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22985470 No.22985470[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You start reading Mein Kampf

>> No.22985505

I dream of a day where it's taught in schools

>> No.22985509

should i be worrying about which translation to read or should i just grab whichever version is cheap and will ship quickly?

>> No.22985554
File: 85 KB, 300x360, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you realize that we didn't kill enough germans during ww2
>you realize that we should have actually slaughtered every germanic speaking being north of south tyrol
>you realize that because we didn't the damage has already been done
>you will never get back all the sleepness nights and wasted hours lost in boyish emotion

>> No.22985555


Thomas Dalton translation only.

>> No.22985559

Not literature, fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.22985562

True, every single german man woman kid and senior shouldve been killed raped tortured brutalized and shat upon, literally, for their harassment of jews. Lets extend it to all european peoples. The only thing wrong with all this is you can only kill them dead once.

>> No.22985616
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This but unironically

>> No.22985628


>> No.22985632

I firmly believe this.

>> No.22985684
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Don't forget to read Codreanu next OP. And Primo de Rivera's Collected Essays and Speeches.

>> No.22985689
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Oh, and The Young Hitler I Knew:
>[Hitler's mother] was deeply disturbed by her son's unusual nature, however proud she was at times of him. 'He is different from us,' she used to say."

>Dietrich Eckart expressed his anticipation in a poem he wrote months before he first met Hitler. In the poem, Eckart refers to ‘the Great One’, ‘the Nameless One’, ‘Whom all can sense but no one saw’. When Eckart met Hitler, Eckart was convinced that he had encountered the prophesied redeemer.

>The two first met when Hitler gave a speech before the DAP membership in the winter of 1919. Hitler immediately impressed Eckart, who said of him "I felt myself attracted by his whole way of being, and very soon I realized that he was exactly the right man for our young movement."[15] It is probably Nazi legend that Eckart said about Hitler on their first meeting "That's Germany's next great man –one day the whole world will talk about him."

>Although Hitler did not mention Eckart in the first volume of Mein Kampf, after Eckart's death he dedicated the second volume to him,[25] writing that Eckart was "one of the best, who devoted his life to the awakening of our people, in his writings and his thoughts and finally in his deeds."[57] In private, he would admit Eckart's role as his mentor and teacher, and said of him in 1942: "We have all moved forward since then, that's why we don't see what [Eckart] used to be back then: a polar star. The writings of all others were filled with platitudes, but if he told you off: such wit! I was a mere infant then in terms of style."

>Hitler later told one of his secretaries that his friendship with Eckart was "one of the best things he experienced in the 1920s" and that he never again had a friend with whom he felt such "a harmony of thinking and feeling."

>> No.22985741

The first volume is a better biographical piece than most Tolstoi novels. The second volume is mediocre.
Captcha j4r8y

>> No.22985762

Just realized I fucked up the link to the thread with quotes from The Young Hitler

>> No.22985772

Finding out that he started as basically egalitarian, thinking that their difference in faith should be tolerated until he saw enough of their behavior in Vienna in his 20‘s was a big revelation, both for the implications on mainstream history and how to be properly antisemitic. Amazing book.

Definitely do not be careless about it as just grabbing any one on hand will almost certainly land you with Mannheim which was intentionally distorted and is the reason for the long and tedious meme. Dalton is my preferred but I‘ve also heard good things about Ford and Stalag. Get dual-language if you can.

>> No.22985777

You're retarded if you think Hitler's 24/7 obsession with Jews wasn't the result of a personal hangup.

>> No.22985783

>everything is psychopathology, nothing is rational or ideal, everything is due to your seedy underbelly unconscious having secret repressed "hangups"!
Very Jewish mentality

>> No.22985805

average allied apologist

>> No.22985807

Nah, never said that. If you dedicate your life to obsessing over "JOOS JOOS JOOS! JOOS EVERYWHERE! JOOS BEHIND EVERYTHING! HATE JOOS! HATE JOOS! JOOS OUT TO GET ME! JOOS JOOS!" it's because there's something wrong with you. It's like Fred Phelps and the gays.

