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23030965 No.23030965 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up
>pet cat
>drink bubble tea
>go to the mall
>eat small cupcake
>look at a flower
>brush hair
>eat noodles
>take selfie
>go to sleep

has any philosopher ever contemplated the limitless joy of the simple, superficial lives of cute Asian women?

>> No.23030967

do you want to be a woman OP

>> No.23030975

Yes. I just bought a bag of cute panties but haven't put them on yet

>> No.23030980

(OP here) no, I just want happiness

>> No.23030984

you coward

>> No.23030985

I talked to an Asian woman>>23030967
. She said if I want to attract a woman I have to be more assertive. They just want men to do all the work.

>> No.23030990

You forgot where she reads and critiques 100 pages of Deleuze a day, and the necessary reading and critique to get there.

>> No.23031047

>listen to kpop
>drink boba
>apply instagram filter
>play valorant
its hard being an asian bbgirl bros

>> No.23031102

If limited to SK, daily plastic surgery quota too.

>> No.23031106

why do people treat plastic surgery with such revulsion

>> No.23031163

the stoics

>> No.23031167

it shows that insecure and mental ill

>> No.23031175

>wake up
>eat cat
>drink slightly brown water
>dont go to mall as it collapsed yesterday
>eat stale bread
>look at smog
>brush wig
>eat gutter oil noodles
>take selfie
>go to sleep

Has any philosoper contemplated the existence of the chineese?

>> No.23031176

i don't think there's ever a dullier person than an asian woman

>> No.23031192

yes, all of chinese philosophy

>> No.23031196


>> No.23031197

Only thing better than putting on new panties is putting on the girlfriends panties.

>> No.23031198

Bravery is doing what you fear.

Put on the panties, post timestamp, be a hero....or die a coward and sully another board.

>> No.23031207

>be a hero
How is that being a hero? Unless he also doxes himself there is not risk.

>> No.23031219

>is not risk
"I could totally fist fight a grizzley bear."
[pulls it off in his head]
[makes >:3 face]

Sure, bud, "its easy" [eye roll]...

>> No.23031245

How is anonymously posting a picture of one's crotch clad in panties a risk or anything like fighting a bear?

>> No.23031276

honest question, does it seem to everyone else that men just want to be women? almost every day on here there are like 4 posts up about how women have it easier than men, that men have it so hard, that women have easy access to sex, that women can simply get by in life by being passively beautiful while this is forever impossible for men etc

it just seems like men generally hate being men and wish they were women, or at least experience the privilege of being a woman in a modern first world country

>> No.23031293
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Notice how talks about winning the fight but does throw fists.

Lets see it forever be damned, wretched, coward you are.

>> No.23031324

Most men have no interest in being women and most who say they want to be women never will go past playing dress up for a few years until they get sick of all the shaving and makeup and hair care, etc. The grass is always greener.

Personally I love having a penis and really love inserting that penis in vaginas which ultimately confuse me. But I also love having that penis supported by a pair of my gfs panties and enjoy having it supported by panties in general, also enjoy wearing woman's clothes in general but it is mostly nostalgia from my rebellious youth at this point and even though at times I said I wanted to be a women or was bi I never was and never did anything remotely romantic with a man or made any real step towards being a women. But it pissed off the retards and that was a big part of why I did it, that and a girl who I had a serious thing for, it worked.
Your insistence is making me feel dirty. I think you have a thing for twinks and I warn you that there has been a decade of physical labor between now and the days when I could be called a twink. I think I am too old for this and my gf is laughing out of control at this all. There are pictures of me floating about on 4chan from ~2010 or so.

>> No.23031334

Because butchery is the madman's answer to self-doubt.

>> No.23031340
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>which ultimately confuse me
>There are pictures of me

My desire to know why intensifies.

Thread....we just struck gold.

>> No.23031349

Interesting. Do you ever reflect on the inherently cruel side of masculinity (i.e., that every male in the right circumstances would be a rapist, or that women had their freedom restricted by men for almost all of history etc) and feel guilt/cheated for being born a man? I know you said that you don't really want to be a woman, but do you still feel repulsed by masculinity?

>> No.23031364

>which ultimately confuse me
It is not that interesting, I just cant understand how having a penis rammed in and out of you could be enjoyable. Won't draw much attention to your having dropped getting a current pic with timestamp.

