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/lit/ - Literature

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23046989 No.23046989[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is literally how blacks think about books. To them this meme isn't funny because it's absurdly low IQ, it's funny because they agree that lil timmy niglet be wildn n shiet tryna read a "book" like he some white boi? Fuck up outta here uncle tom lookin as nigga. Nigga nerd thinking he finna rise up? We gon beat yo ass lil timmy.

>> No.23047002

I was best friends with a smart black kid in middle school but he was whitewashed. It wasn’t until going to an inner-city high school that I saw this type of behavior.

>> No.23047008

I see it everywhere in my city, I try to avoid it when I can. Blacks hate anything that smacks of the cerebral so they compensate with violence. 2 + 2 = 5 because of their behavior.

>> No.23047036

This isn't how "blacks" think about books, it's how most people think about books.
My white peers at my white school called me a faggot for reading books too. Its definitely worse in the black culture, both because they can't afford as much casual illiteracy as they are largely impoverished and the system doesn't prioritize them, so they really need to value it; but also because literacy isn't the trait that will allow them to survive or thrive in their immediate environments, retarded sadistic machismo is. Most people are immediate thinkers, so most blacks value that instead.
But like don't kid yourself, most people in general are conformist retards who actively get pissed and frustrated when they have to think in the abstract. Trait openness is what determines the amount of pleasure one derives from thinking outside the box about things. Literally one third of humanity has that, and the rest don't. Two thirds of humanity regardless of race literally get violently enraged if they have to think too much. That's why, as I am sure since you're all autistic faggots here, you have all had the experience of telling another male peer about a book or idea you have, and they get agitated and basically tell you they either don't wanna talk about it and to shut up, or accuse you of thinking you're smarter than them right away.

Most people are animals anon.

>> No.23047039

Its not unique to blacks. Muslims don't value education as much either. They'd rather their children memorise the quran, children madrassas are more prioritized in muslim communities than actual education. You go to a village where children have only been taught to recite quran passages instead of reading and counting. This is a cultural problem. And I am not even talking about arabs, there are some muslim communities that teach this to their kids and yet the kids don't even understand arabic. They can recite arabic but can't speak it lmao.

>> No.23047042

Most people don't. Whites don't value actual education either. They value practical education that serves an immediate vocational role in the economy.
If you start talking about abstract concepts to most white men they'll get visibly hostile

It's just people. "Normals" and NPC are memes for a reason. Most people are animals who get whipped up like angry bulls if they have to think.

>> No.23047043

>They just can't afford
>Muh system
>Regardless of race

>> No.23047044
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>did you just... congratulate me for reading?

>> No.23047045

>blah blah blah we need mo money fo dem programz
shut up, nigger

>> No.23047048

And you have the gall to say that they are the semi-literate easily enraged chimps.

>> No.23047050

Nigger are you literally trying to say it's purely economic factors LMFAO

>> No.23047058

Yes, because they are. Notice how I just called them niggers, and didn't go burn down several local businesses or shoot any innocent bystanders. Because I'm a white man.

>> No.23047061

That's a fuckin weird spot to sit though

>> No.23047063

Isn't that a good thing? Let them rot in drugs, rap and sass. More stuff for the rest of us.

>> No.23047064

>t. can't read

>> No.23047067

Explain why it’s weird in your own words.

>> No.23047070

I just read your post, you dumb nigger.

>> No.23047073

>You don't think lower black intelligence is socially constructed and instead think there's a clear genetic component (whilst ignoring my completely tangential non-sequitur about plebs being dumb)‽‽‽ You are....le chimp..and le semi-literate!!

>> No.23047074

It's like clockwork. I make a nuanced case and accurate analysis as to the reasons why blacks do this stuff, and extrapolate to show how other groups are just as retarded, and white normals do this too; then a bunch of white peasant lower class trash show up and go DURR HURR NICE THOUGHTS THERE YOU THINKING FAGGOT DURRR NIGGERS ARE NIGGERS THATS WHY HAHAHA FUCK NIGGERS."

