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23021828 No.23021828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books does he read?

>> No.23021833


>> No.23021834

Lotr, as it is a perfect manual for his situation (being relentlessly attacked by hordes of evil orcs)

>> No.23021840
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>> No.23021843
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They are the same stock.

>> No.23021852
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oy vey
down to the last ukranian
call us when you're finished

>> No.23021954

he only reads newspaper headlines in a gematria calculator

>> No.23021973

Yes, the Valar are indeed responsible for both sides of the war of the ring. Mordor orcs (russians) are still the evil ones without any doubt

>> No.23021982

orcs are papists, moron

Better melt down this temple to Hermes into a ballista and fire it at Russians because they're vaguely caucasian! The Age of Men is Over!

>> No.23021984

I believe russia is a good guy in this fight because they are adopting a gold standard, which is exactly the shit that gets jews to pull you into a war by genociding ethnics of your country in their country like how they baited hitler into invading poland by genociding germans living there

>> No.23022011

Do you want a non-meme answer?

>> No.23022025

He reads the following:

Дopoгoй пpeзидeнт,

The situation on the front line is disastrous. Please, I beg of you, do not continue this pointless war.

Ukranian people

>> No.23022049


>> No.23022059

how to be a nonce

>> No.23022110
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>I believe russia is a good guy in this fight because they are adopting a gold standard
Then you are part of the problem. There are no good sides in a war that weakens Europe and the West. Further, the gold standard weakens you and all around you. The nation and a competent government could easily address the money question but they can not because quasi-private/quasi-international central banks control currency. National/localized banking and the abolishment of inteterest successfully address this issue.

>Which is exactly the shit that gets jews to pull you into a war by genociding ethnics of your country in their country
Putin is a golem. Russia, by setting itself against European supremacy, has the goal of destroying Europe because they refuse to be part of it.

>How they baited hitler into invading poland by genociding germans living there
There was no need to bait, it was their land.

>> No.23022115

the aryans are the real jews and they're innocent you retard

>> No.23022116

lmao @ this nafoid retard

>> No.23022121

>European supremacy
No one wants this in '24, not even Europeans.

>> No.23022125
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Putler lost

>> No.23022128

The Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion

How can anyone call the Russians the evil side when the hohols hav been deliberately shoot artillery at civilian areas of Donbass city and Belgorod? Ukraine is engaging in straight up terrorism.

>> No.23022130

It's not pointless to resist zigger tyranny

>> No.23022133

oh no those poor dindu Russians lmao

>> No.23022134

silence cuckhole

>> No.23022143

Look fascism is a little better than communism but it is still amoral and dysfunctional and I want no part in it as an idealist. A gold standard is not ideal either, plain commodity money is ideal, but at least it provides the golden handcuffs effect. I appreciate the white race as the most freedom loving race, as far as I am concerned europeans have lost their whiteness even with racial purity.

>> No.23022147
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Report to your cube pidor

>> No.23022154

Dont expect anyone to feel sorry for you when 50+% of the Ukraine is annexed to Russia and the remaining landlocked agricultural rump state in the west gets puppeted as another republic in the Russian Federation.

>> No.23022167

>Дopoгoй пpeзидeнт,
Pidorashka pls.

>> No.23022173
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>> No.23022174

And here the Ivan reveals his true intentions, for he does not fight a war of justice (as he falsely claims at first) but one of mere conquest, in the name of his wicked oligarchs

>> No.23022183

my diary desu

>> No.23022187
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Vladrumpf won.

>> No.23022188

Those are historically Russian lands full of Russian-speakers being liberated from a depraved and sick, corrupt neo-Nazi regime that is committing atrocities, oppressing ethnic Russians and forcibly mobilizing untrained civilians to send to the front where they get slaughtered. Everyone in Ukraine will breathe a sign of relief when its boot is removed from their neck.

>> No.23022193

kimdotcom said zelensky lost a power struggle and wont be the main guy in ukraine much longer

>> No.23022201
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hes gonna get couped by his generals

>> No.23022203

All their history Ivans fought for their own slavery. No exception this time.

Ethnical Russians emigrated there max 150 years ago, during the industrialization period after the Crimea war. Learn history, pidorashka.

