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/lit/ - Literature

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22990496 No.22990496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single philosophy student in the world that doesn't try to act all nice meek but is secretly a smug asshole? I'm so tired of these fake as niggas. At least the STEMcels know they're pieces of shit and aren't ashamed of it.

What is it about philosophy classes that pump out these clones?

>> No.22990500 [DELETED] 
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They end up on /lit/ as critics!

>> No.22990501

How many have you talked with irl? I bet it's zero

>> No.22990510

I talk to a lot of them which is why I bring it up. When you first meet them they're so timid and courteous but after a while they reveal their venomous nature.

/lit/ is also a breeding ground for these types of people and you can clearly see what kind of people they truly are once they have the cover of anonymity to hide behind. But I bet you the meanest mother fucker philosophy faggot on here will act like a little sissy bitch if you met them in real life.

>> No.22990516

Who cares bro. Stop being so sensitive fucking hell.

>> No.22990521

Can you give me any examples? How do they differ from your average uni goer?

>> No.22990526

Not /lit/erature related

>> No.22990539

>lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.22990579

sensitive people are spiritually superior

>> No.22990587

don't argue with them. that's what they want. just ignore them.

>> No.22990590


>> No.22990601

Please point out the "nice meek" /lit/ posters. Nearly everyone here, and especially the philosophycels, are maniacs.

>> No.22990610

>Is there a single philosophy student in the world that doesn't try to act all nice meek but is secretly a smug asshole?
Most trust fund liberal arts students tend to be like that. You'd be smug too if you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, living your young adult years in economic easy mode

>> No.22990624 [DELETED] 

I'm thinking based

>> No.22990632

Just as I said. They act shy and coy when they're in front of a lot of people or when you're meeting them for the first time. But then they become hyper critical of you and basically shit on people relentlessly. Especially true when it comes to politics, they're incredibly snarky about it. Most other uni goers don't act like this or you'll know they'll act like this from the get go.
They don't, that's my point. /lit/ posters are exactly what all these philosophy students act like behind closed doors.

>> No.22990640

Don’t kid yourself. Most people are deceptive in general.

>> No.22990653

>But then they become hyper critical of you and basically shit on people relentlessly. Especially true when it comes to politics, they're incredibly snarky about it.
Goddamn go confront your friend instead of making up nonsense on /lit/,

>> No.22990655

>Is there--

>> No.22990657 [DELETED] 

>Goddamn go confront your friend instead of making up nonsense on /lit/,
Nonsense... on MY /lit/?!

Say it ain't so!

>> No.22990658

No on this level. People might hide things but you can get a decent idea of what they're like by just talking to them for a few minutes in public. Philosophycucks are different beats. No other creature does such drastic 180s.
I do and I have. They get angry when you point out their behaviour. I'm sure a few of them are in here right now feeling that anger.

>> No.22990663

yeah but the mods don't care and reporting does nothing

>> No.22990664

Tell me more about the Jews

>> No.22990671

Sounds more like you have some personal problems to be honest

>> No.22990678
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Let me guess, you're a philosophy student.

>> No.22990679

STEMfag actually

>> No.22990703

It sounds like you are the one with the anger.

>> No.22990710

>No u
Kys philosofaggot

>> No.22990725

How quaint. What are you hoping to accomplish here? Are you trying to obtain a primer on how to talk to philosophaggots? What do you do for a living? Why are you seemingly so concerned with people who study philosophy and how they rank against other disciplines in terms of these things? I can tell you in my experience that you are describing tendencies that most people have, especially when it comes to politics, that is one of the reasons society deemed it polite not to talk about it for the most part. I am not asking these things in an effort to goad you, I am curious about what you are hoping to accomplish.

>> No.22990731

>philoshit drivel
Case in point

>> No.22990735

If you are so easily irked by questions then perhaps you should just avoid philosophy altogether and those that study it for that matter.

>> No.22990737

You can tell OP hit the nail on the head. They're not going to let this thread simply drift to page 10 they need to violently argue about how how "alshuallys everyone is an asshole just like me so you can't use this against me!!!!!!"

>> No.22990756 [DELETED] 
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/lit/ crabs will not let their target go once they have their pinchers locked on!