Couldn't ask for a more perfect illustration. Most 4chan users are dumb white Street trash posing as intellectuals because they think being counterculture in any sense equates to intelligence

>> No.23047078
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>other groups are just as retarded, and white normals do this too
But that's not true, you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.23047079
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Cool story bro come back when they have to lock up sunscreen

>> No.23047080

Education is incredibly important in Muslim societies even factoring for all the theology. Nothing comes close to the black welfare demographic in terms of disdain for education. Africans themselves value education, though they never make appreciable use of it because they communize all of their resources. Anti-literacy is basically only seen among American blacks (and even then, only a specific subset of those blacks) and some Latinos.

You could also lump South Asians in there. Indians value education in theory but the cheating culture is rampant because their economy is based on patronage networks. China has a similar problem but also a far higher level of demand for actual competence, so the problems aren’t as pronounced there. International Chinese students are notorious cheats, and unlike the Indians they are usually smart enough to get away with it.

>> No.23047083


>> No.23047088

That shits coming soon. White marriage rates have plummeted at the same time their incomes have gone precipitously down. In a decade or two, whites will look exactly like blacks. And when people are telling you that it's because whites are dumb snowniggers, you'll give them all the external factors that caused the situation, and someone, probably a Chinese or Jewish or Blueblood overlord will tell you, no, its genetic: whites are snowniggers
And I'll laugh bc you deserve it

>> No.23047090

Ya they are literally proving what I said about most people being hostile to thought, barely sentient retards in the very thread on the topic. Too wild

>> No.23047091

I don’t even think black people in America have a parallel with any other ethnic group in a developed country. They’ve been given so much time and opportunity and they just do not give a fuck. No concern for education or labor at all. Most blacks aspire to become rappers. They can’t keep a family together.

>> No.23047092
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>> No.23047097

Pride in being retarded was my exact analysis of most people and why they are inferior and useless
Wear it like a badge of honor dipshit lmao

>> No.23047098

b-b-based!! based!!!!!! based basedbased!!!!!based!1

>> No.23047103

>That's why, as I am sure since you're all autistic faggots here, you have all had the experience of telling another male peer about a book or idea you have, and they get agitated and basically tell you they either don't wanna talk about it and to shut up, or accuse you of thinking you're smarter than them right away.

>> No.23047104

kek they are just as the blacks mocking the kid in the OP image. Ironic.

>> No.23047105

*poor people
In public schools reading and getting high grades is mocked, but in private schools acting like a low iq class clown is mocked.

>> No.23047106

Subhuman peasant rats pretending they fit in here is all that they are

>> No.23047107

I am talking about poor communities in countries like afghanistan and pakistan not all muslims. Education hasn't penetrated in there as yet. This kind of cultural ignorance is not unique to blacks. Hating it because it doesn't serve them. What about the southern whites in the us, the swamp peoples, the whites who live in appalachia?

>> No.23047116

Nah this nugga deadass fr only at miller grove

>> No.23047121

Reading a book in public can be quite obscene

>> No.23047131

Bro I don’t care I don’t think black people are silly I think they’re really weird

>> No.23047147

I have had similar experiences.
I grew up in a small industrial town and at the time it was not overrun by niggers and even then I had friends who'd get told by their parents not to "read too many books or you'll get stupid". Or just plain envious morons. "You think you're special because you read books without pictures?"
But I assume niggers display this and to a greater degree, as they always seem to do with any negative or socially detrimental activity.

>> No.23047154

Are all three of you unable to read? Where did he say purely economic factors? You are so brainwashed by /pol/ that you’ve lost your ability to think with nuance. He said it was a cultural thing as well, and didn’t make any denial of genetics etc.

>> No.23047167 [DELETED] 
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1% passed a single exam
77% graduation rate
Only at Miller Grove

>> No.23047171
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This is actually impressive.
Only at Miller Grove

>> No.23047179

Racism is dumb anon. You can recognize that groups have patterns and problems without making the leap to saying it's essential to them, because it ain't.
Ethiopia is the only country in Sub-Saharan Africa that isn't a total shit hole and experiencing constant collapse, and it's because it's Chrisrian.
Black people are human beings. I emphasize that whites are often dumb and ignorant to show you that people are largely products of culture and circumstance.
Blacks in the US are bitter. That's largely why you see this shit. It's not because they're monkeys or something.
Most blacks raised outside of poverty, stay out of it, and are regular people.

