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File: 1.65 MB, 1597x800, mimosa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23034485 No.23034485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

'Maria is a student at an art academy. Because she likes to sleep with gangsters, she asks her parents to buy her an apartment in the Bijlmer.' This is how the text on the back cover of the new book Mimosa by debuting writer Mette Maria van Dijk, published by Prometheus publishers

Many indignant reactions on social media to the announcement of the debut novel Mimosa by 23-year-old Mette Maria van Dijk. The story, which according to the back cover is about an art student who 'likes to sleep with gangsters from the Bijlmer', would put the Bijlmer in a bad light and sexualize black men.

Van Dijk responded to the fuss on radio station FunX: according to her, it is about how the main character sees the Bijlmer 'and that is not the objective truth', she emphasizes. She advises people to read the book in its entirety, because then it becomes clear why the main character thinks that way. She still supports the passages in the book and that she does not want to apologize.

>> No.23034534
File: 36 KB, 768x900, 1683754139986169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times have you posted this you nigger loser? she's fat and fucking ugly, no wonder she has to settle for niggers, I'm glad it helps you cope.

>> No.23034541
File: 50 KB, 615x409, Pendennis-Shipyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>van dick

>> No.23034544
File: 249 KB, 1665x2403, 27fb80aa-c1ee-4fd7-8373-7c3a3e4d41fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that's what northern euro zoommettes are thinking about these days? black cock?

>> No.23034557

That's what you tell yourself to cope with being a shitskin

>> No.23034563

Why are modern black women way cuter than modern white women

>> No.23034565

Why so angry? She wrote the interracial book and published it.

>> No.23034569

white women are passé
the future is BLACK

>> No.23034578

Ya, to help shitskins like you cope with your inferiority

>> No.23034580

>a fat, unattractive woman fantasizes about sexual violence
>publishes a book with a minor publishing house that nobody gives a fuck about
>stirs up controversy in desperate attempt to promote sales
>4chan /lit/ user takes the bait and believes he is somehow preventing the decline of Western civilization by engaging in viral marketing for this bogged woman's rape fantasies
>nice work you absolute fucking retard

>> No.23034584

black women are disgusting and ugly and look like black men, they may as well be trannies

also you'll notice how black men can only seem to date fat and ugly White women, like the alleged author of this book (even though we know for a fact that it is a judeo-masonic publication and she had little to do with it)

>> No.23034588

shut the fuck up shitskinned incel

>> No.23034590
File: 129 KB, 1200x800, thumb-mette-marie-interview-6511891fa60cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she loves BLACK cock.

>> No.23034594
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>> No.23034597

She looks barely acceptable in that one video due to the angles, lighting and a ton of makeup. If you look at her other content you can see she has masculine features, is overweight, practically bald, and her tits are saggy flaps. Also, in real life the smell would be unbearable. Overall I would say the black woman in that video and the truckstop hog in the OP are equally disgusting.

>> No.23034603
File: 353 KB, 1440x1800, FfeTeaQVIAAR0es.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23034606

Nope, she's just fat/ugly and can't get any attractive White man so she has to settle for niggers, then she writes a book about it to help black betas cope with the fact that they are lesser.

This is just the way it is, you little beta shitskin. All of the data supports this as well. No White women actually want you, they will settle for you after they've been rejected by superior males. Keep coping, shitskinned/mutt incel. She's writing this book to make you feel better about being a nigger/mutt loser, you know how pathetic that is? lol

>> No.23034607
File: 2.76 MB, 1186x1288, average dutch girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe harder

>> No.23034614

The only reason she's hot is because she's part White and White-looking. The more typically afro-simian characteristics are much less attractive (i.e., frizzy hair, broad nostrils, hocky puck lips, etc.). 6/10, wouldn't even talk to her. Maybe if she was more White and less of a fucking sheboon hahahahaha, I can get any mutt bitch like this that I want, they are stupid, vapid, boring and annoying. Worthless.

>> No.23034618

Blacks are the most fertile demographic in Europe. You're going the way of the dodo and in the most vulgar way: screeching like a retarded faggot. Find whatever outdated cope you want.

>> No.23034622
File: 798 KB, 745x702, 189573664872982213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal nigger incel saving pictures of a hog with niggers to help him cope with inceldom telling others to seethe harder
top kek

>> No.23034627

Holy fuck kill yourself you subhuman monkey, nobody cares!

>> No.23034631

I look up this Dutch writer chick specifically to get your seething (You)s LMAO you're so easy to trigger, you little cuck.

>> No.23034632

>Angry retard with no intelligent response

>> No.23034637

You're so upset lol
cope and seethe

>> No.23034649

they can have her

they can have you

>> No.23034650

>Blacks are the most fertile demographic in Europe
And? how stupid are you to think that this constitutes an argument, nigger idiot? Quantity < Quality. Rats multiply fast as well, so good point you dumb nigger hahahaha.

