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/lit/ - Literature

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23029383 No.23029383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think /lit/ is the best place to ask about that so...what is the legacy of our generation? I mean, The generation of the internet: the millenials and the zoomers. We're a generation of losers addicted on pornography, anime, social midia, tiktok and streamer? That's all about us? Fuck, we changed the world for worse. That's embarassing. It seems like the real dark age.

>> No.23029397

Not for us to know or say. For us to influence by our individual action. Retired presidents always spend their dying years attempting to control their legacy, and not one of them ever does. Time is long. Figures in history go from celebration to symbol of evil and back on and on down the ages. Ultimately it would seem all is forgotten on Earth. Whether your reputation lasts 25 years or 25,000 years is a difference of blips.

>> No.23029408

We were given all of the faustian caused problems and were told to fix it with no money, no jobs, no experiences, shitty lead brained parenting, governments that only serve "made men" like the mafia, post-feminist soulless women, and a freshly post-Judeo-Christian society. I don't blame anyone really even Hunter S. Thompson wrote that article in the 2000's explaining how we're beyond fucked

>> No.23029430

Good thread idea.
Even though it's impossible to define an epoch until it's over and you don't know that it's over until long after it's over... (9/11 and WWII being a couple of exceptions where it was obvious quite soon after that much of society had been fundamentally changed).
I would define our era as running from 2001 to probably 2027 or 2028 when we shifted from a predominantly offline world to a predominantly online world. Political turmoil resulted from a pervasive sense of self-definition, moral and social relativism, and the emergence of life-encompassing echo-chambers. We became completely atomised. The rest is yet to be properly articulated.

>> No.23029437

Siri, what’s the definition of fray.

>> No.23029472

The legacy of millenials will just be funko pops in landfills
The legacy of zoomerchads will be TND and the overthrow of industrial civilization

>> No.23029479

Truth nuke, get fucked millennial trash

>> No.23029487

Yawn. Call me when it's TKD.

>> No.23029488

>The legacy of zoomerchads will be TND and the overthrow of industrial civilization
in vrchat.*

>> No.23029493

Our generation is the generation ushering the technological era. We're the equivalent of those born in late 18th/early 19th centuries. We might possibly go down as the greatest generation.

>> No.23029498 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23029501

America's Caesar, if we get one, will probably be a Millennial.

>> No.23029515

Its very much possible that our retardation will end modernity.
By 2100 there wont be any satellites or skyscrapers or supercomputers or jet airliners because the technology behind these things will have been forgotten because the people who were supposed to build and maintain these things were either never born or never trained.
Grim times are coming.

>> No.23029562

Ironically the third world still trains capable people, because the labour costs are low enough to sustain it.

Boomers/gen X is completely against the idea of on the job training, so they just expect people to work for 40k/year with five-ten years experience and a masters degree, then get pissed off when nobody is financially able to do that.

>> No.23029563

>15 years of experience
>10 years of managerial experience
>PHD in Engineering Finance
>B2BA2ACQCXYZ training (training not provided)
>7 references
>must be willing to bend over
>must live in the city
>Pay: Competitive $15 p/h
why no one do work? are they dumb? Onlyfans is not stable income!

>> No.23029573

>Its very much possible that our retardation will end modernity.
Modernity already died it's just that the rest of the globe hasn't caught up yet.

>> No.23029577

They just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. With six years experience you can easily make 40k/year in a big city. An average apartment only costs 30k/year, so that's a whole 10k right into your pocket every year. That's almost three times the average annual salary in Zimbabwe. Lazy millennials just don't know the meaning of hard work.

>> No.23029586

Hard work is only a virtue of the context of culture only deems it such.
The value of hard work should be determined by the individual and not the product of his/her labor.

>> No.23029588 [DELETED] 
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Holy fucking asshole. Wow. You're Canadian aren't you? Are you who I think you are?

>> No.23029600

Why do so few here have good jobs? It’s not hard to make 6 figures if you put in the work and effort

>> No.23029605

Because not everyone can be wealthy in a capitalist society.
If everyone has capital then it wouldn't mean anything.
Poverty is a necessity.