>> No.22985811

What r the downsides of the manheim translation?

>> No.22985814
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Israel is losing the war badly.

>> No.22985829

To be fair, Hellenic civilization shit on Jews more than Germans did. If anything, Germans embraced Jews more than the hellenic civilizations until the Talmud was translated.

>> No.22985833

I doubt that. Hamas is good at blowing up pizza shops or women and children but they're shit at actually fighting a war.

>> No.22985839

Why there are more 80+ than 74-79?

>> No.22985843

>Women and children
So they are winning the war

>> No.22985848

It's just number collation. There's 6 years between 74 to 79, but 80 onwards includes 20+ years for all the people that live to 100 and beyond.

>> No.22985849

Zionists kills more civilians pro rata

>> No.22985851


purposeful obfuscation and destruction of the spirit of the text. Basically a translation done in poor faith by someone ideologically opposed to the original writer. Daltons translation tries its absolute best to carry over the original spirit of the text from the original German without moralizing to you or creating additional subtext

Ford is older which comes with baggage, I wonder if Stalag is a bit too glossy considering it was state approved? Not sure haven't tried it

>> No.22985852

The Jews are behind everything though.. Everything bad is because of them and not calling them out is very low T

>> No.22985855

I don't get the bottom part. Why do the Jews stink?

>> No.22985856

All those holocaust survivors keep living in the hopes of getting more gibs.

>> No.22985859

Viennese jews were notorious for smelling horrific. You should go to the ghettos still inhabited by jews to understand how truly stuffy they smell.

>> No.22985870

Yes, and more Hamas - so easy win win.

>Blowing up a hair salon with some women and kids will win a war.

Are you delusional? The casualties are minimal and Hamas can't fight a gun fight. The whole conflict is hilarious, and then when a civilian dies because Hamas tunneled under a hospital the Arabs cry that we're killing civilians. They can't make up their mind. It's like they want to let them kill women and children but if it happens to them they piss themselves.

>> No.22985882

>we're killing
interesting... and yea who would want their own women and children to die lol, there's no hypocrisy there
anyway sounds like they're doing alright, here's to hoping

>> No.22985883

>The Jews are behind everything though..

>It's like they want to let them kill women and children but if it happens to them they piss themselves.
Hamas and its supporters want civilians to die so that they can piss themselves. They've worked out the formula for appealing to Western pity-based morality.

>> No.22985892

Boo hoo. Hypocrisy doesn't exist, only physical force / reality. War crimes are for people who lose wars so you can execute anyone who could organize against you post war.

It's hilarious, but the worst of it is parading dead children. I hate it when Israelis or Hamas do that, this is war - not a pity party.

>> No.22985898

Yes, I already said there is no such thing as hypocrisy. Here's to them winning all the pebbles. Anyway back to hitlerposting.

>> No.22985899

Boring? It's the truth. Who runs Hollywood? Who runs the media? Who controls social media? Who runs the banks? Who trains the FBI? Who owns all the hedge funds? Who's the biggest lobby of politicians? They fucking run everything. Almost everything bad is because of them

>> No.22985905

>the worst of it is parading dead children
Agreed, it's surprising how transparent the Gazans are about this. "Oh no, little Abdul died! Quick, take some photos so I can put it on X with a bunch of emojis!" However I die I just hope my body isn't photographed and put on social media.

>> No.22985907

would you recommend both volumes or just tbe "essential" version?

>> No.22985908

Yes. Luxuriating in how edgy and taboo you are is always boring.

>Almost everything bad is because of them
I'm sure when you get rid of da Jooz (for real this time) all your problems will vanish.

>> No.22985917

not him but explain how they wouldn't

>> No.22985920

They will. Take this most recent example of Elon Musk saying that the ADL is the only reason advertisers are pulling out. That the ADL is the only group threatening his advertisers. It's one group doing it

>> No.22985924

Thanks guys for the recommendations, never knew which version to get because I was afraid of the intentional distortion, but now I know.