>> No.23022207
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>> No.23022210

the west is like smeagol except instead of the One Ring he wants gay sex

>> No.23022220
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>> No.23022234

>lands full of Russian-speakers
There are lands, full of Chechen-, Buryat-, Kalmik-, Tatar-, Bashkirs-speakers, etc in Russia. They should be liberated from the imperial regime of Russians, who forcibly mobilized the untrained ethnical civilians to send to the front where they get slaughtered.

>> No.23022242

All anti-Russians eventually reveal themselves as libshits crying about muh goblin minorities colonized by evil whitoids.

>> No.23022244

Wait what? I don't get it, the Agitprop didn't tell me what I am supposed to think about this top give me a sec

>> No.23022246

>Uhh uhh silly westerner caring about minorities
Which is it?

>> No.23022248

gay porn and only gay porn

>> No.23022249

The Russian minority in Ukraine is white, simple as.

>> No.23022253

ukraine? more like suckmydickraine

>> No.23022256

>Russians are white
Cringe. Russians are descendants of Mongols.

>> No.23022257

But the Ukrainians getting killed aren't?
Now you are doing it for le white race? Why is your leader accusing Ukies of being nazis then?

>> No.23022261

> who forcibly mobilized the untrained ethnical civilians to send to the front where they get slaughtered.
False, unlike the corrupt and failing regime of the Ukraine, Russia is only using volunteer troops in the SMO, and they receive about a years worth of training before deploying.

>> No.23022263
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>no human is illegal, borders are just imaginary line you chud

>> No.23022264

Ukrainians started this war & Nazis killed more whites than anyone else. Seems pretty clear cut to me.

>> No.23022270
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Cuckraine will fall.

>> No.23022278
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> Ethnical Russians emigrated there max 150 years ago
Russia conquered southern Ukraine from the Ottomans, they have never been Ukrainian, the cities in the east like Kharkov have always been Russian.

>> No.23022280

Hence why a right winger should support Ukraine's right to existence and condemn it's borders getting assaulted by unwashed hordes
>Ukrainians started this war
Lol is that what RT told you?

>> No.23022282
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Shouldn't you be dying face down in the mud in the next human wave attacks orc?

>> No.23022283

>Russia is only using volunteer troops in the SMO
Your monke king announced mobilization in the autumn of 2022.

>> No.23022285
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Ah yes, much training and well equipped with 1950s IFVs. Very much of well provisioned. Based! Russia stronk!

>> No.23022288

No I don't think I will support the NAFO state ruled by a literal Jew, Agent Ramirez.

>> No.23022291

I would have never, in a billion years, expected to see so many hohlobots on fucking 4chan, of all places.

>> No.23022294

Lol except right-wingers don’t care about other nation’s borders. Left wingers and libtards are supposed to fundamentally oppose borders according to their CIA ideologies

>> No.23022297

Zelenski is a kike and a CIA asset, so no, I don't support him. I support America cutting all aid from all nations and using that money to militarize our own borders.

>> No.23022306

>Lol except right-wingers don’t care about other nation’s borders
The honest ones do

>> No.23022307

This site is flooded with discord troons and other CIA assets, both paid and unpaid.

>> No.23022308

I, John Smith from Ohio Oblast also agree with this. The US must pull back from all alliances. Hamburgers and hotdogs have become too expensive and our border is overrun. We must leave NATO immediately.

>> No.23022312

4chan has made fun of russia since the dawn of time retard

>> No.23022313

Yeah, real right-wingers, like John Bolton and John McCain.

>> No.23022318

Shut the fuck up and go dilate, faggot.

>> No.23022321

>Russia conquered
Russia sucked my dick. Those lands were conquered by Ukrainian cossacks.

>the cities in the east like Kharkov have always been Russian.
Russians emigrated there max 150 years ago, because they were looking for a job at those factories, which were opened during the industrialization perion. Russians in Ukraine are just smelly emigrants, like Pajeet in London.

>> No.23022325

>lowercasing R in Russia, which is a modus operandi of nafoid bots
>i-i've been a lurker since god knows when!!!

s-s-sure, Mykola. fuck your dumb ass country, by the way.

>> No.23022330

The only people mobilized then were people who had signed up to be military reserves and who had already received training, Russia is not kidnapping and forcing random civvies to fight on the frontline like the Ukraine is.