You're coping with White superiority and don't actually have an argument. Btw, the only White women who date blacks are shit-tier, fat and ugly and blown out, like the OP. Literal scientific studies have proven this LMFAO. Black incels like you cope with the fact that no White women want them and the only way blacks and browns can get sex is through rape.

>> No.23034656

He's right tho, you are literally a subhuman monkey and are coping with that fact. it's a fact lol

>oh no don't bully the anti-White trannies and shitskins on 4chan!

Learn English before posting next time, you shitskinned simian.

>> No.23034658

The words of a dying man who thinks extinction is virtuous. Sad!

>> No.23034661
File: 62 KB, 866x845, crackhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo nigga


>> No.23034667

You're seething so bad lmao
You say you don't care then seethe like a total bitch in the next reply L O L

>> No.23034669

I just got here. Why are you lumping all browns together with blacks? Literally the only browns who engage in rape are Algerians, Pakistanis, and a few others. There really wasn't that much of a rape crisis until the Migrant Crisis either. Also, aren't Nigerians model minorities in Europe since they come from higher class backgrounds?

>> No.23034670

Ruined his life for killing a sacred negro!
Such is the importance of the negro in America and Europe.

>> No.23034674
File: 72 KB, 472x553, nigguz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally no argument
Huge surprise

>> No.23034675

>trying to reason with retarded /pol/tards
lmao I already know the next reply

>> No.23034678

>u m-mad?
Not an argument, nigger.

>> No.23034682

This is why you're losing. You're looking for muh logic or muh arguments in the middle of a WAR. Not how the world works. The world is BRUTAL.

>> No.23034686

He protected women and children from a savage crack addict subhuman, and is a hero. The fact that he's persecuted is simply more proof of the anti-White agenda.

>if you don't simp for shitskins you're a poltard
Go back to r3ddit you total fucking fag

>> No.23034689
File: 142 KB, 960x727, shiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just admit that you're too stupid to read nigga

>> No.23034690

He refuted you though

>> No.23034693

I'm not telling you to simp for anyone. I'm telling you to stop dehumanizing huge swathes of people if you want to stop being dehumanized yourself. You're just fueling petty resentment over very complex problems.

>> No.23034697

It just needs to stop, really. African Americans may have a lot of issues with assimilation and acting civil, but I don't see the point in hating random African tribes. There's a lot of ethnic and racial diversity in Africa much like their own landscape before being destroyed by modernity.

It is time you cease this hatred.

>> No.23034698

>killing others is le good!
>"anti-White agenda" "shitskins"
Yea you're an edgy /pol/tard alright.

>> No.23034701

White liberals are ultimately the biggest white supremacist since they simultaneously increase resentment towards non-white races while coddling them like they have no agency or autonomy.

>> No.23034703

OBSESSED. Imagine saving memes like this. You're mindfucked by the BLACK cock.

>> No.23034704
File: 55 KB, 640x418, sweden4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browns in Europe commit massive amounts of crime too, comparable to blacks.
>There really wasn't that much of a rape crisis until the Migrant Crisis either
Blacks/browns were still massively over-represented in crime stats. They don't belong in White civilizations, not as citizens at least. They have no shared culture or heritage, they just come for "gibs" and will leave as soon as it benefits them.

>> No.23034713
File: 242 KB, 917x948, ped rap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop dehumanizing huge swathes of people

Fuck off faggot. All 3rd world dogs will be sent back. They have no respect for our people/nations and have no right to occupy White lands, especially when they take so much and contribute so little.

>> No.23034714

You're a bot. It's always the same graphs, it's always the same exact rhetoric. There's no evolution, no nuance.

First off, many of those "browns" were criminals and fled with amnesty. EU deliberately accepted criminals.

Second, you need to decompose the browns. Which browns? What about Christian Lebanese? They're brown but don't rape as much.

Also, Africa has a lot of regional and ethnic diversity. Upper-class Nigerians are actually model minorities in Europe and civil.

And yes, Europe has a big problem with Pakistani rape gangs, so before you call me a "libshit", realize I'm not and am just introducing nuance here.

>> No.23034717

That image actually proved me right because most of them are Pakistanis, which I mention like three to four times, you dumb faggot. There is, indeed, a problem with them for some reason.

>> No.23034720

You will be replaced and you will love it. Respect the BLACK cock and tame the white cunt.

>> No.23034724

Calm down, incel.

>> No.23034729

There was nothing to refute. Someone stated a fact, then the other guy found a way to cope.
>I'm dying of AIDS!
>Yes, but I'm unique and special because not many are dying of AIDS!

