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/lit/ - Literature

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22996603 No.22996603 [Reply] [Original]

What are some Femcel Literature?

>> No.22996612

My diary desu

>> No.22996620

Show tits

>> No.22996626

Oh my...fuck, I feel so bad for her. So so sorry.
Just look at that muzzle, that long face, those dead eyes, huge philtrum, ugly nose, that jaw, dude, it didn't even start for her.

>> No.22996627

no such thing. this woman could make a Tinder account and would receive 100 likes within few minutes from launching it. meanwhile her male looksmatch receives 2 likes from bot accounts after a month with all the premium stuff bought. being unable to get your pussy railed by a chad doesn't make your plight equal to that of incels dumb foid

>> No.22996638

I am pretty sure femcels are more concerned about not being loved because of looks than having sex with a 9/10 chad, but what do I know, I'm not a woman.

>> No.22996645

youre right but incels would never pick a femcel. they are both ugly selfish beings who want more than they deserve

>> No.22996649


>> No.22996655
File: 640 KB, 640x765, femcel phenotype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no such thing

>> No.22996657

Yea but -cel stands for celibate. They should just call themselves unlovable yet fuckable, so unfuck or something.

>> No.22996660

None of them were celibate. The only thing they all have in common is that they were murderers. They weren't even incels in the loosest terms, and they didn't consider their problem to even be celibacy of any kind. This is a pointless image.

>> No.22996662

wrong. I have been in love with women both uglier than her and on her level of attractiveness. all of them rejected me and all of them had already been experienced with men. meanwhile I'm a 27 years old ugly subhuman incel who will never find love
all of them could just open a Tinder account and slay or rather be slayed

>> No.22996665

Unfuck? like unvoluntarily fuckable?
You're useless at coining words.

>> No.22996666

same mentality and misanthropic behavior as a /pol/ schizoid, though. only question is what they like to read

>> No.22996667

Like unloveable yet fuckable. Stop acting like a woman, thankyou.

>> No.22996672

sorry replied to wrong guy. meant for >>22996660

>> No.22996679

> Unfuck
Nahh, this is still a stupid fucking attempt at making up a word. Lol.

>> No.22996684

Nah that word was dogshit don't get defensive about it

>> No.22996689

Never said it was good, obviously. Stop being perpetually angry perhaps you silly woman.

>> No.22996695

The main point is the usage of -cel is stupid. No need to get angry.

>> No.22996700

>wrong. I have been in love with women both uglier than her and on her level of attractiveness. all of them rejected me and all of them had already been experienced with men. meanwhile I'm a 27 years old ugly subhuman incel who will never find love
A clarification then: They are concerned that they will never be loved by anyone that matches their expectations of attractiveness.
I'm sure that most female "lovecels" are too insecure to actually believe that someone's love is genuine even if it were to be expressed to them, same thing with most anons.

>> No.22996701

Jesus is every anon here a retard or something?

>> No.22996703
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Basically all of it. Every woman who wrote anything of value was either a femcel, lesbian or both.

>> No.22996707

moving the goalpost. bottom line is this - most incels would gladly be in loving relationships with most femcels however most femcels would never want to be around most incels

>> No.22996708

No one is mad you schizo I'm making fun of you for thinking *unfuck* was somehow a descriptor that makes sense, it's not that serious

>> No.22996709

>not that serious
sure, can't wait for you to stop replying after this

>> No.22996711

No such thing as a femcel, they can have sex, they just have high standards.

If woman ever felt the extreme isolation men do they would go mad

>> No.22996716

If the person from OP's pic were to return the love to you and then a 10/10 woman of your dreams were to approach you for a relationship, barring insecurities preventing you from accepting it, do you honestly expect me to believe that you or any incels would remain "in love" with the less physically attractive person?

>> No.22996720

Damn you are broken.

>> No.22996722

how is this material to the subject we're discussing?
>and then a 10/10 woman of your dreams were to approach you for a relationship
this is never going to happen for most men and certainly to most incels however things like that happen often enough to women and even to self-proclaimed femcels

>> No.22996723

I hope you find the unfuck of your dreams someday anon

>> No.22996724

>(Involuntarily) celibate

>> No.22996727

The male social contract is that men can acquire value via selfimprovement and have sex with a woman that matches their value. The female social contract is that if they conform to a large list of requirements they will be guaranteed a husband in the top X percentage of men.

Incels believe that the social contract is flawed. They are either unable to selfimprove and thus are destined to lose out, or are being unfairly denied a mate despite their value (real or perceived). There is no way to drop out, so they are forced to play a game that they will always lose no matter how hard they try. Whether this is true or not varies individual to individual.
Femcels", similarly, believe that the social contract is flawed. They either find the list of requirements to meet to be too onerous or outright impossible to fulfill, or believe that they are being unfairly denied a husband in the top-X percentage of men despite fulfilling their requirements. They too see themselves as being forced to play a game that they are always going to be losing out on.

What differs is that "Femcels" aren't really "female incels", that is "females who are involuntarily celibate", as the reward to a woman isn't sex, but rather a husband. The fact that a "femcel" could fuck some 60 IQed Nafri or a Pajeet or something is irrelevant because what they want is a husband in the top-X percentage of men, not just to have sex. Likewise, incels don't care about a relationship, they care about sex as the indicator of value as a man.

In reality most incels are lazy cowards and most femcels are neurotic cowards. However, there are some incels who were merely never shown how to become better men, and there are some femcels who were never shown how to be proper women, and both are failures to launch. They are in the minority, however.

>> No.22996728

Thankyou kindly.

>> No.22996732

It is relevant because a necessary component of truly feeling loved is that there is a certain level of security that the person that loves you isn't simply with you because it's "the best he can get." There has to be trust that the person loves YOU, not "you because you're attractive enough", not "you unless there's someone with the same personality but a better body" etc.
Love is where you want the person and not their qualities.

>> No.22996759

True. No disagreements there.

