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File: 37 KB, 768x512, BB1h8Dfx.img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22984987 No.22984987 [Reply] [Original]

Stephen King is a pedophile, cannibal and worse, and if anyone says otherwise he too is more of the same.

>> No.22984994

He looks like a ghoul from Fallout or like a Who from Dr Seuss books. Strange man.

>> No.22985011
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Monstrum in fronte...

>> No.22985166
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>Start writing novel
>Stressful experience where I struggle to write even a few hundred words a day
>Hear about how Stephen King can write six pages a day at 2500 words (sometimes up to 3000) while I can hardly write 1-2, despite being a full-time writer
>Fall into misery and self-pity by comparing myself to him
>Mfw I finally learn last month that the reason he could write so much was because he was a former coke addict

>> No.22985188

That "coke addict" and "drug-fueled writing sessions" is just cope. It's fucking plausible deniability. This guy is a psycho, he writes scenes in which little kids have sex and he's been to epstein island.

>> No.22985877
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>> No.22985901
File: 114 KB, 500x557, hunter s thompson daily routine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully for you Hunter S. Thompson gave a guide on what you need to write!
Follow it perfectly and you'll easily be writing 10+ page a day!

>> No.22986059

>Dove Bars
had to think for a minute about how fucked up a person would have to be to eat not just one but multiple bars of soap in one sitting, before remembering it's also a brand of chocolate

>> No.22986129
File: 268 KB, 1600x915, fuck u lookin at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the shits

>> No.22987128

drops acid at 10pm and manages to sleep at 8:20?
foken 'ell

>> No.22987200

And, for some reason, you felt this was worth sharing.

>> No.22987213

>does cocaine
The list is fake, anon

>> No.22987288

Moreso as he ages

>> No.22987299

I read about this from maybe 40yrs ago he said he would force himself to write 1000 words a day.
You can do it with discipline if you apply yourself, it doesn't make you a great writer though clearly

>> No.22987305

totally worth posting your thoughts on this, screw that other guy

>> No.22987314

I pity the children that had to serve HIM on Epstein's land

>> No.22987327

u mad ?

>> No.22987379

I wish he was my Dad

>> No.22987585
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Ignore the other faggot, I had a good chuckle.

>> No.22988364

Dark Tower is pretty good

>> No.22988372

Especially considering he just mentioned being in the shower. A totally normal misundersranding

>> No.22988880

Name one (ein) good book that he's written that does not have pozz.
Go ahead, I'll wait.

>> No.22988897

he said the journalist made all this shit up by the way. personally i think he didn't like her and told her all this shit so he could call her a liar. he was petty like that.