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22996609 No.22996609 [Reply] [Original]

Is it good or just another piece of jewish propaganda?

>> No.22996717

It’s good. Neonazi pseuds just can’t handle some of the truth.

>> No.22996758

Tell me more about those "truths" that are in the book.

>> No.22996801

It is easy and fun to read, obviously not impartial, and if I'm not mistaken, I believe it has a whole chapter talking about the lolocaust. It's better than other 'popular' books, like Richard Evans' Trilogy (which is the typical book that talks about the "crazy megalomaniacal homosexual Hitler and the 600 million poor Jews he killed").

>> No.22996832

Is Evans' trilogy really that bad? I bought the first volume thinking it would be an impartial account of the rise of the third reich. I was interested in Shirer's book because it's a primary source, since he lived there during those times. Do you have any other books on the subject that you can recommend?

>> No.22996846

>Is Evans' trilogy really that bad?
No, herr stormfag is just having one of his episodes.

>> No.22996885
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Yes, Evans is quite bad because it ends up being a repetition of the same story as always, Hitler = Bad, The Allies = Good, but now with more "modern sources".
Shirer was a journalist or something, and you can tell he knows how to tell stories and keep you interested in reading. He doesn't give too much importance to the military aspects but focuses on the political side.
My recommendation would be Read Shirer or Evans and then David Irving .
This pic is also good.

>> No.22996896
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What about Sebastian Haffner'S "The Meaning of Hitler" ?
What opinoins do /lit/s have on this book?
I read this months ago and I found it quite impressive.

>> No.22996914

if you've never read any Third Reich shit then it's a good starter book
the Rise part is very entertaining

>> No.22997502

it's written by a journalist. Of course it's propaganda, everything from that period of historiography on germany from an english perspective is

>> No.22997696
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>Everything i agree with is truth
>Everything i disagree with is not true

>> No.22997725

>deranged rockwellfag makes up scenarios in his own mind again

>> No.22997733
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>Rockwell pic

>> No.22997799

The Rise is worth a read at minimum, especially if you haven't read much on the topic. It was the first monograph I picked up on Nazi Germany back in high school, I still pick it up for the occasional read. The Fall is less interesting but that's more down to history than the writing.
It's bound to be propaganda, nearly all books released from an Anglo perspective at the time are to some degree.

>> No.22997932

anon thats literally the neinazi dogma "just pretend everything bad about the people i like never actually happened"

even shit written in mein kampf is being passed as "jewish propaganda" these days

>> No.22998177

There are multiple translations, one of which was by a jew and another by a man with a Jewish wife. If you're basing what uouve said here off those translations, then please refrain from posting such nonsense

>> No.22998211

Are there any good books about the Third Reich with no or only passing mentions of the Holocaust?

>> No.22998493

Probably none that provide an overview of the entire Reich, since that was such a significant part of it, but if you look into books that focus on more narrow topics, like say the luftwaffe, then you are bound to find some.

>> No.22998528

>millions of photographs, eye witnesses, documents, and confessions are wrong
>the shit i just made up is right just cuz

people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

>> No.22998550

>jewish propaganda
imagine being obsessed with a guy who's famous for losing and offing himself in his basement but NOOOO national socializm was le ebin best ideology ever only da jooz say different. anything that will ruin my gay nazi empire fantasy is jewish propaganda. holocaust? didn't happen but if it did they deserved it. mein kampf being a floop on release? jewish lies he's literally the next goethe! WW2 was lost? Nooo we've just been living in an artificial matrix reality controlled by judeo-bolsheviks that masks the truth. hitler an heroed? noo he will return in the end times like Jesus.

>> No.22998555
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>> No.22998581

>. holocaust? didn't happen but if it did they deserved it.

the psychology behind this is fascinating. people who rave about how much they want to exterminate jews try to pass off the holocaust as an absurdity in an attempt to defend the history of their beliefs which revolve around how much they hate jews and want to holocaust them again.

its like somewhere deep down inside they are ashamed and embarrassed of what they believe and they want to distance themselves from the very thing that they dream of carrying out. they know everyone going to rightfully look at them like a deranged psychopathic loser and it hurts their egos and pushes them into a state of cognitive dissonance

>> No.22998645

>famous for losing
...because he almost took over all of europe. it's retarded to try and revive it obviously but just 20 years ago normal people were very interested in it. in any case, the holocaust should just be let go by both nazis and jews, 80 years have passed since then. we should instead focus on the future while taking from the past rather than this eternal now that is politically justified by the ghost of hitler.

>> No.22998682

what normal people were very interested in nazism in 2004?

>> No.22998688

They don't believe in the Holocaust, but behind closed doors they talk about it and wish it happened. Irony is that the triumph of the will types are so lacking in confidence in their own beliefs they have to deny Hitler ever went against the ultimate red line of liberal geopolitics: doing the shoah.

