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File: 998 KB, 914x720, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23008809 No.23008809 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for recommendations.

>> No.23009348
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Walk right into this and you'll find them.

>> No.23009382

Beautiful Fighting Girl

>> No.23009444
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sure just stand still I'll toss this book your way

>> No.23009836

As in books on the lolicon genre, books on the psychology of lolis, or on the psychology of lolicons? Be specific.

AFAIK there isn't much writing about people into lolicon genre outside of Japan, but if you read Foucault's History of Sexuality you could probably extrapolate ideas from it that are relevant. In Japan, lolicon means anyone attracted to minors, not fictional fetish stuff like it means in English. I guess Nabakov's Lolita is the best fictional exploration of infatutation/relationship with minors. It was the origins of the loli genre in the first place.

>> No.23009842
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>> No.23009903

Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation

>> No.23009948
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The better question would be asking for books about pedophilia and sexual disorders.
I might or might have not been part of an online support community.
One of the questions that was asked most frequently was when did the users discover they were pedos. Most replies went "Oh I just knew it." but by connecting their previous posts, you can easily make out a history of sexual disturbances in childhood. We are the most impressionable when toddlers, and things we learn here will distort the way we see reality.

Sexual stimuli in childhood often results in these disorders. Some of them can be physical such as molestation, rape, masturbation, sex, etc. Some can be visual, such as pornography, seeing someone have sex, etc.

Two other things can be mentioned regarding this subject.

One, children are not as innocent as people make them out to be. By the time they're 6 or 7, they have a certain degree of understanding of topics such as nudity or sexuality (usually instilled by the parents) Or they might have underwent a premature sexual awakening because of the aforementioned triggers. By this age, children usually develop crushes on both kids and adults, they begin forming their character, and being rebellious as they are, often toy with things adults forbid them.

Two, pedophilia is a cycle. Victims of molestation or rape will often adopt one of two mindsets; They will do it themselves, or they will let it happen to those around them. Being sexually disturbed in childhood results in a stunted emotional development. The person might feel rage and resentfulness, or they might even feel longing - One thing that many people aren't ready to understand is that not all cases of pedophilia are violent, or even traumatic. Some can even be comforting. I am such an example.

As seen in the Incest Diary, where a woman recounts how her father raped her, we discover that her father was raped too by her grandpa. She then had nightmares or fantasies where she herself raped a child with a penis.

Sexuality in childhood is a fascinating topic. I wish we could separate the scientific study of it from the whole shit-flinging 'discussions' people have.

>> No.23010844

My diary, desu. Unironically.

This nigga gets it, and well said. The way I first discovered, weirdly enough, is by seeing the picture of the girl in Vietnam running from the napalm. Fucked up as that is.

I've actually written a memoir of sorts that isn't fully about the topic, but which contains a section devoted to it, and the chapters leading up to it might also lend a clue at what "caused" it in me. I'm just afraid to fucking publish it.

>> No.23010972

I just like flat-chested girls. Is that so terrible?

>> No.23010975

Depends. How old are they?

>> No.23010978

I made a big mistake in Japan last year.

>> No.23010981

what did you do

>> No.23010988

I can't discuss anything again US law.

>> No.23011004

It's not against U.S. law to greentext fictional events.

>> No.23011009

you could tell us about a fictional book idea for a fictional book of fiction though, from a first person perspective.

>> No.23011035
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>> No.23011206

17 years and 363 days old

>> No.23011414

have you ever read tony duvert? in particular good sex illustrated

>> No.23011440

I have the book, but I haven't gotten to it.
What can I expect?

>> No.23011917
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>> No.23011996


>> No.23012021
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Confessions of a Frigid Man
: A Philosopher’s Journey into the Hidden Layers of Men’s Sexuality by Masahiro Morioka

>A book on men's sexuality, especially men's sexual frigidity, their rejection of their own bodies, and their attraction to young girls in their early teens and school uniforms. This book has provoked a variety of emotional reactions from readers, scholars, and the mass media. One of the most important books in Japanese men's studies.


>> No.23012035

I’d put people like you against the wall, not necessarily because you have deviant desires, but because you try to justify them by depicting innocent children as actually not so innocent and the cop out of abuse just to feel better about your sick attraction and acting on your obviously sick and twisted desires when they only correct answer is to simply feel ashamed of being attracted to kids. And I’d be doing you a favor too.

>> No.23012043

Pedophilia and sex disorders don't necessarily overlap with lolicon. There are people who like loli content or have a fetish for lolis that aren't attracted to kids and there are pedophiles who have zero interest in 2D cutesy Chinese cartoons. Maybe a more useful question is, why do we think this behavior is strange? In the Middle Ages, preists didn't really care about sexual orientation but sin. It doesn't matter if a man lusts after a woman or lusts after a child, both are sins that lead you away from Christ and against Aristotelian virtues of moderation and temperence. But nowadays whenever we see some socially deviant activity, we assume its caused by some psychological problem or biology and has something to do with science. Why?

Dick wants what it wants and dick makes people do stupid dangerous shit that harms others. When dick is hungry, man will search out stuff to satiate his lusts so he created porn to qwell his hungry dick. What more needs explaining?

>> No.23012069


When I was 12 I had a girlfriend. During that time I started to discover sexual feelings, and I was sexually attracted to her. So at the time I was sexually attracted to a 12 year old girl and that has simply never stopped being the case.
For me its strange to imagine not being attracted to young girls because that would require me to lose part of my sexuality that I once had.

It has nothing to do with being molested or weird shit like that.

>> No.23012080

>Dick wants what it wants and dick makes people do stupid dangerous shit that harms others. When dick is hungry, man will search out stuff to satiate his lusts so he created porn to qwell his hungry dick. What more needs explaining?
You have such a way with words, Anon. Truly something which couldn't have been put more eloquently.

>> No.23012170

Ideally? Like 200. Unfortunately lolibabas aren't real so I'll have to settle for flat adults.

>> No.23012193

I'm not justifying anything, anon. I'm only trying to explain it. I only reached these conclusions after introspection, and after seeing my own experiences with a more mature perspective. Feel free to tell us yours.

>I would le kill you
Okay, I'll let you know when I'm free so you can come over and kill me then.

Eh, I don't really buy into the whole "Loli isn't pedo!" narrative, unless the attraction doesn't go beyond stuff like the attires or size difference.