There are probably some biological differences too, but nobody is "biologically violent."

>> No.23047195

Whites will never stop making me lol. When blacks got addicted to crack it's because they were dumb nigs who deserved it for being stupid.
When whites are decimated by opiates, suddenly its a big health crisis, personal responsibility be damned, these are all victims with families! We must solve this national emergency!

Which is the right take BTW, its just that it was right when it was happening to blacks as well.

There is no dumber monkey nigger in this world than your average white /pol/ack

>> No.23047196

Ethiopia is less stable than that lmao, there is a civil war going on right this minute. That's a really terrible example. Just because they had a kingdom 2000 yrs ago doesn't mean shit today. Its southern border kenya which was nowhere 500 yrs ago is richer, more educated and more stable.

>> No.23047199

Ethiopia isn't the reason the war broke out and is maintaining a position of defense against the retards in the rest of the Sahel

>> No.23047204

Also, in the long term analysis, Ethiopia is literally thousands of times more stable than the Kenyan region. If we're basing the analysis off of the past five minutes, then sure.
That'd be kind of stupid as shit the

>> No.23047214

I didn't say it was. But ethiopia has been unstable for decades. If its not the war in ogaden with somalis, then its the clashes btn pastoralist oromos with habesha farmers. It has always struggled to keep these tribal conflicts in check. That's the thing with african countries with majority nilotic or cushitic populations, they are always at war with each other because of access to pasture or water. I think egypt is also somehow fuelling this conflict, but its not something that sprang out of a vacuum.

>> No.23047218

I don't think so. Kenya's most unstable regions are sparsely populated. The most populated segments have bantu majorities who are peaceful by nature. Its the nilotes and cushites in the hinterlands bordering bantu farmland that usually fuel the conflicts. In ethiopia, the pastoralist oromos are the majority agains the other minority tribes living in the highlands.

>> No.23047228

Sure. It has problems. But it's certainly the most long term stable state in the region, and my point was to show that blacks aren't like, incapable of being human.
And even with what you said there, you acknowledge even these conflicts are driven by geopol and economic factors surrounding them.

>> No.23047229

>Ethiopia is the only country in Sub-Saharan Africa that isn't a total shit hole and experiencing constant collapse, and it's because it's Chrisrian.
I dunno man. The ehtiopians we have here, these days are kind of dumb.
Places like Cameroon, Gabon or Namibia seem to do OK, however. And a case could be made for Botswana I suppose.
But that's likely because they rejected as much of their old tribal structures as possible.
Although, I'm drifiting off-topic, you do seem to have a point. Christan african nations seem to do better than the majority-muslim ones.

>> No.23047231

Kenya 150 years ago was bushland and Ethiopia was still a Christian modern state.

>> No.23047236

Absolutely. Because Christianity is a better religion than Islam. Lol
But yeah. I'm not saying Ethiopians are geniuses; go back to my initial point, most people are average to dumb, leaning towards dumb.
My point was just to make it clear that they're people like everyone else.

I think the casual dehumanization embedded into /pol/ is intentional and being done for extremely nefarious reasons, and it makes me sad to see youths falling for it. I did once too. It's a stupid way to view life; those who dehumanizing, get dehumanized eventually.
No matter how bad shit gets or bitter one becomes, its extremely important to not lose sight of humanity. Once that happens, you yourself are totally lost.

>> No.23047239

Ethiopia is also landlocked and they don't have a good english speaking population or even a common unifying factor like language. Sure amharic is spoken but not to the extent that swahili is. Kenya meanwhile has its tentacles in the whole of east africa incluing ethiopia. Tonnes of kenyan companies do business in ethiopia, south sudan, even as afar as the drc because they can speak swahili. There are almost 200 million people who understand swahili and because of this, kenya has a better future because other africans speak swahili and also because it has a very good if not one of the best english literacy levels in africa. It also has a good relationship with both the west and china. Tonnes of brits live in kenya for instance. Many chinese companies have their african headquarters in kenya, tonnes of indians too. Out of south africa, kenya has to be the most cosmopolitan country in africa.

>> No.23047244

Exactly. That tells you everything you need to know about muh cultural superiority. Kenya is better situated geographically than ethiopia.