The old pics get posted by anons from time to time, you have probably seen at least one of them. During peak incel there was a hilarious thread because of someone posting an old pic of me, I almost can take credit for the "thats a man" meme but not quite.
I never felt repulsed by masculinity. Get a girlfriend, you will quickly realize they put up with the same exact shit as men.

>> No.23031368

Haha, getting a girlfriend only made me sadder. I lived in a fairly rural place when I was younger, and she told me about how horrible some of the men she'd known were. Not a lot of choice where I lived, and she'd been treated pretty horribly by a man before. I also couldn't get naked with her without wanting to throw up lol. Seeing the difference of my body to hers filled me with dread

>> No.23031376
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>> No.23031378

we're two different people if you're getting confused

>> No.23031382

How do you think she felt about you throwing up at the sight of her naked body?

Either way that experience should have made it clear that it is the same shit regardless of what side you are on, modern feminism itself is based on the assumption that life is better as a man. Give the ladies another go, they are worth it and all the problems and embarrassments that come with them.

>> No.23031389

>I also couldn't get naked with her without wanting to throw up

I am the only human alive, all of you are agents of chaos working for the Holy Spirit hivemind.......shut up, demon.

>> No.23031412

I didn't actually throw up, but it made me insanely nauseous and anxious, and obviously unable to really do anything beyond kissing with her. I don't think she liked me very much by the end of the relationship. She seeked me out because I wasn't as traditionally masculine and rough as the other men and seemed 'sensitive'. I didn't really understand much about relationships as I'd always been really isolated, but was happy to receive attention and an invitation from someone else to talk and hang out. I think she probably felt insulted and a little dissapointed and probably just thought I was gay or something. It didn't last long, it was just something that happened when I was a teenager.

And I agree with what you say about the grass being greener, but I think you should also apply your specific circumstances to it when it comes to something like "is it better to be a man or a woman?". Obviously yes, women currently have it the best they've ever had it in terms of rights and it's only going to get better and improve. In a safe first world western town, women are almost equal to men. Obviously, the big problem is dealing with issues like men lying to women about their intentions to get into their pants (happened to me once when I tried to troon for a while, lol. pretty negative experience all around, so I can agree), the general culture around women being treated as sex objects first and people second, that women are looked down on and assumed to be less capable/intelligent than men, rape, the list goes on.

But you have to ask, how many of those things would apply to me? As a man, I never had the experience of having friends growing up. I was ostracized for being quiet and reclusive, while I saw women who were the same being completely overlooked and ignored. A lot of the issues (while living in a safe, first world city) seems to come from the difficulty of interacting with men. But for me, I never interact with anyone anyway, and nowadays it's fairly easy to just avoid making casual acquaintance with men. The likelyhood of being a victim of rape from a strange man in an alleyway is incredibly unlikely. The majority of rape happens in social settings, and often alcohol is involved. As a male, that was already a part of life I was excluded from, and also have no desire to be a part of.

So, to sum it up, the social disadvantages of being a woman do not outweigh the social advantages of being a man for my specific circumstances. There are many other factors like women live longer, are less likely to suffer from heart problems (I have a congenital heart issue), and countless little other things that likely contribute to living longer. Being beautiful seems like the only and most important thing in modern society, even if you never plan to interact with others. And of course, I understand that I cannot be a woman. My body is just too masculine, and that is my curse to bear.

>> No.23031415

And in addition, I was going to also add that I have been proven to be infertile, but I ran out of characters. I think my life would have simply been better as a woman than a man, taking into account my admittedly somewhat unusual circumstances.

>> No.23031455

I had pretty much the same childhood, did not have anything remotely close to a friend until highschool and that was just outcasts socializing with each other because outcasts, not at all friends, just someone to sit with at lunch so we could feel somewhat less pathetic even if we all knew the truth and it didn't work.

And I never said or implied that girls do not have it better than they used to, but everyone is just making do with what society gives them. Men get used for sex by women all the time, my first love turned out to be just that but I was so socially inept because of being an outcast that I could not see it and fell hard.

Keep trying. Plenty of women don't want kids or are ok with/want to adopt and are completely ok with random weirdness, I am sitting about in my gf clothes and it is not something she is into but she doesn't care in the slightest as long as I stick to the stretchy clothes that I will not ruin because I am bigger than her, as far as she is concerned it is no different than liking blackberries. The humiliation and failure gets forgotten quickly once you have a success even if it does not last and eventually you stop feeling humiliated or like a failure.

