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22975905 No.22975905 [Reply] [Original]

Has any of it been debunked?

>> No.22975946


>> No.22975950

Yeah, by noticing that jews aren't uniquely smart. It's whites who are retarded cattle

>> No.22976221
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all of it has been debunked. the overarching thesis is that jews as an ethnicity have evolved a "group evolutionary strategy" that essentially entails "subverting" society (in the traditional /pol/tard sense) while strengthening their own group. in COFC he goes over a few movements he claims to be examples of this. in short
>in group preference for me not for thee
as the /pol/tard would phrase it.
the problems with this theory are manifold.

first of all there is no such thing as a "group evolutionary strategy". evolution works through genes. genes are the replicators. genes are what seeks to reproduce themselves and genes are what dictates evolutionary relevant behavior & traits. there is no hereditary unit that works on a group basis. genes are selected selfishly to maximize the reproductive success of the carrier of that gene. in certain cases genes are kin selected. this still makes sense from a selfish paradigm because with close kin there is a high probability for a given gene to be shared (1/2 for siblings for instance). this probability declines exponentially the further out you get in kin-ship. each individual pursues their own happiness and maybe that of their direct kin. anything further out than that doesn't make sense from an evolutionary perspective.

second of all, even if something like a "group evolutionary strategy" was even real in the first place, jewish overrepresentation in /pol/-disliked movements is not particularly convincing as evidence of one. this stems from the fact that there are a number of areas in which jews are overrepresented that have absolutely nothing to do with politics or group evolutionary success. and in fact jews are quite often even overrepresented in /pol/-liked movements. so it's likely that all these jews you can find at the head of whatever it is that you're against at the moment is explained by the same mechanism that also answers why there are so many jews in high level chess or whatever.

third of all the scholarship in the book is absolutely horrendous. it doesn't even make a strong case that these movements were even particulary jewish movements whatsoever. he completely overstates the significance of jews in them, and paints an entirely dishonest picture about the extent to which jewish concerns motivated their (jewish) key figures. he makes up quotes and facts and takes sections completely out of context when he cites other texts. in the modern day /pol/tards like george soros as their ultimate jewish boogeyman. now george soros is not a particularly jewish ethnocentric person. he is a sharp critic of israel and there is no reason to believe that he opposes for jews the same multiculturalism he promotes for everyone else. /pol/tards of course don't really bring up this fact and so they try to portray him as something entirely different to what he really is. macdonald does the same with these jewish characters he treats in COFC like boas or freud.

>> No.22976279

LMAO lil bro is onto nothing (skull emoji)

>> No.22976543

You are so autistic but at the same time not even intelligent or interesting, just a retard wo didnt even understand the book in the first place and are triggered by pol (criticizing jews = pol = nazis, in your tiny little bird brain)

>> No.22976561 [DELETED] 

There's nothing to debunk, it's pretty obvious

Obviously not true since jews are replacing Whites with poomen like you and your stinky immigrant family. Non-Whites are much more herdlike. Less individualistic, more passive, less likely to speak up, less likely to do their own thing. It's why they all move to cities, they're the biggest NPCs. They also stink, are ugly, and ruin every area they move to, except for Asians sometimes

>> No.22977141

didn't read after the gene bit, Semitics are known to have high rates of schizophrenia.

>> No.22977159
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>> No.22977163
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>> No.22977178

Same poster, Putz Head

Pitching to yourself. Never mind the noticing
lately. This book has been deboonket

>> No.22977627

You are correct, don't listen to the faggots telling you otherwise

>> No.22977643

wtf based

>> No.22977657

What is

>> No.22977658


Isnt this the same guy that said that large penis size means lower intelligence. Sounds like a huge cope to me my dude lmao.

>> No.22977661

correlation doesn't mean causation but it does point to a confounding variable. clearly big penises and small brains are both caused by polygamy.

>> No.22977851


>> No.22977861

The Urban/rural divide is not given enough attention in modern political discussions

>> No.22977864

I don’t think either or is correlated with much of anything though, large penis sizes tend to be correlated with higher rates of homosexuality though.

>> No.22977876

It isn't Jews, but ressentiment, that is the invisible enemy of civilization.

>> No.22977888

The jewish pedo sacrifice tunnels prove parts of it.

