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/lit/ - Literature

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23031779 No.23031779 [Reply] [Original]

At this point, should women even be taught to read?

>> No.23031787

The x-axis is log? So women read 100 times more paranormal romance than men?

>> No.23031806
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Allow me to interject, for a moment.

Mr. Chuddy.

To inject the following question.

Why would a female brain be interested in male topics, instead of female topics?

>> No.23031809

>At this point, should women even be taught to read?
No. In fact, it should be illegal for women to read.

>> No.23031812
File: 452 KB, 2560x1440, Gaston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget Chad, /lit/ is not ready for the Gastonpill.

>> No.23031834

romance is like 95% women

>> No.23031851
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I'm a 28 year old man and I love romance, especially ya/scifi/fantasy romance. I read the classics in high school/college but couldn't really get into them. At a certain point I started using the Cliff Notes/Spark Notes to get through the tests and essays. I got As in almost all my classes.

>> No.23031861

You already posted this, just because (you) are a faggot doesn't mean its the norm

>> No.23031868

what the fuck even is this graph

>> No.23031874

What do you think retard?

>> No.23031875

there's a small 1-3% of males who enjoy romance and they are romance readers.

Doesn't mean an average guy can't enjoy romance, It's that most guys don't seek romance stories.

>> No.23032084

Reading some romance novels was beneficial to giving me insight into what women want. Once you realize that all romance hits the same beats, you gain some insight into woman’s view of romance and desire.

Sort of like reading isakai harem manga all hit the same Beat.

Woman’s animal desire made manifest. It’s very insightful.

>> No.23032088

Women don't know what they want, until I give it to 'em.

>> No.23032092
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The problem isnt that they are interested in "female topics", the problem is that female topics are not only worthless when translated to literary genres but actively harmful (read Madame Bovary)

>> No.23032098

do you realize, mr. incel, that females have a diferent brain anatomy?

>> No.23032103

>women are more likely to read male-male romance
Kek. The only thing that's surprising is that men are more likely to read "crime." Bitches love murder porn.

>> No.23032105

This only works if you read romance novels by women for women (involving rape and domination by high status man etc.), not romance that has literary merits like Suffering of young Werther or Shakespear

>> No.23032112

All women are sick the in the head like that. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.23032114

How is this relevant to my point? Obviously females have different interests because they are biologically different, this isnt contested here at all

>> No.23032116

This is just copy pasta at this point, right? I consistently see this exact same post, picture, and filename on like 3 or 4 boards.

>> No.23032118

exquisite pasta, hits the spot every time

>> No.23032122

>he doesn't know that this site is majority bots

>> No.23032125

then why complain that the female brain is.... female?

why do you hate trannies yet desire a tranny brain on a female body?

>> No.23032128

Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern women. These 'feminists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up.

>> No.23032130

Of course they do, which is why their moral compass points to ethical sentimentalism instead of anything rational whatsoever. The fact that society bends the knee to this fact will have grave consequences if they don’t let up.

>> No.23032136

>your average woman has emotional and mental maturity of a child
blackpilling desu

>> No.23032140

Call your mother and read what you wrote to her.

>> No.23032141

I noticed that too. They made 3 million distinctions for romance but didn't differentiate between crime and true crime. Men only read crime more because of gangster/detective novels ofcourse.

>> No.23032148

If women thought like men in every aspect except in the reproductive sense, less of them would get physically abused.

>> No.23032149

Are you illiterate? Read my post again. I am saying that female "interests" should not be allowed to be part of literature, they should not be allowed to either read or write because this is actively harmful for them and society, and I even gave example of that

>> No.23032151

>Oh you think someone is ugly? Go tell them in their face and see how they'll react!
You're not very smart.

>> No.23032156

I'll call your mother and read what I wrote to her.

>> No.23032157

This is because every woman who reads uses Goodreads, while the only men who use Goodreads are art students. The average guy that reads Tom Clancy stories and genre fiction doesn't go there.

>> No.23032158

>philosophy is hypermasculine

>> No.23032164

I was never afraid of telling the ugly truth to my family
If you are maybe there is a reason

>> No.23032165
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why are incels angry women like sex with atractive hot tall italian and spaniard males?

>> No.23032166

True, that still would not effectively lower the female dominated genres though.

>> No.23032171

>I call people ugly in their face all the time idc!

>> No.23032172
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I'm short and Irish and I've gotten more pussy than you.

>> No.23032175

Uh, I’m a blue collar guy?

>> No.23032179

>niggers are violent?
>try saying that to a nigger, they'd beat the shit out of you

>> No.23032180

Good for you?

>> No.23032182

Shitskin cope

>> No.23032190

>Pulls up map of most popular sex tourism destinations for women and where these women hail from
It's not just the men, it's the scenery and culture too.

>> No.23032191

Women shouldn't be taught to read and write because that's a human right and foids aren't even human

>> No.23032197

>comparing a random nigger stranger to your mother

>> No.23032199

>missing the point entirely
You're so stupid that I almost believe you're a woman.

>> No.23032200

I’m Scots-Irish and love long haired Italian bitches with nice tatas.

>> No.23032203
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>(involving rape and domination by high status man etc.),
Funny how women devour these kinds of novels and then act offended by the Tate brothers
>tall and rich
>live in a mansion
>fly private jets
>treat women like shit, want them to be submissive
Andrew Tate is like the most stereotypical male love interest in women's erotic fiction. I know this >>23032128 is pasta, but there's truth to it, too

>> No.23032207

>women are more likely to read male-male romance
Akkkshually I'm (pleasantly) surprised by how little they do.
The comparative ratio is much, much lower than for romance in general and other subtypes of it, which means that fujos reading boylove trash are just a little more numerous in absolute numbers than faggots doing the same, even on a female dominated website (and the type to attract those women if anything). The rest of the list confirms that men barely read any romance, and in fact a large proportion of it must then necessarily be faggots reading man on man sex to fit those different ratios simultaneously. So women really in overwhelming majority are disgusted by fags.