>> No.23034731

It's called being "redpilled", newfag. I don't use /pol/. Try learning how to use the internet, stupid boomer. Then maybe you'll realize the reality of White replacement and the anti-civilizational nature of the darker races and stop crying when someone hurts your tranny feelings.

>if you criticize or make fun of blacks it means you hate them
Propaganda victim detected. lol

>> No.23034732

You are the incel, retarded cunt. I value honesty and forbearance, but I am really losing my patience with you. If anything, you're most likely a Jew trying to increase resentment among minorities and rile up whites in order to reenact the story of Amalek. Don't think I don't know the 4D Chess you faggots are up to.

>> No.23034735

All the rhetoric you use comes from /pol/. It's irrelevant if you actually visit the board, you're indistinguishable from a /pol/tard.

>> No.23034737

A lot of /pol/tards are DL bots too fyi.

Both of the /pol/tards *and* leftists are DL bots.

>> No.23034744

>Don't think I don't know the 4D Chess you faggots are up to.
You have no clue what's coming. Otherwise you wouldn't waste time here falling for obvious (You) bait like a mindless fool.

>> No.23034745
File: 299 KB, 1850x2048, GBq2nAhW0AAbfOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Second, you need to decompose the browns.
No I don't. From my perspective, if I'm letting in a bunch of foreigners (blacks/browns) why the fuck am I supposed to care if not all of them are rapists and murderers? it's not like these people offer anything in the first place lmao. They are here to replace our people and be better debt slaves, it isn't my job to care about "oh well maybe christian 3rd worlders aren't as savage as the muslim ones".

Indians, arabs, africans, etc. etc. etc., it's always shitskins committing massive amounts of violence when they aren't begging for handouts while trying to shame you. Fuck em all. We're sending 90% of them back, they're ungrateful and harm our civilization.

>> No.23034746

Now post your shit-coloured brown hands

>> No.23034752
File: 215 KB, 1080x1245, photo_2023-12-11_04-00-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the rhetoric you use comes from /pol/.
Nope, I got it from reading books and listening to "content creators" lol sorry delusional retard

>> No.23034759
File: 441 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_04022024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23034761

Dude he btfo you and you literally had no response, just nigmutt cope

I'm sorry that you're black/brown

>> No.23034763
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 174626511931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder this board has gone to such shit, so many shitskins/3rd worlders like you posting now

>> No.23034764

You know, the crazy thing about Afghans is they have more Aryan admixture than Southern Euros, and technically speaking, you could make a convincing case they are "whiter" than Spaniards, Italians, etc... They actually share more ancestry with NW Euros than S Euros...

>> No.23034768

>content creators
Who browse /pol/. That's where this rhetoric comes from at the end of the day. I know their language quite well.

>> No.23034777

Also, that graph shows that foreigners excluding Africans and Afghans barely engage in any rape. Besides Algerians, Afghans, Pakistanis, and Africans, no other race statistically engages in much rape.

>> No.23034779

I don't accept "being outnumbered and going extinct" as a valid response. Eurocucks think that's a gotcha somehow. Which explains their current decline and will later explain their eventual death.

>> No.23034787

All the quality threads are by me. It's /pol/tards who are shitting up the board.

>> No.23034793

>Who browse /pol/
No they don't you delusional retard. How fucking buck-broken are you by /pol/, autistic faggot? they live in your idiot faggot mind rent free. Nobody uses /pol/ now, it peaked in 2016-2017, fucking retard. It's engrained in the culture, maybe that's why you're so upset? fucking loser.

Ya, I'm sure all the authors I've read that were writing 100+ years ago were using /pol/, dumbass! or the random people on twitter or other social media posting clips of 3rd world chimps shipped into White towns from God knows where assaulting innocent people while faggots like you remain oblivious or attack the victims of non-White violence (White people). Nobody uses /pol/, take your meds you fucking retard.

>> No.23034792

this. hidden

>> No.23034803
File: 75 KB, 492x702, welfarepig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool dude! I guess not all brown foreigners are criminals who should be immediately deported, which we already knew!!

>> No.23034809

ya it's crazy how black/brown incels post bbc to cope with the fact that no women want them, especially Whites lol

You are a good example of this, but also offsite i see so many "shitskinned" incels bbc posting, half of them are trannies too lmao JUST. right my nigga?

>> No.23034813

You can further decompose Africans, considering I've heard a lot of Nigerians are model minorities. I think most of the African rape are from Algerians and maybe Somalians (have not researched that as much).

Why don't you just say Algerians, Afghans, Pakistanis, and Africans instead of blacks and browns? It's like me vilifying all whites for something Anglos do. Not all whites are Anglos.