>> No.22977894

Where did he say this?

>> No.22978522


>> No.22978628

>Its the jewish schizo again
Do you have a script setup to wake you up or what? I'd address your points, but it never matters, you didn't read the book, you're offer arguments for presuppositions based on one subject you're aware of in the book "group evolutionary strategy".
Nevermind the fact that, until Culture of Critique came out, jews and their rabbis were tripping over themselves at how great and well researched his first two books were. Then they'd gush about how lovely it is that he wanted to solve anti-semitism, which is the entire point in the first place.
The problem only came when he said: Hey, the reason anti-semitism exists is actually because Jews do this shit. The best way to curb, and eventually outright get rid of antisemitism, is by getting the jews to stop doing this shit and actually join their host nations. And that is when they destroyed his career, forcing him to hang out with white supremacists, which ended up being a good thing because it completely "red pilled" him.

>> No.22978635

>Gene selection preference diverges outwardly
>Jewish overrepresentation in every field a genetic accident
>Machiavellian political Jewish dominance not beneficial to Jews
I want you to read what you wrote and really think about it's cogency.

>> No.22978663

Can someone who actually read the book post exerpts please? I'm asking as someone who posts five lengthy racist book excerpts per day. Can I get support from my chanbros? I'm starting to loose hope that there's such a thing as serious, educated racism anymore.

>> No.22978822

Take your meds, chud

>> No.22978852

These people are not intellectually serious. They're not able to actually think about the world, consider phenomena and explanations and evaluate them. They do not belong on a reading board. Their entire thought process is just ITZ DAH JOOOOS!!!
They do not actually have a theory beyond this. It does not matter to them whether jews are bad because they follow a "group evolutionary strategy" or because they kilt jeeebus or because the talmud talks badly about non-jews. That's why in threads they flood you always have retards say something like
>my kazakhstani grandmother said jews make a concoction to drink the souls of children through their eyes!
To which they'll always reply SO FUCKING TRUE BRO BASED. These people are not ashamed to believe very stupid things. In fact if it BTFOS DAH JOOOS they're proud to believe such things.
Maybe they go on twitter, see roman bust profile pics and feel inclined to larp as actually thinking people and then pickup a few expressions like "in group preference" or "group evolutionary strategy" that's supposed to pass for actual thought.

Kevin macdonald is at least a thinking person. He'd be ashamed to repeat the antisemitism of arab village dwellers. He does have an explanation for why JOOOS BAD. It's an explanation that's completely flawed and doesn't actually make sense but atleast it's an explanation. That makes him the intellectual king of the ITZ DAH JOOOS people.

>> No.22979210

If you were a thinking person and had done any decent research into 20th century revolutionary movements you would be immediately struck by the disproportionate involvement of Jews. Not just Jewish association, but management and leadership and finance by Jews into these movements, such as Bolshevism, abortion, immigration, journalism, etc. It's not odd that there are Jews in these positions, but the distribution of such a tiny global minority being such majority within these fields in Christian majority countries is the oddity. Swimming upstream requires effort and betrays intent.

>> No.22979676

The chapter on psychoanalysis is excellent

>> No.22979690

Give quotes

>> No.22979748

>It's an explanation that's completely flawed

>> No.22979783

They claim that group evolutionary theory is disproven. It‘s not—the actual science has contended with various input and factors for about two hundred years and continues to do so while GET is currently out of vogue for reasons that may have very much to do with politics.

That this claim always gets echoed should be a hint as to their minds‘ working on a sufficiently simplistic level to reduce manifold identifications of jewish influence to a straw tagline.

>> No.22979850

>first of all there is no such thing as a "group evolutionary strategy". evolution works through genes.
How do you explain the way flocks of birds or schools of fish move about in symphony? Their genes are programmed that causes behaviour which manifests in a group stategy.

>> No.22979855
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this has been dealt with long ago, as in my original post. you are not able to move beyond this talking point. or understand why it's not a good reason to become a /pol/tard. you do not seriously attempt to understand it or explain it. in your head it leads directly to KILL DAH FUCKING JOOOS NOW HEIL FUCKING HITLER and that's where thought stops for you.
you are not a thinking person.
genes are selfish. only at the start of evolutionary theory ca 1900 did you have people think in terms of "the good of the species" or "the good of the race". this was a primitive and undeveloped understanding whose flaws have now been revealed. it has been supplanted.

you have zero interest in the accuracy of your understanding of evolution since the point for you is to sperg out about DAH JOOOS instead of correctly understanding reality.