>But nowadays whenever we see some socially deviant activity, we assume its caused by some psychological problem or biology and has something to do with science.

The very fact that we eat, defecate, sneeze, age, and feel fear can be chalked up to physiology, biology, and the like. Our mind can be altered by substances to the point we can't distinguish reality for dream. It's only natural we'd try to explain that which we can't see physically, thus why we search for the soul.

>Dick wants what it wants
Heh, but yeah, that's also why we ask the question 'Why dick wants what it wants'

>that would require me to lose part of my sexuality that I once had.
That's one way to put it. Nice one.

>It has nothing to do with being molested or weird shit like that
You discovered sexuality at 12, and by a very healthy means as well. Molestation, rape, pornography, and all those others things I mentioned are an abrupt rift that opens the gates before they're meant to.

>> No.23012507

Bump for minecraft stories

>> No.23012659

Wow, this is surprisingly reasonable—thanks, Anon. I agree, this is an interesting topic that's difficult to discuss most of the time. I'd write a more thorough reply if it weren't so late; any other thoughts?

>> No.23012710
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>> No.23012735

You're scared of the truth because it contradicts your simplistic moral framework

>> No.23013566

>Eh, I don't really buy into the whole "Loli isn't pedo!" narrative, unless the attraction doesn't go beyond stuff like the attires or size difference.
I mean nta but just taking a quick dive through the mud of the internet, it seems like there is a divide. It doesn't always seem to go both ways, but in general loli fags seem to be kinda grossed out by the prospect of IRL shit while pedo fags seem to go either way.

Which about checks out. Consider the number of women with rape fantasies who don't actually want to be raped. The idea is hot, the play acting and imagery [fake rape porn VS Loli hentai, I suppose] but the actual, factual event is repulsive it seems.

Shit's fucking weird.

>> No.23013597

I'm convinced people are too invested in the innocence of children and this itself is part of the violence that children often experience. Parents think their innocence means they lack a separate identity unto themselves, the international labor market moves refugee children due to governments' insistence that everyone accept children will create crime in their countries. We need the concept of malleable, impressionable babies in order for our society to function as it is... whatever that means.

I'm just guessing really, but I don't really see what the difference between a stupid person and a child would be if you don't add "innocence" into the equation. Without "innocence" there's no object to fetishize, and society can simply have sexual relationships with people of their own age due to normal cycles in life which make relating to someone of a drastically different age simply not make sense (psychologically and out of utility).

>> No.23014154
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I genuinely just think men who profess or imply not being attracted to (post-)pubescent girls are just doing so out of an abstract sense of dutiful morality, like those that'd transfer the age of consent into a sort of moral framework (making it immoral to be attracted to a 16 year old, but, I suppose, only when you live in a state that has the AOC at 18). We've all seen this graph, haven't we? I truly think the only men who deny this are those that are ashamed of it and are not willing to admit it to themselves, largely because they're self-deceiving simpletons who confuse social norms with personal ethics. You ARE attracted to some 14 year olds, it is not REQUIRED that you go and rape them or even act on the attraction in any way -- but trying to argue and bargain away the initial attraction is simple self-deceit, a simple lack of authenticity.

>> No.23014212

that graph is fake and the name LL Oliver being an almost perfect anagram of "Loli Lover" always made me suspect of that study
how do they measure arousal is interesting and funny though

>> No.23014256

idk anon I don’t really have an excuse and all guys like 13 year old girls

>> No.23014337

In this world there are lolis and there are grannies, but there are no lolibabas. It's fucked up, if you ask me.

>> No.23014350

Nobody cares what deviants are convinced of. We don’t ask the insane for political advice and we don’t care what deviants think about sociology.

>> No.23014353

You are justifying it. The reason you depict children as not so innocent and pedophiles as victims of abuse is to shift the blame off of yourself for perverse inclinations that should simply be denigrated and repressed. A child could happily attack an adult and mean to hurt them, but we don’t pretend this matters at all when the adult attacks the child because it’s not innocent. These are sick perversions and what you’re supposed to is feel guilty about them and suppress them, not cope about how actually they’re not innocent and you’re a victim. I’d put people like you against the wall not because you have sick inclinations but because you make excuses for them.

>> No.23014381

What matters more, repressing pedos or protecting kids? Because studies show access to porn reduces rape. Even if you don’t believe that, what is with banning ai child porn, it exists and can only serve to protect children from being in real child porn but it is being suppressed.

>> No.23014392

Okay dude.

Read the Incest Diary some time.

>> No.23014393

Studies don’t show that. Indeed, they can’t show that precisely because the control would be real history and the experimental group would be imagined history that never happened.

This is what I mean. You lie to justify your sick urges. The goal is always to indulge. This is why I would simply remove you by firing squad. Else, you would happily disrupt political-social harmony because you are too selfish not to.

>> No.23014427

the graph is not fake, it's just that somebody photoshopped the wrong study onto it. i remember the original round of clickbait articles about the graph years ago and it was from a study that measured specifically facial attractiveness, ie men were presented with cropped out face pictures with no makeup on and no age indicated and had to answer yes or no to "is she attractive?" it's actually completely unsurprising that men would prefer a 15yo to a 25yo with no makeup lol

>> No.23014432

>he said, projecting weird fantasies of angelic purity onto his daughter that has been orgasming daily since age 5 by humping furniture

>> No.23014452

> he said, right before he was executed for justifying abuse of a child

>> No.23014466

You masturbated to it, didn't you anon.
Which scene was your favourite? The one where her father holds a knife to her, or the one in which she sits in a bathtub of her own blood?

>> No.23014487

>I’d put people like you against the wall not because you have sick inclinations but because you make excuses for them.
you'd put people against the wall because you like the idea of putting people against the wall and for no other reason. you looked around for someone you can "safely" fantasize about murdering while still maintaining the illusion that you're a good person and you found pedophiles. it's pure opportunism that you cover up, ineptly, with false concern.

>> No.23014503

notice how you're the one that thinks a kid humping furniture constitutes a "justification" for raping it, and that the fact kids hump furniture must be kept a secret lest it become "okay" to fuck them. an actual sane person would admit kids do sexual shit and simply not fuck them. why do you need the lie?

>> No.23014507

There's nothing wrong about liking loli. It doesn't harm anyone.

I think that normie haglovers lack the neuronal circuitry to appreciate cute lolis and so are basically cognitively deficient at some level.

