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/lit/ - Literature

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23045268 No.23045268 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23038413

>> No.23045350

I will make like Chris McCandless within a year or two. Not with the intent of dying super fast, of course. Just getting away from everything forever.
These words make it seem simple, but there is so much internal conflict involved with looking back on society longingly, as if you were missing something the entire time, but not being able to find it. Still, the greatest I have ever felt in my entire life was when I was walking through a forest homeless, starving, but free. I didn't care whether I lived or died. I just felt free from everything.
When I go, it will be the same way. I know I will cry tears of joy for freedom, for who I always would be. And looking back, for what I never could be.
End of blogpost

>> No.23045381

this is now a spiderman thread

>> No.23045391
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Jeremy was a successful businessman. His company had recently been bought by a larger tech company, and he had been offered a position as head of its research department.
In his position, he got access to a couple of very secretive projects.
One, in particular, caught his interest. It was a machine that could supposedly swap minds. Jeremy was a curious guy, and in his youth he had wondered a bit on how it was to be a woman.

But he needed someone to swap with. There was his secretary, Jennifer.
With her subservient nature and adoration for Jeremy, she should be easy both to convince to test it, and to get her to change back afterwards. She was also, to be honest, rather sexy.

As he suspected, Jennifer didn't protest. She just lowered her eyes and said "Yes, Mr. Henderson." They agreed to stay as each other for two days, and change back before the weekend.
They went down to the lab after work. Having read the instructions for the machine, he had no problems making it work. And it did as it was supposed to.

"Wow," Jennifer exclaimed, "it actually works. This is so cool, Mr. Henderson!"

"Yes, it does. Enjoy your two day vacation as me."

The next day at work, Jeremy found out through first-hand experience that Jennifer had a crush on him. He felt butterflies at seeing his own body arrive at work, and found himself smiling lovely at him. And that was not the last of Jennifer's characteristics he'd notice taking on. He was usually very dominant, but as the day went on, he found himself less and less so, feeling shyness and an urge to carry out what he was told slowly build in him.
Jeremy decided that he'd want his body back that day, before he was totally overcome by her personality.

"I don't think so. I've come to like this body. I find myself more in control, more in power."

"I demand it, Jennifer. I demand my body back!" Jeremy found it very difficult to stand up for himself, but he barely managed.

"You can't make any demands from me. I'm not Jennifer, that's you. I'm Mr. Jeremy Henderson." Jeremy watched as the man stand up. "Now what did you want, Jenny?"

"I...I..." Jenny blushed and avoided his gaze. "Nothing."

"Nothing, who?"

"Nothing, Mr. Henderson."

"Well, in that case, I have some work for you." Jenny heard a zipper unzip. She felt her body turn hot in a mixture of fear and arousing humiliation.

"Yes, Mr. Henderson." The former businessman knelt down in front of her boss and took his member in her mouth, more eagerly for every bob she did, loving the taste of every drop of precum, and she came there, on the floor of her former office, cum oozing from her mouth.

Coming down from the high, she realized what she had done, that she was stuck like this, a girl, a secretary, and the boss' slut. Her personality was too strong to fight, her submissive lust weakening her own resolve. With this realization, she would become a better Jennifer than Jennifer ever was.

>> No.23045394

Imagine how invigorating it must have felt to plunge a sword through a man's chest

>> No.23045411

Next level fetish smut right here

>> No.23045419

Slide to the left. Slide to right. Criss cross. Criss cross. Cha cha real smooth.

>> No.23045422

Why is the Christian presence on /lit/ almost entirely Catholic? It seems like such an odd concentration.

>> No.23045429
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Are you ready for things to get even worse than they already are?

>> No.23045430

You've interrupted my reading with this drivel for the last time you lard ridden wench!

>> No.23045435

I'm almost fit enough to remake my dating profiles after the last defeat, oh boy...

>> No.23045436

For a while I've had a theory that too much masturbation leads to a person becoming "self-sexual." That a sexuality exclusively and excessively applied to oneself leads to a kind of dissociation and mental split, where the person becomes more object and subject. This is the cause of many weird sexual fetishes and phenomena, like transgenderism. This short story only serves as evidence to my theory.

>> No.23045446

Teenagers have always been terrible

>> No.23045456

I'm pretty socially isolated. Is this common? Or do I only see the most fringe extremes circulating online?

>> No.23045462

Sounds reasonable to me.

>> No.23045463

I have never had an interaction through a dating app go beyond the span of the dating personally once it's done you're likely to never see each other again, getting ghosted is huge though (might be skill issue)

>> No.23045519

I've ghosted a lot of people. I just can't handle talking to so many people at once. I regret being like that because I passed over a lot of good relationships but that's just the way I am. A narcissist, and a bastard. I really like people though and it always pains me a little when they understand they don't matter in my grand scheme but life is always about making or not making choices.

>> No.23045528

Wow, you're literally me. Although I keep that number to 0 besides first degree family.

Why do you think you ghost people?

>> No.23045531

Been in this stasis for a while. What is there left to live when you are too moral to be an hedonist and not moral enough to seriously practice a religion? No family, no gf. Feels like I'm barred from the good of those two worlds.

>> No.23045539

you know, back in the day it was very common for people to see and meet each other once and never see each other again, even if they got along great. at most they'd write letters. why is everyone so strung up about ghosting people and such? that was the norm for thousands, if not millions, if not the vast majority of the human experience. letters were expensive and time consuming, you had people ride horses across continents just to send a message

so what if you can do it in an email or text message now? that doesn't mean the default human mentality of let's talk, get along, and then move on isn't in effect. some people are just private people, but still on good terms, we don't need to be texting each other constantly of every little trivial update in your lives. social media has truly been a plague upon the human race. people are so strange, there is no greater context anymore

>> No.23045543

>chud theorizes transgenderism attempt #234343
>still repeating himself

>> No.23045549

so basically narcissism?

>> No.23045548

0 is quite hardcore, although that's rhe exact number of first degree family I regularly talk to... Well fuck, you're literally me too.

>Why do you think you ghost people?
Laziness I guess? I wouldn't be able to spend time on myself if I spent it with others. And is time spent on others really worth it? Honestly I'm just talking dhit. I wouldn't know. What about you?

>> No.23045550

Today was a free day I was gonna use to catch up on my school work. It's already 2:30 and I havent done any of it. I JUST opened my laptop right as the gardeners came and now they're making a fuck load of noise while my dog ceaslessly barks. Thinking about going to a starbucks but the only viable one is unavailable because I almost got into a brawl with a homeless guy there and I'm scared to go back.

>> No.23045553

It's much like any other etiquette system. You could draw parallels to purposefully not bowing to an acquaintance in Regency England. They used have entire scandals over that.

>> No.23045556

Why do you have gender dysphoria? Are you a porn addict?

>> No.23045562

/lit/'s new waifu?

>> No.23045564


Where will you go, anon? If you like that kind of life you could always sign up to be park ranger for a while. Unless there's a pressing need to kys, you still have a lot of options.

>> No.23045566

i have agp not gender dysphoria
pretty sure it's caused by psycho sexual trauma not porn

>> No.23045569

All my problems, all my sadness, all my problems, go away as soon as the simeticone takes effect.

>> No.23045570

I'm not sure either. I just feel a lot of intense pressure when socializing, even online. When I used to play online games I turned down all friend requests too. I can only socialize on 4chan and (still uncomfortably) with first degree relatives.

Maybe you need to explore your feelings more because isolating a lot is not typical and you don't want to turn out like me.
It's not freedom unless there are no ties to anything :P

>> No.23045576

Very interesting. Do you fantasize about being your own abuser?

>> No.23045600

"I have enough female attention to not have to compete for it. Also, you're not special enough to make men compete for your attention and this "game" of yours is some continental levels bullshit no good man on this earth would put up with, so everyone that say yes to it, you can safely mark as "ick". I'd wish you good luck if didn't knew you weren't setting yourself up to suffer with insufferables with this scheme. Goodbye, now."
t. someone with self-respect

>> No.23045617

shut up nigger go read a book

>> No.23045631

I'm just waiting for China to invade Taiwan and start WW3.

>> No.23045647

I hate people

>> No.23045675

Dont confuse hedonism for having fun. It's not immoral to have fun by anyone's standard.