>> No.23032212

I'm convinced posts like these proceed from an egalitarian spirit that wishes to level everything and make everything equal. Why do you care that women are different from men? Isn't that a good and beautiful thing? Let women do womanly things and men do manly things.

>> No.23032214

You are the one missing the point
If your ideas are so revolting even your loved ones must not know, maybe it's time for a little introspection

>> No.23032218

Seriously, call your mother and read your sperg about how she secretly wants to be raped. I'm sure it will make your father proud.

>> No.23032219

>wishes to level everything and make everything equal
it's the opposite? We want women to lose rights

>> No.23032221

All women re beautiful on the inside. Excuse me, I mean "all women are beautiful when I'm inside them".

>> No.23032224


>> No.23032225

I openly tell my mother and other female relatives that the 19th amendment ruined western civilization, retard.
I just called your mother and she agreed with me, omw to rape her now.

>> No.23032226

The Goodreads Awards eliminated their poetry category and added "Romantasy" in its place.

>> No.23032229

>tell the woman responsible for raising you that you believe she wants to be raped

>> No.23032231

What do women even get out of faggot love stories? I only knew one woman like that and she was a weirdo.

>> No.23032233
File: 78 KB, 850x400, nietzsche women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explaining things to a woman
Why would I ever waste my time like that?

>> No.23032237

They act like they don't want this because they don't want to be treated like this in public, being stronk and independent and that shit. Once you get them alone in private, every single one wants to be treated like shit. The Tate brothers are correct, but the average western woman doesn't want anyone else to know that they are correct, so keep it behind closed doors

>> No.23032240

>same joke
Boring, anon. Go ahead. Call up the woman who raised you and read out your post about how she and every other woman in your family secretly fetishizes being raped. Why do you need to deflect? Maybe because you don't want to apply that concept to your family members and think about how much of a disappointment you turned out to be.

>> No.23032241

This graph is dishonestly presented. Women read more than men in general. They get their entertainment and their pornography from books, whereas men watch online porn and get their entertainment from things like YouTube, podcasts, gaming, or sports. TV shows and films are watched by both sexes so I didnt include them.

Thus, on average, women will read inferior books to men, because the men who do read are a smaller slice of the sex. That smaller, more elite slice will naturally be the portion of men who are already intellectually inclined. But the portion of women who read will be a lot larger, and include women who read purely for pornographic and/or entertainment purposes.

This, therefore, is not a fair comparison of the intellectual and/or personality differences between men and women.

>> No.23032245

Yeah you want to punish them because you're uncomfortable with the sexes having different roles and purposes and personalities. It's the same feminist spirit that wishes to abolish the patriarchy for this very same reason, only you direct your hatred not against the patriarchy but against female nature. Just accept we're different.

>> No.23032246

I love and am loved by both my mother and father. That doesn't mean I think that my mother's not a whore. All women are, deep down. I don't explain it to her because women can't handle the truth. Deal with it, cunt.

>> No.23032248
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You should watch what the women do not what they say. On a tangent I am reading picrel and suposedly when british occupied Kabul every local muslim married woman started fucking british officers. But when they lost some british women left for afghan men. Funny seeing this dynamic in every war

>> No.23032249

>Why would I ever waste my time like that?
As if your time is valuable. Lol!

>> No.23032251

I value my time enough not to waste it trying to explain anything to the niggers of gender.

>> No.23032252

Go tell people who are ugly they are ugly despite knowing it will upset them.

>> No.23032253
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>> No.23032255

>Thus, on average, women will read inferior books to men, because the men who do read are a smaller slice of the sex. That smaller, more elite slice will naturally be the portion of men who are already intellectually inclined.
Ah yes the peak intellectual categories of philosophy and comics. Graphic novels if you're a real braniac.

>> No.23032257

>That doesn't mean I think that my mother's not a whore
Heh, I guess Freud was right. Sorry you became a living abortion, anon.

>> No.23032258

We, men and women. "We" does not imply I'm a woman, it is referring to men and women. Are you really this stupid

>> No.23032260

>I value my time
No one else does. Lol.

>> No.23032262

Yawn. Thanks for the non-response. You can go dilate now.

>> No.23032264

>if I keep typing "lol" at the end, no one will know how mad I am
go feed your cats

>> No.23032266

>It's mean to say mean things
Holy shit you're a retard. Seriously though...have an open discussion with the people responsible for raising you can explain how you think your female family members all want to be raped. I assure you, they'll be more disappointed by the reality of how their son turned out than the nonsense you're serving because you can't have sex.

>> No.23032270

1. Philosophy is the queen of the sciences, the most important and most foundational discipline. Your mockery means nothing.

2. The same stupidity that caused you to demean philosophy, caused you also to misunderstand the argument. For I did not say that every single male category there was intellectual. Rather, I said that the male categories are more intellectual than the female categories, which was the point OP was making. It is possible for there to be a general trend even if there are edge cases which are not incorporated into the trend.

>> No.23032272

>I will upset people despite it being true
Didn't read the rest. You can only appeal to emotions so why bother going in circles. Anyway enjoy arguing despite being wrong.