>> No.22985927

>not him but explain how they wouldn't
Okay, here's my explanation: blaming all your problems on some big conspiracy and making yourself an eternal victim is fucking retarded. I hope this explanation was helpful.

>> No.22985929

I don't want civilians to be killed at all, by either side. The primary burden is on the attacker to take appropriate measures so as not to kill civilians

>> No.22985933

Pretty sure this guy is trolling now.

>> No.22985935

Deflection the post. Should've been easy for you man I wanted to help lol

>> No.22985941

Nono, you guys say it wouldn't improve things, explain how it wouldn't change things though. Surely this is an easy task.

>> No.22985944

Agreed, it's very disrespectful to the dead, but the only thing Hamas can do is performative violence. If you notice, Arabs in the west do the same thing. All violence is a performance and isn't for any concrete goals. They could also be easily subjugated but because people pretend you need to respect their religion they do not retaliate. If Muslims slew hundreds of civilians at a concert I'd think it would be enough of an excuse to ethnically cleanse them or deport them to Antarctica.

>> No.22985950

I heard that the concert was for idf members

>> No.22985951

Not them but you should explain how it would

>> No.22985954

The onus is on them
>I'm sure when you get rid of da Jooz (for real this time) all your problems will vanish.

>> No.22985958

No, I mean logically if you are making a claim that if x happens then y is the outcome you need to have some idea why otherwise it's change for the sake of change which is a kind of hysterical approach.
So, what would be better if there were no more jews?

>> No.22985962

Onus is on them, simple as. Can't explain it? That's their problem.

>> No.22985963

no occupation in Palestine. no international aid money to Israel. no genocide.

>> No.22985965

I already said one that you conveniently didn't respond to


>> No.22985967

Food for thought: the US Supreme Court is run by catholics.

>> No.22985974

And one jew.

>> No.22985977

Nice one place... that means don't talk about jewish power?

>> No.22985978

>"joos"-poster gets baited into defending ZOG
Funny, that

>> No.22985984

I didn't say there wasn't. Just that it is majority catholic when the country itself is nowhere near that catholic, percentagewise, which makes the Supreme Court a joke imo. They aren't public servants if their views are so different from the public. It'd be like russias highest Court being stacked with born again evangelicals or something.

>> No.22985985

You're an idiot and a bully
Somebody else, not Jews, could be doing the same thing in Palestine. Zionism is a nationalist cause, it is a modern concept, it isn't reliant upon genetics or religion
similar to above, other groups do the same thing and have done the same thing. You forget some of the bullshit going on early 2000s in the US, and before that things like the Red Scare in Hollywood, even today there's stuff going on with Russia and sports and so on and so forth. This isn't an exclusive thing for anyone, never was, you're applying double standards or scapegoating or being dishonest in your appeal

>> No.22985999

Whether they're Catholic or otherwise isn't, and shouldn't, be taken into consideration with regards to their appointment in an egalitarian meritocratic system

>> No.22986001

>Somebody else, not Jews, could be doing the same thing in Palestine.
except they aren't. there are other genocides occurring in the world and those need to be stopped just like this one needs to be stopped.
>Zionism is a nationalist cause, it is a modern concept, it isn't reliant upon genetics or religion
true, but irrelevant

>> No.22986002

Do you feel the same way about jews?

>> No.22986005

>Catholic population 24%
>Make up 66 percent of the supreme court
>Jewish population 2.4%
>Make up 10 percent of the supreme court
One is overrepresented far more but you are correct. And then to think about every other major industry dominated by them.

>> No.22986010

>No onus
I am an idiot because I expected an answer, am not a bully though. If questions upset you then that's your problem.

>> No.22986013

Whataboutism isn't an argument. If we say Jews have the most control over the US and are doing evil things you can't point to other examples of people doing bad things in history as a rebuttal. You don't seem to disagree that Jews are in control and you don't seem disagree that Jews are doing bad things. Where's the disagreement?

>> No.22986016

No, mostly college kids and Euros, but Hamas has to cope some way about how little of an effect their violence has on state power.