>> No.23045678

I'm supposed to be reading this book about how the western image Cleopatra is mysoginst or something but I'd rather talk about trannies

>> No.23045706

lame. thought this would lead into femdom with Jeremy-in-Jennifer's body still retaining dominance, taking over Jennifer-in-Jeremy's job, and then makes Jennifer-in-Jeremy's body his secretary again yet dominates it in bed

>> No.23045714

Your future wife/gf is having unprotected sex, with someone she's known for less than a week, at this very moment.

>> No.23045725
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>tfw thinking of starting my own religion
>Feel like i cannot do so legitimately without combat experience as this would instill a strain of cowardice in the religion
Very obscure feel

>> No.23045746

The most intelligent people are here:

>> No.23045754

And that person she's screwing? Me.

>> No.23045812

tell me more about this idea to start a religion. what is it about? the tenets? core ideas? theology, cosmology, any religious texts? have you also had religious experiences that support your claim as a prophet in this case?

a religion is a lot of work anon

>> No.23045846

I feel like the time is ripe for a new religion to return to the origins, as all other modern religions have rotten away from the inside or become brittle. I have been trying to use dharmic rituals to uncover my destiny, but have not been fully successful in resolving what God wants with me.

You can see all around you that we are in an age of cults, with people desperately clinging on to meaning wherever they can find it, often with disturbing zeal. It must be harnessed and put into a higher cause.

>> No.23045921

So you're just an atheist trying to contrive telos

>> No.23045952

The people who reads too much into anything else goes on to /x/ to sperg out and have schizophrenic delusions, so we're left with the remaining lard in here.

>> No.23045963

Protestants don't use /x/. The majority of users are American, the majority of American Christians are protestant. I dont get why most Christian users here would be Catholic

>> No.23045966
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Nothing particularly moral about following a religion, nothing particularly immoral about hedonism.
Morality depends on actions themselves, and anything taken to an extreme is bad. Don't be stupid and just don't let whatever it is that brings you fun and joy overwhelm and consume everything else and you'll be fine. Don't be an ass and you won't be immoral.
That's literally all there is to it, you retard.

>> No.23046013

I figured I'd be a faggot and blogpost a little more.

If you have an emotional or psychological reason for pushing people away, I recommend you get it fixed. Not because I think relationships are good, but because you don't want to be unable to. In my case, it's already over. It doesn't matter if it's trauma-caused or not. I can't build connections anymore without intense psychological pain. Even the idea of talking to a therapist feels like eating shit straight out of a toilet. So when I go through the motions and someone gives me their phone number? I ghost. Someone asks me for social? Ghost. I hate myself for this.
Even if I fool people with a role, I feel intense guilt for it. I have become completely evil by nature. When I make people laugh, I feel guilty knowing that they would hate me if they knew what a vain, terrified person I am. The few times women have showed me romantic interest, I've had to ghost them knowing that I would certainly hurt them, or lie to them, or of course, ghost them. I feel like shit for it. Yes, I know I am a vain, narcissistic, rotten, pathetic piece of shit. I also know that I don't want to change.

In short, don't become like this. Just get help anons.

>> No.23046015

It's past midnight and my family just decided to go to the kitchen and have a conversation. I can hear the fucking microwave going and their horrible droning voices talking endlessly. Every time the volume of their voices breaks out from the constant mumbling pitch I feel such a wave of anger overpower me that I am almost brought to tears. How can people who have so little to say, whose conversations follow the same pattern over and over, who never do or think anything important, find the necessity to do this at this hour. If I had a shotgun or something .... I don't know. I obviously wouldn't kill them because they're my blood but I might run outside and shoot some fucking cat in the head to get rid of this boiling funking anger that's inside me. How I hate them. AAAAAA

>> No.23046088
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I just bought ~2500 pages on Henry James short stories

>> No.23046091


>> No.23046105

>For a while I've had a theory that too much masturbation leads to a person becoming "self-sexual."
That actually kinda makes sense. A transgender is getting aroused at the thought of themself becoming the object of sexual attention they cannot have

>> No.23046111
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bro it's totally normal to want to be a girl
>finishes injection
it's really just normal male sexuality
>puts on underwire bra I now need for my tanner 5 breasts
I mean if you think about it being a girl is basically the straightest thing you can do
>puts on women's jeans and a cute blouse
I mean it's basically unlimited access to a woman's body, there's nothing trans about it
>finishes an everyday makeup look and applies setting spray
the average man wants this they just don't because they're worried about society's response

But honestly, I am miserable from my condition.

Why can't I be like they are? Is that too much to ask for? A tiny bit of love from a person that understands me?

>> No.23046116

I get it I'm the same way. Ive turned down several women in a really cold way.
I have major trust issues but I also think part of me is getting a slight sadistic thrill out of denying people. Like a way to get back out of feelings of resentment for the youth ive already wasted

>> No.23046119

have you people never had a 'crush' before? one-sided unreciprocated love should fix your retarded delusions of control and you can grow past being 21.

>> No.23046124

I wouldn't even care about their gay conversation, I just hate being kept awake that late. It's very ignorant to not allow someone to sleep

>> No.23046132

I still have a copy of Turning of The Screw and Other Short Stories which I bought like 2 years ago and have not even opened.

>> No.23046144

It's not complicated. These people are products of Internet addiction.

>> No.23046146

I don't and never have felt better for rejecting people, but luckily that's because I don't have any resentment towards anything or anyone.
I can empathize though, and I understand how you could feel that way.
What do you mean?

>> No.23046151

Bro get a pair of noise cancelling headphones with a white noise generator for $80, or some plain old noise-blocking construction headphones. Also stop hating your family, even if they're objectively awful it's the wrong path to take unless they're like actively abusing people. Family will usually come in handy in the long run if you learn to tolerate them and find a modus vivendi with them. People also change with time and age, including you, so burning bridges is generally a bad thing, because you never know how you might appreciate your extended family by the time you're 50 or 80.

Also not trying to condescend to you but I would never entertain another violent thought even as a joke, like the shotgun thing, ever again. That sort of thing has a tendency to gestate, then it becomes a habit, then a tic, then a compulsion etc. If you're using it to dispense anger or seek attention (a lot of threat-making is really a way of saying "I'll say something so extreme I'll make you listen to me for a change"), it may seem harmless but over time it will wear grooves into your thought patterns and become less so. An example of what I mean is if you allow yourself to become accustomed to saying this, and then you say something like it or something adjacent to it (even a lesser form of it) in the wrong context, suddenly you're arrested for making threats and you have a record forever.

It's a bit like legally owning a gun in general. I know guys who are real Texan rednecks but the sheer idea of using their gun, mentioning their gun, etc., in an altercation OTHER than a life or death defense situation would be shocking to them. They would never even consider it. And I know other people who are "jumpy" and always getting into fights, and while I know they'd never shoot anybody, I don't doubt that if someone really pissed them off at Walmart they'd try to show off that they're armed, and bam, that's all it takes, life ruined forever. Fundamentally neither of these two people would ever shoot anyone over a fight in Walmart, but the second one is immature and has allowed certain immature resentments and chips on his shoulder to leave "openings" where he'd be tempting to "square up" in the Walmart, even just to bluff. Meanwhile the stereotype redneck gun nut guy, someone could scream faggot in his face for an hour and he'd just shrug it off. That's the kind of maturity a lot of people are lacking these days.

>> No.23046163

THIS IS SPARTA! But it’s the scene where he gets shot by 100 arrows.

>> No.23046246

Do you ever enjoy a truly great work of art and then you get all happy and giddy only for it to be washed away by the sea of mediocrity around every corner, including yourself?

>> No.23046249

How tf does my roommate seem to magically sense when I am masturbating?
I can tell he knows because he instantly becomes super quiet and stops talking
I don't understand how he senses it though given how far his room is from mine and how quiet I am

>> No.23046264

Yeah I have. Quite often the women I turn down I am extremely attracted to
I had an amazingly cute girl I met doing laundry who later met me randomly and I purposely pretended I couldn't remember her
Ah fair enough I don't know you so maybe your case is different from mine. In my case it's a trust issue: instinctively not opening up to others out of a fear of getting hurt so I retroactively push people away before that can happen
I am so extremely guarded about myself I try to not let any even small detail slip.
I annoyed my roommate the other day because he asked me what type of girl I am interested in and I refused to answer

>> No.23046286

>Ah fair enough I don't know you so maybe your case is different from mine. In my case it's a trust issue: instinctively not opening up to others out of a fear of getting hurt so I retroactively push people away before that can happen
I guess we are the same then. I just meant that I don't extract any form of positive feelings from rejecting, pushing away, or ghosting.