And anti-pedo crusaders are retards who wouldn't mind 12 years-old girls getting married if they were in ancient Rome or modern day Yemen but now they go berserk over the mere mention of 'pedophile' because they are niggers whose entire ethical system is made up of buzz-words.

Defending pixels is a ridiculous notion.

>> No.23014534

i don't give a fuck about "studies" but if in the year of our lord 2024 you still haven't noticed that porn reduces interest in real sex you are dumber than a brick. it is 100% socially beneficial for pedophiles to stare at drawings and ai images, it 100% saves real kids from abuse, and the only reason bugmen like you will never accept it is that the desire that drives you isn't helping kids, it's depriving pedophiles. it fills you with incredible rage that some deviant somewhere gets to enjoy his deviancy and you will do anything to take that enjoyment away, even if it puts real kids at risk. you literally ENVY PEDOPHILES you lunatic

>> No.23014675

I'm more acquainted with the darker corners of homos and f*rfags and much of what you said is true and very forward in the discussion and erotica, though perhaps not stated outright or admitted in more public circles. I think the high prevalence of autism spectrum disorders, cPTSD and related complexes, schizoid personality disorder, and other comorbid disorders such as ADHD points to a relationship with multiple types of abuse as well as a fundamental misunderstanding of social mores and ability to process and make sense of lived experiences.

What makes it difficult to dissect is that your average consoomer of weird paraphilic porn or c*b roleplayer is dumb as a box of rocks. It's the content creators that are a little more on the ball and concerned with what attracts people to it, but not by much. Most people just aren't self-reflective enough to know what drives them and how symbiotic and codependent they are with their habits. This also brings up the question of "repressed memories", which is more accurately suppression and a process that easily leads to confabulation and false memories. I'm unconvinced that it is reducible to a singular or repeated instance of sexual abuse, but you mention the complexity of the underlying events and conditions for paraphilias to develop.

There's a lot to unpack here.

>> No.23014707

No, you do. That’s why you brought it up in the first place, as a way of demonstrating a lack of innocence as if to imply a child secretly wants to be abused by an adult. If that wasn’t your goal, you wouldn’t have brought it up. You certainly wouldn’t have brought up in the context that you did.

No, it’s because people are flawed and meeting flaws with violence is unjust but meeting willful evil in the form of indulgence of a flaw is justice exactly. I don’t believe in punishing people who are attracted to children. I believe in punishing people who act on it and try to justify it.

>> No.23014710

What complete drivel.

Psychiatry and psychology are both pseudosciences and your speculations are retarded.

>> No.23014724

> if you haven’t noticed my personal subjective anecdotal experience that I’m merely projecting as a universal on the broader population so I can justify indulgence in my sick perversions then le fuck you
Justify yourself all the way to prison or the grave freak. If in the year of our lord you haven’t accepted that your inclinations are sick and twisted, and asked not to indulge them in any way but to overcome and be forgiven, then you’ll get absolutely no sympathy from me whatsoever. You’re evil because you will evil, and you know you do. That’s why you cope by imagining it’s some how the righteous thing, even when you know in your heart it’s not and almost certainly feel guilty for it.

>> No.23014758

She spoke of the nightmares where she is both victim and abuser, of wanting (but desisting) to rape her little brother, of wanting to make love and to dismember her dad and to spend a copious amount of time masturbating.
If all you got from it was the bleak misery porn, that speaks more about you. I don't want to harm children. They are precious and their joy is the magic of life - I have no right to intrude in it- but go ahead and live believing I want to, I'm sure one day you'll get to play out your murder power fantasy.

>> No.23014773

How does it feel to have an atrophied, underdeveloped brain incapable of higher taste or ethical reasoning above the mental knee-jerk?

>> No.23014804

Autistics have this monomaniacal, kneejerk reaction to it, mindlessly virtue signalling "pemofilia bad" through some kind of compulsion or fixation. Like, no shit. It's bad.

I was talking to a sperg IRL who couldn't get over the fact that Knives being underage signalled, INTENTIONALLY, that Scott Pilgrim was an immature creep. He could not move on from the fact that that's an integral part of the original comic, that everyone in the comic busts his balls for. Instead he just fucking bootlooped repeating that O'malley must be a pedo to someone who clearly didn't care (me) and wasn't going to raise his social credit score for saying "the right thing". I'm starting to become convinced that Freud was right and they're closeted pedos. There's enough evidence to support that trend.

>> No.23015186


>> No.23015543

>I am such an example
You can't just say something like that and not elaborate

>> No.23015573

If it were somehow a lolicon fake they'd be sure to make the pre-pubescent age-range more attractive, because that's what the whole thing is about, isn't it? There's no real debate about post-pubescent girls being attractive, that's more or less my point. You can argue abstractly about the societal consequences of even the morality of acting on it, but the attraction itself is a fait accompli -- not for all girls, because you're not attracted to all 19 year olds, either, but for all heterosexual males it is factually undeniable that there will be 14 year olds you find attractive. I see no possibility of it being otherwise.

>> No.23015600

the GRAPH is fake or maliciously labelled as >>23014427 says

>> No.23015607

You're just a power tripping cringelord getting off on pretending to be an epic space marine executing the degenerates. Yours is the sort of deviance that actually ends up getting people killed. Yours is the sort of deviance that inspires school shooters. Go roleplay about being a righteous crusader punishing the wicked elsewhere, I bet you're a tradcath lmao

>> No.23015726

Guys... Books? Any?

>> No.23015864

Freud's essays about the sexual theory
The Incest Diary
The confessions of Victor X.

>> No.23016088

Lolita in a Lion's Den was a recent and pretty good perspective from a pedo himself. Also surprisingly heart-warming.

>> No.23016129

There's a few genetic disorders you might like
Freud on Jensen's Gradiva, or Beauvoir on Bardot

>> No.23016379

I wish I was a school shooter. Not to say that school shooting is based or cringe, I am not talking about it politically like that, but women love school shooters and I am never going to be loved otherwise. You can get rich but thats not genuine desire, fact of the matter is being a famous killer is actually the only way for someone not genetically blessed with the immutable traits women love to be desired even if from afar in the form of letters. I am too old now but if I could go back in time knowing what I know now I would shoot up my school, nothing personal towards anybody there.

>> No.23016931

Your post makes no sense. Ugly men have sex all the time. Tiny penised Indian manlets are some of the most fertile people in the world.

