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/lit/ - Literature

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23047506 No.23047506 [Reply] [Original]

>shelf thread
Post one rate one

>> No.23047927
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>> No.23047929

I like your fancy H.G. Wells. Is the Rutherford translation of Don Quixote any good?

>> No.23048036
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I have the same Golden Dawn book. Neat.
Here's an old picture of one of my shelves, because I'm not going to take more pictures of my shelf and I don't want to wait 8 minutes just to post everything that I have.

>> No.23048251

Ita the best

>> No.23048372


>> No.23048385
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Rate shelph.

>> No.23048388

>bought the chinkslop writing shit

>> No.23048403

Shalom bar mitzvah

>> No.23048414

I'm starting to grow out of it, but it doubled my daily word count and paid for itself in a month, plus is comfy. :3

>> No.23048424

Oy vey Shabbat to you too.

>> No.23048446
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>> No.23048459

Am Yisrael Chai

>> No.23048460

Jews are the biggest autists of all; half of 4chan are jewish or relate to jewishness somehow.

>> No.23048468

Harog et atzmeha , koksinel.

>> No.23048485

so edgy!

>> No.23048487
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Why so much interest in the Irish? Also nice Guenon collection

This is the main literature shelf

>> No.23048493

He's Irish

>> No.23048529 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23048538
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>> No.23048546

Half the titles are illegible.

>> No.23048568

Not my problem. This is a *shelf* thread.

>> No.23048606 [DELETED] 

I can identify certain books by their spine. He has:
- Libra by DeLillo
- The Brothers Karamazov, Demons, The Idiot (P&V translation: cringe)
- Don Quixote (Grossman translation)
- Dune
- The Sun Also Rises
- A Farewell to Arms
- Moby Dick meme edition
- Suttree
- Lolita
- Complete works of Plato
- Bleeding Edge
- Fankenstein
- East of Eden?
- Gravity's Rainbow
- 4 Kurt Vonnegut novels (Slaughterouse Five, Mother Night, The Sirens of Titan, Player Piano)
- Infinite Jest

>> No.23048615 [DELETED] 

It seems like the Vonnegut with blue spine is Breakfast of Champions*

>> No.23048620

I can identify certain books by their spine. He has:
- Libra by DeLillo
- The Brothers Karamazov, Demons, The Idiot (P&V translations: cringe)
- Don Quixote (Grossman translation)
- Dune
- The Sun Also Rises
- A Farewell to Arms
- Moby Dick meme edition
- Suttree
- Lolita
- Complete works of Plato
- Bleeding Edge
- Fankenstein
- East of Eden?
- Gravity's Rainbow
- 4 Kurt Vonnegut novels (Slaughterouse Five, Breakfast of Champions, The Sirens of Titan, Player Piano)
- Infinite Jest

>> No.23048621
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it is actually this edition. but, lets try to stay on topic here fellas. this is about the shelf.

>> No.23048628

Not any of those anons but that's a nice edition. I've been looking for the perfect one and picked up a small little paperback version recently, but that one's nice.

>> No.23048629

ah, I thought it was the one made by /lit/ kek
my bad

>> No.23048632

What translations of Homer are those?

>> No.23048634
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I got the one by barnes and noble. It's annotated on every other page but I want to upgrade. Redpill me on your edition.

>> No.23048638
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Damn I might have to get the annotated version, seeing as I think I'm too dumb to properly understand the book

>> No.23048644

The Signet paperback seems to be the one by W. H. D. Rouse and the Penguin is the one by E. V. Rieu. Not him btw.

>> No.23048656

Forgot to add:
Signet = Odyssey
Penguin = Iliad

>> No.23048671
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>barnes and noble
Mine's here >>23048385 Nothing fancy, but a comfy copy.

>> No.23048674
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yes, it's excellent. great illustrations. there is one of a whale dick i have on my phone, let me find it.
I do want to get that edition too, everything I've read from it is very funny.

>> No.23048684

>whale dick
>/lit edition
Now this I want.

>> No.23048717
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Yea, it's from a normie book store or whatever but I like that it's annotated and has a dictionary of sea terms at the end. I bought it before I knew any better.

>> No.23048785
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read books (part 1)

>> No.23048793
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read books (part 2)

>> No.23048799
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read books (part 3, recently read) and some miscellaneous poetry

>> No.23048806
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bookshelves as a whole (the rest is unread or partially read)

>> No.23048819

That's quite a bit of Krasznahorkai, can you tell me the titles to the left of War and War (other than Baron Wenckheim's Homecoming)?