I hope you get better bro...

>> No.23046292
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>> No.23046300

No but I do the first part and then get real close to learn how to copy it

>> No.23046306

Because people who read will quickly reject Protestantism. Given that the demographic of /lit/ is majority American, they're more likely to adopt Catholicism rather than Orthodoxy as their choice of apostolic church due to America having closer cultural connections to Catholicism than Orthodoxy.

>> No.23046314

Unless you're including the southern and central Americas, it's mostly protestant, because they were started by the English in their plantation phase.

>> No.23046316

That's one of the reasons why masturbation is a grave sin. What God created to be shared in the context of marriage is being used for one's own gratification. There's no giving of oneself to the other and therefore egotistical and selfish. It's textbook satanic.

>> No.23046320

There were still many European Catholic immigrants to the US no? I'm not American so correct me if I'm wrong

>> No.23046329


>> No.23046339

It's because at least with Protestantism there is some element of rebelliousness, and as 4channers have been brainwashed by a memetic engineering program designed to promote authoritarian personalities, they are naturally attracted to the most authoritarian form of Christianity.

>> No.23046354

It's so dumb how thinking about things in terms of videogames makes things make more sense
In games I don't fret endlessly about committing to some destination I just jump in. In real life I overthink and wallow around and don't ever make definite decisions. In games I jump in and risk dying and wasting time, all the time. In real life I am overtly paranoid that if I try some new thing I'll get nothing out of it and waste my oh so precious valuable time which i mostly spend jacking off and gaming. It's like when gaming, I'm okay with making mistakes because that's just part of the game. But for some reason in real life that must never ever happen and if it does I must be ashamed of my failure. And, it's also somehow avoidable, because there is the totally not delusional idea that if we think about everything hard enough we'll never make a mistake.
There's definitely some fucked up assumptions I've been ingrained with regarding life. Such as that if I make the wrong choice I'll commit to something I'll regret forever. Or that to risk any kind of potential embarassment or pain is something that must absolutely never happen. I cannot make any choice if it isn't thought out to the fullest extent. I'm obsessed with making sure every choice is the "right" choice and that I must maximize the value returned from my choices. The idea that I can sit here and think forever and somehow arrive at the miracle solution is definitely a flawed assumption. I guess we're all so terrified of "wasting" our lives on the wrong hobby/person/job/hometown that we end up never committing to anything, which ironically is more of a waste of life than any of those things.

>> No.23046382

They're in confined communities because immigration laws made it harder for them to spread out and a lot of anti black groups were also anti Catholic French, Italians and Irish. The KKK were staunchly antiCatholic, and JFK had to promise he wasn't a secret operative for the Vatican because they're seen as a subversive group through most of the US's history. The cultural norm in most of America is Protestant because most of the legal system was set up to prefer white English speaking Protestants. It doesn't help all the places where Catholics did infiltrate the legal system were renowned for corruption, so a lot of the most prominent Irish Catholics had not been acting in the public's best interest. They're a very small population but American Catholics are also weird to other regions, because they're an isolated minority population in a culture which is much more Protestant. Lots of normal expressions of Catholicism are just strange things to do if you don't live in a Catholic country.

>> No.23046406

Real life has consequences, games don't. In a lot of ways games are like practice for the real thing
When you are just play acting, you can try on a role you wouldn't normally without fear of social reprisal

>> No.23046421

When it comes to time, videogames and real life are the exact same.

>> No.23046424

I don’t trust any abebooks sellers from Texas. They don’t seem to understand what the word new means

>> No.23046433
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Not sure what to do with this LDR I'm in. If anyone here has the heart to give some input, I'd appreciate it (/adv/ blows). Summary:

>I'm American/32, she's Russian/40
>met on a dating app last year
>she's divorced, no kids, while I was a virgin when we met
>we had just been rejected before meeting and were depressed (she was on antidepressants, I should have been)
>I went through like 60 girls on apps, which only resulted in 1 pointless date, before going international and matching with her
>we hit it off extremely well right away, neither of us thought we'd find someone like each other
>been talking day and night every day for the past 8 months, watching movies, playing vidya, etc.
>she doesn't speak much English but she can read and write it reasonably well
>flew to a third country to meet (neither of us ever flew overseas like this) and I lost my virginity (she knew I was a virgin and told me it was a good thing)
>since returning, I've been feeling depressed again, and don't know how to proceed

I've looked for all sorts of reasons as to why I feel this way. Maybe it was the language barrier, although when I was with her for 2 weeks I didn't mind it. Maybe it was the fact that I did most of the trip planning. The sex was a little underwhelming, but I'm honestly not surprised, because I've seen too much porn, and I don't really care. Maybe it's the fact that I'm realizing kids are out of the question at her age, but I also don't think I'm ready anyway, and don't know if that's really what I want. I don't know.

We've discussed moving to a third country together. I've always romanticized the idea, but I'm not financially capable of this. My interactions with her lately have a depressing effect on me because of this. I'm willing to work to change this, but there's no guarantee I can make it happen. She also prefers these shittier countries where visa running is easy, because she doesn't really have any other option, and it makes me lose interest quickly.

She's a little controlling and forward. Actually, this converts to erotic role-play that I'm into. But, at the same time, I feel like I'm indulging in a fantasy that isn't necessarily healthy.

She's romantic and wants to build a life with me, but she's also 40, has no career, and is constantly oscillates between depressed and horny. It makes me wonder what sort of future I'm really going to have with her.

I care about her a lot, though. She's the most important person I've ever known outside my family and I feel as close to her as I do with my family.

I'm very confused. It's probably because she took my virginity.

>> No.23046441

Oh yeah, and we're currently not talking for a week because we had an argument where we both expressed doubt as to whether this relationship is going to work. We both said some ungrateful things to each other as clearly we're both a little irritated and stressed. We're supposed to talk again on Valentine's Day, per my request, although she wanted it to be 2 weeks.

>> No.23046454

>into feet
>what i assume foot fetishism will be like: baseline is normie "i just like feet," outnumbering a lesser number of slightly weirder mild sweat/smell guys, who outnumber a minority of severe sweat/smell/dirt guys, who in turn outnumber an extreme minority of guys into hardcore weird shit
>the weirder the shit you're into, the harder it is to find the porn for it
>what foot fetishism is actually like: the baseline/normal/absolute starting point is "MY STINKY POOPOO FEET REEK OF SHIT PEEE-EW STINKY WINKY I WORE THESE SOCKS FOR 2 WEEKS EWWW STINKY I HAVE A FOOT ODOR PROBLEM I SHOULD TALK TO MY DOCTOR ABOUT GROSS I STINK LIKE A ROTTING HOG IN A DUMPSTER" dialog in porn, combined with totally insane "footslut wears taco bell tacos in her shoes for 8 hours then feeds them to a footgoblin" tier insanity
>have to struggle to find normal porn where the girl doesnt immediately say PEEE-EW STINKY DINKY I AM RANCID

>into giantess
>what i assume giantess will be like: baseline is normie "i like when woman is large," with a similarly steadily growing level of weirdness proportionate with rarity
>what giantess is actually like: the baseline/normal is grotesquely inhuman and overdrawn fat dumper women saying MOMMY IS COMING TO FART ON YOU LITTLE MAN and pictures of elderly women snorting galaxies up their hairy booger-filled noses with a cross-sectional cutaway showing that she snorts all the galaxies into a tube connecting her sinuses to her balls and turns them into cum so she can cum them out of her giant futa cock on a planet that is the same size as a galaxy

>> No.23046464

Both of you need to get control of your life

>> No.23046490

>Because people who read will quickly reject Protestantism.
Theres such a smugness and conceit to Catholics on this board

>> No.23046493
File: 81 KB, 1024x1013, 1707354768934709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to let all of you anons in here in on a little secret. Did you know that when black people talk about “seasoning” they are exclusively referring to “Lawry’s Seasoned Salt?”

