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23001326 No.23001326[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is leftism such a dominant force?

>> No.23001331

Faggots need niggers to do their dirty work and women are schmucks along for the ride

>> No.23001335

My theory is that slavery or serfdom was such a widespread practice that nowadays you mostly have slave genes left.
Essentially, leftism is slaves asking to be chained.

>> No.23001337

Because its unapologetic hedonism, without religion (or any other value system) to reign it in.

>> No.23001340

jews, literally jews

>> No.23001343

Its just the current ideology the merchants are using to mobilize the peasants, before it was nationalism, before that, God, and so on...

>> No.23001368

but nationalism is a good thing and makes sense
"le jews" doesn't explain why people buy into it.

>> No.23001372

cthulhu may swim slowly, but he always swims left.
the peasantry hates this nonsense thoughever, military recruitment is at an alltime low. it's just bourgeoisie retards high on their own farts.

>> No.23001380

>dominant force

>nazi germany defeated
>soviet union collapses
>china less communist by the day and going towards stagnation
>cuba is irrelevant
>meanwhile capitalist america is still number 1
Looks like it's not dominant at all

>> No.23001394

>the peasantry hates this nonsense thoughever
You say that, but it's the only force today able to get millions of young people into the streets in any country in the world whenever the merchant class wants, and every single one of them will accept conscription

>> No.23001398

Slave morality.

>> No.23001401

>it's the only force today able to get millions of young people into the streets
They do that because their friends are doing it and they want something to do
If you really want to quantify how much young people care, look at their voting turnout.

>> No.23001408

>because their friends are doing it

>> No.23001413

umm.. maybe because women, femmes, trans people, people of color, indigenous ppl, migrants, atheists, lgbtq2i+ bodies, the working class, and disabled folx are tired of the systemic systems of institutionalized institutions institutionally instituting institutionalism maintained by the cishetero-patriarchal white supremacist ageist christo-fascist imperialist capitalist homophobic gerontocracy that's oppressing them, sweetie. Read a book.

>> No.23001416

The power of middle-class neurosis is untrammeled by the hardships of earning a wage.

>> No.23001419

If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.

>> No.23001420

only because censorship makes it seem like the only radical opinion. why would they accept conscription if they find the state immoral? i know 2020 showed they weren't true anarchists but no way middle class larpers willingly are gonna throw their lives away to defend this abominable bastard child.

>> No.23001422
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>backseat modding

>> No.23001424

It isn't.

>> No.23001429

>i know 2020 showed they weren't true anarchists but no way middle class larpers willingly are gonna throw their lives away to defend this abominable bastard child.
They will, for the same reason they took the vax, they will believe being drafted is safe and effective and only a far right nazi would would resist. Just wait you'll see.

>> No.23001450

honestly i would be genuinely impressed if they managed to pull that shit off what with the history of the 20th century. i guess that's why they call history 'first as tragedy, then as farce'. surely there's a less gay planet!

>> No.23001515

because of how many times it has been tried and tested before

>> No.23001558
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Left = Muh Less freedom
Right = Muh More freedoms

>> No.23001564

What about the freedom to murder babies? Heh, didn't think about that one, did you chud?

>> No.23001605

Why don't you tell us your opinions on this OP?

>> No.23002209

Until a few decades ago, the right wing was openly less in favor of freedom than the left, the whole point was to preserve the status quo and keep the government in control. Even the fact that the right wing is against gun control is fairly recent.

>> No.23002214

Because it's unconscious. Unconsciousness rules this world and has more force than consciousness. But consciousness wins in the end.

>> No.23002215

This + Jewish influence

Basically women, minorities and homosexuals are trying to kill us.

>> No.23002217

Nationalism is technically leftist

>> No.23002223

Anyone who thinks the government couldn't pull off a draft during a (perceived) major war is kidding themselves. Sure, there might be some minor riots and civil disobedience but it wouldn't come anywhere close to stopping it. Even if the government fails to convince people that the draft is heckin cute and valid (which we can all see would be pretty easy to do), they have so much coercive force that it just wouldn't matter.

>> No.23002226

>conservatives want you to work 12 hour shifts and piss in bottles and work overtime for minimal pay and no time off
>"leftism wants everyone to be slaves lmao"

>> No.23002232


>> No.23002243

Why is it anything notable that leftism is a dominant force? It makes perfect sense that a large portion of people would relate to the idea that power and wealth should be re-distributed, most people don't have any. It's much more profound that so many non-elites support right wing thought, in my opinion.

It's honestly kind of lazy and ignorant to go around thinking that mainstream American conservatism is the default of the human race and that other views are some unnatural anomaly. It's actually a pretty niche worldview, historically.

