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/lit/ - Literature

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23037117 No.23037117 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anons.
I really want to read Nietzsche but I've never read any actual philosophy book and I was told that if I jumped right into his books that I wouldn't understand shit.

What are, in your opinion, the requirements for being able to reasonably understand his works?

>> No.23037120

>What are, in your opinion, the requirements for being able to reasonably understand his works?
IQ of no more than 110 is essential. Past that it becomes obvious he was a charlatan.

>> No.23037123

Anything required to read the critique of pure reason then, read it, and finally read Nietzsche. Otherwise, you’re just as bad as all the literature majors who read a bit of Nietzsche and quote his aphorisms or hate him because of them.

>> No.23037136

It's 2024. If you're smart, you can just jump right into Nietzsche. Anytime he brings up another philosopher or writer, you can look them up on SEP and quickly read through the relevant parts. For anything else, ask on here or r/askphilosophy.

Overall the works aren't written as traditional academic works of philosophy, meaning there's tons and tons you can gain from them with absolutely no background knowledge outside of, y'know, life.

>> No.23037144

>based off of
Retarded zoomer nigger construction. It's "based on".

>> No.23037152
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>I really want to read Nietzsche but I've never read any actual philosophy book and I was told that if I jumped right into his books that I wouldn't understand shit.
Those people are full of shit. He was the first philosopher I ever read, and he's still my favorite. I recommend picking this bad boy up: https://www.amazon.com/Nietzsche-Anti-Christ-Twilight-Cambridge-Philosophy/dp/0521016886
If you like that, then from there you can move on to Zarathustra and his other essays.

>> No.23037155

English is not my first language. Thank you for the the correction and sorry :/

>> No.23037163

Example from one of my favorite N. quotes:

>“For believe me! — the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves! Be robbers and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers and possessors, you seekers of knowledge! Soon the age will be past when you could be content to live hidden in forests like shy deer! At long last the search for knowledge will reach out for its due: — it will want to rule and possess, and you with it!”

No knowledge of the history of philosophy required.

This is 4chan, don't apologize! Tell him to fuck off. Just kidding.

>> No.23037214


No prior reading required. Start with Twilight of the Idol & The Antichrist and Google/ChatGPT anything you come across you don't understand.

It's actually BETTER in some cases to have no prior knowledge of a subject because his very aggressive perspectives (eg against Socrates, Plato, Schopenhauer Christianity) gives you a much better starting point to understanding those topics than reading some neutral opinions online - as long you accept that it's HIS perspective (and perspective itself is a very Nietzschean topic).

>> No.23037258
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Nietzsche IS the prophet for the modern atomized man. Its almost a requirement to be familiar with him.

>> No.23037296

Nietzsche was a blatant charlatan and horrific blasphemer who spoke against Jesus Christ. In a sane society he would’ve been burned for heresy and his books would have been suppressed.

>> No.23037305


Thank you so much anons, this is really valuable to me.

>> No.23037321

Enjoy going to hell

>> No.23037438
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Start with schopenhauer's selected essayz and back to kant, then back to schoppy and all his work and skip neetch entirely, then to jung. By then, you would have completed philosophy, begun psychology and also completed it. The neurotic fraud is best skipped, lest you become one.

>> No.23037474

100%, I'm consistently blown away by how on the nose he was, so ahead of his time.

>> No.23037507


I agree with starting with Twilight of the Idols. Short and digestable.

>> No.23037623

Read Schopenhauer. Nieztche just agrees with Schopenhauer but tries to be his own thing just to satisfy his ego, it's tiring. He invents all sorts of outlandish reasons to disagree with Schopenhauer, and when his friend Wagner writes an Opera about Schopenhauer's ideas he becomes literally crazy with jealousy.

>> No.23038373

How is he supposed to enjoy a realm of eternal torment?