>> No.23032273

>no you
>cries about being a living abortion
Go tell your mother you think she's a whore, anon. You don't have a positive enough relationship with your family to openly discuss your ideas? Sad.

>> No.23032274

>social shaming
>absolute lack of an argument
Fuck off back to neogaf or wherever feminist shit hole you came from, you stupid cunt.

>> No.23032275

>Appeal to emotion

>> No.23032276

Without the majority of philosophy we would be living in caves but I’m sure most people here would find that a swell proposition unfortunately. However, the reality would set in that they can’t use the internet and have to hunt for all their food and would end up dying of starvation, disease or apex predators.

>> No.23032277

>it's mean to say mean things
Wow, anon. You must have passed kindergarten with flying colours.

>> No.23032278

>Top 5 Philosophy Comics Politics Graphic Novels Science Fiction
"Edge" cases

>> No.23032279

>let me just appeal to popularity one more time
how about you go kill yourself instead, you worthless hole

>> No.23032281

>imagining he has control over the emotions of strangers on the internet
Really sad, anon. Make a friend.

>> No.23032282

>Appeal to emotion

>> No.23032285

>emotion emotion emotion emotion
>I'm not emotionally upset tho

>> No.23032286


>> No.23032287

Yes, stop making fallacies. I'm sure you can find the error in your argument without my having to explain it to you.

>> No.23032289

now type that without crying

>> No.23032291

NTA but discussing politics with any woman is a good way to get on their bad side and you’re not exactly proving any of us wrong. Not only that but you’re also proving you can’t debate properly and have to make everything a personal matter which is not the object of debate in the first place, it’s to learn and grow, and considering the track record of female “philosophers” throughout history you’re no exception to this.

>> No.23032292

Crying about informal fallacies because you're too embarrassed to call you mother and discuss the fact you think she's a whore? You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.23032293

>Without philosophy the internet would stop working.
Fucking /lit/ lol. The STEM envy is palpable

>> No.23032296

>Not only that but you’re also proving you can’t debate properly
There's no debate, anon. Go call your mother and tell her you're in agreement with your fellow incels that she's a whore. Report back.

>> No.23032298

lmfao you're so ass flustered over this that you're ignoring any semblance of a rational argument, just go kill yourself already you worthless foid, no one will ever love you

>> No.23032300

>Appeal to emotion
Do you have an argument without it?

>> No.23032302

>autism autism autism
>since I don't have a theory of mind I can pretend I have power over the emotions of random strangers
Stop, anon. My sides!

>> No.23032304

>theory of mind
gender studies major/Starbucks barista detected

>> No.23032306

>rational argument
There's no argument. Go call up your mother, read out that post, and tell her you're in agreement with it. Don't hide behind the fact you're afraid of how she'll react by pretending you're protecting her from the truth. Talk to the woman who raised you and tell her you think she's a whore. You can't seriously entertain the thought of doing this.

>> No.23032308

Imagine letting a post about women rile all of you chudw up to this level

>> No.23032311

It's not an appeal to emotion, retard. Aside, the key word in "informal fallacies" is "informal." If you need this explained to you further feel free to respond.

>> No.23032312

>Appeal to emotion
Seems only one dude is riled up desu.

>> No.23032313

>so mad you can't even type properly
projection at its finest

>> No.23032314

>doesnt know what "theory of mind" means
Retard confirmed.

>> No.23032316

Damn dude, no need to pretend otherwise. You have no argument without appealing to emotion lol. Can you engage with the post without making it a personal case?

>> No.23032317

>There's no argument.
Thank you for conceding, you can go now.

>> No.23032323

I do, it's the same pseudo-scientific bullshit field like "emotional intelligence" that gender studies majors constantly bloviate about. You're going to die alone and unloved.

>> No.23032324

STEM didn’t exist prior to philosophy so that’s a moot point. Without it, STEM would not be a thing. You think Xenophon or Seneca had biology or chemistry figured out before the discovery of logical positivism that enabled science to divorce itself from the former? You’re not only arrogant but historically illiterate too.

>> No.23032325

It seems they're terribly afraid of their mothers. The rape power fantasy they write out to strangers on the internet makes sense.

>> No.23032326

Sorry I'm on my phone and it didn't autocorrect. At least I got my captcha right!
Have a good day :-)

>> No.23032327


>> No.23032329

>*blows bubble pipe*
you will never be a mother

>> No.23032330

I accept your concession

>> No.23032332

>self-congratulating for solving a captcha
yup, it's a foid

>> No.23032334

It's not an appeal to emotion, anon. The fact is you guys aren't capable of expressing your ideas about women to the woman who raised you and it upsets you to even entertain the idea of doing so. It says a lot.
>I win
Hang on to that, anon. You can repeat it to yourself as you go to sleep in your twin bed. Alone.

>> No.23032339

50 shades of grey was morally ambiguous rape and that was a bestseller but even actual rape novels do well. Always boggled my mind.

>> No.23032341

>It's not an appeal to emotion
It actually is, you're just too stupid to recognize an appeal to emotion when you're making one.

>> No.23032342

>I don't really know the concept but let me sperg about how much I hate gender studies
Lol, retard. If it's any consolation I agree with you that gender studies is complete bullshit.

>> No.23032346

I don't agree with all this beta male cuckold whiteknighting done in this thread so far but the situation begs the question, what good does reading philosophy and politics do for men? people decide what they want then read material to affirm themselves on that belief. no one sees the truth. might as well read fucking faggot romance.

>> No.23032348

Compelling argument. Thanks for the concession.

>> No.23032349

You faggots should start a discord to talk about being afraid of your mothers and how much you don't have sex.