>> No.22979888

that's not a "group evolutionary strategy". that's perfectly selfishly selected.
sea-gulls do not act in the way they do to collectively outcompete pigeons as a team, ensuring a future for sea-gullkind.
jews have not evolved to act in certain ways to hurt the aRyans and realize ZOG. if your genes cause you to sacrifice your own reproductive fitness for your race those genes are going extinct...

>> No.22980098

All you said was "yes whites are retarded cattle and nonwhites are more retarded cattle"
Jews are not uniquely smart, you are just dumb prey

>> No.22980189

What if I just hate them because they act like you?

>> No.22980207

>These people are not intellectually serious
No, I am though. Notice how you didn't address what I said, even a little bit, as per usual. Amazing. :) Have a nice night.

>> No.22980276

These people know they're mentally retarded subhuman animals. No different from skinheads with face tats only they don't have the balls to be neo-nazi freaks irl. Only on 4chan. They needed special ed in school but eventually found a community of other drooling subhumans online.
What are they doing on a board for readers? Clearly they have no business being here. Many such cases!

>> No.22980291

You sound upset

>> No.22981270

You genes can be programmed by observed behaviour of your ancestors that you did not witness yourself. There are many "group evolutionary strategies" observed in nature that are unselfish. A handy example is that a monkey in a tree that sees a predator down below will squawk (thus drawing attention to itself) to alert the others.

>> No.22981401

>jews have not evolved to act in certain ways to hurt the aRyans and realize ZOG
They've been cursed by God since they killed Christ

>> No.22981552
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lmao it's the "subhumans" guy from the last thread again!

>> No.22981769

Wow that's a truly terrible confused kids understanding of evolution. You know you're a stupid subhuman right? Was it a great relief to finally discover an online community of fellow drooling subhumans>>22981401

>> No.22981813

All your insults ring empty because you don't actually believe in the concept of subhumanity or whatever else. You just use the word because /pol/tards in 2015 slung it around.
No, but Cuddihy is better.
Herd behaviour is not selfishly selected. And regardless, primate soperate at a higher level.
>jews have not evolved to act in certain ways to hurt the aRyans and realize ZOG
Culchur of critique doesn't actually say this doe. It says that Jews have a bested interest in diluting/subverting the societies they live in as to make themselves les snoticieable, and thus get targeted for violence less often.
Personally, I subscribe to the ordeal of civility hypothesis that jews are both massively neurotic and failed to assimilate.
>if your genes cause you to sacrifice your own reproductive fitness for your race those genes are going extinct...
AT this point humanity has come to a stage where cultural memes (as in ideas) have just as much an effect on human behavior as genes have. Jews, among other things, have a set of memes that traditionally promoted cohesion, isolationism, and in-group preference. Among other behaviors and patterns, some of which put them at odds with the locals, leading to violence and carnage. (Sometimes Jew initiated, sometimes Gentile initiated)

>> No.22981857
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you know you're a retarded subhuman right?
>Herd behaviour is not selfishly selected
you have zero understanding of evolution. you have zero understanding of genes or inheritance or how selection works. you have to know you're a confused retarded subhuman.
>It says that Jews have a bested interest in diluting/subverting the societies they live in as to make themselves les snoticieable, and thus get targeted for violence less often.
yeah that's part of the "group evolutionary strategy" that jews have evolved as a group to achieve evolutionary success as a group over other groups. which doesn't make sense as that's not how evolution works. which you don't understand because you're a drooling subhuman and just saying whatever JOOOS BAD.
>AT this point humanity has come to a stage where cultural memes (as in ideas) have just as much an effect on human behavior as genes have
how are you people this fucking subhuman? why the fuck are you moving on to memes now? that's not what this thread is about. that has absolutely nothing to do with jews having an "evolutionary group strategy". putting that forth as a justification for KILL DAH FUCKING JOOOS NOW HEIL FUCKING HITLER has about as much relation to the original macdonaldite approach of "group evolutionary strategy" as they kilt jeebus >>22981401

you're literally contradicting the entire basis of macdonaldite neo-nazi thought. and yet as a retarded dysgenic subhuman you don't realize this and think you're still in good company with the other subhumans because you arrive at the same conclusion JOOOS BAD.

you people are not intellectually serious at all. you're 100% drooling retarded subhumans.