>> No.22990765

You are included for sure. What did you think I meant with
>/lit/ is also a breeding ground for these types of people

>> No.22990769

Seeking to become one of us?

>> No.22990781 [DELETED] 
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Welcome, young one...

>> No.22990815

This board is supposed to be for literary discourse, not for you to whine like a resentful teenager.

>> No.22990824

Another IP crawls into the bucket.

>> No.22991004

Idk what you mean by venemous. Do you mean they become more confident (or in your view arrogant) in their own viewpoints, or are they genuinely harmful to you?

As a history major, people would call me meek, timid, smart, and a doofus, but half of that is because I dont feel comfortable being myself around others. I just get hurt when I finally open up. There are very few people that I would actually ever share sincere thoughts to in real life.

>> No.22991025

It’s generalized drivel, it doesn’t matter how anyone interacts with OP, he clearly has personal problems. It’s not just about a philosophy student being mean to him, even basic honest discourse annoys him. So what’s really going on there?

>> No.22991058 [DELETED] 
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>So what’s really going on there?

>> No.22991088

Many of the really, very smart STEMcels are very nice people, humble and helpful, and there's a definite strain of sincere communitarian ethos in the physics/math/CS end of things. Much of the reason I made a career in physics is because everyone was so sincerely helpful and generous, a total surprise but it kept happening.

There's also no shortage of scorching assholes, and they tend to make more money. But the stereotypical smug bitter incel science student - and there are plenty - is generally not particularly smart ime. I don't know why this is, but I think there are people who are just so happy to be doing science and doing it well that they don't have any room for mean thoughts.

>> No.22991092

OP has a point actually because you sound like a smug faggot.

>> No.22991152

it appears that our superiority has stirred some controversy

>> No.22991304

No he doesn’t because you just sound like an ignorant cunt

>> No.22991529

>anon discovers the socratic method

>> No.22991536

>philosophy student
Lyterally a professional mental masturbator
What'd you expect them to be like?

>> No.22991672

Seeing as the STEM major roommates I had in college pretended to be my friend for 2 years in front of my and behind my back viciously made fun of me the whole time to the extent that they put a secret camera in the ceiling fan of my room to record me jerking off I figure I’d dispute the claim.

>> No.22991680

In almost every field of study the midwits are assholes who think they're better than everyone else while the true geniuses are humble. Many such cases.

>> No.22991689

>/lit/ is also a breeding ground for these types of people and you can clearly see what kind of people they truly are once they have the cover of anonymity to hide behind. But I bet you the meanest mother fucker philosophy faggot on here will act like a little sissy bitch if you met them in real life.
That's true! And there's nothing you can do about it, little bitch. This is MY playground, imbecile.

>> No.22991732 [DELETED] 
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>That's true! And there's nothing you can do about it, little bitch. This is MY playground, imbecile.

>> No.22991815

Your fault for thinking meek is some kind of good quality, those are the ones you always should watch out for.

>> No.22992155

>tfw you realize he liked you and you missed your chance on teenage love

>> No.22992159 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 1024x1024, basketcrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl I was in love with as a teenager died of an overdose

>> No.22992172

Is this how you imagine them to be? I've hardly met any who fit this description. Guessing you haven't really interacted with any of them.

>> No.22992184

>But the stereotypical smug bitter incel science student - and there are plenty - is generally not particularly smart ime
yes, that was my observation as well. They usually retain an infantile pride about being 'into science' because of how much harder it is than other fields, implying that it's frustratingly hard for them but they stick to it to prove a point, not out of passion.

>> No.22992220

Anon, I love you.
>Kisses cheek
We will get through these hard times, together, with Christ.

>> No.22992290

Yeah this, meekness is really disgusting in men. Truly insecure people that a good become reclusive types, meek agreeable people sort of latch onto someone powerful like a barnacle to feel secure.

>> No.22992300

>What is it about philosophy classes
For philosophers and women, reality is social.