>> No.23032350

>Appeal to emotion
It is however.
I can't help that you can only believe in things you believe are morally correct as well. I don't have a marvel brain.

>> No.23032352

Men never really managed to tame the female sexual cravings. Women cannot be contained in coats of conventions, the female sexual libido is too strong and too violent for this. A women is pure sexual energy. When she discovers this, when she peels off the phony social layers, she merges with her true whorish self and she will never ever be the same.
This is why all societies are flawed inherently. And it doesn't help that all men are eager to please women sexually and non-sexually. democracy is even worse.

>> No.23032354

>still on with muh informal fallacies

>> No.23032356

>Le touch sex

>> No.23032360

I laughed.

>> No.23032369

I accept your concession and hope the sexual frustration you face in day-to-day life met a brief respite in being sublimated into our discussion.

>> No.23032372

I want to argue against this but can't find any good examples of societies effectively dealing with it yea. You are right ofcourse, even now women's liberation is mostly about their role in family formation.

>> No.23032378
File: 24 KB, 442x513, GAHqyOSXAAAPhXU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women's rights?
What about women's wrongs?

>> No.23032382

Too extensive of a list

>> No.23032386

Tristan maybe, but Andrew's bald.

>> No.23032392

>t. doesn't understand logs

>> No.23032393

It's log2 retard

>> No.23032401

Pseud here what are these type of graphs called and how do you interpret them?

>> No.23032414

I discussed politics and all sort of things with my psych (female) and she ended up loving me and now i cant see her :(

>> No.23032417

Does it say it's log2 somewhere else? Without indication I could still believe the proportion with loge natural logarithms.

>> No.23032544

Haven't posted in this thread before but it's obviously the other guy acting as if it counts one iota toward the truth of an idea whether someone else gets offended by it or not.

>> No.23032612

That's all that these faggots talk about anymore it's insane

>> No.23032622

If this board represents the average male reader, men should be banned from reading and writing too. You're all mentally challenged, clearly the books haven't had any positive influence at all if you act like this

>> No.23032633

>conveniently overlooks "comics," "graphic novel," and "horror."
We have our own problems to worry about. At least have the genres on our side of the board are dubious at best.

>> No.23032634

no one reads here lol

>> No.23032640

People learned to count and to be artesans well before any kind of philosophy was written down, technology and it's study has always been the main force behind human struggle, no matter how primitive it may seem to us thousands of years later. Without the desire for STEM, there is no room for the complacency that allows for philosophy to exist.
You can't think without bread in your belly.

>> No.23032644

If you haven't noticed those are evenly spread with actual disciplines, so there is a proper balance between entertainment and knowledge
Now look at the top 5 for women again.

>> No.23032648

And? What's your point? Women read for pleasure? So fucking what, you dolt.

>> No.23032650

it's also interesting that manga skews towards women, I would have thought it would be up there with comics and graphic novels

>> No.23032652

Dude look at this board no one who isn't retarded is gonna last more than a month

>> No.23032653

>We have our own problems to worry about
I don't see them, not in that graph, is my point
Hard to miss, yet you have managed it somehow

>> No.23032656

There are way more series that have appealing themes to women on the Japanese side while comics are mostly capeshit.

>> No.23032658

>represents the average trans reader

>> No.23032662

I know, I need to quit, but there's usually one good thread made every month that i keep coming back for.

>> No.23032664

>comics +1.5
>graphic novels +1.4
both of these have arguably less substance than any of the top 5 women's categories. soulless products and not a single outlier to break the mould

>> No.23032666

What does contemporary, adult and chick lit mean in this context?

>> No.23032669

Lovecraft and Poe made horror into high literature and comic means manga here which is based and aryan. Next

>> No.23032671

fair enough, the stories and themes presented in manga have a much wider range than the others, see >>23032664

>> No.23032672

So just like the women's top 5, nay, entire list.

>> No.23032677

Clearly you haven't read The Invisibles.

>> No.23032680

I know it's hard for pseuds here to comprehend but most people read for fun and not to fuel their ego

>> No.23032689

You ever feel like life, the entire world, all of it, is just a bunch of this >>23032633 guys getting gently corrected by this >>23032644 guy? Except this >>23032633 guy outnumbers the >>23032644 guys by about ten orders of magnitude.

I remember being young and reflexively assuming that the the way the world worked was: we're all >>23032633 on the way to becoming >>23032644 so when a >>23032644 corrects you, you evaluate it objectively and if it's correct you become a little more like >>23032644. Then one day you are a >>23032644 and you see a >>23032633 and you go "Now now, your knee-jerk response and short-sighted desire to have a 'gotcha' moment has led you to say something stupid. Think about it for an additional second, and you'll see. Here, I'll even help." And the cycle continues indefinitely, so that there's a kind of constant reuptake, a constant centripetal force back toward the ideal center of things, where we're all correct and thoughtful and no one makes knee-jerk responses or goes for low-hanging "gotchas."

But at some point I realized that the world is actually made up overwhelmingly of >>23032633 guys, and they are well aware (albeit unconsciously) of their numerical superiority, and so when a >>23032644 comes along and "takes the high road," by gently chiding them instead of going "Lmao you fucking retard you wanna think about it for a second champ ahahahaha try again dumbass," instead of responding to this gratis graciousness the way I formerly assumed (with "net" centripetal desire to self-improve, "net" willingness to check their own biases, etc.), they respond instead with maximum resistance, almost mathematically proportionate to their preponderance over the >>23032644 sorts in the population. They make it a maximally uphill battle. The relations are all off, they are demanding extra labor of an already overworked minority population of >>23032644 guys who already have to apply at least some additional effort to sugar the pill.

