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23029078 No.23029078 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the Bible filled with bizarre passages like this?

>> No.23029081

Sounds reasonable if you think about it.

>> No.23029083

Mistranslation i assume

>> No.23029088

It's fiction, OP. They can tell whatever they want.

>> No.23029096

Holy shit... I just realized a lot of these "Laws" are metaphorical...

That is not actually referring to a physical act by the woman. It is saying women should get the fuck out of the way when men go to heads.

Fuckin shit I have to yo reread this slogfest of a book again.

>> No.23029104 [DELETED] 

>protects against women moments

>> No.23029108

kind of a pussy move to get your bitch involved in a fight, especially if she is going for low blows. jews are actually 100% correct on this

>> No.23029112

Writing laws as metaphors is not very high iq even by bronze age standards

>> No.23029111 [DELETED] 

Yeah the whole "burning bush" shit should be clue that this is 100% metaphor

>> No.23029115

Stories like that are basically an extremely old form of common law. That exact case probably happened at some point, and the punishment was written down as precedent in case it ever happened again.

Keep in mind that the Bible was literally THE book for many hundreds of years. Like, the only one most people would be familiar with. That's why it had such varied shit from bread recopies to moral parables to case law.

>> No.23029116

That'a right. Male COCKS are sacred. IMPURE THOTS should not be touching this HOLY SUBSTANCE. The only thing with which they are allowed to make contact with it is their MOUTH with BRUSHED TEETH and VAGINA that does not SMELL.

>> No.23029120

its a metaphor for weed

>> No.23029127

>That exact case probably happened at some point

NO. Get your filthy literalist modern eyes off of this sacred book. Now. You are not worthy.

>> No.23029130

Perhaps it has to do with ancient Israeli customs. For instance, and I do not know whether this is true or not, but I heard that in the ancient world, when a man swore an oath, he took hold of the private parts of the man to whom he was swearing as he knelt. This is supposedly often translated as taking hold of "his thigh." Likewise, we can assume there are lots of idiomatic phrasings which we do not fully comprehend in a book like Proverbs, probably--because the idioms and aphoristic roots are lost to the sands of time. However, since human minds thought these things up, we can, through thinking, understand them again. Socrates would agree, no doubt, haha.

>> No.23029137

But it's real in their minds

>> No.23029138
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That’s actually my fetish tbqhwydesufamiglialam

Can this be a /ballbusting/ thread now? What literature shows /ballbusting/ by females on male characters? For all the fetishistic stuff and paraphilias Pynchon includes in his works, I don’t think he’s ever included ballbusting, has he?

>> No.23029142

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl’s owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

Hey, how else are guys supposed to know the rules of selling their daughters into the sex slavery?

>> No.23029147

Jesus is a metaphor and never existed

>> No.23029154

Correct. The Resurrection also was a metaphor when Mark was written, but in the span of a few centuries was utterly literalized.

>> No.23029155

When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

Beating your slave within an inch of their life is just fine, but God forbid if you outright kill them. Gotta have some standards, right?

>> No.23029161

Seems like some reasonable rules, you'd rather there be none at all?

>> No.23029170

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

It figures slave morality would find slavery moral.

>> No.23029173

Because the Bible is a complex text that ranges from history to myth to poetry to law. Deuteronomy is law that applies to the social mores of an ancient tribal people.

The problem arises when filtered fedora tippers fail to understand this and say dumb shit like "GOD SAYS NO KILLING BUT PEOPLE GET KILLED!" Basically, they lower the text to their (painfully superficial) understanding and regurgitate shit they head from retards on YouTube like the Amazing Atheist.

>> No.23029174
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How come radical Christians don't try to enforce biblical law like the arabs do? This is basically the same shit you see in sharia law.

>> No.23029177

Christians are fags

>> No.23029180

read the new testament

>> No.23029186

translation of metaphor: the slave is property and may be beaten to the extent his mastee desires. However his very life is not the master's property, and the master is forbidden to execute him.

>> No.23029187

Ephesians is new testament and it says: Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

>> No.23029188

I don't find it moral, but I also wasn't born thousands of years ago.