>> No.22996794

an incel is already not really "involuntarily" celibate, it's a type of person who actively works to avoid sex and then blames it on outside forces. there's no reason a woman can't do it, if anything it's stereotypically feminine thinking that males only engage in because they were raised like girls

>> No.22996800


They always give themselves away.

>> No.22997032
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I am not entirely sure why one would seek out 'femcell' literature desu. The entirety of the female mindset as it pertains to male centricity is one in which the female expects the male to initiate conversation, carry the conversation, lead the conversation, and end the conversation, and at all points contained therein wherein the male is trying to elicit something from the female, the female expects the male to make a simplex communication to this effect. Now the logical implications of this can entail such that females are incapable or seemingly not willing to communicate on the same level and that simplex communication is the only actual method by which communication can occur with a female. It can be extrapolated such in the way that the 'redpill pickup artists' interpret it wherein all communication with a female can be reduced to some sort of game in which the male tries to get what they want and nothing more and it either works or it doesn't. It can be extrapolated as such that all females are nothing more than convenient amalgamations of fuckholes and the process becomes one in which the male seemingly tries to filter out the negative value proposition females for neutral proposition females since females are incapable of being positive value propositions. It can be extrapolated in such a way that all commutation beyond simplex with a female is an inherent waste of time due to the trivial nature of the exchange. I would be shocked if femcel literature has produced anything of substantive value, but I would welcome anything of value if it does actually exist.

>> No.22997095
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>> No.22997105

Femcel = Volcel or Fakecel

>> No.22997106

some excellent literature discussion here guys, great job
sure am glad to share this board with all these readers who like talking about books

>> No.22997118


>Jojo's bizarre adventure
>D-Grey Man
>Yaoi fanfiction
>Wiccan shit
>Junji Ito
>No Longer Human

One of my hobbies is finding femcels and taking their virginity. So consider this a statistical study.

>> No.22997126

I just want a girl who isn’t fat

>> No.22997161

looks like the future girlfriend of some unhinged billionaire

>> No.22997183

even among men there is no such thing as an 'incels' considering prostitution is a thing. No one has to be celibate. The having sex part isn't the issue. It's about being unable to form romantic relationships.

>> No.22997192
File: 109 KB, 750x501, Ottesa-Moshfegh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything by ottessa moshfegh

>> No.22997197

this sums it up

>> No.22997268

i don't recall a femcel in lapvona?

>> No.22997297

4chan used to be the best place to meet stably insane gfs who let you say nigger. Now there are no more women here because we all said nigger so much I guess. It was great while it lasted. Nigger.

>> No.22997305

Damn, bitch is ugly as hell.

>> No.22997315

I think being so hostile to women is what did it. Yeah, "tits or get out" was always a thing but now there is unironical incel woman hatred. It's just not the same. Now women have to go attention whore on /soc/ or other boards I don't care to use ever.

>> No.22997388

Any woman who can't understand and handle misogyny banter is a retard anyway. The only woman worth treating as an equal would be someone who instantly understands the sociological and psychological origins of e-misogyny and simply sidesteps it (as a partial but incomplete account of the problems facing the genders today), or who has her own equally cunty radfem opinions from the opposite direction, allowing her to banter back and take it in stride.

Anything short of this is a glorified pet slash immature teenager slash roommate slash fleshlight (99.999% of girlfriends).

>> No.22997400

All of them kinda cute, they just wear glasses

>> No.22997487
File: 97 KB, 582x640, 31288385277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit, because most incels would throw acid in their faces or something. Your mental issues are too big. Go buy a hooker, nigga.

I'm still here. But I am also married and pregnant with a chudbaby.

>tiktoks literature
Gross. This is more accurate: >>22997118
and for the sex having version of femchuds there's old books aimed at women like pic related.

>> No.22997505

Who are they? I only recognize the Janke bitch and the "I hate mondays" girl

>> No.22997515


>> No.22997528

>4chan used to be the best place to meet stably insane gfs who let you say nigger.
What for? They're usually too far, nigga,

>> No.22997530
File: 573 KB, 2880x1920, GettyImages-1720682370-e1697151311565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl who stole a laptop on January 6th, a killer, a killer, a killer, a killer, a scammer, Janke, a killer, a killer (I think)

Caroline Ellison should probably be added to the lineup.

>> No.22997547

>Caroline Ellison should probably be added to the lineup.
She's a whore, and scammer.

>> No.22997590

your useless at using them, thinking femcel has any basis in reality

>> No.22997642
File: 39 KB, 468x441, BuTfixPIIAAeogd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, so she would fit perfectly in the lineup full of scamming whores.

The truth is that incels of either sex do not exist and female loneliness is not comparable to scrote loneliness. Male incels could lose their virginity to other men or fat single mothers but they chose not to.

>But muh looksmatch! Women can have sex with men hotter than themselves!

Most women don't care about sex the way men do. We're not visual and anyways most of the vaginal canal isn't an erogenous zone. Women are emotional creatures. What men get out of sex we get out of romance. Femcels are women who can't find love, not women who can't get laid. And they look like pic related, not like >>22996655. The women in that lineup are just weird nerdy sociopaths who say nigger.

>> No.22997646

I was with a girl of that sort, perhaps a bit more attractive than OP pic but not by much and I spent 5 FUCKIGN YEARS trying to love a creature that didn't love herself. I did turn down way more attractive females in the meantime and let me tell you, it's not fucking worth it. Femcels are femcels because they hate themselves, much like incels, and it's literally entirely their problem which if they don't fix, they deserve to end up alone.
Now post tits you hag.

>> No.22997654
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This is pitiful even for the standards of 4chan. You will truly never be a woman and more pertinently you will never reach a level of self-delusion that you may convince others you are over the internet.

>> No.22997657

>le obligatory ynwbaw post

>> No.22997663
File: 14 KB, 329x500, shopping (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't believe me, consider the fact that women prefer to read romance novels instead of watching porn. Why would that be? It's because we get nothing from watching Chad fuck bimbos. This book was completely sex free but women creamed themselves over Edward regardless.