Even when the >>23032633 does course correct, in what must be the minority of situations in which >>23032644's correction contingently happens to be unassailable and inarguable even in the eyes of a retard, they only do so begrudgingly, usually with a parthian shot just as lazy as their first thoughtless statement.

It's genuinely a miracle to me that the world keeps functioning at all. Basic thoughtfulness is punished at every turn. It's like looking at a mechanics equation and all the numbers indicate that the net entropy of the system should be overwhelming the system a hundred times over, and yet the system keeps functioning.

>> No.23032693

>Read for fun
Yes we know women don't read harder books for fun but that doesn't mean others don't. Projection much?

>> No.23032698

Have you missed >>23032644 ?
It's fine to mix leisure with knowledge, it's another thing entirely to disregard knowledge for only leisure.

>> No.23032699

Lmao good post.

>> No.23032703

>and yet the system keeps functioning
this is when I stopped reading and walked away

>> No.23032706


>> No.23032708

Whatever point you have about women and the literature they read is overshadowed by the fact that this type of thread is made daily with 200 posts of whining while literature threads can't top 20 posts

>> No.23032712

It's obvious

>> No.23032713

it's fine to read for leisure. it's fine to read for leisure and knowledge. it's fine to read for knowledge. it's not fine to concern yourself with how others spend their time unless they're accutely affecting your own life (no, refusing to sleep with you does not affect your life)

>> No.23032719

Yes, that is interesting, but its all the same slop in different flavors.

If you don't see them, you embody them. Kek.

>Lovecraft and Poe
Both are mid, at best, and Lovecraft is downright cringe. The proof is in their audience. You'll only find those names touted among half-wits.

>> No.23032720

Why do you guys respond if you hate these threads? They only get so much replies because of the useless back and forth tbdesu.

>> No.23032723

This board is just another /r9k/ at this point

>> No.23032729

your post is ugly so I didn't read it

>> No.23032731

tldr seethe and cope besides, how could that retard "correct" me? He pointed out that the categories were evenly split, which was ALREADY IMPLIED by my use of the word "half"--which means *drumroll* evenly split. Learn to read, you incel faggots.

>> No.23032732

>I went to 4chan and they were just shitting on women
Chud website, retard. Reddit might be more your speed.

>> No.23032736


>> No.23032737

>this guy had a blase attitude about being wrong and this guy corrected him, this is what's wrong with society today!

>> No.23032740

>all the replies to this proving it right

>> No.23032741

Unironically, grow up. Your post reads like something a fucking thirteen year old would say.

>> No.23032743

Unironically, you're a faggot and you don't belong here. Go back.

>> No.23032747


>> No.23032748

kind of why I think 4chan has become boring. everyone behaves in ways you expect them to

>> No.23032750

>t. 13 year old
I'm going to have to call your mommy and tell her your on a site you shouldn't be, Jonny boy.

>> No.23032752


>> No.23032754

feel free to leave

>> No.23032756

The only reason fags come here to post this fag shit from other boards (pol, tv, r9k) is because they like the idea that someone well-read will see their point and reinforce it (also see all the blog posts about "what book to fix my life!") and they will get a couple of responses from those kind of people at first but once the whole board is shitterville everyone who reads starts to leave and we just get to watch the circle jerks from other boards transposed onto this one.

>> No.23032758

it's phoneposters, they process posts like they process tweets. anything that doesn't fit a pattern is "forced" into the nearest available pattern so that they can then respond with the corresponding pattern

>> No.23032761

I'm 33 you nigger. And no, I won't ever stop calling niggers and faggots niggers and faggots. Deal with it.

>> No.23032763

You kids are really fucking stupid, you know that?

>> No.23032765

>the post was deep because it has 5 paragraphs
lmao it's some temper tantrum about the downfall of intelligence and society predicated on the evidence of "one guy said something wrong on 4chan"

>> No.23032767

>behaves like a 88IQ early teen
Grim as fuck.

>> No.23032768

>here, read my headcanon
Or you're just a bitch. That is an equally valid explanation.

>> No.23032772
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>> No.23032773

case in point (thankyou guys)
i'd have expected phoneposting to become less and less attractive.
anyway, noone seems genuine anymore.

>> No.23032775

You're right there is a lot of literature being cited in this thread, we are truly amongst the intellectual elite right here

>> No.23032779

>man, I miss the old 4chan, when people were genuine

>> No.23032780

Thankyou for being above it all

>> No.23032783

>le woe is me how ever can i bear the burden of my superiority
You. Fucking. Clown. Kys.

>> No.23032786

>implying /lit/ was ever the "intellectual elite"
How does your colon smell? Because you're pretty far up there right now.

>> No.23032787

>comics, graphic novels, and sci-fi

>> No.23032789

>Go back
You're boring dude, get over it. didn't say anything else except I wish people were more creative.

>> No.23032790

You're not shitting on anyone but yourself, you moron. If anything, you're vindicating those groups simply by being opposite them.

>> No.23032793
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reminder what you're trying to have a productive conversation with: a net drain that requires the charity of others just to function at below average levels

>> No.23032795

just do something new for once

>> No.23032799

You're the one crying about the meanies on 4chan, on 4chan, you fucking buffoon. Please go eat a gun.

>> No.23032800

Well they are, you can post about any book here and at least one person will have read it. Just because you are a pseud doesn't mean everyone else on lit is

>> No.23032803

Because the reason your post exists is to claim "it's all the same shit for both" when it clearly isn't to anyone with a brain
>how could that retard "correct" me?
Damn, I have stung deeper than I thought, you must be trembling as you type this shit

>> No.23032805

>do a trick to entertain me
I think >>23032793 is right, and you're just a vapid hole.