>> No.23029613

>Whether your reputation lasts 25 years or 25,000 years is a difference of blips.
Applies to space too. Tell that to a t-rex though.

>> No.23029622

Everyone tells me that, but when do the work and effort actually pay off? I can casually have a conversation in half a dozen languages and have a lot of impessive credentials, but it seems like the only good jobs require a strict university>globohomocorp>consultant pipeline and I cant afford to just float for four years while I attend uni. Im living paycheck to paycheck as it is, and all the advice I ever hear is to accept something with even lower wages, work that for five years, and then /someday/ you get a high paying job. Its just a carrot on a stick though

>> No.23029630

Well, why don’t don’t you do the pipeline to make the money, retard?

>> No.23029639

Because living in a city costs 2k a month and I'm living paycheck to paycheck. I don't have money to float for four years and I don't have a family to support me. Also have a criminal record, which excludes me from most career paths.

>> No.23029640

Yes yes bootstraps and all that nonsense. Personally, I was not born of money, nor nepotism nor a stable family. But please do tell us how it's not hard to earn 6 figures with "hard work" you'll help our generation out greatly The only way I know is completely illegal but easy enough for some of us.

>> No.23029655
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>I know your financial situation isn't great anon, but have you thought about taking on 80k worth of 6% interest loans that can't be defaulted on? Trust me, it's the smart financial move here. Ten years from now you'll easily be making six figures.

>> No.23029670

No ones getting paid 6figs is doing hard work.

>> No.23029689

Broken beyond repair
We are living in a bad time because one of our older generation decided to let the wrong people in, which eventually corrupts everything to its core. Those modernist writer have warned us about this, but there's nothing we can do about it either. We are unable to create, the only good thing that we can do is preserve the old knowledge and studying them, that if this world managed to survived for several millennia in the future and maybe, our future generation will learn a thing or two from this dark times

>> No.23030369


>> No.23030372

>It’s not hard to make 6 figures if you put in the work and effort
I can't wait until you get shipped to a hospice run by fat abusive nigger women

>> No.23030382

Speak for yourself, asshole, some of us are making new things.

>> No.23030384
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literature board

>> No.23030386

>Hunter S. Thompson wrote that article in the 2000's
name of article? I'd like to read that

>> No.23030393
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You don't need money, nepotism or a stable family to make 6 figures in the United States my dude. You just haven't researched which jobs pay that much.

>> No.23030676

barron is a zoomer

>> No.23030677

Who will write the great book of our generation and what will it be like?

>> No.23030717
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Gen X and the latest Boomers are getting traction. It is not Gen Y's literary time barring some breakout savant defying the publishing world's order of things. Legacy? Bridging the pre-digital Analog and post-Y2K Digital and seeing it in real time, Early September (11th) style. Memory of a before and cautioning against XYZ as a 'service', physical media ect. Top heavy demographics are not a natural, healthy nation state of being, and the nature and course of correction will be in Gen Y/Elder Gen X hands. Burgerpunk tract housing and Schwabian UN Smart City free range 15'' gulags and flat design vs. something futuristic and atavistic all at once. Strauss & Howe 4th turnings aren't a given, and the enemy gets a vote and got away with it the last two world wars. It is all ultimately good in the Spiritual trials and development perspective, just harrowing and fraught with world-historical dangers. We'll find out whether we are even allowed to chase dreams of walking the stars this century; the Boomer interregnum balking on the promise of the Space Race & moon landing will be over either way.

>> No.23030775
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>born in the worst time in history to start a family
>born in the perfect time to just chill
I broke down and bought a vape pen the other day. It's actually kind of nice. More nicotine than darts, but without the smell or throat/lung damage. I dont even have to get out of bed to smoke anymore.

>> No.23030808


>> No.23030893
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Speaking of spiritual, Millennials are going to save the Catholic Church. All the Millennial priests are rock solid in their orthodoxy and completely over the "Spirit of Vatican 2." Those are your future bishops, archbishops, cardinals, and Popes.

And that's a real wildcard, since I don't think the postmodern world is prepared for the Catholic Church to regain its mojo.

>> No.23030898

sounds like cope

>> No.23030904
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O yea of little faith, why do you doubt?