>> No.23022331

>Russians emigrated there max 150 years ago
Then why does the entire country speak Russian?

>> No.23022332

>lowercasing R in Russia, which is a modus operandi of nafoid bots
Actually fucking mindbroken kek

>> No.23022338


Okay if you genuinely want a non-meme answer (why the fuck i wonder), then he lists writers he like in this video

>Jerome K. Jerome
>O. Henry
>Edgar Allan Poe
>Arthur Conan Doyle
>Jack London
>Dan Brown
>Anton Chekhov
>Mikhail Bulgakov
>Nikolai Gogol
>Leo Tolstoy
>Boris Akunin

I'm surprised of how much /pol/tards stupid heads are in this thread and on /lit/.

>> No.23022342

You had your chance in the 90s.
You let that shit slip away, and those are once in a lifetime opportunities.
It's far more likely that the US will balkanize than Russia.

>> No.23022344

> Those lands were conquered by Ukrainian cossacks.
No, it’s well-documented that Russia conquered them from the Ottomans, the cossacks pledged loyalty to the Russian Czar and asked to become part of Russia anyway.

> max 150 years ago
So, more than twice as long as “Ukraine” has existed? I guess they have a better claim to it then.

>> No.23022346

And, if by some chance the US doesn't balkanize, then that fate will inevitably end up being worse than balkanization.
Remember this post amerianons.

>> No.23022347

Tons of necrologues about people, who died in 2 weeks after mobilization.

>> No.23022348

>I'm surprised of how much /pol/tards stupid heads are in this thread and on /lit/.
Try again, but this time not in ESL.

>> No.23022350
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you're trans btw

>> No.23022352
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We know.

>> No.23022355

correct me fren

>> No.23022363
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"How many", not "how much". Also, it's a chud website, so complaining about chuds being ITT is like going to the beach and complaining there's too much sand.

>> No.23022364

>No, it’s well-documented that Russia conquered them from the Ottomans
No, Russia sucked my dick, but those lands were conqured by Ukrainian cossacks, who left them to their descendants.

>So, more than twice as long as “Ukraine” has existed?
And more than 5 times as long as Russian Federation has existed. So Ukraine still has more rights.

>> No.23022385
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>muh rights
lol, lmao

>> No.23022386

Why does entire Ireland speak English? In the beginning of the 19th century only small minority spoke Russian in Ukraine, mainly elites, who learned it to communicate with Petersburg.

>> No.23022391

Implying that the cost of hamburgers and hotdogs at home isn’t more important than getting involved in a foreign war

>> No.23022407
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you don't get to have a border because zelensky needs another yacht

>> No.23022409

>"How many", not "how much"
shit, once you reach high enough level in a language you're starting to make the most stupid mistakes in the most basic shit and not noticing it, i'm so tired of this
>Also, it's a chud website, so complaining about chuds being ITT is like going to the beach and complaining there's too much sand.
i guess i'm the only one who actually answered the OP question

>> No.23022455

>Why does entire Ireland speak English?
Because Irish are the niggers of Europe, and were thusly (rightfully) conquered by and absorbed into a superior civilization.

>> No.23022473

Entirety of Bandera´s writings

>> No.23022488

Both sides are comically evil and commit even more comically even war crimes. And it is hilarious how normalfags will try to defend Ukraine and downplay its war crimes, while anons here do the same with Russia.
At least I get some good chuckles out of it.

>> No.23022518

> commit even more comically even war crimes.
name one (1) war crime committed by Russia so far

>> No.23022524

I don't downplay any war crimes, I'm sick of being taxed to send all my money to homosexual kikes.

>> No.23022527

No they don’t lmao. In fact, the litmus test if someone is actually right wing or just an angry liberal is if they have universalist fantasies.

>> No.23022559

"heh.... at least it amuses Me, the Centrist Intellectual"

you're not as smart as you think you are

>> No.23022616

Ukraine didn't invade in other countries in the first place.

>> No.23022647

>Irish are the niggers of Europe
Had one of the worst starvation cases in the "superior civilization" era.
Still live better than you in the independance era. Maybe it's you, who is the nigger of the world.