>> No.22997666

Anything feminist

>> No.22997671

No such thing either. You can pay and fuck a 10/10 model

>> No.22997680

"Femcels" are as real as santa claus

>> No.22997689

Literal boomer

>> No.22997693

>There is no way to drop out
Stopped reading there. Just move lmao

>> No.22997699

>women prefer to read romance novels instead of watching porn
huh? women do both these things, that's like saying men prefer eating pasta instead of listening to music

>> No.22997700

feel free to refute him anytime

>> No.22997711

Sure they may watch porn, but the entire genres of romance and erotica being dominated by women writers and readers is still true. There is a reason for that. More emotion is conveyed in writing compared to porn

>> No.22997714
File: 84 KB, 640x467, figure1-14-w640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot less than men.

>> No.22997727


>> No.22997729

Refute what, that pile of stupid assoomptions?

>> No.22997740

This, incels are literally not real. Dailed relationships were common even in marriages

>> No.22997745

>pick me

>> No.22997751

lay off the copium my dude

>> No.22997759

Pickmes are based tho. Literally women doing what men want and trying to be liked

>> No.22997767

Completely out of touch boomers that were dating in the 70s shouldn't comment about present things

>> No.22997774

_ _ _ _

>> No.22997783


>> No.22997875
File: 252 KB, 881x1200, ebwl9apnn4nb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I found this, though the first woman seems to be different.

>> No.22997885

so is the chud thing popular culture on the normie net or is this just bait

>> No.22997892

The Bell Jar

>> No.22997928

Both of these posts combined is the answer.

>> No.22997933

There is literally no such thing.

>> No.22997977

Women are mentally incontinent. What you’re looking for is extremely rare sadly.

>> No.22997982

I could fix her

>> No.22998028
File: 174 KB, 1401x2000, elon-grimes-c553a9afd6ab486ca4119f9818870826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually women like me get to pick the men we date because we're so rare. We get wealthy suitors throwing themselves in our direction even when we're ugly.

Women on redpill communities always ask what they should do to attract high value men.. All you have to do is respect men and nerdmaxx.

>> No.22998030

Actually women like me get to pick the men we date because we're so rare. We get wealthy suitors throwing themselves in our direction even when we're ugly.

Women in redpill communities always ask what they should do to attract high value men.. All you have to do is respect men and nerdmaxx.

>> No.22998079

jesus what a tacky outfit

>> No.22998095

Wrong, it's about the feeling that you will never be willingly be accepted by a woman. Women cannot know this feeling because there will always be many men ready to accept them despite their many flaws.

>> No.22998107

Celibacy is about sex thoughbeit, you're rambling about emotions
Btw women hate being accepted by ugly men. They want chads only

>> No.22998122

She’d look a lot better if she was smiling. I guess there’s nothing to smile about.

>> No.22998147

To try and pretend all the grievances of the so called incel movement could be resolved simply if they paid some disease ridden whore, which is illegal in many countries, is totally disingenuous.

>> No.22998155

I don't care about their grievances most of which can be solved by just leaving the country that hates then
They're just not incels. They are willingly abstaining from sex.

>> No.22998157

i bet this bitch is sucking on chad cock right this second

>> No.22998200

i haven't read lapvona but my year of rest and relaxation is basically a femcel version of the joker

>> No.22998224

You are simply describing well known incel strategies, escortmaxxing, SEAmaxxing, Passportmaxxing and so on.

>> No.22998229

Yes, strategies known to all men since 2000 bce
"Incels" are regular men who just voluntarily don't get laid. Incels are literally not real

>> No.22998239

Obviously incel means "I can't get a woman to WANT to have sex with me". Are you retarded or something?

>> No.22998246

Then many married men are incels by that definition as well

>> No.22998288
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>> No.22998306

>incel means "I can't get a woman to WANT to have sex with me"
of course, but that just confirms that their grievances are misplaced and the real problem is in their heads. real men want sex for its own sake, not because it makes them "feel wanted," that's a traditionally feminine headspace. instead of thinking like men (who formulate and pursue desires) incels think like girls (who want to be passive objects of desire). obviously this only serves to drive women further away, because what woman wants a man that thinks like a girl?

>> No.22998309

Anons may not like it but this is the cold, hard, truth.

>> No.22998313

apparently there are married femcels now. What's happening?

>> No.22998314

> pursues desires
> thinks he is a real man
Ban Nietzschecels on sight

>> No.22998321
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>> No.22998327

how nice of reddit to join us

>> No.22998334

Real men only feel paternalistic love, anger, and lust. They are vessels of ambition that take periodic breaks from crushing the skulls and piggy-banks of their enemies to fuck their harems.
All other emotions are for women and fags, and detestable incels like poets (fags) and writers (fags).

>> No.22998338

Are those real men in the room with us?

>> No.22998356

right, traditional masculinity, famously beloved on reddit. here on 4chan we prefer to be feminized (in a based way where you don't cut off your dick like a tranny but just wait passively for someone to tickle it like it's a clit)

>> No.22998359

If you wanted about sex for its own sake you would just masturbate and never care about women. Feels more or less the same but much more convenient.
Sex with someone that loves you is 100 times better than that. You'd know if you had done it.

>> No.22998362

you really showed him with your extremely feminine tranny sarcasm

>> No.22998374
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Essay a+

>> No.22998399

>If you wanted about sex for its own sake you would just masturbate and never care about women.
a deranged statement. "sex" doesn't mean "penis stimulation" but the entire interaction. the point is that incels don't want the experience of sex as such, they want what it "says about them" that they're having it, ie they want to feel desired. like girls.

>> No.22998401

I never understand how "femcel" is even a thing. Sex is easy for women to obtain unless the woman has a hideous deformity and even then there will always be a simp waiting on them hand and foot.