>> No.23047248

So true. I can't discuss anything with my family because they'll either accuse me of being "too smart for my own good" or get mad at me for using "university words". Once my dad wanted me to write him a program and I just explained the basic difficulties with the concept and he just looked at me with such condescending hatred as if I'm trying to prove myself superior to him. I'll never understand people

>> No.23047254

I'm a Mexican American and hung out with the cholos at school but I was in AP and honors classes. None of them gave me shit for reading or doing homework strangely enough

>> No.23047257

what are you doing awake at this time of night ese?

>> No.23047271

I'd argue the inverse.
A short burst of prosperity is driven entirely by external factors, but long term resilient stability is more like an effective cultural mechanism that combats the geographic/external problems.
Take a look at my nation. The US is probably the most ideally situated nation on Earth, geographically. When it's culture was good, this maximized its prosperous geography potential. Now that the culture is shit, that geography isn't enough like to sustain. We're floundering.
Ethiopia is the opposite, poorly situated geographically but held together due to Christianity, the objective life force of everything good in this world

>> No.23047276

People literally are animal men. If you agitate a bull, it kicks. That's literally what most people have inside of them. It's sad and I still love them and it's not all there is to them; but it's absolutely there.

>> No.23047285

Lmao ethiopia is fifty percent muslim, its split at the middle. The oromos are muslims, it's surrounded by muslim countries, only kenya and south sudan are an exception and its only in regions that are sparse and underdeveloped. Ethiopia's main problem is not even geography, its the diversity, like nigeria, this will hinder their growth and stability until they find some stable unifying factor like kenya has. Kenya has the right amount of people in the right place doing the right kind of things.

>> No.23047292

So basically what you're saying is a Christian state was fine for centuries and the second Muslims showed up they fucked the place up

This violates my point how? It strengthens it lol

>> No.23047308

How, kenya is 90 percent christian, muslims are confined to the deserts, the wrong places where population density is sparse, in ethiopia, muslims will not disappear, they surround the christians, and in the places that they don't muslim countries border those lands. Also muslims have always been in ethiopia because it literally borders arabia to the north east, sudan to the north west, somalia to the south east, etc. They have always been there.

>> No.23047311
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>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.23047323

I think it depends on the type of people you hang out with. the group of friends I knew in high school are much more normie than I am but they're not at all hostile to abstract thinking. I guess its because a lot of them are stoners or ex-stoners so they "get" it.

>> No.23047330
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Seething darkie

>& Humanities

>> No.23047343

Midwit thread.

Reading books in public is a pseud move and deserves ridicule. It's antisocial behavior exhibited by losers. High IQ people wouldn't do it because there is NOTHING to gain from reading that moment and it comes at a steep social opportunity cost. Only someone of slightly above average intelligence would think they have something to gain by reading in a noisy stinky stairwell filled with noise proles and filth. It's all a ruse, a coquettish display hoping some nerdy book girl will notice him and take a liking.

This place has become reddit 2.0. Shocking. The worst poster disappears and it's like everyone left suddenly turns into it. The comments in this thread make me sick. This used to be a high IQ board. Now it's a retard board. To make matters worse we've devolved into discussing the merits of education which is total pseudery. Go virtue signal about libraries next, this place might as well be reddit. I hate every single poster in this thread except this guy >>23047121.

>> No.23047353

Yeah this is pretty accurate lmao.
Most people hate thinking too hard about anything and fall into the general mold a state and family provides for them. I've actually had this exact thing you describe on multiple accounts when communicating with parts of my family or friends.

I believe it is because if most people would actually think hard they would immediately go into a kind of existential crises and their "regular life" would collapse in that very moment.

Most people function on a direct reaction basis. They do not think before they speak. It is just noise up there most of the time. Their mostly just "going through it". Doing what others say to survive on primal instincts.

When you call them out for saying something thoughtless of course they'll get mad you. Suddenly their emotional pride is hurt and they have to protect that.

>> No.23047359

It's pretty stupid the kid didn't just go to his local library or say, ask a teacher for a quiet place to read.

But y'know he might not have a place to read at home, it might be far noiser there than out there. It's hard to say.

Whole picture could of course just be a set-up and the kid isn't reading at all.

