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/lit/ - Literature

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23017946 No.23017946[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's up with all the larpers on /lit/ nowadays? Back when I posted here 8 or 9 years ago it was pretty normal, but now most posters seem to be role playing as their idea of what a conservative man of 70-100 years ago would act like. The religious larpers have no clue what religion is about, they refuse to go to a local church because "its degenerate" and mainly use religion as a way to justify their hatred for porn, drugs, gays, etc. instead of caring about the religion and using it for positive ends

No one on this board can just talk normally anymore because you're all doing some weird larp now and I wanna know if you realize how autistic you're being

>> No.23017955

>le other side boogeyman
Yea sure. Anyway lit is dead, just stay away. Even the non shitpost threads are shit in other ways.

>> No.23017956
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>What's up with all the larpers on /lit/ nowadays? Back when I posted here 8 or 9 years ago it was pretty normal, but now most posters seem to be role playing as their idea of what a conservative man of 70-100 years ago would act like.

>> No.23017964

Dude the last couple of days on /lit/ have been a new low

>> No.23017965

I was never on the left aside from a few ignorant years ago so to assume I was some kind of liberal democrat twenty years ago is a false denotation.

>> No.23017967

Look everybody, we got a live one

>> No.23017970

abloo bloo

>> No.23017972

I genuinely think at least half of them are not larping. You don't get people yelling "BASED" or "good reason" to a insane person beheading their own father for liking Biden and not being homophobic. Just by larping as an edgy humor, white nationalist

>> No.23017974

Even the threads about lit shit are low quality. They attract more contrarians than before. Kinda funny to see but I pity those who don't have anyone else to discuss their favorite books with. I think the total amount of effort posters has stayed consistent throughout the years though.

>> No.23017975

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence. Punch your local leftfascist!!!!

>> No.23017983

Pipe down, child. I’m probably old enough to be your father

>> No.23017988

Don't make me wojak you. I almost did it

>> No.23017994

>posts a chudjak
you're like, so above it all dude whoa

>> No.23017996

I wouldn’t care either way. Most of this board is twenty years my junior. I turn 42 in June. There is a wide gulf that separates the rest of you, which attend the open air prison of universities and me, who decided slightly under a decade ago or more, to return to my childhood where I read books on art history and science, just out of sheer boredom and obvious changing social climate as a hobby and to convince myself to take up the mantle of writing on my own terms.

>> No.23017998
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>Don't make me wojak you. I almost did it

>> No.23017999

Painfully unfunny

>> No.23018000

Way too many bait threads lately that go nowhere because anon barely engages, a lot of people on auto pilot posting the same threads over and over just out of habit. If you're gonna have a board that's this slow it's pretty annoying when it's 90 percent irrelevant shitposts

>> No.23018009

Anon's finger clenches on the mouse. "Don't make me wojak you. I almost did it" he says, sadistic malice bubbling from his throat.
"Please..." the sharty responds, his trembling voice full of fear and desperation.
Anon smiles as he looks upon his work. It is a gemmy gem, drinking from a small paper cup with the text "Good Boy Juice." Above the gem's smug little smile is the text "Pipe down, child. I’m probably old enough to be your father"
Anon's eyes flick back to the sharty. Snot trickles down his elongated face as he lets out a whimper. "Don't do it..." He sobs.
A sudden click echoes throughout his dark room. Even the dildo mounted on his Madoka Bodypillow quivers in anticipation. "Too late." Anon says, a look wild, inhuman glee on his face.

Sharty watches as the gemmy gem appears on his tiny phonescreen. It's all crumbling now. It's over. It never even began. Sharty would have screamed, but the strength left his body. Not even a 'jak, but a gem plagued and humiliated him forever more.

>> No.23018016

What an intellectually dishonest post, that father was a government employee and therefore not human

>> No.23018028

You're asking to get wojak'd too. I don't want to do it, but you may leave me no choice.

>> No.23018031

Theirs no way these people have a mental capacity that ages. I'm so amazed that one of the "smart" boards has the worst infighting, some of the worst shitposts, spam, some of the worst least obvious derailing, and yet still has good smart folks that endure constant shit like this for the love of all things /lit/

>> No.23018035

Correct, my mental capacity doesn't age. I still think just as quickly, intelligently, and fluidly at the age of 42 as I did back when I was 19.