>> No.23031474

I agree with what you're saying... but I've spoken with so few people over the past so many years that my ability to socialize in real time has diminished greatly, lol. I appreciate it, you are very kind for someone from here. But ultimately, I think being as isolated for as long as I have been has made it impossible for me to form relationships with others. I agree that there are people out there who will tolerate anything, but something really useful I've realized from years of reading, and it probably seems really obvious and stupid of me to even point this out, but here goes: There is no difference between imagined fictional characters and real people if your powers of visualization are good enough. When you speak with a real person, you have a person in your head who has a separate consciousness to you, independent beliefs, ideas, will, etc. A person you read about in a book is no different. You will create this person in your head who has all the attributes of the real person, except obviously they never existed. So I've found that you can just focus on a fictional character, and if you treat them in the same way you would the real person, over time they become just as real and independent in your head. Interacting with real people just seems weird to me at this point, and I'm quite bad at hiding it, but yes, I do still have a chip on my shoulder from being glossed over with almost everyone I've known and every place I've been. But if you learn how to the above, you will never be lonely again.

>> No.23031522

> does it seem to everyone else that men just want to be women?
Only on 4chan. Most incels evolve intro trans-people over the time. It's a gradual process that involes 2d worship, having smug anime-girl avatar and complaining about real life woman not appreciating their womanhood enough (Jealousy).

>> No.23031530

>There is no difference between imagined fictional characters and real people
So getting naked with a book also makes you vomit? If you play such games with yourself you will have to face up to it eventually and the longer you put it off the worse it will be. No need to hide your social issues, just make a joke about it so they don't have to feel awkward about it and move on, that is all most people need to socialize with someone, they just want to be reasonably certain that saying the wrong thing is not going to cause you to go home and stick a gun in your mouth, so laugh at yourself and move on.

People are far more accepting and understanding than the internet makes them out to be, sure some are assholes but most just want to find a handful of people to share their lives with and if you can fill a niche in their life they don't care about anything else. Go volunteer at a soup kitchen or the like if you want to avoid the strictly social, lots of options, just don't play games with yourself.
Trans has been a big thing on 4chan since before incels, part of what made 4chan 4chan along with anime girl avatars, weeb site. People did not start complaining about women until stormfags showed up and chased all the women away.

>> No.23031534

I dated an Asian girl once. Cute and fun to be with but my God so demanding. Everything is perfect until it isn't then it's just constantly bitching.

At least white women take on some responsibilities in life so they share the burden with their men, asian women are just demanding little princesses

>> No.23031536

>replies: 39
>book mentions: 0


>> No.23031540
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>demanding little princesses
tfw no demanding princess gf

>> No.23031541

I wish to be a woman.

>> No.23031547

The request is beyond esoteric but I am sure some autist has self published a manifesto which will fit the bill, you need to be patient and be thankful that anons are keeping your thread bumped until one of the three people who have read that obscure self published manifesto happen onto the thread.

>> No.23031548

It's all well and good until you get don't the job upgrade you applied for and instead of comforting you she acts like you let her down and compares you to her richer friends.

I'm not even poor either, I earn 190k a year, she didn't even break 75k

Or belittles you in public because you didn't buy her some tacky overpriced shit in a store because I could get it cheaper online

Yeah I'm still salty. But she's broke and poor now and I can hopefully meet a more reasonable girl

>> No.23031621

books for this feel

>> No.23031638
File: 24 KB, 225x335, Jonathan-franzen-freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a good job of showing that sort of self imposed isolation. The characters are never completely alone but that makes their isolation even more profound.

>> No.23031693

>i really really want attention that my parents never gave me
>i'll now cut up my face, boobs, butt, wrist, thighs for attention
same reason why a dimwit like you is doing in /lit/ instead of developing yourself in a more meaningful manner

>> No.23031793

Imagine not wanting a girl willing to mod herself for your enjoyment.

>> No.23031797

Flowersforalgernon.ESL we are more round than you

>> No.23031800
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Being a man is hard and it has very little incentive in our modern gynocracy. That's why so many men are buying into the lie that they can become women. That, and the general demonization of masculinity as a whole. Not me though. I'm a manly man.

>> No.23031824

Men, me included, don't want to be women. We want to live like women do, and be treated as women are treated.

>> No.23031830

So you want the deep dicking?

>> No.23031837
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>> No.23031842

IDC if we need white women to save the white race, Japanese women are objectively hotter.

>> No.23031848
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>> No.23031939

yes but not so i can live an easy life actually i want a hard life of sexual slavery

>> No.23031958

No, I'm blond with blue eyes and not quite that skinnyfat. I'm just sick to the back teeth of white women and their endless worship of niggerfaggot shit.