>> No.23047373

True for Tibetans traditionally (before the CCP mandated mainstream education). They would literally do nothing but memorize passages of prayers not even knowing the meaning of it.

>> No.23047378

>Education is incredibly important in Muslim societies even factoring for all the theology.

I live in a Muslim majority country in the Southeast Asia and I would say that that's not completely true. There's been a rise in religious conservativeness and subsequently Muslim parents are encouraging their children to study in theology schools, so they can become ustaz and preach. so yes your statement might be true if you take theology education into account which I do not.

>> No.23047401

Also anon forgive me, but I'm going to share a personal story that I feel perfectly illustrates the depths of human tragedy regarding this dynamic.
I have always been literate and bright with no athletic inclination, and my dad is a standard blue collar mongoloid brained retard. We did not get along at all. He was a mean and sadistic prick, and because I was so much different than him, he'd typically target me. When i was young I didn't dish it back, the older I got, the more I did, so at some point it became both our faults. But the point being, we hated one another. Always.
When I was like, 20, he broke down one day and told us all that he'd secretly developed a hard-core opioid addiction and had been at it for like 2 years. He lost control and didn't know what to do so he just told us all.
The rest of my family, was very angry with him for basically lying and putting the family at such risk, and they all hated him way less than I did; yet, I was the one who cast my resentments aside in that moment, bc I was intelligent enough to realize what the opiates were doing to his brain and how this simply needed to be handled immediately. The time for anger could come later.
So I didn't get angry with him at all, the rest of my family didn't do much, I became my dad's personal orderly basically lol. I'd take him to all his appts, i researched herbal and alternative medicines for stabilizing his brain, explained to him that there's no quick fix, I'd take him on fucking dinner and movie dates just to keep his mind busy. So one day after a while of this we are in his truck and he starts crying talking about how bad he fucked up, and how hard his childhood was. And it was very hard, he's a child of abuse by a miserable Irish drunk.
And it must have hit him then, so he looked at me and said "you know, you're a much different kid than I thought you were," bc I didn't blame him and I was helping him. And it was a surreal moment where all I could do was laugh, and I explained to him that I'm simply intelligent, and any resentment I ever felt was bc of how he treats me; but the resentment he feels towards me is resentment he feels towards himself; HE thinks he's dumb and worthless and hates that about himself, when he sees me being intelligent it makes him think about himself, but for my part, I never looked down on him, he kept a roof over my head and did a job I could never do, I was proud of him. So basically I told him I never held anything against him beyond his treatment of me, but what he held against me was his own lack of self worth. Like he thinks he's a retard and assumes I also see him that way.
The point of my story being that this is just what people do and it's very sad. If you apply it to the world at large, it's sad. Cuz there ain't shit wrong with my dad but he thinks there is, same with everyone else.

>> No.23047411

They haven't always been there at 50% representation at a time where Christianity is waning in influence
But listen it's moot. I was being sort of a smartass anyway. I do think Christianity is better but I don't think Muslims are all bad or that the reason Ethiopia is fucked is bc of Muslims. I was being facetious and pridefully trying to win the argument

>> No.23047415

You're applying an adult level of economic analysis to a child reading in school, to justify him being bullied for reading at school. A child.

People like you should be sterilized

>> No.23047428

>I've actually had this exact thing you describe on multiple accounts when communicating with parts of my family or friends.
Oh, of course. I know. I would bet good money 90% of 4chan has. The only unifying threads across this space are high intelligence/aneurotypical traits, combined with antisocial behaviors and attitudes. That's the entire website. Lol.

But yes anyone who is intelligent and has been from a young age experiences this constantly. I cannot tell you the number of times I've been like "I was reading about Mesopotomia and did you know they used to do xyz? It was wild to me bc now we do abc, and I could see the parallels, we probably developed it from..."
Only for someone to get like aggressively angry and be like "yeah idk man I'm just a big dummy so idk"

It's fucking strange crybaby shit but it's universal. I really only feel solidarity amongst hard-core nerds, and good will hunting tier high IQ social misfits.