>> No.22981914

>has some jews did things i dont like been debunked

>> No.22981949

A kind and decent person is not shamed by having too much trust and getting duped by a master thief. Jews are uniquely deceitful, immoral and organized, and they prey on the good nature of better peoples. A most pernicious and insidious parasite.

>> No.22982011

My thoughts exactly. lol. Such a weirdo, got alarms set for these threads.

>> No.22982079

>jews have not evolved to act in certain ways to hurt the aRyans and realize ZOG
It's really beside the point whether it's "evolutionary," isn't it? They are doing it.

>> No.22982362

So you admit you're a drooling unthinking subhuman. You don't care about understanding the world. You don't care at all about COFC or macdonald. You don't care about any book, thinker or writer whatsoever. All you care about is JOOOS BAD.
Why are you on /lit/ retarded drooling subhuman?

>> No.22982441

>you people are not intellectually serious at all
Your post isn't intellectually serious either. I'm not the person you replied to, but you've done nothing to convince me that you are right.

>> No.22982451

lol. Let me guess: theres a big conspiracy against non-jewish people by jews because there just is ok?????

>> No.22982462

I looked through a copy at the University library and decided it looked too academic for my taste.

>> No.22982500

t. hasn't read the book

>> No.22982506

Never read this book, and I don't have any plans to do so. Are you seriously saying there's no jewish power in the west, or are you just mad at this book in particular? You know you can go look up right now who runs the banks and media companies, it's not secret information.

>> No.22982591

>Chosen people
>Hate Christians
>Only immigrate to Christian nations
>Fund revolutions
Truly a mystery

>> No.22982821

What are you doing on /lit/ subhuman? You know you're a subhuman right? I bet they put you in special ed in school.

>> No.22982830

You really love that word.

>> No.22983195

It can’t be debunked

>> No.22983749

When you've successfully upset your IDF case worker.

>> No.22984308

Bottom right is literally me what a coincidence.

>> No.22984551

Has any of it been dybbuked?

>> No.22984561

Lmfao @ this seething Israeli, 4chan has broken you.

>> No.22984569

It's funny how you call everyone a subhuman while demonstrably having a low IQ and no knowledge on the topic at hand.

Post more impotent Jew rage, you don't even have an argument, everything you're talking about is refuted in the book.

>> No.22985304


>> No.22985351

tag urself im doomer

>> No.22985644

Because it's unscientific

>> No.22986274

Either you haven't read it (or seen the sources in the book) or you don't know what "scientific" means. Either way, you're wrong.
Imagine siding with this and thinking "Yeah. Absolutely. I'm on the right side here." while your opponent cites sources, has actually read the book that isn't advocating for anything anti-semitic, but it is outright trying to solve anti-jewish sentiment so the world can be a better place.

>> No.22986618

You are one subhuman dysgenic retard. An academic citation heavy style doesn't mean squat if the quotes are completely taken out of context or even made up entirely.

Imagine how subhuman this filthy freak is that a lot of quotes and citations is enough to completely woo him...

>not antisemitic
How big of a drooling retard is this animal? Can there be any doubt that he literally has zero thoughts beyond JOOOOOS BAD? that he, as the others, doesn't actually care about the book or its theory, only JOOOS BAD? Or did he come here to lie and propagandize from the discord, defending the book even if it means contradicting it?

If somebody was to become a serious macdonaldite neo-nazi there is no fixing antisemitism. If you believe that jews are group selected as a race to subvert the goyim, if you believe that every ethnically jewish man, woman and child purely on account of their genetic code is programmed to subvert and destroy goyim society that doesn't leave any fucking way to fix antisemitism.
An evolutionary strategy is not something you wake up and decide to pursue one day. It's encoded into your genetics. Does this subhuman abomination understand this?

Another question is, do serious macdonaldite neo-nazis even exist? These freaks sure like to post pics of the book and they really don't like it when you criticize it, but never is any serious attempt made to defend its content. The conclusion of JOOOS BAD is however vigorously defended through many different ways

>> No.22986991

>all of it has been debunked
I've heard that but I have yet to come across a counter-criticism without resorting to "oy vey he's an antisemite".