Nothing wrong with being interested in historic figures and the whole German reverse narcissist crocodile tears guilt culture is a joke. The holocaust wasn't even that special, the British and French all tried similar things before just less organized and extreme. Israeli mass psychopathy is what happens when you take the ultra paranoid "we gotta stop anuddah shoah" mentality that holocaust fetishism implicitly justifies. "they are literally the new nazis we gotta stop them. you'd nuke Austria to kill a baby Hitler wouldn't you anon?"

Does it ever occur to the "Hitler is the ultimate evil" crowd that their obsession only helps contrarian edgelords and nostalgics with daddy issues from flipping that narrative around and turning the fuhrer into a wronged underdog who was the good actually?

>> No.22998740
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i meant its history.
yeah i completely agree tbdesu. a better argument for nationalists would be how it's used as an ideological weapon, something a jew wrote about in 2000. plus retardely sperging out over it only helps the regime by giving them an idol to search and destroy. this was known once a upon a time but then charlottesville happened, 85 iq hispanics joined the party, and now it's considered "opticscucking".

>> No.22998777

"The party"? Wanna take a second and fix your mask there?

>> No.22998783

what? it's a figure of speech. have you never been to a party anon?

>> No.22998797

It has an unambiguous meaning in politics.

>> No.22998801

He had a jewish wife (Stiberitz)

>> No.22998809

Do you want a good book on the Third Reich? Richard Tedor's Hitler's Revolution, and The myth of German Villainy.

>> No.22998812

not how i was using it there though. if you actually think nationalists have a party to represent their interests in america you're crazy. maybe in europe but i dunno how they're doing these days.

>> No.22998815

>The myth of German Villainy

>> No.22998828

The optics wing is always about corralling people back into voting republican. If you think avoiding National Socialism is a viable option you may be too new to remember this happening constantly in the early trump years.

>> No.22998848

You will never be a woman.

>> No.22998862

That's...fine by me?

>> No.22998872

You will be a woman

>> No.22998876

Opinion discarded

>> No.22998889

no i remember that well but i don't think that's the fault of optics but rather power struggles within the state. i would actually really like a new party don't get me wrong but fascism is just a non-starter, especially if you're not gonna bother selling it properly. but even politics aside america is simply too big for it to be feasible without secessionism imo. but secessionism is just running away so basically what i'm saying here is take the techno-monarchy pill but pretend it's not monarchy until /ourguy/ is in power, then liberate the rest of the west. napoleon mkII basically.

>> No.22998910

You are distantly beyond any credibility as regards selling ideals or feasible courses of action.

>> No.22998925

how exactly? appealing to normal whites to restore america's glory to greater heights than it's ever known sounds like common sense. if it was about the liberation part that wouldn't be right away obviously, give it two generations or so.

>> No.22999681

I read a copy that I got from my grandfather's house after he died. It's a great introduction to the Third Reich period, focusing on the leadership and diplomatic history of Nazi Germany. The author is not unbiased, but considering he lived in Germany through half the events of the book I say he is welcome to his opinions. They are easy to ignore if you want to focus on the facts, which are numerous and well researched.

>> No.23000220

like any poltard has even read a single one of those books

>> No.23000245

I mean fascism is just judaism without the jews, it doesn’t object to any jewish principles and is just pure tribalism

>> No.23000979

cry more ugly tranny jew, ywnbaw

>> No.23001069
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>> No.23002170

the irony of a ""nationalist"" citing norm finkelstein lmao. so much for teh jooz will not replace us.

>> No.23002212
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>Kikes and liberals responds angrily to vague statement about ideological bias

It is low mind who tries to deny the holocaust. The real question is why it happened in Germany during the 30s and 40s and what is happening now, both nationally and globally, that could be said to be the same?

>Encouraging 3rd world migrants
>Destroying financial systems and profiting off them
>Corrupting entertainment and filling it full of race baiting, anti-white shows
>Subverting the food system and making people dependent on outside systems
>Betraying returning veterans from wars of their making
>Gaining billions in funding for themselves while people domestically starve and die
>Using ill gotten resources to pursue farms, homes and other infrastructure at the expense of families

Antisemitism exists for a reason, it has always existed when a people must live in close proximity to jews. The jew brings it on itself. It does not arise out of nowhere.

>> No.23002297

So where can I actually find any of Irving's books? Is irvingbooks.com for real or just some Mossad op? Thanks.

>> No.23002323

You‘re living in america‘s glory.

>> No.23002333

Nazism was a reaction to Nietzsche and Darwin.
It sought to enact virtue through ethnic cleansing and moral authority since the idealism of God died with the enlightenment.
But Nazi Germany ultimately collapsed because fascist states like the ouroboros destroys itself.
An ideology that defined itself through what it doesn't stand for is untenable and inhumane.
But edgy teenagers like it so there's that.

>> No.23002351
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>> No.23002366

It's decent but it was a first to the trough popular history of WWII and was written by a journalist. The best thing about it now is the bibliography which consists of a lot of obscure primary sources.