>> No.23034817
File: 1.06 MB, 897x1632, buckbrokencuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.23034819

The author voluntarily wrote an interracial book. All the rest is just irrelevant cope by the local /pol/tards.

>> No.23034820

I don't ever post about your women. I don't personally find them attractive at all. They have a kind of mannish look with manjaws. They are not attractive to me personally. Something about their facial features repulses me in person.

>> No.23034821

You have interracial shit saved lol
classic cuck

>> No.23034829

It's all downstream from /pol/. All modern far right neonazi discourse was influenced by /pol/ lurkers or by people who listen to /pol/lurkers. You use a very specific language that's easy to detect. It wasn't there 100 years ago.

>> No.23034837
File: 203 KB, 1052x1253, denmark crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can further decompose Africans,
>considering I've heard a lot of Nigerians are model minorities
So? I've heard of lots who aren't. Also "minorities" is a propaganda term, since really Whites are the minorities in absolute terms.
>Why don't you just say Algerians, Afghans, Pakistanis, and Africans instead of blacks and browns?
And indians, syrians, somalis, egyptians, etc. etc. etc.
>It's like me vilifying all whites for something Anglos do
Not really. I'm just pointing out that overall, blacks and browns are not fit to live in White societies. It isn't White people's job to endlessly sort through all of this 3rd world trash to find out which ones are or aren't the criminals. Even if they weren't criminals, their children might be, which is often the case. White people don't need blacks/browns, that's a lie we're told. They need us.

>> No.23034841

Then why have you been worshiping a third world trash man for 1000+ years? It doesn't make sense.

>> No.23034844

No it isn't, you nigger idiot.
>far right

These are leftist buzzwords that don't mean anything and are used to avoid discussion. You're delusional and can't confront different opinions.

>> No.23034845

He's obviously a neonazi pagan.

>> No.23034849

I don't care, nigger

She did it for social justice points and attention. She did it to make you feel better about being black, i guess you don't have enough braincells to see how fat and disgusting she is

>> No.23034854
File: 44 KB, 561x680, nigger soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites dominate you and you're coping with that fact

>> No.23034855

Source for the image?

>> No.23034859

>I don't care, nigger
Obviously you do care, otherwise you wouldn't be crying over miscegenation. I'm not interested in mixing with your women, so you should at least be more respectful towards me.

>> No.23034858


Taken from in here somewhere

>> No.23034865

blacks are the biggest cucks tho, your entire existence is defined by serving White people (even though you served other races too) and they literally cannot live with it lol

>> No.23034866

It's a porno-fetishistic book about fucking BLACK criminals. It's not SJW shit lmao
Every cope is just more embarrassing than the last. Keep me posted.

>> No.23034867

That's not a source to the image. Are you a Deep Learning bot?

>> No.23034872

When was i crying over miscegenation? I think it's good, in general the ugliest and trashiest White women who go with blacks weed themselves out of the gene pool. it's unfortunate for them that they'll be victims of domestic abuse and probably abandoned, since black men lack a fundamental inner virility/strength.

>> No.23034880

The source is in there you retard

It pretty clearly is SJW shit to help niggers like you cope with your inferiority. I guarantee you she's an sjw, and she doesn't actually like blacks, she just can't get any attractive White men. That's how it works, literally science, you stupid simian.

>> No.23034881

The opposite. BLACK men are too high test to be fathers. Why waste time changing diapers when you can fuck as many women as possible and spread your seed? It's animalistic, bestial, and how Mother Nature commands it. This Eurocuck socially constructed bullshit of being le faggy daddy is strictly for the imbeciles. BLACK men are BEASTS in the purest sense of the word. They're meant to live like warriors.

>> No.23034884

You have a strange psychosexual complex. Regardless of how "trashy" those women are, it does not make sense for an ethnonationalist to not care if they engage in miscegenation. It is contradictory.
I'm trying to access the Økonomisk Analyse: Indvandreres nettobidrag til de offentlige finanser i 2018. I want to verify if that horizontal bar graph is real by looking at the actual study. Moreover, the way these groups are decomposed can be further contested. Also, like I've said, EU was arguably and deliberately accepting criminals from MENA during Migrant Crisis.

>> No.23034886

Her audience is her fellow white sluts who also lust after BLACK men. It's not meant for a reddit market.

>> No.23034887

>The source is in there you retard
I found the source on his actual Twitter: Økonomisk Analyse: Indvandreres nettobidrag til de offentlige finanser i 2018.

Granted, it does not make sense to me for a financial report to record crime statistics, so I would like to actually find a PDF of it:


Since I am not able to actually see the source, it could very well be a lie.

