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2299111 No.2299111 [Reply] [Original]

cannot be unseen...

>> No.2299137
File: 12 KB, 250x250, cantstandya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I want to unsee it

>> No.2299149

why women love this book?

I don't get it...

>> No.2299156
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they do?

>> No.2299164
File: 289 KB, 300x162, smileandfrown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they do?

>> No.2299172

I lived with a girl who "loved" with this book It was terrifying. She was completely crazy-balls and I can sleep easy now she's moved on to terrorise some other poor sod.

>> No.2299185

Tell us what made her so crazy. How did she terrorise you? Details details

>> No.2299186

Not the fun type of "crazy-balls?"

>> No.2299190

Yeah. I'll never understand it.

>> No.2299198

Many different tactics. Alternate being nice/mean escalated until the mean downswing got too much for me to handle (think lawyers).

>> No.2299202

Oh please please give us more than that. How did her meanness manifest itself?

>> No.2300986
File: 8 KB, 259x194, fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He ties a naked girl stomach-down on a table and eats a very hot omelette off her buttocks with a very sharp fork

>> No.2301034

it's shitty fanfiction that is only relevant because it's old

>> No.2301149


It's not just shitty fanfic.

It's revolutionary shitty fanfic!

>> No.2301160
File: 27 KB, 600x435, Cheerleaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she like eating shit, getting humongous French dick that reaches into her jejunum, and telling you dirty stories of all the depravity she had when she was younger?

>> No.2301163

girls are great at liking things that are edgy and cool.

>> No.2301167

best thing he wrote: dialogue between a priest and a dying man. the rest is mostly porn. justine is ok.

>> No.2301180
File: 17 KB, 280x348, Drugpa_Künleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you read Philosophy in the Bedroom? I found it a very entertaining introduction to libertine thought without too much of the gore he seems to be so fond of.

I find pure libertinism in the Sadean sense unlivable though. I'd much rather go wit happy-go-lucky rakish ways of gentlemen like Ikkyū or perhaps Omar Khayyám and likeminded chaps.

>> No.2301181

i can vouch for this. i once licked a girl's ass and ate her out while she read it. it was her idea.

>> No.2301190

>It's revolutionary shitty fanfic!

not so revolutionary if you read Foucault's essay about sexuality.

>> No.2301192

Is the italian movie any good?

>> No.2301198


Well, do tell how reading Foucault's essay makes Marquis de Sade less revolutionary. Do you mean because of the social situation concerning sexuality in De Sade's days (lots of libertinism) or do you suggest that there were others writers who preceded De Sade in the subjects, style and brutal vulgarity of his prose?

>> No.2301202


Which essay? Are you talking about the history of sexuality where he says that sex becomes verbalized or whatver? What was his point? I never really got what his thesis was about this. It seemed like a series of interesting comments to me.

capcha: postmodern eakeyal

>> No.2301203


It's a whole different thing altogether. I couldn't watch it for some reason, but it wasn't the sex or gore. It was just horrible for other reasons. Maybe bad acting or camera work, I don't remember. It had that 'bad vintage porn' feeling to me.

120 Days of Sodom is the shittiest thing of De Sade that I've ever read though. If you want to read him I would start online with:

Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man

Followed by Philosophy in the Bedroom, The New Justine, Juliette, (in that order) and then if you must 120 Days.

>> No.2301208

I thought it was very interesting. As the other guy said though, it's nasty and has that sort of cheap, 70's porn feel to it. Worth checking out.

>> No.2301218


yup, dat essay. But you have to relate to the whole power conception of Foucault or it doesn't make much sense.

>> No.2301220


i don't like this tranlsation:

P:But what other interpretaion....?
D:The one I shall now give.

The translation in the Grove Press Edition:

P: My interpretation-
D: Hold. I shall give you mine.

The translation in the online version misses that the Dying man has interrupted the priest who was about to give his interpretation. It is a terrible omission because it shows a lot about the characters and it is more entertaining. I wouldn't waste my time reading that shit translation.

>> No.2301228


Well, in that case excuse me for posting it. I read it in another language myself, just did a quick search for it to help out. If you can find a better one online, please post.

>> No.2301245

It's a great film. It has a mixed reception though, usually because people watch it for the shock factor or the symbolism and not the film itself. It has good camera work i thought, Its subtle but the way the camera moves through the building is perfect. The ending is also well shot.

I approached it as a sort of amusing satire and some of the characters are genuinely funny, but if you're looking for something filled with political allusions or ultra fucked up you'll probably be disappointed.

>> No.2301498

Best translation?