>> No.23003001

this is quite literally what Hitler wrote about it too . in mein kampf he literally states that "intolerance and fanaticism are jewish mindsets" and goes on about how Germany needs to adopt the jewish mindset to thrive

>> No.23003276
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Americans are a special kind of retard.

>> No.23003310
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>Nazism was a reaction to Nietzsche and Darwin.
Both influenced the system, reaction is not the correct word to use here. Embracing is.

>It sought to enact virtue through ethnic cleansing and moral authority since the idealism of God died with the enlightenment.
People are want to find all sorts of high minded ideals and abstractions as to why it came when the result is very simple. A people with a history of organizing a militant state were broken due to the actions of others, and were then being attacked on all sides and forced to endure hardships, humiliation and death through the capitulation of their leaders. They did not like this and found a means to reverse it.

>But Nazi Germany ultimately collapsed because fascist states like the ouroboros destroys itself.
This is just unalloyed modern Liberalism, any State collapses if not continually consuming the resources. The only test of a regime is successful transfer of power, had they found a suitable means to do so it would continue as long as any other nation.

>An ideology that defined itself through what it doesn't stand for is untenable and inhumane.
Read its literature. It does not define itself negatively. It is quite clear what it stands for and what new values it imposes. The untenable and inhumane is easily able to apply to every state from China to America.

Not a fan, or supporter, but the shit that is talked about in these threads by the likes of you is utter nonsense.

>> No.23005119

what did you mean by this? seriously, are you nuts or just not american? we have gone down the shitter and even our rulers have degraded vastly, it's completely over anon it may be able to last for decades in the same way it does for a body within a coffin does to rot away completely.

>> No.23005155

>The only test of a regime is successful transfer of power, had they found a suitable means to do so it would continue as long as any other nation.

I feel like youre leaving out the fact that nazism was extremely warlike and imperialistic in a time and place where that was fucking retarded. I swear anyone who read mein kampf should have known that natsoc germany wasn't ever going to make it far enough to have a transfer of power outside of assassination and reform to something different because it was virtually their destiny to pick fights they couldn't have won so long as the state was steered by Hitlers beliefs about the future of germany

>> No.23006687

Anyone want to recommend a book on this topic for a first time reader?

Only education here is movies, the media, school

>> No.23006705

The combined Western powers against Bolshevism was eminently winnable, not Hitler‘s fault the Anglo-American governments were owned by bankers.

>> No.23006716

There's one in the OP.

>> No.23006718

Yes, this one >>22996609

>> No.23006730

Nice. Based on what people said in this thread I wasn’t sure if it was actually good or just meh

>> No.23006842
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>Antisemitism exists for a reason, it has always existed when a people must live in close proximity to jews. The jew brings it on itself. It does not arise out of nowhere.
Anti-Semitism is something we swept up and inherited from the Middle Ages and speaks to a retarded culture. I think it was a powerful thing in Germany though because of leftover medievalism in German society including in terms of occupations like farmers, craftsmen and small shopkeepers which all had origins in the Middle Ages but which were all in decline before big corporations took over everything. Basically World War II was the last big break from the horse-drawn society to the horsepower society. Therefore, anti-Semitism is a form of class conflict in the main, but essentially a reactionary fight against modernization and urbanization and globalization and here we are, and necessarily will decline over the long term following the erosion of medieval society where capital *is* Jewish, because that's what Jews did in the Middle Ages.

But if you've ever traded Bitcoin or bought and sold stocks, then you're engaged in speculative activity that would have historically been coded as "Jewish." If you've done any of those things, you are a Jew. And that's most people. That's also why I think the United States has less anti-Semitism compared to most countries even though roughly half of the world's Jewish population lives in America. That is, the anti-Semites around the world often enough don't even know the Jews they decry, but America is also where capitalism is more developed than many countries. In a way, it might have even been historically inevitable that /pol/ would be taken over by thirdies, because they're far better at anti-Semitism, less likely to be ridiculed for it where they're from compared to more developed countries. The very fact of its existence speaks to their relative backwardness.

>> No.23006908

>you‘re also guilty of the things we‘ve done to destroy civilization if you take part on the minor level of personal finance after it‘s been made nearly unavoidable to take part in society. this is progress.

Nice try rabbi

>> No.23007632
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>Anti-Semitism is something we swept up and inherited from the Middle Ages and speaks to a retarded culture.
Every single cultute has extensive written records of anti-jew behavior, from Ancient Greece to modern America and they all tell the same thing. Jews are trouble, don't trust them, they will betray you.

>I think it was a powerful thing in Germany though because of leftover medievalism in German society including in terms of occupations like farmers, craftsmen and small shopkeepers which all had origins in the Middle Ages but which were all in decline before big corporations took over everything.
It was rife there because jews were excluded from guilds, why? Because rhey kept betraying trade secrets, lying and cheating their fellow guildsmen all over Europe. Even now the jew betrays America repeatedly and we are expected to forgive.