>> No.23048824

Could you please show a glimpse of your pc setup/battlestation, please?

>> No.23048825

to the right, I meant*

>> No.23048835

What keyboard?

>> No.23048852

- Herodotus' Histories (Landmark hardcover? you lucky bastard)
- Mythology by Hamilton
- The Pale King

>> No.23048872

sure, after war & war it's
>seiobo there below
>baron k
>destruction and sorrow beneath the heavens
>the bill (for palma vecchio)
>the last wolf/herman
>chasing homer
>a mountain to the north, a lake to the south, paths to the west, a river to the east
and there's also the world goes on and spadework for a palace in my recently read shelf >>23048799
i am somewhat of a fan

>> No.23048883

not sure why i abbreviated wenckheim to k, obviously just got k on the mind

>> No.23048889

Thanks! Great shelves btw

>> No.23048890

Impressive, anon.

Anon >>23048388 already busted my balls for it. It's the Astrohaus Freewrite, an overpriced e-ink electronic typewriter that syncs with wifi. It's actually a nice little device. The newer-gen models have issues, I hear.

>> No.23048904

I had no idea Blonde by Carol Oates was that big. Did you like it?

>> No.23048912

i really loved it, one of my favourite things i read that year. it's so intense and weird. i still haven't got around to watching the film, not sure how well it would translate

>> No.23049034
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>> No.23049041
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Sff shelf!

>> No.23049048

what's in that Fritz Leiber box sex?

>> No.23049087

The whole Fafhrd and Mouser series. Which I cannot recommend enough. That's the only Leiber I've read though

>> No.23049382
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Great reading corner. Good lamp next to chair?

>> No.23049436
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>> No.23049437

Havent opened Don Quixote yet?

>> No.23049485
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That is quite the collection you have there. Honestly, out of everything you've posted here: The Old Man And The Sea is probably my favorite. I'm a sucker for the old nautical themed stories. Oddly, I haven't read Moby Dick yet. Maybe I'll approach that sometime this year.
I decided to just go take another picture anyways since I'm here.

>> No.23049501

Absolutely not!

>> No.23049505

How's the print in that O'Connor LoA book? Is it small?

>> No.23049510

holy fuck

>> No.23049516


>> No.23049519

yea what's with all the porno books
anon is a naughty boy

>> No.23049559

It isn't terrible small. It's probably 10.5 - 11pt, if I had to guess.

>> No.23049740

Wonderful. I'd assumed it was a basement but that window and side table really make a good room.

>> No.23049756

I need a chair like that. Looks so comfy.

>> No.23049769

holy shit

>> No.23049902

so based

>> No.23049934

Lightning and the sun :—-)

>> No.23049964

Most unread books bought from /lit/ and TrueLir reccs kek

>> No.23049976

Also lots of dogshit interspersed throughout

>> No.23050456

Oh nice, I didn't know Miller did short stories. I thought he just did Canticle and the sequel.

>> No.23050459

Why do shelf threads bring out the saltiness and reveal the sour grapes?

>> No.23051504
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No one knows freedom like the bag-cel.

>> No.23051667

With all due respect, this fucking sucks

>> No.23051780

>basic finance
>cringe occultisms and larpists
>followed by the oh so predictable East Asian inclination
>so-so popular novel mix
I'm going to guess you're 19 and give this shelf a 5/10.

I've wondered. Is there a well-known rabbinical commentary on the book of Proverbs specifically? That book is my bread and butter. I've looked, but found nothing. I am unqualified to rate your shelf.

>shelf one: okay, not bad
>shelf two: a bit cringe
>shelf three: neat, neat, interesting. a bit overboard maybe, but okay.
>shelf four: we have now fully elucidated what manner of shelf this is. it is a horror show.

Most balanced and interesting shelf so far. 6/10

Too many Penguins maybe, though it looks nice enough, and ruined by the altogether too prominent Mein Retardation, but otherwise decent. 7/10

Now this is a shelf! We're getting very shelfy as we go along! 8/10

I can't easily tell what's on your shelf, but it looks nice.

Now that's a nice nook. Throw out your little idol and we're really cooking. Good job on being an actual bibliophile. 8/10

1/10, sorry.

You are hitting levels of comfy that are making me jealous. 9/10 for comfy--good books too, where I can tell.

Pretty interesting group. 7/10

You got chutzpah, kid. 5/10

>> No.23051788

Woops, meant the "comfy" comment for you. >>23051780

>> No.23051811

It’s got to be annoying to be a Jewish person on 4chan lol.

