app. Keep in mind that I write these entries the day afterwards, so my tenses may get a bit confusing. One of the things that I noted down regarded the ‘ecosystem of a factory’. The way factories work is fascinating. The shifts, the motion, the collective effort, all the people. I also noted down how again how appreciative I am of gray skies, when compared to the unchanging blackness of nightshift life. So, what did I do yesterday? I read some of The Pale King. I went to the gym and did legs. The gym, what a zoo. It was even crowded when I used to go at 2am. I appreciate the sluts at the gym who workout essentially naked. How can they withstand the attention? These sluts are walking around with the pussies on display and acting nonchalant, and now I need to enter a Zen state of meditative dissociation to avoid getting hard while I’m benching. There was this tight little Asian girl in tight little blue bike shorts who took the free weight bench directly in front of me while I was resting between sets. I could reach out and smack her ass if I leaned forward a little. This slut started doing bent over dumbbell rows with her pussy basically pressed against my big nose. I could see her plump labia majora (the cleavage of the pussy) in its full cock-engorging glory, the shorts squeezing her thighs, her ass, the audacity of the shameless display—it was hard to focus. I only looked for like a second, and I started to get hard, which was a problem because I had sweatpants on. If I was resting like I normally do between sets, looking forward, I would be staring directly at her pussy. Instead, I made a ninety degree turn on my seat and tried to ignore the heat emanating from her fuckable little Asian ass. I mostly masturbate to softcore types of pornography, try-on-hauls are a staple. I watch women try on different panties, yoga-pants, bike shorts, nudity isn’t important. These girls don’t know how sexy these yoga pants are. It’s better than lingerie—well at least on the same level under the right conditions, like when they are bent over three feet from my face. They do know how sexy it is, of course. I don’t really know what I’m getting at. I am horny. Thanks for the test boost, slut.

>> No.23053326

I want to go back in time so bad.
I wish I killed my mom.
I wish I ran away from home.
I wish I never finished high school.
I wish I never went to college.
My entire life is unlived.
And now I'm old? And people want me to settle down even though I never has the chance to unsettle? This is awful.

I wish on one of those nights when she was drunk and raving at me I grabbed a bottle and hit her in the back of the head as hard as I could. And then just ran. Because growing up into what I am now was already damage. Insane..emenenebene

>> No.23053334

You too? Owning a slave would be great

>> No.23053346

Etiquette is overrated. People who are obsessed with it disgust me.

>> No.23053356

After having spent more than half a year working a real job, and refining my previous two years of experience at non-jobs I realized that the capitalists form an own species to wich some workers, like most collegees and a considerable proportion of blue collars can be adjointed to, but as inferiors to the owner class who are nothing but a more alpha variety of one and the same species. This weak and effeminate species seeks nothing but peak laze, material plenitude and money. Not only do they oppress people on the basis of money, they are equally oppressable with money themselves, and the degree to wich they accept oppression is only related to the degree to wich they can be lazy and get money for it, in wich case they will ask for the moreso money for anything you ask them.
I refuse to admit to this species any sort of supremacy over the whole human canon, and their current dominance is only due to the general corruption of most people and the generosity of the men of character who currently serve the capitalist species like serfs because they have too much heart for people and think that it will serve the common good at least temporarily. Once they leave however capitalism itself would entirely collapse, despite capitalists.
The men of character are the true players of humanity, the only ones who have ever achieved anything that was worth of note for the historians, themselves participants in the species of the men of character. Everything they do, they do for honour. They are ten times more focused on the immaterial than on the material. Not only do they achieve magnificent things in positions of power, wich they sometimes so generously leave to someone weaker than themselves, in the state of servility also they are capable of extracting nobility out of for the sake of their own self. Their hearts are made of gold, their blood is made of silver and their minds are made of iron.

>> No.23053371
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20240205-141246_Phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. My dad and mom are more liberal than I am. I'm the family edgelord and oldest child. My parents kind of worship hard work which I don't and find it a huge waste of time unless its something I enjoy. My brother is cool, I dont talk to my sister as were not on speaking terms

>> No.23053378

You basically got her in your pocket bro, next bus ride is your moment

>> No.23053391

>I'm the family edgelord and oldest child
Don't you hate these terms?
>Look who came out of his cave!
>smiles and light laughter

>> No.23053397
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Does Russia really think China would be a better global power?

>> No.23053422
File: 640 KB, 2048x2048, FufhaWdWcAQ3IFJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody please post the intellectual intelligence fedora atheist zombie apocalypse survivor vlog.

>> No.23053453

I mean wasn't the imperialism period, where European countries held supremacy over the planet more or less due to the at least partial union of societies and ideas between European countries, including Russia? Then WW1 and WW2 broke out. Russia and the US are the global players nowadays because they were able to keep their colonies for being non-European enough, US being a former colony itself and Russia being made of a bunch of autistic troglodytes for their own sake to wich basic European ideas cannot be explained.

>> No.23053606

i have a choice
i can either be the world's most Protestant Catholic or the world's most Catholic Protestant. which do i do?