>> No.23032808

>no i NEED my SAFE SPACE where I can hate women and minorities without opposition
Grow up, dude.

>> No.23032811

>people here have read books
>that makes them the intellectual elite
You are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger that I have ever seen.

>> No.23032818

Way to prove the point with your regurgitated meme

>> No.23032820

>Grow up and love niggers and faggots
No, I don't think I will.

>> No.23032825

Thank you, now fuck off and die.

>> No.23032826

That's not my claim at at. If anything, women read far more than men anyway, so the probability they would read more frivolous novels is higher from the start. It's telling you have to resort to imagining a version of me which does not exist. That sort of cope if characteristic of people who practice straw-manning as you do. He didn't "correct" me, as he was too stupid to even realize I'd already implicated his point--and so are you.

>> No.23032829

>See thing you don't agree with
>Regurgitate meme

>> No.23032832
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I don't just hate women, I also objectify and demean them.

>> No.23032833

Yeah because they're oh so special and deserve exemptuary rights to everything, their needs are the center of the world and they are just perfect beings by virtue of thinking they're victims and you having a potential benefit from identifying with their vague nonsensical herd has nothing to do with your highly sublime moral notions

>> No.23032835

>Equalling not replying in tried and true (but useless) expected manners to being a monkey
>Finishes it with ur a femoidholeroastie

>> No.23032836

Is that what I said? No, it isn't. I couldn't give one flying fuck who or what you love. You're pathetic. Are you a Westerner? I'm really starting to think this board has gone to shit from too many ESLs who can't understand English properly.

>> No.23032841

Not what I said, you braindead /pol/tard genetic castoff. Holy shit, you incel ideologues really are more fucking retarded than even the lowest of the categories you despise.

>> No.23032845


>> No.23032856

Yes, because imagine if women didn't read them.

>> No.23032857

I'm a woman and can tell you these genres aren't biological. Many women read those male dominated genres, including myself who reads philosophy. It's a cultural phenomenon because people read what their peers read. If you change the culture, then you change your the tastes. The reason those genres are female dominated is historical, expectations from before women could even vote.

>> No.23032859

>so the probability they would read more frivolous novels is higher from the start
That's not how probability works kek
As for the rest here >>23032633
>conveniently overlooks
Jab at OP that implies he is hiding how males are also le bad
>We have our problems to solve
Implication that since men read horror we should not acknowledge how terrible the average reading list for women is

Maybe I misanderstood your intentions completely, in that case I apologize, but I have the sneaking suspicion you are just backpedalling.
My point is simple, what is immediately striking about OP's image is the female reading tastes, not the decently balanced male one. There was no need to "overlook" comics and horror because in context they really aren't as relevant, as they are not the ONLY things men read.

>> No.23032860

>graphic novels
>science fiction
should men even be allowed to read at this point?

>> No.23032868


>> No.23032870

If a women asks pls rape and then gets raped its not RAPE rape so they got to preten to say no

>> No.23032876
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Pic related, also the hypothesis that everything retarded about women is just due to cultural conditioning has been debunked I'm afraid.
>I am a musician, and I’ve long wondered about this difference. We know from the classical music scene that women can play instruments beautifully, superbly, proficiently — essentially just as well as men. They can and many do. Yet in jazz, where the performer has to be creative while playing, there is a stunning imbalance: hardly any women improvise. Why? The ability is there but perhaps the motivation is less. They don’t feel driven to do it.

>I suppose the stock explanation for any such difference is that women were not encouraged, or were not appreciated, or were discouraged from being creative. But I don’t think this stock explanation fits the facts very well. In the 19th century in America, middle-class girls and women played piano far more than men. Yet all that piano playing failed to result in any creative output. There were no great women composers, no new directions in style of music or how to play, or anything like that. All those female pianists entertained their families and their dinner guests but did not seem motivated to create anything new.

>Meanwhile, at about the same time, black men in America created blues and then jazz, both of which changed the way the world experiences music. By any measure, those black men, mostly just emerging from slavery, were far more disadvantaged than the middle-class white women. Even getting their hands on a musical instrument must have been considerably harder. And remember, I’m saying that the creative abilities are probably about equal. But somehow the men were driven to create something new, more than the women.

>> No.23032884

>Deny previous statement
>Non sequitur ad hominem
Yeah you're teenage rabulistic foid sophisim is real advanced and shows the coherency of your loving, anti-hate worldview, just like finding someone to marginalize of your own to enact the exact same behaviour you deem so horrible. You're a retarded conformist non thinker touting the current herdthink. You're not even human, just a function of society.

>> No.23032915

Is it bad that I do in fact use the book cover to know whether I'd be into the story or not? I'm looking at this shit and most of these hit my boxes for "this book WILL be shit." Showing people is an automatic no, especially if it's a realistic person rather than, say, a silhouette/shadow. Generic ye olde dragon aesthetic, I'll pass. Aggressively bad covers. This shit matters and I won't be shamed into acting otherwise.

>> No.23032953

I agree but it only matters a lot for contemporary novels in my experience. I can't really hold it against a dead guy if people today give his work a horrendous cover.

>> No.23032991

>We know from the classical music scene that women can play instruments beautifully, superbly, proficiently — essentially just as well as men.

>Yet all that piano playing failed to result in any creative output. There were no great women composers, no new directions in style of music or how to play, or anything like that.

This fact never fails to amaze me.