>> No.23034888
File: 123 KB, 1080x726, soyniggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BLACK men are too high test to be fathers
Turns out black "men" are full of estrogen and have no impulse control (the opposite of manly). The rest of your post is the most pathetic nigger incel cope I've ever seen.
>socially constructed
You're so fucking stupid, nigga. I mean I can tell by your posts that your IQ isn't high. It's high for a black but you know that means nothing.

>> No.23034893

I found the PDF:


It's literally a fucking fake graph.

You are literally Ahriman incarnate, whoever you are. Fuck you, you lying pos. You are worse than any Jew. Literally fabricating graphs!

>> No.23034895

SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU LYING POS. Literally sharing fake graphs and statistics. Idgaf what you're arguing for. You have absolutely no honor or integrity. I found the fucking "source". The crime statistics graph does NOT exist in the supposed source.

STFU. Stop spamming and ruining /lit/ with your garbage.


>> No.23034896

>You have a strange psychosexual complex. Regardless of how "trashy" those women are, it does not make sense for an ethnonationalist to not care if they engage in miscegenation. It is contradictory.
Absolutely brainlet post.
>armchair psychoanalysis
>not understanding eugenics
>I'm trying to access the Økonomisk Analyse: Indvandreres nettobidrag til de offentlige finanser i 2018. I want to verify if that horizontal bar graph is real by looking at the actual study. Moreover, the way these groups are decomposed can be further contested. Also, like I've said, EU was arguably and deliberately accepting criminals from MENA during Migrant Crisis.
Ya, read through it for yourself, halfwit.

>> No.23034901

Keep making up more cope, you dumb nigger. She's doing it for social justice points because blacks are so pathetic. Nobody is reading this except for the tranny who posted it and a few nigger incels like yourself, to cope with the fact that you're inferior.

>> No.23034902

SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU LYING POS. Literally sharing fake graphs and statistics. Idgaf what you're arguing for. You have absolutely no honor or integrity. I found the fucking "source". The crime statistics graph does NOT exist in the supposed source.

STFU. Stop spamming and ruining /lit/ with your garbage.



Actual Twitter post, which you didn't even reference correctly:


Literal TwitterTard that LIES.

>> No.23034911

It isn't a fake graph you total retard. Did you even read what you posted? it's compiling the data from the survey. Fucking hell you are stupid, no wonder you simp for criminals.

>> No.23034913
File: 97 KB, 1170x792, black crime matters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it isn't fake, you just can't read lol

keep chimping out retard, you didn't even read through the thread

>> No.23034915

>nigger incel insists women are attracted to him

>> No.23034917

>it's compiling the data from the survey.
It's not, you fucking faggot.

First off, it's not even in English.
Second, I don't see where it talks about violent crime, like rape, and breaks down all of the ethnic groups according to that.

You are a lying demonic sycophant bastard. You don't care about the truth. You don't care about honor, honesty, or etc.

I am 100% serious here. KILL. YOURSELF. Literally sharing fabricated data to support your narrative. The dishonesty is absolutely brutal and demonic. Kys, deceitful peaceful. True virility is found in honesty.

Point to where the PDF breaks down all those racial groups' rape.

>> No.23034919

>social justice
By using racist stereotypes and sexual objectification of people from a certain ethnicity? I don't think so. It's fetishistic, not SJW shit.

>> No.23034920

>100 replies in an hour

Bravo /lit/. Really interested in bmwf I see. Whatever happened to passing by threads like these, not adding fuel to the fire, and reporting them?

>> No.23034923



>> No.23034929

Literally sharing fake made-up data like this:

This faggot is the most dishonorable, stupid retard I've ever encountered, dumber than any ghetto thug I've ever met, and I shot one during a home breakin too.

You are literal white trash, the lowest of the barrel of your race, only good as canon fodder.

>> No.23034930

>African American
LMAO these are mulattoes at best infected by inferior whitoid genes. And yes, being a father is a social construct. BEASTS just fuck and go onto the next one. BLACK men are BEASTS.

>> No.23034943

Also, this fucking graph is validating what I originally said that the minorities to engage in significant rape are Maghreb, certain Africans, and Afghans + Pakistanis. Anyone with triple digit IQ can tell they're not representative of every fucking ethnic group. Generally off yourself, confrontational lying faggot. This graph here is fucking fake:


>> No.23034948

This is all cope with your inferiority complex, nigga. Reminder: No White women will ever want you, you are a shitskinned incel. Blacks are seen as stinky, stupid and dirty, lowest value, etc. in every dating survey, this is due to racism of course!