Unlike in the hard sciences, the objective physical reality isn't the ultimate arbiter of truth in philosophy. A philosopher can't be proven wrong or correct by reality. Philosophers don't derive their social status from being correct about reality or from building useful products. They have never been humbled by the experience of having their hypothesis proven wrong experimentally. Nor have they been humbled by the experience of attempting to build something that doesn't work. There is no "wrong" in philosophy, you can always form cliques, fan clubs, and launch attacks on purely verbal grounds. Dead philosophers are only ever "wrong" insofar as they and their fan clubs are dead and can't punch back. Their social hierarchies are built around language games, looking impressive to other philosophers, politicking, and so on. Their reality is social.

This naturally attracts, and filters for, a certain type of person. They approach everything through the lens of status games. What you are observing is them being deferential at the outset just in case, sizing you up socially, realizing that you aren't a social threat, and treating you accordingly, as is right and proper in their understanding of the world.

>> No.22992407

A number of these criticisms also apply to practitioners of hard sciences as well, the majority of whom will never actually even get so far as to formulate a hypothesis of their own and act the same way socially. The ones that do adhere to their own social hierarchy and a good number of them are just physically weak people that I would speculate probably could not punch back with any merit even if they tried.

>> No.22992427

>practitioners of hard sciences as well, the majority of whom will never actually even get so far as to formulate a hypothesis
What do you think a Ph.D. thesis or paper is, or where have you seen "practitioners" of hard sciences without a Ph.D.?

>> No.22992441

>For philosophers and women, reality is social.
This is wrong. Have you read anything?
>They approach everything through the lens of status games
This is also completely wrong

>> No.22992446

Are you trying to tell me that every pharmacy technician and nurse who is applying principles in chemistry in their practice needs to have a PhD to do this job? Are you telling me that every mechanical engineer needs to have a PhD in physics in order to do theirs? The overwhelming majority of those people will never make a hypothesis of their own. The second part of my comment address the ones who choose to pursue the hard sciences on their own intrinsic merits. Are you trying to tell me that they do not possess their own social hierarchy they adhere to? If you fall into this category then take a look at your colleagues the next time you see them and ask yourself how they would against physically superior specimens since I tend to notice the fragile thin types and obese tend to gravitate towards those areas.

>> No.22992476

These aren't practitioners of science. These aren't in any way scientists. They don't do science, as in the practice of figuring out what is true about reality, mostly through hypotheses and modeling and experiments. We're talking about academic philosophers and academic scientists, the academic cultures they created, and what kind of people those two cultures attract. If you're going to drag in non-scientists and call them "practitioners of science", I'm free to slap the "philosopher" label on anyone who reads or quotes any accredited philosopher. This is you misreading the group to which philosophers are being compared. And I ignored the second part of your comment because it was an even more obvious misreading, "to punch back" obviously meaning to publish diatribes and convoluted sophistry in philosophy journals, in the context of verbal attacks. Are you a philosopher?

>> No.22992494

Well if your standards are so high then why are you and the OP even here shitting up the literature board with this inane babbling? I could just as easily conclude that you ignored the second part of my comment because you are just another nutless bitch like the OP, only here to hide behind the safety of internet anonymity, which makes you no different than anyone else here, except I would venture a great many more philosophy minded people possess testicles which you clearly lack. I would even say if we were talking irl you wouldn't even have said that to my face because you reek of cowardice and I can smell your weak body all the way over here, and you would likely not want a lesson in the applied physics of getting a beating. So we are back to the initial posts in this thread, why are you here?

>> No.22992536

>Well if your standards are so high
Yep, you're a philosopher or an LLM. People in an academic department create the department's culture. In STEM departments, these people are scientists. With Ph.D. degrees. The culture, then, attracts a specific kind of student. The OP's question was why philosophy students were that way and STEM students another way. Do pharmacy technicians or nurses create the culture of an academic department? Do they come to university after hours to drink tea or something? Are mechanical engineers secretly employed by universities to wear the lecturers' skinsuits and teach when the latter are indisposed? No? Then why the fuck are they relevant and where do "standards" come in here? My standards are so high for not expanding the set of people who create an academic department's culture beyond the people actually employed there? I recommend you exercise more; it would help with brain fog so you wouldn't misread, lardass.

