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23016374 No.23016374 [Reply] [Original]

In a "you get what you fucking deserve" kind of way.

>> No.23016465

Nothing ?

>> No.23016516

Do you have any examples of what you're talking about?

>> No.23016529

1. Anti-nietzsche. The loser has every right to get revenge.
2. Look what I found

"Resentment's Virtue: Jean Améry and the Refusal to Forgive" by Thomas Brudholm - This book engages with the philosophy of Jean Améry and his staunch stance against the concept of forgiveness in the context of Holocaust survival. It's a critical examination of resentment from the perspective of moral and political philosophy.

>> No.23016537

Alternatively this thread's topic can become: do you think there are blind spots when it comes to intellectual matters. Seems like this is one.

>> No.23016719

Literally the Divine Comedy.
Dante portrays himself as gigachad and everyone he dislikes goes to hell to be tortured in vivid detail. It is played 100% straight with absolutely zero introspection on the situation.

>> No.23016735

Nietzsche, in his work "On the Genealogy of Morals," argued that ressentiment arises from a slave morality, where the weak and oppressed develop a sense of hatred and resentment towards the powerful.

According to Nietzsche, ressentiment is bad because it leads to a distortion of values, with the weak condemning the virtues of the strong and promoting their own values based on weakness.

This, in turn, undermines the natural order of power and strength.

>> No.23016738

he's thinking about cutting off his dad's head

>> No.23016746

You haven’t read it. If you did you would know Dante feels a lot of empathy for those in hell, many of which were his friends, and that there are political adversaries of his who are saved in Purgatory (where Dante is said to be going in the poem)

>> No.23016816
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>equating power with virtuousness

>> No.23016888

Ah yes no actual philosopher has addressed the incel problem from a point of support

>> No.23017040

The closest I can think of is The Odyssey.

Anyway, hate is a great thing if done right or if you can do something about it at all.

>> No.23017168

>following society’s standards
Who cares the insane used to be viewed as having mythical powers and messengers from God

>> No.23017548

What if I'm resentful of the powerful who are bringing about the biggest untermensch revolt in history? I feel the same way about today's elites as the Judeans felt about Romans or the Bolsheviks about the Romanovs and I hope for our own French revolution, but is it the same considering the people I resent want the death of everything Nietzsche held dearly?

>> No.23017630

Resentment is a caustic emotion anon. Sure, it might lead one to achieve great things, but it also leads then to reject even greater greatness and goodness if doing so could feed into their resentment cycle.

Resentment is ultimately born of pride, the arrogant and self-destructive sort of pride

>> No.23017668

Resentment is a lingering emotion which has a perceived or experienced injustice as a cause. There are objectively greater states to be in and Justice as a universal is incredibly hard to grasp. Don't craft licenses for victimhood, even if you've faced an actual injustice. Inquiry without preconceived judgment into motives and psychic underpinnings triumphs over ruminations and ones subjective ideas of objective justice.

>> No.23018081

resentment = le bad

Elaborating on the part of Nietzsche writings that are concerned with resentment and hinterwelt, I think several problems arise:

- Characterize resentment as accompanied by the budding of an hinterwelt.

- He says "yes to life" to the exclusion of resentment itself, picturing a coming world of ubermensch who managed to get rid of it. As if rensentment wasn't part of life. As if the ubermensch wasn't necessarily an hintermensch.

- When you read Nietzsche, you can only agree with him, standing by his side while he spit on the world and the untermensch that populate it. As soon as the spittle inevitably reaches you, you take the steps necessary to avoid it by getting closer to Nietzsche, as you are reading it, so as not to stand in the trajectory of his just venom and watch it spit again on your former self from 2 minutes ago. There is something akin the effect a sect guru has on his disciples unfolding here.

- Someone's Nietzsche phase will most likely happen when they are young. You can in fact estimate the age of an anon by correlating it to the extent of their Nietzsche larping. Indeed, you must be one kind of naive green leek to think life is about Will to Power, but as soon as life has made you mature a bit, you'll figure out it's a lot more about unwillingness to powerlessness. There is a backworld lying in that very idea, and it's the contrast it paints on your life as you progress through it that makes you realize the worth of the opposite maxim.

