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23018897 No.23018897 [Reply] [Original]

>It may be ad hominem, but, to put no fine a point on it, Sartre is quite an ugly man. Small, coarsely featured and squint-eyed. His ugliness, I think, is very different from Socrates’ ugliness. It mirrors something fundamental in his soul. We know he is very mean, stingy. His avarice is legendary, they say. He’d never buy you an espresso! Hell is other people, a character in his plays says. For me, Hell would be to spend a few hours having to listen to the Professor’s thoughts about the Jews. Or anything else.
>He was, I seem to remember, pretty fixated with the gaze of others . . . The way they looked at him . . . It disturbed him . . . Sartre builds that into a kind of existential anthropology, even an ontology of being . . . He thought an alien gaze makes you into someone else, creates an image over which you have no control, robbing you of your being. Nonsense! I wonder whether he felt that way psychologically because he was conscious of how ungainly he looked. “Look what a freak of a man!” he imagined other people thinking as they gazed at him . . . It argues for some inferiority complex haunting the man . . . I, by contrast, have never given a damn about the look of others on me. Not only am I better-looking than Sartre, I also definitely don’t feel inferior to the animalcule that pass for humanity these days . . .

>> No.23018929

He must be being ironic here or else is he's highly confused and retarded.

>> No.23018933

Sartre fight in the war like a true ksatriya chad and Evola got crippled in a library like a beta cuck nerd

>> No.23018935

>For me, Hell would be to spend a few hours having to listen to the Professor’s thoughts about the Jews.
What were his thoughts about the jews?

>> No.23018942

Evola fought in WW1

>> No.23018954

Evola's handsome and poignant analysis hit you so hard you forgot proper syntax.

Evola had 12 young german mistresses nursing him at his bed after being hit by the bomb, according to an important italian journalist, with left wing affiliation if not outright communist.
Sartre felt shame and anxiety of being considered ugly, impostor syndrome, each time he paid de Beauvoir to find girls for him to fuck.

>> No.23018955

Who didn't retard? everyone did.

>> No.23018969

>Evola's handsome and poignant analysis

He literally says Sartre thought people's gaze robbed him of his being since he was ugly, and then Evola proceeds to prove this thesis right by saying his ugliness is proof that his thought was dumb and his soul was corrupted.

It would be funny if he wasn't serious in his retardedness.

>> No.23018974

This is taken from an informal conversation he had with an interviewer a t a bar.

>> No.23018977
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>> No.23018978

Changes nothing about my criticism.

>> No.23018981

Unironically more handsome than Sartre. He had that vampire charm, and a coy, smug smile

>> No.23018993

He looks like a Jew whose family changed their name 400 years earlier to avoid being thrown out of the country.

>> No.23018996

>projecting and obsessing over looks
Woah, so this is the power of rightoid "thinkers"

>> No.23019000

Should make perfect sense to you given that the average right-winger also thinks having boobs means you are destined to stay in a kitchen, and having black skin makes you destined to shoot someone on the street.

>> No.23019003
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It does because he was injecting humour into the conversation.
But even if he was serious: for Evola, the true man, not dissolved, not a frail crab shell, isn't afraid of criticism and judgement, and is genuinely self-confident (on all levels, not the simply psycho-social usage of the term). He's like a feather, freely floating and invulnerable to even the strongest punches. Sartre's existential anxiety is low, it inspires disgusts, and his physical appearence is the tip of the iceberg of his real, hidden uglyness. You are inverting the causal relationship.

Proof that this isn't a mere self-fulfilling prophecy? His mention of Socrates at the very beginning.

>> No.23019010

>Sartre on Evola
>Literally who?

>> No.23019012
File: 89 KB, 674x506, 149d8043fb1cb1c96650eaeccf492abe3a3572a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see SIDF (Sartre Internet Defense Force) is in full force today.

You will never be handsome.

>> No.23019014

rat, rabid dog looking wretched being

>> No.23019024

I'll defend Sartre over a pseudo-Hindu rightoid cripple any day yeah thanks.

>> No.23019312

You're full of resentment

>> No.23019314

You may not like him but you must admit Evola has style.

>> No.23019330

>ur ugly pee pee poo head
If this was a Twatter dispute nobody would care. But because its published in Muh book and their pictures are black and white everybody thinks it's deep

>> No.23019352
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>> No.23019399

He just looks like an Italian boomer

>> No.23019471

True. He was able to sting, switching rapidly from cultured, herudite, to "thug like" in his speech

>> No.23019976

How did a Sicilian become a Nordicist rather than a Mediterranianist, anyway?