>> No.23047441

>I believe it is because if most people would actually think hard they would immediately go into a kind of existential crises and their "regular life" would collapse in that very moment.
This is probably part of it, but to be charitable to them; I do think part of it stems from the true observation that most regular people work hard and have to engage with toil to earn their bread, where as intelligent people either get cushy gigs, live as hippies, or become part of the extremely coddled and authoritarian academic class.
And this annoys me too so I feel them. I mean, a thinker doesn't really "do" anything. So when they hear that stuff they probably think, this guys trying to talk to me about history and he's so proud of his intellect, thinks I'm dumb, but he doesn't do shit and if I didn't clock in everyday people like him would be fucked.
Which has truth in it. Philosophers do nothing and observe the people doing things and comment on it. This can be helpful, but intellectuals often lose their sense of humility and put down the working man, who they ultimately rely upon bc they are limp wristed fans.

I have always worked menial jobs far below my skill level out of a weird sense of solidarity with regular people. I've always felt like, just bc I'm smart, why should I get a free pass while everyone else has to work and play the game. Until everyone else is treated better, I'll suffer through it with them. Maybe that's dumb but it feels like the choice with more integrity.

>> No.23047442

>>My white peers at my white school called me a faggot for reading books too. Its definitely worse in the black culture, both because they can't afford as much casual illiteracy as they are largely impoverished and the system doesn't prioritize them,
that's just false, it's been false for decades, decades of public funding going to drain

>> No.23047457

reading books is cultural appropriation for blacks

>> No.23047460

how does a family man become a drug addict? it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.23047463

Yes and no. They throw money at the problem but since everyone with an IQ above 100 (all the decision makers definitely do) knows that it doesn't do shit to solve the problem, it means it's not a good faith attempt to solve it. Which means the prioritization isn't real. Throwing money at it is literally a "shut up, fuck off" move on the part of the system. They don't care about anyone, let alone black people, beyond how it might affect public perception, which might affect profits and their grip on power.
Throwing money at schools in inner cities is an empirically verifiable non solution to a massive social problem and its done because they don't give a fuck about solving it. If the perception is that they're trying, though, it'll make it so deceived blacks, and guilty whites will vote for them and keep patronizing their businesses without flipping out and changing things for real. It's lip service.
The problem facing black people is the same problem facing all people: our systems are axiomatically based on not giving a fuck about anyone but yourself, as much as humanly possible. Such a thing isn't built to last. Nor should it unless it changes

>> No.23047469

People aren't unidimensional.
Guys dad used to beat the motherfuck out of him and tell him he was worthless. I've no clue the pain in his heart. Some people break down after years of fighting inner pain. Especially if they don't talk about or confront it for decades.

>> No.23047479

Its more to do with tribalism than with religion. Tribalism in Africa is a bigger issue than religion. Religion is sort of the murk that floats to the top, and because the rest of the world recognizes that sort of impurity, they can identify with it and ignore the lot at the bottom.

>> No.23047486

Agreed. It's ethnic diversity is sort of a handicap, beautiful as it can be from an anthro standpoint as an outside observer. It's probably not good for them.
However the form of Christianity that's taken off in Africa does seem to be good natured and I'm happy to see it spreading around the continent. It seems to be helping them out a lot. The Christian areas of Africa are generally speaking, more developed and less violent.
Any Christian Nigerian I've met up here too has been extremely kind and civil. Like, more so than me.

>> No.23047677

>My white peers at my white school called me a faggot for reading books too.
No, they did not.

>> No.23047699

Yeah they did tho

>> No.23047701

To be fair this also how most white kids think about reading, and it's been that way for a long time. Didn't you get called a fag and a nerd for reading books, especially around the age of 12 or 13?.

They literally did, and the only reason you don't think so is because you came to this shit late in life after being convinced reading is "based"

>> No.23047726

I wish this weren’t so painfully accurate. Is this a real thing or is it just what us retards tell ourselves to justify being social outcasts?

>> No.23047759

It's definitely real. The part where we tell ourselves we are better than them for the way we are is the part where we retards justify our own retardation to ourselves though.
The part where we are thinking types and they aren't is objectively real. But I'd challenge anyone to make an argument that because one man spends his time pondering and another spends his time doing, the former is "better" than the latter, ot the latter "better" than the former.