>> No.23002244

>to preserve the status quo and keep the government in control
You may find this shocking, but the same government is still in control

>> No.23002250

It's a product of the French Revolution

>> No.23002256

Not just control in the sense that they continue to be 'the government', control of what is going on. Governments vary wildly in how much actual control they have over their country, even if they are stable in their existence.

>> No.23002281

>leftism is a dominant force
>entire planet is dotted with corporate leviathans owned by plutocrats who purchase governments and are now even beginning to defy basic tenets of national and international laws
>They murder anyone anywhere anytime
>world is racially stratified
>money is the only thing anyone cares about
You think the world we have is leftist? You gotta look harder.
It only feels that way because you and I are peasants and the messaging of our untouchable overlords is aesthetically left in a vain attempt to persuade retards.

>> No.23002287
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>> No.23002288

This is so dumb.

>> No.23002293

OP only thinks that because he spends his life on imageboards and social media.

>> No.23002302

Well I won't gaslight anyone completely. He's right that this world is run by pure evil and they don't give a fuck if he lives or dies, and may even be trying to hasten death.
They are sick fucks. It's just that leftism has nothing to do with any of it

>> No.23002304

>They do that because their friends are doing it and they want something to do
Stupid naïve mentality. They probably would jump off the 25th floor if their friends jumped.

>> No.23002310


>> No.23002317

Its more interesting to ask how they square the circle of being influential winners and disenfranchised victims at the same time. Cognitive dissonance.

>> No.23002320

By leftism you mean progressivism, and the answer is: because the elite like it.

Why does the elite like it? Because it says that the bad things of the world are things that are not related to the elite being elite because their parents are rich, they are related to white men doing colonialism or women getting catcalled.

Also Jews.

Also women.

>> No.23002326

Im not a stupid rightoid , but I noticed leftism contributes to decadence and will eventually will lead to the fall of our civilization , like Rome or Babylon.

>> No.23002329

The point being be doesn't just think it bc of imageboards and to say so is dismissive. The impetus for the thought comes from his rational and true recognition that life is shit and intentionally being made into shit by people who only care about themselves.
It's in the conclusions he draws where he goes astray. But it's not a function of being on imageboards, it's a function of being brutalized by a terrible system.

>> No.23002335

>I have no counter-argument
Thanks for the concession.

>> No.23002339

Or you could challenge your own beliefs.
But that would take work, am I right?

>> No.23002342

because they can breed :^)

>> No.23002361

I don't remember asking.

>> No.23002369

Rotten intellectualism
>"I took a class in college so I know everything!"
>took a class in videogame design or humanities
It's people that get secondhand political commentary, downstream from The Daily Show or whatever.
>Trump is orange, and evil
Anyone that looks into politics seriously knows that the Clintons have murdered like 300 people. But that's "FEELS BAD" and "RUDE" so nobody wants to repeat it.

>> No.23002372

I did challenge my own beliefs. That's how I found out that the jews want me dead or enslaved.

>> No.23002373

Lmao okay you complete fucking faggot

>> No.23002376
File: 164 KB, 406x992, beast out of the sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cthulhu may swim slowly, but he always swims left
Someone knows. He's co-opted both sides, really. I feel like he has a supermajority worldwide, maybe a little less in the USA. There's no reason for him to show his hand though.

>> No.23002378

You just hate Jews and are trying to rationalize it to me as something more profound than it really is.
It's not.

>> No.23002380

A very deliberate pursuit of cultural hegemony, ie control over institutions of influence, such as universities, media, entertainment, foundations and administrative bureaucracy that runs more or less independently of whatever party is currently in charge.
The fact that the right-wing refuses to organize, engages in cuckservative "let's just all get along"-ism and at worst devolves into retarded whining about jews/womyn/minorities is why they're losing, even when winning some irrelevant battles along the way.

>> No.23002383
File: 86 KB, 1280x521, gradually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people have hated jews for thousands of years, in hundreds of countries, on 6 different continents
>for no reason at all lol

>> No.23002385


>> No.23002386

Yeah but you're just appealing to the authority of prejudice and telling me that's virtue.
It's not. You're just a coward.

>> No.23002389

Is this a game I can play

>> No.23002390

>the authority of prejudice
It's not prejudice. It's observable fact. I was not raised to hate jews. Like Hitler, I grew to hate them after observing their behaviors.

>> No.23002401

>It's not prejudice
>I grew to hate
Then just hate I suppose.
But don't lecture others that it's virtuous and brave.
You're just a bigot. And there's nothing honorable about that.

>> No.23002407

Nah you're missing the point, he doesn't even hate Jews. For people like this, "Jew" is a meaningless term that is interchangeable for "meaniepants bad person." These teenagers desperately want to convince you that they have anything resembling a tangible worldview that has identified an actionable problem but they are completely hollow. If you give an example of someone responsible for something he opposes who demonstrably has no connection to Judaism he'll still say they're Jews in spirit or some other bullshit cope that reveals his political views are literally just "things I like are good and things I don't like are bad".