>> No.23029198

Yes, so you recognize that western secular values are superior to Biblical values

>> No.23029224 [SPOILER] 

>Thou shall not plant pussy on a pedestal.
Fuck western values. It couldn't even do slavery correctly

>> No.23029248
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Why are people so illiterate at understanding the aspect of the Old Testament as being a "teacher unto Christ?" About Paul calling it the "Law of Death"? It's one of the biggest prevailing misunderstandings from illiterates, I swear. Why do people not get it? It's right out in the open in the New Testament epistles and painfully obvious.

>> No.23029253

"Western secular values" is extremely vague and I think reading the Bible like it's a modern legal code is silly.
A large part of it is historical, you're reading the stories and old rules passed down by Jews (and later Christians) for hundreds of years. Many of which are changed, expanded upon, and abolished later. If one was to derive a moral from the rule about not beating a slave to death it would not be that "slavery is cool" as you insinuate.
This is also completely ignoring the fact that "Western secular values" were heavily derived and inspired by Christianity.

>> No.23029257

>Matthew 5:17
Illiterate this!

>> No.23029263

>Why is the Bible filled with bizarre passages like this?
Read 2 Chronicles. Deuteronomy was "Mysteriously discovered" when renovating the first temple.

Having read 2 Chronicles you'll understand that female hill tree cults existed in pre-Jerusalem Priestly 2nd Temple israeli religions.

These included castration, traps (Nehemiah), prostitute traps, male-male bull fights, and ritual sexuality.

This is probably a prohibition against a specific female hill cult ritual sexual contest between men, the wife touches the assailant's genitals, so it is also against mass tupping and in favour of single bull sexual politics. YHWH arose from a calf-steer-bull cult, and so favours single man, multiple woman, elderly man property owner family structures.

Fucking read the bible, it is weird as fuck and I wank to it.

>> No.23029267

Because it's the idiotic rules of a bronze age desert cult

>> No.23029304 [DELETED] 
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It is a metaphor to show men should handle danger and women should flee

>> No.23029321

You have to tacitly admit that the legal code in the Bible is morally abhorrent and our modern legal codes have made significant steps forward (at least on certain issues). This obliterates the entire divine pretense of the Bible. You have to admit that values are perfected by man, advances are made by man, that there is no divine law-giver, we must do the best we can as men. This proves my point, the Bible is a collection of ancient Hebrew laws and lies which have no basis in reality or morality.

>> No.23029371

>You have to tacitly admit that the legal code in the Bible is morally abhorrent and our modern legal codes have made significant steps forward (at least on certain issues).
Nta but it depends.
>This obliterates the entire divine pretense of the Bible.
No? You're not making a logical train of thought at all. If you wanted to "obliterate the divine pretense of the Bible" you need to actually explain why statement A has to be accepted and how your conclusion is supported by it.

>> No.23029377

if your gf stands betwixt you and attacker and touches him like go away pronto OR hugs you but in front of you leaving her ass open to attacker (she should get behind you and act whatever but not cocky)

>> No.23029378

>YHWH arose from a calf-steer-bull cult, and so favours single man, multiple woman, elderly man property owner family structures.

I always hear YHWH originated as a storm God. Where did you hear this?

>> No.23029386

Don't reply to people who don't understand historicised social context or textual self-referentiality and the grounding for a text to present to a reader. Sure every text is both incomplete (incoherent: self-contradicting) an d incorrect, but as every text is like this, it isn't the basis of a criticism.
Also why am I the only one masturbating to Nehemiah?

>> No.23029395
File: 26 KB, 433x443, yhwh and his wife's penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss this cartoon about transsex?
Or did you fail to read that a blemishless calf or a red bull were the most sacred offerings? Miss the golden calf sequence in the dematerialisation and immanentisation of YHWH on the hill?

Did you even read the bible or did you glance at black things on white stuff?

>> No.23029409

Dumbass. Absolute Dumbass. Yes I know the image well. The inscription, in English, is "YHWH and his Asheru." That is from memory. Most interest in this image is over whether it testifies to a consort of YHWH or not. The penises are there because this is ancient graffiti making fun of the depicted figures, same as Alexamenos. There is nothing even vaguely transexual about it, you are being a complete fuckwit and bringing your modern obsessions with you to an analysis of ancient graffiti.

>> No.23029432

Sex slavery is trad

>> No.23029448

>There is nothing even vaguely transexual about it,
Nehemiah. 1 2 Kings 1 2 Chronicles. You don't repeatedly forbid practices which stop. The Temple prostitutes are castrati.