>> No.22998406

The cock of Chad King to be precise

>> No.22998422
File: 20 KB, 700x700, DpQ9YJl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to take into consideration the roots of online culture, remember, computers used to be nerd shit that women completely ignored (because Chad preferred sports and "going outside") up until the early 2000s and even then women went to places where a great of socialization happened, like Myspace. In the early days of the internet it was mostly men that went on places like usenet and message boards. Women stuck with chat rooms where a greater degree of instant gratification was possible. Therefore, it was a defense mechanism developed to avoid females from disrupting a traditionally Male-centric camaraderie.

>> No.22998426

Yes, obviously the entire interaction includes the woman being into it. That's why men complain if she is just sitting there doing nothing.
So there is no difference between wanting sex, and wanting women to want to have sex with you, because the first implies the latter.

>> No.22998437

I actually think Andrea Yates is interesting in a way. From time to time you see people saying things like "Wouldn't it make sense to kill your children before they reach the Age of Reason to make sure they go to heaven" for the sake of argument in religious debates to attack Christianity, but she actually went through with it. And it makes logical sense. Even more so in Catholicism because you can get out of punishment via imperfect contrition.

>> No.22998448

TJ will win

>> No.22998568

Happy birthday little Jimmy!

>> No.22998684

Eileen is really good
it's just Chadsexual monogamists, they only want Chad and only in relationship but have nothing that is good enough to force Chad into it.

>> No.22998790

Considering people don't get to choose their looks, it is stupid to imply that beautiful people somehow "deserve" love more than ugly people.

>> No.22998810

Vaginismus, being fat, taking a long time to get in the mood, not knowing how to follow the sexual "script"
All these can hinder women from getting laid p baadly. I mean I'm hot as fuck I have a large cock and a body count nearing triple digits and I just used to be so scared and so clueless about how to follow the sexual "script." Man I even walked out on some hot girl who invited me to her house party just to fuck me, I was that clueless bout how to initiate. Luckily later a friend found out I was a virgin and fucked me a whole bunch super casual like and that took a lot of anxiety away. She was like yeah when in doubt just don't talk and that worked, I was drowning in pussy p soon. Anyway I don't think it can be taught but probably at least some of you, men women whatever, just need to shut the fuck up and be hot and quiet and you'll be getting laid left and right. Not all of you some of you prolly are just people who need to work on yourselves but do that and it'll be fine, life's great. Peace

>> No.22998877

The subreddit "Female Dating Strategy" has a handbook online somewhere.

>> No.22998960
File: 80 KB, 866x1390, young-vomiting-woman-near-toilet-bowl-at-home-2BJFDEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's women who have issues with intimacy. Rape victims and such. Damaged women who want to have sex but can't get close to men without feeling the urge to projectile vomit.

>> No.22999266

you were saying?

>> No.22999268

Either a crypto-roast or a massive flailing faggot telling tall tales (of faggotry)

>> No.22999281
File: 231 KB, 652x1000, A1rISyHatHL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the heart of the Country

>> No.22999603
File: 197 KB, 1636x853, polwhiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings up /pol/ out of nowhere

>> No.22999615

No amount of effort can overcome a short height and an ugly face

>> No.22999619

>incel signs up for tinder
>gets zero matches
>tries to meet women irl
>nothing but rejections
>"youre just avoiding sex bro"

>femcel signs up for tinder
>instantly gets dozens of quality matches
>decides she doesnt want any of them for some reason
>goes outside
>gets approached by men, if she bothered to approach she could probably get a man out of her league
Somehow you have equated these two things.

>> No.22999623

gideon the ninth but especially the sequel harrow the ninth. these dykes get NO action and are so pathetic about it

>> No.22999631

back to the sharty

>> No.22999644

It feels like there are way more women around here nowadays than in the late tens or even the earlier twenties, and back then it was well known that almost everyone who claimed to be a woman was either larping or a tranny. Go to /r9k/ nowadays and there are tons of posters claiming to be women who other anons engage with with little derision, a major change from not too long ago when that board was almost exclusively occupied by robots and cyborgs.
>"tits or get out" was always a thing but now there is unironical incel woman hatred
This is dumb. Back then if a genuine women came around here she would be bombarded by a double digits amount of posters just telling her to post tits, nowadays theres tons of "femcels" running around basically unabated.

>> No.22999682

okay but what if the contract is voided by being nonreciprocal?

>> No.23000146

>liberals think anti-catholicism is problematic now
weren't they against le epic skydaddy or something

>> No.23000150

It's crazy how pretty she is if you cover up her mouth, this is one of those chicks that still wears a covid mask everywhere

>> No.23000160
File: 47 KB, 425x283, lord of war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be honest I absolutely respect the dedication to trolling necessary to make Chrischan fuck his mom
The real question is
*puffs cigar*
how do we get him to fuck the other relatives?

>> No.23000201

Incels don't exist. The concept of "incel" is an a a priori impossibility, since celibacy is by definition voluntary, and being involuntarily voluntarily celibate is a logical contradiction. It should also be noted that incels don't lack sexual contact, since procuring this through prostitution is trivial. What incels actually desire is recognition from women. The fact that incels desire recognition from women further proves that they are not celibate and that being incel is not a property of a person but a sociopolitical stance.

>> No.23000218

It unironically was. Looking back I can't but feel perplexed by how critically of my life was shaped by this dump.

>> No.23000344

>Looking back I can't but feel perplexed by how critically of my life was shaped by this dump.
how do you even function like that? i only come here maybe a handful of times a year and that's enough for me to immediately feel like i'm spiraling if i stay for too long

>> No.23000355

>misogyny banter
you gotta admit that it is way worse than that. The minute someone suspects you're a woman on here, the conversation is basically over because they will go into incel shutdown and bombard you with their autistic rage. And none of that is articulated in any witty or eloquent way it's just crazy ramblings and screeching

>> No.23000358

women still get bombarded here but it went from 'post tits' to 'you're nothing but a set of holes and should be raped to death'

>> No.23000429

>there are anons here still pushing the self improoovment grift
You could get away with it in 2010 but people are aware of the snake oil now.