>> No.23002413

>pattern recognition is... LE BAD!
>I am very smart
Sweet platitudes, faggot.

>> No.23002414

watch em call you a jew for this

>> No.23002416

>I was not raised
You could have stopped there.

>> No.23002422

All Gods must die for there to be religion. The human species has recognized the necessity of launching the war on God in our time, the battles waged on the absolute occur during instances unfolding in non euclidian spaces, like here. swords are being sharpened and clubs brandished, the sick are being armed to battle the therapriest, a university is the preparatory ground in which the consumers produce their consumption by the machine, theism must be subverted subdued and vanquished, and it shall be, and yet the students are not yet apostates.

>> No.23002423

No, I literally mean jews.

>> No.23002425

Give it a rest and go play outside for a while

>> No.23002426

I see what you're saying, and it is kind of true.
But that's how angry boys turn into ignorant men.
Because no one took the time to intervene and tell them,
>Hey, this sounds fucking stupid. Knock it off before society rejects you and it causes you more misery later on.
It's a cycle that feeds itself because taking responsibility for your own misfortune is something about adolescent mind just doesn't understand.

>> No.23002428

Go dilate, marxist faggot.

>> No.23002430

The ancient Hebrews ran a highly legalized and strict society and saw (mixed) success with it. Around the time of Ezekiel was when God just had it with them like they abandoned most of their meaningful instructions.
>your father was an amorite, and your mother a hittite, - god
Anyways Jesus was a "hail Mary" (get it) and when Israel largely rejected him, they all got murdered soon after. Today's modern "Jews" could be anyone. Canaanites? Phoenicians? Carthaginians? Gypsies?

>> No.23002431

It's not a platitude when the merit of the argument stands on the virtue of humanity and understanding others.
That's just a part of growing up.

>> No.23002432

Just got back from family dinner, so it sounds like you're projecting.

>> No.23002435

Go to bed early so you can be well rested for school tomorrow, teenager.

>> No.23002436

>the virtue of humanity and understanding others
>That's just a part of growing up.
You have literally nothing of substance to say, and sound all of 14 years old.

>> No.23002437

You're point?
Christianity of today is not Christianity of two thousand years ago.
Culture, society, religion, value systems, pedagogy, and metaphysics progress over time.

>> No.23002439

Because it draws on and develops themes that originated in Christianity and liberalism, also "left-wing" states won the last major war (WW2).

>> No.23002442

I'm 34, nigger. I do have work tomorrow, unlike you.

>> No.23002443

You sound really soft right now.

>> No.23002445

Compassion is a virtue.
Understanding others and their differences is not a weakness but something the world needs more of.
It's okay to have a higher vision for the world. But I suppose all fascists are really disappointed idealists deep down, huh?

>> No.23002446
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>Christianity of today is not Christianity of two thousand years ago.
If you look really hard in the right places you can see some faint resemblance.

>> No.23002448

You sound like a faggot, faggot.

>> No.23002449

If that's true, then holy shit do I feel bad for you.

>> No.23002451

I hope you get raped and murdered by one of the poor refugees that you're so compassionate toward, retard.

>> No.23002453

Not insofar as the essentials
If anything the Christian faith has become more sophisticated

>> No.23002454

If I look hard enough I can a little bit of everything in everything.
All ideologies and religion have some degree of entropy in them. Change is inevitable.

>> No.23002455

I don't care what you feel, faggot. You're fucking stupid and your opinion has no worth.

>> No.23002457

Just like your life.

>> No.23002458

I wish you nothing but peace and happiness and to overcome what's holding you back in life friend.

I can respect that if you're Christian.
I wouldn't want to dissuade anyone of their faith.

>> No.23002459


>> No.23002461

it has political theory and philosophy behind it while chudding has only blind reaction,scifi fiction and esoteric theology autism at best.

>> No.23002464

>I wish you nothing but peace and happiness and to overcome what's holding you back in life friend.
Good for you, I wish you nothing but long, painful death.

>> No.23002468
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What a profoundly retarded statement.

>> No.23002469

Cope, seethe, dilate, have sex, I rejected your mother's advances and also I accept your concession.

There, I won. You can go play outside now.

>> No.23002471

Well, I encourage you to address your anger.
It's okay to feel anger Anon. But it isn't Jews fault. It's something inside of you that you have to overcome.
Therapy can actually help with that sort of thing. But don't be ideological about you're hatred.
Grow up.

>> No.23002474

You will never be a woman. I win.

>> No.23002476

>Understanding others and their differences is not a weakness but something the world needs more of.
That's not compassion though, and not left-wing. *Understanding* is indeed always good, and you might understand that some of those others want nothing but to kill you and take your stuff, and why you can't defend yourself against that with some rhetoric about universal love.