I’m not joking, it’s an honest to God fact. Next time you get on the subject of cooking while chatting with a black person ask him what his favorite seasonings are to use while cooking. He’ll stare at you mouth agape before mumbling out some incoherent n-word speak like

“mufuggah ion no not mufuggin gorton ramsay nigga nah mean I’m just usin seasoning nigga”

Black people really have no concept of seasoning, they honestly think all flavor is derived from lawry’s seasoning salt. One time I was invited to my n-word neighbor’s 4th of July bbq. I could hardly contain my excitement because I was finally about to be enlightened by the fabled black BBQ, or so I thought.

Imagine my disappointment when I arrived and was greeted with the following

>chicken rubbed with lawry’s seasoned salt

>ribs with dry rub of lawry’s seasoned salt

>mashed potatoes loaded with lawry’s seasoned salt

>salad garnished with lawry’s seasoned salt

>asparagus coated in so much lawry’s seasoned salt that it was entirely crystallized by the time it was done grilling

>every table had a bottle of lawry’s seasoned salt on it “to add some extra seasoning”

It was absolutely unreal. Do you know how many times I was asked to “pass the seasoning” that night? It can’t be counted on both hands. Describing the situation as Lynchian is too kind.

If you ever find yourself dating a black woman and want to impress her grill up some chicken and rub it with enough lawry’s seasoned salt to cure an entire calf. You will be amazed at her eyes light up as she takes her first bite and she showers you with compliments for “cookin’ with soul”

>> No.23046528 [DELETED] 
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Lmao ahahaha look at this webm

>> No.23046530
File: 1.49 MB, 476x846, 1707359900869859.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I posted the still by accident

>> No.23046533


>> No.23046543

Staged as fuck

>> No.23046563

I'm watching people play through Baldur's Gate 3 for the 3rd time. Each one is like 100 hours long. Before this I watched 6 different complete series of Telltale's The Walking Dead (but those are only like 13 hours long).

>> No.23046585

I want to write a story about a man who attempts to starve himself to death. I'm not going to eat for the next 3 days to see what it feels like.

>> No.23046615

Yeah and it makes shut ins think the gym is some insane never ending antics fest instead of a bunch of people minding their business and not making eye contact with others. It's interesting to see how gym attendance ebbs and flows though and it always makes me wonder if some fitness social media trend went viral that day when you randomly see the gym full of people at an hour when it's usually near empty

>> No.23046621

Totally agree that the giantess baseline is way out of wack, way too much retarded shit like vore and farts not enough honest to god sex with big lady plus every whore now makes some lazy low angle feet shit for the simps and calls it "giantess", I mean bruh there's like 3 extent giantess fellatio videos, this genre is flailing.

>> No.23046627

The holocaust didn't happen, but it will.

>> No.23046628

That girl I saw a few times bored me. Trying to entertain her was such a chore. She offered nothing to the conversation

>> No.23046631

Takes longer than 3 days bro. I once went a week without eating because I wanted to die. Really difficult to follow through on

>> No.23046645
File: 813 KB, 649x701, early throne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all want that sweet cult leader life bro, but it's only for the few

>> No.23046646

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.23046667

100 years of solitude is boring me to tears after 60 pages, when does it get good

>> No.23046688

I just want to really feel some hunger, not actually starve.

>> No.23046691

meant for >>23046631

>> No.23046694
File: 653 KB, 2688x1520, IMAG0280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I ran up the ramp of a 47 I imagined I was being swallowed by… by something with a big mouth. Something like a sky-fish. The eyes of the sky-fish-monster are actually turboshaft engines that power the dual rotors, whose (the engines, obviously, not the rotors. I realize some special people might misread, and assume I mean the exhaust of the rotors; I’m preempting that) exhaust makes for a warm and paternal embrace as you scurry up the ramp and take a seat on the canvas bench, and cram shoulder to shoulder with half the platoon and get comfortable for an hour-long flight back to BAF, and a shower, and food, and FIFA. After a long night of doing nothing but a five-kilometer infil and pulling security on the outside of a compound in the middle of buttfuck nowhere Khost, it was always so comfortable and relaxing to get into the bird, like getting into fresh sheets after a shower. That is, as long as you aren’t stuck next to one of the smelly, barefoot, blindfolded targets. I never dealt with the prisoners, because I was in weapons squad on a 240 team; so, I rarely even went into the compounds to SSE. My friends—fellow privates—who were on the line squads always had to escort the MAMs to exfil. Often, they were walking—stumbling blindly with a two-hundred-pound Italian (three-hundred plus in full kit) shoving them along—barefoot through snow. When helicopters land, what happens is called a ‘brown out’, Smart Rangers bring something to protect their face from the sand, ice, and rocks that are whipping around during exfil, like a scarf or whatever those things are called… smaugs. The targets usually got blindsided by the sudden vortex and I wonder what that must have felt like. They were usually pretty small, wearing those pajama clothes they like so much, in a typical deep Afghan squat, falling over from the force of the wind and getting stabilized roughly by the large Italian boy. When we got back to base we just handed them to some guys with black vans, literally mystery dudes in black vans, that took them away to the base within the base.
Pic related

>> No.23046700

Last 30 pages ties it together, it still doesn't make it all worthwhile though. I'd drop it if I was only that far in.

>> No.23046706
File: 191 KB, 1073x1276, IMG_20240124_083405_069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it a try bro. I heard going on a several day fast can actually be pretty good for you. Just be prepared to gorge yourself like a pig afterwards

>> No.23046707

Kurt godel did that, he was so based. He only trusted his wife to feed him, when she dies he stopped eating out of a lack of will to live and a belief people were trying to poison him

>> No.23046717

The blades of the copter
Take me with you. But they cent hear me. The sound fades away

>> No.23046719

Exactly just study math and logic for 10 hours a day until you are too retarded to eat, should be simple enough

>> No.23046727

Amazing, probably. I wish we still had feudal warfare like that.

>> No.23046731

>one of the worst messages I'd ever received
>"sounds fun"
is honesty dead?

>> No.23046742

Yeah I think I will do that. Everything I read lately seems to have these meandering plots and I think I'm just fatigued by it. It's making me really want to pick up some Shakespeare or greek drama just to feel some tension

>> No.23046771

i wonder if any of these modern transgender people would still bother changing genders if it's done on condition that they must remain celibate for the rest of the life, including no masturbation or even entering any romantic relationships. the idea being that if it's not a fetish and truly a kind of medical condition, then any sexualization of the condition would be irrelevant: a drowning man would do anything for some air, because he is simply suffocating under great peril

conversely, i wonder if conservatives and other religious organizations might take it if someone does take that deal, and attempts to still participate in their organizations -- would the fact that they are essentially asexual celibates be enough to sway the immoral perversion angle? then again, if someone did for example perfectly pass the opposite sex in speech and appearance, the whole conversation would be irrelevant as on the surface they would just seem like anyone else. hmm

>> No.23046776

>Nobody has a fetish for being celibate or not allowed orgasm
Anonkun, I don't think your mom wants you to be on this website

>> No.23046787

Do you guys really not explore your dating options? If you go on a date with a girl, that’s it? That’s the girl for life? Early on in dating will always be about testing the waters. Everyone should know this

>> No.23046789

Games end actually, while life doesn't

>> No.23046793

It's just supposed to be horrorporn for incels and shy people

>> No.23046805

I wish I was the King of England with a pointing gold hat. My guards with their red uniforms and big puffy black hats pleasuring my genitalia each time I ring my bell. I ring it often.

>> No.23046808

Wow so deep (applauses)

>> No.23046832

I don't even feel the crumbs on my bed anymore.

>> No.23046844

No, not really. Just thought you should know that you're mistaken to treat life like a game.

>> No.23046849

>comparing dating to this bitch trying to run the bachelor in her living room
nigga you lost the plot

>> No.23046852

Amazing, youve stated the obvious. Life isnt a game. Nice work

>> No.23046855

We've literally created living beings inside video games.

>> No.23046859

>life doesn't
It does, actually.

>> No.23046864

sure, if by 'living' you mean something contradictory to the actual meaning of the word

>> No.23046865

Your desktop computer becomes sentient when you install an os

>> No.23046871

I saw a naked woman on the internet. Very strange. By naked, I mean she didn't even have underw**r on.