>> No.22987009

I recommend this essay to any antisemites seeking a more philosophic understanding of their antisemitism:

>> No.22987019
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Also the following:

Then read these, a highly nuanced philosemitic take on the Jewish question:

Some good books:
>David Verbeeten, The Politics of Nonassimilation: The American Jewish Left in the Twentieth Century
>Maristella Botticcini and Zvi Eckstein, The Chosen Few: How Education Shaped Jewish History
>Bernstein, Hannah Arendt and the Jewish Question

>> No.22987456

Well, see. You've officially converted me, MacDonald was wrong. We can't fix antisemitism by having jews stop subverting our countries, but
>there is no fixing antisemitism
Sure there is. TKD. Have a nice night, ya spaz.

>> No.22987481

There should be a special word for non-believing Jew. For example, Arab is a neutral word. There can be Arab Christians or Buddhists. Arab is not synonymous with Islam except maybe to morons.
The problem is Jew is synonymous with Judaism. They can't be separated as an ethnoreligious word.
The problem with Jews is they have been culturally conditioned to hate goyim just like Sunni Muslims are culturally conditioned to hate idolators or kuffar. The issue lies in cultural conditioning and nothing racial.
All of Abrahamism is trash, but arguably, *non-Evangelist*, *non-Calvinist* Christians are the best... benign relative to the rest of Abrahamism, which is not much of an accomplishment, mind you.

>> No.22987525

> How big of a drooling retard is this animal? Can there be any doubt that he literally has zero thoughts beyond JOOOOOS BAD? that he, as the others, doesn't actually care about the book or its theory, only JOOOS BAD? Or did he come here to lie and propagandize from the discord, defending the book even if it means contradicting it?

It‘s creepy that your posts have such predictable phraseology and syntax. Like if ChatGPT were a narrative bot built exclusively to complain about Kevin MacDonald.

>> No.22987695
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yes that's what I said all along. you are a rabid genocidal freak.
>it's not antisemitic
kek fucking animal, your subhuman mind really cooked that up as something to defend the book on /lit/. couldn't even go 3 posts without revealing your unhinged subhuman nature.
the majority of jews are secular and all the boogeymen that /pol/ tries to use to justify their neo-nazism are all secular. whether someone is actually religious or not makes zero difference when /pol/ makes their stars of david infographs just as it made zero difference to the nazis and just as it makes zero difference to macdonald or any other neo-nazi. did you really think that denying the most obvious basics of neo-nazism and /pol/tardism was going to be remotely credible? how subhuman are you?

>> No.22987770

What you were just being extremely hateful with venom on your tongue. Now you say that whites are angels? That’s dumb. And just plain mean

>> No.22987779

Reading posts like these make me want to side with the Jews in destroying your race, no joke.
It's becoming tiresome.

>> No.22988057

>yes that's what I said all along. you are a rabid genocidal freak.
Two things here. First, actually that was a sardonic response, but you're a bit tunnel visioned when it comes to this subject matter so I guess I probably knew you wouldn't recognize that. Secondly, "watch as the jew cries out as he strikes you"
>3 posts
lol and you aren't able to pay attention. Neat. We've been having a discussion for quite some time here, jewnon.
Here's a question you may be able to answer: Why are you so insistent on not allowing genuine discussion? All you do is throw around the same 2 - 3 insults that have pretty much lost all meaning at this point, and throw around deranged accusations and suggestions. Are you one of those low IQ schizophrenic jewish lads? What's your deal?
>the majority of jews are secular
The jewish race is the topic of discussion.
>use to justify
Racial preservation needs no justification.
Again "nazism", or national socialism, was more about a system of moral and economic policy than anything else.
Wait, wait. Are you actually just some "neo-nazi" that is attempting to pull people over or get us to practice our discussion? It's not like anyone needs help. The sewerjews and the "interactions with baby parts" are both becoming well known, even by the general public.

>> No.22988062

Probably the same dishonest shitposter here, you're ignoring the crazy schizophrenic jewish guy over here trying to disrupt whether or not the trilogy was "debunked." Or oh wait, are we supposed to be going "what if the shoe were on the other foot!1!one!"