Fuck you cunt, you specifically ignored direct textual evidence cited to you. Go witness your bad faith before your saviour so you can injure him specifically with your lies and inaccuracies.

>> No.23029521

NTA but you should rethink your life. Your improper association of trannies into ancient history seems evocative of your political obsessions. Rewire your neurons, anon.

>> No.23029528

Jesus is not a metaphor. He really exists, performed real miracles, died and rose from the grave, and the bread and wine in communion is really his body and blood.

>> No.23029530

Nope, all the gay shit in the bible was believed literally. I'm tired of christcucks trying to weasel their way out of that mess of a book by claiming that you didn't interpret it correctly.

>but burning bush and giant flood n shit

The Acacia tree is a natural source of DMT. Whoever wrote about the burning bush was probably high as shit on some weird ass drink that he was given for medicinal purposes. Many such cases.

>> No.23029541

Oh yeah talking snakes and pillars of salt and parting seas but the burning bush is where you draw the line kek

>> No.23029543

Read Nehemiah, 1 2 Kings 1 2 Chronicles.

>> No.23029576

It was probably a technique Canaanite women used to separate their drunken brawling retard husbands. One group of Canaanites (Hebrews) decided to appeal to the bIg guy upstairs to outlaw it so they could continue their drunken retard brawls with eachother. The answer to why does the bible address alien and remote needs and concerns are because it was written for the needs and concerns of an alien and remote culture that existed thousands of years ago. Greek laws on how to perform a sacrifice properly, or Confucian rite books are likewise remote and alien.

>> No.23029579

The Bible is a compilation of random stories from random people across time. It's the cultural equivalent of a bathroom stall. Why do people act it's so weird that it's filled with randomness and contradictions? The fuck do you expect?

>> No.23029766


>> No.23029771

You were allowed drink at work back then

>> No.23029774

There's a bit of syntactic ambiguity here about whose private parts she's grabbing, which makes a pretty big difference in how to interpret this.

>> No.23029779

Kill them all.

>> No.23029794

>this is what passes for a rational take among plebs nowadays.
I hope to God you're from some other country than mine. We have enough problems.

>> No.23029867

Plagiarizing Sumerians and bowdlerizing Babylonians & Egyptians.

>> No.23029985

It's funny to me that people always pick parts from the Old Testament not knowing that it's origin is jewish.

>> No.23030027

Mosaic Law was literal, God wanted the Jews to follow it to the letter. It did function as a metaphorical prefiguration of Christ, but it was literal.
Burning bush is literal, that's what Moses saw
You're not even being serious
The resurrection was a real event that happened and was attested to by multiple eye witnesses
All that also happened

>> No.23030054

>that it's origin is jewish.
Now who is being naïve?

>> No.23030056

>The resurrection was a real event that happened and was attested to by multiple eye witnesses

Yes unfortunately it is different witnesses in each Gospel and also Paul. And the scene of the tomb is radically different in all four accounts. Read them side by side and you will feel the ground quake.

>> No.23030057

pointless, unsaved people can't understand the bible (Ethiopian eunuch example)

>> No.23030071

>it is different witnesses in each Gospel and also Paul. And the scene of the tomb is radically different in all four accounts
all four Gospels are literally true

>> No.23030086

Do not listen to Methodist preachers. Report Methodist posters.

>> No.23030094

You don't like Methodism because you're scared that Wesley was right.

>> No.23030095

Read your own Bible and stop being foolish. The four accounts, as well as an account by Paul in Corinthians, are so radically different in sequence, detail and personage, that it is literally impossible for them to refer to a single concrete factual event. Moreover, we have strong evidence in Gospel of Peter that there were early attempts to combine them, which were botched. In Gospel of Peter two angels announce the resurrection, Jesus and a talking cross come out, and then they go back in to a single angel and then he comes out again. Mark has one boy dressed in white in the tomb. Matt and/or Luke (foggy memory) have two angels descending from the sky. The hour/day also varries (part of the reason for the 3 day Descent to Hell tradition). And the location and description of the tomb (hence why there are two "tombs of Jesus" in Jerusalem).

The sight for the Holy Sepulchre Church was selected several hundred years after the Gospels were written, in the 4th century I believe.