>> No.23046893

it amazes me that women can send messages straight to my penis through a single sentence. It happened to me today. That's what flirting is essentially: sending messages directly to a person's body through the medium of language

>> No.23046895

Everything suddenly becomes magical to incels when there's a woman involved

>> No.23046897

I have to play 8 hours of Minecraft tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.

>> No.23046902

Terrific painting sire

>> No.23046903

you should. it's a genuinely fun game.

>> No.23046935

It finally happened, a chick I delivered alcohol to invited me in and started hitting on me. I flirted back and ultimately stayed much longer than better judgement should have allowed. We didn't fug because she was on the rag. And I got my first case of blue balls since I dont know when. I'm mostly just happy to get some validation about my handsomeness and flirting ability. I am seeing her again and honestly split between shagging or ghosting.

I'm also wondering if anyone believes this.

>> No.23046939

I'd have to see her

>> No.23046979

I don't think I'll be showing her around to friends or family but not because of her looks. She's fit for her age but a bit plan or average in the beauty category. I've done a lot worse in the past.
The problem is that she let in a delivery driver and nearly banged if only she wasn't bleeding. Also she is essentially the dog mom meme from /pol/ personified, covered in dog hair, tv was set to the white-woman-got-murdered channel, and of course drinking to forget about her last breakup (etc etc...)
But all in all an interesting night.

>> No.23046996

yeah i could definitely see it as a rebound type situation, doubly so when the story comes up with her ex "oh yeah i fucked the delivery guy right after we broke up" boom eliminated

>> No.23046998

Allday long I tell myself "I cant wait to go to bed tonight" but when bedtime rolls around I stay up watching youtube videos on my phone

>> No.23047004

God I hate jannies.

>> No.23047010

Learn the power of evasion

>> No.23047030

I haven't eaten all day and it's 5:27 PM but I don't feel hungry for some reason.

>> No.23047212

I cried reading this.

>> No.23047227

I've ruined my chances of getting into grad school OVER A FUCKING WOMAN. I've been a 2-year fuge state since that breakup thinking back she was not worth the effort.

>> No.23047230

You had no choice

>> No.23047233

>i got some puss puss and she left me and i felt bad and quit school and it's all her fault and i miss her and waaaaaaaaaahh
what modern day pussy does to a nuggie

>> No.23047242

I think about it every day

>> No.23047243
File: 183 KB, 1200x630, flatten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Taco Bell. It is my favorite fast food and it's not close. It's total slop but I don't care, I have a weakness for it. I have the same relationship to Taco Bell that Trump does to McDonald's. It's like crack to me.

Pic very related, if you've never had a Grilled Cheese Burrito you're missing out.

>> No.23047246

Taco bells peak has long since passed, the level to slop they serve now for the price they serve it at, no ty. Even a decade ago they were pretty good though

>> No.23047247

wonder what kind of data we would get if we correlate IQ with how often one thinks about women/sex/food. hmm.

>> No.23047251

i needed to hear this

>> No.23047253

less simping and more plapping bruddah

>> No.23047260

You'll float too

>> No.23047263

been there enough times to know it is not the end of the world, follies of youth bruddah

>> No.23047266

History has seen the greatest of warriors, the wisest of men and the boomerest of boomers stripped of all sanity for the pussy, nothing modern about it

>> No.23047270

>people who are not accustomed to heart break lose their way when it comes
>"but historically people did it too"
historically divorce was a sin so the "boomerest of boomers" were pretty fresh out of the box

>> No.23047278
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I am deeply in love with a girl and I cant even muster up the courage to talk her.

>> No.23047288

whatever that means nigga

>> No.23047294

I'm also deeply in love with a chick but I've tried to reach out to her. It didn't work, she either ignored my texts or didn't see them, it sucks because she's all I think about, just seeing her face makes me depressed because I know I can't have her.

>> No.23047298
File: 110 KB, 892x611, Shitter.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The feverish paroxysms of a declining people. Grandiose overcompensating vagaries and chest thumping.
The impotent gibbering of an old man in a comfy armchair complaining of the mean rude parvenus at the country club.
I fucking hate WASPs; what a wretched and degenerated people.
It's like they are all suffering from racial senility.
Sorry to Twitterpost but I couldn't handle it any longer.

>> No.23047299

make yourself less dependent and subservient of women and have more sexual intercourse, my brother*

>> No.23047301

he's saying rape

>> No.23047312

Thanks, man

>> No.23047313


>> No.23047324

no, no albeit.

>> No.23047383

what would it be called if you believe in hard determination on the condition that its participants have to believe in free will? i.e. by thinking they have free will, they will set out to do what they are destined to do

now you might say well anon that's just regular hard determination, but consider a participant sitting in a room. if he believed in hard determinism, he might conclude that things just happen, and so never goes about anything that would really make things happen. he is passive. inert. he does not go outside to walk in the park or something.

but if he believed in free will, then he believes he can change his destiny, he goes to the park, meets a girl, falls in love, has a child. he had to believe that it his will that brought him there, when in reality, he was destined to do so only because he believed in his free will, otherwise he would have just stayed in his room all day

>> No.23047400

I currently live in Washington, DC but am thinking about moving to Washington state once my lease is up in August. Get a live in van and work at some restaurant 20 hours a week. I have a tiny bed and a foldout desk with a chair, figure I don't really do anything besides read, might as well have no rent and live in the wilderness. Thoughts?

>> No.23047403

Sounds good to me, it'll also help you save in case you ever wanna buy a house.

>> No.23047407

That's my thinking too. I'd love to buy a house in the praire some day, maybe in Montana or Idaho. The rural parts of the PNW are very red too, it's the cities which are liberal hellspawns.

>> No.23047413

The fuck are you trying to say? It's called free will rather than just will because it's not the only type of will, you can still have predetermined will within determinism and as such still aim towards things within determinism. You can still believe in 'will' and your ability to interact with reality even if you don't believe either of these things are undetermined. Belief or nonbelief in determinism ultimately just comes from a difference in thinking whether there is room within your brains thoughts for external forces (such as a divine soul) to imperceptibly influence them, personally I think that yes, there is room within the universes 'laws' to allow non physical influences express themselves and never be able to be measured.

>> No.23047423

Are there rural parts anywhere that are liberal? Rural areas tend to attract conservatives.

>> No.23047432

Just popped a pimple on my dick and it shot onto my finger.

>> No.23047437

Not that I know of, it's the cities that are almost always blue. Problem is they have the largest concentration of Democrats.

>> No.23047466

I'm so bored. I don't wanna watch a movie, I don't have any video games that I wanna play, I don't wanna watch any shows, I don't feel like reading, I don't wanna jerk off, YouTube is shit, I don't wanna listen to music, there's nothing good happening on the chan right now and Twitch is boring, what the fuck am I meant to do?

>> No.23047468

Nasty anon. I know it's "write what's on your mind" but maybe keep the gross shit that just happened to yourself

>> No.23047477

Don't act like you're not a dick pimple popper. Oooh, it hurts so good.

>> No.23047484

Do something you don't want to do instead, exercise? Clean? Errands? Write? Make a plan for the year?

>> No.23047489

I have no need, I'm not fat. There's nothing to clean, I like to stay clean. It's 10:00 PM I couldn't run errands if I wanted to. I should write. I could make plans but they'd never come to fruition cause I'm useless and retarded.

>> No.23047490

you sound depressed. If you can't will yourself to do anything, even something as degenerate as porn or playing video games, something is seriously wrong.

>> No.23047492

>you sound depressed.
That's the neat part, sport, I am.

>> No.23047511

So then I would first work towards getting that straightened out

>> No.23047515

If only there was a surefire way of doing that.

>> No.23047532
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1695021813231482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google "milk drink mix" to prove a point
>find this
oh my god, if I don't get my hands on this I'm going to fucking die.

>> No.23047576

Started microneedling because I'm a Norwood 2 at 24. Balding is the wall for men

>> No.23047579

Trying to avoid pharmaceuticals at the moment but if this doesnt work over 6 months it's fin/min time

>> No.23047590

Go to sleep is what I do.

>> No.23047596

I'm partly of the superstition that baldness is determined by lifestyle and spirit.
My only proof
>Grand-dad lived live as a sober and dependable bank employee from 18 until retirement. Was deep norwood at 18.
>My father lives a life of having sex with everything that moves, smuggling and being retarded. Is close to 70 and only norwood 2.
I can't explain that any other way.