>> No.23017237

The problem with kiddie porn is that all porn is addictive, and that means that all porn is a slippery slope towards greater extremes. For every pedophile who becomes pacified by AI child porn, how many non-pedophiles are gonna find themselves wired to child porn because grown up porn doesn't hit their dopamine receptors the same anymore.

>> No.23017241


>> No.23017242

Y'all really just put "book recommendations" infront of anything just so you can say retarded shit without getting taken down

>> No.23017243

>all porn is addictive
citation required

>> No.23017505

sex =/= love

>> No.23017667

Yeah, that's case in point, weirdo retard. Don't you feel even the least bit hypocritical about excoriating people who like 14 year olds now?

>> No.23017793

Who cares, 50 years we will have android little girls and real females will be going exinct

>> No.23017917

50 years from now?

Wouldn't you be impotent by then?

>> No.23017954
File: 188 KB, 588x789, IMG_6542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crime and Punishment, Svidrigalov. Most of this thread does not understand what it is to be a man. A real Abrahamic man unrestrained from everything, right on the verge of Aryan sexual mastery and becoming a true Aryan sex master. That’s what all spirituality and psychic content leads to. And Svidrigalov will tell you everything about the spirituality of becoming an Aryan sex master, the highest tier and final obstacle. What does it take, what is waiting you for there? Ice cold. The moon represents the purity that exists beyond it. There’s an old myth about some old mountains in Greece that tried to go past the moon by piercing through it. The god of the moon, Menarchus, reacts by sending a thick red mucus down from the center of the moon onto the mountains and it dissolves them into hills. Kanon, the visual novel, Ayu’s route, is the best mystical examination of this play. You’ll see the pure white snow that represents the unity that exists beyond the moon (Ayu’s last name means ‘moon temple’), then you’ll see red, the fall. Then you will be in ice cold darkness, below the moon. What will you decide then? Aryan sex mastery? Or bearing the full weight of reality and giving potential to quality through remembering the fall, bathed in red. The fall bathed in red, white purity above us, ice cold darkness around us, and Sarcotheus flying high in the sky, devouring men. You wouldn’t get it

>> No.23017959

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.23017980
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>> No.23018052

You have it wrong, I was a materialist/scientist until I read Kanon recently and it lead me down this whole thing of trying to get into obscure Greek mysticism. I got the Menarchus myth from Palingenius Stellatus. I was a big materialist but now I’m getting more into sex metaphysics and using this stuff to get a rhetorical foothold. Svidrigalov’s character gave me the realization that this is the highest and most foundational limits of philosophy, which is why I’m a Kantian because of Kant’s focus on morality and his mystical quotes about walking to the moon. I can’t get into your whole psychologisms or spiritualisms because in my view ‘man’, or whatever is sufficiently male, has complete power and influence over women and children almost like a hypnotist master, and your psychologisms don’t really come from that place that creates actual reality and quality where that type of moral reality grounds everything. That’s why I said your psychologismus is causing you to not be male. I feel like it’s better for me than looking at things through standard psychology/sociology/or continental ‘pagan’ myth because I just don’t understand what grounds it. There’s a lot more Greek obscuritism that’s more interesting and I’m trying to get into and tying it in with Abrahamic metaphysics just makes it more pessimistic and intense. That’s why I’m a Christian.

>> No.23018319
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Reasonable take that is hard to say as the topic itself is taboo as fuck. I feel like the connection between said childhood experiences and adult tendencies is clear as day. It also just seems logical.

I personally never had an experience like that but interestingly enough my ex did. As well as the ex of a friend. Both cases were of varying degrees but a common theme could be found. That being the occurrence of a high amount of sexual tendencies. Both seemed to embrace sexuality and have some type of sexual disorder. Now that I reflect on it, it seems to be clear actually in a way. Attachment issues, self-destructive behavior, neuroticism, and a large amount of lust.

I am not the smartest in terms of psych shit but some correlation is for sure present.

>> No.23018327

To add onto this, both did in fact handle it differently. The more severe case of the ex of a friend was extremely toxic. Like to a degree that it was a constant wonder why my friend stayed with her.

>> No.23018333

Based. Some people just need killin, too much nonsense masquerading as intellectualism. To be overly sexualized is already a nihilistic decadence, to be over sexualized to children is even worse and you truly are one of the botched that needs to be taken out. It's that simple.

>> No.23018407

You sound like a low-IQ prison inmate.

>girl is 17 years and 11 months old
>girl turns 18
all good now. she can consent to marry a nigger and spawn tons of mullato mutts.

Attraction to younger females is normal and healthy in males. If you can't understand that and just get worked up over buzz-words you are the botched one.

>> No.23018422

>girl turns 18
>all good now
Except now you're a "pedo" if you're two years older than any sub-40 girl.

>> No.23018424

I have no murder fantasy to speak of. Of course there is much more to The Incest Diary. Don't project.
I still know that you masturbated to it. Tell me if I'm wrong.

>> No.23018438

Doesn't apply to shitskins though. They are allowed to gang-rape 12 years olds with little or no repercussions. In fact they are defended by feminists and other mutants when they do.

>> No.23018460

My post applies to you just as it does to the school shooter-aspirant you're quoting.

>> No.23018514

>Don't project.
>I KNOW you masturbated to it
You're not the sharpest tool of the shed, are you?

>> No.23018559

>Dick wants what it wants and dick makes people do stupid dangerous shit that harms others. When dick is hungry, man will search out stuff to satiate his lusts so he created porn to qwell his hungry dick. What more needs explaining?
most beautiful thing i've read on this site and it's in a lolicon thread

>> No.23018894

Freud was right about child sexuality but I think most people can and should be encouraged to grow out of it, assuming they aren't abused. Liberation was a mistake, though. We still can't talk about solutions so it'll probably take an extreme measure to shove everything back into the box, so to speak.

>> No.23019538

I don't get it, I was attracted to girls my age growing up, and never lost that attraction. Do fags really deny themselves to appease roasties?

>> No.23019571


>> No.23019590

Feminism is pretty much why we can’t have nice things. The world was a better place when women feared men.

>> No.23019711

Anti-pedo crusaders are NPCs.

>> No.23019805

Porn absolutely decreases real life sexual desire overall, but it can certainly manifest itself into reality. Just take a look at all the trap porn that keeps getting made. People didn’t all decide in a void to dress up like girls all at once, they were spurred on by porn.

