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/lit/ - Literature

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23019489 No.23019489 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23019504

And most men just read self-help garbage and biographies
How many men read poetry?

>> No.23019507

Are you really comparing a men reading a book to better himself or the life of great men to a book that clearly just focus on relationship troubles and sex and nothing more?

>> No.23019519

Honestly I respect romance YA more than self help

>> No.23019520

Who cares what they read. It literally doesn’t matter at all. You’re the kind of faggot who ruins things because then they start invading the things we enjoy.

>> No.23019524

Female detected

>> No.23019526

I respect more a book about better oneself than a book that sole about relationships troubles on a sprinkle of "fantasy" or "sci Fi".

>> No.23019543

>women are more susceptible to marketing/consumerism
>books are marketed more to women than to men
>women are more likely to follow group consensus/opinion
>women read trash because that's what other women read because that's what's marketed to them
We have this thread every day. Yes, women still mostly read harlequin romance, it just has a new coat of paint.

>> No.23019574

What the fuck is a "harlequin romance"?

>> No.23019598

Women are naive and nice and want the world to be nice, and are extremely, basically delusionally susceptible to any lies to the effect that the world is a nice place

The prevailing ideology of the current nightmare state of things is "We're all being NICE now, the world is so much NICER, aren't you having a NICE time, everything can be solved by being NICE, just be a little NICER," etc. So women are in a niceness overdose state, stumbling around bumping into things like retards and doing nothing to better themselves. Nothing challenges them so they have no reason to do anything but follow their silly instincts 100%.

They are also made insanely overconfident by this, which is why they're so overbearing. Women will dominate spaces in this way, if you give them even an inch. They have no concept of maintaining hierarchy or standards or gatekeeping etc. They will neutralize all those things to hang up a cringe kitsch "Be Urself" sign from Bed Bath & Beyond.

What you see in women's media consumption habits is just the extension of this. They can't have standards or understand things that aren't "nice," like everything going to shit or things getting worse or media creators being cynical. Women can't even understand the concept of "How can EVERYBODY be a booktuber?? What distinguishes you? Why should we care about your booktube channel when there are thousands?" because their little nice woman brain literally counteracts this like an auto-immune system by saying "That's not nice; everyone is special; everyone can do whatever they want, that's nice! I'm special, you're special! The solution to every problem is to be urself :)"

>> No.23019626

>How many men read poetry?
A lot, I'm sure most that read poetry are ashamed to admit it.
Women achieve gratification through literature as if they were an instrument being played by the author. They want to be strummed, drummed, and blown with words, they want to vibrate like a tuba, they want to chime like a piano-string. Women's books are like this. They cause emotions through vivid imagery, and that's a completely fine way to enjoy a book. It is simply contrasted with the male form of literature, which seeks to create abstract philosophical and ethical problems to endlessly analyze (although most men probably read genre shit anyway, so no different from the average woman. Sci-fi and other genre-garbage is just YA Romance for men)

>> No.23019635
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>How many men read poetry?
i always thought poetry had a male majority readership

>> No.23019637

two sides of the same coin, neither is "better" than the other, stop being a self aggrandizing faggot

>> No.23019640

You are a beta male loser with nothing else going on, probably not reading either. You type like a shitskin too. Kill yourself.

>> No.23019759

Seething femoid.

>> No.23019763

Holy cope, lmao.

>> No.23019791

Terfs ?
Tradwife ?
It’s beyond me. Why bother ? Just fuck a sissy like socrates.

>> No.23019797

Kek, careful, dear, you gonna get older faster and hit the Wall faster if you keep the hatred like that.

>> No.23019803

the girls I've been with who read romance are cuter and have higher sex drive than the ones into classic lit. If you need to discuss literature, befriend men

>> No.23019826

>Every girl I know who reads is reading A Court of Thorns and Roses
>When I walk into bookstores I hear women loudly talking about it
>Look up the reading level
>It’s lower end 4th grade reading level

Same with Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones is grade 4-6 reading level. Bitches will read this shit and then feel like geniuses. It’s fucking retarded.