>> No.23034950

Can you even read? Whites have much less estrogen than African Americans, you're a fucking retard

>> No.23034952

You are worse than any average. You are SIGNIFICANTLY below average for your own race. If you want to do eugenics, then for honor KILL YOURSELF. I am 100% serious. Do it and film it live for my satisfaction. You lying, sniveling, dishonorable rabble-rousing piece of shit. Do it, low-class double-digit IQ WHITE TRASH. Kill yourself. You are far worse than any negro I've met in the Ghetto, and I shot one during a home breakin FYI.

UNLIKE YOU, I DO NOT LIE. Kys, and I am not saying this in an edgy smug manner either. Your race would benefit with you weeded out.

>> No.23034963

>African Americans
Not my problem.

>> No.23034969
File: 141 KB, 997x1280, shitskin savage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23034975

>This is all cope with your inferiority complex, nigga.
That's projection. I didn't write and publish a book where I fuck Dutch women.
>Reminder: No White women will ever want you, you are a shitskinned incel.
Yet interracial couples exist and they're more common every passing day.
>Blacks are seen as stinky, stupid and dirty, lowest value, etc. in every dating survey, this is due to racism of course!
Look at what women do, not at what they say. They fuck whoever they want and that includes BLACK men whether you like it or not. If I share examples you will seethe even harder and call me all sorts of names. The world isn't as simple as your limited prejudice indicates.

>> No.23034977

You're either a bot or literal cretinized inbred white trash. I won't engage you further. Keep shitting up /lit/. My views aren't even liberal, low IQ trash.

>> No.23034986

africnas are just as bad or worse desu, imagine being black lmao JUST

>> No.23035001
File: 79 KB, 1092x585, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hilarious watching this nigga cope

No White women will ever want you, not even the trashy cows who fuck black "men"

now post more beta nigcel cope, nigga!

>> No.23035005

>not even the trashy cows who fuck black "men"
Refuted by reality

>> No.23035016 [DELETED] 

Why is everyone freaking out about a woman enjoying huge black penis? It's kind of gross how you can see the veins on white cocks don't you think?

>> No.23035017
File: 93 KB, 958x922, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my nigger idiot delusions represent reality

Even the author you posted is a fucking cow, you dumb nigger. It's common knowledge that the only White women niggers can get are literal prostitutes addicted to drugs or fat hogs covered in pimples who hate themselves, no actual attractive woman wants to date a black lmao, how could you be so fucking stupid?

>> No.23035023

it's fake, she just wrote it for sjw points and to make beta blacks feel better about their inferior complex, see the coping nigger incel itt running damage control and posting his disgusting black skin

>> No.23035031

he's right, the only white women i see with black men are fat, old or really ugly lol

>> No.23035039
File: 1.01 MB, 1020x1500, 151427115_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds to me like you are the one with an inferiority complex. Half this thread is just you yelling NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER, too stupid to see you fell for a bait thread. Go pack to /pol/ before you give yourself a stroke.

>> No.23035048

>American data
Not my problem.

>> No.23035050

Gentlemen, quarrelling over this girl's sexual relations with black people is inconsequential and unbefitting of intelligent discourse. These low-brow topics belong on /pol/ or /int/. I advise anyone fixated on black cock to read a book instead. Let's wrap it up.

>> No.23035051

>no actual attractive woman wants to date a black lmao, how could you be so fucking stupid?
You clearly don't know what's going on in Europe lol

>> No.23035052

>implying he's black and not some sort of mongrel
>implying she isn't with him because he's rich
>actually saving this to your harddrive because you're such a butthurt nigcel
post more shitskinned incel cope, no woman will ever want you, much less a superior White one HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.23035061

It would be even worse in Europe, Whites are even more snobbish there and look down on shitskins (as they should, since they don't belong in White civilizations), only very low class Whites date blacks lol

Rape of European women at a massive scale because they don't to fuck you disgusting little monkey poo men? lol, the entire thread is full of the stats, you have to rape because White women don't want you, and because you're incels lmao

>> No.23035064

Fuck is wrong with all of you?

>> No.23035067

>You clearly don't know what's going on in Europe lol
black and brown incels have to rape because no women want them? LOL, you stupid afro-simian. European people see you as literal subhumans far more than Americans do.

>> No.23035070
File: 36 KB, 680x396, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel

>> No.23035074

>It would be even worse in Europe, Whites are even more snobbish there and look down on shitskins (as they should, since they don't belong in White civilizations), only very low class Whites date blacks lol
It's actually better in Europe because unlike America, Europeans haven't lived among BLACKS for 200+ years, so shallow racism and resentment is lower. Numerous examples of European sluts and their BLACK boyfriends. Not even difficult to find.

>> No.23035081

You need to be perma-banned. I recognize your writing style. You're literally sharing fake graphs, antagonizing everyone in random threads, etc. You need to be permabanned. You pick fights with everyone if they don't agree with your genocidal views 100%. You are on here 24/7. Go back to reading trash Evola.