>> No.23000456

So what am I supposed to do? Revel in my misery? Find pleasure in my debasement?

>> No.23000467

She'll easily find an 8/10 guy to marry her. A lot of women are kind of ugly like that without makeup. The real problem is if you look like that as a man, then you are fucked. Wouldn't surprise me if the OP pic is trans too

>> No.23000473

>more than they deserve
Who deserves what now? I thought no one deserves love?

>> No.23000497

Jesus Christ
Miscellaneous hobbies
Go visit prostitutes if you really need to.
>inb4 your happiness and self-image is dominated by whether girls get wet looking at you
If that's' the case, you've already lost.

>> No.23000519

Threads like these are why I fucking hate incels and hope they stay miserable forever
>you can't be a femcel, just get tinder and spread your legs like a good whore
just proves that they actually don't believe there is anything wrong with our current degenerate hookup culture: they're just mad that they don't get to be chad/stacy and participate in it.
They're sexual lumpen, simple as

>> No.23000540
File: 77 KB, 350x406, oldgrimreaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Thread is about femcels
> ctrl+F son, daughter, children
> 0 results

If you don't do the bare minimum to procreate... guess what? And the ride doesn't end at the first stop either, although that is maybe a story for another time for you denseheads.

What is your age and how many conscious entities have you brought into existence?

>> No.23000793

how is convincing an adult to fuck another adult, a crime lmao

>> No.23000821

why would they want to vomit?

>> No.23000840

femcels are not real, they are a made-up fantasy

>> No.23001013

exactly this

>> No.23001082

Most incels are incels because they are unintelligent and lack basic self awareness and social awareness. None of them follow any concrete set of values, so they constantly contradict themselves.

>> No.23001085

i'd rather kill my self instead of sacrificing my life to birth and raise any pornaddicted scrotes offspring

>> No.23001108


>> No.23001121

stfu cunt the scrotes will never love you or see you as an equal. Look at you being all smug because some creature that would also fuck a corpse if times were tough 'wants' you.
>weatlhy suitors throwing themselves in our direction
Receiving pocket money and being an inhouse prostitute and maid for a man is one of the lowest forms of existence to me. maybe try getting a job dumbass, because the minute you birthed his children and don't look like a fuckable tight little 16 year old anymore said 'wealthy suitors' will ditch you without leaving a note. It's honestly whores like you that i hate even more than men. Because you can't get it into your thick skull that at the end of the day they hate us. It's not about "nerdmaxxing" or what ever braindead shit you make up in your head to feel like they value you in any way. Guess what, most of these dudes can't wait for you to finally shut the fuck up so they can talk. They might appreciate you being educated because it means you can listen to them babbling on more than some other whore with the reading comprehension of a first grader.

>> No.23001176
File: 120 KB, 340x262, thiscat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but women i've talked to seem to like joan didion.

also tay should have won

>> No.23001213

why is this woman talking?

>> No.23001243

>fuck a girl for the 2% of her life she is hot
>cum becomes lil nigga
>girl becomes not hot
>work 8-6 for the rest of my life to pay for lil nigga and ugly wife
>women naturally enjoy baking for some reason

>> No.23001273

Women experience inceldom in different ways than men. Thinking that one gender can't know inadequacy and solitude is just retarded.
Women "fuck" a man way before they spread their legs. Sex isn't as important to them as it is to men. They want someone who makes them feel safe, understood, and that listens to them, while sex is the way they have to keep men entertained.
Both of the sexes ache for plenitude, they just go about it in different ways.

>> No.23001285

I would argue that inceldom for a man is like only being able to eat bread and water your whole life, it's very bad but a happy life can be lived in spite of it, whereas for a woman it's like some kind of ultimate spiritual death. If they miss the boat and end up 27+ without a husband you can tell they basically feel like they've been sent to a North Korean labor camp. It's not that part of their life sucks now, it's that their whole life has lost meaning and become a nightmare.

Men WANT sex and companionship to the highest degree possible, but women NEED companionship and validation at a level that men probably can never understand. If you have a gf just go randomly tell her "wow you look beautiful today haha I don't know what it is, just saw you standing there and thought damn you look great" and she'll remember it for the rest of her life and spend the rest of the day going "WOWWW? MEEEEE? OMGGGG I MUST BE SO SPECIAL" That's how much power validation/being wanted has over them.

>> No.23001346

This post singlehandedly demonstrates why women weren't allowed to talk unless spoken to & beaten regularly for about 10000 years.

>> No.23001390
File: 72 KB, 750x748, 1681059443323953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh based catfight? Can you gals livestream it if it becomes physical?

>> No.23001432

I am very sorry for you. Whatever is going on through your life right now, remember that you aren't alone and there are ways to get help and people who will listen to you. Don't throw away everything you have, never even say that.

>> No.23001437

They aren't suicidal, they're making a humorous post to diss incels.

>> No.23001441

Damn it might be a woman indeed, there was nothing funny about it.

>> No.23001451
File: 113 KB, 347x371, 1705851252796024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keked

>> No.23001504

pretty bold of you considering that porn addicted, autistic little faggots like you were euthanized back in the day

>> No.23001512
File: 779 KB, 960x540, 1705564286286019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah Jimmy should have

>> No.23001576

>being a grown ass adult and having to ask your husband for pocket money like a child
>either try your best to please the cunt while he becomes fatter and balder and loathes you more and more because he'd rather fuck a 20 year old
>or divorce him and debase yourself to a lifetime of having to leech off his funds because you married him at 20 and have 0 work experience due to raising his offspring for him
>if he dies your fucked either way since you only exist as an extension of him

>> No.23001607

ugly face can be fixed, short height can be compensated for

>> No.23001633

Really depends, a lot of boomer women ended up owning their husbands just due to the fact they were way more social and didn't necessarily have to work

>> No.23001664
File: 259 KB, 729x676, 1704544715201050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could take either or

>> No.23001673

Why do her feet look like they've been flattened by a looney tunes character?