>> No.22986018

Also, forgot to add, I reject your argument.
It absolutely does matter. The Supreme Court decides things for the whole country. It makes no sense to have a minority ideology group in that position.

Well a big difference of course is that Jews are not all ideologically aligned. Look at, say, Bernie Sanders and his thoughts on the Gaza war.
An ethnicity (jewish) is a false equivalence to a religion.

>> No.22986019

except they have done so in Palestine in history and it had fuck all to do with the Jews.
It is absolutely relevant since there's no argument available to accuse Jews generally of genocide when it is being carried out and aided by Zionists specifically, (especially since not all Zionists are Jews).

>> No.22986026

Every ideological group is a minority within a plurality. There is no majority ideology in the US

>> No.22986027

your counterfactual reality is of no value. in the real world, right now, jews are killing Palestinians. if there were no jews that could not continue

>> No.22986032

Doesn't matter when it comes to justice Kagan though. I could also say a few of those catholics are "liberal" catholics and therefore there is no alignment.
It also doesn't deny her being able to be aligned with those of the same ethnicity.

>> No.22986036

Right, so no one ideology should be so over represented on the court. There shouldn't be enough of any more minority ideology to where they can stop up the entire court.

>> No.22986040

I mean you're a bully in the sense that you would point a gun at anyone and demand they prove why you shouldn't shoot them.
It's not the right way, you need your own reason

>> No.22986043

I already said, let's pretend jews all went to heaven to be with God for eternity. No need project violent tendencies on me.
Now let's continue, if all jews left the physicsl realm like that, how wouldn't it improve things. Those guys said problems wouldn't be fixed.

>> No.22986048

There are six conservative catholics/catholic type niggas on the court when you count Gorsuch.

>> No.22986049

Court appointments are done on merit (and a bit of political alignment). It doesn't matter if all of the judges are from the same religion or anything like that, what matters is if they are good judges individually

>> No.22986051
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Kagan is a religious Jew so she follows the Talmud which says the Goyim are cattle among other great American values. Is this the type of equality you want in America?

>> No.22986058

I already considered this in my calculations earlier

>> No.22986064

Anyway, the supreme court may be one of the only exceptions to jewish overrepresentation. Can't believe we spent so long deflecting on this.
And in a hitler thread for pete's sake.

>> No.22986066

Would you be saying that if it was a mostly Jewish court, or a mostly athiest court? Etc.

That's why it's necessary to have a mix. One jew is fine. There are jews in America. A couple catholics is fine. A Muslim, an athiest etc.

>> No.22986069

The cause of the situation in Palestine is Zionism, not Judaism.
There are Zionists who are not Jews. It's an ideology.
If you understand that and still want to kill every single Jew then you are now the genocidal maniac, and I suspect alterior motives

>> No.22986072

Then you are bad at math. Basically six conservative catholics, plus another less conservative catholic. Talk about overrapesentation in the halls of power.

>> No.22986073

>t. seething jew

>> No.22986074

What influenced zionism? I know, Im a non zionist Jew myself. No need to preach to the minyan.

>> No.22986077

No you are bad at math lol>>22986005
One is overrepresented 4 times and one is not even overrepresented 3 times.

>> No.22986078

No, I don't agree with affirmative action. I think you just get the best person for the job that's all, if they happen to all be the same religion I don't see that as an issue

>> No.22986079

It's fine to have someone in power who thinks non-Jews are cattle?

>> No.22986084

I never said that I want to kill every jew, just that if there were no jews than jews can't genocide palestinians. i'll concede that maybe christian zionists would continue the genocide.

>> No.22986086

From what I've read it is a combination of the, broadly, concept of the nation state and an element of pre-millenial Christian eschatology

>> No.22986087

That is such a bad faith argument in the context of the Supreme Court though. The reason over representation matters here is catholics have well over half the court and can therefore control the votes. One Jew can't do that, even if percentage wise the over representation is higher. Come on now.

>> No.22986089

Nation state idea based on being linked, mainly religiously, to a certain historical region.

>> No.22986096

This whole conversation is just deflection from every other major industry being controlled by jews in the first place. Tu quoque friend. Don't see the US sending billions of money to the Vatican.

