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23013843 No.23013843 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23013849

What was the attitude of Germans towards alcohol during that time?

>> No.23013862
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>Germans are stupid because of...beer
Also ludovici translation kind of sucks

>> No.23013872

Damn, based.

>> No.23013875

What if I choose to acquire the pleasure of drinking through an act of my unfettered master morality? Checkmate dork.

>> No.23013965
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>Nietzsche himself drank only water – and as a special treat, milk or coffee.

>> No.23014041

Which book is this in?

>> No.23014090

Fucking based

>> No.23014101

You know you're lacking brain cells when you're afraid of losing them with alcohol.

>> No.23014107

Twilight of idols

>> No.23014133

Reminder that Nietzsche was high on opium while writing his major works and would write himself fake prescriptions for drugs.

>> No.23014134

Yes, alcohol is bad for you.
t. alcoholic
Inb4 moderate drinking. Even under the best of circumstances, abstaining from drink is still preferable to drinking. Alcohol is toxic to every single organ in the body and it disrupts your endocrine system

>> No.23014168

You have to be German to understand this.
The sheer ignorance and retardation of the rabble whose only "culture" is destroying what's left of their brain as a reward for their lowly work and at the same a measure to keep them complacent slaves estranges anyone of the slightest distinguishment immediately and permanently.

>> No.23014201

and your source is?

>> No.23014205

Hes less a philosopher and more just an angry guy

>> No.23014217

this, my main argument FOR drinking is that I need to burn a few braincells

>> No.23014231

He's a pretty good read, especially his early essays on Greeks like Homer's contest / Birth of Tragedy / Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks. Nietzsche can be very poetic and his writings upset a lot of German hellenists who had made Greek literature a little more popular but had a myopic modern view of Greeks. Other than that, I haven't read Zarathustra or Will to Power, which are much harder reads.

>> No.23014320
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>you should be a Dionysian
>but also you shouldn't drink or have sex, thats le hecking immoral!

>> No.23014322

The German inside of him was at war with his love of Greek literature.

>> No.23014328

Philosophers are just men. So were the authors of every religious text in history. Crazy, right?

>> No.23014342

How is this even up for debate? Obviously, it's bad for you. It's literally poison.

>> No.23014430


>and more just an angry guy

literally all philosophers

>> No.23014433

he's literally me fr

>> No.23014434

So are magic mushrooms, but we would have never made it out of the caves without them.

>> No.23014641

Retarded speculative theory. "Yeah bro we were monkeys then we ate magic shrooms and suddenly we became self conscious and smart." If the hippie movement taught us anything it's that shrooms make people more retarded.

>> No.23014643

Meant only to reply to the post above even though the other one is just as dumb kek

>> No.23014903

>syphilis and simping is good for you
fuck off nerd

>> No.23015010
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>According to an anecdote, Bruckner and Wagner drank so much beer together that, upon arriving home, Bruckner realized he had forgotten which symphony Wagner had chosen. He wrote a letter back to Wagner saying "Symphony in D minor, where the trumpet begins the theme?" Wagner scribbled back "Yes! Best wishes! Richard Wagner."
>After this, Wagner often referred to Bruckner as "Bruckner the trumpet" and the two became firm friends. In the dedication, Bruckner referred to Wagner as "the unreachable world-famous noble master of poetry and music".

>> No.23015022

Basodo. Sugar kills you. Water helps you survive. Milk is great if you can digest it. I'll get more books from him soon.

>> No.23015093

The mere existence of Wagner refutes Nietzsche.

>> No.23015874

Wagner seems more fun than Nietzsche. At least some of his operas are enjoyable.

>> No.23015887

It was the only way Plato made it out of the cave.

>> No.23015938

Bugman opinion

>> No.23016788

>it's literally poison
Alcohol has been around since prehistoric times. Wouldn't even be that crazy to say we literally evolved to drink it.

>> No.23016793

Muslims agree

>> No.23016834

When you read into it most of Nietzsche's philosophy is coping and seething over the fact he isn't Wagner.

>> No.23017058

Eternal reminder that Wagner's Ring was the original MCU and he laid the groundwork for populist art.

>> No.23017061

what wagnerfags don't wanna hear is that his legacy is being denounced as an irrelevant anti-semite and also destroying art forever for creating proto-hollywood productions

>> No.23017065

That's the one thing I've noticed with religion and people like Nietzsche- they don't like the idea of drinking, or at least abusing it... I can't get white-boy wasted anymore because I'm too old now.

>> No.23017086 [DELETED] 

Yeah Greek tragedy and Homer, totally not populist....

You people only show how little you know about music, poetry and opera to think Wagner ruined art. The Hollywood bastardisation of the leitmotif is such an insignificant development in art history, it shows that blaming Wagner for ruining art just comes down to cliches.

>> No.23017098

Yeah Greek tragedy and Homer, totally not populist.... You people only show how little you know about music, poetry and opera to think Wagner ruined art. There's nothing to say great art can't also be popular. Shakespeare was popular in his day. The Hollywood bastardisation of the leitmotif is such an insignificant development in art history, that relying on it to blame Wagner for ruining art means there's nothing to actually blame Wagner for. It's just classic anti-Wagnerism.