>> No.22988079

Confused subhuman retard, can't read or keep straight who said what in response to what.

>> No.22988284

The Jewish guy doesn't sound as twisted as the WNs here who basically dehumanize *every* race but whites and Japanese. I mean, while you can take issue with the Jewish guy, you're not going to win any allies by constantly vilifying every other races too. The Jewish guy does make many valid points. I think the issue is more with cultural conditioning. There's nothing racially intrinsic that makes Jews seek "group evolutionary strategy". There are significant elements in Judaism, the ideology, that do *condition* them into being anti-life though (for example, hating non-Jews/gentiles). However, these anti-life aspects also exist in many sects/forms of Islam ("kuffar") and Christianity ("heathen") too.
I would argue a kind of tribal template pre-exist conditioning in all of mankind, because we evolved to be tribal, but the manifestation of that can vary greatly depending on one's circumstances and conditioning. To make my point clearer, someone who is racially Jewish, who doesn't realize he's a racially Jewish, will "not be a problem" if raised as, let's say for this thought experiment, as a Hindu. There's nothing genetically ingrained that makes someone fit into MacDonald's theory. It's a matter of conditioning.

>> No.22988551

How do you address the unselfish act of making noise when a predator is near?

>> No.22989494

My conclusions (I'm >>22981813) are not Jooz bad. It's "Jooz are insane and I don't want them near me".
Regardless, I'm kind of a beginner in this anti-semitism thing. If you want to see the true jew-hating pros. You'll need to search among the Jews, after all, they know themselves better than anyone else, and, being the race of neurotic legalists they are, can't help but hate themselves.
In another thread I think I told you I support zionism because then it's not my problem anymore. I do not wish to kill jews. I just want them to go away to dig their tunnels under other people's cities, subvert someone elses culture, and be themselves somewhere I can just forget about them.
Read the Ordeal of civility by John Murray Cuddihy.
No he just sounds extremely unstable. Jews at this point are a series of specific biological types as well as social types, what has been done cannot be easily be undone.
>There's nothing genetically ingrained that makes someone fit into MacDonald's theory.
True, but they are just generally more prone to neuroticism and illness.

>> No.22990200

>You'll need to search among the Jews, after all, they know themselves better than anyone else, and, being the race of neurotic legalists they are, can't help but hate themselves.
r/Judaism is enlightening. You'll see jews arguing with each other, arguing with their rabbis, and arguing with GOD Himself. You'll even see stories of kikes "beating" GOD.

>> No.22990249

>criticizing jews = pol = nazis
Israelis are even a bigger cancer than jews. Zionists are literal untermensch.

>> No.22990288

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige. One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!". Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs. I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.22990324

>that's not a "group evolutionary strategy". that's perfectly selfishly selected.
... but it results in a group acting as one for a particular purpose... you're splitting hairs in a way that misses the point entirely.

>> No.22990392
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> Racial preservation

>> No.22990617

he refuted you and you're obviously coping with that fact

>look how le based i am i saved a pepe
you simp for jews and browns nigga, pepe is only for cool people (aka not you)

>> No.22990656

my sister's boyfriend has successfully converted my father into a White supremist/neo-nazi by giving him this book and others. he used to be semi-ok with me being trans but now he deadnames me all the time and says i'm a freak and a loser and he says he wishes my sister's bf was his son because he's a "strong" "man" who supports fascist Trump and has "good principles" (aka racism and White supremism).

meanwhile i actually have good principles since i stand up for oppressed groups like minorities and immigrants and oppose capitalist exploitation, but no girl ever wanted me despite me having there back by supporting feminist and the metoo movement.

anyway point is the fascists have won and now all i can do is fight with nazis online as they take over every website including r3ddit with "free speech" which is really hate speech, i went to an antifa protest once and we got beat up by a bunch of fat boomers with q shirts after trying to mace them. fuck nazis.