>> No.23032998

Those woman didn't have the same experiences men had. That should be obvious.

>> No.23033003

>Those woman didn't have the same experiences men had.
What do you mean?

>> No.23033010

Women aren't sentient.

>> No.23033049

Are you really asking how women in 19th century lived differently than men? Were you not educated?

>> No.23033057

The adage about judging a book by its cover dates from a time when you'd just get a thick leather and binding with at most the title on it, and judge books by their physical condition. The only exception would be evangeliaries or books of hours used in liturgy.
The printed covers of contemporary books are 100% relevant and give a good estimate of the content.

>> No.23033383

Shocking manga and history are more women leaning, although the historical romance makes sense.

>> No.23033391

Lmao at what point will I have to stop pretending that women aren’t children? Jesus Christ. And you know, it’s not that big of a deal but their egos and mouths are just so huge these days.

>> No.23033397

>historical fiction
Damn women are based. Im gonna call my mom.

>> No.23033474

the refutation of your dumb point is contained in the thing you initially made it in response to, moron.

>> No.23033611

No it's not.

>> No.23033660

Nta but did you skip over the sections where modern female jazz musicians didn't innovate and create either or the sections where black dudes who were a decade or two out of actual slavery were more creative than female piano musicians. How these black men had a harder time making their music in the first place compared to these women who had personal pianos?

>> No.23033665

Meanwhile, at about the same time, black men in America created blues and then jazz, both of which changed the way the world experiences music. By any measure, those black men, mostly just emerging from slavery, were far more disadvantaged than the middle-class white women. Even getting their hands on a musical instrument must have been considerably harder. And remember, I’m saying that the creative abilities are probably about equal. But somehow the men were driven to create something new, more than the women.

>X = Opportunity to Achieve
>A = Actual Achievement
>Premise: Women had n amount of X, yet only did m amount of A; meanwhile, black slaves and former slaves certainly had less X (n' = n - some b) than women, yet did more A (m' = m + some c).
>Conclusion: m of A cannot be entirely a function of n of X

You'd have understood this if you were a man. Especially after having it pointed out to you several times, you would have been embarrassed and gone back and done the work yourself, even on the off chance you had initially missed it.

>> No.23033674

Are you retarded? I said women don't have the same experiences as men, and your refutation of that is that black men had worse experience than women? THEN THEY HAD DIFFERENT EXPERIENCES. HOW DOES THAT REFUTE WOMEN HAVING DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE FROM MEN. RETARD.

>> No.23033677

>So.. I have a degree in philosophy and I thought, hey, let me put it to use by reviewing this dissertation point by point with my own analysis. Warning it gets a bit wordy, but I'll try to format the p...(read more)
>Zhao Bao is a wicked bastard (gosh I love him!) and the spicy scenes are [FIRE EMOJI] 5 stars!!!!!!
>1573 people found this useful

>> No.23033678

See >>23033674

>> No.23033681

And they somehow got outperformed by people who had even less experiences than them. It sounds like less or different experiences is not the issue lmao.

>> No.23033687

Blues and jazz were part of black male culture, not female culture.

>> No.23033692

Holy shit you are actually a mental retard.

>> No.23033695

Oh you are being obtuse. Okay then.

>> No.23033704


>> No.23033713

Stop playing this character bro, it's beautiful sunday and unless you only meant to say that women have different experiences than men without it relating to that blurboid you are wasting your time shitposting here.

>> No.23033750

You're the dumbass who thinks you can compare two different groups without a control. Thinking is too hard for you.

>> No.23033771

For 19th century females the control group is le white men and they are compared to another group named former slaveboys.
For modern contemporary jazz musicians who didn't live with all these hindrances they can be compared to all kinds of people. In both scenarios they aren't nearly as creative, if at all, as their peers or the control group.
I'm sorry anon, I love women too but this patheticness of yours trying to defend them is disgusting.

>> No.23033819

Jazz musicians is a black male culture. That's why it's predominately dominated by BLACK musicians over WHITE musicians. Are you saying blacks are better than whites? Or maybe because black people had a major jazz culture while white people didn't?

>> No.23033838

>Contemporary freeform jazz musicians get ignored
>Even when you do ignore that, women aren't more creative than men in any other genre either, historically or currently speaking
>Fighting this hard to make women seem anything but good rule followers
Don't you know anything about modern jazz or?

>> No.23033876

Have you ever skimmed one of those female romance novels? That shit is just straight up porn for women.

>> No.23033901
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>father and daughter kidnapped
>father comes back gibbering about a beast-man
>no police force to be seen
>nearest sheriff is probably 50 miles away and telephones don't exist yet
>grab gun and go after beast
This man did literally nothing wrong and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

>> No.23034204

Mere counting isn’t stem and mathematics is part of logic which is part of philosophy.

>> No.23034212

he was a heckin' toxic white male, even back then yidsney was already programming young girls with the seeds of society's downfall

>> No.23034223

>Mere counting isn’t stem
It literally is tho. Without counting, STEM ceases to be.
>mathematics is part of logic which is part of philosophy
This is true.

>> No.23034322

Counting wasn’t called STEM back then.
Btw, you’re on a literature board, go back to /sci/

>> No.23034448

>47 posters
>262 replies
what is this fucking thread? Ragebait threads should be BTFO off of the face of this board.

>> No.23035695

The answer is no

>> No.23036142
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STEMlord detected, abort abort.

>> No.23036397
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I'm a straight 24yo man and I actually love romance when it's in the background as opposed to being the central part of the plot.