- Slave morality,
>where the weak and oppressed develop a sense of hatred and resentment towards the powerful.
Now imagine you're playing chess against Nietzsche and he wins with a crushing victory.
>judgment into motives and psychic underpinnings triumphs over ruminations
Someone normally constituted and endowed with a sense of pedagogy might explain you why you lose, what were the inflection move, and which move you should have done instead. Because he cares for you and loves you and want to see you progress in your mastery of the game.
But with Nietzsche you'll be met with "you lost because you are weak, and if you seethe, it's because of your slave morality" (which is basically what most posters did in this thread). Now ask yourself, what could be the greatest motivator for someone to unload his colt under the table into Nietzsche belly. The act of losing, or the sanctimonious judgement that comes from the victor's own mouth ?

- What I'm saying is that there is always a tripartite configuration in the act of reading Nietzsche, and it is precisely from the standpoint of the loser (me, the incel) that this can be made apparent. Why do you think he's fooling around with his slave morality lessons. Because there is the young naive anon looking over his shoulder. That's why. It's an act of seduction.

>> No.23018085


- And as Nietzsche is bleeding out, he will complain that killing your opponent isn't part of the rules of chess. "But my fine mooncalf, you weren't just enunciating your morals on top of the rules of chess but on the game of life itself ! And now look at you, you're telling me this is an illegal move: you are *seething* ! Just curl-up like a worm !"

- This is quite apparent in this thread where every analysis of resentment is of the same calibre: only adressed through morality. Pretty funny that Nietzsche was able to analyze almost anything in terms of pseudo evolutionary psychology to the exception of resentment in a fundamental way. Resentment keeps in check those who enunciate morality, because morality is its main motivator. It's never injustice alone that motivates it. Its characterisation as justice is a bigger motivator. And this may be why in the first place it's everywhere from a strictly procedural standpoint.

>> No.23018132

Not *that* kind of power.

>> No.23018185


>> No.23018208


>> No.23018226

Exception in thread "4chan-main" org.ninjaturtles.posting.BadMemeException: "test" detected - insufficient content
at org.ninjaturtles.thread.OriginalPoster.invokeMeme(OriginalPoster.java:69)
at org.ninjaturtles.thread.ReplyHandler.handle(ReplyHandler.java:42)
at org.ninjaturtles.board.BoardManager.postReply(BoardManager.java:1337)
at org.ninjaturtles.board.BoardComponent.lambda$newReply$0(BoardComponent.java:420)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
at org.ninjaturtles.util.AnonThreadFactory$1.run(AnonThreadFactory.java:666)
Caused by: org.ninjaturtles.validation.ContentTooShortException: Content did not meet minimum length requirement.
at org.ninjaturtles.validation.ContentValidator.validate(ContentValidator.java:108)
... 7 more

>> No.23018234

>(me, the incel)

>> No.23018242
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(you) the hyena

>> No.23018247

A little hijack for the benefit of humanity: what's currently the best elib site for free ebooks?

>> No.23018341

Anna's Archive

>> No.23018906

Why do you feel the need to talk about things you clearly have zero idea about? Maybe you should apply some of that introspection you’re talking about into the wikipedia summaries you love reading and the /lit/ posts you love to parrot.

>> No.23018912

you sound like a fag

>> No.23019123

butthurt, friedrich ? Someone raped you, that must be me. But everybody know you're the fag here, you shouldn't have let you get raped in the first place

>> No.23020118

So nobody can counter

>> No.23020140
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>In a "you get what you fucking deserve" kind of way.
What do you mean by that? Most people get what they deserve, but by God's grace you don't have to. Details in the Bible.

>> No.23020151


There is no such thing as "deserving" hell. Only depraved people lacking a moral sense can come up with such a perverse idea.