>> No.23001676

Is this fishbowl?

>> No.23001681

>being a grown ass adult and having to ask your husband for pocket money like a child
Women are mentally children. Useless in any situation except getting pregnant. Go be a faggot somewhere else.

>> No.23001712

Women spend like 80% of household income in many western countries despite producing net negative GDP, and in many east Asian countries it is known that they control all the finances and the husband gets an "allowance" (Japan is the most famous example).

Your problem is that you start from the position of seeing men and women as identical individuals with only minor differences, and then wondering why men get to do fun stuff and you don't. But men and women are very different. Women are often frivolous and emotional. You know this, even as a radfem. Does that mean they should be totally enslaved and men are right about everything? No, but it does mean that there might be subtler reasons that social and economic orders form on the basis of differentiated gender roles. We can correct and shape those roles and maybe create better outcomes if we simply accept that women are not blank individual slates, that they have distinct characteristics, and that yes this includes some flaws. Women are a bit stupid sometimes in their own ways. So are men, in theirs.

>> No.23001722

you can definitely con your way into a comfortable life if you suck up any ounce of pride and suck your scrotes dick as much as you can (especially in the first 10 years). I however could never do that. I'm not built for it. I'd rather sleep under a bridge and that would still be a more dignified existence to me than being someones trophy wife. There's no way in hell a dick would ever voluntarily enter my mouth as long as i'm breathing

>> No.23001733

That's just skill issue. Look at some of these retarded writers and philosphers people idolize on here, some of them spent their entire lives pining over women who talked to them about philosophy once, not even a kissie let alone a blowjob. If you do things right you won't have to be in the same room with them, maybe even the same house if you score high enough.

>> No.23001734
File: 56 KB, 607x794, fdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you received never having to give me a blowjob and I received you staying hot and thin enough that I can enjoy going down on you frequently? I am also willing to sign a contract to the effect that we both control our own finances. I also reserve the right to minimize my interactions with other women you know, inclusive of relatives.

>> No.23001738
File: 319 KB, 453x498, 1703922745197196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23001739

>Women are mentally children.
tell that to all the lowtest funkopop collectors on reddit. Or the "mancave" boomers. There are entire multimillion dollar industries that exist solely because of manchildren. Let's not forget the hordes of incels that are so mentally stunted that they become suicidal bc girls don't like them

>> No.23001741

bro no

>> No.23001746

I actually can't believe this mad lad didn't get cancelled for paying autistic people to let him bully them

>> No.23001750

Sir you're in a femcel thread.

>> No.23001751

no thanks it'd rather work myself to death than become a mans leech

>> No.23001761

No it's fun, you can also mess with his family relationships and his childhood hopes and dreams if you get bored and want to spice things up

>> No.23001760

>he doesn't understand what a metaphor is

>> No.23001768

>blah blah blah whatabout
Some men are retarded bitches. All women are retarded bitches.

>> No.23001770

Women read their porn. They can literally get away with cracking open porn anywhere in public without anyone batting an eye.

>> No.23001771

not the ones i like, they're special

>> No.23001772

He did get cancelled, in 2016.

>> No.23001777

>you don't understand bro she's different bro
famous last words

>> No.23001781

I would nut in her which means she isn't a femcel.
She wouldn't let me nut in her which means I am an incel.

>> No.23001784

I meant for fish tank which imo is way worse than anything he did on world peace (which was just skits but of course Sam has to put the jooz shit in his bumpers and then act surprised his shit gets canned)

>> No.23001786

It's a tad worse, they can buy it without any shame in any half decent store. 300 pages of smouldering semi bdsm sex right next to the cucumber section.

>> No.23001789

yeah cause that's even remotely comparable to the brain altering depravities on your average mainstream porn site.

>> No.23001795

>Ruins romantic expectations forever
There's not a lot to ruin brainwise though.

>> No.23001796
File: 430 KB, 733x496, the footfairy... comes tonight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no stopping what can't be stopped. No killing what can't be killed. No cancelling what's already been cancelled.

>> No.23001802

They do not exist, women cannot suffer. Most men are in constant anguish every waking moment, these women appropriate misery because they're demented egomaniacs.

>> No.23001804

>femcel justifies why her porn addiction is better than men's
you're gonna dream about being pregnant again tonight and wake up crying lmao

>> No.23001806

I'm not super into blackpill lingo but it was funny seeing these normie women use it.

>> No.23001809

This + "that one made it through the antidepressants" are my favorite lines lately I'm going to memorize these, this is some high level shit

I mostly focus on reminding women of men's standards with regard to age, hitting the wall seems to terrify them. Any tips in that department, sensei?

>> No.23001813

>oh no semi bdsm sex fantasies without any graphic imagery, that i have to makeup in my own imagination :(((
>i prefer watching 15 niggers simultaniously craming their dicks into a drugged up whore who's purposfully made to look like a preschooler :))

>> No.23001819

as if i read that shit. It's retarded but harmless is what i'm saying

>> No.23001829

>I mostly focus on reminding women of men's standards with regard to age, hitting the wall seems to terrify them. Any tips in that department, sensei?
remind them that when they die alone their cats are gonna eat their corpse, eyes-first
porn is porn, video porn is no worse or better than words porn

>> No.23001836

Yes. Remind me how many women have a rape fantasy.

>> No.23001842

>porn is porn, video porn is no worse or better than words porn
keep telling yourself that while your brain becomes more cum filled each day

>> No.23001846

What is the biological mechanism by which cum reaches the brain?

>> No.23001848

Damn we got a new resident schizo? Should be the second one this week already. I hope this one at least sleeps.

>> No.23001853

I've had more relationships and more sex than you (re: >0). Physician, heal thyself.