>> No.23047777


>> No.23047852

The actual bullies in school is the institution and agents of it, i.e teachers, faculty, and so on. They bully the human spirit out of someone and make them into obdienent future wage slaves for their capitalist overlords. Students bullying often do it to enforce social norms which are more valuable than the entirety of the "education". They certainly conned that youth with the hope of reading heckin books will be his ticket out of his misfortune. It won't. The only thing really taught in schools that they remember is an overemphasis on the past which serves only to negate the conditions of the present. Example, slavery bad, super duper bad, so therefore present not as bad! Wow that sure makes up for ignomy of working the entire week just to exist just to pay the bills for another week repeat ad finitum until 65 or early release from a stroke.

As for offense at his age, this is yet another tactic of control. These people are infantalized so they think they have no agency or power over their lives and let esteemed people like you make decisions for them. Meanwhile most if not all are capable of holding a full time menial job where if you think about it, if they worked it living with their parents they would be better off than going to what amounts to little grown up daycare. If you worked from 12 to 22 and made $15 an hour full time and invested all of it, you would have enough to live spartanly on in dividends and interest for the rest of your life, thus averting the fate above and giving them the freedom to actually read not just for show.

You are simply a midwit offering platitudes and fake sympathy for these people. If you actually cared you would give them most of your money.

>> No.23047862

I haven't made a decision for him at all, I simply said he shouldn't be bullied for doing what he likes to do. You, by contrast, initiated your response to this by saying he should be bullied for doing what he likes to do, and offered a prescription for what he should be doing instead according to you.
Do you often unwittingly project this hard or are you just totally clueless?

>> No.23047874

You made a decision for the people calling out his antisocial behavior and decided to moralize. As Lenin said, one cannot live in a society and be free from it.

>> No.23047882

You're right, I did decide to advocate for the moral position. Because that is the right thing to do.

You blamed, literally teachers punching a clock, for an intergenerational human wide phenomenon of an education system that stifles human happiness.

If it is a choice between being like that (I have been like that BTW, put a gun in my mouth), and advocating for the better treatment of people who mean no harm, I will choose the latter every time. Your point?

>> No.23047906

>I don't like blacks. Blacks are bad.

>> No.23047931

>Reading books in public is a pseud move and deserves ridicule.
Ah, the relentless social calculator. Neurotically tries and fails to do what normies do effortlessly day by day. Much better at socializing than normies but with none of the ease.
> a steep social opportunity cost
There's nothing to gain by obtaining the approval of the eaters. What connections, resources, and opportunities are they going to get you? Cheap weed, easy 'head', opioids? They are pointless biomass.
>It's all a ruse, a coquettish display hoping some nerdy book girl will notice him and take a liking.
You project your own mental model into this hypothical person. Not all will think like you.

Reagrdless, the kid in the OP is likely looking at his phone.
Isn't a succesful mode of living. They eat, they fuck, they watch movies, they repeat until they die. Simple as. An endless reel of the simplest pleasures of life.
There's specializations of this model for every race (To put it crudely: Nigs are matriarchal villageslop consumers, Chinks are bug people, etc). But you can model most people with that model irregardless of race.

>> No.23047936

Get off my board you fucking racist.

>> No.23048003

ITT /pol/ proves they are as dumb and illiterate as the people they mock.

>> No.23048019

get off my website you herd animalized bioleninst quasimodo, you don't get reddit gold for mimicking prosocial attitudes here

>> No.23048027

>They eat, they fuck, they watch movies
>An endless reel of the simplest pleasures of life
I pity the poor bastard who thinks he's above these things

>> No.23048039

nah you are

>> No.23048040
File: 181 KB, 1024x620, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ouch man, I felt that pinch

>> No.23048072

Reading a book in public is a social harm and individual harm unless he was studying last minute for a test . It doesn't confer any benefit and it's been proven recollection in such circumstances is seriously impaired. By calling the behavior out, it reveals the pointless of the action and does a net benefit for the afflicted by preventing further quirks or full blown personality orders from developing. By coddling him and giving a disaprobation to people, you are inadvertently undermining both of their success in the long run. Ironically some of the biggest bullies I've met were bookworms. Nose in a book and disregarded social talk and even lunch with other. Like that teller in the twilight zone who ignored customers and his wife to read a book.