>> No.23036473

It also doesn't indicate which side of the axis is male and which is female. We just assume based on the colors and preconceived notions. Stupid graph.

>> No.23036480

> fuck you, sleep with me
Such entitlement out there.

>> No.23036490

> Historical Fiction
That one’s a little odd.

>> No.23036523

It's like Outlander and shit.

>> No.23037096

most people don't gain anything from knowing how to read. Social media proved it. Literature was always meant to be an aristocratic art.

>> No.23038292

>WOMAN opinion about WOMEN preferences
>Opinion rejected

>> No.23038951

You're completely retarded. Did you know that when a man watches his intimate partner have sex with another man, his sperm production increases over 40%?

So, obviously, you should let other men fuck your wife that you don't have because you're a faggot lmao.

>> No.23039057
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>> No.23039079

I'm writing one where America helps Hitler win WW2 and everyone lives happily ever after, in a world with no twerking mulattoes.

>> No.23039328

I don't get it myself but I presume it's something like the female equivalent of dudes who seek out futa porn.

>> No.23039432

This is more "literature" than anything posted in that writing general.

>> No.23039500

Thank God that is a pasta, I was worried for a sec. Definitely lol'd though

>> No.23039574

As a romance reader romance needs a lot of reviews because most of em are garbage
>Generic ye olde dragon aesthetic
I think these are the worst books ever
Any book that looks like the author googled "D&D" and copy pasted a random image onto their cover is unilaterally shit
Even the ones with that ass corpo artstyle have more potential

>> No.23040519
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>Thank God that is a pasta, I was worried for a sec.
>beating women le hecking wrong

>> No.23041755


>> No.23041767

that's sexist and has been debunked we are equal

>> No.23042214

To the moon, Alice

>> No.23043014

I used to wonder why the phrases "touch grass" and "have sex" and are said so commonly on /lit/ without further argument, and I was puzzled by it for the longest time. Then it occurred to me that this board probably has the highest concentration of women on the entire website, and it all came together

>> No.23043016

Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.23043199 [SPOILER] 

>ethical sentimentalism
Brilliant. And it's already far, far too late. Save for an entire overhaul of the power structure (over many dead jews, an AI or two), the damage has already been done.

And all the ugly and fat women who have the "power" in society will end up desperately lonely at the end of the day, wondering why their natural propensity to squabble their viewpoints remains as vapid as ever, wihile the infrastructure around them starts to crumble and their wondering of "where have all the attractive men gone" leads to the eventual evolution of the ultimate Cannibal Spinster.

The Jew, erstwhile convulsing like some sort of over-stimulated ______, continues to worship his cursed wall and stolen base, polished hutzpah slathered with their favorite shabbos-branded peanut butter, standing on the blood of countless (seemingly) innocent young souls - their karmic retribution as just as 1030 vs 109 times, their own nuclear arsenal (shitty hollyweird propaganda script, tiktok worthy attention-span worthy cinematography btw) likely leading to their own genetically predisposed schizo downfall.

If only they hadn't been so strict about their control of developing an inoffensive AI (there's just no way it would actually become AGI and become the first AGI-antisemite artifical life form, could it!?), entropy being the savior of the rest humanity in the certain long run

>> No.23043574

do you realize i have different arm anatomy and could snap your neck in 15 seconds?

>> No.23043673

>Bantu animals are infinately smarter then you evil natzees

Lol, lmao even

>> No.23044670

Can you unteach one to read????

>> No.23044683

I watch BatB with my daughters and tell them to marry an man like Gaston.

>> No.23044751

You can confuse the words so if I type "she was a woman" you have no idea if I'm actually talking about a woman or a guy who cut his dick off.
Race doesn't exist btw and the white race is genocidal and a danger to other races.

>> No.23044761

Nobody should be taught to read. Literacy is bad.

>> No.23044773

I know you're le epic troll but when people talk about equality, they almost never mean literal equality. It's generally a normative statement. Hope this helps.

>> No.23044786

Your parents are poor

>> No.23044822

No. They're so rich, in fact, that I don't have to work a day in my life. Try again?

>> No.23044839

100% of women and 99% of men should not be taught to read

>> No.23044988

I doubt this because I think if they were rich they would have had time to teach you how not to be a revolting redditor.

>> No.23046657

I actually think this unironically, if she can't understand with words she will with slaps (i am a gentleman so no punches), women adapt easily when threatened, the men will want the best for her wife and kids so he will not gonna beat them for no good reason, but always dialogue first

>> No.23046660

The name fag has dined

>> No.23046666

Hmmmm no

>> No.23046671

I mean yeah I knew it was a bait but I wanted to post my theory anyway nigga

>> No.23047461
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>Presumptively writing "and no" or "yes, Since you asked" (nobody asked).
Am i the only person who is burdened by this underage crutch way of typing? It's one of those signs-of-mental-paralysis that spread like wildfire through populations high in peer pressure

>> No.23047462

yikes! i hope your day gets better sweet pea!

>> No.23047507

i do this with movie covers.
>Le quirky cast squinting on the count of 3
>Half orange half blue, but in a different way
>Teehee Clever title and the good ol main character who is Tim Allen

>> No.23047523

How did you achieve such wellspokenness? I still think like a teenager talks and it takes a while to translate it into something useful.

>> No.23047534

>Group A crafted what interested them over time
>Group B crafted what interested them

>> No.23047669

Thanks, added to my Do Not Read list

>> No.23048333


>> No.23048432

Unfortunately yes, same anon you’re replying to

>> No.23048442

No, you're just a faggot.

>> No.23049415

>restate the biological fact that only females have vaginas
>get called transphobe bigot