>> No.23030933
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>We're a generation of losers addicted on pornography, anime, social midia, tiktok and streamer? That's all about us?


>> No.23030961

who raised them, boomie? who raised them?

>> No.23031016

It's still in progress, so no way to know.
In the optimal extreme, we will emerge from the loss of all social stability and tradition with a newfound rejuvenation of these things, maximizing the good parts and shedding all the bad. We will be the children of the apocalypse, who emerged with a newfound knowledge of God.
In the negative extreme we will be the generation that inducts the literal downfall of civilization.

Time will tell

>> No.23031035

I'm prepared for war and bloodshed. I don't see us avoiding it, at this point.

>we're too comfortable

How fast can that change, eh? In an eyeblink. The minute relative economic prosperity is taken away from the West, especially from North America, blood will flow.

>> No.23031043

Interesting approach. I'm on the opposite side.
Hoping and working toward the best.
You'll get literally flayed alive and raped in a war BTW anon you are a bitch

>> No.23031045

You all chose the road to poordom. Either start working towards your career properly or shut the fuck up about money. Complaining like a 14 year old girl won’t solve your problems. Plenty of young people live comfortably lives in the city. They make and made smart choices in life. You chose your lot. Deal with it

>> No.23031071

I'll thank you not to underestimate me, Anon.

>> No.23031093

You're on 4chan. I know how to estimate you.
Keep it real bud.

>> No.23031111

Every era has its problems. Life is what you make of it. If you lived in any other time period you’d be crying about something else because that’s just the type of person you are. Time to grow up

>> No.23031120

I have a more impressive resume than 90% of people my age, and lie about having a college degree. Still not getting any six figure job offers. Of the people my age that do have good jobs, I've met about two that actually came from relative poverty and made it on their own intelligence and merit, and tens of dozens who are nepo babies working in finance

Its gotten to the point where I have to remove a bunch of stuff and stretch out month-long menial restaurant jobs just to get a call back for entry level work.

Why don't you shut the fuck up. Or give some actual advice. You wont because you're pushing usury and bullshit.

>> No.23031125

Let’s see this impressive resume that is better than 90% of your peers where you are struggling to get menial restaurant jobs kek

>> No.23031129
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>37 years old
>almost done with an MA in English Lit
>thesis advisor thinks I have original ideas, might make a name for myself as an academic
>gotten more than a dozen poems and several short stories published
>working on a major story right now

I'm going to do it, Anons. I'm going to be the great man of letters of this age. I'm going to write the greatest work of art of the 21st Century, and my name will be remembered in the ages to come at the same level as Homer, Dante, and Shakespeare.

>> No.23031151

>is 1962
>black man went to negro college and got top marks in his field
>complains he's having a hard time finding work despite his merits, believes some of it might be due to unwarranted discrimination or issues within the system/economy
>tell him to stop being a bitter coon making shit up and try harder
This is you.

>> No.23031161

Are you guys mad? The technical sciences are just as hardworking and talented as ever. The sports are year after year breaking their own records. I won't speak to the other segments because I don't know about them.
Where is this myth of decay coming from?

>> No.23031193

I'm not going to dox myself. But my resume has four years language teaching experience, and another year working in a language-focused tech company. Can speak three languages fluently, and have a conversation in half a dozen. Also a portfolio of amateur translation projects, one of which was mentioned in a tier-1 newspaper.

Yeah, I can get a teaching job for 40k/year starting, provided they don't run a background check. But breaking into corporate? International finance? Journalism? Academia? Forget about it. I give private classes for $30/h but it's irregular work and fucked up that my career has basically plateaued at this.

I don't have an issue getting menial restaurant jobs, the issue is that I have to use a completely different dumbed-down resume exaggerating experience bussing tables and working in hotels, because those jobs only want to hire grunts. Whats pathetic is that you make the same working at McDonalds as you do working skilled labour, and McJobs are a lot easier to come by.

So again:
>Why don't you shut the fuck up. Or give some actual advice. You wont because you're pushing usury and bullshit.

>> No.23031201

>background check

If you have a criminal record, you’re trolling at this point or you got beat with the retard stick.