>> No.23030097


It happened to one specific guy who was influential on the author of that book, maybe the author himself, so it got included because he was just that pissed. Like the passage about bears mauling teenagers for trolling a bald guy

>> No.23030108

>The four accounts, as well as an account by Paul in Corinthians, are so radically different in sequence, detail and personage, that it is literally impossible for them to refer to a single concrete factual event.
With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

>> No.23030114

This is the actual answer. But sure, you can apply it to modern times because the fundamental ailments of humanity afflict us every generation. This is a reason to read any ancient literature and why it's not totally alien to us.

Also, here's KJV; it reads better:
>When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.

>> No.23030127

That line always gets pulled out when you have run out of intelligence but persist in faith. Of course we all know doubt is Satan, so you should never listen to doubts, including doubts about your own goodness, and therefore you can do no wrong and think no false. Makes sense.

>> No.23030134
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>Like the passage about bears mauling teenagers for trolling a bald guy
Unironically why are authors like this

>> No.23030154


Muhammad had a vision from Allah telling him to add a rule to the Qur'an that guests shouldn't hang around too long chatting after having dinner at his house

>> No.23030159

Shut up gaylord

>> No.23030162

Basically don't let your woman fight for you, and if she fights dirty she pays for it.

>> No.23030181

I think it has to do more with her perverseness, or her use of sex to persuade.

>> No.23030185

>so you recognize that western secular values are superior
Those values? Emasculation and neuroticism.

>> No.23030186

I don't like Methodism because Jesus said to do all things in common as a community of people where adult baptism was a sign but not a sacrament. Methodism is money-lender shit.

Amish with RPGs, swordbearer style. Let's put the radical back into reformation, inshallah.

>> No.23030192

No it means if she attempts to pacify you, tell her to stfu and keep going at it.

>> No.23030198


>> No.23030206

Aren't you supposed to be kind and welcoming or something? You Christians are all the same. Preachy lovey BS until you are cornered, and then its "Burn him at the stake!" and "shun the heretic!"

Madman religion with a Monster Three Headed God.

>> No.23030210

There isn't a single coherent thought in this post. What on earth are you even trying to say?

>> No.23030222

I do love you I just think you're gay and dumb. I love you in spite of that because even gay retards are made in the image of God and imbued with rational souls.

>> No.23030252

Read the history of the church, son. Or _Q_ and Peasants War in Germany.

>> No.23030257

Tell me how much you love Jesus and why, just so I can bask in the dissonance.

>> No.23030299

I'm pretty decent on Church history. Do you know the history of Methodism?
If you don't understand I don't know how to explain it to you. Try talking to a local clergyman, those guys are good with those sorts of questions.

>> No.23030307

That is even more unreasonable

>> No.23030317

>Book written by weird desert people 3000+ years ago
It's a mystery.
My favorite books are the ones like Ezekiel where a schizo gets dehydrated and starts seeing hallucinations in the desert.

>> No.23030326

>Do you know the history of Methodism?
Yes son. But you can't recognise anabaptism's armed phases, the diggers, or English radical dissent.

>> No.23030335

Sounds like a bunch of kooky mumbo jumbo

>> No.23030370

What's trying to be preserved here is honor. It's saying that, because women aren't equals with men, they're prone to fighting dirty (i.e., seize a man's privates in combat), which means they may win the fight, but not in a manner that's considered honorable and fair. This in turn means the outcome of the fight will also be dishonorable and unjust. A quarrel between men must be settled between men and a woman's interference shouldn't be tolerated because she spoils the masculine order of things which involve honor and justice, sowing unjust tyranny and social discord in the process.

I'm not a Christian, but the Bible is a robust political manifesto.

>> No.23030374

Yes, I know you've read about Methodism, but obviously not anabaptism.

>> No.23030380

It is not original in English.
It’s translated.

If I translate a foreign language to English and it says, a snake went down a tree in a garden. And you ask what does it mean, then I tell you it means an actual snake went down a tree in a garden then I did not interpret it. I just re read it.

It’s a mystical book.

Go learn the original meanings.

Proverbs 1:6.

>> No.23030405

>It is not original in English.
The bible was originally written in English by King James and is literal.

>> No.23030456

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. People are perfectly capable of understanding metaphors, and it is the rulers' job to interpret into specific law..