>> No.22992582

An interesting and flattering assumption about what I am in terms of culture, and a poorly conjectured assumption about what I am irl. Perhaps I was mistaken to a degree in my approach, I am actually quite interested in the hard sciences and I don't begrudge people for pursuing them, if you read the OP he indicates that he believes stem students to be pieces of shit and seems to believe that philosophy students are just arrogant and under some sort of pretenses otherwise. You have interjected yourself and are now equivocating back and forth about the what constitutes an 'actual stemcell' for all intents and purposes. You are welcome to continue your selection variances if you so desire, the conversation was never about anything more than human nature and our baked in assumptions about others. You can point to any group of people by any metric and find the traits that OP has described amongst them. You can shift this argument to teachers and lecturers at universities if you wish, and I can very easily find this sort of behavior amongst them as easily as I can find it amongst students of philosophy, nurses, and engineers, and virtually any field with a hierarchy for that matter. As it stands you have not made any actual assertions, so it seems we come again to why you are here shitting up the literature board? If you seek some sort of ego boost from flaunting your specialized knowledge then why not make a thread about some books pertaining to hard sciences? If your environment is so far removed from these tendencies of human nature as you perceive them, why not just go back to your own little circlejerk? You can even talk about me behind my back if it tittilates your ego and I will be wholly unconcerned. Why are you and the OP here if neither of you are actually interested in anything more than shitting up an anonymous literature board?

>> No.22992596

I answered the OP's question, straight and to the point, and laid out the logic. You, meanwhile, felt the need (maliciously?) to misread and then shit the board up with this contentless drivel, trying to get a reaction out of an anon. Then, you accuse me of shitting up the board. Honestly, die, the world needs fewer sleazebags. /thread

>> No.22992613

Do you have any hard evidence to support what you are saying?

>> No.22992631

>This board is supposed to be for literary discourse, not for you to whine like a resentful teenager.
Yet it's always full of blogposting, advice, and pseudo intellectual philosophy threads (i.e. whining like a teen).

>> No.22992640

have you considered that science can be bound to governments, corporations, the dominant belief system, the peer review method, and even the philosophy of the scientist? of course, science has undoubtedly done many great things for man on the other hand. but it cannot ask order a society and it cannot ask why. it is the backbone of society and not the brain nor the heart.

>> No.22992694

Yeah, no shit retard. For some reason the cattle population have deemed it appropriate to physically assault anyone whose words make them feel a type of way. Ah w to play it smart and dog whistle smarmy shit at the dense morons or fave a wall of fists, cunt. Fick you.

>> No.22992713

>but it cannot ask order a society and it cannot ask why. it is the backbone of society and not the brain nor the heart.
"society" isn't a unitary actor. nothing is its brain or backbone because it's not a unitary actor. politicians and administrators are incentivized by their clients to order their subordinates, and scientists are incentivized by personal interest and what other scientists find interesting (salary, prestige and tenure are downstream of this). philosophers don't "order" anyone or tell anyone to ask "why", they're entertainment, in the same category as writers and journalists. journalists have more of a claim to "ordering" society. you're only confusing yourself, like do you imagine highly competent people, a politician after a full day of calling in favors and lobbying and paying visits, or a molecular geneticist after a day of writing code and advising his students and catching up to published work and colleague talk, they're going to sit down and read, mouths open, the "asking why" out of the department of fart sniffing? lol, lmao

>> No.22992716

So you have no hard evidence of any of your claims?

>> No.22992729

>being this autistic
for my mind's sake i'm just going to pretend you were baiting all along. if you're actually serious about this, invent a time machine and head back to the days of the late scientifc revolution to tell them that so they can put you in the pillory and then let them travel to our time to make science cool again.

>> No.22992741

>thinking that 17th century philosophers were practising the same thing as the ones in 2024, because it's the same word
you best invent a time machine to get to 2024, mate, time to catch up.

>> No.22992754

You're right, the STEMs these days are too concerned with racial quotas and safe speak and gossiping behind everyone's back to be bothered to do anything scientific, just like everyone else.