>> No.23032404

most men do not want to be women, no. we're speaking about a very niche population here on 4chan with very niche interests and thoughts about the conditions of the world. anything they say is bound to be more disanalgous than not to what the majority of men even in the united states or europe think.

>> No.23032858
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>women have it easier than men, that men have it so hard, that women have easy access to sex, that women can simply get by in life by being passively beautiful while this is forever impossible for men etc
When I try to view social standards from a bird's eye view I think everything you said is true except the last point (if only for the 5-10% of males that are the exception), consider picrelated screenshot in which another person put it well. I think natural revulsion and negative reinforcement against girly things from other males prevents most from wanting "to be the girl", however negative reinforcement can only go so far if there is no positive male role model to fill its place.

kek, will males start a trend of asian bbgmaxxing? I'm worried for the future.

>> No.23033042

White "men" who worship asian women deserve the rope.

>> No.23033104
File: 19 KB, 214x275, 1664390331592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks a woman who looks like that spends ten minutes a day brushing her hair and does no other grooming

She had plastic surgery and spent at least one hour doing her makeup before taking that picture. And then she cried herself to sleep because even with all that work she still needs to use Instagram filters to look the way she wants to and anyways getting blind approval from horny Indian scrotes on instagram isn't enough to fill the void in her soul anymore.

You will never be a woman. Kill yourself.

>> No.23033446
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>> No.23034129

Proud of you Anon!

>> No.23034143
File: 3.27 MB, 640x350, 1691069774594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw thinking of you sitting there clenching and unclenching your pussy and asshole muscles involuntarily as you post on 4chan
>mfw thinking of the strip of chair, couch, or bed fabric between your thighs and beneath your pussy and asshole right now, collecting all your warmth and pheromones
>mfw thinking of the dirty bottoms of your socks

>> No.23034145

>bubble tea
Only flyover retards call it this

>> No.23034276

nah it seems to be an east coast thing too

>> No.23034280
File: 81 KB, 220x165, momma-june-honeybooboo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is dry week old menstrual blood all over my pubes.

>> No.23034298

I hate women and think they have it easier but I would also never want to be a woman

>> No.23034306


>> No.23034326

boba is not a word. It's like finna or yeet.

>> No.23034549

>wake up
>pet cat
>drink bubble tea
>go to the mall
>eat small cupcake
>look at a flower
>brush hair
>eat noodles
>take selfie
>try some different poses
>kissy face
>stick my butt out
>lift up shirt a little
>nipples start to feel sensitive
>slowly put hand between legs
>it feels good when I rub it
>keep going
>close eyes
>cheeks redden
>rubbing faster
>heart beating fast
>slip a finger inside
>pull down panties
>hips start moving
>getting closer
>squeezing little pink nipple
>butt bouncing
>two fingers
>fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me
>rush of pleasure
>two minutes in a daze lying on the bed
>go to sleep

>> No.23034560

It's called tapioca pearl tea beverage, idiot

>> No.23034562

white women should be less awful

>> No.23034804

Oh yeah, how are they awful?

>> No.23034810

>muh BLM
>muh trans rights are human rights
>muh I need to be respected as an equal partner
shut the fuck up, make dinner and get pregnant, those are your jobs

>> No.23034811

Almost all of them are overweight and/or depressed

>> No.23034838

>>drink bubble tea
>>eat small cupcake
>>eat noodles

Not nutritious. If you're meal isn't 70% proteins and fat by calories, then it isn't healthy for you and you're better off not eating unless you've been starving for a week. Carbs are best used as a brain fuel with dextrose water being sipped slowly. I consider myself superior to most people.

>> No.23034962

>scrote thinks Asian women have the time to fart about at the mall

This girl would spend all her free time at the local hagwon. You're confusing Asian women with white transsexuals.

>> No.23034964

What the hell are you talking about? My local mall is near about 90% asian

>> No.23034974

>country with the highest rate of centurions eats diet based on white rice and almost no fat

>> No.23035000

Whites so fat they can't open their eyes properly aren't Asian, anon-kun.

>> No.23035006

I live in the San Gabriel Valley. This is one of the biggest east asian population centers on the north american continent. You are an obese flyover retard.

>> No.23035276

you want to be a man but also the object of desire?