>> No.23035093
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>> No.23035096

>Numerous examples of European sluts and their BLACK boyfriends
Not really. I'm in Europe and the only women who get with blacks are unironically really low class/drug addicts and fat, ugly, or legitimately prostitutes. It's looked down upon by other women, they think blacks are ugly and creepy, and shit-tier overall and don't even spend time around them. The anti-White media shills niggers with White women, but that's obvious. Outside of that you really don't see it much, I think the other guy is right and you're coping with being a black incel.

Also keep coping about non-existent racism in White countries. All the hottest black women go for average White men, but the highest value black men can only get gross White cows. I know it hurts nigga. It's because White people are better, you're in denial.

>> No.23035099

Fuck off anti-White garbage.

She's only with him because he has money, you know that right? you actually think she'd date a nigger if he wasn't rich and famous? HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.23035103
File: 16 KB, 266x320, 47a1ebad8f715cb7854cd19e9263bbf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ranting about "sexual value"
confirmed for being an incel. Go masturbate, dude.

>> No.23035106
File: 190 KB, 736x1006, 78691ca87a95493c90543f5764e6ab59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have good black man white woman romance novels to recommend?

>> No.23035110

>Fuck off anti-White garbage.
You are the truly anti-White one. You rely on sharing fake data, literal fabrications. Is the White race defined by lying such as the way you are? Is the White race about spreading propaganda rather than truth?

>> No.23035112


>> No.23035114

It's just how it is where I'm from in Western Europe. No attractive or high value White woman wants a black bf. It's the same in other countries I've gone to as well.

You're so clearly a black incel, this is hilarious. What kind of loser has this saved on their harddrive and sits around crying about this for hours? /pol/tards hurt your feelings? they buck-broke you? lol

>> No.23035115

You keep saying the "only" ones are low class or drug addicts but I keep seeing different instances where that's not case. They can also be normal or beautiful women. I know you're at least smart enough to recognize how chaotic the world is and how human interactions can't be reduced to "only" reductions. Otherwise you're just being dishonest.

>> No.23035119

>but I keep seeing different instances where that's not case.
You're seeing cherrypicked photos, not the actual general representation. We can look at all the scientific data or go outside and see that only very low class White women will ever associate with blacks.
>They can also be normal or beautiful women.
Nope, even blacks (not incel freaks like you) know this is not true, 2 Nigerians were telling me they only got the dogs of our women. Black men only get the women White men don't want.

You can even look at dating stats, showing White men are easily at the top of the dating pool. You are a retard lmao

>> No.23035123
File: 283 KB, 853x1000, 1705362410651294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more nigcel cope

>> No.23035124
File: 95 KB, 736x736, 9738b4ba55072013e7ea10b7f308f0ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of shithole do you live in? In my part of Norway skinny blondes only want black men.

>> No.23035126

You keep saying "only", I keep finding evidence saying otherwise. This conversation is not productive when the other party is dishonest.

>> No.23035136

This was an excellent bait thread. Congrats, OP. I think we finally found /lit/'s deepest insecurity...

>> No.23035139

>In my part of Norway skinny blondes only want black men.
I heard santa claus is real too, nigcel.

The evidence you're posting, or whichever one of your discord buttbuddy faggots that is, is cherrypicked and does not represent anything near the average. We have all the stats showing black men are the last valued when it comes to dating and White men the most valued. Then there's also studies showing only low-tier White people mix with blacks too.

>> No.23035141

Being black?

>> No.23035145

All your stats are American, not actual sex but "polling" (women never lie! lol), and from a while ago. Still you said "only" certain women do, which is patently false. I expect the cope of hyperbole.

>> No.23035147

I'm in Norway and only retarded/fat/hideous leftist women want a black boyfriend, and it really is a sign of low class/worth. I don't know how you can't see this or maybe you're intentionally being dishonest...

>> No.23035151


>> No.23035162

>All your stats are American, not actual sex but "polling" (women never lie! lol),
No they aren't, there are stats from the US and Europe and Australia, all show the same thing. Blacks are shit-tier and dating them as a White person is literally multiple steps down. You might have some ugly leftist dyke do it for social justice points but that's only because she can't get a better man.

So fucking funny how clueless you are on this issue. Do you ever fucking go outside, retard? go clubbing, black betas are always on their own or in packs of other 3rd world garbage creeping on women like the subhumans they are. The only women black men get are hamplanets who do crack lol go outside dumb nigga, just kidding you're ugly

>> No.23035166

The thread is full of black incels, you didn't notice that? i've seen the

>> No.23035168
File: 69 KB, 608x220, 93549349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in Norway
And you're debating black cock at such an early hour? You're so obsessed.