>> No.22992765

>t. never had to keep up with the firehose of arXiv, bioRxiv, or even just Google Scholar alerts for keywords in your field

>> No.22992779

I know stemcells are exceptionally good goyim who intrinsically know their place in the social hierarchy, you strike me as being an exceptionally good goy. Your chance to shut me up to my face is entirely dependent on you providing hard evidence of your assertions, just like irl. This is why it is so exceptionally easy to order stemcells around. If you have no hard evidence of your assertions you are just another nutless bitch who will go back to your recognized social hierarchy with the same rules and be a nutless bitch there as well.

>> No.22993034

I hate this word, but you are just insecure

>> No.22993238

/// Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city's renovated train station /// The 82-year-old songwriter mixes serious contemplation with mordant humor on his new album /// She threw him a look of haughty disdain /// This recognition frees logic from the epistemological discussion of secondary qualities /// Was there no postman or postmaster whom he could suborn to intercept them for him? /// As to syllogism specifically, Locke in a passage, 8 which has an obviously Cartesian ring, lays down four stages or degrees of reasoning, and points out that syllogism serves us in but one of these /// Littoral warfare includes amphibious landings /// He's a science-fiction maven who can talk for hours about fictional technology /// Bacterial sepsis continues to be the leading cause of death in intensive care units /// My husband is retreating into sullen withdrawal or making sharp passive-aggressive digs at me /// He turned away to wring out the wet shirt /// We are far too concerned to repeat the old shibboleths of the past without trying to face the vexing and intractable problems of the present /// No wonder the court feels little compunction about overturning statutes /// He is like an artist who is more anxious to produce a meretricious effect than he is to be true to himself or to nature /// The rules are set in stone, so we can't make any adjustments /// Stop being so unctuous and tell the truth /// The word limey originated from 18th and 19th century British sailors drinking lime juice to ward off scurvy /// Following a march by protesters, police tried to tear down some newly-erected tents at the encampment and scuffled with demonstrators /// The most dangerous creature of all is the nymphet, the femme fatale, the siren who will lead a good man to ruin, a common archetype threaded throughout art, music and literature /// Strategic recklessness aside, the chief problem with the plan was that it needed a weak, feckless opposition /// He attempted to tackle the nettlesome issue of police and community relations /// Some jurisdictions have recognized a spoliation tort action, which allows the victim of destruction of evidence to file a separate tort action against a "spoliator" /// This fetid odor is common to stinkhorn fungi, and attracts insects that help to disperse the spores /// Climate affects snow fluffiness /// He was carping from the outside, attacking and undermining all the work that was being done /// The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of a witness who died before the trial ///

>> No.22993302

The entire point of studying philosophy or similarly-challenging humanities disciplines is to mog others in social situations

>> No.22993322

I know exactly what you mean. I gave up on the idea of grad school partly because of it. I guess it wasn't just the students but whole thing feeling (or being) a giant, pretentious, elitist charade with little to no grounding in reality. Now I larp as a philosophy student or professor on my website to make fun of them

>> No.22993329

Why are philosophy cucks all depressive sniveling mongoloids who struggle to maintain a job then? They certainly aren't mogging anyone socially with how timid they act when confronted in real social situation. They only start getting snarky when they're behind closed doors.

>> No.22993343

Hyper politeness is the pinnacle of narcissism.
If you read Joyce's biography, you'll fine plenty of passages where he is exceedingly polite to people, because he thinks of them like little baubles or pets.

>> No.22993378

That's general British behavior really

>> No.22993432

If by venemous, you mean, they feel more confident in expressing their views and being argumentative, that is a good thing. It means that they treat you as a friend, and furthermore, as a person who they see as someone capable of understanding philosophical discourse.
You should engage even further with these people in philosophy, chances are; they don't get that many opportunities like that anymore in their day to day life. Get a round of drinks, light a couple of ciggies, and just talk the night away, nothing's better.

>> No.22993437

You sound like a foid

>> No.22993463

I got disillusioned by this same phenomenon, only to find the same thing after switching majors to a physical science. People that haven't had life kick them in the ass hard before going to university tend to end up like that. Also found out through conversations that they were rarely whipped by their parents as kids, never forced to work, yet all the more resentful of their family for no reason. And typically they also hate the "uneducated" who usually have learned far more life lessons despite not doing much with it.
I just wish people in general could be more grateful. You even see this with responses to lit. Completely unreceptive to the life and perspective of talented writers' characters.