>> No.23048083

>they watch movies
Pseud. Film is a higher art form than literature. You think you're better than the simpletons but you're not.

>> No.23048111

Film isn't even above video games

>> No.23048145

I already read a post from an educator here that said he had one really bright black student but that all his friends shamed him for getting good grades and even his mother discouraged him reading.

>> No.23048161
File: 72 KB, 414x574, -WIhRlcqtDPITwz9g5Vk1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of truth I'm afraid

>> No.23048180

You sound like such a huge fag right now

>> No.23048181

Motherfucker, they aren't watching Andrei Tarkovsky or whatever arthouse thing you think is worthwhile and better than literature, literally no one but gay farthuffers watches that; Same for higher forms of literature, especially anything beyond classics, this includes you and me.
They are watching Marvel capeshit, star wars and whatever tripe the cinemas/Netflix spits up.
And if you lived in any way close to normie world you'd know exactly what I'm talking about. Fortunately, you live in an isolated bubble of culture and barely register the comings and goings of slop.

>> No.23048183

Filtered. Film requires a careful crafting of writing, score and visuals, which is impossible without superhuman direction, to achieve the peaks of aesthetics and emotions felt. You simply a pseud experiencing nothing close to that in reading an entire novel.

>> No.23048193

>it's the "it includes more art forms in itself therefore it's a higher art form than the ones included" argument
KEK, and you call others pseuds

>> No.23048200

By that logic video games are indeed better than movies, filmtroons are so retarded it's unreal

>> No.23048203

Follows LOTR formula.
>tripe from nettlix and cinemas
There are gems in the rough.

All are a better investment and more honest form of art then books. I'll take the average people you denigrate over an intellectual any day.

>> No.23048209

It’s not just blacks. This is how most working and lower middle class people think about reading. You’ve failed to understand that Andrew Tate sentiments are the norm, even among college students. Reading is considered at best pointless and a waste of time, at worst harmful or effeminate. How do I know this? I grew up in a rust belt town and got made fun of for reading.

>> No.23048213

Games are puzzle solving and skill directed and art in it is always forced and poor. They are shitted out without care. Good films you can tell the director poured his soul into them.

>> No.23048221

>Reading is considered at best pointless and a waste of time, at worst harmful or effeminate
It largely is.

>> No.23048244

The greatest movie scores of all time are soulless immitations of modernist classical or big band cliches.

>> No.23048253

>All are a better investment and more honest form of art then books
Impressive that you managed to type all of that through the drool on your keyboard.

>> No.23048260

Reminder Movietrannies think Citizen Kane is a good film
>The table between them got bigger ... to symbolise the rift in their relationship!
Imagine reading this in a book, or even an RPG, it'd be laughed at until the end of time. Cinema is the bottom of the barrel, peak goyslop and has less artistic merit than all other so-called artforms.

>> No.23048266

>you made a spelling error so your dum I smart so your (sic) wrong

>> No.23048271

This meme is sad. The kid was probably hiding on these steps hoping no one would catch him "acting White."

>> No.23048272
File: 164 KB, 1280x960, kek lmao even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get off my board you fucking racist.

>> No.23048273

Someone's upset.

>> No.23048280

That sort of visual symbolism is more akin to what you might see in a painting

>> No.23048284
File: 132 KB, 371x386, Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 17-22-47 pepe sad - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was once reading a book in a park and a dude passed by with a girl and said, "Reading some Shakespeare?" and he and the girl laughed and kept walking. I said nothing as I tried to understand the apparent putdown. Both were white. I wasn't reading Shakespeare.

WTF was this...? Like drive-by anti-intellectualism? I think I was reading a hardcover copy of Inherent Vice with the jacket off, so it looked pretty nondescript. Did he think I was making a spectacle of myself by reading on a park bench...if so, that's fucking ridiculous.

Maybe others might have had a witty rejoinder at the ready, but I was too baffled, and besides, I don't consider it a good idea to talk back to rude strangers unless absolutely necessary.

Why has this memory stuck with me after all these years? I don't know! It was such a beautiful day, I was on the bench reading, and all was well, and suddenly I'm the object of someone's incoherent joke...

I guess reading in public was too obvious a demonstration of readerly habits for this insecure fellow and his friend?