>> No.23019995

kys you sniveling retard. your whole point was that Evola shied away from war when he clearly didn't.

>> No.23019998

Sartre was strikingly ugly, but does it matter at all? He was romantically involved with Simone de Beauvoir, who was attractive and also the most intelligent and interesting woman of her age. His best friend was Albert Camus, a dashingly handsome, charming athlete he enjoyed debating with. He's the philosopher most associated with existentialism, and is held in the same regard as people he surely looked up to, like Nietzsche and Kierkegaard. Meanwhile, Julius Evola is regarded as a creepy little esoteric man who's really only of interest to the terminally online "neo-reactionary" weirdos.

>> No.23020001

>having black skin makes you destined to shoot someone on the street.
because it's correlated with having black neural tissue, and black neural tissue is overwhelmingly predisposed to problems with executive functioning, impulse control, and emotional regulation.

>> No.23020007

>Simone de Beauvoir, who was attractive
not really lol. she looked like a cold, austere hag. somebody could have easily lived the life of a shrill nun rapping the knuckles of schoolchildren in catholic school

>> No.23020032

she wasn't gorgeous, sure, but given what Sartre looked like, and given the fact they were both intelligent, thoughtful people, I'd imagine he was happy with her.

>> No.23020035
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>Sartre was strikingly ugly, but does it matter at all?
Yes. I did not read beyond this sentence.

>> No.23020055

Sartre was a talentless hack. His 'philosophy' was initially rejected by publishers as worthless but then he was promoted by jews and such because he was philosemitic and left-wing.

He isn't worth reading.

>> No.23020061

>not to be racist but....

>> No.23020065

One day you will learn how to read. I believe in you.

>> No.23020080
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>survey thread
>immediately clear that nobody in it has read Evola and Sartre well enough to have an opinion on either
>several people can't even read and interpret the quote in the OP intelligently

>> No.23020094

>le chud elitist aesthete

>> No.23020098

That's every thread here now, we all look at the funny quote and drop our one liners

>> No.23020126

Evola did nothing wrong but spit some facts

>> No.23020234
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Yes, but you will still be ugly.

>> No.23020418

Sartre was a literal lunatic who wrote gibberish
Camus wrote simplistic novels but morose
L'existentialisme was an intelligence OP of mediocre frenchie communists coping with their failure against the nazis and inculcating nihilism

>> No.23020855

He would fellate them endlessly to the point of nauseam

>> No.23020859

>is held in the same regard as people he surely looked up to, like Nietzsche and Kierkegaard
Nobody holds him in the same regard as those philosophers, not even close.

>> No.23020898

And that’s wrong because?

>> No.23020900

This was my favorite part of Ride The Tiger

>> No.23020963

At the end of the day, it's an indisputable fact that both Sartre, de Beauvoir, and Evola all pulled primo teenage ass like nobodies business. Refuting once and for all the incel claim that looks are the only thing that matters.

>> No.23020981

That's just cause most of the pics are post wall

>> No.23021054

>He’d never buy you an espresso!
I know that giving is sign of good will but do Italian regularly give people expresso?

>> No.23021059

>who was attractive
That bitch looked like Queen Elizabeth even in her youth. That ass pic has you fooled.

>> No.23021061

>That ass pic has you fooled
Uhhhh... source?

>> No.23021070


>> No.23021084

Nice. Thick. Thanks.

>> No.23021089

Elle n'a pas le derriere

>> No.23021091

Your criticism is irrelevant to the quality is sartre’s work

>> No.23021122

>I, by contrast, have never given a damn about the look of others on me. Not only am I better-looking than Sartre, I also definitely don’t feel inferior to the animalcule that pass for humanity these days . .

>I don't feel inferior
>to the animacule that pass for humanity these days

Embarrassing. Is the point of this thread to make fun of Evola and evolafags? Because it's working.

>> No.23021131

Sartre is a sorry mofo. Only famous because of ww2 and the need for Jews to feel good about themselves.

>> No.23021250

the only thing about him that looks weird is his fucked eye, and maybe his lips

>> No.23021267

Sartre was not even really ugly. And I don't get what Evola meant by "squinty" eyes, Sartre's eyes are quite large and rounded, like a lot of Jews. Virtually the only ugly thing about him is his ocular strabismus, other than that he is quite a handsome man. He has well-filled out and proportioned facial features, a well developed and masculine skull, and everything else that is attractive in a man. It's not really a surprise that someone like her would sleep with him.

>> No.23021292

He was handsome when he was Young. He should have died young. It's such a same that most people remember evola as an old man and not as a virile beautiful young man.

>> No.23021297

Unfathomably based