>> No.23031203

You’re talking to a wall, my man. I can already tell you what they’re going to say.
>Fuck no! Anybody can do that job. I’m not paying them more!
The wage gap between minimum wage and entry-level has SEVERELY narrowed. Minimum wage has been kept so low for so long. Traditionally anything slightly better, so long as it has health insurance, is considered the next step.The way cost of living has run away we’ve gone from a minimum wage worker no longer being able to afford an apartment to an entry level no longer being able to afford one. That’s how bad it is. And a lot of those entry-level jobs expect college degrees. This has essentially reduced minimum wage to slave labor, and entry-level at being not a livable wage. So you have this situation here now where assholes are now justifying the slave wages with, “I’m not paying more than that! My wife is an office manager with a college degree and she only gets paid X!” What needed to happen was for minimum wage to get regular boosts and be paying today around $25 an hour (enough for a flee-trap apartment) while wifey-poo office manager’s salary would have risen accordingly to something around $50 an hour. But none of that happened. So only the lowest common denominator is going to work min wage. So you get all of these backwards arguments:
>Anybody can work this job. They don’t deserve better pay.
>I can’t get any good people! ZOOMERS SUCK!
This obviously cannot continue. My best guess is when corporations just can’t keep workers and automation can’t fill the gap, all of these immigrants who don’t belong here will be allowed to work those jobs “because nobody wants them” (a lie) just exactly like they did with our agricultural industry. Which will place an even heavier squeeze on entry level competition and stagnate or even lower the wages. The way I see it we’re soon destined for crime like we’ve never seen followed by some kind of UBI.

>> No.23031214

Shit happens. Doesn't change the fact that those fabled six figure jobs don't exist outside of a small handful of industries (most of which run on nepotism). Meanwhile rents are at 60% medium wage. Are all those landowners just really smart and talented and hardworking? The system is broken and no amount of kvetching about poor people is going to make people ignore that.

>> No.23031215
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>>Why do so few here have good jobs? It’s not hard to make 6 figures if you put in the work and effort
i love how NPCs keep saying that.

Here's the actual evolution of the nominal salary since the 80s

>> No.23031220

Imma be honest
I've thought through this same line of logic before
I think every issue basically boils down to God, and not just because its a catch-all of convenience. I really believe that.
Our society is predicated on the flow of goods, services and dollars.
One the surface and at first glance that seems okay.
At the depths and upon further inspection, it's a fucking horrifying way to organize/prioritize human affairs, and will/always was going to inevitably lead to this situation of diminishing returns, consolidation, etc.
I'm no fan of communism but Marx was more or less correct about that situation.
The issue is he prescribed more atheist materialism as the response, just a different scheme of it.
The issue, to me, is there will never be a rational reason to care for others or about them, to care about anyone but yourself and your desires; outside of a system of valuation that BEGINS with affirmation of those things as its root axiom.
In other words, if your system is axiomatically about money, which ours is, inevitably it will become more callous and impoverishing, because there is no compelling reason to value anything else.
The compelling reasons only appear when you exit the system of money-valuation and enter a different mental system.
I am freed up to give a shit about other people because i don't value money as an end, and instead value God as the source of all things. Make sense?

>> No.23031223
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>> No.23031227

>6% change in wage growth
>30% inflation over same period
>Why are these ungrateful kids kids complaining? Don't they realize that in 1970 the minimum wage was $1.50 etc. etc.

>> No.23031228

our legacy is the SCP and Backrooms wiki

>> No.23031229

That makes a lot of sense but I hate other people.

>> No.23031232
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yeah for the real wage growth, it's here

subtract the orange line from the solid green line

>> No.23031246

Perhaps you don't, but experience pain from seeing the way they harm themselves, you, and others.
I often confuse that with hatred too. Less as I grow.

>> No.23031254

So you really out here with a criminal record and knowing a few languages wondering why money isn’t thrown at you? You make poor decisions you deal with the consequences. Act like a nigger you get treated like a nigger. Perhaps it is time to look into a new career

>> No.23031255
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even better the officials show the real growth. between 2000 and 2015, the wages were stagnant


>> No.23031265

Please return to your designated asylum board known as politically incorrect