>> No.23047740

>It's 10:00 PM
Go to bed, dummy

>> No.23047757

It's 11:58 PM now, still too early, I won't be going to sleep until at least 2:00 AM.

>> No.23047766

Your roommates desire for your cock resonates on the same frequency as the one your giving in to lust resonates on. You need to fuck your roommate.

>> No.23047770

Based and Globohomo pilled

>> No.23047780

Woh anon are you ok?

>> No.23047784

Enjoy growing breasts

>> No.23047785

I wish I was deeply in love with the girl I've been with for 14 years. I don't think I even know what being "deeply in love" means.

>> No.23047795

Its still hard determinism whether we believe it or not ultimately. That being said it isn't what is true in the real world, because in the real world there are people who believe in hard determinism and people who don't, so if hard determinism is real it isn't of a kind that requires people to believe in free will in order to function, never the less it does produce some people who do believe in free will. The belief really is just yet another factor that determines after all.

>> No.23047799

Go for a run/ do some strenuous exorcise. You wont feel like doing it now but that feeling goes away when you are exhausted. Then go to sleep. Its what I do whenever I can't think of anything worth doing.

>> No.23048059

I fucking love gothic horrour
I love monsters
just fucking creatures you know
sins against God's nature
I love'em

>> No.23048063

Wild nature with her blessed beauty gives
No small solace for a shaken somber soul,
And the ancient aspen forest where she lives
Covers, cradles-- loving clasps the broken whole.

Nowhere near and never still, not above--
And not upon the mighty mountain's crest
Could any find a single spot of Love,
That cursed thing that burns the beaten breast.

O! Long I to live! to lie beneath her feet--
To cry beneath the snow and sleet
Where no eyes will ever meet.

O! Long I to love! to lift this longing pain--
To learn to laugh to love again,
And find some reason to remain.

>> No.23048103

Fat poor people in rich countries I get. In absolute terms everyone is actually super rich and can spend a lot on food. Fat people in VERY poor countries is something else entirely though. It's all about impulse control. Capitalism doesn't make people fat.

>> No.23048120

Are poets artists? We refer to painters, sculptors, musicians, and others all as artists but almost never poets. Poetry, and literature by proxy, seems to be altogether different thing albeit similar and we just naturally refer to it this way.

>> No.23048125

>Fat people in VERY poor countries is something else entirely though.
If you're from a very poor country you're probably importing a US diet and eating canned food. In poor countries which produce their own food, being fat is a status symbol, so women often eat drugs you're supposed to use to flatten livestock to gain weight and fetch better marriage proposals. It is capitalism in those countries much more explicitly, where being fat is equivalent to being rich. Fat people in countries wealthy enough to have a choice between healthy and excessively calorie dense foods though do have an impulse control problem, because they're actually choosing between two options.

>> No.23048128

Fatten livestock, not flatten

>> No.23048147

Poets and writers are referred to as artists, historically and currently, although I've noticed that more people are hesitant to say it. This is probably because writing and poetry doesn't provide immediate sensory pleasure like the other forms of art, so they never see it as such.

>> No.23048150

You are the first person I have ever seen even consider the idea that poets are not artists. What else would they be?

>> No.23048168

We refer to other artists as poets when they are particularly elegant. Poets are artists, but it's a bit like asking how come we never refer to prima ballerinas as just dancers, or why you wouldn't call Michelangelo's David a piece of masonry.

>> No.23048175
File: 121 KB, 662x736, Playing Soldier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like reading old/ancient books because of how short they are.
Currently reading 'On Roman Military Matters' By Flavius Vegetius Renatus.

>> No.23048195

I look around and I realize I don't enjoy the life I have made for myself. I think I'll be done soon.

>> No.23048204

Disagree with that. In fact, you’re liable to hear/read “poets and artists” as if to imply they’re distinct but you’ll never hear “sculptors and artists”.

But that’s just poetic license. We don’t mean they’re poets in a literal sense.


>> No.23048220

Poiesis literally means making, or forming, and poets are those who create beautiful things. It's usually specific to formation of language, but it's not so restricted a category it stops a footballer from executing an act of poetry.

>> No.23048445

Good morning /wwoym/ <3

>> No.23048449

let me see them tiddies

>> No.23048452

Good morning, anon. I hope you have a blessed day.

>> No.23048467

But the etymology is less relevant that how it’s used

>> No.23048470
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This is head canon and loose generalization based on a couple of anecdotes that are true for some parts of the third world but not all of it. In the levant for example and particularly Lebanon you have this thing among boomers from the upper classes with weight as a status symbol but it's fading out real fast, and wil hardly be a thing a decade from now. In north/northwest Africa some tribes fatten their brides before weddings. In Iraq men salivate over women who look like pic related. But overall third worlders are not that much more attracted to fatness than first worlders. It's just that they eat a lot, and are too lazy to exercise.

>> No.23048476

Mental Hospitals apparently have a criteria for admissions and I was lucky the first time getting in. I think the staff though kind of asked basic questions constantly for the psychological well being for the patient and it wasn't helpful but the classes could've been applied somewhat for daily use.

>> No.23048480
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>> No.23048489

I’ve started thinking Nietzscheans are more retarded than Marxists.

>> No.23048494

No one is more retarded than Marxists.

>> No.23048499

sweet nips brah

>> No.23048505

Thanks, i grew them myself

>> No.23048512

Really? My parents gave me mine desu

>> No.23048520

I used to have a qt redhead shortstack gf who would say this. She was hot as fuck, very into anime and LARPing, and a total freak in bed. She broke up with me for denying the holocaust. Feelsbadman.

>> No.23048521

Just scrambled some eggs in a bowl and realized I don't have any fucking butter.

>> No.23048523

Probably gmo then.

>> No.23048525

Painters are painters, sculptors are sculptors, film makers are film makers, musicians are musicians. You know the point that I was making. Would you say poets are better suited to some other umbrella category? Do you think they are a category of their own? Like I said before I have never before heard it contested that poets were artist. The common sense level of their art firmly seated in the realm of artistry, and thus making the creators artists, is making it hard for me to even fathom what you could be playing at. Are you trying to say that poems are a separate category from art works? Do you just think that is the common conception?

>> No.23048526

I just realized, how much of the entire political and cultural landscape of the last 10-15 years is simply the result of old people and normies having to get used to the internet, and being called faggots and retards in their comment sections or "subtweets"?

I'm listening to these two old boomer celebrities hash out a "beef" between them and they keep talking about how one or the other's fans would "harass" them. And I realized, wait a minute, they just mean fans of the other guy saying random shit under your tweets? Like you try to tweet a joke and you get random noise responses from those guys going "Dude u really screwed over michael!! traitor!!"

Anyone from 4chan, any normal male raised online, would just see that as empty noise, part of the background radiation of the internet. But boomers and normies have been going AHHHHHHH HELP ME THE DISCOURSE IS TURNING AGAINST ME because they still think in 90s terms. I see a post saying heinous shit and I filter it out as someone shitposting directly from their id, but a boomer sees it and pictures a full actual human man standing outside and saying the words in the post. And I guess normies and women do the same thing, everything is so social for them that they think social media is a party they're at? And they're thinking "What! Someone walkin' up to me at the party and saying THAT?!"

It's like the old, real id-ternet in which people are abstractions was replaced by this new, normified one in which people are the primary focus, and it's just an extended form of normal life (high school, parties, the office).

>> No.23048542

No, it's the jews.

>> No.23048544

I think Marx, while wrong, did rigorously grapple with the things he was discussing and critiquing and although most Marxists are retarded, some at least take these things seriously and investigate them for themselves. It would take a good bit of research to refute Marx from an economic standpoint. For Nietzsche, his whole thing is just strawman and as hominem. 15 minutes on CatholicAnswers.org refutes Nietzsche’s critique of Christianity entirely. So he didn’t grapple with it rigorously at all and obviously neither do his disciples or they’d know that.

>> No.23048548

>qt redhead shortstack gf
>hot as fuck, very into anime and LARPing, and a total freak in bed
It's not fair bros...

>> No.23048549

I’m saying that we instinctively place poets in some category with artists but that they’re not necessarily the same. For example, we refer to musicians as artists but almost novelists and poets as artists. They’re just novelists and poets. The fact that we do this implies that we intuitively don’t consider them artists but consider them as some other thing which is a lot like an artist but different.