>> No.23022665

>When mussolini protested the anschluss he was just being a silly liberal

>> No.23022667

Ukraine was shooting artillery at Donbass civilians for years (a warcrime) because they wanted to leave Ukraine after the new neo-Nazi regime instituted new laws banning the Russian language in various settings. Russia recognized them as independent and then came to their aid against Ukrainian aggression.

>> No.23022685

>Ukraine was shooting artillery at Donbass
Donbass is a part of Ukraine. Girkin is not a Ukrainian citizen, but a Russian terrorist who invaded in Ukraine and took hostages. Yes, hostages sometimes die during rescue operations.

>> No.23022693
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>> No.23022695

War crimes are just a social construct.

>> No.23022699

it's weird that the two main criticisms i hear about ukraine on this board is that they're nazis and that they're jews

>> No.23022701

mostly this

>> No.23022703

So was Mussolini protesting that because he loved borders so much? Lmao I think it was more likely that he didn’t want a historic rival of Italy annexing a state on their borders.

>> No.23022704

>Donbass is a part of Ukraine
That doesn't justify committing war crimes by targeting civilians areas of cities with artillery and MLRS such as Ukraine has done since 2014.

> Yes, hostages sometimes die during rescue operations.
Shooting artillery at civilian market when your troops are nowhere near close to taking the city is not remotely comparable to hostage rescuing

>> No.23022706

>Still live better than you
*gets stabbed to death by some vibrant diversity*

>> No.23022711

Jewish oligarchs and Jewish ziocons are collaborating with Neo-Nazis to fight a proxy war against Russia, this is nothing new but the Zionists in Israel collaborated with Nazi Germany and even sought entry into the Axis powers until it became clear they were losing the war.

>> No.23022713

The last Joe Rogan podcast I listened to was episode #911, when he had Alex Jones on as a guest. Alex was going off about how Mossad does all the things that nazis supposedly did. Very interesting stuff.

>> No.23022716

Russia is an historic rival of civilizations
Besides, it just proves your "litmus test" is to measure up your own idiocy, sucking the cock of a superpower annexing a neighbor does not make you a "based right winger" it makes you a cuck

>> No.23022720

>Russia is an historic rival of civilizations
Breathtakingly low-IQ statement.

>> No.23022730

Are you a robot?

>> No.23022737

>That doesn't justify
Justify, if it is an invasion by foreign troops. It was not justifies in Chechen wars, because Chechens were citizens of Russia, who made conscious decision to separae.

>Shooting artillery at civilian market
Done by Russians.

>> No.23022805

Russia was just a shitty simulacrum of the Western civilisation. That's how you got Tolstoevsky and other low quality shit.

>> No.23022812

They put their best writer in a gulag, the russian state has always been enemy of all that is good and fair

>> No.23022827

Slava ukrainia.
Send more cuties mr zelensky.

>> No.23022832
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>> No.23022837

JANNIEEEEEEEEEEES clean it here, this thread is just pol without flags, nothing to do with literature

>> No.23022850
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Russia is just shitty

>> No.23022858

>Justify, if it is an invasion by foreign troops.
Wrong faggot, legally speaking it's a war crime no matter the circumstances.

>Done by Russians.
When and where? There is no proof that has happened but there is abundant proof Ukraine has done it

>> No.23022864

Ukraine should do it more

>> No.23022875

return to your discord and dilate

>> No.23022919

>it's a war crime no matter the circumstances.
Circumstances matter. Nobody blames an officer, who accidentally killed a hostage during a rescue operation.

>When and where?
In Donetsk and other occupied cities. Proved by geolocation of trajectories and by locals, who discuss it in
social networks and even asked the Russian terrorists about it on video.

>> No.23022941

>In Donetsk and other occupied cities.
Ukraine is the only one trying to bomb Donetsk

They recently lauched western-provided cluster munitions at Donetsk city months ago (which are easily identifiable), and even the pro-west Humans Right Watch organization admitted that Ukraine was shooting cluster munitions at civilians in Donetsk back in 2014


>> No.23022965

Uh, NAFOsistxirs...? Our response...?

>> No.23022993
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>Ukraine is the only one trying to bomb Donetsk
Try harded, Ivan. Just one example of the shelling of Donetsk from the East. There are tons of them.