>> No.23035174

Massive nigger cope.

Literally the only White women you see dating blacks are shit tier. Look at dating stats, you niggers literally cannot compete with White men.

>> No.23035180

So you're not? Also, not an argument. Our women want our men and maybe some English. I won't let some brown faggot slander them.

>> No.23035186

>No they aren't, there are stats from the US and Europe and Australia, all show the same thing.
I'm yet to see non-american stats.
>You might have some ugly leftist dyke do it for social justice points but that's only because she can't get a better man.
When you're shown attractive women with BLACK men you resort to "she wants his money" or "she's not that hot" or "that's cherry-picking" (your final resort). There's no point in continuing this topic when you're dishonest like that.
>Do you ever fucking go outside, retard? go clubbing, black betas are always on their own or in packs of other 3rd world garbage creeping on women like the subhumans they are.
Again with the "only" nonsense. Not how the world works when it comes to human interactions. You're yet to know the real world, it seems.

>> No.23035195
File: 1.84 MB, 1548x1388, 49323293429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your princess didn't get the memo. Maybe go tell her.

>> No.23035206

>Black men only get the women White men don't want.
Women who date blacks signal that they have zero sense of self-worth and are basically fair game for anyone, their highest aspiration might be as a side-piece for the local non-alcoholic white man with a job.

>> No.23035212
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x1070, TraditionalCatholicEurope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will be forced to go back, including all race traitors.
>Herr Mannelig - Garmarna
Erik Den Helige be för oss
Heliga Birgitta be för oss
Saint Olaf, pray for us
Saint Canute IV, pray for us
Saint Magnus of Orkney, pray for us

>> No.23035297

>cherrypicking couples where the female isn't ugly
>implying she isn't doing this as a social justice virtue signal
>she's 20 years older than him
Kek. You're a nigger incel, coping because /pol/tards buckbroke you with their racism. This is how you cope.

>I'm yet to see non-american stats.
I don't care you delusional retard, go find them for yourself or go outside. I'm in Europe and the idea that European women actually want black men is utterly delusional and hilariously fucking stupid. The opposite is true, look at rape stats stupid nigger.
>When you're shown attractive women with BLACK men you resort to "she wants his money" or "she's not that hot" or "that's cherry-picking"
Every photo you or your discord buttbuddy have posted is cherrypicked. Then there's also cases where she's only with him for money, which falls into the same category, dumbass.
>Again with the "only" nonsense.
It's called generalization or overall, you halfwit. No attractive White women want black men, they all go for White men, black men are lesser and viewed as such, especially in Europe. You niggas look like 3rd world donkeys, nobody wants you, and we're sending you back!


>> No.23035301

she's only with him after Whites rejected her and he made up some bullshit about magic that she believes because she's a dumb old lady and she felt bad for him cuz he's black

>> No.23035302

>woman publishes bait book
>audiences take the bait
>mass media takes the bait
>twitter takes the bait
>4chan, the one place that should know better, still takes the bait
you're all retarded

>> No.23035304

>jewish media and feemason lodge behind the book shill it because it's anti-White and degenerate
>the only people who know or care about it are literal trannies and nigger incels coping about White supremacy

>> No.23035307

There's one black anon ITT and the rest are just white retards who took the bait.

>> No.23035333

cracker thread

>> No.23035375

Yes, Shakespeare's Othello.
Nigger would never lie to impress. Neither would he ever chimp out. Not even Othello wanted a whore who betrayed her father and ancestors like that.

>> No.23035444

>No one actually discusses the book
Sad! /lit/ just doesn’t read

>> No.23035481

Yes Women cannot be asexual. Women love sex and love to desire sex. It's why most books targeting women are about sex.

Men love sex but they do not love much, nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
Men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have (a man feels valued by a woman once she picks him up out of the male competition, telling him he won and rewarding him with the right to fuck her), which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless dildos remaining on the shelf of the sex market controlled by women, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men, since it shows them that sex-havers are far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads about being stronger and better than vaginas.

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl that they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life. Women want the erotic life.

In fact sex is so crucial to a woman, that if a woman is NOT fucked senseless EVERY WEEK, her natural hysteria starts to poor out of her pores and the neurosis kicks in. Sex is literally a medicinal drug to a woman.

>> No.23035504
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x1450, TraditionalCatholicAmericas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon who presumably asked me questions on the wsg thread I linked I answered your questions and I am glad to answer anymore questions you may have. Please also enjoy this video
>Catholic Scandinavia Episode 1
We will reclaim our Lands my brothers, pray the rosary every day.

>> No.23035507

Has anyone actually read the book in question or is everyone just talking out of their ass?

>> No.23035526

i read it

i'm black and trans btw