>> No.22993631

Did a dark academia philosophy major fuck your girlfriend? Is this what this is about?

>> No.22993645

You and I both know philosophyniggas aren't getting any pussy. Don't try to pull this shit even on here, you know how laughable that sounds.

>> No.22993697


meanest philosophyfag here. Pussy is cheap. Humanities faggots without any philosophy training are retards rambling on in their own shit. Religiousniggers are subhuman slaves with easily exploitable delusions. STEMfags are one-dimensional autists generally begging for a task. I truly am above them all. Deep down they know it, and I know it. It's not always necessary to put them in their place. Amateurs in philosophy are caught up in the belief they should be dunking on everyone 24/7, professionals recognize that people only need to be whipped every so often

>> No.22993749

Did the bad philosophy student touch your dick? Jesus christ, you sound like the used up roasties that bitch about men nonstop. Nobody cares and your trauma-coping is so blatant it's clear some philosophy fag fucked your mom

>> No.22993752

>instantly brings up sex as their very first defence mechanism
Philosophy students might not be women but they sure act like them.

>> No.22993764

>n-no. Y-you're the woman!!
Nice one. I'm not a philosophy student, retard. Either way, it's clear your pussy's up in a wad for something a philofag did so keep coping

>> No.22993771

I never said you're a women you all just act like them especially when you try to drag sex into everything.
Yeah yeah this is the part where you act like you're just a noble outsider and not a philosocuck. Every single post ITT has only cemented my point that you're all little obnoxious bitches. Keep them coming.

>> No.22993800

You're a foid

>> No.22995046

> something a philofag did so keep coping
I think it's about what I did, I "put them in their place", so to speak, in some forum, and did it in a rude way to make it really hit home. I think I might have hit a nerve because now they are still thinking about it and trying to come up with clever answers.

>> No.22995101

Based on how much of a bitch the OP was I can hardly blame you. What did you say?

>> No.22995225

>record me jerking off
Thats gay as fuck though

>> No.22995228

I act meek and mean but if I had power and status I would reveal my true nature of being nice to everybody

>> No.22995580

>be midwit
>eventually conclude that nothing matters
>feel this gives you greater insight than the average Joe
>resent their happiness born of perceived ignorance.
>lash out where possible.

>> No.22995615

i actually wanted to do Poli Sci but they confused 'bad grade' with 'deadline' when they were interviewing me

>> No.22995680

If the premise is true, I'll chance a guess: philosophy readers are judgemental because understanding philosophy requires a lot of time and intellectual capacity that most people either don't have or won't spare. Nobody understands. But the philosophy reader has to justify to himself why he's doing all this, else he's delving into alienation for nothing. So he concots a worldview in which philosophizing is a superior activity to most others. If it weren't, why else would he do it? Once he deems his activity of choice exclusive and superior, the judgmental nature follows.

As for the meekness, this was likely their original personality. They're also intelligent enough to realize that you keep certain opinions close to your chest.

>> No.22995681

>If the premise is true, I'll chance a guess: philosophy readers are judgemental because understanding philosophy requires a lot of time and intellectual capacity that most people either don't have or won't spare.
i don't think, OP said, kill the vibe completely

>> No.22995683

The amount of you’s this post got tells me he is into something and probably in the right ballpark

>> No.22995685


>> No.22995700

the person you are pointing out thinks having an ugly personality be rejected means the subject is a sissy