>> No.23030504

It's not only fedora tippers who take these texts too literally.
Kippah tippers must abstain from cheeseburgers because it says you shouldn't cook a goat in it's mother's milk.

>> No.23030531

You are so full of shit. You know how absurd it sounds to praise Jebus. Like many Christians. Around each other you all go "Oooohhh Jebus is so amazing he saved me ohhh my god *cries* *worships in tongues* "

With the boys and at the office you say "Oh yes I believe, absolutely, but I am a moderate Christian. Try asking a clergyman your questions!"

Fuck you and your fake faith and Praise Real Jesus and True Christians

>> No.23030537

Previously people would kill or take two eyes for an eye.

>> No.23030568

>all the gay shit in the bible was believed literally
So what about Christian esoterica. Why did Jesus speak in parables. Why is every homily about explaining the implications and moral lessons of stories. Obviously there's a literal component but there's always been an abstract one as well.

>> No.23030603
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>Eye for an eye
Ive heard this story before, which eye?
>People are perfectly capable of understanding metaphors
Coded language inferring something yet to be discovered, let alone understood.

>> No.23030626

that part is woke. we stick to the real bible.

>> No.23030634

>Eye for an eye
What could it mean?

>> No.23030639
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>> No.23030646
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>> No.23030654
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Literally shaking call the police.

>> No.23030693


>> No.23030727

>Keep in mind that the Bible was literally THE book for many hundreds of years. Like, the only one most people would be familiar with. That's why it had such varied shit from bread recopies to moral parables to case law.

No, first the Bible is not a single book, it is a collection of many books. Some but not all of the books of the Bible come from preexisting oral traditions. Some of the books reference other books which existed at the time but have since been lost. The Bible as it now exists was arranged and canonized much later than at least the source texts of the books it contains.

>> No.23030732
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All of existence is canon.

Earth *is* on the back of a turtle.

>> No.23030766

the bible is largely semitic tribal codes and customs from non-contemporaneous traditions assimilated into one text

>> No.23030812

>Humans are just am assortment of random atoms.

Yes, well, no...but yes.

>> No.23030828

>Yes, well, no...but yes.

isn't that the answer to literally every question?

>> No.23030866
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Zero rhyme or reason without end.

>> No.23030896

that checks. shit sure is thrilling though aint it? I mean except when it's dull. Or painful. It would not be so bad if death is a clean void. I almost prefer that to my soul dragging on for eternity through some neverending chain of beings and happenings and worlds. It will be a trip if Heaven ends up being just what we had hoped, just so we can spend eternity despairing over our alien selves.

>> No.23030913
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>Heaven ends up being just what we had hoped,
In my experience it was inverse. Everyone thinks about what they "get to do" in heaven but rarely do I hear about what youre *not* allowed to do in heaven.

Chaos is fun, children use it to orient themselves in the world and even morally.

>> No.23030919

"Heaven is the storehouse of desire"

>> No.23030924
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Invert it, win both ways.

The path to radical centrism is through radical extremism.

>> No.23030928
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>radical extremism
The danger being if youre not a balanced person you'll get sucked into one of the extremes and never make it out.

>> No.23030936

Oh it doesn't matter what the hell we do, come on, you know that.

>> No.23030942
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>the hell
Correct, the one and only.

>> No.23030950

I got my Dharma raft... got my Jesus...I'm good... right bro?.... right? ... I mean the universe wouldn't do me dirty like that... to conjure me up in a Universe of Death... and to lock the door and swallow the key... r-right?

>> No.23030952

It was a conceit of the authors to lend the work a sense of the ancient.

>> No.23030954
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>conjure me up in a Universe of Death... and to lock the door and swallow the key
>not doing that yourself manually

>> No.23031033

>Holy shit... I just realized a lot of these "Laws" are metaphorical...
why jews cant be explicit and always use metaphores

>> No.23031042

Same thing as parable, explaining something too far beyond the understanding of the people but needs yo be recorded will be done so in "metaphores".

>> No.23031058

hahahaa man, that is devilish, I adore it. Thanks for the ping pong. Great pics.
Every language evolves from metaphorical to analogical to rational to descriptive, according to Vico. He probably pulled it out of his ass but it is still true.

>> No.23031116

>metaphorical to analogical to rational to descriptive
'Cool' meaning avent garde or creative, keeping the word but radically altering the definition.

Corruption attacks from all ways plus 1.