>> No.23053651
File: 16 KB, 480x360, demerol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to ask this one very nice girl i've come to know through occasional exchanges on social media about her little photo diary to become a ''penpal'' of sorts, and maintain a regular correspondence with her. I wouldn't worry about it as much if i wasn't thinking about her so often. Her sweet sincere attitude coupled with a pretty lucid outlook on how to navigate her environment lodged her into my brain, and as much as i have tried to stop, I just can't help but be very curious about her life. I rarely ever get this sort of adolescent fixation these days, especially not with people online, but I guess I let my guard down this time. I'm very glad, sometimes grateful, to get rejected directly irl, it can be a very appeasing experience, but with this distance you're just kept in the dark. I don't want to be the creepo bursting out of nowhere with a strange request, but I don't know what else to do at this point. I truly feel like I can trust her with my writings, and feel like I can learn something from her way of seeing things.
I did try this before with a former high school classmate. She seemed enthusiastic at first, since we already were used to writing very lengthy detailed texts to each other, and explicitly pointed out how much we enjoyed reading them. But at some point her professional obligations got in the way, and she immigrated somewhere else. The last inquiry I sent her a while ago still hasn't received a reply. It's a bummer, given that I enjoyed her acerbic wit and grounded perspective of a world that was very different than mine, but I accepted it without making any big waves about it. I'm not sure if I'll feel the same with this one. It's probably not going to have any direct repurcussions on my day to day life, but it would damn sure suck to be perceived badly by someone as (seemingly) nice as her. It's quite embarrassing. Overthinking this much doesn't do it any favors.

>> No.23053688

They taught me how to love, and gave me so much leeway when I was being a complete asshat without letting people know about it. I can't be embarrassed of them, unless they succumb to this one strange habit of slightly altering their accent or their enunciation when speaking with certain people to sound a little more ''sophisticated'', because that is something I do not understand.

>> No.23053756

What does that even mean

>> No.23053765
File: 19 KB, 650x638, 1525120001545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I'm so fucking bad at talking to people. I never realized how tragically undersocialized I was until I started attending college. Seeing normals effortlessly string sentences together, seamlessly moving from topic to topic, the way they conjure thought into speech is so alien to me. I've been a recluse for the last decade and all of those verbal/social skills have totally left me. I'm not a shy retard autist either, I make the effort to socialize a lot but it's very clear that I don't have the sauce yet and it makes for awkward conversations that repel people.

How do I get better at this shit? I know it's a skill as much as any other, so do I just keep on grinding?

>> No.23053776

Yeah just keep grinding. Maybe get some kind of therapy for it

>> No.23053780

They’re the same race so of course

>> No.23053787

Yes, you have to practice it. Get out of your comfort zone, talk to people, embarrass yourself even but learn something every time.

>> No.23053805

Yeah but there’s no other way to put it. I live a half an hour away from my parents and my brother lives east of me and (I think) my sister lives near my parents

>> No.23053810


>> No.23053818

i can either be a Catholic who perpetually annoys priests with obnoxious theological questions or i can be a Protestant who secretly hates half of every service
Methodist, so arguably yes.

>> No.23053824

Sounds like a you problem bro. Have you thought about just enjoying Christ and not bothering with advanced theology?

>> No.23053830

i tried but UMC started letting homos get married

>> No.23053834

You're not as repellent as you might think you are. Trial and error and you'll figure it out. I was one pompous obnoxious fag a while ago due to being a shut-in only child who mainly learned things from the media I interacted with, but now i'm a million years away from that due to having continuously been put in uncomfortable situations with people I didn't know and having to make the best out of it. Just keep going, anon. If I had one extra advice, I'd say try your best to be a better listener during your conversations.

>> No.23053841

Just pray God lead you to a good congregation. I like what Tertullian said. So long as the congregation are devout and pious, the more advanced doctrinal issues are irrelevant. Jesus didn't call people to be theologians and philosophers

>> No.23053850

I wish I had remained a virgin for life

>> No.23053880

High Anglican is basically Catholic

>> No.23053894

if there's a good congregation around me i haven't met them yet. i live about 500 feet away from the church i was baptized in and my family has been attending for the last 100+ years. they got a stained glass window with a relations name on it because he was the first man from my city to die in WW2. UMC church. the pastor is a wonderful man who i have nothing but respect for. but nonetheless he's complacent in homosin. and the congregants are worse.

>> No.23053901

t. lifelong virgin

>> No.23053905

The idea of sex turned out to be better than the act

>> No.23053922

there's too much cheap sex out there, set up like traps surrounding you at all times. sorry you had to go through it anon, but this relative appreciation for purity might lead you to better path down the road. the old folks were right all along

>> No.23054009

i am traveling back in time to 2016. you niggas want anything?

>> No.23054018

Yeah bring me back some harambe memes and save that cash me outside girl

>> No.23054024

There is no political center and periphery, there are only rulers and challengers.

>> No.23054027

You are not a ruler, yet you are undoubtedly challenged

>> No.23054028

I bet that sounded really witty when you typed it.