>> No.23017285
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Spoken like a true virgin.

>> No.23017289

Nietzsche was just the original incel chud who was mad that people were having fun.

>> No.23017290

Shrooms only work for people who can lie to themselves and act like the random shit that passed through their brain while they were high was actually profound and not just their sensory perception taking a shit

>> No.23017305

The scientist who discovered the DNA double helix structure was tripping on acid when he first envisioned it. You're retarded and you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.23017341
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Damn I didn't know this nigga was an incel.. he was no ubermensch eh?

>> No.23017346
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incels are the ubermenschen

>> No.23017351

Retarded druggies will ride the Mullis and crick examples down to the bone while they fry their brains to come up with straight stoner tier wisdom.

>> No.23017354

>mushrooms can't lead to massive advances in knowledge
>oh, you're gonna just bring up the times where they inarguably did? well fuck you, druggie
I accept your full and unconditional surrender.

>> No.23017359

>2 people came up with advances on lsd decades ago
>surely this is statistically sufficient evidence to cite over and over again as i drug myself into a vegetative state so that i can see wiggling colors on my wall

>> No.23017360

You lost. It's over. You're only embarrassing yourself now.

>> No.23017361

>you're wrong cause uh i said so!
damn better go open up some new neural pathways my man

>> No.23017365

You're wrong because I pointed out factual evidence that you are wrong, you fat fucking retard.

>> No.23017371

and i responded to that as the cope it is and then you started chimping out, which i guess makes sense with the stoned ape theory you're proposing

>> No.23017375

>and i responded to that as the cope it is
It's not cope, it's evidence, you fucking moron. Psychedelics open the doors of perception. You wouldn't know, because you won't even open the door to go outside your house. Die a virgin, you immensely retarded faggot.

>> No.23017379

Dude you sound crazy perceptive and open, not at all like a mad little sperg who just got told doing drugs all day isn't gonna make him wise

>> No.23017381

>blah blah blah I'm gay
k keep me posted

>> No.23017384

I bask in your wisdom master, truly I stand before one of the enlightened.

>> No.23017389

You lost this exchange here >>23017305
everything after has just been a series of concessions.

>> No.23017399

Oh great master, fear not, your message has been heeded. I will continue to spread the message of great Crick-san of the year 1953 as a relevant and revealing example to all who question why my master does little more than get high and post on 4chan in his search for greater wisdom and vaster planes of perception.

>> No.23017405

I'm glad you finally understand what a retarded faggot you've been, and I accept your implicit apology. Now go kill yourself.

>> No.23017411

Of course master, of course. And I go willingly, for if the doors of perception first revealed to us by the great Crick-san have shown you this is the way things must be then I am no more able to question it than a fish is able to question the course of the flowing river. Goodbye beloved master!

>> No.23017414

Goodbye, niggerfaggot-san. I'll immediately forget you, like everyone else you've every met, including your own family.

>> No.23017469


Slave drugs: Alcohol, Weed
King drugs: Stimulants, Opiates

>> No.23017621
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He was the original looksmaxxing volcel

>> No.23017761

You got destroyed

>> No.23017777

He cute

>> No.23017834

So...a philosopher?

>> No.23017844

Except he literally promoted the idea of affirming life, laughing and having fun.

>> No.23017987

>live love laugh

>> No.23018109

Except he literally promoted the idea of affirming life, laughing and having fun.

>> No.23018110

retarded longhoused schoolmarms will do anything to stick to CIA propaganda

>> No.23018114


I accept your transition

>> No.23018121

N didn't have syphilis (it was a brain tumor) and never simped.
>b-but Lou Salome!
He proposed to her before even meeting her, proposed 2 more times, then told both her and Paul to fuck off.

>> No.23018136

>and i do declare he never once did simp! he never simped!

>> No.23018141
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/ourlad/ Nietzsche never once brought shame to his family, though he had many detractors who made the attempt.

>> No.23018513

Discounting degenerates who drink liquor straight from the bottle around the clock, alcohol is not particularly bad on an individual level, even if you drink daily. It increases your risk of myriad diseases, but these diseases are still to a much larger extent determined by genetics.

>> No.23018521

All things are fine in moderation. I've smoked crack and didn't go out and rob anyone. It's just that a lot of people can't handle their shit.

>> No.23018527

It just doesn't taste good.

>> No.23018536

This, except for Guinness. That shit is like chocolate milk.

>> No.23018541

You admitted it yourself just now, it [the drug] shows you that the existence of reality is not what you might have imagined previously. That is almost by definition leaving the cave.

>> No.23018644

They’re only king drugs if the user is strong-willed and intelligent.

>> No.23018655

This is true of psychedelics too, though. You get out of them what you put in.

>> No.23019785
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>I don't like it so nobody does!

>> No.23019844

Correct hence why they're called king drugs. Slaves can't handle them lmao.

>> No.23020742

nigga they had to drink it otherwise they were more likely to die from dysentary from pathogen. alcohol served a true purpose before germ theory.
after germ theory... thats another story *clinks glass*

>> No.23020765


>> No.23020780

Based. Drinking is for trannies

>> No.23020897

more like you lack the aristocratic will to control yourself, and if you try a vice, it will inevitably consume you