>> No.23052092

>Most balanced and interesting shelf so far
Fuck yeah.

>> No.23052098

Yeah. You’re a homosexual with shit taste lmaooooo

>> No.23052401
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Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.23052783

bro, you missed the waste paper basket there

>> No.23052792

i noticed as soon as i posted the picture and it's been bothering me ever since

>> No.23052819


>> No.23052831
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>> No.23052870

Read better econ books. Smith, Keynes, Marx.

Concerning lack of maimonides.

>> No.23052996


>> No.23053028
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>> No.23053182

I see you like Mishima, anon. I've just finished the sailor who fell from grace with the sea, which one do you recommend for me to read next?
I liked it, although the ending made me kinda sad :(

>> No.23053225

Read The Sea of Fertility.
If you cried at the end of The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea you'll be sobbing throughout.

>> No.23053443
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its been awhile since ive posted, but my collection is really rounding out

>> No.23054211

I remember a post pointing out the irony that the most anti-semitic website on the internet is frequented by counter-cultural nerds with a high average verbal IQ and inflated sense of self-importance.

>> No.23054327


Sad. Get the nonesuch edition of don Quixote


It does me great pain, as the Germans would say, to see such books and to know that my collection dwarfs all those posted here.

>> No.23054333

Post it.

>> No.23054356

>esoteric childcraft

>> No.23054370
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I need more shelves.

>> No.23054371
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Here a stack of some recent purchases and short stories and essays I’ve been picking through

>> No.23054429

Ah, you got that Davenport Miller anon. If you have gotten around to it, then do tell how it is.

Also that Hindu Scriptures book, what does it contain? I'm guessing bits and pieces of the vedas and the upanishads.

>> No.23054460
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>> No.23054506

Why not just write by hand at that point? If it's good enough for Caro...

>> No.23054514
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Yeah, some parts of the vedas, Upanishads, and the whole Bhagavad Gita. Picrel is the table of contents. It’s been a little bit since I’ve read that stuff and my love of Everyman’s Library was rekindled recently so it gave me a good excuse to get it. I’ll always like exploring new translations of the Indian texts or the Tao Te Ching because, if I’m honest with myself, I will never learn the languages, so I figure it’s best to experience in different wordings.

The Davenport is awesome. I haven’t read it all yet but the few essays I have read were well worth it. The titular essay is probably my favorite so far. The Whitman one is great as well and the Joyce one gave me another angles of the complexity of Joyce’s writing that I never would have seen otherwise. Zukofsky and Olson are a couple other poets he has hyped up more me but I still find them a bit intimidating lol. I’ll probably read Paterson first as I’m more familiar with Williams and it seems “easier” and I’m not that great at reading poetry yet. My only complaint is that it’s clearly a scan and some errors have come through on the physical book like a “$” instead of a “s”, or a spacing missed. I’ve only seen a few of them though so it’s nothing egregious and not Davenport’s fault. The man was an impressive mind and he knew his shit

>> No.23054520
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2/2 of Hindu Scriptures table of contents

>> No.23054538

Kill yourself, you attention-seeking faggot.

>> No.23054627

I remember you posting your shelf a while ago. Glad to see you've gotten more stuff, and you're still reading.

>> No.23055467

Okay, thanks for the rec! Yea, then I most likely will be sobbing with the sea of fertility as well. Ill try to get it asap

>> No.23056847
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>> No.23056913

How are the books levitating? Jewish magig? :D

>> No.23057062

Why is one of Dostoevsky's books separated from the others?

>> No.23057293

Didnt read the Gambler yet. Currently reading Anna Karenina.
Good memory. My shelf will steadily grow, its so nice browsing around in bookstores.

>> No.23057441
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>> No.23058023

lmao,these titles are wild.

>> No.23058825

At least he enjoys what he reads.

>> No.23058857

That's the best set of Lord of the Rings.
Ones I read as a kid.

>> No.23059011
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the shelfvirgins fear the chaosmaxxing hallway books chad

>> No.23059423

i like your style

>> No.23059525

Good stuff, Francophone Anon.

>> No.23059559

How’s the LoA Brown ?
Also the LoA Bierce ?

>> No.23059574

Impressive. Are those shelves self-built?

>> No.23059654 [DELETED] 

Hmm yes coming along nicely. Just picked up a copy of Don Quixote from barnes and noble

>> No.23059661
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Hmm yes coming along nicely. Just picked up a copy of Don Quixote from barnes and noble and loaned out Atomic Habits to my mother in law

>> No.23059711

That's not a shelf. Jewish lies/10

>> No.23059762

>Zionist bait
Shalom Mossad agent.