>> No.22986098

Yeah that is the excuse given for deciding upon that territory, and mix in a bit of that kind of Christian eschatology

>> No.22986102

Come on man, that isn't answering my question.
>this hypothetical isn't real so I'm not going to think about it
why even come to a discussion site then?

Fine isn't the word I would use, but they are a people that exist in America, same as other people with lame beliefs. My point is that you want a healthy mix, and you definely don't want any one group having a majority, because that doesn't reflect the country.

>> No.22986103

Yes so zionism is still a movement that couldn't have existed without the idea of God promising the land of Zion to the Jews in the first place.

>> No.22986106

I have thought about it and am satisfied with taking each individual on their own merits

>> No.22986108

Why aren't the non-Whites are cattle allowed to have power? That's a little unfair don't you think? That Jews with these views are accepted but no one else...

>> No.22986116

You yourself admitted that the appointments have an element of political alignment though. And of course there is the argument that at least one if not two seats were stolen by the right recently.

If I think about why I see a difference there, it is probably along the lines of the fact that Jewish people, like Muslims and Christians, don't necessarily base their lives on all part of of their respective holy books.
Whereas if you put, say, a KKK member on the Supreme Court, that'd be like if you put a jew who specifically cut out the part of his holy book that talks about the good being cattle and explicitly believes primarily in that that section of the book.

It's like how not all Muslims like jihad but all muslim terrorists do.

>> No.22986120


>> No.22986121

obviously there are jewish zionists that have their own religious and practical reasons to support zionism. there are christian zionist who believe in an idiosyncratic version of the second coming of christ which requires a jewish state of Israel to fulfill their interpretation of some prophecy. there are capitalist zionist who support israel because they are economically valuable. there are colonialist zionist who support israel as an angloamerican colony to protect western oil interests in the middle east. there are islamophobic zionists who support israel because they slaughter and oppress muslims who they see as a threat to humanity. there are social-darwinist zionists who believe israel has the right to exist because of their ability to militarily suppress their enemies. there are democratic zionists who believe that every country should be a liberal democracy and israel is more of a liberal democracy than any other country in the middle east and therefore should work to expand it's influence. there tons of other types of zionists. there are islamic zionist who believe that other forms of islam are bad and israel can help them by destabilizing those islamic countries. as a general rule for any type of person or idea jews will concoct a new reason why they should support zionism.

>> No.22986125

Sure, but that is Christian concept. There's like a hyperbolic amount of Rabbis who disagree with Zionism on religious grounds, plenty of Christians disagree with it too even in as much as it can be seen as attempting to force God's hand, that's assuming it is the correct interpretation of the prophecies.
The propaganda version is holocaust means the Jews need to be supported, but the trick being played here is it's not the Jews being supported it's the Zionists and it was the Jews suffered the holocaust not the Zionists. Not that the holocaust itself is an excuse for carrying out the same thing on someone else, I forgot what that's called but it's like when pedos get caught and blame it on themselves being victims of other pedos when they were children themselves

>> No.22986126

Yes and zionism wouldn't exist without judaism. There's no way to deny this.... they all want to have the land of mount Zion in their possession because of initially religious promises made to God's chosen people. Like you and I

>> No.22986128

>cope some way about how little of an effect their violence has on state power
They have: (1) bought themselves at least two more generations of committed blood for their cause, (2) done a 9/11 to Israel which will permanently alter their society, (3) introduced a slow acting poison into the bipartisan unconditional western support for Israel, and (4) frozen the Saudi-Israeli normalization process. They have mastered assymetric warfare and made every act of Israeli counter-insurgency into a crime.

>> No.22986130

My version of mein kampf sucked

>> No.22986131

She is a serious religious Jew the same way Amy Coney Barrett is a religious Catholic and just like Barrett has strong views on abortion I'm sure Kagan has strong views about Goyim

>> No.22986136

I think you misunderstand me, either purposefully or not. I am a non zionist jew, I know all about the who or what or why. Zionism is still however, based on judaistic beliefs.
The ties to Mount Zion are first and foremost religiously based.