There’s a sort of curve that you can draw when it comes to porn and engaging in real life behaviors. There’s the curiosity phase on one end, and on the other end is depleted interest, when you’ve cum so many times you’ve become bored. In the middle lies a sweet spot where you’re willing to take the step to engage your fetish because you’re not paralyzed by confusion and curiosity, nor are you totally bored with it.

I think it’s extremely reasonable to say that while many people who look at CP will never harm children, there will be those who consume enough of it that they become willing to try it out. I think a lot of this willingness comes from a declining amount of perceived harm, as the user has experimented enough times to feel safe, he doesn't realize that he’s become more comfortable with the behavior than his intended target could be, having no experience at all. This leads to a disparity of comfort between the person and the child, and serious traumas arise.

>> No.23019881

What you said apply just as well to violent video games. Some retards might be spurred to go on a killing spree because of them but their number is very small so we don't ban such games. We don't bash males for having violent instincts and enjoying those games either because the vast majority aren't stupid enough to act on them and then end up in jail. They also realize it wouldn't be right so they don't do it.

The same holds for loli. Those instinct exists and make sense evolutionarily but lolicons realize that gangbanging a 10 year old is wrong and would cause them trouble so they don't actually do it. Loli mangas and such are an easy outlet for such tendencies and the girls look better than actual girls anyway so I'd be irrational for them to go out and rape kids. Sure some retards might actually do it but it's not like pedos couldn't have realized their attractions to children otherwise. So it's safer to give them a harmless outlet.

>> No.23019908

I wouldn't say porn is at fault here, though I agree with the point you made regarding CP, and even then its for a different reason.

Some people watch it for the thrill. Porn addiction can get so bad that they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel of the ass-end of pornhub knockoffs to try and get their rocks off. Once normal porn does nothing to them, they reach for extremes.

You have people that might not even be pedophiles, but rather addicted to the rush taboo gives them.

Now that you mention it, the extreme branches of porn where everything is caricaturized to hell (I.E, captions) probably speaks to some repressed desire as well.

>> No.23019920


This is not the place to ask.

>> No.23019950

>People didn’t all decide in a void to dress up like girls all at once, they were spurred on by porn.
Uhmmm anon... I'm going to ask you to read the greeks.

>> No.23020196

It is

>> No.23020236


>> No.23020469

Don't expect an answer.

They are just parrots repeating their knee-jerk programming.

>> No.23020662


curious for more anti-pedo hysterics

>> No.23020681

Very important post for me. You made me remember some life experiences I forgot had.
I'm not insane about my degenerate or lolicon tendencies, I even have found to enjoy them, never making an effort to really repress these. I naturally always thought it was normal. As one always hear that "sexual deviancy is caused by physical child abuse", I never made sense of that and applied it to mine, but your wording of
>Some can be visual.
This wording somehow unlocked a memory from when I was about 5 or 6, when I, using the household PC ended up finding and watching a porn video online, but I don't remember searching for it. I barely used computers at all. I didn't feel aroused by it, but it stroke me as a really weird experience. I also remember that I left the website open like that which made my parents wonder what happened, next day I was able to overhear a conversation between the 2 who sounded really troubled as to why would their children ever end up watching porn.

>> No.23020682
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The one I'm writing.

>> No.23020699
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Can you pedos publish some books about how wanting to fuck kids is a sexual orientation just like being a homosexual and the letter P should be added to LGBT? It would be funny. Thanks.

>> No.23020706
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Give it time, bro. They're already arguing that children should be allowed to consent to chemical castration, won't be long now.

>> No.23020733

Fuck that. 'Sexual Orientation' is subversive bullshit.

I'm a full-blooded man of culture and taste who likes cute drawn girls.

Retard. The tranny shit is already much worse and more destructive.

So is the psychiatric drugging of kids. But you niggers don't mention that. Because you care more about virtue-signaling than protecting children.

>> No.23020924

have a bump

>> No.23020978

This post is bullshit but it's actually fun. I miss when this site wasn't habitated by literal inaka bumpkins who not only don't try to learn how to have fun but also only have the ability to virtue signal and hyperventilate whenever they see some new shits that they have never seen before (as if that's not the very point of 4chan). And as they say in my country, "Those always talk morals live terrible".

>> No.23021132

The only book i now is The moe manifesto?
So perhaps that one.

>> No.23021410

OP here. I was actually looking for literature on this usbject.

>> No.23021533

>making a toddler's assholes gape like goatse is less destructive than letting kids crossdress and change their pronouns

take your meds

>> No.23021574

>Can you pedos publish some books about how wanting to fuck kids is a sexual orientation just like being a homosexual
that's a fine point you bring up there... historically (and also today) the biggest groups that militate for restricting access to fertile, healthy, and attractive young ladies are
1. envious old hags (women over 25) who view them as competition
2. homosexuals (males) who view children as resources to be exploited and abused
it's enough to see the attitude children (especially their own!) of filthy street shitters: a subcontinent steeped in homosexuality for millennia

>> No.23021675

what a rotten brain you have

kys trannnigger

>> No.23022194


>> No.23022214

I’m extremely honest and independent in my thoughts. I also happen to be attracted to post-pubescent girls (if they’re relatively attractive of course). I think there’s a correlation here. Men who are oversocialized and too worried about their reputation will deny all feelings to girls who might trigger him to think himself as a… *gasp*.. a PEDO! Then there are men who are legitimately just desperate and will try to fuck anything so they go after young girls, though they might pretend to not like them and maybe wouldn’t even be conscious of this if they had a girlfriend their age. Personally I don’t see myself ever losing attraction to a girl who is clearly pretty and able to conceive children. I think it’s our biological imperative men to want to go after these girls before they are taken by another man, but in modern society this must be repressed.

>> No.23022563
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>in modern society
probably has more to do with overcrowding and stuff than modernity... modernity which, in case there were only between 300.000.000 and 500.000.000 humans worldwide, would only "take up" two or three mid-to-large sized (300.000 to 1.000.000 souls) cities and everybody would be okay with it... and if not, he can go and rescue cunny WITH HIS OWN RESOURCES, NOT STOLEN TAXPAYERS MONEY
that's the diversity mankind should be looking for

>> No.23022763

When have homos ever tried to restrict access to kids? They're statistically more likely than average of being kid diddlers themselves.