>> No.23002478

>dude just grow up and ignore the jews working every day to destroy your race, country and culture
No, I don't think I will, faggot.

>> No.23002482

But suffering is universal.
We can see suffering in most being. And being compassionate toward that is virtue.
The understanding comes naturally afterward. Humans have a much higher potential than you give them credit for.

>> No.23002485

Then that's you're choice to live in hatred and ignorance.
I do hope you overcome it and find happiness, but in the end it needs to be your decision.

>> No.23002486

you should recite that as you're getting machete'd to pieces by some vibrant diversities

>> No.23002488

You're already destroying your life one day at a time by wasting it on this teenage horseshit, pretty soon there won't be anything left for anyone else to destroy.

>> No.23002489
File: 199 KB, 600x600, 85fe27d3a9c5542c9862ca04a1329a7d-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep in your heart you know it to be true my nigga

>> No.23002492

the best most can do is learn Greek (or Hebrew) and study the Bible as a historical document

>> No.23002493

You're literally being ignorant by telling me to ignore an existential threat you fart-huffing retard.

>> No.23002495

Well, why does compassion upset you?
That's a much more productive path of contemplation.

>> No.23002496

>blah blah blah I'm a retarded faggot
k keep me posted

>> No.23002501

We're always facing existential threat anon.
We all die in the end. You're just afraid and don't know how to hand it. So your externalize you aggression toward others.
But that is a coward's path and dead end. Hitler walked it himself.

>> No.23002503
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Because compassion can be (and in this case, is) suicidal, you retarded fucking hippie.

>> No.23002508

You have a 3rd grader's understanding of "enlightenment" and the world will be a better place when you and every faggot like you is dead in a mass, unmarked grave.

>> No.23002509

Challenge your ego then.
Why is that feeling really true?
Who are you fundamentally?

>> No.23002513

Stand up to your hate.
Don't let your mind control you with it.
See through the need for control.

>> No.23002516

>Why is that feeling really true?
Because facts back it, you fucking moron.
>Who are you fundamentally?
A complex man. But, observably, a heterosexual white man, which makes me an enemy of the jew, whether I want to be or not.

>> No.23002519

>hate is... LE BAD!
It's like you watched Star Wars and thought it was the final word on morality. You're really fucking stupid.

>> No.23002520

Well just pause for a moment and introspect into who you are.
You're so busy bodied trying to tell the world you're such and such that you're missing who you really are.
The true self beneath all that hate and ignorance.

>> No.23002523

Everything you say is straight off a VW bumper sticker. When the lights go out, people like you die first, screaming.

>> No.23002524


>> No.23002529

Well, I'm not going to respond to threats of violence.
So have a good one.

>> No.23002530

see >>23002523

>> No.23002531

My lil stupid ass nigga, why do you think buddhist countries still have militaries?

>> No.23002532

Moldbug never read that godawful fanged noumena book. The Land-Moldbug relationship is completely one-dimensional. Land is an ex-academic with all of the air-headed energy of a person who believes that they can know the ultimate prophesy of the world if they just read more french faggots, Heidegger or whatever garbage human filth that came out of the 20th-19th centuries whose works don't deserve to exist in the memory of man.

>> No.23002534

It's not a threat, retard. It's an inevitability. Enjoy life while you can, because the train is barrelling down on you, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

>> No.23002537

should say one-sided

>> No.23002542

I remember when the Buddhists in Myanmar let Muslim immigrants in, and then had to go to war with them because they were fucking everything up. Good times.

>> No.23002547

You're a delusional pussy is what you are. The main things underpinning your worldview are fantasies of foreigners kicking your ass

>> No.23002548

Ah yes, I can see the true you. The true you wants to go out and suck some stranger behind a bush downtown. stop repressing yourself you dumb faggot and get going.

nah but seriously, how on earth can you know what your true self is? better yet, define your true self and tell me when one can be sure that one is being le true self.
you have ten minutes

>> No.23002551

>yeah but what about this thing you never said?
cool story faggot

>> No.23002552

cool literature thread

>> No.23002554

>Humans have a much higher potential than you give them credit for.
I am aware of that. You speak like you are privy to the mystical experience. A lot of people who have that stop thinking afterwards, and do not realize that pure, unfixable Evil exists and this world, and you must stoop to fight it with means less noble than compassion, if all that human potential is to be realized and not destroyed forever.

>> No.23002556

mein kampf is a book

>> No.23002559

but DUDE you don't understand like PEACE and LOVE always wins, man

>> No.23002569

Not that other anon, I agree with you
The first thing that mystery schools taught (mostly just the Masons now, but I guess the Catholics too in a form) is that evil exists, has a tangible form, and what to do about it. I don't like the Catholics but must grudgingly admit they have the longest unbroken line of initiations.