>> No.22986143

>they've worked out the formula for appealing to western pity-based morality
It wasn't the Muslims who created illegal underground tunnels under New York, placing every building at risk of caving in, used their influences to stop all sorts of investigations and then made themselves the victims when other citizens questioned it.

I wasn't antisemitic until I saw a bunch of jews spouting "oy vey we need this because muh genocide" and actively shutting down all discussion about it on the media.

>> No.22986145

I'm not aware of her making her stance on goyim as cattle clear so we really can't know, but you see my point right?
A devout Muslim who isn't a terrorist may or may not approve of jihad, but a KKK member explicitly approves of non whites as lesser.

One is potentially bad, one is wearing a neon sign announcing that being bad is their platform.

>> No.22986158

Look up the pew research on devout muslims in first world countries.. The large majority agrees with the extremists. It's the same for Jews

>> No.22986170

>The large majority agrees
Id be curious to see the exact number. But anyway that's my point, just because it's in the book, they don't all believe in it, because that's just one ancillary element of the holy book. The core belief is the belief in their God.
Not so with explicitly "X as lesser is our core issue" groups like the KKK (obviously just using them as an example here). Their *core* belief is the racism/superiority.

>> No.22986175

from this to
Insane how easily you guys got baited into talking about nothing.

>> No.22986182

I'm not baiting, the SC is a topic that annoys me and I like bringing attention to it, plus these Hitlerboo threads are spammed all the time anyway. There will be plenty of /pol/ threads until the end of time and I avoid most of them, so I'm not some agent of the jews or whatever.

>> No.22986191

Ah I see, make your own thread to avoid such accusations in the future. Looking forward to it!

>> No.22986194

>I need a circlejerk at all times
you are ridiculous

>> No.22986198
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>mfw a book came out prior to WW2 and the Holocaust called Germany Must Perish
>mfw jews are being erased faster than ever and Israel wont survive the next 2-3 generations as it becomes overpopulated witg dumb, primitive Haredi
>mfw all efforts in the West are to stop ethic and racial conciousness waking up

>> No.22986207

Don't accuse me of being something when you hate being accused of being something yourself. Sheesh relax. It was indeed odd is all, didn't think you'd get upset over my comment directed at that anon.

>> No.22986217

>tfw hitler today would be a friendzoned arthoe-simping fragile guy with an oppressive capitalist father and blue hair

>> No.22986222

idk man he killed people in both the great wars tm

>> No.22986228

>Finding out that he started as basically egalitarian, thinking that their difference in faith should be tolerated until he saw enough of their behavior
Haven't we all...

>> No.22986232

I think it's better if we meet for coffee sometime. My understanding is that according to Judaism the creation of the Jewish state is generally interpreted to be meant to be after the appearance of the messiah, but some disagree with this. So alright there are Zionists who are Jews and they base it on religious grounds, and that's fine.
I think what I must stress is that without Christian support the Zionist State would not have been achievable when it was and in the manner it was

>> No.22986269

Hertzl planned the foundation of Israel not under religious pretence but because he believed taking Ashkenazi Jews out of Europe and giving them a European colonial outpost would allow them to flourish / avoid living in stetls. It wasn't even intended for Mizrahi or Sephardic Jews. The Messiah stuff is new and pointless - the worst people who live in Israel are Orthodox Jews. They don't even fight in our wars.

>> No.22986285

Yes but you see, without judaism being a thing in the first place, zionism wouldnt exist. That's all im saying. Im not talking about support from outgroups, opposition, how it was able to cultivate as an idea, who kept the idea afloat throughout the centuries. Just the simple fact that zionism could never have been a thing without judaism in the first place. This is no chicken or egg topic.

>> No.22986300

Right, but the reality is no one will ever see themselves as one people. Even in Brazil people who look like Obama say they aren't black, become police, and beat up minorities in favelas (not saying that's wrong). Just that whoever envisioned humans as being able to unify or she'd their identities is super naive / doesn't understand humans as animals and instead views us as rational.