>> No.23048555

Just think of it this way if you want to feel better, she's probably in her late 20s by now and past her prime. Or even older.

>> No.23048560
File: 56 KB, 539x757, 1707014869313979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She took me denying the holocaust worse than my jewess ex.
>send a long text ranting about how the holohoax is fake and gay to her
>she replies with "yeah that's cool, you're still never getting your foreskin back tho"
ngl she kinda owned me with that one

>> No.23048561

So am I. Still a perfect match as far as I'm concerned. Goddammit, I'm even more bummed out now...

>> No.23048570

I've denied the holocaust to no less than three Jewish gfs and they were all fine with it. I think the key is to deny the holocaust thoughtfully. Like, be open to counterarguments and just be genuinely curious. I don't deny the holocaust because I want to gas Jews and I'm some skinhead frothing at the mouth, I deny the holocaust because it's the right thing to do, and she understands that.

>> No.23048572

You don't know how bad it is. She was 4'11, perfect C-cup tits, flat stomach, and a gorgeous heart-shaped ass with those little back-dimples above it. Thanks /pol/.

>> No.23048576

An actual holocaust denying schizo christian girl asked me out and I turned her down out of social anxiety. She was also hot. I still think about that.

>> No.23048584

Stop trying to recruit incels to your gay little cause faggot

>> No.23048586
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>I've denied the holocaust to no less than three Jewish gfs
life is so absurd

>> No.23048593

You really don't believe it? The world is larger than your little mind troon.

>> No.23048595

Stop pretending to be a woman.

>> No.23048596

lmao zoomers are gonna have to learn to spot out retard propaganda or they are as good as lemmings

>> No.23048597

reddit is down the hall and to the left

>> No.23048601

>sour grapes
pathetic. Go touch some grass

>> No.23048602

Ok so you think the common consensus is that somehow they are a separate category. I don't think that separation happens enough in common parlance to justify your idea above the fact that no one would deny a good literary work or poem are works of art, making their creators (authors and poets) artists.

>> No.23048633

insane as it is, even the most perverted fetishes were saner a decade ago, speaking from experience.

>> No.23048640

80% of the audience for them is now indians and other thirdies who have minds like children

>> No.23048658

Im sorry your mental health is deteriorating anon.

>> No.23048772


would this work if you have long hair? i imagine hair longer than an inch would just wrap itself around the roller and you end up with a tangled mess

>> No.23048778

>perfect hairline and thick hair
>thought i had prey eyes, turns out i have almond eyes with a slightly positive canthal tilt
>thought i have a small jaw, my jawline is actually great and above average in size, my nose is just big
>18cm dick (remember, big nose)
>get eyefucked constantly every day from females
>had a random girl of the street literally pick up my bag for me after i dropped it once
>actually interesting life with deep knowledge of various exciting stuff and activities
>job in luxury products that i can talk about for hours that niggercattle find interesting even though it's a bit bland

and yet i still have a very low notch count. I just can't be bothered to talk to women

>> No.23048784

Good god man being aware that you are attractive or whatever should occupy 2% of your consciousness, you shouldn't have this sort of hyperawareness of it let alone relate it to your success/failures except in the obvious ways (people dislike you because you stink / I'm fortunate to be tall as it opens doors for me with women). You've been poisoned by the frankly extremely feminized and feminizing online culture around this shit. You are thinking about yourself like a woman does.

Half of what makes a man attractive is that he ISN'T plugged into things like this. Men wear oversized faded graphic t-shirts and work on a deck together and exude capability and self-mastery. You have woman who watches ASMR makeup tutorials and knows 98 technical terms for contouring levels of preening knowledge.

>> No.23048794

Typing this very loudly on my laptop to give to my coworkers the impression that I'm typing up a storm, probably some important e-mail.

>> No.23048795

>t. manlet

>> No.23048797
File: 169 KB, 794x1252, 1697595575032175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has there ever been a valid reason against homosexuality that didn't boil down to "eeee! icky!"?

>> No.23048798

You're never going to make it kek

>> No.23048803

Why would you even care about a 'notch count'?
A flex would be getting a very good, top of the line woman. Not bagging many mediocre ones.

>> No.23048804

... it's used in English as a loan word. Aesthetics are the practices of appreciating beauty, and poietics are the practices of creating beauty.

>> No.23048811

If it's your child that does it it's robbing you of a grandchild.
The entire dynamic of a relationship doesn't work.
But yes mostly it's because the image of a man spreading his nasty anus for another man to cum in is revolting to normal people.

>> No.23048815

>send news of video game company that apparently took part of in tweet repost for text message
>friend says he cannot view tweet cause internet
>"okay, that's fine, do you easily access YouTube links?"
>yes of course.jpg
>next text, "but I don't know the company and can't access the tweet cause I don't have an account for my phone"
>you can view tweets without an account
>but my internet access!
Why are people like this?

>> No.23048820

yeah several. STDs, fags are literally not real it's just trauma from rape and high estrogen, fucked up hormones, fags have completely destructive lifestyles, also childless and if they adopt children the child is permanently scarred (good thing, we need more criminals)
basically the arguments against homosexuality are stronger than the arguments against shooting up heroin

That's your amygdala telling you that you shouldn't put your dick in shit and get STDs that will make you sick. Evolution is great

>> No.23048822

spreading venereal diseases to little boys is a good way to die young.

>> No.23048823

>If it's your child that does it it's robbing you of a grandchild
Why are we still pretending to care about this crap? "Oh no my precious bloodline" motherfucker you aren't a Romanov or some shit, your bloodline could end tomorrow and nobody would give a shit. And besides, I know a few gay and lesbian couples who have children that are at least partially their offspring. It's the future bitch, catch up

>> No.23048827

seethe manlet
i bang exclusively 7+, but i also like sex
sex is pretty easy to get but requires work and I have no motivation to work for pussy. same hole gets boring after a while too

>> No.23048836

My amygdala is telling me this post was written by a retard who thinks micro controlling the sex lives of individuals is how you fix le society

>> No.23048839

Why do you care about living? You could die tomorrow and nobody would give a shit. (Kill yourself)
>It's the future
It's extremely outdated and lame, the future is artificial wombs and sexbots

>> No.23048840

>your bloodline could end tomorrow and nobody would give a shit
I would.
> I know a few gay and lesbian couples who have children that are at least partially their offspring
What does partially their offspring even mean?
>It's the future bitch, catch up
If this is your argument I think the 'it's disgusting' is actually much more persuasive.

>> No.23048844

>muh bloodline
Godless materalists clutching at what they can for meaning

>> No.23048848

High quality is more than just looks.
Anyone can fuck a 7+, either by getting them drunk enough or hiring an escort.
>same hole gets boring after a while too
Basically revealing that you only fuck mediocre women.

>> No.23048849

Weird projection, the only thing I want for society is to collapse so millions can die. The first to go will also be homo trash since they are entirely parasitic and depended on whatever society exists at any given moment

>> No.23048853

The first to go will be larping suburbanites on 4chan t b h

>> No.23048855

>What does partially their offspring even mean?
It means that one of them is a biological parent to the kid, apparently all the abuse it's eating up (about as bad as being raised by a single mother) doesn't matter apparently
NTA obviously but I condone it. We need more deranged criminals in society and this practice just creates criminals. Or insane trannies

>> No.23048856

>If this is your argument I think the 'it's disgusting' is actually much more persuasive.
This. "Time's changed" and "current year" are the worst arguments I've ever heard, worse than just saying "because I don't like it."

>> No.23048859

Think that the next time you're farting out cum from the last dude you let sodomize you

>> No.23048865

high quality is 90% looks and 10% personality that isn't trash
You can fuck 10/10 escorts here for like 100 euro. No shit lol
>Basically revealing that you only fuck mediocre women.
Basically revealing that you for some reason you are bothered by my own preferences and try to assert that I'm somehow "not that great" in a department you pretend to compete alongside me (sexual market)
not sure what you get out of it, godspeed tho

>> No.23048867

Just tell him what you want him to know dummy

What point could you possibly be making by googling "milk drink mix"

>> No.23048868

Not my thing but I'm glad to know I'd have the freedom to get piped if I ever decided I wanted to

>> No.23048870

4chan is filled to the brim with spics and literal cartel and triad members so no 4channers won't be going anywhere. Maybe half of /lit/ and almost all of /mu/ along with 100% of /a/ will, though

>> No.23048875

so obvious when sexless faggots who play video games all day try to discuss the dynamics of women

>> No.23048877

vats isn't real larping retard

>> No.23048880

fake news, /a/ shall inherit the earth.