>> No.23022794

>When have homos ever tried to restrict access to kids?
because they don't want you diddling their livestock
>They're statistically more likely than average of being kid diddlers themselves.
yes, that's the point
child protective services are probably the organization most heavily infiltrated by child abusers and human traffickers

>> No.23022828

Homos tend to push for retvrn to traditivn because of the high trust, lack of oversight, and ease of access. Things like boarding schools and church activities are a breeding ground for homosocial, "homonormative" behavior to develop, which makes grooming and shaming into silence easier.

>> No.23022935

>Homos tend to push for retvrn to traditivn because of the high trust, lack of oversight, and ease of access.
rings true to me as the overwhelming majority of publicly avowed "right wingers" and "traditionalists" (the kind that use symbols and slogans etc) that I've seen in real life were either gypsies or faggots... if not straight up communists and/or criminals using it for deniability and/or cover
>Things like boarding schools and church activities are a breeding ground for homosocial, "homonormative" behavior to develop, which makes grooming and shaming into silence easier.
would probably add "mandatory public education" (or even "public education" in general) to that mix

>> No.23023635

>would probably add "mandatory public education" (or even "public education" in general) to that mix
The less public oversight and pearl clutching close to home, the better, so they say. You want that absolute faith that the godless, brown heathens outside the walls are the sole problem and everything within is all well and good if you're going to diddle some kiddles or partake in outright pedagogical pederasty sanctioned by the organization. You don't get that in public school and CPS is too underfunded and shit of a job to be infiltrated. I mean it is infiltrated, but not with professional molesters.

>> No.23023700

you are saying that like
1. people didn't send their kids to "school" before the 18th century... sure the teachers were either from the church, the court, the guilds, or independent private tutors, but that's till several degrees beyond politically aligned atheists
2. brainwashing is not possible while the kid goes to school and is mistreated there both by colleagues and teachers; if schooled at home (which is not what I'm saying, although a valid option) a child would at least have the option to make up his/her mind about their parents' scare stories... at least compared to the situation where they are exposed to brown and black stinkers every day, 8 hours, for 12 years (and that's not even mentioning white psychopaths e.g. communists)

>CPS is too underfunded and shit of a job to be infiltrated. I mean it is infiltrated, but not with professional molesters.
do you think a "professional molester" goes there to earn money?
I'd say he goes there to "invest" money..

>> No.23023763

>do you think a "professional molester" goes there to earn money?
They go to private schools or abroad, the smart ones. The pay is better and the opportunities for whatever they do is orders of magnitude more common. The pay is still shit but being a well respected coach or janitor with shower access is paradise in itself compared to Health and Human Services bugmen that have a fatty liver before they turn 30.

My only counter to the rest is that whatever finnoscandia was doing back when csam was legal, it doesn't seem to be the case from people I have talked to today and that place is utterly godless and secular public service as all fuck. latamfags report more causal factors. Whether you trust anecdotal reports and general views of this topic from members of obscure f*rry fetish communities, reminiscences of chatter on the deep web, and my own synthesis of trends in content of written erotica and higher level visual art; that's up to you. I could see a negro getting a CPS job but his more socialized peers have better outlets with lower incidences of being caught because there is zero oversight. CPS is the worst option, being a member of the community pays better and is less work. Goddamn the things gay black friends have told me.

>> No.23023922

>child protective services are probably the organization most heavily infiltrated by child abusers
This is correct.
On my teens I was on group therapy and I met a girl who got raped by someone in CPS. Basically they took her away from her mother when she was a toddler, the dude immediately forced her.
When she tried telling, they told her they would do something about it. Never happened. Had to live with the guy for a couple of years.

>> No.23023928

you are either too stupid to have a conversation with or a bona fide autist obsessed with diddling kiddies
and it's called fennoscandia, not finnoscandia

>> No.23024620

loli bump

>> No.23025268


>> No.23025420

Kincaid, Child-Loving, Routledge 1994

>> No.23026145

There's that book by that french pedo who said childreb want to get abducted
Going together or something.

>> No.23026834
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>former President François Mitterrand, who once described him as a “mix of Dorian Gray and Dracula.”
reminds me a bit of Klossowski's "Living Currency" although that's not fiction and doesn't concern itself too much with stuff mentioned in this thread

>> No.23027136

I think fictional loli is fine and being able to marry 15 years old girls with parental consent would be wholesome. But the child exploitation/trafficking stuff a la Epstein is disgusting and those involved in it are subhumans.


>> No.23027304


>> No.23027557

There is a book that touches on this subject written by a psychologist, but of course it was panned for being controversial.

It’s called “The trauma myth”, and she theorized that we teach child victims to be traumatized, when if counselors and parents took a different approach, we could spare a lot of kids a lot of problems.

The evidence she uses is that when professionals interview kids right after rape/molestation they don’t actually show signs of what psychologists call “trauma”. Rather it’s more like shame and embarrassment or humiliation or just plain confusion. I.E. they are too young to really understand what just happened.

>> No.23027676
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well terminology like "csam" (like an anon mentioned above) which implies that ANY picture taken of a loli is "child abuse"... that's a step towards banning fictional loli too
even if 95% of loli pictures are the result of child abuse, it's a very lazy way to go about it
this is underlined by other cases:
1/ the "moral rectitude" of the book author (Matzneff) was brought into in question even though legally it's quite impossible to convict somebody based on works of fiction (at least it was before the iPhone...); this reeks of the cases where women wake up 20 30 40 years after the fact "hey I was raped by XYZ, let me sue him for a billion dollars!" and judges start from the assumption that "hm hm yes that is true"
2/ the case against Charlie Manson: the man was convicted, with a life sentence, based on fake charges... if I say "I'd like to eat something" and a kid says "I'll go to the store!" and I say "do whatever you want kid" and the kid sets fire to the store and kills 10 people, do I seriously need to go to jail for his crimes?
they were too incompetent to jail him a real charge, and too cowardly to take a stand and face him head-on... so they decided to sacrifice the entire judiciary system for it
what a world (you) live in, anon

>> No.23027710

>But the psychological damage begins when they realize that their trust and innocence had been betrayed. It is this feeling of participation from the victim that causes the greatest distress later in life.
reminds me of that joke: if you don't pay a prostitute, is it rape or theft?
except here it's about inflation

>> No.23027729

Personally, the only story ITT that I can relate to is that of: >>23012069. I always thought that human sexuality was in a precarious position, in that a superficial component plays a large role, yet starts so early in one's life and between immature peers. We're collectively "trusting the process", that people's preferences will evolve as they grow older, if we hope that no paraphilias end up emerging.