>> No.23001854

Idk. Considering video porn often involves actual filmed rape I'd say the written stuff is better in comparison

>> No.23001857

i'd wanna kms if my psyche made me wanna argue and type out captchas every minute

>> No.23001860

Rape is just a social construct.

>> No.23001866

oh so hentai is fine, hentaichads we are gmi

>> No.23001867
File: 33 KB, 599x800, 9cbb7b0e0fd84580d3b927f7e0ba7a65ca100248e2353967b7a9a2c4688ad206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your ideal woman

>> No.23001883 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23001892
File: 498 KB, 1972x1106, 1605044506115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23001902

The dfw makes it

>> No.23001903

I'm not posting a picture of my mom you sick freak.

>> No.23001906

i'm not even starting to write whole blogpost on this for you cumbrains but liberal feminism is to blame. It has ruined women to a point of no return. Decades of catering to mens fantasies under the guise of "liberation" and the repression of any form of critical thinking among women. Don't get me wrong. I'm no "women can do wrong" person. The average normie woman is insanely retarded (just like the average male normie). Liberal feminism failed these women that are too one dimensional to think for themselves. I try to radicalize and re-educate some of them but most are too far gone. I don't hate them like i hate men i pity them.

>> No.23001908

i knew i missed my chance but damn this really puts into perspective by what margin

>> No.23001916

Women innately think rape is sexy because rape was the status quo for thousands of years, and the women who fought back too hard were killed.

>> No.23001918

would you still say that if some hood nigger decided to tear up your ass?

>> No.23001927

The conscious realization of things like this = antinatalism

>> No.23001928

no they think it's sexy because they've been brainwashed into thinking that being a dudes perfect little fucktoy is the epitome of "empowerment" and sexual freedom

>> No.23001929

>Its other feminists' fault, women just have no agency

>> No.23001939

I have a gun, so it's a non-issue.

>> No.23001941

>women just have no agency
the average normie npc doesn't, no. They just eat what the jews feed them.

>> No.23001944

How so?
Factually incorrect, retard. Women have fantasized about being ravished since long before feminism took root.

>> No.23001945

Femcel is le based? Uhmma uhm hello~

>> No.23001951

why would you have to defend yourself if rape is a social construct? It's not real just let him use your hole for a moment

>> No.23001953

Where are the dajoos posters now.

>> No.23001957

being voluntarily ravished isn't rape.

>> No.23001973

KEK why is she so based

>> No.23001974

Elle if you’re still around on this board consider hitting me up. I don’t care how you look I just like talking to you. You know who this is, just a random Hail Mary since I don’t have any other way of getting touch with you.

Enjoy your literature discussions anons. Don’t mind me. Peace.

>> No.23001988

How can it be a rape fantasy if they want it? Rape by definition is unwanted sex.

>> No.23001993


>> No.23002007

let me guess, you're a nigger?

>> No.23002020

You suck at guessing. Was just wondering why you don't have 3 goys hounding you for insulting God's chosen people. I'd have expected our resident woman defenders saying something about this though.

>> No.23002023

That’s what I thought at first but trannys are way dumber and would never say something like this
>There’s no way in hell a dick would ever voluntarily enter my mouth as long as i’m breathing

>> No.23002027

Transbians would

>> No.23002032

femcel here
i will fuck the first anon to get trips but only if you're 7+ft, blonde hair, blue eyes, 6 figure salary, live in a big mansion, 7inch cock minimum, 8pack, drive a motorcycle and have a criminal record including at least 3 domestic abuse charges
teehee :3 x

>> No.23002033

Reading this without any context among this whole mess just made me audibly laugh fucking kek

>> No.23002043

okay if you are 7ft+ and have wide hips we can work something out, ill have to get a few surgeries but whatever

>> No.23002047

The average edgy 4chan tranny is just a failed man who likes that women get a lot of attention and praise, they still like pussy generally

>> No.23002051

wow it's almost like no one likes jews. Fascinating.

>> No.23002056

I think you misunderstood me mister, no biggie.

>> No.23002065

i'm sorry to burst your bubble but if there's one thing i dislike more than the average male, it's fetishists cosplaying as women :((

>> No.23002070

Confirmed trans right here imo

>> No.23002082

No that’s typical radfem lingo

>> No.23002089

this thread shoud be moved to >>>/r9k/
only simps can talk this much about "femcels"

>> No.23002091

That's typical edgy 4chan not like other trans discourse

>> No.23002094

Should be moved to crystal coffees

>> No.23002097

This whole board has become r9k lmao. Scarcely a post goes by that isn't about women and sex now

>> No.23002120

only a butthurt polfag would have that image saved

>> No.23002127

It's honestly the worst jak I've seen, jaks really have this uncanny ability to pinpoint stereotypes of young white internet addicts but that pic is just pure buttmad

>> No.23002161

Anyone ITT actually read the book the OP is about or no?

>> No.23002210

I look like a dumpster and I'm still wanted, sapiosexuals are a real thing. I also control the purse strings. What a lot of tradwives miss is that being a total doormat is unhealthy and a good marriage should be like a business partnership. It is important to negotiate a good deal and scrotes who don't hold up their end of the bargain should be dumped.

A large part of behavior is genetic so if you're a nice person and you marry a nice guy your sons probably wouldn't grow up to be weird scrotalicious little incel freaks

>> No.23002299

They had euthanasia 10000 years ago?

>> No.23002312

Women want to be taken, you fucking retards. I shouldn't be shocked that you're such unabashed virgins, but here we are.

>> No.23002322

OP is a picture of Tayleigh, a contestant from the most recent season of Sam Hyde's internet reality game show, Fish Tank.

>> No.23002327

so it's not a rape fantasy

>> No.23002331
File: 194 KB, 1000x328, 1704632409214160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a rape fantasy because women were bred through rape. Now they have an instinctive desire for it.