>> No.23048882

>dynamics of women
women have no dynamics. women are basically slave to men by biology, just good looking men like me and not ugly/short ones
this is what women are, and this is good

>> No.23048887

lmao go write more gamefaqs about escorts and dating

>> No.23048888

It says albeit right there in your image thoughever

>> No.23048891

>high quality is 90% looks and 10% personality that isn't trash
Disagree. A good looking woman can absolutely be trash tier. Happens often. Is a 10/10 a good women if she's out clubbing 3 times a week? Getting drunk and being addicted to drama?
>you are bothered by my own preferences
I'm not. I just disagree with what you think is a high quality woman. Don't be surprised that someone reacts when you post your though itt.
Not sure what you get out of your op though, tell me that.
I am going to have sex in about 3 hours.
Anything substantial to say, incel?

>> No.23048893

i have no idea what you mean, try taking less ssris next time
rw twitter is just incels and boomers who think they are edgy for quoting nietzsche but have yet to kill a single person and their solution to any problem is to voote harder

>> No.23048895

why are men such faggots like this now

>> No.23048900

>in t minus 3 hours I wil be having sex with an approximately 6.34/10 woman, I will enter at a 33 degree angle after spending approximately 14.2 minutes after eating exactly 34$ of food, I plan to cum in exactly 2.4 minutes after insertion, see you on the other side boys

>> No.23048901

>A good looking woman can absolutely be trash tier.
absolutely agree, this isn't an argument against what i said. perhaps you misunderstood
>Not sure what you get out of your op though
i love self-aggrandizing.

>> No.23048906

look up metrosexuality and just think about these retards looking at social media for half the day, it's obvious

>> No.23048908
File: 266 KB, 547x596, 8bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in t minus 3 hours I wil be having sex with an approximately 6.34/10 woman, I will enter at a 33 degree angle after spending approximately 14.2 minutes after eating exactly 34$ of food, I plan to cum in exactly 2.4 minutes after insertion, see you on the other side boys

>> No.23048914

metrosexual is a feminine man caring about his appearance. most metrosexuals are manlets or outright fags

>> No.23048926

The future is increasingly looking like a hellscape of sexless bitter men and neurotic+medicated women and endless immigrants flooding your countries and i love it.

>> No.23048939

Now everyone gets to be brown and ugly, yaaay.

>> No.23048940

The suffering of people who are not me is entertaining and you cannot convince me otherwise

>> No.23048941

>the future is artificial wombs
So then two gay guys can engineer an embryo from their DNA and gestate it in an artificial womb

>and sexbots
I don't understand why people bring this up as if it's anything more than a really advanced fleshlight. Yeah bro, you're gonna feel great about yourself busting in a robot. Even masturbation is more dignified.

>> No.23048942

Everyone gets to live in low impulse control extremely violent postapocalyptic countries, yes
Sorry libtard the future isn't a feminist utopia it's actually women getting sold as slaves (again)

>> No.23048947

Imagine taking personal responsibility in 2024

>> No.23048950


>> No.23048952

>So then two gay guys can engineer an embryo from their DNA and gestate it in an artificial womb
this already exists it's called a woman getting paid to do it lmaoo
>I don't understand why people bring this up as if it's anything more
it's porn x10000000, it will just kill out human-human interaction. people will either not procreate or procreate with artificial wombs, completely isolated in their bubbles
society as we have known it ever since we exist as a species will literally cease to exist, whatever comes after it will be cool (I hope billions die out)

>> No.23048971

>I don't understand why people bring this up as if it's anything more than a really advanced fleshlight
Turns out all it takes to completely replace women is a really advanced fleshlight. Who would've known!

>> No.23048987

Do you think you would be satisfied with a sexbot? If yes, then why aren't you satisfied with just masturbating?

>> No.23048991

>Do you think you would be satisfied with a lubricated tight vagina? If yes, then why aren't you satisfied with just masturbating?
Why are some women more satisfied with dick than their middle finger?

>> No.23049001

>The first to go will also be homo trash since they are entirely parasitic and depended on whatever society exists at any given moment.
The homosexuals need to leave and the Christians that accept this behavior. I'd be proud to watch them burn.

>> No.23049003


>> No.23049008

What I'm getting at here is that if this was just about busting the most pleasurable nut possible and you didn't care about having a relationship of some kind, then "replacing women" wouldn't even be a thought that occurs to you. A sexbot can't give you what you want

>> No.23049009

you just figured that out?

>> No.23049011

A form of autobiography or memoir I'd like to see, if any such examples exist, is something that doesn't pretend to the narrative logic of novels or plays, but in which remembered incidents are described as they come to mind, in detail only according to their vividness, thence arranged in sequence in the final draft, without any attempt to weigh their importance otherwise. Rather automatically such a book would be highly revealing of character and temperament, since memory is highly selective according to it. For instance, while I'm not particularly social in the sense that I like a lot of solitude (one can get too much company growing up in a big family) it's almost ridiculous how many people I've met and talked to and remember without making the slightest effort to do so. There also are some things I remember about my own memory that are unusual when it was at its most acute during the NEET years of my mid 20s. I lived in a suburb where mature silver maples were established on the green medians two per residence, as well as usual as huge backyard specimens, and became so familiar with slight variations in the leaf shape of nearby ones, that in fall, looking at them on the ground, I could tell which tree they came from almost readily as one recognizes faces. On the other hand I'm absolute trash at drawing likenesses, or for anything verbatim, but have a spectacular memory for sound.

>> No.23049013

At some point people need to realize that our future is going to be soft-cyberpunk. No revolutions, no wars, no apocalypse. Just technological slavery and widespread depression

>> No.23049019

>if this was just about busting the most pleasurable nut possible
We have expensive escorts for that, you fail to understand what sexbots are
Yes, I don't live in America
That's regular cyberpunk thoughbeit. Blade Runner, Judge Dredd, at most Automata. Apocalypse is Mad Max
I think we will get soft cyberpunk in the sense that everyone will be pumped full of meds or/and dopamine a la BNW, but many won't be fully controlled by some kind of central government due to open source.

>> No.23049024

>you fail to understand what sexbots are
Please enlighten me then

>> No.23049033

opinion discarded

>> No.23049039

Sexbots are first and foremost machines that do stuff, nigger. They clean, cook, and so on. Advanced AI offers unconditional affection, and then you've got sex. You don't need any other person with that. I think that I wouldn't get one but when all that is on the table I'm not so sure. Maybe I'd get 4 or 5.
That's what I mean by a total breakdown of human-human interaction. Humans will just not be useful anymore, and with a very big part of the population now being relatively loner types, they'll just completely isolate themselves. This has never happened before and society as we know it will end, it's that simple.

>> No.23049042

None of that will happen in your lifetime.

>> No.23049047

>2020: AI will soon make photorealistic images
>2020: None of that will happen in your lifetime
Most of it is already here kek it's just expensive

>> No.23049058

post regated

>> No.23049084


>> No.23049107

>Advanced AI offers unconditional affection
People don't want unconditional affection, the conditions are what make it feel worthwhile. There are a lot of "loner types" now, but as you can see from any wwoym thread, people feel bad about it, they crave relationships even if they can't navigate them. Even the dimmest moron would know that his AI wife is just programmed to like him, there's nothing actually there to validate him as a person. And he would feel like shit about the whole thing because of that.

The relationship you describe is a mommy you get to fuck. She cooks, she wipes your ass, loves you and thinks you're special, and then you've got sex. You probably think you're a really advanced guy, you see through the illusion etc, but if that's what you want then you're just an adult toddler.

>> No.23049138

insofar as /a/ is a SEAmonkey/sudaca colony, what you say is true

>> No.23049469

Nah, if you use a dermapen the needles just go straight up and down so no tangling. I have mediumish length hair

>> No.23049552


>> No.23049901


>> No.23050307

Big dicks will rule the world