>> No.23060050
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Since there’s no recent hauls thread I’ll just post them here

>> No.23060085

thank you as always. Sounds very nice, i will be definitely be getting in the near future.

If by Paterson you're referring to banjo paterson, then yes he is excellent i love these narrative wild west type poems, and sometimes he just write's on absurd topics like finding an antidote to some snake bite and still makes it entertaing.

I have also been trying to get into poetry, I have just yesterday acquired Melville's complete poems by LOA, sure is a tome. There's one titled "Montaigne and his kitten" , nice juxtaposition. There's also his 18000 line long poem on the holy land in it as well.

And i get it on the sanskrit thing, i feel since i do know hindi, i might try my hand at learning it again in the future, i had gotten proficient enough to read children's fables cause of school, but now have forgotten most of it. I feel it is as difficult for a hindi speaker to learn, as latin would be for a english speaker.

>> No.23060105

Excellent as always. Bierce comes in a nice tan or brown and the Brockden-Brown is red. I'm probably going to hold of on reading more Bierce and save him for when I'm done with all this overwrought gothic nonsense.

>> No.23060257
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bookshelf 1 of 3. Should I post the others?

>> No.23060276

and yes, that is satre at the bottom of the plastic drawer keeping it level

>> No.23060300

>east asian inclination
literally three books by a chinese author. He needs better econ books though.

>> No.23060389


You're right.

Poorly designed bookends.

>> No.23060802

Frankly, the only good use for Sartre.

>> No.23061588
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>> No.23061684
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>too many books for my shelves
>books everywhere else
>can barely walk around the place anymore

>> No.23061709
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>> No.23061731

Is that Haruhi hardcover?

>> No.23062036

Don't go to law school, anon, unless you have a full scholarship guaranteed for 3 years. Take it from a lawyer with 13+ years of experience.

>> No.23062310

Misread that as “half the titties are allergic”

>> No.23062474


The long poem by William Carlos Williams is the one I meant. Only recently I’ve started to take poetry seriously and actually reading it and anthology and collected type books are a godsend. They allow you to sample a lot and find out what you like. Also reading essays on poetry I find informative too and I’ve learned a lot and was led into poets I never would have touched otherwise. It’s always kind of neat when you ignore a large branch of literature for years and when you suddenly get into it, a new world is opened

>> No.23062649

Am I the only one that alphabetized my books? My wife has a few books that I’m certain she’s never read but, I include them on my shelving.

>> No.23062673

I don't know who you are anon but based on this collection I know that you are my nigga. This is shockingly close to my own all time favourites.

>> No.23062821

All translations? φιλτερεδ

>> No.23063199

yup, found it second hand locally, was speechless when i saw it

>> No.23063242

Would you still not go if you got into a t5? How about t10?

>> No.23063305
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Had quite a few more books before moving, tried keeping the heavier and more valuable ones. Been trying to round it out since but I think it looks good. Got a few double copies

>> No.23063321

This is the shelf of a 2012-2016 anon

>> No.23063409
File: 1.36 MB, 3024x2647, IMG_3928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I possess more books now but this is good enough

>> No.23063413

Based history enjoyer

>> No.23063573

What is the point of getting a history degree when you can just read history books?

>> No.23063803

What’s the point of getting a new book when you can just reread Curious George Goes to the Hospital?

>> No.23064178

Hello Andrew

>> No.23064206

>Why not just write by hand at that point?
Because that would be slower?
It syncs a text document via wifi, anon. You don't need to transcribe.

>> No.23064275

Do you guys ever get rid of books? Like gift, donate, sell? I have some general fiction books that are taking up space, and I would probably never read them again

>> No.23064633

Yes I give lots away, usually to friends or goodwill for bulk drops.
I think of my books as pretty fluid. There's always some coming and going.
But there's a core ill never get rid of.

>> No.23064774

no but why is it one or the other,i have both a kindle and physical books.

>> No.23064832

Ah, what a nice find.
You've got a very nice collection, Anon. How do you manage to keep the books in order when you get a new one?

>> No.23065744

Check this out. Higher cognitive load for typing versus handwriting. Crowds out the brilliance.

>> No.23065761

I have never gotten rid of a single book in my life

>> No.23065802

Hmm, interesting, but this seems to deal mainly with recall. I've always known that you remember stuff better by writing it down.
Not an issue here. That machine is for me to crank out smut stories every week. I don't need to remember them.

>> No.23066039

sorry, you're right; I was just trying to do the 4chan meme thing :(