>> No.22990755

>there is no such thing as a "group evolutionary strategy"
There is, and that's the dominant view in academia, if you want to appeal to authority
>o it's likely that all these jews you can find at the head of whatever it is that you're against at the moment is explained by the same mechanism that also answers why there are so many jews in high level chess or whatever.
Jews make up to 40-50% of the enrollment at top universities, for example. They don't have test score averages that would explain their overrepresentation, or any other observable factor at play that would favor them in admissions. The only rational way to explain it is nepotism, a practice that is exhibited in every single human group/ethnicitiy/race and well established in any field that concerns it. If I'm getting you right your problem with MacDonald's thesis is that Jewish overrepresentation doesn't entail any underlying group strategy, but it absolutely does. And that nepotism will inevitably be at the expense of the host country. They're a small ethnic group who have been thrust among foreign peoples their entire history and have made constant efforts to resist assimilation and maintain their ethnic identity. A group strategy is just what results from those conditions. They literally have a word for everyone who isn't them- 'goyim', which has a pretty strong negative connotation. If you have a better explanation, I'm all ears.
>he makes up quotes and facts and takes sections completely out of context
Do you have any examples?

>> No.22990802

change this up a little bit and it MIGHT be semi-believable.

>> No.22990813

Cofnas chad

>> No.22990981

"Kuffar" and "heathen" relate more to faith, no? Islam and Christianity are 'universalist' whereas Judaism was always a question of ethno-religiosity rather than purely faith. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Also regarding genetics, I wouldn't be so fast to dismiss that. Apparently Ashkenazism in particular are more prone to developing schizophrenia, this is clearly a consequence of biological genetic realities. However I do agree that "circumstances and conditioning" serve as a significant piece of the puzzle.

>> No.22991006

>Arthur Samuelson (publisher): >>22990656 "is a pretty cool post ... It's only a fraud if you call it non-fiction. I would then reissue it, in the fiction category. Maybe it's not true -- then he's a better writer!"

>Carol Brown Janeway (editor and translator): "If the charges ... turn out to be correct, then what's at issue are not empirical facts that can be checked, but spiritual facts that must be pondered. What would be required is soul-checking, and that's an impossibility."

>There's more. Israel Gutman is a director of Yad Vashem and a Holocaust lecturer at Hebrew University. He is also a former inmate of Auschwitz. According to Gutman, "it's not that important" whether >>22990656 is a fraud. "Anon has written a story which he has experienced deeply; that's for sure.... He is not a fake. He is someone who lives this story very deeply in his soul. The pain is authentic."

>> No.22991021

I'm undecided regarding my stance on "anti-semitism" though I'll have a look. Thanks

>> No.22991032

>The problem is Jew is synonymous with Judaism. They can't be separated as an ethnoreligious word.
I don't think it's really possible to separate an 'ethnic but secular Jew' from Judaism itself. You mentioned the ethnoreligious implications, and that's really what it seems to boil down to. It's irrelevant as to whether or not they're religiously 'faithful', as they carry the blood of the "chosen ones" one way or the other.

>> No.22991042

This is a wedge that can and should be exploited. Make it clear whenever you are antisemitic that you are not at all referring to Jews as a religious culture. The ultraorthodox mostly mind their own business, tunnels notwithstanding. They are also a huge % of the total Jewish population and especially the population of Israel. If we can strategically befriend them, we can isolate the secular ones, and shame them into either declaring openly what they really are (extra-national areligious parasite merchant people, basically just banker-gypsies) or renouncing it in shame.

Besides, actual religious Judaism has a lot of beauty. It's not all Talmudism and frankly I don't give a fuck if Hasids want to count the number of eyelashes God will allow them to pluck after he specifically tells them in Leviticus 27:12 not to ever pluck their eyelashes, as long as they tie a string around their house. That's just cultural weirdness, that's very different from what the secular ones are doing.

>> No.22991049

I agree with you, it absolutely 'entails an underlying group strategy'. You don't need to be particularly "anti-semitic" to make this observation, seeing as it isn't unique to Jews as a minority group either. For example, it's an open secret nowadays that Indian immigrants or visa workers who hold positions of authority in the tech sector are INCREDIBLY ethno-nepotistic, and even go as far as to discriminate based upon caste.
I'd say it's only unique to Jews only insofar as the extent to which it occurs and it's organization, but also the fact that they can 'blend in' with the 'native' European population, and thus go unnoticed for the most part, whereas it's far more blatant when Indians, Arabs, and East Asians partake.