As for me, I personally don't get it in an IRL context. Love and lust are tied together for me. If a connection is likely to be superficial and fleeting, then I don't care for it. I don't want to deal with the risks of having sex with a boring person, a cruel person, an unstable person, etc. And all of those factors are higher when the woman is younger. Likewise, if they're not independent, then they're also not likely to be LTR candidates, so that's also a no-no. What am I going to do if I use them as a cocksleeve? Just dispose of them? They're people too.

In other words, if somebody tells me "how the hell can you not be attracted to a perfectly "grown" 16 year old with huge tits?", I tell them "I imagine how gut-wrenchingly stupid they sound as soon as they open their mouths, and all attraction disappears." The person as a whole and the possibility of long-lasting love is baked into my attraction of them. I feel like people who don't take this into consideration are developmentally impaired in some way, as if they cannot imagine consequences, hypotheticals, laws of reality, etc., when they make decisions.

>> No.23028377

>The person as a whole and the possibility of long-lasting love is baked into my attraction of them. I feel like people who don't take this into consideration are developmentally impaired in some way, as if they cannot imagine consequences, hypotheticals, laws of reality, etc., when they make decisions.
Aesthetic appreciation and rationality are completely different mental processes, anon. If someone subordinates the first to the second, it's difficult not to come to the conclusion that their taste lacks substance and clear-sighed freshness (or that their imagination is limited). An utilitarian approach to deciding whether you find a girl physically attractive or not is just strange and absurd. Sure you need to use reason to figure out if you want to actually start a long term relationship, but not to make an aesthetic judgement.

But suit yourself.

>> No.23028397

>The way I first discovered, weirdly enough, is by seeing the picture of the girl in Vietnam running from the napalm

>> No.23028442
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Lolicon culture != pedophilia.
Cute, not pedo.

>> No.23028519

>Aesthetic appreciation and rationality are completely different mental processes, anon.
No, they're not. There's more to aesthetics than just the looks. There's also how the person talks, how they act, how they carry themselves, what they're into, etc. I'm merely using my rationality to remind myself of the whole picture. Which really just seems to be awareness of time and the fact that there's more to a person than meets the eye. There's nothing utilitarian about it. It's like saying that remembering that you'll burn yourself on an open flame is a utilitarian judgment about the (un)attractiveness of fire.

>> No.23028618

Seems to me like you lack imagination.

Sure, actual underage girls are vapid and vulgar but so what? Is it not possible to imagine them otherwise? Do younger girls characters not have more potential for attractiveness both physically and personality-wise (innocence, etc.) than hags?

Maybe you are just slavishly bound to your past experience.

>> No.23028671

>Is it not possible to imagine them otherwise?
90% of well-adjusted people quit burning their hands before they find that one awesome flame
>its either le innocence or le hags
False dichotomy.

>> No.23028683

"sexual orientation" is a made up term for "sexual deviancy", only created because "deviancy" sounds bad.

>> No.23028762

You're missing the point.

I'm talking about fictional characters. Lolis and such. You are saying that you don't find underage girls attractive because they are vapid and you think those that do are just 'developmentally impaired'. I'm saying it doesn't matter what actual girls are like because you can use your imagination and their potential attractiveness is higher.

>> No.23028798

shoot yourself

>> No.23028833

Some of the best stuff I have found has come from wordpress blogs that google filters out. Like actual research on different subjects.

>> No.23028834

Powerpuff femboys

>> No.23028844

NTA but I'd argue that the culture of loli and related material (anime, etc.) is in fact the highest culture produced by mankind.

You are just an uncouth philistine who can't appreciate the finer things in life.

>> No.23028867

t. bugman

>> No.23028903

Nope. Just a man of culture and fine taste.

You, on the other hand, are an NPC.

>> No.23028906

Lolita fashions have the same problem. In Japan it started as women desexualizing themselves by dressing very young and cute, while also being highly formal and polite, and usually only on their day off. It's origins are more of a reaction to workplace harassment and social sexualisation, designed to make men not want to pay any sexual attention to them.
In the west however, Courtney Love dressing in kinderwhore style makes childhood both more sexualized and more purposefully self sexualized, so when Lolita fashion start showing up in the west there is already a social idea that it's based in a childish self sexualization rather than an adult desexualizing.
Because the west has fewer and less pronounced ways of differentiating age and status, it's harder to discern simple politeness from flirting, and a variety of other social barriers of age and respect aren't communicated in the west as frequently. The amount of social coldness you need to show in the west for the same desexualizing effect is consequently much greater and less tolerated.

>> No.23028940

t. Epstein
>The west
German women perform this social coldness you mention to an actual science. You can't just say THE WEST you'd never call Japan just the east you fucking weeb

>> No.23028965

I called Epstein a subhuman in this very thread, anon.

Get fucked.

>> No.23028969
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You first. You're an ape: you destroy everything beyond your comprehension or control.

>> No.23029207

>German women perform this social coldness you mention to an actual science
Tbph if you couldn't get a cold German woman to fuck or talk about sex, you haven't been to Berlin

>> No.23029406


>> No.23029497

Well if you're talking about fictional characters, then you would be right. Anything goes. I'd still put a healthy bit of suspicion though.

>> No.23029850

Not him but the thread is about fictional porn. It's more
>Books why you would marry your AI gf instead of 3DPD
>Books why I have to announce my presence to local authorities and got banned from being on school grounds

>> No.23029922
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it's enough if she has the "skill" not to kill off an erection... that's the whole point the "rational part"... this tactical nuke should be enough to annihilate any opposition coming from hags and communists whose sole objective is to make females as disgusting & repulsive as possible
the rest are just details: irreproachable genetics, exquisite education, willing investment of energy into your relationship with her
you don't need imagination: she should be imagination (just like you don't start a company in order to work for it... but for it to work for you)


>> No.23029978
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>You first.
only if I can do it with that loli you posted

>> No.23031076


>> No.23031248

this here is a fine thread

>> No.23031488

Child sexuality research wordpress for the clearnet.
The rest is in 'X lover' forums that can't be found with regular search engines.

