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/lit/ - Literature

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23030955 No.23030955 [Reply] [Original]

>Reading poetry and literature to a beautiful young woman as she falls asleep in your arms in bed
Is there a more /lit/ feeling?

>> No.23030963

>poetry is so gay he bored his date to sleep

>> No.23030964

postponing my suicide because I wonder what's going to happen in the next chapter of the book.

>> No.23030968

I prefer
>reading poetry and literature in bed as a beautiful young woman fellatios me until I sleep

>> No.23030973

trying to read a book and cuddle someone at the same time is actually difficult and uncomfortable

>> No.23030982

No woman on earth wants you to read her a fucking poem. She will politely oblige you to acknowledge the intended meaning of a boyish mind-offering to his love object. Internally she will be completely embarrassed for your sake.

If you want to read with a girl get short stories and buy two copies. Let her read along while you read out loud. Do impersonations of the characters. Be funny and drammatic. She will adore all of it.

>> No.23031025

Stupid immature juvenile zoomer, you have a lot of heartache to face in the future about the reality of women and relationships. How can a /lit/izen still be so ignorant and naive about women in 2024? Don't you lonely faggots have any men in your life to give you reality checks every once in a while?

>> No.23031031

you have much to learn

>> No.23031039

Women only like when you do stuff if you're already famous/important/high status for doing that stuff. A bad but famous poet would make a chick weep tears of pure emotion if he wrote her some doggerel in the shitter, but a diamond in the rough top secret Wordsworth could mastercraft a poem that any critic would instantly recognize as founding a new artistic movement and a woman wouldn't know what to do with it so she'd just see him as a simp. Women are all about packaging, they need the wrapper to tell them what to think.

If a woman already loves you, then you can pretty much do whatever, because she'll interpret your gestures as acts of love. I made my gf a valentine's card with a smug pepe on it and she saved it forever.

>> No.23031048

Writing something that makes her love you despite your numerous and extensive flaws and support you while you write your novel that will never be published because you lack anything approaching talent or skill.

>> No.23031053

*pees on you*

>> No.23031059

I couldnt read well under such conditions, no thanks

>> No.23031068

This has moved beyond realism into misogyny. Many women are capable readers of poetry. I would guess there are more competent female poetry readers than male. Yes reputation is likely to dazzle. The reputations of fine whores dazzled men in Edo Japan.

Women are filthy rotten, it's true
Men are noble hearted too
Yet I must tell bad news to you
Rotten men and women true
Also often look at you

>> No.23031075

Why do men insist on loving such shallow creatures? Browsing /lit/ has really soured my image of women. Maybe that's why I'm still an incel: they can sense the contempt.

>> No.23031080

OP take a screenshot of that and put it in your diary. That will be funny to look back on in ten years

>> No.23031159

>t. debased man

>> No.23031164

>more /lit/ feeling
No, OP. That's very /lit/. At that point there are only equivalencies, not superlatives. Disregard the frothing mob. They're embittered with envy, no doubt.

Wrong and crass.
Redirect everything you've said at yourself.

>> No.23031233

Disregard the naysayers, OP.
To be romantic to such an extent is a lost art, and you should never let that part of yourself die out.

>> No.23032150
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>Women only like when you do stuff if you're already famous/important/high status for doing that stuff.
No, this is feigned love.

A woman who is in love with you will love whatever you do. You can offer to read her a poem and she will love it. The prerequisite is love, not your fame / status, which will never spark love in a woman, only envy and vanity.

Love is a matter of chemicals in the brain, but to trigger those chemicals, she must feel safe. Safety is the first requirement. A woman must feel completely safe in your arms, both physically and emotionally. She must feel that you are there for her, that you understand her on the deepest levels and that you strongly desire to protect her.

The second requirement is purpose. She must feel needed by you, and she must feel that she is contributing to a good cause through you. A woman wants to take care of a man like her baby. She wants to baby him and heal his pain. She also wants you to be driven by something greater than yourself, because this makes her work as healer meaningful. She does not want to give her love to an alcoholic who never leaves the house, because she will lose her sense of purpose in that situation.

>> No.23032159

posts like this have become tiresome

>> No.23032160

Is this woman in the room with you?

>> No.23032163

"fellates" is the active verb, retard

>> No.23032204

when you take turns reading chapters to each other from the same book.

>> No.23032209

extremely /lit/. the very definition, even.

>> No.23032235

reading a book at your desk deep into the night and being completely enthralled by it.

>> No.23032408

My wife is currently in the room with me, yes.

>> No.23033516
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Reciting the poem from memory.

>> No.23033521

Killing a nigger for the first time...

>> No.23033528

>your laying on your stomach as she whispers to you all of the quaint adventurous ideas she’s been planning for the two of you
Jesus christ I felt

>> No.23033570

>Is there a more /lit/ feeling?
Yes, reading poetry and literature to a beautiful young boy as he falls asleep in your arms at the symposium

>> No.23034972

Better when she's a small, simple, yet beautiful and loving girl. I don't want to be read to.

>> No.23034990

>they're all incredibly stupid or completely beyond your financial means
Great idea babe, we can be "freelance artists" and travel Europe for 6 months at a time. That's definitely viable.

>> No.23035319