>> No.23054035

I'm fucking up in college and I want to die. I want to smash my head through a wall. I'm such a fuck up.

>> No.23054038

Indeed it did

>> No.23054041


>And if you go searchin'
>For rhyme or for reason
>Then you won't have the time
>That it take just for talkin'
>About the places you've been, babe
>About the places you've seen, babe
>And how soft the time flies
>Past your window at night

>> No.23054045

Some things start before other things.

>> No.23054046

can you prove that?

>> No.23054055

me too. going to probably graduate this semester with a completely worthless degree. want to kill myself

>> No.23054058

Certain things have to happen before other things. Gods play games with the fates of men. But first they have to get all the pieces on the board, and look all over the place for the dice.

>> No.23054077
File: 2.77 MB, 636x640, 1659521361769404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Love a black-skinned woman, she won't do you no wrong
>Slow to start moanin', she don't moan for long
>Ah a yellow-headed woman brings nothin' but pain
>Takes all you give her, well she leaves only shame

>> No.23054085

All brainets I studied with, who couldn't program to save their lives, now have a job in Data Science. Is being bad at computers a requirement to get a job in that sector?

>> No.23054102

Just easier to grift because it's newer, it's funny though we are definitely at the point where if youre actually doing more than an hour of work a day in software then youre being a sucker

>> No.23054110 [DELETED] 

hgbghTHY SDhjn SDydhjfhjfhjhfhfFsuckkksssssss

>> No.23054117

I hate the way I talk. I just sound so dumb because of my accent. I often contemplate going to speech therapy

>> No.23054134

My parents, belonging to separate ethnic groups, cannot speak English very well. Neither of them taught me their respective languages either, so communicating with them can sometimes be difficult. This communication barrier makes me feel very depressed. I feel like I've never had any sort of understanding with them, and I feel alienated from both ethnic backgrounds and the dominant culture in the country I currently live in. I don't think a lot of people can sympathize or see things from my perspective because these circumstances are very unique, which only reinforces my feelings of alienation.

>> No.23054149

I’m actually 41 so there’s more of us than you might surmise

>> No.23054153

In your mind, yes. Rent free.

>> No.23054157

You know, if you don't feel at home, and feel uncomfortable where you are, you could always just...leave? Just like your parents immigrated, but backwards? It is exceedingly unlikely anybody would shed tears over it in your host society if you did so.

>> No.23054224

I'm never gonna make it to the degree. It's like there's a mental wall stopping me from doing stuff. It's the writing that I mainly have a problem with. I'm not a creative person so I chose a business writing class thinking it would be better for me, but it's just a bunch of creative type shit that I just can't do.

I want to die I want to die I want to die

>> No.23054271

I have no interest in being in a relationship but damn if I don't get depressed when I see a cute girl that I can't have.

>> No.23054283

I'm gonna drink until I can't think anymore tonight.

>> No.23054328

I'm lucky that my family emmigrated from an English speaking country lmao

>> No.23054342

How did you manage to be around them every single day for at least 18 years and not pick up the language naturally?

>> No.23054346

Bro I was the same. Dropped out and lived my life. Now I'm 25 and back in college and it's great. Just take a break

>> No.23054351

>put effort into a post
>zero replies
I'm just yelling into the void.

>> No.23054381

Effort means nothing if your post doesn't resonate emotionally. Stop yelling into the void, start speaking with it

>> No.23054412

And they are smiling, the arena floor slamming under the all-stars and the fansgrinning hideously over their official merchandise. Towering over them all is Tay Tay and sheis smiling, her big lips lively and quick and practiced and stretching atthe ladies, huge and plastic and empty, like an enormous mannequin. She never fakes, shesays. She says she’s just like you. She bows to the fans and sashays backwards and throwsback her head and smiles red on the lips and she is a great favorite, Tay Tay. Shesways her hair and the straightened locks of her skull pass glimmering under the lights and sheswings about and sings about one of her exes and she moans and it's two exes, three exes, four and five exes at once. Her lips are light and nimble. She neverfakes. She says that she's just like you. She smiles in light and in shadow and she is agreat favorite. She never fakes, Tay Tay. She is smiling, smiling. She says that she's just like you.

>> No.23054427

This place is filled with the most emotionally deranged dipshits on the internet. If you aren't raging into the void, you're ignored.

>> No.23054437

If you want a therapist you'll have to pay me

>> No.23054442

Don't take anything seriously, except your soul.

>> No.23054453

you sound like a fag there's your feedback

>> No.23054473

cha cha real smooth

>> No.23054480

I'm 23 dude, it's over.

>> No.23054511

being bad at computers isn't. giving a good first impression is. if you can't get a job in that field with training you're probably socially retarded. maybe get diagnosed for autism or something.

>> No.23054561


>> No.23054658

Isn't it kind of funny the most conservative denominations of western christianity always suffer some sort of burn out after a few centuries max? Especially the most extreme ones?

>> No.23055057

Dont be a faggot. Its not over.

>> No.23055586

im 33 and its just starting