>> No.23038888

A charlatan who dedicated major time to self criticism yeah ok bro

>> No.23038894

Yeah but he realised we are not in a sane society so what to do then? Read him and find out, also please fuck off with the slave morality bullshit you fuckwit

>> No.23038896

You do not follow the teachings of Christ, Christ was the only Christian and even that image of Christ has been tainted, we are not bound to Christ so stop sucking daddy Christ's cock you dumb cunt

>> No.23038897

Nietzsche is not a philosopher. He is an edgelord self-help writer. That is why his works are popular.

Look at the type of people who are obsessed with him. Look at the way they conduct themselves. Look at the other people they admire and obsess over. Are these intellectually sophisticated people who value knowledge and inquiry? Or are these insecure fanboys who desperately want to feel good about themselves?

>> No.23038940

This, op. You compare those that were influenced by neetcha and schopenhauer, you won't look at him the same. Neetcha produced depraved degenerate novelists, and the warmonger pupil of his, adolf; schopenhauer produced the greats of the sciences. He opened up the field of psychology for jung to complete as his true successor.

>> No.23039890
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>Read him and find out
Why would I read someone who blasphemes Jesus Christ in such a horrific fashion? I don't want to read him, I want to burn all his books and put everyone on trial who dares to mention his name positively. The only reason to read him would be to refute him. Nietzsche was a heretic (Lutheran) and an apostate, and one of the greatest influences upon modern atheistic pseudo-culture. He is damned in hell, and everybody who reads him thinking they'll find something valuable are headed there too.

>> No.23039893

Not everyone is a crazy cultist. We assume here that people are interest in philosophy, which implies confronting ideas. You're talking about blind religious beliefs, we're not on the same plan.

>> No.23039900

you realize you're just a LARPer, right? it's not the twelfth century, little guy, and you're not a knight on horseback. you're just the same as those viking LARPer guys

>> No.23039917

Nah, the is worse. Viking LARPers at least LARP about things that are broadly similar to what their pagan religion preached - being a huge dickhead.

Tradcath larpers talk mad shit and promise the Chuddening while waving around a book that teaches to love your enemy and not doing harm to other people even if they do harm to you.

>> No.23039931

>confronting ideas
He didn't have ideas. He wasn't a philosopher. He didn't structure his arguments in a coherent way, nor was he careful to conform his thought and writing to the dictates of sound reason. Instead, he was a sensationalistic ranter who took a perverse pride in being caustic, and shunned the very idea of truth itself. Like all relativists, he was ensnared by his own self-contradictory words, for in the very declaration that objective truth does not exist is an assertion of objective truth. He was a poor scholar, who understood very little about the subjects he dared to broach. For example, he declared that the theory of Darwinian evolution implies that the species is "getting better", which his narcissism could not contend with, and so he rejected it. But the theory of Darwinian evolution says nothing about the species "progressing"; it only has to do with survivability. Also, he idiotically asserted that mathematics presupposes an "absolute measure", which anyone who knows even a tiny bit about mathematics and the philosophical analysis thereof would know is laughably absurd. Similarly, his blasphemous rants against our Lord, his inability to distinguish the different types of "Christianity", his demonic lack of interest in understanding the Christian religion and his consequent lies and fabrications about it, all point to a deranged character. And his greatest "achievement", the "theory" of morals, the supposed triumph of "slave morality" in the modern day, completely neglected the objective analysis of modernity (engaged in by figures such as Marx and others) which very convincingly demonstrates that the transition away from feudal aristocratic society had very little to do with "morals" and more to do with the structural changes in politics and economy that the Industrial Revolution brought about, which made the old order obsolete. In a word, he was a worthless charlatan, and living proof that the freedom to publish and read any books whatsoever, is a dangerous law that subverts societies.

>> No.23039940

I was answering to the crazy Christian who wanted to burn his books. I'm not a Nietzschean and I agree with you that he was wrong in his approach. But I disagree with him on a rational or self-intuitive basis, not because it disagrees with the dogma I was taught into.

>> No.23040174 [SPOILER] 
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>once a boy becomes a man there is only one he will base his personality off

>> No.23040198

Read Meditations on First Philosophy & Euthyphro first and study formal logic for a while