>> No.23002403

you're fucking retarded m8

>> No.23002538

i'm balding

>> No.23002589

we already have a word for it, it's homely. As in they should stay at home because of how fugly they are, but it's taken for granted that it's a man's home - the homely woman is still getting married and having penis time every so often.

>> No.23002695
File: 1.43 MB, 2069x3072, Ramses9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silence anons! Too much mockery was thrown onto you in this thread poor femcel. You have been abused for too long and for no purpose and with little skill. Let us know, what are your demands?

>being a grown ass adult and having to ask your husband for pocket money like a child
Verily, there is nothing more humiliating. Many a poor woman are beaten and abused in the kingdom for simply wanting to earn a honest coin. The most important number in the book of numbers is your net worth, and pregnant women have been so deviously kept from stacking pyramid blocks? What? Should we stop building this great pyramid just because... your water broke? We're literally going to go to space with these pyramids, you fucking motherfuckers! From this day forward, if the husband hides his pregnant wife from pyramid work, he shall have his balls thrown into the Nile.
>either try your best to please the cunt while he becomes fatter and balder and loathes you more and more because he'd rather fuck a 20 year old
This too must end, the fornicators and all the adulterers who have DISPLEASED the god by cheating on the femcel wife are worth less than dirt. All adulterers and fornicators will have their testicles grinded into dust and their ballsacks will be fed to our livestock.
>or divorce him and debase yourself to a lifetime of having to leech off his funds because you married him at 20 and have 0 work experience due to raising his offspring for him
Nothing more unjust than a law which DEBASES you with tainted unearned money. It corrupts both your soul and your body. In cases of a divorce offering the money will instead be shredded, diced, burned to bits and then I will PERSONALLY piss on any ashes that fail to be scattered in the wind.
>if he dies your fucked either way since you only exist as an extension of him
How dare the fat fuck die with such a beautiful and loving wife at his side!?! If he dies before the femcel wife gives her written consent the ULTIMATE punishment will be administered. We must of course take the testicular organ of the deceased and we will at once all participate in a great mandatory ritual in which we will curse the fool's bits to always itch him in the afterlife. After the curse (which is elaborate in its sinister power) reattach the testicles to the mummified before his burial so that even in his eternal sleep he will regret disrespecting his femcel whenever he scratches his astral balls.

>> No.23002707

i feel so bad for tay i hope somebody helps her

>> No.23002723
File: 581 KB, 220x217, retard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Femcel thread

>> No.23002728

femcels aren't real, they can't hurt you

>> No.23002737


>> No.23002742

>femcel literature
Why would anyone want to read that? You zoomers are weird, but the answer is Fifty Shades of Grey and other smut novels, obviously. Your pic is hideous, especially for her vibe.

>> No.23002746

Her vibe and eyes are solo carrying

>> No.23002750

I've seen her tits, ass and bush.

>> No.23002761

And I don't feel like I'm missing much

>> No.23002767

Speak English, coomer.

>> No.23002768

they're better than you'd expect, especially from a bulimic

>> No.23002777

Without the cohesive goth aesthetic or pretty eyes she would be extremely unattractive

>> No.23002791

Oh damn, i didn't realize she was from the latest season of parasocial zoomer

>> No.23002808

She's worse off for those things--they only serve to highlight her failures as a woman and illumine her poor personality, and, most importantly, she is extremely unattractive despite of them.

>> No.23002821

If she wasn't dressed like a mall goth and had no makeup this thread would've died at 40 replies

>> No.23002847

That's more a testament to the desperate coomerism of 4chan than anything else.

>> No.23002860

post it

>> No.23003256


>> No.23004248

speaking of which, where the fuck did Butterfly go? I miss her and her Gore Vidal threads

>> No.23004342
File: 65 KB, 632x900, FlVAxjIXoAAERnM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

understand that the demographics of this site have gone from socially inept white kids to shitskins who historically murder and rape women

makes a lot more sense when you wonder who's behind all this "incel rage"

>> No.23004411

>Oh my...fuck, I feel so bad for her. So so sorry.
She would literally look cute if she smiled. And if she didn't want to do that she could put on some goth makeup and attract someone.

>> No.23004466

Women can't be "femcels" because any of them could go out and have sex in an hour.

>> No.23004572

How do you reconcile this female rape fantasy with books like the piano teacher where a femcel gets raped by chad and yet kills herself over it?

>> No.23004745
File: 1.95 MB, 480x358, stopit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you reconcile that 4chud post with this fictional book

>> No.23004757

How many the piano teachers exist and how many 50 shades of grey clones exist where its at least morally ambiguous rape.

>> No.23004851


>> No.23004877

What does it mean

>> No.23004964

digits bro

>> No.23005132

that doesn't answer my question plus one of was written by a nobel laureate while the other by a genre slop author who can't even use her real name

>> No.23005458

hahahahaha the crab bucket ugly roastoid is mad at successful women again

>> No.23005466

canon event incoming
you will be a gymbro soon

>> No.23005474

>Femcels are women who can't find love
Their own fault, just by a matter of probability, you dumb hole.

>> No.23005492
File: 19 KB, 245x406, PaperbackCoverofBearbyMarianEngel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that doesn't answer my question
It does. X is more popular than Y. Awards are just the result of cliches and, usually academic, conventions that can be totally removed from the majority of readers/people. They don't automatically reflect anything.

pic related won awards and is about a woman fucking a bear. I guess thats what canadian women are into xd

>> No.23005495


>> No.23005502

>Idk. Considering video porn often involves actual filmed rape
That makes it better

>> No.23005971

looks like an oblivion character

>> No.23006028
File: 455 KB, 1225x1218, 1706491002012984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23006085

wise marvelfag right here

>> No.23006087

as if I needed more reasons to love Emily Bronte...

>> No.23006715


>> No.23007229

She's kinda cute in an ugly kind of way

>> No.23007242

>either larping or a tranny. Go to /r9k/
/r9k/ is literally a trannie board at this point. I wouldn't use that board as an example of real women using 4chan