>> No.23035280

that's unfortunate for you because life is suffering

>> No.23035414

OP here, I do wish to be a woman

>> No.23035418

fuck you, i am OP
and I already answered this

>> No.23035535
File: 169 KB, 869x1024, misandry 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you think I'm talking about? That's what you think is the defining factor of how women live? You are reducing something full of things to something sexual: are you a woman yourself?

No. I don't want to be the object of desire. Well, I'm not against it, but I was not thinking about that at all. What I want is to get away with everything, for everyone to be nice to me and help me, and for everyone and every organization to subject me to the lowest standard imaginable. I want to be treated as if I've done 8/10 every time I do 2/10. I want for everyone and everything to simp for me. I don't want to pay for anything. I want to get the kids in the divorce. I want for it to be prohibited to criticize me in public. I want to insult others and, when I get insulted back with the same insult, to act offended and for everyone to take my side. I want to be supposed to be a policeman, soldier, firefighter, etc, because I'm equal, but for me to go through an easier selection process with lower standards because I'm not equal, but I'm still totally equal, and if you point it out you are an extremist and also you don't get laid. I want to be a woman.

If a single man got to be treated as a woman, he would become the emperor of Earth at 26.

>> No.23035567

nothing about what you said in your post disagrees with what i said...we agree with each other lol. why do you think women being desired by men has absolutely nothing to do with it? we live in a society where the last vestiges of patriarchy are being torn down so we live in a confused time where women are seen as both weak and needing protection and also strong and independent as any man. women have been seen as weak historically because of their literal strength differences and the view that women were incapable of being anything other than mothers (i.e., women were only valued for their capacity to be fornicated with)

like i agree with you man we're on the same side here i want that as well there is not one thing i find objectionable in what you said

>> No.23035568

ugly women get ignored too, so do fat women, so do middle aged single mothers, etc

women are valued for how sexy they are and their youth

>> No.23035574

anyway im sorry im being mean i dont enjoy arguing on the internet but i think you should try writing some essays and starting a substack or something i liked your little paragraph here it was really engaging and i recon that you could make something really beautiful in a longer format

>> No.23035575

Lmao no woman goes ignored, they just lose access to certain calibers of men being kept busy by better women

>> No.23035583

like i said its fine i agree to disagree but less beautiful women have less access to beautiful desirable men, just like you just admitted, so therefore being an ugly women correlates with loneliness and less life statisfaction but really i think you should start a substack or something

>> No.23035589

I know, no one even answered the stupid op question which is at least mildly interesting. You know your board is going to shit when cult of passion starts finding himself at home lmao

>> No.23035592

Convenience Store Woman...sort of

>> No.23035601

Lol fuck off retard, there are no reasons to feel bad for women and only reasons to hate them

>> No.23035604

there is nothing interesting about being a misanthrope who thinks they are the only moral person in the world

>> No.23035606

How is it any different from roiding out?

>> No.23035717

try reading books that contain concepts like discipline and effort, but you wouldn't get it

>> No.23035761

I dated a Chinese girl in 2019. She was cute, she kind of resembled the girl in the OP, not necessarily in her facial features but in the overall aesthetic - 5 foot 1 and very slim, pale smooth skin, spotlessly clean doll-like clothing, nice jewellery and makeup, long beautiful hair tied up in a messy bun. She was more attractive than the OP, in my opinion. Her hair was a lighter color. She was very quiet and polite, although sometimes a little vague. Once or twice when we were hanging out with other people she would just get lost in her thoughts and totally ignore them, and they'd have to get her attention. But she wasn't rude or anything - she would laugh and apologize and go back to listening to them. We used to go to the movies together every weekend. The strangest thing about her was that she had a sexual fixation on putting a tree inside her vagina. An entire tree, like a Douglas fir. She used to fantasize about it all the time and used to ask me to train her with increasingly large pieces of wood which we would go to the forest to find. She preferred rough wood to simulate the sensation of the bark, and she would smell leaves and pine needles while I did it. Obviously it's physically impossible to fit an entire tree trunk in a Chinese girl's pussy, but we actually made a lot of progress, starting with what were basically sticks and working up to pretty big logs. The largest I think was 18 cm in diameter, which was impressive considering her size. The tree sensation was more important to her than the girth. When I had sex with her I found that if I was more treelike it turned her on more. Covering myself with sticks and leaves and staying completely still except moving slightly with the wind and making creaking noises gave her really intense orgasms and she squirted on me more times than I can remember when we did this. In the end I broke up with her because I changed jobs and had to move to a different city but sometimes I wonder what happened to her and what she's doing these days.