>> No.22991056

>They don't have test score averages that would explain their overrepresentation
It's because it's not based on cognitive ability or merit, it's based on knowing how systems work. Secular Jews are expert system-survivors, they move in to a place and learn at a THEORETICAL level what the general population only knows at a practical, semi-conscious level. They thus find gaps and loopholes. If one Jew figures out you can "just take the civil service exam lmao why aren't more of these dumb goys exploiting this??," within 30 years every other civil servant in the country is a Jew.

>> No.22991062

>They [the ultra-orthodox Jews] are also a huge % of the total Jewish population and especially the population of Israel.
I've heard that this is emerging as a significant demographic issue for the Israelis, as many of their beliefs and behaviours don't seem to align with the aims of the state, to put it lightly.

>Besides, actual religious Judaism has a lot of beauty. It's not all Talmudism...
I see, thanks for providing this perspective. Would you mind providing some particular examples or resources? I'd really like to flesh out my understanding.

>> No.22991075

>Secular Jews are expert system-survivors, they move in to a place and learn at a THEORETICAL level what the general population only knows at a practical, semi-conscious level.
This is an interesting way of phrasing it, puts into words exactly exactly what I try and do haha, perhaps 15% Ashkenazim? It just seems like there's so much low hanging fruit that no one seems to be plucking, or is even interested in plucking. But even then, I go about this on a semi-conscious level itself (at least up until now). Thanks for articulating it.

>> No.22991135


>> No.22991287

>Besides, actual religious Judaism has a lot of beauty.
Not at all.

>> No.22991291

>https://www.youtube.com/live/C-Cobvf1o8w? Alright, whether you disagree or agree with CoTC you have to watch the last 4 minutes of this Nathan Cofnas interview video. The punchline reveal is absolutely hilarious as is the interviewer’s ridiculous response. Cofnas was a major critic of MacDonald and he usually comes up in these threads. Let’s just say that Cofnas has an extremely personal reason to disbelieve MacDonald kek

>> No.22991296

Woops I greentexted the whole thing, but seriously, you HAVE to watch this shit it is absolute pottery

>> No.22991316

Jews are whites...

>> No.22991537
File: 34 KB, 474x301, 0F7A8150-91B4-4C76-8693-F7ABBF86CFC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably are the guy who started the thread. Saw this pattern with similar arguments few days ago on pol.
You’re not tricking us. The preface alone is enough to successfully with detailed sources redpill the world population for years. They dragged USA into war in the 40s, they promoted and stood by every single movement to increase third world immigration to their host nation, they exploited the Christian morals to get ahead through lying, cheating conning and straigh nepotism (while promoting race mixing for thee).
You’re not fooling us and you’re right to be afraid.

>> No.22991563
File: 654 KB, 828x1093, 63E5945D-0318-4000-9653-F727FD3318A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> my kazakhstani grandmother said jews make a concoction to drink the souls of children through their eyes!
Your Jewish has already been used

>> No.22991589
File: 39 KB, 620x449, A1702EFB-5643-4E1A-9D1C-FED3CEEEFADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Jewish trick
>Gerald Baron Schen was a British accountant and writer.
>He was past president First Lodge of England B'nai Brith and vice president B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, London.

>> No.22991596
File: 523 KB, 853x1280, 485043EF-CDD6-4D65-82EC-418624292056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22991617
File: 93 KB, 1024x500, 1706215862814999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Largely yes, which completely invalidates their land claim of Is*ael.

>> No.22992874

What do you imagine is so noteworthy about this? Kevin macdonald isn't brought up at all. The jewish boomer just hassles cofnas for several minutes about being more jewish. Cofnas isn't religious, doesn't know any other jews where he lives and is apparently married to a korean.
Are you retarded? Are you confused? Are you a /pol/kid?

>> No.22992984

Yeah yeah it wasn't rockwell, it wasn't turners diaries or siege, it wasn't 911, it wasn't trump or charlottesville or kanye west or mel gibson or any of the million times the arabs have chimped out and been BTFOD by israel in the mideast. THIS 25 year old dishonest pseudoscientific book that's only taken seriously in internet neo-nazi circles is finaly going to be the thing to redpill the masses. They will all become neo-nazis in 2 weeks and you will emerge from your basement to murder jewish kids in the street.

Imagine what a subhuman schizo basement dwelling existence this guy leads.