>> No.23019839

You need to remember that the avarage USA citizen only read at 8th grade at max.

>> No.23019877
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Likely brain damage from constant mushrooms these bitches eat

>> No.23019912

I'm a 28 year old man and I love ya romance. I read thr classics in high school/college but couldn't really get into them. At a certain point I started using the Cliff Notes/Spark Notes to get through the tests and essays. I got As in almost all my classes.

>> No.23019915
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Forgot my pic

>> No.23019949

Lmao, it can't be real. You gay, nigga? 99% of those book are literally relationship sloppa with fantasy coat to try be different

>> No.23019955

>How many men read poetry?
al the bourgeois since they are bisexual

>> No.23019960

It's so over. No-- It never even began.

>> No.23019963
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I'm serious.
>relationship sloppa with fantasy coat
That's why I seek them out

>> No.23020009

i....i kneel.....
jokes aside even if its shit taste be proud of ur shit taste yanon. kys ofc but still, be proud.

What bone do you have to pick with john greene tho lmfao

>> No.23020013

Holy shit

>> No.23020026

Thanks. I guess. I just found his writing terrible, although I did love his section of Let it Snow, which I re read every year.
Thanks I guess.

>> No.23020083
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>> No.23020264

Holy cringe

>> No.23020284

John Green is the reason I want to kms

>> No.23020293

>look at woman
>oh wow I like this I am going to approach her and get to know her
>she is reading a harlequinn porn novel book of SEX WORDS on front page NAKED MAN
>rent a copy of that book
>flirt her up
>become her boyfriend
>become engaged
>wow is there any secrets left?
>"i always wanted to discuss that book of yours, honey"
And then she had a bitch fit and she broke up with Anon
The End

>> No.23020306
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The pussy prime directive is to preserve the perfect mental state.

>> No.23020340
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>doing nothing to better themselves.
The only thing women work hard at is doing nothing.
They have NO BURDEN OF PERFORMANCE. American culture causes egalitarianism to go so aggressively EMPOWERING that ugly nasty Ursula women (Giga Karens) run wild with guaranteed resources and protections. I remember my Dad and every boomer on the block wasting lipstick for my pig ugly sister and her pig ugly friends for an extravagant party where all the popular people arrived. NO ONE had any financial literacy here yet they were all loaded and did not bother to signal wealth. Then what in Cuck's name explains this unholy devotion to ugly? What burden exists for these fat squat blobfish goblins? Low IQ types devote themselves on some primal level to their Gorlock the Girl Ogre and unibrow stank hogs. This is most interesting because it applies all primatology hypothesizing directly at the groundfloor.

>> No.23020377

The mall monster gunt walkers:
I arrived at gamestop one afternoon to see an obese and mishapen lesbian couple arguing with the cashier in the most rehearsed tone. The cashier's smile drained as his back drooped in agony and his fingers began to tap away his anxiety. I heard every democrat party line and every ism to be offended at as the line of customers began to pool behind the two. Slowly customers began to balk at the wait and soon the line was just them as it began. Unconcerned without skipping a beat they continued to grill the gamestop employee over every conceivable perceived injustice endemic to the OPRESSED hobby of gaming. As I had enough of my people watching for the day I strode out but was obstructed by a pack of fat farting and burping and cackling onion bun hair tie women of every race each with enough gunt to conceal an athletes shorts.
In America you can live how you want.

>> No.23020395
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I passed through a thick cloud of vape concotion oddly scented like fried chicken and alcohol. I looked down as I was almost tripped by the neon tie dye crocs and polyester furry socks. I saw yoga pants of every texture and color but all went curves bended to the the gunt. Square and toady. Camel toe as grave as a gothic cathedral with the scent of a football game locker room. I finally made it to my car. Thank God I had been spared an interaction with them or any record there of.