>> No.23018036


>> No.23018042

I read 200+ books a year and just shit post, meanwhile shelf posting kiddies that don’t even read 1 book a week are out here making stupid effort posts because they think they are smart

>> No.23018046

>The religious larpers have no clue what religion is about, they refuse to go to a local church because "its degenerate" and mainly use religion as a way to justify their hatred for porn, drugs, gays, etc.

I never see this. Most religious posters are adamant that public religious practice, such as going to orthos and liturgy, going to church in general, is a pre requisite to Christian life. Christians should hate porn, drugs, and homosexual practice as well. I don't think it is wrong to condemn these practices. Condemning them sincerely and within reasonable bounds is a positive practice.

>> No.23018065

Hahaha. If you read more than zero books a year, you aren't smart; all it means is you read fiction or aren't knowledgeable enough to skip most of a non-fiction book and only pick the parts of it that might be new.

>> No.23018097
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hmmm what was lit doing ten years ago... oh right the same thing

>> No.23018206

Don’t know about LARPers but the equality of people here has gone way down over the last few years. The real standouts are gone. It’s a shame because this really was the last place you could really talk about literature honestly and free from all that bullshit of the modern book scene.

>> No.23018211

It's a targeted campaign to shit up the board(s). There's constant demoralization threads too like:
>When did you realize reading is a waste of time
>When did you realize you're a FAGGOT for reading
>Reading is cope for losers
>Philosophy has solved nothing
>I'm 25 and I've spent too much time reading, should I commit suicide?
It's just pure horseshit but sometimes there's some decent threads, lately it's been pretty shit though and the moderation here is pure dogshit, they do nothing.

>> No.23018218

>you're all doing some weird larp
100% this. this place is so weird and problematic compared to reddit

>> No.23018219

>the religious larpers have no clue what religion is about
>they refuse to go to a local church because "its degenerate"
not sure what threads you're browsing, OP, but I've only seen two or three people like that here. Most of the Catholics mean it when they say they're Catholics and they are more well read than most people around these parts of the internet
> inb4 ackshually they read le magic fantasy. i am le smart
and yet they read more than you and they try to understand where things come from

>> No.23018232

Meta threads make me resent anonymity

Like, what are the tax policies of absolute state posters

>> No.23018248
File: 16 KB, 715x720, FAD1E31F-EAE2-4BBC-A70B-71B06B00D203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are there so many people on /lit/ that disagree with me

>> No.23018250

Virus of the Mind by Brodie

>> No.23018259

I go to church every sunday, anon :)

>> No.23018264

What is here for Christians? I mean, they're all hypocrites so it would be pretty on brand to post here.

>> No.23018274

>I am openly hostile to your religion, but let me tell you how Christianity actually works

>> No.23018279

op this picture is you you're this guy. so shut up

>> No.23018282

>Stop disagreeing with me!

This is the result of autism and an overprotective mother. The absolute inability to handle other ideas.

>> No.23018289

sounds like you are not able to handle my ideas ;) SAD AND AUTISTIC

>> No.23018300

People of legal posting age are so underdeveloped and act like children. It's why the term underagefag went out of style and was replaced by "zoomers," they aren't even underage anymore yet most of the generation still acts like it. Then there's still actual underagefags old enough to use 4chan (13-17) that make up another bulk of the userbase. I'm a bit drunk and tired, but hopefully what I'm trying to say gets across. goodnight.

>> No.23018304

>Mom, I defeated another Christcuck on 4chan!

>> No.23018315

You didn't answer the question. Hanging around in public toilets playing footsies with other dudes is pretty on brand for prots and all the alcoholic pedophiles are about as catholic as it goes. So which are you? A faggot or a pedophile?

>> No.23018329

I personally come here to chuckle at the autistic replies to my trolling. Mission accomplished today.

>> No.23018332

I read something about someone's head being severed but I havent seen It anywhere. Could someone provide a link to the thread? I am curious even though I don't like seeing that stuff.