>> No.23031951


>> No.23031972
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oh, that can nice if it's about the subject of the matter and not the "pursuer"... which is why I consider Nabokov's Lolita a shitty book: who the heck cares about Humbert Humbert?!

>> No.23032121

This thread is about fictional loli.

Stop posting tasteless 3dpd garbage.

>> No.23032132
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Monogatari is foundational work of lolicon genre

>> No.23032152
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donbe rayciss

>> No.23032183

That's by René Schérer btw, who died last year at age 100. (Not Matzneff) Though his view was a bit more nuanced than say a Duvert.

>> No.23032236

I get people find this stuff disgusting but we seriously need to talk about it. I found out my "Lesbian" Friend of many years was only Bi because she was abused as a child.
If we shy away from this, we are only allowing evil to fester not cracking down on the abuse that causes this

>> No.23032328
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a lot of girls say they were abused in their childhood but the definition of the words they use only has relation to what they hold in their head... this is why they were forbidden to appear as witness in the court of law until the modern era
not that it doesn't happen, just that they use it to justify their behavior (much like others justify looting as "reparations")
tl;dr it's like a man lying about their job or income... except much worse, as it trivializes important things and unbalances social affairs

>> No.23032390

>the definition of the words they use only has relation to what they hold in their head

What does that even mean? It sounds like you're trying to justify raping little girls until they develop a fear of penises and become lesbians.

>> No.23032495


Parents often think that because they feed and clothe their kids, they've completed all their duties as a parent, neglecting playing with them and giving them the emotional nurturing they need. If the child can't get the attention from his parents, he will look for ways to get it, and in some cases, other people.

The reason why grooming is so prevalent in today's society and every other week you see some twitter user get put behind bars, is because the internet gives access to outlets for all kinds of issues, but not good ones. A kid might google 'cool sonic pics' and wind up finding amy rose hentai, or they might run into a groomer.

Now, this is a personal anecdote, so you can take it with a grain of salt. I'll just say that events of sexual abuse run deep in my family.

I have a cousin who's significantly younger than me. Her family was always dysfunctional. She had a crush on me and always tried to get my attention. On one instance, she came to my room and asked me to brush her hair. Then she'd walk out, frizzle it, and come back in. She was touch-starved and her parents didn't provide.

Years later, during a family get-together, she and one of my nieces were left alone to play while the adults had a barbecue. On one instance I remember very clearly, they were playing catch, my niece threw herself on the floor, and my cousin was trying to pull her pants down. My mother saw, and all she said was 'Oh, pull your pants up, you're almost naked!'

Years later, when my cousin was 11, I heard her step-mother say she wasn't allowed to have a phone anymore because they caught her sending messages to a friend. Messages where she sent her pictures in her underwear, her school uniform, etc.

And in no moment, did her parents ask themselves 'Oh shit, did we fuck up? Is that why our daughter feels comfortable sending pics to strangers on the internet?'

Parents are great at washing their hands. Everything's the child's fault when they don't want to be held responsible. Things they never teach them are things 'they *should* know'. Children who come from these backgrounds often have trouble talking about these issues because they fear their parent's punishment. Who gives them the comfort to express these emotions that will get them a slap in their behind? Randoms on the internet.

>> No.23032497

based quote albeit poorly translated

>> No.23032511

The psychiatric drugging of children also has a lot to do with poor parenting.

Parents try to push the responsibility for their own mistakes on the child by numbing his mind with drugs. And then of course the money-grabbing shrinks try to cover up for the parents by babbling nonsense about 'chemical imbalances' and 'genetic predispositions' or whatever.

>> No.23032581
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>become lesbians
there is no such thing
women become whatever they are told
the problem is the proliferation (and financing) of mentally damaged disgusting hags who brainwash little girls into repeatedly doing things contrary to their nature
we can also look at communism: in communism all sex is rape, but the victim is determined by the party more useful to the "communist cause"
the two things may not seem equivalent, but they are: it's a purely economical issue, struggle over natural resources... and hags and faggots are destroying the rain-forest, polluting the oceans, and shitting up the air

>> No.23032599

>Oh shit, did we fuck up? Is that why our daughter feels comfortable sending pics to strangers on the internet?
I don't get it, are you saying they fucked up because they didn't brainwash her into hating herself and her body?

>> No.23033114

>And in no moment, did her parents ask themselves 'Oh shit, did we fuck up? Is that why our daughter feels comfortable sending pics to strangers on the internet?'
I mean, at that point, what can you really do? It's a long road to recovery from that point.

>> No.23033149

It is really not lol. Lolicon bloomed in the 80s.

>> No.23033173
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I hope you are aware that you have either autism, schizophrenia or some other disorder that prevents you from empathizing with others and if you don't keep your mental health in check you are going to do something that will land you in jail one day. Your entire paragraph reads like you're trying to convince yourself that the objects of your attraction want you against all evidence to the contrary. Take your meds, unironically.

>> No.23033200
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>take meds
just a reminder that paladin lolis will carry you off to the hagulag (hag-gulag)

>> No.23033234

>It's a long road to recovery from that point.
precisely, but instead they just let the problem grow. Surely taking away that DAMN PHONE will fix the problem, there are no underlying issues which we are responsible to fix.

>> No.23033242

>hagulag (hag-gulag)
you mean a psychiatric ward?

>> No.23033284

if you are one of the persons I've replied to, I'm afraid it's too late for that
the existence of "smartphones" is the problem really
even if they take away her phone, all her "girlfriends" and "schoolmates" still have them

>> No.23033310

>if you are one of the persons I've replied to

But a psych ward is basically a gulag and tends to be run by hags so there's that.

>> No.23033381
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this is a gulag for hags as not to contaminate people who did only material or political crimes
it kind of pains me to use the word "hag" as it obviously has positive connotations which are in this way lost... but can't really use "faggot" as it would be too confusing...
>The word faggot has been used in English since the late 16th century as an abusive term for women, particularly old women, and reference to homosexuality may derive from this
maybe "faghag" would be the right word? or "hagfag"? any opinions?

>a psych ward is basically a gulag
technically no, people in psych wards still have a real shot at life
don't believe "mental illness does not exist" type communist propaganda which was made to destabilize the Western World by closing down mental asylums (arguably the most humane way to treat the mentally ill... just look at cities like LA today whose streets are full of mentally ill people) and under-financing mental wards