>> No.22986323

Yes but, thats not at all the point is it. Or relevant to the idea that without Judaism in the first place, zionism wouldn't exist.

>> No.22986335


>> No.22986400

>Don't accuse me of being something
I'm really just rephrasing your own post though. You are saying that any dissent should be made in a seperate thread.

>> No.22986412

I thought you said you didn't dissent, only that you were interested in the SC and wanted to bring attention to it. I was genuinely supportive.

>> No.22986725

>/pol/tards unironically think it was real

>> No.22986961

>j*ws unironically think their tricks work here

>> No.22986979

You fell for the meme, congratulations.

>> No.22987028
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>guy on YouTube goes to check out the tunnels
>Jews actively deny that it was used for human trafficking 3 or 4 times in the course of two minutes despite no one suggesting it

>> No.22987070

oy gevalt it was real in my mind!

>> No.22987107
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>> No.22987110
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>> No.22987119
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See this>>22987107
>Well maybe that's just online
>get into class with a jewish guy
>always making jokes about white people
>hits me with a quip about white guys in California
>let him know I was from California so this is awkward
>tries to tell another guy in class he's not really white because he's slightly brown
>does the whole "I'm white when I feel like it advances my talking points" thing

Yeah, I'm thinking it's real.

>> No.22987125

A lot of the "based" Jews I know became cartoonishly pro-Israel after the October attack by Hamas. I understand it but I hope they also understand that they will always be a fifth column and the only logical move is to create a nation for them somewhere and pressure them to go there and stay there.

Hint: The nation can't be in Palestine.

>> No.22987145

judaism isn't even historically. They should just abandon their mass delusion and be given help for their mental disorders.

>> No.22987150
File: 161 KB, 1028x999, Screenshot_20240124_153756_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finding out that he started as basically egalitarian, thinking that their difference in faith should be tolerated until he saw enough of their behavior in Vienna in his 20‘s was a big revelation, both for the implications on mainstream history and how to be properly antisemitic. Amazing book.

This story, in various forms, goes back 2500 years. Every race of people who have had jews within their border arrives at this conclusion.

>Finding out the majority of pornographers, bankers, journalists, Comnunists, pacifists, pimps, hucksters are jews is a personal failing

>> No.22987169

>judaism isn't even historically
historically *valid


>> No.22987208
File: 309 KB, 1158x690, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did he call it so accurately before the internet existed?

that's a French volunteer

>> No.22987242

by definition they are not the majority of any of those groups seeing as how they are a tiny minority. it is true enough that despite their percentage, they have an outsized influence in about half of those groups, but the problem in any case is the groups not whoever's pushing them. jews are also overrepresented in establishment criticism which is a good thing.

>> No.22987281

Sounds like there's a bit of misappropriation occurring there in the way ostensibly irreligious zionists have taken some idea from the religion and twisted it to suit their own agenda

>> No.22987324

He volunteered to fight for Germany? What's this hero's name? Not kidding, I want to honor the guy

>> No.22987330
File: 79 KB, 601x575, a0MQKbLN_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by definition they are not the majority of any of those groups seeing as how they are a tiny minority.
Yes they are influential levels.

Nobody cares about the tens of thousands of local journalists writing simple stories. We care about the hundreds at the national level, those for the nationwide publications and those reporters on tv which are majority jewish.

Nobody has issue with the tens of thousands of workers in local banks, credit unions and banking societies, we care about the hundreds who occupy those who deciede fiscal policy for the nation and the world, they are overwhelmingly jewish.

Nobody is worried about the lefty school students who protest capitalism, we do care about the the hundreds of academics, theorists and teachers who advance marxist thought who are themselves almost exclusively jewish.

>jews are also overrepresented in establishment criticism which is a good thing.
No, it is not. That is why every Western State is utterly useless, further they are also overrepresented in politics, state affairs and high level public sector jobs.

I name you jude.

>> No.22987378

Probably from the SS Charlemagne division, made entirely of French Volunteers. According to what I've heard they were the ones fighting inside the Reichstag in the Battle of Berlin

>> No.22987390