>> No.23023011

>unsourced image vs Human Rights Watch report
hohol please dont make me laugh

>> No.23023016

don't you have your own board you inbreds?

>> No.23023020

you definitely seem like a reasonable unbiased person

>> No.23023023

>a few windows appear to be broken, no other damage

>> No.23023029

I dont know why the hate is directed towards him when he's just trying to save his country. this site is fucked

>> No.23023038

>RIA News isn't an authoritative source for pidoraskas
Something new.

>> No.23023042

>this site is fucked
Just infested by Russian pidorashkas. Internet is free.

>> No.23023044

thats just not tru tho. hes a jewish globohomo puppet that sacrificed all the men 10-40 in his country (except the jews who were allowed to leave) because nato wouldn't compromise on having missles on russia's border.

>> No.23023052

>because nato wouldn't compromise on having missles on russia's border.
So, why le monke didn't invade Finland or Estonia?

>> No.23023053

i thought he was a neo-nazi?

>> No.23023060

I thouth it about the unity of Russians and Ukrainians. Pidorashkas have new ideas everyday.

>> No.23023077

Every time I see russian zoomers spam 4chan like ITT I just laugh thinking about tfw (their face when) they get mobilized.

>> No.23023083
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дa зaвaли ты eбaлo, хyитa ципcoшнaя, вceм нa тeбя пoхyй и нa cтpaнy твoю oбoccaнyю и oбocpaнyю пoхyй. пидopaшкa тo, пидopaшкa этo, блядь, ты выйди пocмoтpи нa хyтop cвoй pacхpиcтaнный, cмoтpи пoд пaтpyль вoeнкoмoвcкий тoлькo нe yгoди, a тo килoмeтpoвaя oчepeдь из дoбpoвoльцeв из мapтa двaдцaть втopoгo гoдa yжe нaмoтaнa нa pyccкиe тaнки. ты пpoигpaл, и "нapoд" твoй пpoигpaл. этo плoхaя нoвocть. нo и хopoшaя ecть: cкopo ты бyдeшь c Poccиeй. paccлaбляйcя, paгyля, дoбpo пoжaлoвaть дoмoй.

>> No.23023095

So, now you know that 4chan is full of pidorashkas. And now you know who forces Dostoevky and other shit here.

>> No.23023111

Evre time I see another Tolstoevsky thread I know it is a pidorashka who forces his shitty culture. As simple as it is.

>> No.23023148

pidorashka pidorashka pidorashka

>> No.23023160

Actually it is a historical name of Russians. You can name them with it every time you meet them. They are proud of it as I know.

>> No.23023172

ok pidorashka

>> No.23023173


>> No.23023177

um trump is hitler 2.0 and elon musk is hitler 3.0. maybe putin can be hitler 4.0

>> No.23023188

Heh I like the way you think. I personally already call all evil people donald putlers. Remember to vote ya'll!!!!

>> No.23023193

>pidorashka trying to stick to Trump and Musk.

>> No.23023197

ur pedorashka

>> No.23023294

>How can anyone call the Russians the evil side when the hohols hav been deliberately shoot artillery at civilian areas of Donbass city and Belgorod? Ukraine is engaging in straight up terrorism.
There was an insurrection. Ukraine defended its territory against rebels. Yes some civilians died. Not nearly on the same scale as civilians are dying now since Putin invaded.

>> No.23023306
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>They met some Jewish leaders therefore they're controlled by the Jews.
Heh, retard. You don't realise they're actually controlled by the Buddhists.

>> No.23023317

>Left wing Jewish lady supports immigration
So what? Many non-Jewish ladies support immigration.

There are also many Jews who oppose immigration.

>> No.23023342
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Girkin isn't a citizen of Ukraine, mate. It was an invasion.

>> No.23023372
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>his country
he's a jew trying to get as many ukranians killed as possible

>> No.23023378
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>> No.23023379

Killing cockroaches is also terrorism from perspective of cockroaches but objectively it is pest control and it is justified, it's the same with russians, removing russian parasites is just keeping clean house, once the infestation is eradicated in Ukraine, there will be a need to go and remove the source of problem (russia).

>> No.23023383
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you will never be a real boomer

>> No.23023392

calling people cockroaches is an evil attitude