>> No.22995721

So this just happened
>be me
>joined the philosophy reading group
>couldn't take phi because of scheduling conflict
>walk into phi reading group
>instant hostile reaction from phi students
>fat lesbian goblin thing demands out loud if I'm transferring into phi
>initially confused, say I couldn't take phi because of scheduling
>organiser visibly JUST, says that it's an open group and anyone enrolled can join
>several phi students visibly on the brink of protest
>Jesus what the fuck
>sit down, I mean I'm not just going to walk out
>everyone is just waiting for me to do something, I'm just waiting for the reading to start
>organiser makes this noise like sideshow bob stepping on a rake
>picks up on reading, I've got the book because I read the program
>several pages in organiser asks a question
>woke, onions drinking male answers
>then throws in at the end that the author hated nazis
>comment clearly directed at me, more confused than anything else at this point
>I'm in a roller-coaster and I'm just sitting here for the ride
>organiser makes the obligatory comment that three nazi commentary isn't appropriate and that the reading group is open to anyone who's enrolled
>fat leftard goblin has had enough, storms over to me, grabs a book at random from my stack
>yells something unintelligible about Jordan Paterson
>reads blurb on my book furiously
>It's Plato, I've got no idea what she's looking for and neither did she, something about Hitler?
>she throws book at me and storms out
>half the phi group gets their shit and leaves in protest
>organiser unsure if brawl is about to break out
>like Plato, I'm a greco Roman wrestler, the phi students odds are not good
>after they storm out it seems the reading is cancelled
>organiser looks at me, half angry, half upset, unsure how to proceed
>I apologise for creating a disturbance and leave
I genuinely cannot explain why I got this reaction based solely on my appearance, I knew none of these people, it was indeed an open group, nobody said anything when I signed up.

Campus sent me a bizarre email that was more accusatory than apologetic, reiterating that abuse was not tolerated but leaving it very much open to the inference that I was the guilty party. They seemed to be implying that my presence was deliberately threatening, or that I was guilty because I should have anticipated this reaction.

Being a greco Roman wrestler who studies engineering and philosophy is not easy /lit/.

>> No.22995756

Most individuals in the west are in serious state of self-deception as well as in the habit of consciously deceiving others.
Would only recommend mingling with Trad Caths and Orthos that are serious about conversion. Maybe some Prots. There is still plenty of risk with that.
If you were Socratically grilling them most people can't stand that. I would not be surprised if most people in a modern philosophy program are not suited to philosophy. You are paying a lot of money for something that could be done on your own and through your own acts. It might be good to learn liberal arts skills that could translate to real life but given the quality of most students and professors it's probably not worth it. Also 18-22 year-olds are not well psychologically and spiritually developed today. A fair amount would be literal children. A fair amount taking philosophy courses may be somewhat sheltered with little life experience. A good indicator of this is the types of ideologies, cultures, philosophies that develop today.

>> No.22995772

There is a pretty extreme anti-European brainwashing that has been brewing for decades. I would not bother apologizing, it's purely animalistic.
Also "cancel-culture" / scapegoating / witchcraft (an old term that meant an umbrella of things but primarily meant sacrificing people either by death or exile) satisfies predatory complex. Most of these children are probably looking for their first "kill". The tendency towards impulsive and animalistic behavior grows the more over-populated (amount of people vs available wealth and position) and closer to death a civilization is. You can see the same thing with the utopia lab mice experiment on youtube.

>> No.22995825

Works good as anything else for blackmail

>> No.22995829

>Most individuals in the west are in serious state of self-deception as well as in the habit of consciously deceiving others.
>Would only recommend mingling with Trad Caths and Orthos that are serious about conversion. Maybe some Prots.

>> No.22995851

>Would only recommend mingling with Trad Caths and Orthos that are serious about conversion. Maybe some Prots.
No disrespect to the ones who are serious about their faith, but those "trad" communities can be genuinely catty and intolerant, snobbish even. It's much the same problem as university students in those circles, in the sense of it being a bubble where they think they are beholden to some hidden truth that the rest of the world just doesn't get. More often than not, they exhibit the behavior OP complains about, being meek and nice to outsiders, but secretly speaking ill of those outside their circle behind closed doors.

>> No.22995879

That's actually insane. Some Berkley type shit.

I've heard that wokeness runs wild at schools taht are predominantly stem-based because people to care enough to fight the crazy libtards

>> No.22995881


>> No.22996053

Poster you are replying to, I wholeheartedly agree, but I personally found it to be the best option. I can't recommend mainstream Catholicism as it contradicts itself and the Gospel and its liturgy and surrounding supplemental material is not as good. I found the situation you are speaking of much worse in mainstream churches. There are certainly worldly priests and laity though too in the trad circles.
The institutions are there mainly to receive the sacraments.

>> No.22996082

Shut up niggers

>> No.22996158

that didn't happen lmao

>> No.22996174

lol op, you really pissed off a lot of insufferable philosophy students