>> No.23018334

He stared at the screen as the pixels showed to him hell. It was clear now that the place he had once known is gone. The bastion of learning, faded away into nothing. Now only the dregs walk here. The damned souls, who having not read one bit of Plato or Aristotle, argue in circles and circles and circles like they believed their idols did in their time. Their arguments are nothing but the bastards of bastards, a third hand understanding of philosophers long dead from analysts long dead who these dregs have also not read, not even a crumb. And lo, see here, stands the mad man on the track. MELVILLE IS FOR PSEUDS he cries, FAULKNER IS FOR KEKS. Now, the thread careens and bends and falls apart before him, derailed. Out pours outraged individuals crying MCCARTHY LOVED MELVILLE and HE WROTE A TRANNY BOOK and more and they leaked on to other tracks and many more threads derailed and many more voices added to a senseless argument. Now see here the troglodyte crawls from his hole, wincing as the sun rejects his existence, he says to the world that no one actually likes Ulysses and they're all just pretending so they look smart. Rocks fall upon the troglodyte and he retreats back to his hole; he will be seen again, he will never stop, he will continue despite the contempt his fellows and nature and God show him, he will crawl from his hole again and say the same thing again and be pelted again. And see here a daring fellow says that Shakespeare's true author was De Vere and now Andrew Tate responds calling him slow for doubting the authorship of the glovemaker and they will argue this for days and days until days become months and months years. Here one cries Christianity is for cuckold. Here one cries all fags should be burned. Here one presents a whore with full breasts and fuller ass saying Is Coffee good for you? And another presents a different whore and different question with the same intent and effect. And on and on and on they go never changing, eternally pedantic, utterly irrelevant, and unceasing in their passion. Now the truth is to be seen, now it dawns on him. Things were always like this. This board of the past is an imagined thing. It was he who changed, not them. He had mistaken hell for Athens, the fool.

>> No.23018552

>they refuse to go to a local church because "its degenerate"
Well this is simply correct in most of the country. Half of these churches have trans and LGBT flags hanging right outside beside the crucifix. In fact I might just walk down to that church and snap a photo to prove I'm not larping, modern churches are the pits and the modern christian may as well just go to a synagogue.

>> No.23018649
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This is who you will be talking to if you are the average christian in the United States right now. A vast majority are just heretical revenue-generating streams for dumb, left-wing white people.

>> No.23018758

> that father was a government employee

>> No.23018762

>enter a hobby that peaked 2500 years ago
>surprised people act like 100 years ago

>> No.23018765

There are also some paggies now jacking off about Thor or whatever these savages worship.

>> No.23018793

in the future we will all be government employees

>> No.23018815

The separate flag for trannies and that tumor protruding into some of the rainbow ones are always blights. So much for a united LGBT.

Anyway, the solution to your problem is Catholic churches if you ignore the pope, or Orthodox.

>> No.23018821

>Catholic churches if you ignore the pope
may as well call yourself christian and not believe jesus ever existed

>> No.23018824

No it wasn't, retard.

>> No.23018825

>yet ANOTHER thread where a worthless leftist lies about 4chan’s past and makes a shitty meta thread
Kill yourself loser. Make a good thread if you want a good thread, but I know you won’t. You’ll post some retarded propaganda thread saying some retarded shit like nO oNe rEfuTEd mArx???? even though he’s been refuted 10 trillion times and the economic system of his time isn’t even around anymore

>> No.23018826

young one, do not falter from the path

>> No.23018845

>south church
You could easily argue these aren't even Christians. Protestant branches are insane leftist shit.


>putting LGBT colors on a crucifix
Just flat out heresy. No mainline denomination would ever endorse this, they are kooks on par with snakehandlers.

>> No.23018847

>No mainline denomination would ever endorse this
>Catholicism isn't a mainline denomination

>> No.23018851

I miss the /lit/ larping schedule meme

>> No.23018859
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>painting a crucifix with political slogans
>endorsed by catholicism

>> No.23018880


>> No.23018891

>mainly use religion as a way to justify their hatred for porn, drugs, gays, etc.
That's retarded because you don't even need religion to hate those.

>> No.23018892

>instead of caring about the religion and using it for positive ends
How is hating porn, drugs and gays not a positive end?

>> No.23018895

For a board about reading you sure don't do it very well. It's not about endorsing same sex marriage (although this is sinful and goes against the Bible as well), it's about defiling the image of the crucifix. You are turning it into a literal idol. It would be as disgusting as painting your favorite football team onto it, or whatever political party you support. The crucifix has like 2 extremely specific portrayals and should not be changed whatsoever.