>> No.23020413

Women don't kill themselves over "hitting the wall" and not being married/with someone later in their lives. It's males who do that.

>> No.23020434
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Lmao good one.

>> No.23020437

Explain pic rel

>> No.23020440
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>Women don't need to improve, they are more than ok from the fact they are women.
>Everybody identifying as a woman is a woman.

>> No.23020449
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I came home to the missus, the good old dog and cat. I pet all 3 kindly as I sat on the couch, kicking my feet up on the coffee table. A nice hot cup of milk tea she placed, dressed in her blazing red roses stitched apron. After we kissed, she asked with half shut sultry eyes, "How was your day?"
My demeanor darkened. I gulped and looked down at the floor.
She quietly began to clean up and I zoom called in to work without a word.

>> No.23020465


>> No.23020476
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Women read porn they don't watch it

>> No.23020533

Women say these things in public just to be provocative, just like how dudes get a kick out of saying nigger. It's not reality.

>> No.23020695
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>> No.23020700

And most men read fantasy and self-help slop. Being a partisan has blinded you.

>> No.23020702

That's just because men do all the work in society. Takes a toll.

>> No.23020716

Tbf he did concede that >>23019507
but he thinks self help is epic and cool because le men read it

>> No.23020717

women are retarded

>> No.23020721

retarded post wall women meme
It's funny because this lil guy would jump at the chance to slobber on any of these women's feet if they came up to him and demanded he do it (except maybe the she-ape)

>> No.23020759

the typical male never reads poetry because it's not masculine

>> No.23021334



>> No.23021402

Why do you care? No one really looks for an intellectual equal in women. They are like adult children except it's socially acceptable for them to stay that way forever.

>> No.23021417
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His Wikipedia page doesn't list his background but this is a picture of his wife, Sarah Unst.

>> No.23021427 [DELETED] 

The entire history women is imitating men and intervening in whatever they enjoy.

>> No.23021434
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>> No.23021440

>why does everyone from [group] do what defines the group?

>> No.23021443

I'm a man who loves "bodice rippers."

>> No.23021448

>gnat buzzes past


>> No.23021602

Simple and direct.

>> No.23021654

Most yt guys look for an equal partner.

>> No.23021695

>women want the world the nice
>their preferred romance is always BDSM-tier
I think there's an error in your thinking tbqh.

>> No.23021698

*to be nice

>> No.23021704

Nigga you gay
Suck on dick
Nectar for my mouth
Avocado taste
I'm prolapsed

>> No.23021839

Equal in what?

>> No.23021859
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I read nothing but poetry.
My shelves are nothing but anthologies and individual collection of poets I like.
I post what I write to a poetry site and get about 20 likes each from 15 year old depressed teen girls.
IRL Woman have no interest in me though I am 6'2 and I am not gay.

>> No.23021894

Harlequin is one of the big old established publishing houses for romanceslop

>> No.23021898

>needing a self-help book to better yourself
You have zero T

>> No.23021952

I hate women. Good morning.

>> No.23021981

Slobbering girl feet is my favorite pastime. Sometimes the legs are just perfectly long enough to do during sex with no interruption

>> No.23022034

selection bias

>> No.23022361
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the most nonsensical bullshit ive ever read
women literally despise niceness
what is the most hated person to a woman? a nice man.
You dumb gorilla nigger. Women have 2 joys in life = humiliating (those of low status) and getting humiliated (by high status males)
They cannot stand peace and calmness. If you live by a still peaceful creek, bring a woman into your life and you will never have quiet again. Ever heard of the garden of Eden, nigger? No, of course not. You are more ape than human.

>> No.23022402
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I'm good at cutting through the bullshit.

>> No.23022410

>Women are naive and nice
Quite possibly the most ironic post I've ever read on this Godforsaken website.

>> No.23022444
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There isn't, he's right. Women are contrary damn creatures. That's why you shouldn't listen to them.

>> No.23022797