>> No.23018917

>Go to Church (Catholic) every Sunday
>Both Low Protestants AND Atheists start seething at me while using the same arguments
Every time

>> No.23018934

The blessing is on the gay couples themselves, not a blessing for being a gay couple. He's emphasizing being able to bless any sinner including those who commit the sin of homosexuality.

>> No.23018980

>I'm retarded and waste my time praying to a big invisible jew in the sky
cool story bro

>> No.23019067
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Fedoras were literally just proto-tradfags
>anachronistic sensibilities
>chivalric attitude towards women
>impotent masculine power fantasies
I study the way of the blade
>alienated from your peers who you dehumanize as NPCs

Look at this faggot and tell me in 2024 he doesn't listen to an Orthodox podcast and argue that girls should be wed at puberty.

>> No.23019072

>argue that girls should be wed at puberty
don't care about all the other gay shit you said, but that's just objective fact

>> No.23019112

Look into your soul and stop lying to yourself as if you are the alpha cool guy lmao. You are posting old memes on 4chan arguing and filled with rage lmao

>> No.23019141

>the alpha cool guy
Your insecurities are showing. We're all cringe but their are specific races of cringe.

>> No.23019195

4chan has always been a Christian board and you are clearly attempting to reclaim the fedora meme as a militant atheist lol. Not everyone became Christian from the internet, but you have certainly revealed that your ideas are 100% derived from reddit and youtube essays.

>> No.23019204


>> No.23019245
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>4chan has always been a Christian board
Woah look at the oldfag from 2015.

>> No.23019257

Imma give you the real scoop
Most people on here who are tradLARPing are former atheists who's analysis of cultural history lead them to believe that religion, specifically Christianity for the west, is a necessary source of social cohesion and morality, and has pragmatic value due to this.
So their adoption of these values and the faiths have been out of a calculated effort to restore social conditions.
This is why it is done so laughably and poorly, and with so much hostility. I will not doubt any man's stated connection with God; I'm sure for many of them, they really do believe and try to connect.
But they have the wrong motivation and thus the wrong perspective. No man who has begun to understand what God was saying to us all, is still saying bigoted things, or chastising everyone around him for their sins. This is the work of a man who believes he has found the answer, instead of the work of a man who accepts that his knowledge is worthless.

>t. a man who has lived it

>> No.23019261
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>reclaim the fedora meme
Atheism wasn't the reason being a fedora was cringe. It was the other way around. These same personality types just attached to another form of euphoria. Just look how eChristians conduct themselves. Pic related is more embarrassing than anything r/atheism has ever done.

>> No.23019262

He's correct. 4chan developed from the earlier internet, which consisted of SA goons and later various weeaboos based overwhelmingly in the United States. The USA is populated by white children brought up in accordance with Christian sensibilities. This is not the same thing as devout religious or otherwise pious behavior, that much is obvious, but it would be delusional to otherwise imply that this christian-rooted culture is not where 4chan's initial audience came from. This website would look very different if it was more recent, made by indians, used by middle easterners, etc. with even the closest equivalent on Japan (2ch) not being very similar either. If you were not God's bravest newfag you would remember back when 2ch was actually pretty polite and read like the rest of the Japanese internet, only for them to look at how their western equivalent (that's us) behaves and immediately decide to behave in a more rowdy way.

>> No.23019265

>Pic related is more embarrassing than anything r/atheism has ever done.
This is simply gaslighting, nothing will ever surpass r/atheism. Those guys did to atheism what a fat naked man did to libertarians in 2016.

>> No.23019271

4chan is a website not a board lol
The boards are the various parts of the website
OG 4chan was a literal den of nihilistic amoral iniquity where the only goal was making one another laugh, and, in what became the much darker side; pissing off or harassing people to make one another laugh.
There was also a lot of horrible shit on it, like gore.
Literally a basic cursory reading of the history of 4chan will show you this. So you don't say things that make people mock you.
Saying 4chan has always been a Christian website, for anyone who was even familiar with /b/, is hilarious.

>> No.23019272
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>atheists are actually christian because of polite culture
This is unparalleled sophistry.

>> No.23019277

Remember at the end of Space Jam when Iron Mike stretches his arm all the way across half court to dunk the ball?
That was less of a reach than this right here

>> No.23019285

I'm astounded

>> No.23019295

Polite western culture comes from Christianity and nothing else. I'm sorry I've detonated your delusion that you're a counterculture clump of cells without a soul or something.